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Computer Graphics Access for Blind People through a Haptic and Audio

Virtual Environment

R. Iglesias, S.Casado, T. Gutidrrez, J.I. Barbero*

C A . Avizzano, S. Marcheschi, M. Bergamasco**
* Fudacion Labein
C/Geldo -Parque Tecnologico de Bizkaia (Edificio 700), 48160-Deri0, Spain, E-mail
** Simultaneous Presence, Telepresence and Virtual Presence (PERCRO), Scuola Supenore S. Anna
Piazza Martin della Liherta, 33. Pisa, Italy, E-mail

Abstract leisure. However, some collectives need the

This paper describes a new Haptic & Audio Virtual development of specific tools to facilitate the access of
Environment to allow visually impairedpeaple to have these citizens to the full range of IST applications.
access to the three-dimensional graphic computer To address accessibility issues, interfaces between
world through the sense of touch (using a new dual- the information source and the end user have to be
finger haptic inregace) and augmented by audio output accessible as well. In the last few years the s o h a r e
and voice commands. Such system has been developed industry, spurred on by legislation in both Europe and
within the European project "GRAB". the United States, has become increasingly aware of
The new system provides an infegratedplatform for the need to design for all, including people with
the design and developmenf of audio-haptic disabilities. As a result, access for blind and visually
applications in different fields (architecture, art, impaired users to important software is gradually
aeronautics, medicine,..). In order to demonstrate the improving. Some of the obstacles that impeded
validig of the approach, the project was specifically visually impaired people to have access to the IST
focused on the development of three applications fir applications are being salved with the use of screen
visual impairedpeaple: an adventure game, a city map reader software, voice synthesis, speech recognition,
explorer anda chart explorer. Braille and tactile displays,. ..However there are
Both the n t w environment and the applications inaccessible fields yet for them such as the access to
were tested by visually impaired people with dfferenf the 3D computer graphics and their multiple
profiles (congenitally blind. advantageously blind, applications (learning, training and entertainment
partially sighted,..) to evaluate the usejhess and systems, working tools,. . .).
potential of these developments. The results of this Nowadays, many researchers are exploring the
validation confirm the validity of the system. Overall, it potential of using innovative haptic interaction
seems the GRAB system is feasible for these kinds of mechanisms that exploit the sense of touch as a
applications. although some features require some substitute for vision. Haptic sensing is defined as the
adjustments to createfuture usable tools. use of motor behaviours in combination with touch to
identify objects [I]. Many of the haptic interfaces that
have been developed in recent years use one-point
1. Introduction haptic interaction with the virtual world. In several
experiments, it has been shown possible to use these
The convergence of Information Society haptic interfaces alone to recognize basic shapes and
Technologies (IST) and markets is leading to new textures [Z-31. A wide set of applications has been
products and services that are increasingly developed to show the added value that haptic
transforming our lives. The impact of IST on every- interfaces can provide to users with different levels of
day's activity is also raising people's expectations for a disabilities [4-5-6-74], At present haptic interfaces
better quality of life. As technology is becoming part combined with sound feedback [I31 have been used to
of our normal surroundings, new tools provide interact with 3D virtual objects in several manners:
individuals with powerful means to express ideas and mathematical graphs [9], diagrams and maps [lo-1 11,
develop their creativity for professional use or for and fairly complex environments [I21 such as large

