Syllabus of Commerce

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After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

• identify different forms of business organisation;

• explain features, merits and limitations of different forms of

business organisations;

• distinguish between various forms of organisations; and

• discuss the factors determining choice of an appropriate form of

business organisation.


Neha, a bright final year student was waiting for her results to be declared.
While at home she decided to put her free time to use. Having an aptitude for
painting, she tried her hand at decorating clay pots and bowls with designs.
She was excited at the praise showered on her by her friends and
acquaintances on her work. She even managed to sell a few pieces of unique
hand pottery from her home to people living in and around her colony.
Operating from home, she was able to save on rental payments. She gained a
lot of popularity by word of mouth publicity as a sole proprietor. She further
perfected her skills of painting pottery and created new motifs and designs.
All this generated great interest among her customers and provided a boost
to the demand for her products. By the end of summer, she found that she
had been able to make a profit of Rs. 2500 from her paltry investment in
colours, pottery and drawing sheets. She felt motivated to take up this work
as a career. She has, therefore, decided to set up her own artwork business.
She can continue running the business on her own as a sole proprietor, but
she needs more money for doing business on a larger scale. Her father has
suggested that she should form a partnership with her cousin to meet the
need for additional funds and for sharing the responsibilities and risks. Side
by side, he is of the opinion that it is possible that the business might grow
further and may require the formation of a company. She is in a fix as to what
form of business organisation she should go in for?

2.1 INTRODUCTION (d) Cooperative societies, and

If one is planning to start a business or (e) Joint stock company.
is interested in expanding an existing Let us start our discussion with
one, an important decision relates to sole proprietorship — the simplest form
the choice of the form of organisation. of business organisation, and then
The most appropriate form is move on to analysing more complex
determined by weighing the forms of organisations.
advantages and disadvantages of each
type of organisation against one’s own 2.2 SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP
requirements. Do you often go in the evenings to buy
Various for ms of business registers, pens, chart papers, etc., from
organisations from which one can a small neighbourhood stationery
choose the right one include: store? Well, in all probability in the
(a) Sole proprietorship, course of your transactions, you have
(b) Joint Hindu family business, interacted with a sole proprietor.
Sole proprietorship is a popular
(c) Partnership, form of business organisation and is


the most suitable form for small formation as well as closure of

businesses, especially in their initial business.
years of operation. Sole proprietorship (ii) Liability: Sole proprietors have
refers to a form of business unlimited liability. This implies that the
organisation which is owned, managed owner is personally responsible for
and controlled by an individual who payment of debts in case the assets of
is the recipient of all profits and bearer the business are not sufficient to meet
of all risks. This is evident from the all the debts. As such the owner’s
term itself. The word “sole” implies personal possessions such as his/her
“only”, and “proprietor” refers to personal car and other assets could be
“owner”. Hence, a sole proprietor is the sold for repaying the debt. Suppose the
one who is the only owner of a total outside liabilities of XYZ dry
business. cleaner, a sole proprietorship firm, are
This form of business is particularly Rs. 80,000 at the time of dissolution,
common in areas of personalised but its assets are Rs. 60,000 only. In
services such as beauty parlours, hair such a situation the proprietor will have
saloons and small scale activities like to bring in Rs. 20,000 from her
running a retail shop in a locality. personal sources even if she has to sell

Sole trader is a type of business unit where a person is solely responsible for
providing the capital, for bearing the risk of the enterprise and for the
management of business.
J.L. Hansen
The individual proprietorship is the form of business organisation at the head
of which stands an individual as one who is responsible, who directs its
operations and who alone runs the risk of failure.
L.H. Haney

Features her personal property to repay the

firm’s debts.
Salient characteristics of the sole
proprietorship form of organisation are (iii) Sole risk bearer and profit
as follows: recipient: The risk of failure of
business is borne all alone by the sole
(i) Formation and closure: There is
proprietor. However, if the business is
no separate law that governs sole
successful, the proprietor enjoys all the
proprietorship. Hardly any legal
benefits. He receives all the business
formalities are required to start a sole
profits which become a direct reward
proprietary business, though in some
for his risk bearing.
cases one may require a license.
Closure of the business can also be (iv) Control: The right to run the
done easily. Thus, there is ease in business and make all decisions lies


absolutely with the sole proprietor. He Merits

can carry out his plans without any
Sole proprietorship offers many
interference from others.
advantages. Some of the important ones
(v) No separate entity: In the eyes of are as follows:
the law, no distinction is made between
the sole trader and his business, as (i) Quick decision making: A sole
business does not have an identity proprietor enjoys considerable degree
separate from the owner. The owner is, of freedom in making business
therefore, held responsible for all the decisions. Further the decision making
activities of the business. is prompt because there is no need to
consult others. This may lead to timely
(vi) Lack of business continuity: The
capitalisation of market opportunities
sale proprietorship business is owned
as and when they arise.
and controlled by one person, therefore
death, insanity, imprisonment, (ii) Confidentiality of information:
physical ailment or bankruptcy of the Sole decision making authority enables
sole proprietor will have a direct and the proprietor to keep all the
detrimental effect on the business and information related to business
may even cause closure of the business. operations confidential and maintain

A Refreshing Start: Coca Cola Owes its Origin to a Sole Proprietor!

The product that has given the world its best-known taste was born in Atlanta,
Georgia, on May 8, 1886. Dr. John Stith Pemberton, a local pharmacist, produced
the syrup for Coca-Cola®, and carried a jug of the new product down the street
to Jacobs’ Pharmacy, where it was sampled, pronounced “excellent” and placed
on sale for five cents a glass as a soda fountain drink. Dr. Pemberton never
realised the potential of the beverage he created. He gradually sold portions of
his business to various partners and, just prior to his death in 1888, sold his
remaining interest in Coca-Cola to Asa G. Candler. An Atlantan with great
business acumen, Mr. Candler proceeded to buy additional business rights
and acquire complete control.
On May 1, 1889, Asa Candler published a full-page advertisement in The
Atlanta Journal, proclaiming his wholesale and retail drug business as “sole
proprietors of Coca-Cola ... Delicious. Refreshing. Exhilarating.
Invigorating.” Sole ownership, which Mr. Candler did not actually achieve
until 1891, needed an investment of $ 2,300.
It was only in 1892 that Mr. Candler formed a company called The Coca-Cola
Source: Website of Coca Cola company.


