Biodiversity and Climate Change by Basanta

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Biodiversity and Climate Change

Basanta Pandey

Tula's institute, Dheradun

In general understanding, biodiversity is referred as the varieties of living organism which are
found in the world. The world is beautiful because there exist of differences between every
individual that exist in this earth. Wouldn’t be earth a boring place to live if there diversities
didn’t occur?

Climate change is the most popular term that we often hear at present time. Climate change is the
change in the weather pattern that exists in the area. Climate change is often confined and
confused with global warming only. However climate change has got broad area to be studied.

Now if we talk about biodiversity and climate change under a same roof, they are correlated to
each other. The biodiversity of specific area is directly influenced by climate of an area, For an
instance, the vegetable found in terai belt and Himalayan belt are different.

It’s because of the climate change that affects the life cycle of the organism. The rhododendron
flower which blooms beautifully in the hilly and Himalayan track can’t survive the scorching
temperature of plains. The biodiversity can’t be confined only with vegetations rather it
comprises all of flora, fauna concluding the micro-organism.

As the biodiversity is directly influenced by climate, it is pretty much clear that any alteration in
the climate would directly affect the biodiversity. The organism existing in the particular can’t
adopt into next climate easily. Let’s think.” You’re born and raised in the coldness of himlayan
and suddenly you are asked to live in the extreme heat of Nepalgunj or Butwal or such other
part” wouldn’t you find it difficult to survive?

Though the climate change is slow process but it affects the biology of living organism.
According to the research study done by various International agencies, it says: We’re likely to
see a complete ice free arctic. In the summer as soon as 2050, which directly affects the life of
polar bears found in arctic region.

It is also predicted that the bees, which contributes for total of 70% of pollination are likely to
get extinct very soon due to changing climate . To view a live example, in the winter of 2075, in
the city of Butwal it rained heavily which the hailstone covering everything . Its unusual
incident because the winter of that area is supposed to be dry or with very less rainfall, due to
which all the agriculture crops were too damaged.

The every consequences of climate change and its consequences are in-front of our eye but we
are still neglecting the fact. We must remember that, neglecting this fact means to neglect and
threat our own existence.
Its very high time, that we take upon a step to control and work upon climate change. If not now,
then possibly we could never take that step ever.

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