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(Nou eS) MANUAL ON SUB-STATION Chapter on DESIGN OF EARTHING MAT FOR HIGH VOLTAGE SUB-STATION PUBLICATION No. 223 CENTRAL BOARD OF IRRIGATION AND POWER Malcha Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110021. New Dethi January 1992 GUT MS 1. Earthing CONTENTS 2. Purpose of Sub-station Earthing System 3. Earthing System 4. Parameters Affecting the Design of Earthing Mat 5. Design Procedure 6. Construction and Installation of Earthing Mat 7. Earthing Mat and Perimeter Fence Connection Annexure A. Annexure B Estimation of Mesh and Step Potentials by Graphical Method Example Showing Division of Fault Current Between the Overhead Earthwire and Earthing Grid 15 15 25 28 Design of Earthing Mat for High Voltage Substations 1. Earthing Provision of adequate earthing in substaion is exvemely import for the safety of operating personne! as well 285 for proper sysiem operation. By earthing we mean connecting the eleccal equipment to the general mass ofthe earth which has a very low resistance. 2 Purpose of Substation Earthing System The object of an earthing sysiem in a subsation is to provide under and around the substation a surface which shall be at a uniform potenisl and near zero or absolute eanh potential as possible. The provision of such a surface of uniform potential under and around the substaGon ensures that no human being in the substation is subject to shock oF injury on the occurrence of a short circu or development of other abnomal conditions in the equipment installed in the yard, The primary requirements of 2 good eanhing sysiem in a sub-sation arc: 6) W should stabitise circuit potentials with respect to ground and limit the overall potential rise. i) should protect life and propery from over-volige. (ii) W.shoulé provide low impedance pth wo fault curren to ensure prompt and consistent operation of protective devices during ground fauls. G9) Wahould keep the maximum voluage gradient along the surface inside and around the subsiation within sae imits during ground favls. 3. Earthing System 3.1. The earthing system meeting the above requirements comprises an eanhing mat buried horizontally at depth about halla meure below the surface of the ground and ground rods at suitable points. All the non-curent carrying pas ‘of the electrical equipment in substation are connected to the eathing mat. Under the normal conditions, the ground ros contribute lite towards lowering the ground resistance. However, these are helpful in lowering mesh potentials end maintaining low values of resistance under all weather conditions. 32 The earth mat is connected to the following in a substation: (@) The nevus! point of each system through its own independent earth (©) Equipment framework and other noa-curent carrying pans (©) All extraneous metallic framework not associted with equipment. (© Tre earth point of Lighting Arresers, Capactive Volge Transformers, Vollage Transformers, Coupling Capacitors and the lighining down conductors in the substation Uwvough their permanent independent eanh electrode. (©) Substation fence. 33. The eanhing system installation shall svicly comply with the requirements of latest edition of Indian Elecvicity Rules, relevant Indian Standards and Applicable Codes of Practices, 4. Parameters Affecting the Design of Earthing Mat Several variable factors are involved in the design of earthing mat conductor. Therefore, earthing mat foreach substation has 10 be designed individually usually. The earthing mat has to be designed for the site conditions to have 4 low overall impedance and a current carrying capacity consistent withthe fault current magnitude. The parameters listed below influence the design of earthing mat (2) Magriwde of fault current; () Duration of feu; ©) Soil resistivity; (A) Resistivity of surface material (©) Shock duration; (Material of earthing mat conductor and (g) Eanhing mat geometry 5. Design Procedure ‘The following steps are involved in the design of earthing mat: (i) The substation layout plan should be finalised before the desiga of earthing mat is taken up. From the proposed layout of the substation, determine the area to be covered by the earthing mat. Gi). Determine the soil resistivity at the substation site, The resistivity of the earth varies within extremely wide limits, between 1 and 10,000 ohm-metres. The resistivity of the soil at many station sites has been found to bbe non-uniform, Variation of the resistivity of the soil with depth is more predominant as compared to the ‘variation with horizontal distances, Wide variation of resistivity with depth is due to stratification of earth layers. In some sites, the resistivity variation may be gradual, where stratification is not abrupt. Highly refined techniques for the determination of resistivity of homogeneous soil is available. To design the most economical and