secrecy. A sole trader is also not bound others. Banks and other lending
by law to publish firm’s accounts. institutions may hesitate to extend a
(iii) Direct incentive: A sole long term loan to a sole proprietor.
proprietor directly reaps the benefits of Lack of resources is one of the major
his/her efforts as he/she is the sole reasons why the size of the business
recipient of all the profit. The need to rarely grows much and generally
share profits does not arise as he/she remains small.
is the single owner. This provides (ii) Limited life of a business
maximum incentive to the sole trader concern: The sole proprietorship
to work hard. business is owned and controlled by
(iv) Sense of accomplishment: There one person, so death, insanity,
is a personal satisfaction involved in imprisonment, physical ailment or
working for oneself. The knowledge bankruptcy of a proprietor affects the
that one is responsible for the success business and can lead to its closure.
of the business not only contributes to (iii) Unlimited liability: A major
self-satisfaction but also instils in the disadvantage of sole proprietorship is
individual a sense of accomplishment that the owner has unlimited liability. If
and confidence in one’s abilities. the business fails, the creditors can
(v) Ease of formation and closure: recover their dues not merely from the
An important merit of sole business assets, but also from the
proprietorship is the possibility of personal assets of the proprietor. A
entering into business with minimal poor decision or an unfavourable
circumstance can create serious
legal formalities. There is no separate
financial burden on the owner. That is
law that governs sole proprietorship. As
why a sole proprietor is less inclined to
sole proprietorship is the least
take risks in the form of innovation
regulated form of business, it is easy
or expansion.
to start and close the business as per
the wish of the owner. (iv) Limited managerial ability: The
owner has to assume the responsibility
Limitations of varied managerial tasks such as
purchasing, selling, financing, etc. It is
Notwithstanding various advantages,
rare to find an individual who excels in
the sole proprietorship form of
all these areas. Thus decision making
organisation is not free from
may not be balanced in all the cases.
limitations. Some of the major
Also, due to limited resources, sole
limitations of sole proprietorship are proprietor may not be able to employ
as follows: and retain talented and ambitious
(i) Limited resources: Resources of employees.
a sole proprietor are limited to his/her Though sole proprietorship suffers
personal savings and borrowings from from various shortcomings, many


entrepreneurs opt for this form of Features

organisation because of its inherent
The following points highlight the
advantages. It requires less amount of
essential characteristics of the joint
capital. It is best suited for businesses
Hindu family business.
which are carried out on a small scale
and where customers demand (i) Formation: For a joint Hindu family
personalised services. business, there should be at least two
members in the family and ancestral
2.3 JOINT HINDU FAMILY BUSINESS property to be inherited by them. The
business does not require any
Joint Hindu family business is a
agreement as membership is by birth.
specific form of business organisation
It is governed by the Hindu Succession
found only in India. It is one of the
Act, 1956.
oldest forms of business organisation
in the country. It refers to a form of (ii) Liability: The liability of all
organisation wherein the business is members except the karta is limited to
owned and carried on by the members their share of co-parcenery property of
of the Hindu Undivided Family (HUF). the business. The karta, however, has
It is governed by the Hindu Law. The unlimited liability.
basis of membership in the business is (iii) Control: The control of the family
birth in a particular family and three business lies with the karta. He takes

Gender Equality in the Joint Hindu Family a Reality

According to the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005, the daughter of a
coparcener of a Joint Hindu Family shall, by birth, become a coparcener. At
the time of partition of such a ‘Joint Hindu Family’ the coparcenary property
shall be equally divided to all the coparceners irrespective of their gender
(male or female). The eldest member (male or female) of ‘Joint Hindu Family’
shall become Karta. Married daughter has equal rights in property of a Joint
Hindu Family.

successive generations can be members all the decisions and is authorised to

in the business. manage the business. His decisions are
The business is controlled by the binding on the other members.
head of the family who is the eldest (iv) Continuity: The business
member and is called karta. All continues even after the death of the
members have equal ownership right karta as the next eldest member takes
over the property of an ancestor and up the position of karta, leaving the
they are known as co-parceners. business stable. The business can,


however, be terminated with the Limitation

mutual consent of the members.
The following are some of the
(v) Minor Members: The inclusion of limitations of a joint Hindu family
an individual into the business occurs business.
due to birth in a Hindu Undivided
Family. Hence, minors can also be (i) Limited resources: The joint Hindu
members of the business. family business faces the problem of
limited capital as it depends mainly on
Merits ancestral property. This limits the
The advantages of the joint Hindu scope for expansion of business.
family business are as follows: (ii) Unlimited liability of karta: The
(i) Effective control: The karta has karta is burdened not only with the
absolute decision making power. This responsibility of decision making and
avoids conflicts among members as no management of business, but also
one can interfere with his right to suffers from the disadvantage of
decide. This also leads to prompt and having unlimited liability. His personal
flexible decision making. property can be used to repay business
(ii) Continued business existence: debts.
The death of the karta will not affect (iii) Dominance of karta: The
the business as the next eldest member karta individually manages the
will then take up the position. Hence, business which may at times not be
operations are not terminated and acceptable to other members. This
continuity of business is not may cause conflict amongst them and
threatened. may even lead to break down of the
(iii) Limited liability of members: family unit.
The liability of all the co-parceners (iv) Limited managerial skills:
except the karta is limited to their share Since the karta cannot be an expert
in the business, and consequently their in all areas of management, the
risk is well-defined and precise. business may suffer as a result of his
(iv) Increased loyalty and unwise decisions. His inability to
cooperation: Since the business is run decide effectively may result into
by the members of a family, there is a poor profits or even losses for the
greater sense of loyalty towards one organisation.
other. Pride in the growth of business The joint Hindu family business is
is linked to the achievements of the on the decline because of the
family. This helps in securing better diminishing number of joint Hindu
cooperation from all the members. families in the country.


2.4 PARTNERSHIP must be lawful and run with the motive

of profit. Thus, two people coming
The inherent disadvantage of the sole
together for charitable purposes will
proprietorship in financing and
not constitute a partnership.
managing an expanding business paved
the way for partnership as a viable option. (ii) Liability: The partners of a firm
Partnership serves as an answer to the have unlimited liability. Personal assets
needs of greater capital investment, may be used for repaying debts in case
varied skills and sharing of risks. the business assets are insufficient.

Partnership is the relation between persons competent to make contracts

who have agreed to carry on a lawful business in common with a view to
private gain.
L H Haney
Partnership is the relation which subsists between persons who have agreed
to combine their property, labour or skill in some business and to share the
profits therefrom between them.
The Indian Contract Act 1872

The Indian Partnership Act, 1932 Further, the partners are jointly and
defines partnership as “the relation individually liable for payment of debts.
between persons who have agreed to Jointly, all the partners are responsible
share the profit of the business for the debts and they contribute in
carried on by all or any one of them proportion to their share in business
acting for all.” and as such are liable to that extent.
Features Individually too, each partner can be
held responsible repaying the debts of
Definitions given above point to the
the business. However, such a partner
following major characteristics of
the partnership form of business can later recover from other partners
organisation. an amount of money equivalent to the
shares in liability defined as per the
(i) Formation: The partnership form partnership agreement.
of business organisation is governed by
the Indian Partnership Act, 1932. It (iii) Risk bearing: The partners bear
comes into existence through a legal the risks involved in running a
agreement wherein the terms and business as a team. The reward comes
conditions governing the relationship in the form of profits which are shared
among the partners, sharing of profits by the partners in an agreed ratio.
and losses and the manner of However, they also share losses in the
conducting the business are specified. same ratio in the event of the firm
It may be pointed out that the business incurring losses.


