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SENO ai. HOWRAH MUNICIPAL CORPORATION 4, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Howrah - 711 101 (w.w.w. line. org. in) TENDER DOCUMENTS Name of work : ss. MIT No von OF 20) Datted wo Tender vo» OF 20 HOWRAH MUNICIPAL CORPORATION 4, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Howral - 711 101 fenders in prescribed form in Part 11 in separaie sealed cover are invited by the Chief igincer of Howrah Municipal Corporation from eligible tenderers as per particulars given below for the following work under ST TNamnie of Work Heimatcal | Earnest Time ot ‘Cont of No Cost (Rs) | Money (Rs.)| Completion | Documents (Rs) Lin Date Time of Application upto (Part -1)intender box Last DateTime of Permission upto {Part-1) ani wil be open thereafter (Par-1) Last Date & Time limit forsaleof Tender document (Part) upte Las Date & ine of Submission of tender (Part 11) upto snd wil ho opened thereafter: ELEGIBILITY OF: TENDERS Intending tenderers having the-above eligibility eriteria shall have toxapp! Inloncling tenders who are bonafied, rellable and resourceful and who have successfully completed execution of shmilarnatere af works worth at least 50% of the value of work, = tendered for in a single tender under any Govt. Deptt. . autonomous bodies, undertaking ‘ani urban local bodies during last 3 (Nive) years will be allowed to participate in this tender provided they have fulfilled other criteria and they sball have to submit eredentials like copies of L..0.1., work order ans satisfactory completion cerificate along with Part -L of tenders, For a tender upto Rs. 20,000.00, The participams should prodce thelr Lust 3 years job experience io consider thei eligibility. in writing tothe Chief Engineer of the Hoyveah Municipal Corporation during offies hours on all working days between 12-00 con and 4-00 PM. and up up 12-00 noon on Saturdays. ‘Tender documents will be issued by the’ Chief Engineer from the shove office on paymert of cost of tender slocuments mentioned above either in cash ( non-refundable) orn Pay Onter/ Bank Draft drswn «na schedaledt {cpa Coeperation and on produetion of tho Monsy Receipts to bank to ngincoring Aecennts ofthe Howrah Miu the Chief Engineer : “Tenors in Part and Pait-Ubottin separate Sealed covers will be Yeeeived in the tender box kept in the office jcuamber ofthe Chief Fapineer up to the date dnd time mentioned herein above. Tenders in Pat 1 will be opened fon the date and time’ mentioned above or thereafter in presence of intending tenderers or their authorized represeata ves, who may be present. Tenders in Part-I of eligible tenderers only wil be opened or the date snd Lime mentioned above or thereafter in presence of eligible tenderers ortheirauthorized resnesentatives, who smay'be present. Fright eect any or all wenders without asigoing any season whatsoever is seserved co Hove Municipal Corporation Chief Engineer Howiah Muneipal Coneration NO eosesnmsrinne Dales oor Cp forded for information and wid cteulaion 19: 1) Monble Sabhedhtpati, Howiah Zita Parise. 2) Howble Mayer, Howrah Munieipal Corporstion 2) SrISHI -ss Member, Mayorin-Couneil, Howrah Municipal Coeporation 4) Conioller of Finance, owiah Municipal Corporat 5) The Engineer in-charge, Howrah Municipal Coeporetion. ©) Lngineesing Accounts, Howeah Municipal Corporation ‘ChicFEngineer Howrah Municipal Corporation, HOWRAH MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Ask NITNo, or70 Ce ‘Tendets in prescribed from is invited in separate sealed cover for the following works framelipible tenderers as per particuaes given below and witl be received by the Chief Engineer, Howrah Municipal Corperation on bekal of oyrah Municipal Corporation upto the dateankl ine specified herein helo, 1a) Nameof Work [b) Proje Cote (0) Desighitionandaddress ofthe authorized nginesr Chief Engineer/Ass. ngineee/ WaterSuyply? of the Howrah Municipal Corporation forthe Roads /B. S, U, P./ Survey/W.W.S, purpose of execution of work and operation of ELS/KUSP/S & WD Ihiseomteact (0) Nawneund address of the concerned B.B, or AB Howeal Municipal Corporation for technical masta, (6) Nameand acldress of the authority to deetarethe Mayor-in-councl ovat Muvcipal Corperation intending tensexereligibe forthe work eoreesned (© Nameandaddress of ie authority accepting te Same asin 1 (e)above. “Tenders (a) Contritorsetigible vo submit tenders + Assipulated in the'Tender Notice ih) Valuer work POR ss ‘eupees () Furnes Money : RS (Rupees... ) @ —Timeofcompletion ou foie Myst from Uhedate of issue of work order Signature of Terdlerer invitingauthorty HOWRAH MUNICIPAL CORPORATION “Tent paniculaes given belo prescribed from isi as 0f 20 ited in separate sealed cover for the following works and willbe received by the Chiet Engineer, Howrah Municipal Corporationon behalf of Dated cligible enterersas per Howrab Municipal Corporation up tn the date ara ime npecified hersin below. 144) Namie Work 4 {b) Project Code (©) Designation andaddressof dhe autborized Engineer + Chief Lngineei/Asst Engineer” WiterSuppy/ bf the Howrah Municipal Corporation forthe Roads /B. $.U.P./ Survey/W.WS/ pirpose of execution of workand operation of ELS/KUSP/S & WD. This contre. (@) Natne and address of ne concerned B.E. oF AE, Mowrah Municipal Corporation For tchnieal assistance. (©) Namound addiess of heauthority to declarete: Mayorin-counei. Howrah Muniipl Corporation intending enseter eligible forthe work eoncemed (0 Name andaddiess of theauthority accepting the Same us, L(e)ahove. Tenders. () Contactors eligibleto submit enders. As stipulated in the Tender Notice. (h) Value ofwark, (i) Bamest Money Rs. (RUPE sneer . > 4) Tinwcof completion )ays.mnonths fron Signature of Tenderer the dave of issue of work order. Signatore offender inviting authority 0 @ om w @ ® @ Printed Tender fort in which Tender ito be sulbnited, . Price pet copy of te complete set of tender documents Las! datesanel iment for receipt of application: ‘or purchase oF tender documents in tender box. (Part =D) ‘Last dateandtimelenitfor permission Last date and timelimit for sale of tender docuament. (Part -11) Last te aneltimetimit for receipt of tender Insealed coverin the tender box. (Patt 11) ‘Dave and time For opening of tender (Part U1) Location af Godown Sigoature of Tenderer Prinisd Municipal Tender formincading upto dle ‘orrigenda and addenda a per order of he tener invitirgaubonty attest, Rs. seemnntentannenees 20) Mp bs : 20 upto ie 20 wpe ts 20 upto aes mone 20 upto hi ‘Any Godown of the Municipal Corporation anid ‘or its Authorize stockiest Signatureol Tender inviting authority ELIGIBILITY OF” INSPECTION OFTENDER DOCUMENT PURCHASE OF TENDER DOCUMENTS TENDER DOCUMENTS 2. 3. 52 Bonifies felis, esourceful and experienced contractor, wh hhvesuccessflly completed execution of sinilarratureof work a least 50% (fifty pervent of the value of werk tended for in 2 single tender ner any Govt. Dept, Seini Gost. Dept, Govt. undertakings, Autonomous bodies, development authorty an tbat local bodies daring. lastfive years will beatiowed to participate in thistender provided they have fulfilled other ciesia a they shill have tosubnitcredemials Uke copies of LOL, work oider and satisfactory cotficat along with Part-I of tenders Tender document and relevant particulars may be seen by the imtending tenderers a the office ofthe Fogle n- Charge of the ‘Municipal Corporation on any working day between 11-C0 hrs sind (6-00 brs. andon Saturday up 0 |2 noon, Complete. tender documents will be issued tothe intending tenderers fromthe office ofthe Curpoetion, whim pennission is ‘granted and on payment of cost of tender documents per vel cithrin cash (non-refindabie) ori pay order Bank Draft drawn in favourot Howrah Municipal Corporation ivon-refunda) on any working.ay and hours es meitioned inelevant rote “Tener Parvll wentshall consist ofthe following jn Pan tan Part -T of the tender documents consisis of the following, () This Dethiled Notice Inviting Tenders for works (briefly) ferred as the NIP or Tender Notice (4) The interatingenderer shall haveto atch valkddocuments supporting his credentials and eligibility conforming (0 the stipultion, Income Tax, Pan, P.T-€.C. , Vatuegisiration cetificatgnd a riotwil decliruton abouteorrecinese ofthe ddocuents with declaration of penalty /debarment ete: Faced by hin under eny Gavi? Semi Govt. Govt. undertaking ‘Auionorousbedy/ fnsiution Publit Secor Unites Vart-f of thetender documents shall consist tie follow (A) Copy oF NLT (B) Special terms andl Condition CQ) General Conditions of Conteaet (1D). “Technical Specifications. 1H) Specific Priced Schedule of Works with prebabe eins and agproxinintequaatities, (1) Drawings. Signature of Tenderer 8 ‘T MONEY SECURITY DEPOSt PREPARATION & . SUBMISSION OF TENDER 61 62 ul 8A ») b) ° d ° Acts {In addition to complete set of tenderdocuments as mentioned above a tenderer shall have to deposit an cainest money icaled above, The aucexssfulendener on receipt of leer of intext ( Work order shall deposit within 10 daysof receipt of 1-0. 