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Berikut ini disajikan data biaya dan beban PT Seger Sumyah untuk tahun yang
berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2018 (dalam $)

Raw materials, 1/1/15 $ 60,000 Insurance, factory $ 28,000

Raw materials, 12/31/15 40,000 Property taxes, factory building 12,000
Raw materials purchases 410,000 Sales (net) 3,000,000
Indirect materials 30,000 Delivery expenses 200,000
Work in process, 1/1/15 160,000 Sales commissions 300,000
Work in process, 12/31/15 100,000 Indirect labor 180,000
Finished goods, 1/1/15 220,000 Factory machinery rent 80,000
Finished goods, 12/31/15 240,000 Factory utilities 130,000
Direct labor 700,000 Depreciation, factory building 48,000
Factory manager’s salary 70,000 Administrative expenses 600,000

Catatan: Rekening Raw Material Inventory mengandung unsur Direct Material dan
Indirect Material.

Diminta :
a. Buatlah Laporan Harga Pokok Produksi (COGM) PT Seger Sumyah untuk tahun 2018.
b. Buatlah Laporan Rugi Laba PT Seger Sumyah untuk tahun 2018.
a. PT Seger Sumyah
Cost of Goods Manaufactured Schedule
For the Year Ended December 31, 2018

Work in process, 1/1 $ 160.000

Direct materials
Raw materials inventory, 1/1 $ 60.000
Raw materials purchases $ 410.000
Total raw materials available for use $ 470.000
Less : Raw materials inventory, 12/31 $ 40.000
Direct materials used $ 430.000
Direct labor $ 700.000
Manufacturing overhead
Indirect labor $ 180.000
Factory utilities $ 130.000
Factory machinery rent $ 80.000
Factory manager's salary $ 70.000
Depreciation, factory building $ 48.000
Indirect materials $ 30.000
Insurance, factory $ 28.000
Property taxes, factory building $ 12.000
Total manufacturing overhead $ 578.000
Total manufacturing costs $ 1.708.000
Total cost of work in process $ 1.868.000
Less : Work in process, 12/31 $ 100.000
Cost of good manufactured $ 1.768.000

b. PT Seger Sumyah
Income Statement
For the Year Ended December 31, 2018
Sales revenue
Cost of good sold $ 3.000.000
Finished goods inventory, January 1 $ 220.000
Cost of goods manufacture $ 1.768.000
Cost of goods available for sale $ 1.988.000
Less : Finished goods inventory, 31 December $ 240.000
Cost of goods sold $ 1.748.000
Gross profit $ 1.252.000
Operating expenses
Adminstrative expenses $ 600.000
Sales commisions $ 300.000
Delivery expenses $ 200.000
Total operating expenses $ 1.100.000
Net income $ 152.000

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