technically sound grounding system for large stations, itis necessary to oblain accurate data on the soil resistivity and on its variation at the station site. Resistivity measurements at the site will reveal whether the soil is homogeneous or a0n-uniform. In case the soil is found uniform, conventional methods are applicable for the computation of earth resistivity. When the soil is found non-uniform, either a gradual variation of a two-layer model may be adopted for the computation of earth resistivity. ‘The resistivity of earth varies over.a wide range depending on its moisture content. I is, thereiore, advisable to conduct earth resistivity tests during the dry season in order to get conservative results. Measurement of Earth Resistivity Test Locations In the evaluation of carth resistivity for substations and generating stations, at least eight test directions shall be ‘chosen from the centre of the station 10 cover the whole site. This number shall be increased for very large station sites Of it, the test results obtained at various locations show a significant difference, indicating variations in s Principle of Tests Wenner's four electrode method is recommended for these types of field investigations. In this method, four clectrodes are driven into ths eusth along a straight line at equal intervals, A current fis passed through the wo outcr cclecirodes and the carth as showa in Figure | and the, volage difference V, observed between the two inner elcciroues ‘The current # lowing into the cath produces an electric field proportional to its density and to the resistivity of the soil The voltage V measured between the inner clectrodes is, therefore, proportional to the fiekd. Consequently, the resistivity will be proportional to the ratio of the voltage 10 current, ie.. R. The following equation holds for: 235R 3s es M Sr 4e VM Se oa “— t¢ resistivity of soil in ohm-met, Current Potential citenk distance between (xo successive electrode electrode adacitiie ‘electrodes in mets, ° R= Rati of voltage to current or clectrode resistance im ohms, and © = depth of burial of electode in metres. Ir the depth of burial of the electrodes in s s the ground is negligible compared 10 the spacing Th S res bbeiwoen the electrodes, then o eaE5R Q Figure 1: Connections for a Four- Terminal Megger Test Procedure ‘Atihe selected test site, tn the chosen direction, four elecizoues are driven into the earth along a straight line at equal inervals, S. The depth of the elcetrodes in the ground shall be of the order of 10 10 15 cm. The meyger is placed on a stcady and approximately level base, the link between terminals PY and Cl opcoed and the four elocwodes connect 2 {o the instrument terminals as showm in Figure 1. An appropriate range oa the instrument is thus seleced wo obtain cleat readings avoiding the two ends of the scale as far as possible. The readings are taken while uuring the erank at about 135 revinin. Resistivity is calculated by substituting the value of R thus obuained in the Equation @2). In ease where ‘depth of burial is more than 1/20th of spacing, Equation (1) should be used instead of (2). Correction for Potential Electrode Resistance 7 4 In case where the resistance of the potenti] electrodes (toe two inner electrodes) is comparatively high # correction ofthe test results would be necessary depending on its value. For this purpose, the instrument is connected wo the electrodes 4s shovm in Figure 2. The readings are taken as before. The correction is then effecied as follows! Let the readings ofthe megger be Rp with the coanecsions as shown in Figure 2 and the electrode spacing in metres. IC the uncorrected value of soil resistivity is p! and the resistance of the voltage circuit of the instrument used to obiain R (as indicated inside the scale cover of the meted) is Rv, the corrected value of the earth resisivity would be: P= pix Rv + RpyRy Testing of Soil Uniformity ‘During the course of above tests, it would be desirable to get information about the horizontal and vertical variations in earth resistivity over the site under consideration forthe eorrect computation of the resistivity to be used in the design calculations. The vertical variations may be deiccted by repeating the tests at a given location in a choosen direction With a numberof different electrode spacings increasing from 2 to 250 metres or more, preferably inthe sips 25.10.1525 ‘and 50 metres or more. Ifthe resistivity variations are within 20 to 30 percent, the soil in the vicinity of the lest location may be considered uniform. Otherwise a curve of resistivity versus elecirode spacing shall be plotied and this curve further analyzed to deduce stratification of soil into two or more layers of appropriate thickness or a soil of gradual resistivity variation. The horizontal variations are studied by taking measurements ig various directions from the centre of the sation. (i) Computation of Earth Resistivity of Uniform Soil ‘When the earth resistivity readings for different electrode spacings in a direction are within 20 to 30 percent, the soil is considered to be uniform PP TT & f hesse & 8 | Potential electrs Current hs —-}.