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The Official Journal of The White Privilege Conference and The Matrix Center for the Advancement of Social

Equity and Inclusion.

Silence is Violence and Inaction Gives Traction to White

Jody Alyn
Understanding & Dismantling Privilege
Jody Alyn Consulting

Lila Cabbil
Rosa Parks Institute


This article sets forth key concepts and steps in building accountability
for action among those who wish to dismantle structures of oppression.
Accountability for action is defined as an agreement to behave in a
specific and intentional way so as to challenge the status quo and
dismantle systemic privilege. The national White Privilege Conference
(WPC) is used as a case example of how accountability for action can be
implemented in a structured learning environment with a large group of
people. The intent of this article is to emphasize the urgency for action,
provide tools to guide action, and motivate people to move from silence
to action.

Keywords: Accountability for action; Accountability programs; White

privilege; Dismantling privilege

Jody Alyn, Principle Consultant at Jody Alyn Consulting, is an

organizational equity and inclusion expert with over 20 years of
experience serving public, private, academic and nonprofit
organizations. She has co-chaired the Accountability for Action
Initiative of the WPC since 2013. Jody heads a Colorado-based
consulting firm helping companies navigate a wide range of situations
and issues that affect workplace culture and productivity.

Lila Cabbil, President Emeritus at Rosa Parks Institute, has focused her
35 years of her professional career and volunteer commitments on
programs and issues for vulnerable populations. She spent over 30 years
serving community with Mrs. Rosa Parks. Her passion is promoting
relationship building by serving as a learning facilitator and a change
agent with inclusion of the expertise of persons with the lived
experience. Because she believes that action with accountability is core
to changing the system of white supremacy she accepted leadership for
establishing an initiative for the White Privilege Conference in 2007.
Lila has co-edited books and founded several social justice
organizations. Since 2003, she has been leading a national and
international awareness campaign on clean, safe, accessible and
affordable water as a human right.
Understanding and Dismantling Privilege Alyn & Cabbil: Silence is Violence

Why Accountability? and impact, the WPC committed to become

a “community of action,” where every
Perhaps the most critical element of participant would be equipped and
any good training program or professional empowered to translate their conference
development process is the transfer of learning into meaningful, year-round action.
learning from ideas in a workshop to The WPC is now in its 19th year.
meaningful action in family and social
spaces, workplaces, and communities. The WPC began to formally
Gaining new information is a necessary first integrate this call to action into its
step, but it is not enough to produce change. programing six years ago (2012). At that
We must go further and determine: What are time, Lila Cabbil offered an initial
the training impacts? What do people have accountability workshop to introduce the
to show for their time? And, how do they concept that application of learning from the
bring new learning to bear? For without conference was an expectation of
application of new learning, we perpetuate participants. After the first two years, a
the status quo. formal team was established to promote
accountability-focused workshops intended
Nowhere is accountability for action to cultivate the WPC’s growth into a
more important or urgent than in the work of “community of action.” The following year,
dismantling the structures of privilege and 13 such groups were conducted to begin to
white supremacy. The current reality in the evaluate actions coming out of conference
United States is one in which unprecedented learning. This work has come to be known
attacks, organized assaults, daily violence, as the Accountability for Action Initiative,
bullying, and the demolition of protection of or #A4A. The goal, described in a report of
the fundamental rights and government the work by Alyn and Roberts (2015), was
services for the most vulnerable among us to create a replicable format by which
are emanating from the highest levels of accountability and action would be
leadership and authority. The growth of new integrated into every session and the entire
movements, as well as antiracist conference.1
organizations and conferences, suggests that
more people are educating themselves and Defining Key Terms
others about these conditions and the
surrounding context. How, then, are people Any successful change process
using what they learn to center the requires a common vocabulary. Alyn (2016)
intersectionality of race with all oppression notes, the word “accountability” shows up a
and to take action against the inhumanity? fair amount, especially in work settings.
“Accountability” is sometimes used
The national White Privilege interchangeably with the
Conference (WPC) serves as a case in point. word “responsibility,” which means being
The WPC provides a challenging, dependable. But accountability comes first;
collaborative, and comprehensive dependability is demonstrated through
experience in which diverse participants are “account-giving.” Accountability requires
called to examine and challenge systems of being answerable to others.2
oppression. As the conference grew in size