(iv) Decision making and control: Merits

The partners share amongst themselves The following points describe the
the responsibility of decision making advantages of a partnership firm.
and control of day to day activities.
Decisions are generally taken with (i) Ease of formation and closure: A
partnership firm can be formed easily
mutual consent. Thus, the activities of
by putting an agreement between the
a partnership firm are managed
prospective partners into place
through the joint efforts of all the
whereby they agree to carryout the
business of the firm and share risks.
(v) Continuity: Partnership is There is no compulsion with respect to
characterised by lack of continuity of registration of the firm. Closure of the
business since the death, retirement, firm too is an easy task.
insolvency or insanity of any partner (ii) Balanced decision making: The
can bring an end to the business. partners can oversee different
However, the remaining partners may functions according to their areas of
if they so desire continue the business expertise. Because an individual is not
on the basis of a new agreement. forced to handle different activities, this
(vi) Number of Partners: The not only reduces the burden of work
minimum number of partners needed but also leads to fewer errors in
to start a partnership firm is two. judgements. As a consequence,
According to section 464 of the decisions are likely to be more
Companies Act 2013, maximum balanced.
number of partners in a partnership (iii) More funds: In a partnership, the
firm can be 100, subject to the number capital is contributed by a number of
prescribed by the government. partners. This makes it possible to
As per Rule 10 of The Companies raise larger amount of funds as
(miscelleneous) Rules 2014, at present compared to a sole proprietor and
the maximum number of members can undertake additional operations when
be 50. needed.
(vii) Mutual agency: The definition of (iv) Sharing of risks: The risks
partnership highlights the fact that it involved in running a partnership firm
is a business carried on by all or any are shared by all the partners. This
one of the partners acting for all. In reduces the anxiety, burden and stress
other words, every partner is both an on individual partners.
agent and a principal. He is an agent of (v) Secrecy: A partnership firm is not
other partners as he represents them legally required to publish its accounts
and thereby binds them through his and submit its reports. Hence it is able
acts. He is a principal as he too can be to maintain confidentiality of information
bound by the acts of other partners. relating to its operations.


Limitations retirement, insolvency or lunacy of any

partner. It may result in lack of
A partnership firm of business
continuity. However, the remaining
organisation suffers from the following
partners can enter into a fresh
agreement and continue to run the
(i) Unlimited liability: Partners are business.
liable to repay debts even from their (v) Lack of public confidence: A
personal resources in case the
partnership firm is not legally required
business assets are not sufficient to to publish its financial reports or make
meet its debts. The liability of partners
other related information public. It is,
is both joint and several which may therefore, difficult for any member of
prove to be a drawback for those
the public to ascertain the true financial
partners who have greater personal status of a partnership firm. As a result,
wealth. They will have to repay the
the confidence of the public in
entire debt in case the other partners partnership firms is generally low.
are unable to do so.
(ii) Limited resources: There is a 2.4.1 Types of Partners
restriction on the number of partners, A partnership firm can have different
and hence contribution in terms of types of partners with different roles
capital investment is usually not and liabilities. An understanding of
sufficient to support large scale these types is important for a clear
business operations. As a result, understanding of their rights and
partnership firms face problems in responsibilities. These are described as
expansion beyond a certain size. follows:
(iii) Possibility of conflicts: (i) Active partner: An active partner
Partnership is run by a group of is one who contributes capital,
persons wherein decision making participates in the management of the
authority is shared. Difference in firm, shares its profits and losses, and
opinion on some issues may lead to is liable to an unlimited extent to the
disputes between partners. Further, creditors of the firm. These partners
decisions of one partner are binding on take actual part in carrying out
other partners. Thus an unwise business of the firm on behalf of other
decision by some one may result in partners.
financial ruin for all others. In case a
(ii) Sleeping or dormant partner:
partner desires to leave the firm, this
Partners who do not take part in the
can result in termination of partnership
day to day activities of the business are
as there is a restriction on transfer of
called sleeping partners. A sleeping
partner, however, contributes capital to
(iv) Lack of continuity: Partnership the firm, shares its profits and losses,
comes to an end with the death, and has unlimited liability.


(iii) Secret partner: A secret partner (v) Partner by estoppel: A person is

is one whose association with the firm considered a partner by estoppel if,
is unknown to the general public. Other through his/her own initiative,
than this distinct feature, in all other conduct or behaviour, he/she gives an
aspects he is like the rest of the impression to others that he/she is a
partners. He contributes to the capital partner of the firm. Such partners are
of the firm, takes part in the held liable for the debts of the firm
management, shares its profits and because in the eyes of the third party
losses, and has unlimited liability they are considered partners, even
towards the creditors. though they do not contribute capital
(iv) Nominal partner: A nominal or take part in its management.
partner is one who allows the use of Suppose Rani is a friend of Seema who
his/her name by a firm, but does not is a partner in a software firm —
contribute to its capital. He/she does Simplex Solutions. On Seema’s
not take active part in managing the request, Rani accompanies her to a
firm, does not share its profit or losses business meeting with Mohan
but is liable, like other partners, to the Softwares and actively participates in
third parties, for the repayments of the the negotiation process for a business
firm’s debts. deal and gives the impression that she

Table 2.1 Types of Partners

Capital Share in profits/

Type Management Liability
contribution losses
Contributes Participates in Shares profits/ Unlimited
Active partner
capital management losses liability
Does not
Sleeping or Contributes Shares profits/ Unlimited
participate in
dor mant partner capital losses liability
Participates in
Contributes Shares profits/ Unlimited
Secret partner management,
capital losses liability
but secretly
Does not Does not Generally does
Nominal partner contribute participate in not share profits/
capital management losses
Does not Does not
Partner by Does not share Unlimited
contribute participate in
estoppel profits/ losses liability
capital management
Does not Does not
Partner by Does not share Unlimited
contribute participate in
holding out profits/ losses liability
capital management


Minor as a Partner
Partnership is based on legal contract between two persons who agree to
share the profits or losses of a business carried on by them. As such a
minor is incompetent to enter into a valid contract with others, he cannot
become a partner in any firm. However, a minor can be admitted to the
benefits of a partnership firm with the mutual consent of all other partners.
In such cases, his liability will be limited to the extent of the capital
contributed by him and in the firm. He will not be eligible to take an active
part in the management of the firm. Thus, a minor can share only the profits
and can not be asked to bear the losses. However, he can if he wishes, inspect
the accounts of the firm. The status of a minor changes when he attains
majority. In fact, on attaining majority, the minor has to decide whether he
would like to become a partner in the firm. He has to give a public notice of
his decision within six months of attaining majority. If he fails to do so,
within the stipulated time, he will be treated as a full-fledged partner and
will become liable to the debts of the firm to an unlimited extent, in the same
way as other active partners are.

is also a partner in Simplex Solutions. 2.4.2 Types of Partnerships

If credit is extended to Simplex Partnerships can be classified on the
Solutions on the basis of these basis of two factors, viz., duration and
negotiations, Rani would also be liable liability. On the basis of duration, there
for repayment of such debt, as if she can be two types of partnerships :
is a partner of the firm. ‘partnership at will’ and ‘particular
(vi) Partner by holding out: A partnership’. On the basis of liability,
partner by ‘holding out’ is a person the two types of partnership include:
who though is not a partner in a firm one ‘with limited liability’ and the other
but knowingly allows himself/herself one ‘with unlimited liability’. These
to be represented as a partner in a types are described in the following
firm. Such a person becomes liable to sections.
outside creditors for repayment of any
debts which have been extended to the Classification on the basis of
firm on the basis of such duration
representation. In case he is not really
a partner and wants to save himself (i) Partnership at will: This type of
from such a liability, he should partnership exists at the will of the
immediately issue a denial, clarifying partners. It can continue as long as
his position that he is not a partner in the partners want and is terminated
the firm. If he does not do so, he will when any partner gives a notice of
be responsible to the third party for withdrawal from partnership to the
any such debts. firm.