1./ Work onder, an additional ammount, which together with the-fotal amount nt 24 (two percent) nf the tedered amount Tie eamestmoney stall be deposited inthe stapoof Bank Draft / pay Onfer drawn on a schedule Bank payabeat Howrah in favour of Howrah Municipal Corporation, No cash, cheque or token wil bheaceepled seinen money. ‘The eamestmoney deposited by the unsuccessful tenderer will be refund oasubmission ofan application fortbessme othe Engineer inCharge ofthe Municipal Corporation “The successful tenderer will ave to provide assecurty forthe work namount of 10% (TenPercent} oF rhe value of work done, “The balance sun reqpired to make the security For Me work done stall be recovered progressively by deduction from each running, account bill at 85 (Hight percent) ofeach suchbill, ‘Tenderdocuments are tobe submited imtwo parts vic Pat una Pact Part shall contain: Dalailed Notice Inviting Tesders including NIT ‘Valid documentssupporting credentials & eligibility conforming the stipulations inthe NI duly signed by tenderer Photocopy of Income Tax, PAN card duly signed by the tenderer Photocopy.of Professional lax clearnce certificate duly signed by the lencerer Photocopy of VAT repistraion eetificaleor Sale Tas clearanet tificate duly signed by lhe tenderer: ‘A notrial declaratipt stating correctness. of thedocuments sub- mitted by the tenderer along, with « dechration of pemalty/ debar~ iment ele. faced by him under any Govt, / Institution / Public Sector Linit ete, Bunk solvency conitiateinoriginal. hut ofthe’ Tender document shall cantain the Specific Pied sched tule of works of probable tems with approximate quantities. The Aenderer shall quote his offer both in fgures and words in any of the following form: {We ages to carry out the work mentioned in_memnorandinm ATPARI AT spxcifc rica Sched Works ‘Tenders be witnessed by somebody, ther than Competiter with ‘his fll address. Any tender without witness wll be treated as informa. Signature of Tenderer 9 W, OPENING OF TENDERS REJECTION OF TENDER 83. 84 85 S.A, 16, In the event of the tender being submitted by a firmnar an organization it must besigned hy member ormembers ofthe ayolical of the ongarization having legal mitheity todos and legal documents in support thereof must be produced for Inspection andthe samein the cass of a partnesship Sim it must disclose that the fim isdlaly egistered under the linn Partnership Act. Any terlersigned by a meraber or official notholding apower afatiorey shal he teated as inforioat Both Part-I & Patt Il of tencerdocaments shall be placed in fepante sealed covers super scribing therin the NIT no., éescrption of work and the bref contents of ether documents ars clearly marking the envelop /coveras Part-l.& Part-II Both these sealed cover sal be put infende Isox as directed above super scribing therin the NIT no,, description of worketc. and shall be submited / dropped in he Tender Box kepCintheolficechamber of the Engineer in Charge of the H.M.C. Before submission ofthe tender the tenderer must see thatthe memorandan of the General Conditions of the contiaet is ropeely Gillin aud all panicnlars given Te tenderer must sen thespaceallotied in the General Conditions of theeomtract and te. éectautionby thetenerer(attheend of special erm & conditions, “The signature of the tenderer also must sign athottor of each page of both Part-1& Par-ILof tender document with ganization seal fiemoe Intheprefixed date time.Part+1 of tenders will be opened anid evaluated by the Chief Engineer for evaluation ofthe tenderess qualifiatcn with regard io technical an ar eapabiies and decide upon heeligibily of he tenderers fortheywork tered foeln respect ofteners,who will be lsqualified, the Part-I of tenders will not to issued and will be treated as rejected / canceled. Intending ‘and interested tenderers or their authorized representative may remain presentsturing opening of Part-1 & Part-I of tenders os per the date & tine rentiomerdaborve, Original documents or the Thotecopies furishect with Part-t tender slull he produced to the Engineer in-Charge of the Howrah Municipal Corporation forthe purpose ovation of Past “renders. Incase technical partis ot required tenders may be submited alin snenvelp ‘Tonders, which do not fulfill any of the above condition or are incomplete in any respect. are fable for jection. Signature of Tenderer 4 15, STATUTORY TAXES & CRS VALIDITY OF TENDERS ACCEPTANCE C AGREEMENT 1S. AG: Income Tix, Sites Tax & Cessete-will be deducted fry the contractor's billat the ratein accordance with tinsonder cireulaes of Govt: West engat ars Got, of Inca in force duting the ‘contractual peri The tenderer shall declare his PAN raimber & Sales Tax / VAT registintion no. in thee ‘Atendersince submited shall remain valid fora period of 120 ‘says(One Hundred wwenty days) from the date of subissien of pricebids, Anyextension ofthe validity period ‘willbe sujected to the concurrence ofthe tenderer The acceptance of the tender will rest with the authority mentioned in herein shove. Members, Mayorin Coyne donot binlthemelves 10 accept the lowest lender and reserves themselves the outboity:o eject any oral he tenders received ‘without agsigning any reason theres The nuecesstul ice wil ‘he notified in writingof the secertance of his tender, The " “Fenderer" then the hecomes the * Cottractor” and he shall forthwithtake steps00 fulfill his obligatienn as resirgd by the context. {A tender onc suited. sha pot be widen within perial of 120(One huadred andsventy )éays fromthe last Satwor roeiptot ender. UF a yenderer witha his Fender ‘within this period without ving any saiaciory expnation for such withdrawal he shall be disqualified from submitting any tender for works unde the Howrah Manzi Cosportion foraminimum period of 2 (two) yearsand his earnest Maney willbe forited, ‘The contractor sill within 10 (ten ) days from thedateof receiptot theleterof acceptance of his tener subnit (one) {xldtional copy of he fall secof the contact, The documents required. for additional copy nf contact will have to. be purchasdd by the Conunior fig the offiee ofthe HMC. fn payment of price persot same as mentioned in the original “Tender Notice ‘The copy nut be daly competes per original and signa on evety page by the eeniractor before submission of thesune tothe Engineer in Charge the Howrah Municial Cosporation withia the specifieddateand time mentioned the Work onder Drawing ndotherdocamerteattiched by the contractor tothe origi tender shallalsobe atached to the copy ofthe agroeinsn Signauure of Tenderer te. 20, WORK PROGRAMME COMMENCEMENT OF WORK PORUMTUREINITIAL, URITY RATE INCLUSIVEOF ALLCHARGES ASSIGNMENT AND SUB LETTINGOF CONTRACT V WORK 16. 20 204 2 Ag ‘The Comtmcior on receipt ul 1. 0.1.1 Work Order anon submission of ailditional copy of coatract docaments shall uve toexecute aw agicement on now Juclal Stamp Paper withthe Howiah Municipal Comporation within? (Seven) days yom thedateof submission of aldlitional eopsies of contract logumieaty in the form, proformaah which in annexed eret, ‘The Contrtetor on receipt of the leller of nacptance oF h tender, shall submit wo the Enginees inChinge the work programme in the form of CPM Net work hast and /or J Barebartcsch ia duplicate. ‘TheConiractor shall have to start the work within 7 (Seven) days from the date of issue of written orler to commence work. Failure on the part of theContractor in sepositing the additional amount of Secittity Where 0 required in. terme described abovect in furnishing selditional copies of the fcomiact document in terms described above oF in timely. commencement of workas requitesl shall constitute breach! {he contracival obligations, hiss wil render the eonieaet liable to termination wih freiureurthe moun oF intial securty that may be lying with the Howrah Municipal Corporation at that time without ny reference tothe Coritractor ‘Therute quoted hy he tenderer shall he inclusive of all tnsex aletaX, Val icone ax, Oetroi, Ferny Charges, Local ‘charges, Royaties, Turnover tex, Cess and allother chagges and ‘The contractor stall appoind an authorized representative and deploy requ ste teshnieal personnel lo qpmplete withinthe stipulated time period, ‘Theseleetion of the muhorized representative of thevontiactor is subjectto ‘prior approval of the Phgineerin-Charge and the contesctorshall seek it ‘writing such approval giving therin the name andaldeess ofthe representative the warls i appoint ani the specific purpose for which the representative will bhe authorized for. Liven ater fst approval, the Engineein-Charge of the HM.C, may isiue atany subsequent date, revised direstions about stich authorized representaiive wad ihe contractor shall bebourt to abidey