0-7803-8817-8/04/$20.00 02004 E E E
memory games [14], explorative games [IS] and traffic 2. The GRAB system
environments [ 161 have been investigated.
At present several commercial 3D haptic interfaces The GRAB system is a new Haptic &Audio Virtual
are available on the market. Some of them have Environment that allows blind and visually impaired
limitations when it comes to the realistic exploration persons to have access to the three-dimensional graphic
of virtual 3D graphics by touch. Force feedback gloves computer world through the sense of touch (using a
provide direct feedback independently to multiple new dual-finger haptic interface) and augmented by
fingers but have limited degrees of freedom and are audio out!mt and voice commands.
only capable of producing small forces. Being
grounded on the hand, they are unable to prevent
movements other than in the fingers, so there are a
number of effects they cannot produce. Beyond that,
in order to fit with the kinematics of the hand, these
exoskeleton devices usually behave a very poor
mechanical stiffness which make the force feeling at
the contact quite unrealistic.
Desktop haptic devices, such as the PHANTOM
(Sensable Technologies), are capable of producing
better levels of force in three degrees of freedom, Figure 1. Overview of the GRAB system.
making it possible to realistically represent 3D solid
objects. However, the single point haptic interaction Instead of displaying just the images of the 3D
mode has still some constraints for blind and visually objects with a visual display, the new environment
impaired people, due to persistent difficulties with allows its user to feel with hidher fingers the shape of
orientation (miss .a reference point), the spatial the virtual 3D objects. This is achieved using a 3D
memory, locating objects, staying in touch with objects force-feedback haptic interface specifically developed
and perceiving complex shape and size [17-18-19]. to touch 3D virtual objects both with the thumb and the
Jansson [20] showed that, for shape and form index fingertips or both index fingertips while moving
perception, exploration using a single finger falls well the hands in a desktop workspace. As the user moves
short of the utility provided by using ten fingers. one finger over the virtual object he/she feels contact
However, the same research shows that two-fingered forces at the fingertip and can recognize its geometric
exploration is significantly better than one-fingered and features (such as comers, edges, curvature), distinguish
not much worse than ten fingered. Taking into account sizes and distances and understand spatial relationships
the difficulty of providing a multi-fingered device that between elements. During the haptic exploration, the
is capable of producing the forces required for realistic user can also receive audio feedback (speech and non-
3D haptic rendering, a two-fingered device seems like speech) and execute verbal and keyboard commands.
a good direction to explore. The operator screen renders the virtual scene and what
Previous experiences of the partners of the GRAB the user is doing at each moment (position ofthe user’s
consortium showed that the employment of two fingers, movement of any object,...). The figure 1
PHANTOMS devices is not suitable when problems of shows a work session with the new GRAB system.
manipulation and shape recognition are addressed. The As it shows the figure 2, the new system is based on
cognitive capacity of the user in recognizing the shape the integration of three tools:
of the object results reduced when the users are . A new two-finger 3Dforce-feedback haptic interface
deprived of the visual and tactile feedback. Therefore . A commercial tool, ViaVoice (IBM), to provide
in order to allow visual impaired users to interact with speech recognition and voice synthesis
a virtual environment using only the haptic and
proprioceptive senses, a reconstruction of the
. A new Haptic Geometric Modeller (HGM) to allow
the interaction with any 3D virtual object through
environment with object large enough is required haptic stimuli, audio aids and speech recognition.
This set of considerations convinced the partners of
the GRAB consortium that any approach to develop a
novel virtual reality system to enable IST access for
visually impaired people could not rely on existing
systems like the above cited. So, they decided to
proceed in the development of a novel system: the
GRAB system Figure 2. GRAB system architecture.

2.1. The GRAB Haptic Interface on Linux and a real-time micro-kemel which ensures
high performances capabilities and allows the
From a technical point of view, the GRAB interface integration of sophisticated control procedure to high
is a new high fidelity, two-fingers, 3D force-feedback level control software (such as physical based
Haptic Interface. The interface, completely designed modelling and force rendering).
and developed by PERCRO, is capable of replicating Connection with the HGM is achieved by means of
two independent force vectors on contact thimbles an ECP parallel port interface which allow high data
attached to user’s fingers (the thumb and the index or throughput (>=500 Kbyteisec), bi-directional
both index fingers). The interface consists of two communication, low CPU resource request and no
identical robotic arms (fig. 3); each arm has six degrees latencies. Furthermore the control system identifies,
of mobility and a workspace that covers a large portion describes and compensates a wide set of non linear
of the desktop (600mm wide, 400mm height, and features such as the arm kinematics and dynamics, the
400mm depth). unbalanced weight effects, the transmission model of
the elastic cable, the distributed friction effects, the
electrical features of the power supply, the errors due
to structural deflection under load conditions.
In order to maximize the precision in tracking finger
position and ensure coherence between arms, two
different calibration procedures are implemented. This
feature allows to obtain fingers position expressed
respect to a user defined reference frame. Finally, a set
of higher level effects (embedded friction, textures, .. .)
Figure 3. A new 3D force feedback haptic interface were implemented in control software.