(ii) Particular partnership: Partner- partnership does not get terminated

ship formed for the accomplishment of with the death, lunacy or insolvency of
a particular project say construction of the limited partners. The limited
a building or an activity to be carried partners do not enjoy the right of
on for a specified time period is called management and their acts do not bind
particular partnership. It dissolves the firm or the other partners.
automatically when the purpose for Registration of such partnership is
which it was formed is fulfilled or when compulsory.
the time duration expires. This form of partnership was not
per mitted in India earlier. The
Classification on the basis of permission to form partnership firms
liability with limited liability has been granted
after introduction of New Small
(i) General Partnership: In general Enterprise Policy in 1991. The idea
partnership, the liability of partners behind such a move has been to enable
is unlimited and joint. The partners the partnership firms to attract equity
enjoy the right to participate in the capital from friends and relatives of
management of the firm and their small scale entrepreneurs who were
acts are binding on each other as earlier reluctant to help, due to the
well as on the firm. Registration of existence of unlimited liability clause
the firm is optional. The existence in the partnership form of business.
of the firm is affected by the death,
2.4.3 Partnership Deed
lunacy, insolvency or retirement of
the partners. A partnership is a voluntary association
of people who come together for
(ii) Limited Partnership: In limited achieving common objectives. In order
partnership, the liability of at least one to enter into partnership, a clear
partner is unlimited whereas the rest agreement with respect to the terms,
may have limited liability. Such a conditions and all aspects concerning

Price Waterhouse Coopers was a Partnership Firm earlier

Price Waterhouse Coopers, one of the world’s top accountancy firms has been
created in 1998 by the merger of two companies, Price Waterhouse and Coopers
and L ybrand — each with historical roots going back some 150 years to the
19th century Great Britain. In 1850, Samuel Lowell Price set up his accounting
business in London. In 1865, he was joined in partnership by William H.
Holyland and Edwin Waterhouse. As the firm grew, qualified members of its
professional staff were admitted to the partnership. By the late 1800s, Price
Waterhouse had gained significant recognition as an accounting firm.
Source: Price Waterhouse Coopers archives in Columbia University.


the partners is essential so that there is It is optional for a partnership firm

no misunderstanding later among the to get registered. In case a firm does
partners. Such an agreement can be not get registered, it is deprived of
oral or written. Even though it is not many benefits. The consequences of
essential to have a written agreement, it non-registration of a firm are as follows:
is advisable to have a written agreement (a) A partner of an unregistered firm
as it constitutes an evidence of the cannot file a suit against the firm
conditions agreed upon. The written or other partners,
agreement which specifies the terms and (b) The firm cannot file a suit against
conditions that govern the partnership third parties, and
is called the partnership deed. (c) The firm cannot file a case against
The partnership deed generally the partners.
includes the following aspects: In view of these consequences, it is
• Name of firm therefore advisable to get the firm
• Nature of business and location of registered. According to the India
business Partnership Act 1932, the partners may
• Duration of business get the firm registered with the
• Investment made by each partner Registrar of firms of the state in which
• Distribution of profits and losses the firm is situated. The registration can
• Duties and obligations of the be at the time of formation or at any time
during its existence. The procedure for
getting a firm registered is as follows:
• Salaries and withdrawals of the
1. Submission of application in the
prescribed form to the Registrar of
• Terms governing admission, firms. The application should
retirement and expulsion of a contain the following particulars:
partner • Name of the firm
• Interest on capital and interest on • Location of the firm
drawings • Names of other places where the
• Procedure for dissolution of the firm carries on business
firm • The date when each partner joined
• Preparation of accounts and their the firm
auditing • Names and addresses of the
• Method of solving disputes partners
• Duration of partnership
2.4.4 Registration This application should be signed by
Registration of a partnership firm all the partners.
means the entering of the firm’s name, 2. Deposit of required fees with the
along with the relevant prescribed par- Registrar of Firms.
ticulars, in the Register of firms kept 3. The Registrar after approval will
with the Registrar of Firms. It provides make an entry in the register of
conclusive proof of the existence of a firms and will subsequently issue
partnership firm. a certificate of registration.


Cooperative is a form of organisation wherein persons voluntarily associate

together as human beings on the basis of equality for the promotion of an
economic interest for themselves.
E. H. Calvert
Cooperative organisation is “a society which has its objectives for the promotion
of economic interests of its members in accordance with cooperative principles.
The Indian Cooperative Societies Act 1912

2.5 COOPERATIVE SOCIETY anytime as per his desire. There

The word cooperative means working cannot be any compulsion for him to
together and with others for a common join or quit a society. Although
purpose. procedurally a member is required to
The cooperative society is a serve a notice before leaving the
voluntary association of persons, who society, there is no compulsion to
join together with the motive of welfare remain a member. Membership is open
of the members. They are driven by the to all, irrespective of their religion,
need to protect their economic interests caste, and gender.
in the face of possible exploitation at (ii) Legal status: Registration of a
the hands of middlemen obsessed with cooperative society is compulsory. This
the desire to earn greater profits. accords a separate identity to the society
The cooperative society is which is distinct from its members. The
compulsorily required to be registered society can enter into contracts and
under the Cooperative Societies Act hold property in its name, sue and be
1912. The process of setting up a sued by others. As a result of being a
cooperative society is simple enough separate legal entity, it is not affected
and at the most what is required is the by the entry or exit of its members.
consent of at least ten adult persons
(iii) Limited liability: The liability of
to form a society. The capital of a
the members of a cooperative society is
society is raised from its members
limited to the extent of the amount
through issue of shares. The society
contributed by them as capital. This
acquires a distinct legal identity after
defines the maximum risk that a
its registration.
member can be asked to bear.
Features (iv) Control: In a cooperative society,
the power to take decisions lies in the
The characteristics of a cooperative
hands of an elected managing committee.
society are listed below.
The right to vote gives the members a
(i) Voluntary membership: The chance to choose the members who will
membership of a cooperative society constitute the managing committee and
is voluntary. A person is free to join a this lends the cooperative society a
cooperative society, and can also leave democratic character.