such, direction, The auihorized Engince shall not be bound to assign any reason for any of his dneeticns wih reyauto the apolntment of athoized representative ofthe contractor. “The provisions of power of Auorney ify, must beto the approval oF he Conporntion other wie the Corporation shall hebeund w takzcoprizmce cfsuch power of Attomey Signature of Tenderer 18 2, GODOWN LABOUR SHED ETC SITEORDER BOOK BS: J, The Contractor shall have an alfice adjacent to the work site as may be 1 19.2, 193, 19.4, 20.1 approved by the authorized Kngineer, where all directions and notic of amy kind whatso ever, which ine authorized Engler or hisrepresentativemay {desire fo give to the Contactor in eatinection with the contract ay be left and the same When left at or sent by post such office or delivered to the contritorsautharized apes! or rspresentativestall be deemed tobe suficiznlly served upon the Contractor. ‘The Contractor shall make his own arangement for storage space and {godown for his tools and plants, maverials also ereet ai his own cost necessary shod and gouownof adequate capacity athe ste of work for proper safety of materials such as cement steel materials etc. ALI these All have the approval ofthe authorized Enginoex Thesheils nid godowns shall be readily accessible and beopen to inpectionsto any time during the pendency of thecontact. ‘The Contractor hall arrange for temporary sheds latrines water supply ct forthe accommodation and uscothissta'Theseshall be propetly marian all hough the period of constuction inclesn and hygienic condition wo the satisfaction ofthe Engineer in-Charge ‘The location of godown sacking pce other temperary structures mute to ‘he prior approval of the Engineer in. harge. i andsavaiiab: within the site thal may be given far purpose of temporwry structure only on requesting. Any lane! outside the work siteas aay be required forthe purpose will hayeto be arranged ty the Conseco bitnselfat his cost On completionof the work allsheds , golown, vats, platform ete. erected hy Ile Contractor for eanstrctionnl purpose, shall have to he removed by him at his own cost and the grmund restored (o its original condition to the satslaction of tie Engineer in-Chiage “The Contractor shall iin 7 (seven Jays of the receipt ofthe order to take up works, supp this oy cost SITE ORDER BOOK ith: Engineer in -Chargeor his representative. The site oider book shall bekeptat the site of work under the custaly ofthe Engineer in ~ Charge orhisrepresenative ‘The steonder book sal ive mochine numbered pagesinrpicate Dreetion orinsructon from olfcuksssus to he contrast wil beenteed (etre) inthesiteorderbaok execpt when sich airecian er instructlons aie given by sepanteleters) Theconinictorac his authorize representative shal regularly note the entries in the se order baok and also record therean the action lukcrot being wen by him complying with the maidrection orhis authorized representative may takeaway the dapficate page ofthe work order book for his own record Signature of Tenderer m1 SUPPLEMBNTRY? SUBSTITUTED. SUPPLEMENTARY/ EXCESS QUANTITIES BEYOND THE SCOPE OF WORK BG “0.2, The First. page of the work onder book shall contain the following particular 8) Name of work, b) Reference to eetiet, ©” ate of upening th it order wok, Nate Adkress of te Contractor (with phone na.ifuny), ©) Sigatary of the Conteacins Name and Address of the: authorized represenati authorized foneton behalf of the Contracir, ©) Specific puipases for which the contractor’: representative is thorized woact on behalf ofthe eartractor, i) Signature of the authorized representative daly ate contractor, i) Signatueof the Assistant Engineer cancer net J) Date of writing one to eormmence work, 1) Time of completion of works 1) Extention of time granted, amy, 1m) Date of actual eornpletin of work 1) Bate of eonlingof final mearurcment. Enviss ved (mi) & (0) save sulle ited in on completion af the work inl Before the site order Iiok is recorded inthe office theauthrized Engineer or his representative. ath is fed hy he 21.1, During the process of execution of the job under the eumbriet, FF any addiionni/sutsttuied tens of works and / or excess quantities heyond the seape of the contract is reqhed tobe done xs per the opinion of the [Engineer ih-Charge. Such alditional/ substituted items and /or excess MylCuePermaneat Tneome'Thx Account No ie. 3 Myfou es Tas /VAT Regstantion NOS jos sta aeidrece with Teteplions No. ‘&Mobile No. fay. Dated Signature ofthe Tenderer 26 HOWRAH MUNICIPAL CORPORATION ren GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1. Tender for Works: 1/W¥e tender for execution of the work specified in the under written memorandum within the ioe spectied in such memorandum at the rates. specified therein, and in aecordance in all respects with the specifications, designs dravingsand instructions it writing referred oa this tends dare i Past andl Pant -T yith such imalerials ns are provided for by and in all other respects in azcordance with such eomlitions ss per as practicable, Ul, MEMORANDUM (8) General description Nameof Work (0) Estimated eost Rs: (© Bamest Money @ Rs. (W) Security deposit “109 Ten poem) oF he wie of work done Uncluding earesi money) (©) Scoutity dopositto + 8% (ight poreent of the value of work dose te deditete from ils (9 Timeatlowed for the work from the dave of written order to commence tionnaire) MOTI ST] femora Oar Ter Tag eniera Na. Tigres In. words ‘Signature of Tenderer 7 == Sigmuureot theOMtoar by whom accepted Shuld this tender be accepted I/We hereby sec to abide by sd Sufi ll thatermns and provisions oF the sad ection contrat annexed hete toso arasapplicable, or in default thereof to frteit and pay {othe H.M.C oritssuvcessors in ofice dhesums of money mentioned in the said ccnditions The sUMSOE RS. sso i seat hrorewith forwarded as earnest movey the full valubof which is to be absolutely forfeited to the HLM.C-oF its successors in office, without judi oany other rights or remedies of the LI M.C.orits successors ince, stilt /WeFail txcommence the wank specified in te above msmorandum, oshould I/We noteleposit tne fll amount of security eposi specified in te above memorandum in accordance with elause 1 of ihe conditions of content otherwise the said sum of Rs shall ve ‘etained by the 1.M.C, onaccoant of such security deposit asaforesaidor the fal value of which shall beretained. by the ILM.C. on account of the sceorily depositspccified inclaise | ofthe said conditions of contact, Diatesthe sincere of Bs Sigmatureof witness (Signature of the Name. Acres, Oceupation. ‘The above tender is hereby accepted by me Date, the fay OF sein Ds (Signature of Commissioner) Hawrah Manicipal Comporatien. 28 Security Deposit ‘Campensitlon or detay, "The person/ Persons. whose fender(s} may be accepted. {hereinafter called tho contractor) shall permit the HLM.C. at she time of making any payment to him/them for work done under the caatract t0 deduet such sum at such rate as along with the sum slready deposited hhy him / them ts exrmest money will ammount ta 10% (len percent) of the value of work done without amy eciling unless he Is / they are exempted from payment of security deposit in individual eases or ha / have deposited theamount of security the rales mentioned above inthe fromvof Govern ment Security or Fixed Deposit’ Receipts of Guarantee Honils. OF any scheduled bank oF Stale Bank of India, i ease a Fixed Deposit Receipt af any bunk is furnistied by dhe Contraciarta) to the H.M.C. as part of the Security Deposit and the bauk goes into liquidation oF for any reavon is unable to make payment ngoinst te said fixed deposit receipt, the {ass eaused thereby shall on the contractor(s) and the contractor(s) shall foewith on demand furnish security to the HLM.C.10 make good te defekt Such deductions to be held by the HLM.C. by way of Security Deposit, provided always that the H.M.C. for this pitrpoxe shall be ened torecoxee 896k perventjoftheametnt of each ramning bill tl the balance of =the amount of Sseurity Deposit — is realized. All compensations or other sums of money payable by the contractor(s) onder the (erins of this contriet may be deducted from, or paid by the sale of a sufficient part of his / their Security Deposit, or from the interest arising there from, oF from amy sums which may be due ta oF Became due to the cuntiactorts) by H.M.C. or any account whatsoever tis event of bis / their Seewtity Deposit being reciuced hy reason of any such deductions or sates as aforesaid, the contractor(s) shall within 10 (ten) days make good in cash or ‘Guarantee Bonds in favour of the Mayor of he H.M.C. excented of Fixed Deposit Recoipt endered hy. Siate Bak India or by scheduled bunk (in cash of guarantee ‘offered by schesils hanks tp arnount shale within the financial ints presertes hy the Reserve Bank of ia or Gaverriment Seeuritis ifueposited for more en 12 mont) endorsed