The first three DOF are actuated by DC motors and 2.2. The Haptic Geometric Modeller (HGM)
allow to display an arbitrary force vector on the
relative thimble; the other three degrees of mobility, The new HGM is a C+t object-oriented toolkit,
reproducing a spherical joint, allow any rotation of the developed by LABEIN, with all the algorithms that
fingers. In such a way the user can orient his fingers in allow the user to interact with any 3D virtual object
any direction of the space while experiencing the force providing: the haptic stimuli to be rendered by the
feedback generated by software application. haptic interface and audio aids and speech recognition
In order to improve the transparency of use of the capabilities to improve the interaction.
device, a number of design guidelines were adopted. The new HGM is based on DATum: an object
Remote localization of the motors, selection of motors oriented variational non-manifold geometric modeller
with high torque to mass ratio and light materials developed previously by LABEIN. Its main role is to
adopted for the construction of the moving links allow analyse the position of the User’s fingers (provided by
to reduce perceived inertia. For reducing friction and the coutrol system of haptic interface) taking into
guarantee zero backlash, all transmission systems account the action required by the user (for example to
between motors and mechanical joints are achieved by make zoom or to get a specific audio help) in order to
metallic in tension tendons routed on capstans and get the conesponding audio messages and calculate the
pulleys and no geared reducer were used. values of the forces to be replicated by the haptic
Furthermore, the actuation of shoulder is obtained interface on the User’s fingers.The main functionality
by a differential transmission system that allows provided by the HGM is the following one:
achieving high isotropic control of the end-effector and . Creation and rendering of virtual scenes
which helps to cancel spurious and misleading Coriolis
effects at high thimbles speed.
. Simulation of different types of forces in order to:
represent contact with an object, modified by
The interface is provided with a novel and open properties such as stiffness, texture and stickiness;
control architecture that allows to reduce development constrain the user to the boundary of any virtual
costs and facilitate upgrading of the device. The object; constrain the user to slide along a trajectory
architecture is based on a mix of commercial and or path; attract or repel a user to or from an object:
custom components: the most important are the motors help thquser to find an unexplored object; represent
power supply, which provides the required current to the spring of a virtual button; simulate weight when
the motors, and the standard SBC that provides the an object is grasped; move an object and detect
required real time support for running a Real time when it collides with another one.
operating system. The control system kemel is based

. Audio feedback to provide: Each floor has several rooms with different prizes
-Static information: general information about the (extra lives, points,..), dangers (bombs, traps, jails, ...),
virtual scene defined when the scene was difficulties (random distribution of the elements in
designed (such as the name of an object, ...) each play, find keys to open a door, repair broken keys,
- Dynamic information: information related to the cross a maze,..) and interactions (open doors, jump
user’s current position within the scene (such as windows, gain objects, use lift, ask for
the distribution of the objects around the user) instructions/inventory ..).
The speech feedback is managed by utilities
implemented on ViaVoice and the non-speech 3.2. A c h a r t data explorer application
helps are emitted by multimedia utilities provided
by Microsoft. There are audio helps sent The new chart data explorer allows visually
automatically by the system and other ones that impaired to access, read and manipulate financial (or
must be requested by the users. other) data, using virtual charts, with the sense of touch
.. Verbal commands
Haptic effects to be used as controllers (for
and audio help (see figure I). The application imports
the information directly from Excel files.
example the tapping and the pausing) In this application the workspace is divided in two
. Make zoom in/ zoom out of the virtual scene to areas to facilitate the exploration tasks and the
explore objects whose size is too small or too large
. Panning the virtual scene to have access to any
management of the whole graph. All the operations
that change the status of the graph (zoom, panning,
point of the virtual scene although its size is bigger activate/deactivate a line chart, change of type of
than physical workspace. representation,. ..) will be done in the “working area”.
Through a new Application Protocol Interface, the Meanwhile, the “overview area” will always contain
haptic modeller may also be used in conjunction with
other haptic interfaces different from the GRAB one. ..
and display the original graph. This application allows:
Explore simple graphs: lines, bars and pies
Explore composite graphs: set of lineshars
3. Haptic Applications for Blind people .. Explore other elements: trendlines
Interact with haptic andor audio tickmarks (along
The GRAB system provides an integrated platform the x and y axis) and gridlines (even zero gridline)
for the design and development of audio-haptic . General features: activateldeactivate charts, change
applications in different fields (architecture, art, of representation, zoom, panning and re-scaling the
aeronautics, medicine,..) as well as their fruition in a graph between two points or along they axis.
real-time interactive manner. In order to demonstrate . Multiple User interfaces: keys, verbal commands,
the validity of the approach, the project was buttons and haptic effects (tapping and pausing).
specifically focused on the development of three
applications selected for their promising positive 3.3. A city-map e x p l o r e r appplication
impact on the life quality of visual impaired people.
The last application implemented on top of the
3.1. An a d v e n t u r o u s a n d s e a r c h i n g g a m e GRAB system is a city-map explorer to provide blind
and visually impaired people with an orientation tool to
The first application developed was one of the familiarise themselves with a city map, locate
applications most demanded by the users: an adventure important facilities and destinations ahead of time and
and searching game. In this game, the user must move plan and rehearse joumeys in a city, see figure 5. This
himself inside of a building of two floors (see fig. 4.). auolication allows:

Figure 4. Scenario of the searching game Figure 5. A 3D city-map in the GRAB system