(v) Service motive: The cooperative the society, and hence the risk of bad
society through its purpose lays debts is lower.
emphasis on the values of mutual help (v) Support from government: The
and welfare. Hence, the motive of service cooperative society exemplifies the idea
dominates its working. If any surplus of democracy and hence finds support
is generated as a result of its operations, from the Government in the form of low
it is distributed amongst the members taxes, subsidies, and low interest rates
as dividend in conformity with the bye- on loans.
laws of the society.
(vi) Ease of formation: The cooperative
Merits society can be started with a minimum
of ten members. The registration
The cooperative society offers many procedure is simple involving a few legal
benefits to its members. Some of the formalities. Its formation is governed by
advantages of the cooperative form of the provisions of Cooperative Societies
organisation are as follows. Act 1912.
(i) Equality in voting status: The
principle of ‘one man one vote’ governs Limitations
the cooperative society. Irrespective of The cooperative form of organisation
the amount of capital contribution by suffers from the following limitations:
a member, each member is entitled to
(i) Limited resources: Resources of a
equal voting rights.
cooperative society consists of capital
(ii) Limited liability: The liability of contributions of the members with
members of a cooperative society is limited means. The low rate of dividend
limited to the extent of their capital offered on investment also acts as a
contribution. The personal assets of the deterrent in attracting membership or
members are, therefore, safe from being more capital from the members.
used to repay business debts.
(ii) Inefficiency in management:
(iii) Stable existence: Death, Cooperative societies are unable to
bankruptcy or insanity of the members attract and employ expert managers
do not affect continuity of a cooperative because of their inability to pay them
society. A society, therefore, operates high salaries. The members who offer
unaffected by any change in the honorary services on a voluntary basis
membership. are generally not professionally
(iv) Economy in operations: The equipped to handle the management
members generally offer honorary functions effectively.
services to the society. As the focus is (iii) Lack of secrecy: As a result of
on elimination of middlemen, this helps open discussions in the meetings of
in reducing costs. The customers or members as well as disclosure
producers themselves are members of obligations as per the Societies Act


(7), it is difficult to maintain secrecy 2.5.1 Types of Cooperative

about the operations of a cooperative Societies
Various types of cooperative societies
(iv) Government control: In return of based on the nature of their operations
the privileges offered by the are described below:
government, cooperative societies have
to comply with several rules and (i) Consumer’s cooperative societies:
regulations related to auditing of The consumer cooperative societies are
accounts, submission of accounts, etc. formed to protect the interests of
Interference in the functioning of the consumers. The members comprise of
cooperative organisation through the consumers desirous of obtaining good
control exercised by the state quality products at reasonable prices.
cooperative departments also negatively The society aims at eliminating
affects its freedom of operation. middlemen to achieve economy in
(v) Differences of opinion: Internal operations. It purchases goods in bulk
quarrels arising as a result of contrary directly from the wholesalers and sells
viewpoints may lead to difficulties in goods to the members, thereby
decision making. Personal interests eliminating the middlemen. Profits, if
may start to dominate the welfare any, are distributed on the basis of either
motive and the benefit of other their capital contributions to the society
members may take a backseat if or purchases made by individual
personal gain is given preference by members.
certain members.

Amul’s amazing Cooperative ventures!

Every day Amul collects 4,47,000 litres of milk from 2.12 million farmers (many
illiterate), converts the milk into branded, packaged products, and delivers
goods worth Rs. 6 crore (Rs. 60 million) to over 5,00,000 retail outlets across
the country.
It all started in December 1946 with a group of farmers keen to free themselves
from intermediaries, gain access to markets and thereby ensure maximum
returns for their efforts. Based in the village of Anand, the Khera District Milk
Cooperative Union (better known as Amul) expanded exponentially. It joined
hands with other milk cooperatives, and the Gujarat network now covers 2.12
million farmers, 10,411 village level milk collection centres and fourteen district
level plants (unions). Amul is the common brand for most product categories
produced by various unions: liquid milk, milk powder, butter, ghee, cheese,
cocoa products, sweets, ice-cream and condensed milk. Amul’s sub-brands
include variants such as Amulspray, Amulspree, Amulya and Nutramul.
Source: Adapted from Pankaj Chandra, “”, Business Special, September 2005.


(ii) Producer’s cooperative societies: products. The members consist of

These societies are set up to protect the producers who wish to obtain
interest of small producers. The reasonable prices for their output. The
members comprise of producers society aims to eliminate middlemen
desirous of procuring inputs for and improve competitive position of its
production of goods to meet the members by securing a favourable
demands of consumers. The society market for the products. It pools the
aims to fight against the big capitalists output of individual members and
and enhance the bargaining power of performs marketing functions like
the small producers. It supplies raw transportation, warehousing,
materials, equipment and other inputs packaging, etc., to sell the output at
to the members and also buys their the best possible price. Profits are
output for sale. Profits among the distributed according to each
members are generally distributed on member’s contribution to the pool of
the basis of their contributions to the output.
total pool of goods produced or sold
(iv) Farmer’s cooperative societies:
by the society.
These societies are established to
(iii) Marketing cooperative societies: protect the interests of farmers by
Such societies are established to help providing better inputs at a reasonable
small producers in selling their cost. The members comprise farmers

Indian Companies in League of FORTUNE

GLOBAL Organisations

GLOBAL Rank in Revenues

Company Website
rank India (Million$)
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. 161 1 54,711

Reliance Industries Ltd. 215 2 43,437

Tata Motors Ltd. 226 3 42,092

State Bank of India 232 4 41,681

Bharat Petroleum
350 5 20,082
Corporation Ltd.
Hindustan Petroleum
367 6 28,820
Corporation Ltd.
Rajesh Exports
423 7 25,237
Corporation Ltd.


who wish to jointly take up farming 2.6 JOINT STOCK COMPANY

activities. The aim is to gain the benefits A company is an association of persons
of large scale farming and increase the formed for carrying out business ac-
productivity. Such societies provide tivities and has a legal status indepen-
better quality seeds, fertilisers, dent of its members. A company can
machinery and other modern be described as an artificial person hav-
techniques for use in the cultivation of ing a separate legal entity, perpetual
crops. This helps not only in improving succession and a common seal. The
the yield and returns to the farmers, company form of organisation is gov-
but also solves the problems associated erned by The Companies Act, 2013. As
with the farming on fragmented land per section 2(20) of Act 2013, a com-
holdings. pany means company incorporated
(v) Credit cooperative societies: under this Act or any other previous
company law.
Credit cooperative societies are
The shareholders are the owners of
established for providing easy credit
the company while the Board of
on reasonable terms to the members. Directors is the chief managing body
The members comprise of persons who elected by the shareholders. Usually,
seek financial help in the form of loans. the owners exercise an indirect control
The aim of such societies is to protect over the business. The capital of the
the members from the exploitation of company is divided into smaller parts
lenders who charge high rates of called ‘shares’ which can be transferred
interest on loans. Such societies provide freely from one shareholder to another
loans to members out of the amounts person (except in a private company).
collected as capital and deposits from
the members and charge low rates Features
of interest.
The definition of a joint stock company
(vi) Cooperative housing societies: highlights the following features of a
Cooperative housing societies are company.
established to help people with limited
income to construct houses at (i) Artificial person: A company is a
reasonable costs. The members of these creation of law and exists independent
societies consist of people who are of its members. Like natural persons,
desirous of procuring residential a company can own property, incur
accommodation at lower costs. The aim debts, borrow money, enter into
is to solve the housing problems of the contracts, sue and be sued but unlike
members by constructing houses and them it cannot breathe, eat, run, talk
giving the option of paying in and so on. It is, therefore, called an
instalments. These societies construct artificial person.
flats or provide plots to members on (ii) Separate legal entity: From the
which the members themselves can day of its incorporation, a company
construct the houses as per their choice. acquires an identity, distinct from its


members. Its assets and liabilities are officials for running the business. The
separate from those of its owners. The directors hold a position of immense
law does not recognise the business significance as they are directly
and owners to be one and the same. accountable to the shareholders for the
(iii) Formation: The formation of a working of the company. The
company is a time consuming, expensive shareholders, however, do not have the
and complicated process. It involves the right to be involved in the day-to-day
preparation of several documents and running of the business.