in favour the Mayorany sum or sins whch may have been «leducted foro raised by sale of his thelr security depositor any pa thereof. rhe security depositshall becolected from herenninbillsof the Contract athe rates mentioned above and the Eamest Money if depoxited in eas at he tenders) will he eae! 98 pant of she sevurity deposit Clause The tine allowed fr carryingout the work nkentered inthe tender shall be strictly abserved by the Contractor shal be reckoned fren the date fn which the cedar commence work ingiven tecontractor The work shal rough thestipulated peril be praceelea with, witha he diligence (nw be of the essence ofall he contract on the part ofthe eontactor) eng deerme Signature of Tenderer Addn When vot seeuvty deposi frtelted andi contractor sal pay aseompensation an amountequal ioone percent ors srnller wnountan the Mayor may decideon theamountof the tender faanount ofthe ‘whole work asshown hy theteuler for everyday tht the work remains uncemented, ‘or unfinished after the proper dates. Pe Contractor shall cammenceexceationot sc partof the works may ke noted o him within thse dys fromthe date of he ‘ord For contnencemert for workaanud diligently continue such wen k, and father to ensure good progress and during the execution ofthe workexcecds one munth omplet ane fourth ofthe whofe of the work before ane fourth ofthe whole tine allowed underthe contract has elapsed, one half ofthe work, before one halfof stich lime has clapsed, In the event of the ecntractor faling to comply with any ofthe conditions herein he shal he liable to pay ax compensation sn arroun equal to one percent or such smaller amount as the Mayor MAY DECIDE ON THE SAID Tendered amount of the whole: work or everyclay’ that the Jue quantity of werk remainsincomplete, PROVIDED ALWAYS that the entie amount of compensation tobe paid under the provisions ofthis clause shall not exceed ten petcenton the {end amountof the work asshown inthe tender Clause 3: Inanycasein which under any clause oreinases of thiscon- Inactive contrattor shall have tendered himself fable to pay compersation amounting to the whole of his security depesit (whether paid in one sum or deducted by installments) the Mayorstiall have power o adopt any of the following courses. te may deer bes suited tothe interest of the IMC. ®) —_Torescind the contract (of whichrecession notice in writing to the contractor under the hard ofthe Mayor /Conmissioner orunder the hand of theEngi Charge on obtaining his spproval shall be conclusiveevidenee) and in which ease the security deposit of the contractor shal stand forfeited and beabsolutely atthe amount of which cost and price a cestificate of the Mayer sall hefTual ava cofchisive against the eontracion) ant cieltng him ‘withthe value ofthe work dons ll espeetin the same aaner aml crest hin ‘withthe valueof the work dn, inal vespees in the same manner anda the same Fatesas fithad been eared out bythe contactor unuler dhe ters of his contrat, the certificate ofthe Mayer aren hisehiif erica of te Engineer in-Charge aso the yalucof the work cone shal ital andiconelusive aginst the contractor ©) Tomeesureup the work ofthe emntraetor nel to take such part thereof as shall unexecuted out of his hands and give to another contictr to complete m Which ees onyexpentes which may be ineuried inexeess ofthe sum which would havelbeen pailto the original contractor, if the whole work hae been excited by bins (oF the amount of which excessthe ertficate in writing ofthe Mayar or on bis behalf cerificate of the Engincerin Charge shall final atl cometusive shall be borncand paid by the original contrsctor and may be deducted fronn amy money duc tohimby the HIM.C. under contractor otherwise, er from his secu depasivot the proceeds of sae thersofora sufficient part thereof. Signature of ‘Tenderer 30 Ponertetakeposwssion ot require femoral oft! contrac’ plant xtesiontine 205: Inthe event of any af theabove coursesbeihig shall haye claim to sompensate-Feramy Ie having jurchesed or procured any matcrnls or enteredinto any engagemank or ae my advance on account of or with a view Io the execution af the work oF the performance of the coniact, And in ease the contact shall rot beentitied to recover ‘or be pai any sumn for any work tierefore actualy performed unde: this cont ‘bhlessand uni the Mayor or Kngincerin-Charge will have cert edn wsitin performance of sich work ail the value payole inresepet ferent art he shall only bbe entitled to be paid the value socertified, lopted by the H.MM.C. the contractor n wstained by him by reacon of his the Clause 4; Inany casein which any ofthe powers, conferretupon the Mayor Engincerin-Chargeby clause 3 hereof shall nave become exeressabteand thesame shal ot be exercised, henior-exercinetherent shall nok conditutea waiver of any ofthe conditions hereof andsuich powers shall not withstadinghe cxercisible Jn hg event inany futher case of default by the contractor forwhiel iy any clause oF ses hereol he's dectared ihe 10 pay compensation amounting a the whole oF his security deposit and the liability of the contractor far the past and future ccompensatiox ah ens unaffected. Inthe event of the Mayor Enger in-Chirge putting in force-cither ofthe powers a) or(b) vested in him under the preceding lnuse he may, if he sodesires toke possession ofall orany tools, lan, materials and stores,in or upon the intendes! to he vsed for the execution of the work oF any part thereof, paying or allowing, forthe sane tn account al theenrnct rates fr in ease ofthese not heing applicable, at current market rales to be cette by the Mayor whore cesiieate thereof shal be finalolhervise the Mayor! Lagineer in-Charge may be noticed in yriting to the eoulactor or his representative foreman or other authorized agent require hin t remove such tooks, pl materials orstores fora the rensises (within tinue to be species is sul pice), tnd in the event othe contractor Failing to comply with any such requisition, the Mayor/Fingineoriu-Charge may semove hema the eantracka'sexpense-or sell them by auction o private sales on account ofthe eoniraeton and at his sk in all respects andthe certificate ofthe Mayor/tingineerin-Chuoge asiathe expense of ys ssa imysuchrenovaland the anu ofthe proceeds andexpense of be finaland conchsivewgalast the contractor Claune$ Ifthe confor sal desire an extension of the time For ‘completion of works on the grands of his having been unavoidable hindered in disexecution the contractor shal giveanimmediacerepon of such hindraneeto the Mayor/Engineerin-Charge in writing and if he shall desire an extension of time for completion ofthe work on the ground thereof he shall apply in weiting of the Mayor or the Englucer-in-Charge within seven days ofthe dite of eassation cafsuch hindrance an accountof which be desires such oxtension as aforesaic land tive Mayor! Engineer in-Cligge shall, ifn his opinion (which shal be final) reason thorized steh extension af time. if any, asmay, in bis option, be necessary or proper. ble grounds be shows thereafter, Slur 31 na eetiicte cevttieate regaled a vanes ‘Chai 6 On completion of the work, the contractor em request may He faisheal witha eitifcate by the Enginecr-in Charge approved bythe Mayor! Engineer in Charge ofsuch completion, bul nosach cectfeate shal be ven, nar sth the work bé considered be completed untithe contrato sal have removed Fim thepresisesen whihithe work shal be executed allscaffoling. surplusrmaterials tnd rubbish, and clened off the dit fireall wood work, dour, windows, walls floors, or otter paris of any building, in upon, or about which the works to be ‘execu or af which may have td possession forthe purposeo the execution the-wonor util the wodeaball have been mews bythe Engineer in-Change hse measurement shallbe binding ad vorlusiv, Ifthe contractor sal fil tocomply ‘with theresjuirements of hiselause as to removal of sea ‘ud rubish ad ceasing of dirt ono before the time schedaleFagines-in inayat theriskand cos ofthe contractorremove sch seaffelding, surplus materials andrubbish, and uspose ofthe sar ashok fi andelean off uh dita aforesaid, aud the contactor shal forthwith pay the anount ofall expense so incurred, and slllhaye nocluimin respect arany such scalfoling or surplus materials as aforesaid ‘excep forany urn actualy alized by heal there, Clause 7 : No payments shia be made for works estimated (0 enst Kes tha rupees enenty thousand ill aerthe whole the vik stall have been complete and acertificate of completion given. But in thecase of works extitnated to.cost ‘mote than forupees twenty housand te contraetorshallon submting the bill tereforo he eile (oreeciye a monthly payment proportionate tothe patthereat Uh approved and pasted bythe Ggincer and approved by the Mayor eeaifieate ‘of sueh approval and passing ofthe sun so paynble shal be final and conclusive gaint the contractae Buta eh aterm payments shallberegardednspayrient