—s ps —4 Er TR Figure 2: Test Connection to Measure the Sum of The Potential Electrode Resistances Figure 3: Polar Curve is more oF less constant irrespective of the increase in the electrode spacing. The resistivity for this spacing is noted and taken as the resistivity for that diection, In a similar manner, resistivities for atleast eight equally spaced directions from the cence of the ste are measured, These resistviles are ploted on a grapa sheet inthe appropriate directions choosing a scale. A closed curve is plowed on the graph sheets joi i curve-The area radius of this equivalent circle is the average resistivity of the site under consideration. The average resistivity thus obtained may be used for the design of the earthing grid and other computations and the results will be reasonably accurate when the soil is homogeneous (see Figure 3). . ‘The methodology for non-homogeneous soil is dealt with in § (xii). (iii) Determine the Maximum Ground Fault Current Faul current a the substation i determined fom the system ste. A correction factor is applied to the fault current thus determined to take care of the future growth of the system. Value of this correction factor is usually of the order of 1.2 to 1S. However, in practice 40 KA for 400 kV system and 31.5 KA for 220/132 kV systems are generally adopted foe design purposes, (iv Duration of Fault For the design of earthing mat, the practices regarding assimption of duration of faul ie from county wo county. ‘Thus in the USSR, the duration of fault is assumed as 0.2 socond. In the USA, itis assumed as 4.0 seconds which ve qual 10 the duration on which the short time rating ofthe switchgear i based In Inn the shor time rating of most (ofthe equipment is based on 1.0 second duration of faut, Therefore, 1.0 second may be adopted asthe duration of ful iin the calculations to determine the size of conductor for earthing mat. For the purpose of determining the safe step and ‘mesh potentials a duration of 05 second may be adopiod. However, it may be ensured on the basis of the protective fear and protective schemes provided in cach eas that fault i cleared i he period not exceeding of 0.5 seconds. Where the fault clearing time exceeds 0.5 seconds, his duration may be ten equal wo faut clearing ume. (9) Determine the sce of Conductor for Earting Mat (a) Size of conductor based on Thermal Stability : The sizeof conductor for earthing mat based on thermal stability i determined with the help of the approximate formula as per IEEE 80-1986 given below: eA Where, A= Conductor erst = section in mm? \ sms value of current in kilo amps. (KA) She = thermal covticiet of resistivity at reference temperature Te Pr = sesistvity of earthing mat conductor at reference wemperature Tr, in walem* 5. a ar {= time of cutent flow, in second T, = maximum allowable temperature in degrees celeus (C) TD ambient temperature in degrees celcius (C*) t = reference temperature foc material constants in degrees celcius (C) TAP. = Thermal capacity factor in jem?AC 4.184 SH. SW Where SH is specific heat in calgmAC, and SW is specific weight in grvém* of conductor material 4 ‘The values of the various constents in the above equation applicable to steel are given below. confer gr = 0.00423 at 20°C ea seh u 1.0 second 2 1 ko = kK =—-— -2= 26 0.00823, su = out SW = 786 TCAP = 3749 TERE By 9 = 15 micro-ohméem? . T, = 620°C for welded joins sabe 310°C for bolted joints Tr a0 On substitution of the above value in the equation given above A for welded joins work-out 8s 1x 12.30 oe 1250 1 and A for bolted joints works-out as Ix 15.137, «15.13 1 mm? Mechanical Ruggedness of Conductor From the consideration of mechanical ruggedness, and easy installation. The maximuin width to thickness ratio of sieel flats for ground mat conductor should be 7.5 such that thickness of the flat is not less than 3 mm, Ground mat ‘conductor comprising steel rod having a diameter not less than 5 mm. The standard sizes of conductor as per IS : 1730. 