Previous Company law means any of the laws specified below:

1. Act relating to companies in force before the Indian companies Act, 1866
(10 of 1866).
2. The Indian companies Act, 1866 (10 of 1866).
3. The Indian companies Act, 1882 (6 of 1882).
4. The Indian companies Act, 1913 (6 of 1913).
5. The Registration of Transferred Companies Ordinance, 1942 (ordinance
42 of 1942).
6. The Companies Act, 1956.

compliance with several legal (vi) Liability: The liability of the

requirements before it can start members is limited to the extent of the
functioning. Incorporation of companies capital contributed by them in a
is compulsory under The Companies Act company. The creditors can use only the
2013 or any of the previous company assets of the company to settle their
law, as state earlier. Such companies
claims since it is the company and not
which are incorporated under
the members that owes the debt. The
companies Act 1956 or any company law
members can be asked to contribute to
shall be included in the list of companies.
the loss only to the extent of the unpaid
(iv) Perpetual succession: A company amount of share held by them. Suppose
being a creation of the law, can be Akshay is a shareholder in a company
brought to an end only by law. It will holding 2,000 shares of Rs.10 each on
only cease to exist when a specific which he has already paid Rs. 7 per
procedure for its closure, called share. His liability in the event of losses
winding up, is completed. Members or company’s failure to pay debts can
may come and members may go, but be only up to Rs. 6,000 — the unpaid
the company continues to exist. amount of his share capital (Rs. 3 per
(v) Control: The management and share on 2,000 shares held in the
control of the affairs of the company is company). Beyond this, he is not liable
undertaken by the Board of Directors, to pay anything towards the debts or
which appoints the top management losses of the company.


(vii) Common seal: The company into cash in case the need arises.
being an articial person cannot sign its This avoids blockage of investment
name by itself. Therefore, every company and presents the company as a
is required to have its own seal which favourable avenue for investment
acts as official signature of the company. purposes.
Any document which does not carry the (iii) Perpetual existence: Existence of
common seal of the company is not a a company is not affected by the death,
binding on the company. retirement, resignation, insolvency or
(viii) Risk bearing: The risk of losses insanity of its members as it has a
in a company is borne by all the share separate entity from its members. A
holders. This is unlike the case of sole company will continue to exist even if
proprietorship or partnership firm all the members die. It can be liquidated
where one or few persons respectively only as per the provisions of the
bear the losses. In the face of financial Companies Act, 2013.
difficulties, all shareholders in a (iv) Scope for expansion: As
company have to contribute to the compared to the sole proprietorship
debts to the extent of their shares in and partnership forms of organisation,
the company’s capital. The risk of loss a company has large financial
thus gets spread over a large number resources. Further, capital can be
of shareholders. attracted from the public as well as
through loans from banks and financial
institutions. Thus there is greater scope
The company form of organisation for expansion. The investors are
offers a multitude of advantages, some inclined to invest in shares because of
of which are discussed below. the limited liability, transferable
(i) Limited liability: The shareholders ownership and possibility of high
are liable to the extent of the amount returns in a company.
unpaid on the shares held by them. (v) Professional management: A
Also, only the assets of the company company can afford to pay higher
can be used to settle the debts, leaving salaries to specialists and professionals.
the owner’s personal property free from It can, therefore, employ people who
any charge. This reduces the degree of are experts in their area of
risk borne by an investor. specialisations. The scale of operations
(ii) Transfer of interest: The ease in a company leads to division of work.
of transfer of ownership adds to the Each department deals with a
advantage of investing in a company particular activity and is headed by an
as the share of a public limited expert. This leads to balanced decision
company can be sold in the market making as well as greater efficiency in
and as such can be easily converted the company’s operations.


Limitations (iii) Impersonal work environment:

The major limitations of a company Separation of ownership and
form of organisation are as follows: management leads to situations in
which there is lack of effort as well as
(i) Complexity in formation: The personal involvement on the part of
formation of a company requires the officers of a company. The large
greater time, effort and extensive
size of a company further makes it
knowledge of legal requirements and
difficult for the owners and top
the procedures involved. As compared
management to maintain personal
to sole proprietorship and partnership
form of organisations, formation of a contact with the employees,
company is more complex. customers and creditors.

Pen is mightier than the Sword:

The Case of Luxor Writing Instruments Pvt. Ltd.
In the year 1963, a young gentleman armed with the power of hard work and
ambition, started a new era in the field of writing instruments. At a tender
age of 19, he started a small manual assembly shop in Sadar Bazaar area in
Delhi where he manufactured fountain pens under the name Luxor Writing
Instruments Pvt. Ltd. (LWIPL).
Being awarded the coveted ‘Number One Writing Instruments Exporter’
award consecutively for three years, LWIPL has been given the exclusive
rights of manufacturing and distributing four international brands in India,
viz., Pilot, Papermate, Parker and Waterman.
Luxor Writing Instruments Pvt. Ltd. has the largest share of this market of
over 20 percent, with a turnover pushing way beyond the Rs. 150 crore mark.
As of today Luxor is a leading manufacturer and exporter of writing
instruments from India. It is currently exporting over 15 percent of the
output and has four manufacturing facilities in New Delhi and three at
Mumbai. It employs over 600 people. It is the leader in most segments of the
market, manufacturing and distributing a wide variety of pens for various
applications and needs.

(ii) Lack of secrecy: The Companies Act (iv) Numerous regulations: The
requires each public company to provide functioning of a company is subject to
from time-to-time a lot of information to many legal provisions and compulsions.
the office of the registrar of companies. A company is burdened with numerous
Such information is available to the restrictions in respect of aspects
general public also. It is, therefore, including audit, voting, filing of reports
difficult to maintain complete secrecy and preparation of documents, and is
about the operations of company. required to obtain various certificates


from different agencies, viz., registrar, small percentage attend the general
SEBI, etc. This reduces the freedom of meetings. The Board of Directors as
operations of a company and takes away such enjoy considerable freedom in
a lot of time, effort and money. exercising their power which they
(v) Delay in decision making: sometimes use even contrary to the
Companies are democratically managed interests of the shareholders.
through the Board of Directors which is Dissatisfied shareholders in such a
followed by the top management, middle situation have no option but to sell
management and lower level their shares and exit the company. As
management. Communication as well as the directors virtually enjoy the rights
approval of various proposals may to take all major decisions, it leads to
cause delays not only in taking rule by a few.
decisions but also in acting upon them. (vii) Conflict in interests: There may
(vi) Oligarchic management: In be conflict of interest amongst various
theory, a company is a democratic stakeholders of a company. The
institution wherein the Board of employees, for example, may be
Directors are representatives of the interested in higher salaries, consumers
shareholders who are the owners. In desire higher quality products at lower
practice, however, in most large sized prices, and the shareholders want
organisations having a multitude of higher returns in the form of dividends
shareholders; the owners have and increase in the intrinsic value of
minimal influence in terms of their shares. These demands pose
controlling or running the business. problems in managing the company as
It is so because the shareholders are it often becomes difficult to satisfy such
spread all over the country and a very diverse interests.