byway of advance aguins te final payment only and notas payments for work ‘acually done complete and shall not preclude the requiring of bad, unsound anc {impact or unskil ful wark tobe removed and token away and re-constructed or re-created, orbe considered asan admission of thedue performace of contractor any pray thereof, n any respect or the accruing ofan clan, nor shat conclude, oiermine oraffect in any way the powers ofthe Engineecin-Charge under these ‘conditiens orany of them asio the final settlement andadjustments othe accounes orotherwiseur inany other way ¥ery or affect the contact, The final bill shall be submitted by the contractor withtfone mont ofthe date fixed for completcn ofthe \work, oberwise the Engineccih-Charge's certificate ofthe measuremnettand of th totatamount payable For work accomdinly shall e Foal and bining.on al parti Clouse B A bill shal be submitted by the cantrctorcach mori on or brfore the date fied by the concerned Engineer approved by the Mayor fall ‘work execute ine previous month, andthe Engineer in Charges ake or cause {oe taken the reguiste measurement or the purpose of having the sime verified andthe laimas pera admisibleadjstd if posible belore the expiry often days fiom the presentation ofthe bill. 1h contractor dosent submit the bil within ihe time fixedas aforesaid tne Ashorize! Engineer may depute asubeainte to nese upthe sd work in thepresenee of tie conirscter, whose counter sigrature fo measurement wile sulin warant, an! he Engn-erin-Charge may prepare :Mil fr such ist yh sl be ining en thecontacto inal respects 32 Bite to ieon print Fore, Steeesuppiod bpy Muni Corporation (Clause 9 : The cantractor shal submit bills om the printed forms 1 be fad cnapplication al the office of the Engines in-Charyenpproved by the Mayor and charges inthe bill shall always be enteres al therates pei inthe ender ofin any case of any ext. work ordered in pursuance ofthese conditions, and. mt mentioned or provided for inthe ender at te rae hereinafter provided torSsuch work, Clause 9A, (1) Payments due tothe contractor may, ifsaddesred by him, ‘ve mide ios Bank instal or direct tohim, provided thatthe comtarcis lashes tothe Engincerin-Charse (@ anauthorized inthe formof a egaly vilid document, eg. irrevocable owerof-atiomey conferring authority on the Bans to reexive payanen, and (@_hrisown Seveptance of the coréetness ofthe account made outas being due tohimby the. MC.orhis signature on thebill ether preferred against HLM.C before settlement by the Engineer n-Charge of aceount or claim by payment. Wile therecept given by ibe bank sll cemsetuteafllael sufficient discharge fer thenayment conractorshauld, wherever pessible, presents hisbill uly receipted nd discharged throught his bankers, @) Inthe ease or bills, which the contractor presents for payencntdinst ad ‘which are notendorsedin favour ofthe Bank, white efors wil be made 0 seebre payment w the Financing Bank, payments mace a the conitactor shotildbe accepted as full Acquiliee so fara the HM. is eoncornedl ‘uspartof the arrangements, the finapeing Bank should give the HLM.C.a letertothisettedt. ‘Note: 1. The procedure will not affect the ususl eight ofthe EMEC. to dtu fim ‘contractor'sbill (Whether endorse in fayour ofa Bankor not) any sun ‘due tothe HLM.C. on account of penalles, over payments, ete, Onthis or any bther eantract with the HMC ‘Note: 2. Nothing herein contained shal operate tocreatin favour te Bak ary rights crequities vis-t-viz tie Mayor, " Clause 10 Ife specication orestimate of ihe work poids for the use ofan special description of dca wo Be supplied from thestoreo ie yer cesommendationof the Engnittip-Chargen if equited bt he contactor shall ute certain storestobo provide bythe FLMC. Guch mteyiats and stores, and the price to be charged therofore as hereinafter mentioned being $0 Far as practicablefor the convenience of he couttato, but notso asin any way to contol themeaniigoreffectofthiseontactspeciied inthe chedsloot menovandum here tcantexeuthe sonttoctor shall be supped with sue} materiasand sores suited fiom time 6 time tobe used by hi forthe purposes ofthe eqntact only, ad the ‘alueof the fllquantityof msveral andstores so supplied atthe rates specified in thes sed or menvoraidam pus 10% Cen perce ry be se offor dct from any sim dus, othe or hexeaferto bexnine ds tothe contre under the contract, or otherwise, or agains or from the security depositor the proceeds of sale then of if te ited in Government seeuities, the sane ora sullicent postion there being inthisease old forthe purpose. Al meterias supa the conracton shall iemain the absoluteproperty of the 1.M.C.and shal noton any account be emoved from the steof the werk, and sl tal times beopen to inspection the ngniser-it-Cluege/ Sob- Asst Enger Any uch mateials use ain perfect 00x cononatthetime of thecorrpletion or detention of thecontaet al be returned 6 the TLM.C safari by a nasice in writing under shane shall so equi hu the contactor shal not he entitled to returnany such matejals ness with stch consent, and shal have nolan for compensation en account of any such materials 0 supplieto him ae aforesaid being unused by him or fer any wastage in «damage to any such materials. Signature of'Fendeter 33 | tnacortncevitspectentn Soman Allerton in Spetications design alonsion of tine consequent ofaleraon toot; worksnot estimated schedule ‘restriction of work he cared (Clause 11 ; The contractor shall execute the whole and every pat ofthe wor in the most substantial an workmanlike manner, and both as tegseds materials and otherwise inevery respect in rict accordance withthe spetificaion, ‘The contractor shell also confirm excl fly ad fothlully tothe designs, desing. and Instructions in wring relating o the work signedby the Linginewrin-Charge ofthe HMC. and lexlgedin his office, na to which thecontrsctorshallbe emitted have aceess at nich office, oron the siteof ths work forthe purpose of inspection during, ‘office ours, andthe conractr shall, he sofequires tobe entitled this ownexperse to make oF cause to made copies to the specifications, ant of all such designs, drawings and instruction as foresad, after obtaining necessary Permission fiean Engincerin-Charge Clause 12: The Engineer in-Charge shal ave power make any alt. ‘ions, omission from, additions 10 or subsitutions for te orignal specifieatien, drawings, designs and instruction that may appears ito be necessary aranvisable ‘luring the progress ofthe work and the contractor shall be bound to curry out tie ‘work inaccorance with any instructions mey he givento him in writing signed by thet ngineerin-Charge and suctaiteratons, ommissions, aiitions or substitutions shall not invalidate the contractorand sny altered, additional orsubeituted work ‘which the-contracior may be directed io doin the manner above specified as part ‘of tie work shall be carted oat by the contractor on the same condition in al ates, asane speifie inthe teader forthe main work. ‘The time forthe completion ofthe ‘work shall beextended in the proportion that the ler, action or substituted ‘work hears tothe original eonirac work and certificate of the Engince shall be conclesivens toin such proportion. Ialterd lit inchidesany class uf work, forwhich noriteisspecificdin this contact, that lass of work shell be carried! out at th rates entered in the Scbedulent Rates mentioned in the comtract minutus he percentage which the total tendered aout bean to the estimated cost of the eatie work pul io tend, and if the altered aMiional or substituted work ixhot entered in the st sclecaled of ates payments thereat bemadeby the Engineerin -Chargeby determining the rates on analysis worked oat from (athe basie rates of materials and tabour pravisl in dye current schedule oF rates (b) the curent market rage of materials and labour wheneven asic rales oF the ‘york arent available nthe stele, In eases wien such ratesaredcertined ont analysis by th authorized endineertander (a ahove,thestipulated percentage shove ‘orbslow schedule ofratesas provided in the contract shall also apply and incase of rales weeked our on alysis (b) above payment shall he made atthe rates so determined withoutapplication ofthe sad stipulated percentage. n theevent of any disput regarding rates dexerined oa analysis for any ales, ational or substituted thedosixion ofthe Mayor shall he inal and binding, ‘work under fis chai, Clause 13:1F any nw after hecomencementeftework hie IMC. shall foramy reason whatsover not requiree whole thereaF as specified in the tendertobe eariedou, the Engineer in-Charge shal givenoiein wating he act. thtbe eoutractor ho shall ave ro eam toany payment orconpemation whasoever ‘mrtg account of any profi or advantage which he might have derived from the -xecutic of tho Werk ful, ut whielt he did nodes in consequence of the full amount of the work nt having boon carried outsneitr shall have any