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Understanding and Dismantling Privilege Alyn & Cabbil: Silence is Violence

Alyn (2017) says, “accountability psychological processes that they bring to

means making clear agreements about this work. Chisom warns that white people
what’s expected and about what happens as doing social justice work without
a result of actions we do or do not take,” and understanding accountability may only add
lists four requirements for successful to the oppression they are trying to alleviate.
agreements.3 On the WPC website, Discussion and agreement on key concepts
accountability has also been described as “a are important first steps to building
commitment to taking action in an engagement among those committed to
intentional way.”4 In the #A4A initiative, achieving results. It will also help define
accountability was ultimately defined as why the work is needed, as well as how and
both agreement and intention: “An where to begin.
agreement to behave in a specific and
intentional way so as to challenge the status Levels of Learning: A Theoretical Model
quo and dismantle systemic privilege.”5 of Action

One of the challenges of this work is Multicultural competence training

that people think they know what words models such as those developed by Paul B.
mean when, in fact, there may be no shared Pederson and Derald Wing Sue, have long
understanding or clear definition. In his identified three levels of personal and
forward to Accountability and White-Anti- organizational development needed to work
Racist Organizing, Ronald Chisom says, effectively across cultural differences:
“the question of accountability is still not awareness, knowledge, and skill.6 It is
clear; not fully understood. We don’t need to believed, however, that these models
have one way to deal with it but there has to originated, quite before they were
be some consistency in what we are talking formalized and published, in community
about.” While it is possible to adopt organizing and activist circles. Within each
definitions that others have used, it is level in any case, behavioral competencies
necessary to the success of any new may be identified and assessed. To move
initiative that key stakeholders be engaged from multicultural competence to an active
in conversations about terminology. dismantling of systems of privilege, a fourth
Whether in a survey, focus group, or board level is required: action. We define these
meeting, it is important to begin a dialogue levels as follows:
with questions like those posed by Lila
Cabbil in the first WPC Accountability 101 Awareness. Refers to developing a
workshop: “What does accountability with personal consciousness of differences and
regard to white privilege mean to you?” culturally learned assumptions.
“What challenges around this accountability
have you experienced or observed?” and Knowledge. Means gaining accurate
“Where have you seen accountability for information about different communities,
white privilege in action or noticed cultures, histories, cultural practices, and
success?” lived experiences. Specifically, this
knowledge is cross-cultural and requires
People can be in different places connecting in relationships as a way of life.
without knowing it, especially on topics like
accountability for action. Individuals have Skills. Encompass the transformation
different experiences, understanding, and of thoughts and behavior into a cross-

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Understanding and Dismantling Privilege Alyn & Cabbil: Silence is Violence