Table 2.3 Difference between a Public Company and Private Company

Basis Public company Private company

Minimum - 7 Minimum - 2
Maximum - unlimited Maximum - 200
Minimum number of
Three Two

Index of members Compulsory Not compulsory

T ransfer of shares No restriction Restriction on transfer

Can invite the public to

Invitation to public to Cannot invite the public to
subscribe to its shares or
subscribe to shares subscribe to its securities


2.6.1 Types of Companies 4. A private company needs to have

A company can be either a private or a only two directors as against the
public company. These two types of minimum of three directors in the
companies are discussed in detail in the case of a public company. However
following paragraphs. the maximum number of directors
for both types of companies is
Private Company fifteen.
A private company means a company 5. A private company is not required
which: to keep an index of members while
the same is necessary in the case
(a) restricts the right of members to
of a public company.
transfer its shares;
(b) has a minimum of 2 and a maximum Public Company
of 200 members, excluding the
present and past employees; A public company means a company
(c) does not invite public to subscribe which is not a private company. As per
to its securities and The Companies Act, a public company
It is necessary for a private company is one which:
to use the word private limited after its (a) has a minimum of 7 members and
name. If a private company contravenes no limit on maximum members;
any of the aforesaid provisions, it ceases (b) has no restriction on transfer
to be a private company and loses all securities; and
the exemptions and privileges to which (c) is not prohibited from inviting the
it is entitled. public to subscribe to its securities.
The following are some of the privileges However, a private company which is a
of a private limited company as against subsidiary of a public company is also
a public limited company: treated as a public company.
1. A private company can be formed
by only two members whereas
seven people are needed to form a ORGANISATION
public company. After studying various forms of
2. There is no need to issue a business organisations, it is evident that
prospectus as public is not invited each form has certain advantages as well
to subscribe to the shares of a as disadvantages. It, therefore, becomes
private company.
vital that certain basic considerations are
3. Allotment of shares can be done
kept in mind while choosing an
without receiving the minimum
subscription. A private limited appropriate form of organisation. The
company can start business as important factors determining the
soon as it receives the certificate of choice of organisation are listed in Table
incorporation. 2.4 and are discussed as follows:


Table 2.4 Factors influencing the choice of

form of Business Organisation

Form of organisation

Factor Most advantageous Least advantageous

Availability of capital Company Sole proprietorship
Cost of for mation Sole proprietorship Company
Ease of for mation Sole proprietorship Company
Company (except
T ransfer of ownership Partnership
private company)
Managerial skills Company Sole proprietorship
Regulations Sole proprietorship Company
Flexibility Sole proprietorship Company
Continuity Company Sole proprietorship
Liability Company Sole proprietorship

(i) Cost and ease in setting up the (ii) Liability: In case of sole
organisation: As far as initial proprietorship and partnership firms,
business setting-up costs are the liability of the owners/partners is
concerned, sole proprietorship is the unlimited. This may call for paying the
debt from personal assets of the owners.
most inexpensive way of starting a
In joint Hindu family business, only the
business. H o w e v e r, t he legal
karta has unlimited liability. In
requirements are minimum and the
cooperative societies and companies,
scale of operations is small. In case of however, liability is limited and creditors
partnership also, the advantage of less can force payment of their claims only
legal formalities and lower cost is there to the extent of the company’s assets.
because of limited scale of operations. Hence, from the point of view of
Cooperative societies and companies investors, the company form of
have to be compulsorily registered. organisation is more suitable as the risk
Formation of a company involves a involved is limited.
lengthy and expensive legal procedure. (iii) Continuity: The continuity of sole
From the point of view of initial cost, proprietorship and partnership firms is
therefore, sole proprietorship is the affected by such events as death,
preferred form as it involves least insolvency or insanity of the owners.
expenditure. Company form of However, such factors do not affect the
organisation, on the other hand, is continuity of business in the case of
more complex and involves greater organisations like joint Hindu family
costs. business, cooperative societies and

Table 2.5 Comparative Evaluation of Forms of Organisation
Basis of Sole Joint Hindu
Partnership Cooperative society Company
comparison proprietorship family business
Less legal
Minimal legal Registration
Registration is for malities, Registration compulsory,
for malities, compulsory,
For mation optional, exemption from lengthy and expensive
easiest greater legal
easy for mation registration, for mation process
for mation for malities
easy for mation
At least two
Minimum Private-2
persons for
Public Company-7
Minimum-2 division of family At least 10 adults,
Members Only owner Maximum
Maximum: 50 property, no maximum limit
Private Company-200
no maximum
Public Company-unlimited
Limited but more
than that can be
Capital Ancestral
Limited finance raised in case of Limited Large financial resources
contribution property
Unlimited (Karta),
Unlimited and
Liability Unlimited Limited (Other Limited Limited
Partners take
Owner takes all Elected
Control and decisions, Karta takes representative, i.e., Separation between
consent of all
management quick decision decisions managing committee ownership and management
partners is
making takes decisions

Unstable, Stable
More stable but
business and business, Stable because of Stable because of separate
Continuity affected by status
owner regarded continues even if separate legal status legal status
of partners
as one karta dies


companies. In case the business needs form may be suitable whereas for
a permanent structure, company form medium and small sized business one
is more suitable. For short term can opt for partnership or sole
ventures, proprietorship or partnership proprietorship. Further, from the point
may be preferred. of view of expansion, a company is
more suitable because of its capability
(iv) Management ability: A sole
to raise more funds and invest in
proprietor may find it difficult to have
expertise in all functional areas of expansion plans. It is precisely for this
purpose that in our opening case
management. In other forms of
organisations like partnership and Neha’s father suggested she should
company, there is no such problem. consider switching over to the company
Division of work among the members form of organisation.
in such organisations allows the (vi) Degree of control: If direct control
managers to specialise in specific over operations and absolute decision
areas, leading to better decision making power is required,
making. But this may lead to proprietorship may be preferred. But
situations of conflicts because of if the owners do not mind sharing
differences of opinion amongst people. control and decision making,
Further, if the organisation’s partnership or company form of
operations are complex in nature and organisation can be adopted. The
require professionalised management, added advantage in the case of
company form of organisation is a company form of organisation is that
better alternative. Proprietorship or there is complete separation of
partnership may be suitable, where ownership and management and it is
simplicity of operations allow even professionals who are appointed to
people with limited skills to run the independently manage the affairs of
business. Thus, the nature of a company.
operations and the need for
(vii) Nature of business: If direct
professionalised management affect
personal contact is needed with the
the choice of the form of organisation.
customers such as in the case of a
(v) Capital considerations: Companies grocery store, proprietorship may be
are in a better position to collect large more suitable. For large manufacturing
amounts of capital by issuing shares units, however, when direct personal
to a large number of investors. contact with the customer is not
Partnership firms also have the required, the company form of
advantage of combined resources of all organisation may be adopted. Similarly,
partners. But the resources of a sole in cases where services of a professional
proprietor are limited. Thus, if the nature are required, partnership form is
scale of operations is large, company much more suitable.