cei for compersation by ezsen ef anyateration having been min the signal specieatin drawings designs aad insiueion whichsiall nvolveany curiiient othe works cxiginally contemplated. Signature of Tenderer “i Adio it comienstion Paablelncineat bed works ‘ork toe upon bspection. Contractor or responsitte gent (abe proven ‘oteeiobe given before worlencovered op CContractortabte forage ead for imperfections for A monthsaltercortiente 2 Tit pears to the Engineer in-Charge that any work bas been executed with unsound, imperfect, waskillal workenanship, or with materiatsorany inferior description or that any materials orarticle provided ly hin forthe execution of he ‘work ae unsound, oF ofa qaaity inferior ith cneractad for or ethervse notin csordance with the conti, she continetor shall on demandin writing from the Engineer in-Charge specifjing the work, materialsoraticles complained of not _wilisaing the samemay have beea inadvertently passed, xsi aa pal fr Fost rectify or remove and e-consinict the work 9 spesified in whole or in part as the ease may require, or us the case may be, remtove the materials, oF ftcles at higcnyncast ad in hweevento bis Failing odo wihina pei specifi isythe Engincerin huge inhis demand aforesaid, then the contactor stl eile {opay compensation athe rate af one pexeent, i the amount of ine esumae for every diy noexceeding ten days while uh co sasha eotfime and in he ease fof any sich failure the Engincerin-Charge may rectly or remove, 1e-executed aie work remove an place Wi others the materatseomphined of es the ‘eaye may beat the riskatidexpensein all espeet ofthe contractor, Clause 18: All work underorin eaurse of execution orexecited in pari ance ofthe conteact shall val imesbe open te theinspzction anisupervision of the Engineerin-Chargeand aa qterimeat wlach rasensble rote oft nition ‘of Enpineerin- Charger his subordinate to visi the works shall have been given Co the contractor either himself be present toreecive order and instructions, or have a ‘wspumibe ngcet duly accredited in writing present for that purpose. Oder given to the eoriactrsagent shall be consider o have these forceasf the had boon sivento thecontractorimsel Clause 16:"Thecontzactor shal give nol less|han five days tice in writing tothe anthorized Engineer or hissubordinateinchia geo tie workbefore covering ‘uyorcthenwise placing beyond the exch of measurementanry workin onder ha the same may be meagueed, and contiactimensions thereotbetaven before thesame isso covered up or pliced heytd the reach of messutetnent any work without the consent is writing of the Engineer in-Charge or his subordinate in charge of the ‘wir, ad fany workgshall be coyered up a place beyond reach of measurement ‘without sch satice having given or consent obained. tne samestall ee wcovered the contractor's expense, of n default Iheteof np payment or allowance shall he ‘made for such work or the natesals with whic the same wasexecnted Clause 17; Irie contractor or his women shall ret, dea desttoy ny partofa building, which they may be working © any building, road, road curbs, fenoesenciosure, water pipes cals, diainselecc o telephone post fr wire tres, gras o gras ano cultivated ground! continous di prenises oon which work orany pat it iseing exzcuted ifany darmage shall ippens 0 the work while in progress, fru any cause whatever orany impertections before partie in it within twelve me completion shall have been given hy the authorized Engineer as aforesaid the make thesatne good a bis expense on default the authorized tusafter a certificate Final or otherwise of is Signature of Tenderer Contract ‘ud frinper fer Seiten eli cee ions fur 12 oaths ‘Contractor tosupply plant adders, scalToleingete. Rie ie goo other werkimén and dedbet the eknense (of which theventiiomte of thé Enginoerin-Chargestall be fra) fom ay’ sums that may berthen ora ay ime thereafter become due to comtrattorar from security deposi, oF the proceeds of sale thereof, erofasuffisientportion thexeot The tecurty deposit ofthe contractor made in the maimer provide! in clause 1 theicof salt be fefindable on the expiry of twelve months after the issue of he Certificate, final or otherwise ofthe completion ofthe work subject to the condition thatno such refund of security depositshall be allowed tll he (ina bill kas been ‘proparedlandl passed provide however: that in ease-of road wok if in dicopinion ‘of the Enginecrin-Chuarge half ofthe security deposit is suificent to metal ibilites. ‘ofthe contracior under this contract, halfof the security deposit will be refundable after six months ofthe sue ofthe sad certificate af completion, provided further that inthe case of any: work whethcr Road, Building, Bridge, Flecttical, Sanitary and Plumbingetc) where the Engineer in-Charge issatisfied that the contractor after ‘catpletion ofthe majorportion ofthe contractors unable toexecateresnining part ‘of the work forrensons beyond his control the Engineer in-Charge in his discretion ‘may makea proportionate refund he secarity deposit tothe contractor. “Thecontractorshall beresponsible for rectifying, defects in asphalt work noticed ‘within a year from the dite of completion ofthe wosk andthe portion ofthe security, deposit relating to asphalt work shall berefunded.atterexpiry of his period (Clause 18: The contractorsll supply ithiswwo cost materials exceptsuelspecl materials ifany stay in aceenlaace with the coyansetbe suppliot from hekLM.C, stores) plat, tools, appliances, implement, le, contase tackle, scaffolding ad, temporary works requisite for the proper execution ofthe work, whether original ored 6 substituted, and whetherincluded in thespecifiation ov other doxannents, forming part ofthe contractorar referred to i these eonltions or otc which sty be necessary forthe purpose of satisfying er complying with the requiremenis ofthe nuthorized Bogincerastoany matters to whic \teler tye conditions he isentitied tobe satisfied or whicithe isentitied to require ingether with cariage therefore, sna from the Work ‘The contractor shal also supply without charge the requisite tuner of pers with fe means anal the materia necessary Forpurpose oft ‘outwork, andcounting, weight arresting in the measurement orcondiians he is, ‘ented to be stisfied, or which be senile torequue together with caring therefore and from the work, Theconyaclor shal als supply without eharge the requisite ‘umber of person with the means and ihe materials necessary forthe purpose oF sotting out work, and counting, weighing snd assisting in the meanurement or ‘exuminaion at anytine and rom time to ime af the wosk or matedals, Failing his30 doing the same may be provided by the H.M.C. alihe expense ofthe contractor and theexpenses may be deducted fron any moniey due the contractor under tie contract or from his security deposit or the proceeds or saleora sufficient portion thereof. The contractor shallalso provide all necessury Fencing dnd lights required to protect the public from accident, unt shall be bound tobearthe expenses of deface of every suit action or other proceeding atlaw that may he hreughtby any persons far injury sustained cwingto neglect of the above precautions and ta pay any damages and costs which aay be awarded in any suc ssi, action proceedings to any such persons or which mpy with the conseat of the contractor paid to ‘compromiseany clam hy any such person. The cortractor shall be lable for any ddarmage arising out of non-provision ofight. feneingets, Siguature of Tenderer 6 Taba use 18A2 The Contracio stall be responsibate for and shall take proper cearpand caution in respect of ll rallers, machinery, tools and implements amity be made over by the HMC. to the conteetor forusing the execution of the works ‘under this contact atu shal be Hable forany toss of und darmsgeseaused tothe said rollers, machinery, oots and implements hy any reason whansoever during the prix! the same rein the passession ofthe contractorand shall on demand pay tothe HNC. such amount asmay be fixed by te Mayor /Engiveorin-Charge for such uss and damuges.the decision ofthe Mayor/ Engineee in: Charge inspect boing Final . Should the contractor fall or neglect to pay such amount on demand, the LMC. sll have the right and becntito}, in addition tothe other rights al remedies available it, ta deductsuchamount fiom the amountof security depesited by he ‘copiractor and /orany amount remaining payable tothe contractor for any wark done by the contractor, Clause 188: Inevety ease in whichby vitweo! the provisions ofsection 12, sub-section (1) of the Workmen's compensation act 1923, F.M.C. is obliged to pay compensationtoa workmen emplayediby the contractor, inexgeution of the ‘work, HMC. will recover from the esitrator the announte the eompeasation 50 paid and without prejudice tothe rights the H.M.C. under section 12, sub ‘seciion (2) ofthe said act, the H.M.C. shall beat liberty (o recover such