cultural repertoire that is consistently create policies and other influencers for
integrated into our everyday way of life and structural change within institutions.
reconnects us to our humanity.
Each of these levels requires
Action. Is applying awareness, continual practice and intentional activity,
knowledge, and skills in an accountable particularly around policy. Action at each
way, with deliberate intention and repeated level has different consequences and
practice. Action is a response to learning emotional impacts for white people and
and a desired outcome in itself. people of the global majority, a term we use
to call attention to the actual make-up of the
When participants, facilitators, world’s population and to challenge power
organizers, and others involved in training assumptions. Furthermore, we must
and professional development processes understand that personal behavior is the
understand and adopt this theoretical model, locus of white supremacy for all people.
it becomes easier to break down complex Everyone has been socialized in the white
educational content and translate it into racial frame.8 Therefore, personal change is
actionable ideas. foundational to the other components. Lila
Cabbil gives the bottom line, “There is no
Action has several entry points. institutional or systemic change without
personal change.”
Entry Points for Action
Personal action. These are activities
Integrating accountability for action that expand personal reflection; capacity for
into the important work of dismantling white insight; the ability to examine one’s own
supremacy, white privilege, and systems of strengths, challenges, and implicit biases;
oppression requires us to recognize that each and the recognition of environmental
person has an individual level of comfort influences and other behaviors undertaken
with, and experience in, translating concepts as an individual. This entry point requires a
about privilege, inclusion, and equity to commitment “to learn, change and act
specific action.7 This work can be within yourself and your life; to create time
exceptionally difficult. It is fraught with and practices that integrate new behaviors
challenges. Therefore, each person needs a into a committed lifestyle.”9 Lila notes,
way to start with where they themselves are “Personal action is critical because
personally at any point and to build their structures are defined and upheld by both
resources, confidence, and skills from there. the active and passive behavior of people.”
Everyone carries their ongoing, conscious
Building on work developed by Lila and unconscious personal activities into
Cabbil, WPC’s #A4A team illuminated other levels.
different paths to action by describing three
target areas, or levels, of accountability. The Group organizational action. The
personal level refers to acts of mindfulness, hallmark of group action is relationship
personal assessment, and ownership. The building and working collectively. Power
group level references those things we do dynamics are examined at this level, which
with others as a collective, in a community, includes the seeking and building of
or in an organization. The systemic level partnerships and collaboratives that foster
involves coordinated action over time to cross-cultural relationship building, critical

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conversations, and ongoing interactive these handouts after each session. The
dialogue. These actions involve people who questionnaire asked about previous
are most impacted by white supremacy conference attendance and WPC’s impacts.

Structural action / systemic Participants answered two questions

change. This level of action includes critical about action: “What specific actions have
institutional self-assessment of policies, you taken in your work/life as a result of the
practices, and leadership representation, as impact of the WPC?” and “What concrete
well as the inclusion of those most impacted action will you take as a result of
by who decides, who controls, and who participating in the WPC?” Two
benefits in and from the system. It requires experienced #A4A team members then
examination, analysis, and correction of identified response themes and frequencies
those things that undergird white privilege: for these questions.
power imbalances; inequitable structures;
biases, implicit and explicit; pervasive Responses to these questions fell into
prejudices in media and communications; three theme categories that aligned with the
and other sources of white racial framing “action entry points” described above.
and oppression Within these theme categories of “personal
action,” “community building,” and
Putting Theory to the Test: A Pilot “institutional/systemic action, 10 specific
Project types of action emerged. These action
themes and sample responses are described
At its 16th annual conference in in a companion article, “Accountability for
Louisville, Kentucky, the #A4A team put Action: Moving from Conference to
this theoretical model to the test. This team Community,” by Alyn and Roberts in this
had previously established a protocol for issue of Understanding and Dismantling
accountability sessions through facilitator Privilege. The full results of this pilot
training meetings and materials. These project can be found in the White Privilege
included a discussion of accountability; the Conference Action/Accountability Report,
connection between accountability and the July 2015.10 Overall, the results indicate that
WPC mission; goals for accountability accountability-focused programs can
sessions and suggestions for structuring provide conference participants with
these sessions to allow for different important content and build skills that they
engagement styles; accountability planning; can effectively translate into positive action
and structure for follow-through. For the at multiple levels.
WPC 16, the team distributed a short
questionnaire and collected brief written Building Capacity
narratives from accountability session
participants to evaluate the focus and Waking people up to accountability
impacts of the WPC’s accountability for action goes beyond the idea of a specific
sessions. conference or initiative. The WPC is an
example of a structured learning
In contrast to the standard post- environment where a large group of people
conference evaluation, graduate student comes together from across the United
volunteers handed out this questionnaire in States and from other nations for the express
11 accountability sessions, then collected purpose of learning about white privilege