1989 are as follows: @ 106 mm Gi 20 x 6 mm? Gil) 30 x 6 mm* Gy) 40 x 6 mmt (9) 50.X 6 mm? (i) 60 x 6 mm? (vii) 50 x 8 mm* (viii) 65 x 8 mm? (ix) 75 x. 12 mm? (6) Corrosion: On an average steel corrodes about six time as fast as copper when placed in sil. The extent of corrosion depends upon the properties of soil. Many a time, soils have conflicding properties, some of which indicate that the soil iscorrosive and others indicate the opposits. Despite this a very fsir degre of correlation has been found between elecical resistivity of soil and corosion. The generally sccepied correlation between the electrical resistivity of soil and its comosivty is as indicated in the Table below: TABLE Soil Resistivity and Corrosion Range of soil resistivity (Class of soil) (Ohm-mewe) Less than 25 Severely corrosive 25-50 Moderately’ corrosive 50-100 Mildly corrosive Above 100 Very mildly corrosive ‘The following methods are available 10 safeguard conductor against excessive corrosion:- (a) Provide cathodie protection () Use current conducting, corrosion resistant coating on steel (eg. zine coating), {© Use steel conductor with large cross-sction having allowance for corosion. The first two methods are expensive and find application in special eas. The third method is much simpler and relatively less costly and therefore finds wide application. Based on the result of the field studies on rates of corrosion, the following allowances in cross-sectional area of the earthing-conductor are retommanded (Refer CBI&P Publication Technical Report no 5) 10 take the effect of corosion into account: (@) In the case of conductors to be laid in soils having resistivity greater than 100 Ohm-metre-No allowance. (©) In ine case of conductors tobe lad in soils having resistivity from 25 to 100 Ohm-metr-15 percent allowance. (©) In the case of conductors to be lad in soils having resistivity lower than 25 Ohm-meze or where treatment of soil around electrodes is carried out --30 percent allowance. For the purpose of determining the allowance to be made for corrosion, the minimum resistivity of the soil encountered au the location of grounding electrodes should be considered. The resistivity willbe the minimum in wet and hot weather. Thus, for very mildly corrosive sil, steel conductors meeting the thermal stability and mechanical requirements are adequate. However, the steel conductors in the soils of other types, should be atleast 6 mm thik if steel flat and have a diameter of aueast 16 mm if in the form of steel round. (vi) Determine the Maximum Grid Current ‘The design value of the maximum grid current (IG) is given by the following equati 1,=C,D, I, ‘Where 1, = Maximum grid current in Amperes D, = Decrement factor for the entire duration of fault ‘Typical values of D, are given in the following table. Fault duration Decrement facor © ., 0.008 ss ou 15 0.28 110 0.5 oF more 10 C, = Comretive projection factor for the relative increase of fault curents during the station life span. For 2210 future growth of the system, C, 1, a8 a ratio of the maximum 5,3 1.) fms value of the symmetrical grid current in Amp. Current division factor relating to the magnitude of fault current to that of its portion lowing between the earthing mat and surrounding earth is dependent on the following parameters: ‘An example showing the method for determining the value of ult current is given in Annexure-B s (i) Location of fault. (ii) Magnitude of station earthing mat resistance. (ii) Buried pipes and cables in the vicinity of or direcly connected, or both, 10 the station earthing system. (Gv) Overhead ground wires or neutral conductors. S, "is computed by deriving an equivalent representation of the overhead ground wires, neutrals, etc. connected to the farthing mat and then solving the equivalent to determine the fractions of the tot fault current which flow between 6 the mat and earth and through the ground wire or neutrals. For calculating S, the following formula i ase: S,= Combined eq. resistance of overhead static wire network as seen from fault point ‘Combined eq. resistance of overhead static ground wire newwork(as seer from fault point) + station ground resiance W remote earth Ly = Zero sequence fault current For Tine to line ground and line o ground faults, the values of 1, arc given by the relations given below. I, for line wo line-ground fault = = XAG 1, for line to ground fou XR Where E = phase 10 neutral voliage in volts. The values of X,, X,. Xy. the sequence resciances are computed looking into the system from the point of fault (ii) Resistivity of Surface Layer ( p,) ‘Crushed rock is used as a surface layer in substations for the following reasons: (8) It provides high resistivity surface layer . () It serves as impedment 10 the movement of reptiles and thereby helps in minimising the hazards which can be caused by them, (© 11 prevents the formation of pooks of oil in the event of leakage of ol from oi! insulated and oil cooled elecwical equipment (@) It iscourages the growth of weeds (©) It helps retention of moisture in the underlying soil and thus helps in maintaining the resistivity of Ue sub- soil at lower value (It discourages running of persons in the switchyard and saves them from the risk of being subjected to possible high step potenials. In wopical counties like India, where the population of repsiles is large. itis advantageous to surround the electrical equipment and the structures supponing conductors by a surface layer of about 10 cm of crushed rock up to # distance