amount or ny pact thereof hy eedketing it rom the security deposit r from any simclue by the H.M.C_ te the contractor whether under this contract or otherwise, ‘The Howrah Municipal Coeporation shall not be bound 1 contest any eam mde against under section 12,sub-sectio() ofthe sal Act except on thewritien requestofthecontactorand upon his given cr the LM. fllecurity fr alleost for ‘which HIM.G might econ ible in conse uence of contestingsuchelain. Clause 19: No female lehouy shall be employed within the limits or a cantonment } Clause 194: No fabour below the age of Hightcen years shall beemployed con the work (Clause 198 (a): Thecontmctorshall payto latouremployed! ty him either directly oF throughsub-conttactox, wages not les than fir wages as defined by our department: Inthe event of theuboye course being alopted by the Engineerin. ‘Charge, he contractor shall hive nx clain tocompensstion for any losssustainedby him reason ofhis hiving purchsed or procured any mterin’ or entered of the work ofthe made any advances onstccountsof or with view to executing ofthe work or Iheperformasce ofthe contract, And. iniease the contract shull be sescin unuer he provision aforesaid the contractor shall not be ented to cover or be pail any stm ‘oany work thereof actually performed under this conti unkessanduntilthe Englnser snsChorge will have certified in yitingthe perfomance of such worknnd the valve payablein respect thereof and he shall only be entitled to be paid the valueso, certified Contractor's Labour Regulations in so far us such) Regulations have. pplication withinthe State of Wes! Bengal oes perc pruvisions ofthe Contact lakour Regulation and Abolition) Aci, 197andthe Contnet nbour (Regulation and Abolition) Ceatral Rules, 1971, wherexer applicable, Gh) The Contiactorshall not wilting he provsionsof any cotact to the contrary. ceased tobe pi fair ways wo labour indirectly engaged! onthe work including any engage by his sub-contractors in eannction sth the sad work, if ho labour bind * been immediately employed by hin ‘Signature-of Tenderer ” WorkonSunday Work notiobesubletcontact nave, :Cud: (© Inrespec ofall abourdveclly or ndlneetly employedin the work forperformance of the wont’ part ofthis egreement, he coniractorshall comply yith or cause Jo be complied withthe Public Works Department contractor's labour Regulations as mentioned in sub-Para(a) above made from ess Lo Lime a regard to payment of wages, wage period deductions Krom wages, recovery of wages not pid and dosletions unauthorized nade, maintenance of wage bocks orwage lips publication of scale of wages and other terms of employine:t, inspection itn submission of periodical rename and all other matters of he ike nature eas perthe provisions oF the Cemtret Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 and the eontractlabour ( Rejulation & Abobtion) Rules, 197 werever applicable. [) The Mayor/ Engineer in-Charge shall have theright todeduct fom the moneys, ‘ue to theconitactorany sum equired toestimated ro be required for making good thcloss suffered by aworker orsworkers by reasons cf nonfulfillmort ofthe conltions of the contract forthe henelito! the workers, non payment of wages, orof wages. Hedustions made rom his ortheir wages which are not justified by theirtermis ot cantetct or nom observance ofthe Regukitions as mentioneil above, ()'The contractor shall comply with he prov'sionor Paymeat of Wages Act, 19%, Minimum Wages Act, 1948. Employees: Liability Act, 1938, Industrial Dispute ‘Act, 1947, Maternity bertefi,1961 andthe contract labour (Regulation dé Abolition) ‘Act,1970ar the modifications thereof any otfer Inv relating thereto and the Rules ‘ade there under frem time totime. (0 The contractor shal indenlfy the H.M.C- ayainst payment fo be made under and forthe observance ofthe hnws aforésaid ath abour Regulations having application ‘within the Stateof West Bengal without prejudice tohisright{o claim indemnity freen the sub-contractors, (g) Tne regulations aforesaid be deemed to be part oF dis contracts my breach there oF shall he deemed to bea gross violation of thiseontact (Clause 20 : Np work shall be done on Sunday without the Sanetion in \wtitingofthe Engineer ir Charge. Clouse 24 THe conti shall not He assigned Orsublel without specific cod from H.M.C. in respect ofa specie sub-contractor, and ifthe contractor shall assign oF sublet his contravis or altempts9 to do, or become insolvent ot conimence any insolvency procdedings or rake ay eomposiiens with his ere tors,orattempt so ta do, or ifany bribe, ratily, gift, loan, peneuisie, ward or advange, pecuniary uc her ise salen rectly or inietly beg oroffered hy the contracior or any of his servants oragents to any pubic officer or person inthe office oftheemployinent or i'any such officer ct person shall become inany way directly a indict invested inthe eantrt, the Mayor Engineer in Chatnge may thereupon by notice in writing rescind the contiaet, andthe security deposit of he coninictor shal thereupon stand forfeited and be absolutely wt the disposal of the TLM.C. ind the sane consequences shall ensures ifthe contract hhnd been rescinded undsr lause3 thereat, and inadlkion the contractor sal 0 ‘be emtitleto recover ore pai or any work therefore actually pesfornied underthe nite. Sigaatue of Tenderer 38 Suna payatiey say af nent tote: exdered as resonate compesation witout refeecels tosctual oss. Cunrges in construction ot ri. Works tobe under direction serintending glee. Sinresot European orto Anceriéan nntdacture obtain Goverumet Lamp sump inestimaies where naspeciteaton, eiatlon works. (Clause 22 All sums payable by aly of eonipessation under any oft ‘onions shall be considered ss eigooable compensation tobe applied he use othe HMC. witheut eferenceto the etal loseardamages sustained an whether ‘orolany damage shall hive been sustain (Clune 23: tothe case oF any chasge inthe constitution ofthe firm contactor shall be forth with noice the same tothe Engineer in-Charge for his information. Clause 24: All works beexecuted under the contact shall be executed indie diretion and sujettotheapproval inall respects ofthe Mayenr/ Engineer in.Charge who tall beenitledto direc at what point orpoinisand in what manner they ave tobe commenced and fromtime otime cated on. Jause 25 : The contractor shall obtain from the stores of the TMC. all stores andl articles of European or American manufacture which may be requited for the werk, orany part thereat ori making particles quite thereof orineofinection therewith unlesshe hes obtained permission in writing ftom the Enginecein-Chagge toobtsin such storesand articles elsewhere. The value of sich sloresand articles ‘may be supplied to ths eontinctor by the H.MLC. wil be debited tothe aniractorin hisaccountt therateshown inthe schedule ached tothe contact anti they are rot emeredin ite schedule, they wil be debijed it cost price which forthe purpose fthiscontmct shall include te eost of cariage, incidental earges and steres charges, Aheost being recoverable nadition and all otier eapenses whatsoever, which shall have been incurred i obtcining detivery ofthe sume atthe stores aforesaid, Clause 26 When he estinute on which te tender in male inci tam sms in respect of iets of the work, the coutiactorshal be entitle to payrient in respeetof te ites of works involved of part ofthe work i questionat the same rates are payable woe this contract for such items, or ide pa oF he workin WHEREAS its ness thatthecontaet sy ented no shouldbe embodesin docurnentinwitinginbe tereinaer appearing NOWITISAGREED as follows |. ‘Thecontractr shall in accordance withthe eondiions set out in dhe tender documents inching specific and otmspart of thisagreement,exeeutethe works within te stipalated tines per speelfieation, design, crawing etc. to the Hewrah Municipal Corporation Douilel Notice viting Tenders of Works nctuling abridged! NIT, (Special terms and conditions, (Gener conditions ofeontact, (ii) Scope of work snd location of site, (iv) Special Specifications, (Drawings (oi) Specific Priced Schedule of Werks with probable itemsand aypmoximate quantities, (it) Work Order, al 2 Toth the rst party and the second party shall be hound by he terms and conditionsatthetondsr ‘The Consractor shal provideaccess and facilities atthe siteof works for inspections by the Engineers and / ialsoF respective organizations, asthe ease nay be. 4, -‘TheConiracto shall adhere to thedirectionsof Engineers or officials it the ite of worksafterits vetting {hvough the authorized Engineer of the Howrah Muncipal Corporatio, 5. Payments forawerts dome by the contictor shall e done by the Howirah Muniéipal Corporation through cunring account bills and fn bill at east once ina rhonth after preperation o bil hytughte authorize Engineer of the ‘ovvrah Municipal Corporationand after obtaining necessary approval to thal etTeet trom therelevant ficial. IN. WITNESS whereof the Mayor on bebalf of Howrah Municipal Corporation has caused the common seal of iowa Municipal Corporation and also set his hand hereto and the Contractor fas set his hand heretothe day, nonthiand year first above writen, Signe, name Readiness * Signature of Contractor EW (Sigmaturecname ® adress of Witness) Signatwreof Commissioner a Fortnightly Report of the Labour Employed on Construction Work 4 6 Total number of warks employed turing the foright_—_—— No. of persone employed by the jor inthe last working day ‘of the Fortaighton the above work. Total no.of Men Tours worked, ring de fxtight Total(basic) wg (Ga rupees) using the Fost “Total net earnings (i pees) pai No.of working hours during th fvtght a i) i) On ncenval day. Sungay No.of Man hours of overtime ‘worked during the fortnight Overtime payimen.ifany (ivrupoes ding the fortnight). 