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(Sex Education)


Sex education helps people gain the information, skills and motivation to make
healthy decisions about sex and sexuality. Accordingly, planned parenthood is the
nation’s largest provider of sex education, reaching 1.5 million people a year. Here are
facts about comprehensive sex education, education as we all know has a high-quality
teaching and learning about a broad variety of topics related to sex and sexuality,
exploring values and beliefs about those topics and gaining the skills that are needed to
navigate relationships and manage one’s own sexual health. Sex education may take
place in schools, in community settings, or even online. Planned Parenthood believes
that parents play a critical and central role in providing sex education.

Teens should be taught a comprehensive sex education program that gives them
all the facts they need to know about preventing pregnancy and disease. Although
parents should ideally be the ones to teach their children about sex, many adults are
unable to talk frankly to their children because most of the time they find it awkward to
talk about it. According to a 1995 document released by the Roman Catholic Church
recognizes the right and duty of parents to teach their children about sex. Schools may
assist parents in educating their children, but the primary responsibility for teaching
them lies with the parents supposedly. The explicit sex education that is taught in the
schools vanishing the innocence and purity of young children. Sex education should not
include erotic imagery or immoral ideology that would cause a child to think impure
thoughts, it should develop the virtue of chastity in a child.

Education in general should be used to empower children and adults to become

active participants in the transformation of their societies(UNESCO,2013). What’s in my
report is very important to truly understand especially to those who lacks the knowledge
about it. The topics that I will be discussing are as follows; The Objectives and
Importance of Sex Education, when should sex education be given? By whom?
Preconditions for Sex Education, Education Skills and Methods, and a lot more.

In The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality (dated Dec. 8th), published Dec.
20th, 1995, the Pontifical Council for the Family has “blown the whistle” on the
imposition of detailed and explicit sex education upon children and adolescents outside
of home. Documents of the Church both past and present have consistently affirmed
that the forming and informing of the sexual attitudes of children belongs by right to their
parents, but this truth has been violated with increasing frequency in our time by
professional educators and others. And accordingly, the Council for the Family has
placed a note of finality on the issue and has directly called upon parents everywhere to
take in hand the right and responsibility that is theirs.

What are the rights and duties of parents? The proclamation that the sexual
education of children is the right and duty of parents and is to be given by the parents in
the atmosphere of the home should not have come as a surprise to anyone. Yet it has
come as a surprise to many. The teaching of Pope John Paul II had stated; “The
educational service of parents must aim firmly at a training in the area of sex which is
truly and fully personal: For sexuality is an enrichment of the whole person—body,
emotions, and soul—and it manifests its inmost meaning in leading the person to the gift
of self in love. Sex education, which is a basic right and duty of parents, must always be
carried out under their attentive guidance, whether at home or in educational centers
chosen and controlled by them”.

In the context of classroom sex education, there are people or institutions who
are somehow against it. The classic warning against harmful and inopportune
classroom sex education is that given by Pope Pius XI on Dec. 31st, 1929, in his great
On the Christian Education of Youth:” Another very grave danger is that naturalism
which nowadays invades the field of education in that most delicate matter of purity of
morals. Far too common is the error of those who with dangerous assurance and under
an ugly term propagate a so-called sex education, falsely imagining they can forearm
youth against the dangers of sensuality by means purely natural, such as a foolhardy
initiation and precautionary instruction for all indiscriminately, even in public; and, worse
still, by exposing them at an early age to the occasions, in order to accustom them, so it
is argued, and as it were to harden them against such dangers”.

After all of these facts, do we as young people really know what is the true
meaning of Sex Education? According to what I have researched, It is important to
realize that the most common meaning of the word “sex” has changed dramatically
since the beginning of this century. “Having sex” is now taken to mean, not “being male
or female,” but “having genital intercourse.” Thus “sex education” comes to mean
“learning about genital intercourse” apart from its context in the human vocation and in
the moral realities which should surround it. Such was the intention of the secular
humanist originators of the term “sex education.” By placing the focus of attention
exclusively upon the material act of genital intercourse, “sex educators” not only
separate the mind of the child from the familial context of this act, but they also cut the
child off from a full understanding of his or her own psychological makeup.

Amitai Etzioni a professor at George Washington University, founder and chair of

the Communitarian Network, and editor of the quarterly communitarian journal
Responsive Community had stated that; “Sex education should include more than a
lesson in human biology and hygiene. Students should be urged to defer both sex and
marriage until they are mature enough to handle the responsibilities and self-control
required of sexual intimacy. However, teens should be provided with the information
necessary to protect themselves against disease and pregnancy should they decide not
to wait. Most importantly, parents should be involved in their children’s sex-education

So, what should really be included in teaching Sex Education? Education for
interpersonal relations, family life, and intimacy should occur in all public schools, at
least in junior high schools (or middle schools) and of course in high schools. The
program as stated in my reference source, should include discussion of human nature,
an examination of human beings as social creatures who require one another; who find
deep satisfaction, longer and healthier lives when they are part of lasting social
relations; and who have transcendental needs for meanings and moral values. The
program should also explore the responsibilities that we have for one another as
members of society, and ways we can strengthen our relations with each other, as co-
workers, neighbors, friends and as family members. The topic accordingly should
include teaching ways to work out differences, by techniques such as improved
communication skills and conflict resolution.

Discussion of family life will explore matters such as the nature of the
commitments involved in marriage; sharing decision-making in such matters as
relocation and forming and adhering to budget; and the issues raised by intimate
relations, ranging from the avoidance of exploitative relations to the use of
contraceptives, but these things in my own perspectives will differ on the young peoples’
level of maturity to understand and accept such things. Schools now cover a good
portion of these topics in a variety of classes such as social studies and home
economics, while ignoring other parts. Schools need to combine some of these
elements already in place with new ones, to provide a comprehensive and morally
sound approach to interpersonal relations and to provide the needed context for
teaching Sex Education which I agree.

I believe these programs had really helped not just the country and community as
a whole but most especially the young individuals. According to data Sex Education has
reduced teen pregnancy and so by this result I can really see how Sex Ed had
influenced the young people. It helps in terms of in lighting the minds of the youths
about right and safe sex. And to the schools who were teaching the students about this
sensitive topic, many alternatives are given for the educators to follow in order to
facilitate learning well and right. As to the parents, in my opinion, molding and facilitating
first the learning of the child could be the best stepping stone in understanding
complicated and sensitive things.

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