Patient Name: Sunny John Dsouza Age: 28 Sex: Male Ref - by Doctor: LIC of India ID - No. Date:15.01.2020 Type of Test Actual Reading Normal Range

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Patient Name : Sunny John Dsouza Age: 28 Sex: Male

Ref.By Doctor : LIC of India ID.No. Date:15.01.2020

Type of Test Actual Reading Normal Range

1. Fasting Blood Sugar 85.0 60-110

2. Total Cholesterol 207.0 120-200 mg/dl

High Density Lipid(HDL) 48.0 35-70
Low Density Lipid (LDL) 135.0 65-150

3. S.Triglycerides 116.0 40-160 mg/dl

4. S.Creatinine 1 0.6-1.4 mg/dl

5. Blood Urea 24.0 10 - 50 mg/dl

6. S.Proteins 7.4 6.6 - 8.7 gms%

Albumin 4.4 3.5 - 5.1 gms%
Globulin 3.0 1.8 - 3.4 gms%
A/G Ratio 1.5 0.9 - 2.0

7. S.Bilirubin
Direct 0.1 0.0 - 0.2 mg/dl
Indirect 0.40 0.0 - 0.9 mg/dl
Total 0.5 0.2 -1.0 mg/dl

8. SGOT(AST) 16.0 5 - 40 U/L

9. SGPT(ALT) 18.0 5 - 40 U/L

10.GGTP(GGT) 20.0 11 - 50 U/L

11.S.Alkaline Phosphatase 190.0 100 - 290 U/L

12.HbsAg(Australia Antigen) Negative

13.Elisa for HIV Negative

14. Hb% 13.2 Male:13.0-16



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