8 ) Name nd foeation oF work (Name ofthe Contractor li) Whetheremplayed by the HIM C:orky theconteactor “iy Address Place 1) Bimployes ‘Silo unskilled Mew Women Men/Women Numberofdays. 8 Total no.of working days, ducing the fortnight }, —LengthoF normal wage period, Accident otal Permanent Diccaimeat: }—Totanumberaf accidents Daringgthe fetigt Compensation pain any Go Rupees) daring the Fortnight £10. Coun & Value of Construction da ving the fer 1) TotaLeostof Materiats (approx) | 4) Total paymentof works ii) Overhead charges approx. | i) Total Mex hours worked 1h Matemity benef )_Novoffemate workers, who have becngiven Materity benefit, i) Amount pid, ‘Signature: ‘of Conteactor 2S HOWRAH MUNICIPAL CORPORATION 4 Mahatma Gandhi Road, Howralt 711 10) SPECIAL CONDITION OF CONTRACT L-Semeis . “The seopes ofthe work consistof ednstiuction uf Soi 5 _..caW the basis of the drawing supplied by H.M.C, ‘The wrk consists ni ea RanSirtes = - 2. Site Condition:= “The coafrator should aman for work ina planed manper witout harping Mtv ois ile of Howrah wns postion of Engineer-in-Churge, 3. Work Programme: ‘The contractor should Jo the Work with allearmestnessand speed and should subynita wrk prdgrasnnae within 7 (seven) tayo from the data of veesipt of werk order & execute the Work: xocordingta the programme appeoved iy lhe Foginder-in-Charge. The gontractorshould note that theentiresiteof the works may noebe given o Lim ata time. He should plan, prognimine, deploy, engage labours, procure meterials, equipments, efe. according to the site male able te him For uel phasewies prograranie / ne compensation Felaim weuld heentertained 4. Mateviats No materials ikecemet, tee, biturvien ec. wile supple by thedepartntent. Contractorshould precureall teal: ell in aelvance from reputed manafacturers. All materials shouldbe of prrowed quality. 5. Lasurance ‘The contractor shouldprovide labour insurance cover accidents or injury w their workmen ar eter pexseN unployedby the contractor fer te provision of the Workmen Chunpensarion Act. oruny other fa for time beingin fotweor any subseysent modification thereof and keep indemnified the nuthority against all such damages ancl comipensiion and against all claims, deninnds proceedings, cost, charges andespunses whatseverinvespoct ay it ‘elation thereto, Sinularly tite party Hablity insuinceas also co be Covered ‘The eust forall such eoverageshiouhd be borne by fhe contractors b Specification of materials = Altnatrats should he supe ennfirmieg to atest 181 specification ant aperoved hr aed make. Comet. steel ee, as npproved by FAC, Mild Steel reinforcement should conform o 8,442 (pt-. Ter Steel neinforeernent shoul be of TM variety of brands as sate below and conforming LS, 286 (iran Fe-413) All materials to be supplied by the contractor should beiof approved quiiy-and st Engineer-in-Charge University approvedhy the Engineer-in-Charge, Te cest of all such testing should bebome by the contractor an isto he ellected in tier quoted rate (percentage shove / below ) nda directed by the nd asand when deemed necessary during construction should be done from any Govt, Organization o4 49 7 Teclneal specification: Allconstuction works shoul be carried out in accordkine with tc following codes/ specification where | the stpulations aeat variance in any respect, ene will override the oer (only in so faras those are at variance) in | order piven below, 8). Special Condition of Contract 1) Relevantcodes of practice of Indian Stanlant tsittion, ©) Geveral specification in the schedule of Public Works Department (Western Circle -Ihas applicable for Howah) for bullting workand Sanitary and lumping werks Comgeadaand Addon WEE, poonnnennen . Comigendit and Addendh wet. ‘water supply of K.t@.D.A, schedule Sewerage & Drainage Scheduleof KMLD.A.,& KM.W.& SA. snd Rowe & Bridge schedule for Road Works will be considered. 8 Machinery, oolsand phants:- Albsachinery, tools ane plants requited for work have tobe supplied by the conteictor at his own coat, Cost ofsuch supply shouldbe reflected inthetr quoted rte 9. Order of preesitence: JTstipaladigns oF the various Gantract documents beat variance in any respec, onevwill ovetde the others only juso faras those reat variancein the order of precdtence as given elow:- ‘Special Condition of Contact. b) The Bil of Quantitiesand Rates ©) fined Notice ving Tender «General specificationin the schedolewt Rates of Government of West Bengal: Public Werks Deparimeni(Westonirele-Has applicable for Mowrah)forbuilding work matetiats andiabour 1! for Stary an! Pluanhing works Mierialsand Labour effective from susan tea Wil Corvigenda nd Addenda WP neocon Comigenda and Addenda wef Contigen and Addenda wef - water supply oftilesof KM.D.A, Soweiaye &¢Dmuinage Schedale of K.M.D.A, &K.M.W.&S.A. aiid Road & Bridge schedule for Reads Works, 10. Supplementary works: ; ‘Thecontractor hastodoany worksus per ditestion of Eagirfeerin-charge inespective of whether it maintained ine ems for oF Quantties und the mate of sch tems shoul be rived on basis respective scheduk depending + on the Zems with contractors pretinin (percentage ubove/ below) as quoted forthe Tates.1n eae te tom snot «covered withscliaduk he rte will bested onthe tas of cal cst ncwered.1 10% conracto'speofi atin such 1 ease nocontiated perentage wil beappicable, 11. Sales Tae /Twrmover tax Sales tx/nimover tax as eve by thé Govern is tobe borne by the contractors. The cost om bisascount ‘shuld ie eieted on heir quoted rate (persentage aboverbelow) and io extraclaim will entrain this respect 1 Hnilding another construstton (Regulartics of Bonpleyeeat and condition of service) ‘Act. 1996 & other relevant Acts and Rules The contractors required abide by the stipulations andes the BOCW Act, 1996, BOCW welfare casts ‘Act, 1986 and he eleva Rules framed bythe State Government, A cess @ 1% of he cost constuction (alucor ‘work done) sal; deducted fromteach R.A. bil in compliance withthe provisions tesa Acteand Ries 13. Escalation ofprige:= Noettalain of price whatsoever i nay be, will be entertained 46 2S 14, Seeurlty Deposits Seavty deposit aol within clauss-Lof CONDITIONOM CONTRACT it Pritt “Tendershall be read a Flows = SD. willbe'deduced fromeach RA bills @ 845 to covered a otal stin of 105 oF th vali of wovk including ihe epost eanyest money, 1L.V.C: husthe right te ezaveral compensation or eer mint as payabloby the eontator under the sera af eontrance from the security money, nviting 15, Layoutof structure : he contactor shal be responsi forthe comectivensessot Layout wth levels dimensionsand lignmentof alps of werk, [Pat any time during te progress ofthe work, any error appearsor aise inconnection with the {palin level: divetion alignment oF any parcof the wore, the contactor on being reqestel todo soby the Eins in change he contractor shal resifystcberors st iso cost othe slisfationof ie Enginer-in-harge Howes any seting ou that may be donc orctcked bythe Engineer-in-chargeo isrepresentaiveorany ‘incor feel hatinay havebecn giveior dicekodby either of them, hal notrelive the contactor Ha responrbition “ov hecorfecines thereat Before starting the work, dhe contactor must ison costanenpenceserecttem porary pilarsasioaybereqired it sutiabieplace asrected bythe Enginse-in-charge: hese pills from which he layoutof iiinpovtat evcisand alignments wl bs xed, mati Sane mothe distabedby any mianesduring execution, All necessary expenses tothesceount wil be oney tie conte rel at sch oeaions of such ate setingout hat 16, Condition of Tene ‘Nocondition other than those siipulited in the NLT, iScceptable, Conditional tenders will be treated as (avorinat and liable wo be ejected 17.Display at $i The suocessl tenderer at his oy cost shall have ta prperly ert diplay signboard theinceriplion of implemented work, Uneler Howcah Municipal Corpofation as per he direction ofthe Engineer chugs y 18, Phatosraphis;- Contractor bas tosupply Photographs at differen stage of work to he Enginser-in- Charge, 4 i i 47

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