. Create a new virtual city-map from an existing .. Audio input and output
Interaction with a changing environment (moving
. cartographic map (TeleATlas, ESRI,..).
Add to a city-map new interest points (bus stops,
special buildings,..) and create trajectories (paths)
objects, organising objects, detecting collisions.. .)
On the other hand, ten people on average tested
each one of the applications described above. Before
. to go from a place of the map to another one.
Explore a map in different modes, each one of them
with a different purpose
starting the validation phase, the application was
introduced to each user through a tutorial specifically
- Grid Mode get a general idea of the map designed to familiarise the user with the main features
- Basic Mode (streets and buildings)+ fast of the application.
exploration of the map The results of the validation of these applications, in
- Detailed Mode (streets + buildings + interest particular based on users’ comments and evaluators’
points)+ detailed exploration of the map observations, confirm the validity and potential of the
- Street trajectory Mode follow the trajectories GRAB system for these kinds of applications, although
defined by the streets (leam streets) some features require some adjustments to create
- User’s bajectory Mode+ leam the path to go future usable tools, More details can be found in the
from a place to another one intemal report “GRAB- validation results”.
At any time the user can change the mode of
exploration depending on its preferences and needs. 5. Conclusions
. General features inside of a haptic session: zoom,
panning, get inventory of a street, get information In this paper a new Haptic & Audio System
about the User position (street, crosses,..) (GRAB) interacting within flexible Virtual
. Multiple User interfaces: keys, verbal commands, Environment was presented. The system is provided
buttons and haptic effects (tapping and pausing). with a set of utilities and applications that allow visual
impaired people to access to the 3D graphic computer
4. Validating the GRAB system/applications world through the sense of touch and with audio help.
The GRAB system features context aware audio
The GRAB system was tested with a total of 52 synthesis as well as speech recognition. Haptic
participants across the three user organisations of the interaction can feature object exploration, simple
project (RNIB, NCBI and ONCE). A deep analysis of manipulation and control (buttons and haptic
the features of the GRAB system when applied to recognition). Both modes can be made interacting
visually impaired people was conducted in the project. enhancing in such a way the interaction design.
This analysis enabled to identify a few key features and In order to demonstrate the validity of the approach,
benefits that the GRAB system can bring to blind and three applications for visual impaired people were
visually impaired people with respect to other current implemented: an adventure game, a city map explorer
haptic systems. The main advantage is related to the and a chart data explorer. Nonetheless, the GRAB
use of two contact points. Observation and user system has been conceived openly in order to easily
responses indicated that a second finger - on a separate provide a support in the design and development of
hand - can be vital as a ‘anchor’ or reference point that audio-haptic applications for other fields: architecture,
allows the user to orientate themselves in space, more art, aeronautics, medicine,.. .
readily understand objects’ relationships (distribution Both the new system and applications were tested
and distances) and makes re-finding objects easier. by visually impaired with different profiles
Other issues that the users most appreciated are: (congenitally blind, advantageously blind, partially
. Larger workspace than other haptic devices sighted,..) to evaluate the usefulness and potential of
. Smooth refined movement these developments. The results of this validation
.. Robusmess of the device
Position accuracy
confirm the validity and potential of the GRAB system
for these kinds of applications, although some features
.. High peak forces require some adjustments to create future usable tools.
An important achievement has also been the
Fidelity, especially in terms of judging sizes and
comparative distances improvement in the understanding of the interaction
. Interaction and exploration of objects, including process of visual impaired people with haptic
features like: weight, stiffness, stickiness, environments. This will be very useful for the
curvatures, attraction forces, following a trajectory, development of future applications in this field. This
utilities to find, recognise and explore small knowledge covers: general interaction guidelines,
objects, ._. differences between the virtual haptic environment and

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extensive study with blind usen, submitted to Eurohaptics.
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carried out in collaboration and with the help of the [I21 LCcuyer A,, et al., 2003. “HOMERE: a Multimodal
GRAB consortium composed of: three European user System for Visually Impaired People to Explore Virtual
groups: the National Council of Blind of Ireland Environments”. IEEE Int. ConE on Virtual Reality, Los-
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(NCBI), The Royal National Institute for Blind (RNIB)
and the Spanish organization of Blind people (ONCE- [I31 MageMis M., et al., 2003. GRAB - A new haptic and
Organizacih Nacional de Ciegos Esp&oles); two audio virtual environment enabling vision impaired people IO
technical developers: PERCRO and Fundacion access the three dimensional computer graphic world.
LABEIN; and one commercial partner: Haptica LID. Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE).
This project was carried on with the financial [I41 Van Scoy F.L., et al., 1999. Mobility Training using a
assistance of the EU which co-funded the project Haptic Interface: Initial Plans. Fourth Annual PHANTOM
GRAB: “Computer Graphics access for blind people Users Group (PUG99).
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