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and oppression. If that large group was fully Examine the leadership profile. This
committed and equipped to take sustained requires us to ask critical questions of who is
action over time, there would be change. But included, who decides, who controls, and
if people attend conferences, read books, who benefits. Typical leadership structures
hear speakers, watch the news–learn about reflect the dynamics of white supremacy.
the privilege, injustice, and oppression in Accountability for action requires disruption
whatever ways–and remain silent without of that structural power imbalance and
taking action, then life-threatening policies taking leadership from those whose
and situations will continue to escalate. experience provides specific expertise for
more meaningful solutions. For example, if
Accountability-focused programs environmental efforts were being led by the
and initiatives can provide people with indigenous community, with their expertise,
concepts and motivation to help them solutions would be based on taking
engage in effective action to interrupt responsibility for protection of the earth and
oppression. The impacts of good training its inhabitants.
and programing, however, are amplified
when accountability for action is fully Create space for building authentic cross-
implemented and embedded into all cultural relationships. White privilege
operations of an organization rather than approaches action as “doing for” rather than
charged to just a few designated sessions or “doing with,” a distinction Lila developed in
departments. Groups and organizations must her original training modules on white
also be accountable to support their people, privilege and white supremacy.11
if sustainable change is to happen. The Accountability for dismantling white
following practices have been used supremacy calls for a shift in role and
successfully to build personal and approach, to one of accepting leadership
organizational capacity for accountability. from those most impacted, who provide
solutions and strategies from their lived
Engage leaders. Understanding of the experience. It can be uncomfortable for
concepts and requirements of accountability people with privilege to follow or work
for action by decision makers and/or alongside. There are many different
organizers is imperative. Challenges to this consequences and emotional effects for
work abound. Some organizations claim people of the global majority and white
resource restrictions, which must be people. It is essential to recognize that white
examined in the context of commitment. privilege includes choice in when, how, and
Others struggle to build a diverse team whether to take action. However, genuine
where there is no shared understanding of relationships are the foundation for
what accountability for action means meaningful outcomes of mutual benefit.
regarding white privilege. The work is long
term and deeply personal; it doesn’t always Communicate the expectation. Bringing
match people’s expectations. But the biggest accountability and action forward as a
challenges are consistent understanding, deliberate intention of an entire organization
attention, and follow-through from the top. requires clear, consistent, and repeated
Leadership commitment must be communication. Messaging about action
unwavering and long term. must come from multiple sources, in
multiple media, formats and language that
reach all stakeholders at all levels, and it