It would not be out of place to run on a small scale might not be

mention here that the factors stated appropriate when the same business
above are inter-related. Factors like is carried on a large scale. It is,
capital contribution and risk vary with therefore, suggested that all the relevant
the size and nature of business, and factors must be taken into
hence a form of business organisation consideration while making a decision
that is suitable from the point of view with respect to the form of organisation
of the risks for a given business when that should be adopted.

Key Terms
Sole proprietorship Partnership Joint Hindu Family
Mutual agency Cooperative Societies Joint Stock Company
Perpetual succession Artificial person Holding company
Co-parceners Incorporation of a Company


Forms of business organisation refers to the types of organisations which

differ in terms of ownership and management. The major forms of
organisation include proprietorship, partnership, joint Hindu family
business, cooperative society and company.
Sole proprietorship refers to a form of organisation where business is
owned, managed and controlled by a single individual who bears all the
risks and is the only recipient of all the profits. Merits of this form of
organisation include quick decision making, direct incentive, personal
satisfaction, and ease of formation and closure. But this form of
organisation suffers from limitations of limited resources, unstable life
span of business, unlimited liability of sole proprietor and his/her limited
managerial ability.
Partnership is defined as an association of two or more persons who agree
to carry on a business together and share the profits as well as bear risks
collectively. Major advantages of partnership are: ease of formation and
closure, benefits of specialisation, greater funds, and reduction of risk. Major
limitations of partnership are unlimited liability, possibility of conflicts, lack
of continuity and lack of public confidence. As there are different types of
partners such as active, sleeping, secret and nominal partners; so is the
case with types of partnerships which can vary from general partnership,
limited partnership, partnership at will to particular partnership.


Joint Hindu family business is a business owned and carried on by the

members of a Hindu Undivided Family, which is governed by the Hindu
law. Karta — the oldest male member of the family — controls the business.
The strong points of joint Hindu family business include effective control,
stability in existence, limited liability and increased loyalty among family
members. But this form of organisation too suffers from certain limitations
such as limited resources, lack of incentives, dominance of the karta and
limited managerial ability.
A cooperative society is a voluntary association of persons who get together
to protect their economic interests. The major advantages of a cooperative
society are equality in voting, members’ limited liability, stable existence,
economy in operations, support from government, and ease of formation.
But this form of organisation suffers from weaknesses such as limited
resources, inefficiency in management, lack of secrecy, government control,
and differences among members in regard to the way society should be
managed and organised. Based on their purpose and nature of members,
various types of societies that can be formed include: consumers cooperative
society, producers cooperative society, marketing cooperative society, farmers
cooperative society, credit cooperative society, and cooperative housing
A company, on the other hand, may be defined as an artificial person,
existing only in the eyes of the law with perpetual succession and having
a separate legal identity. While major advantages of a company form of
organisation are members’ limited liability, transfer of interest, stable
existence, scope for expansion, and professional management; its key
limitations are: complexity in formation, lack of secrecy, impersonal work
environment, numerous regulations, delay in decision making, oligarchic
management, and conflict of interests among different shareholders.
Companies can be of two types — private and public. A private company is
one which restricts transfer of shares and does not invite the public to
subscribe to its securities. A public company, on the other hand, is allowed
to raise its funds by inviting the public to subscribe to its securities.
Furthermore, there is a free transferability of securities in the case of a
public company.
Choice of form of organisation: Selection of an appropriate form of
organisation can be made after taking various factors into consideration.
Initial costs, liability, continuity, capital considerations, managerial ability,
degree of control and nature of business are the key factors that need to
taken into account while deciding about the suitable form of organisation
for one’s business.



Short Answer Questions

1. Compare the status of a minor in a Joint Hindu family business with
that in a partnership firm.
2. If registration is optional, why do partnership firms willingly go through
this legal formality and get themselves registered? Explain.
3. State the important privileges available to a private company.
4. How does a cooperative society exemplify democracy and secularism?
5. What is meant by ‘partner by estoppel’? Explain.
6. Briefly explain the following terms in brief.
(a) Perpetual succession (b) Common seal
(c) Karta (d) Artificial person

Long Answer Questions

1. What do you understand by a sole proprietorship firm? Explain its merits
and limitation?
2. Why is partnership considered by some to be a relatively unpopular
form of business ownership? Explain the merits and limitations of
3. Why is it important to choose an appropriate form of organisation?
Discuss the factors that determine the choice of form of organisation.
4. Discuss the characteristics, merits and limitation of cooperative form
of organisation. Also describe briefly different types of cooperative
5. Distinguish between a Joint Hindu family business and partnership.
6. Despite limitations of size and resources, many people continue to prefer
sole proprietorship over other forms of organisation? Why?

Application Questions
1. In which form of organisation is a trade agreement made by one owner
binding on the others? Give reasons to support your answer.
2. The business assets of an organisation amount to Rs. 50,000 but the
debts that remain unpaid are Rs. 80,000. What course of action can
the creditors take if
(a) The organisation is a sole proprietorship firm
(b) The organisation is a partnership firm with Anthony and Akbar as
partners. Which of the two partners can the creditors approach
for repayment of debt? Explain giving reasons
3. Kiran is a sole proprietor. Over the past decade, her business has grown
from operating a neighbourhood corner shop selling accessories such


as artificial jewellery, bags, hair clips and nail art to a retail chain with
three branches in the city. Although she looks after the varied functions
in all the branches, she is wondering whether she should form a
company to better manage the business. She also has plans to open
branches countrywide.
(a) Explain two benefits of remaining a sole proprietor
(b) Explain two benefits of converting to a joint stock company
(c) What role will her decision to go nationwide play in her choice of
form of the organisation?
(d) What legal formalities will she have to undergo to operate business
as a company?

Divide students into teams to work on the following
(a) To study the profiles of any five neighbourhood grocery/stationery
(b) To conduct a study into the functioning of a Joint Hindu family
(c) To enquire into the profile of five partnerships firms
(d) To study the ideology and working of cooperative societies in the
(e) To study the profiles of any five companies (inclusive of both private
and public companies)

1. Sonam and Sameer decided to begin a food processing business in
District Kangra of Himachal Pradesh. Help them in developing the
partnership deed to avoid any dispute in future.

1. Some of the following aspects can be assigned to the students for
undertaking above mentioned studies.
Nature of business, size of the business measured in terms of capital
employed, number of persons working, or sales turnover, problems faced,
Incentive, reason behind choice of a particular form, decision making
pattern, willingness to expand and relevant considerations, Usefulness
of a form, etc.
2. Students teams should be encouraged to submit their findings and
conclusions in the form of project reports and multi-media presentations.
3. The specimen partnership deed is available as e-resource in the
embedded QR code.


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