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must be specific. People are better able to commitment that can demand an
meet behavioral expectations when these extraordinary expenditure of energy. The
expectations are well defined and celebration of small victories by all involved
communicated. and the recognition of what’s been
contributed can promote healing, inspire
Follow up. People are more likely to fulfill hope, and draw others into accountability
their commitments to take action when they partnerships.
share these commitments with someone else
and agree to regular check-ins on their The theory, model, and specific steps
progress. For the ongoing and challenging of an accountability for action initiative give
work of dismantling white supremacy and people ways to honor different entry points
structures of privilege, accountability and move into an action orientation.
partners may be friends or relatives, peers or Organizations can then build capacity by
superiors. Groups and networks may also promoting wide engagement;
serve the purpose of supporting and communicating expectations; and providing
encouraging specific action commitments. feedback, measures of change, and
To fully accomplish the interruption of recognition of accomplishments.
oppression, the accountability partner will
represent the group with whom the work is Yet, the decision to act remains with
being done. See examples and specific each person. Each person has the option to
stories of accountability in Cushing (ed.) act or not to act. If you’ve learned it and you
with Cabbil, Freeman, Hitchcock, and don’t use it, what difference does it make
Richards (2010). that you have undertaken the learning?
Without action, there is no change. There is
Measure what you want to see. Metrics no interruption of the transgression.
and measures can be important means for Remaining silent and not taking action
adding focus, evaluating outcomes, and invites the cruelty and oppression to
giving feedback on all efforts. Before intensify. This is why we say, “silence is
allocating resources to measurement, violence and inaction gives traction to white
however, definitions and measures of supremacy.”
change must be clearly aligned with desired
outcomes. Measurement can then be used Statement/Restatement of the Imperative
for continual improvement and follow-
through. Sharing results from meaningful Consistent, ongoing action to
metrics can be encouraging and can lift dismantle systemic privilege and white
solutions and record progress. supremacy has never been more urgent.
Unprecedented assaults, “alternate facts,”
Celebrate steps along the way. The nature and the allowance of these things–
of dismantling white supremacy is arduous. originating with lawmakers, government
It can be all-encompassing. Typically, the agencies, and the highest political and
work for white people is optional. business leaders in the land–have thrown us
Frequently they are paid. For people of the into a different reality. Extraordinary levels
global majority, there is often no option. The of brutality are being modeled as normal.
urgency for change may be a matter of This acceleration calls out for us to notice
survival. Being accountability partners with the lack of a massive outcry about what is
white people is a unique kind of happening. Violence–especially toward

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Understanding and Dismantling Privilege Alyn & Cabbil: Silence is Violence

people of the global majority–is increasingly

being called justified, the taking of life is
increasingly tolerated, and principles of
democracy are increasingly defied. All of
this occurs against a back drop of white

If we are not able to understand how

silence is participation and how inaction
makes us complicit in the systems and
structures of oppression, then we become
partners in maintaining those systems and
structures. We, too, become models for a
“normal” that dehumanizes and
delegitimizes us and all members of our
human families and communities.

Informed by her 30-plus-year

relationship with Rosa Parks, Lila asks us to
remember Mrs. Parks’ words to the
policeman who was arresting her.

“Why do you treat us this way?”

Mrs. Parks asked. She did not speak in the
first person, as an individual. She spoke as
the “we,” as the collective.

When human lives are increasingly

at risk because those in positions of greatest
authority incite and endorse violence
directed to targeted populations; put forth
policies that unjustly marginalize and
penalize people based on bias, bigotry, and
hatred; and instigate overt
expressions/demonstrations of white
supremacy with a sense of pride, we are
called to come together in accountable
relationships, as the “we,” in opposition. We
are obliged to enter action at all levels. And
we are compelled to place accountability for
action in the center of our work, with utmost

ISSN 2152-1875 Volume VII, Issue 1, August 2018 119

Understanding and Dismantling Privilege Alyn & Cabbil: Silence is Violence


Alyn, J.H. (2015). Critical conversations for white people [Web log post]. Retrieved from

Alyn, J.H. (2016). From inclusion to accountability [Web log post]. Retrieved from

Alyn, J., & Roberts, V. (2015). White privilege conference action/accountability pilot report.
Retrieved from

Alyn, J., & Roberts, V. (2018). Accountability for action: Moving from conference to
community. Understanding and Dismantling Privilege, 8(1), 121 – 126.

Cabbil, L., & Alyn, J.H. (2017). Theoretical model for facilitators. WPC 18 Accountability for
Action Initiative. Conference handout, published.

Cushing, B.B., Cabbil, L., Freeman, M., Hitchcock, J., & Richards, K. (Eds.) (2010).
Accountability and white anti-racist organizing: Stories from our work. Roselle, NJ:
Crandall, Dostie & Douglass Books, Inc.

Pedersen, P.B. (2002). The making of a culturally competent counselor. Online Readings in
Psychology and Culture, 10(3). Retrieved from

White Privilege Conference. Accountability and Taking Action. Retrieved from

ISSN 2152-1875 Volume VII, Issue 1, August 2018 120

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