of about two metres in al dzeetions. Such surace layer around the metallic equipment and structures, besides minimising the hazards caused by reptiles, provides a high resistivity layer below the feet of human beings approaching the equipment structures and enables them to withsiand higher touch potentials. If step potential without erushed rock is well within safe limits, it is not necessary to spread crushed rock over the complete switchyard area, However, if it exceeds the safe limits crushed rock of 15 to 20 mm size may be spread to cover the earth in the entire switchyard area, The resistivity of rock depends on the types of rocks, as will be seen from the table (Refer CBI&P Publication Review No.1) given below: Type of rock Range of resistivity ‘Average vaulue of (Odm-metr) resistivity (Ohm-meure) Morain gravel 1000 to 10,000 3,000 Boulder gravel 3000 to 30,000 15,000 Lime stone 5,000 Primary Rock (Griess, Granite etc.) 10,000 to 50,000 25,000 It the type of rock to be used is known the lower value of resistivity for that type of rock may be adopied in the design. Otherwise, in conformity withthe design practices followed by most ofthe electsic utilities, an average resistivity yyalue of 3,000 Ohm-metre may be adopted for the purpose of earthing mat design, (iii) Determine the Tolerable Touch and Step Potentials —The values ofthese potentials depend on.the bodylweights, thickness and resistivity of surface layer.and duration of shock current. The relations between the above factors for persons with average weight of are given below. E guey = (1000 + 1.5 C, (h, Kp) _0.116 MS B yp 7 (1000 + 6C, (Kp) _0.116 vi ‘Where C, = 1 for crushed rock having esstivty equal 1 that of soi. If crushed rock resistivity does not equal that of soll, refefence may be made to Figure 4 for obtaining the value of C, , = resistivity of surface layer in Ohm-mex. p's resistivity of soit in Ohm-meire. : x= 2% an 4, = Duration of shock’ curtent flow in seconds. 1, = Surface layer thickness in mew. 0 888 thy Meters) 020 026 Figure 4 : Reduction factor C, as a Function of Reduction Factor K and Crushed Rock Layer Thickness h, where C, = reduction factor for derating the normal value of surface layer resistivity determined as follows C, = I for erushed stone resistivity equal t0 soil resistivity (i) Develop Preliminary Arrangement of Earthing Mat ‘A preliminary earthing mat arrangement is developed on the basis of an assumed spacing between two parallel ‘conductors. In this arrangement # continuous conductor should be assumed as surrounding the switchyard and the conductor ‘within it should be located a reasonably uniform spacing parallel to each other along the rows ofthe structures, equipments ‘etc. From the arrangement so arrived at the nomber of parallel and cross conductors and the total length of conductor constituting the earthing mat are determined for use in the further design calculations. (x) Determine the Likely Mesh and Step Potentials ‘The values ofthe expected maximum mesh and step potentials ae calculated with the belp of the following formulae tiven below. Several simplifying assumptions are made in derivation of these formulae. These assumptions may result in incorrect results for comparison with the results obtained by computer analysis, for some eases. For deiermining the inaceuracies for practical purposes, these formulae may be wsed with the following limits for square grids or for rectangular ‘ids having the same number of conductors in both directions: @as 3 (i) 025m< bh < 25m (ii) d< 0.250 D>25m ‘These symbols are defined below Mesh potential on the carth’s surface shove the ceatre of a comer mesh: eK Ky ly 5, = —~—__ volts L Corrective factor which sccounts for the increase in current density in the grid extremities 0656 + 0.172 0 Maximum grid current in Amperes. Where, 1 > wae Ss a LC tent Spe > Tee xan | = 1 for grids with earthing rods slong the perimeter or for rods in the mat comers as well as along the parimeter and throughout the grid areca, . 1__ for grids without earthing rods or for grids with only a few earthing rods, none located (2n) * on the perimeter or in the comers. Kho= fi +h VP a © = Soil resistivity in ohmmeve nL = 1 mete (reference depth of earthing mat) D = Spacing between parallel conductors, in metres n= fx mB for calculating E, RA = The number of parallel conductors in transverse direction 5B ‘The number of parallel conductors in longitudinal direction depth of earthing mat conductor in metres. diameter of earthing mat conductor in metres L = _L,+L, for earthing mat without earthing rods or with only a few rods located within the mat, bit away from the perimeter. = L, + 1.15 L, for earthing mat witt-ground rods predominantly along the perimeter. L, Total earthing mat conductor length, in mares; and . Total earthing rod length, in metres. Step potential E,,, = p. Ks. K, IL vols Where K, = 0.656 + 0.172 n ets eek qos] Lit and D being te same as defined eater and n being ager of WA and nB for cali E, ‘The value of expected mesh voltage and step voltage should be determined for the following conditions in the order indicated below: = without ground rods + with uniformly distibuted ground rods = with ground rods only in the perimeter It the computed value of mesh voltage is less than the tolerable touch voliage, the design of earthing mat is completed. However, if te computed mesh voliage is found to exceed the tolerable wuch voltage the design will require inclusion of ground rods or revision. Similarly, the computed step voltage should alzo be less than the tolerable step voltage. If cither the step of touch voltage are found to exceed the tolerable voltages, the earthing mat design will ave {0 be revised -by including additional earthing rods, mat depth reducing spacing, ete. AdGitional earhing rods should be provided at the base of lighining arresters and transformers neutrals. In order to facilitate checking of the mesh and step potential the giaphical method for estimation of mesh and step potential is given in Appendix *A". (xi) Determine the Station Ground Resistance For ground mat depths less than 0.25 metres: The value of the substation grounding resistance in uniform soil can be estimated by means of the following formula. oh 2 - Res L where R = station ground resistance in Ohm (0) p = average earth resistivity in Q-m A = area under earthing mat in square metres (mm!) L = the total length of buried conductors in metre (m) R, = Station ground resistance in ohm (A) 1 1 wee [+e fie mya} For ground mat depths berween 0.25 and 2.5 metres: The station ground resistance for ground mat with ground rods is determined with the use of Schwarz formula given below 10 RR-R yy * RR TR, Where R, = resistance of ground mat conductors R, = resistance of all grosnd rods. Ry, = mutual resistance betwoen the group of grid conductors and group of ground rods, fox Tm, valve of RR, and R,, can be deemincl with belp of the formule given in (ii) with whe assumption that forthe uniform soil p,” p, . (sii) Determine the Ground Potential Rise The valve of the likely ground potential rise is given by the product of the maximum grid current, (See item 5 (i) and the estimated station ground resistance, R,. If the value of this product is below the tolerable touch voltage, ‘0 further analysis is necessary and only the additional conductor required to connect the mat to equipment grounds has to be provided. Otherwise the earthing mat arrangement will require revision tll the above condition is met. (iil) Design Philosophy far Non-homogencous Soil . The methodology covered under Clause x, xi and xii pertains 10 uniform soil conditions. Normally the apparent Fesistiviy values obiained by Wenner’s 4 probe method with a probe spacing of 10 m is suficient for earthing system ‘design but in cases where a multilayer earth is clearly indicated, two layer model system can be resoried to, The resistance (of such a model can be evaluated as explained below. However, for potential (step & touch) calculations, solution can be obtained by solving Laplace's equations for Point curret source, Since this involves infinite series of terms, computer usage is inevitable. Alieratively the earthing {id (from potentials point of view) can be designed based on the resistivity of the upper layer where the grid is lid Tnaccuracies can sometime creep up with this assumption but the same can be verified by making a few measurements of gradients after installauion of the grid, In case of unsatisfactory results, special meshes etc. can be buried, around siructures/equipment normally accessible to persons standing on the ground or by providing adequate layer thickness of ‘rushed rock/eravel Evaluation of Resistance Geos "7 1 a4 Figure S ‘The resistance for a non-uniform soil strats (two layer) can be evaluated as under rn, RR = Ra? R, +R, - Ry, 6 ( ) Gy ayn +, opry-x) (A L caiyay 1 24, WR eT OF] 2) fame e oy) -e i] PhO 0) Co, H+ py (hy HD) ME Rows top is Mashed with eth surface, 2. «1 0) (, (HAH) + p, (, +h ~ H) where Rod top isin the same depth as the grid, ‘The various parameters are as given below: = soil resistivity encountered by grid conductors buried at depth hin Q-m apparent soil resistivity as seen by a ground rod in Om thickness of the upper layer soil in m soil resistivity from depth H downward O-m = total length of grid conductors in m average length of a ground rod in m depth of grid burial in m Ja, for conductors buried at depth h, or 0.5 4, for conductors at h = 0 (on earth's surface) area covered by a grid of dimensions a.b in m* ‘number of ground rods placed in area A. ‘constants related to the geometry of the system (Figures 6 (a) and (b)) diameter of grid conductor in m diameter of ground rods in m shor-side grid length in m Tong-side length in m (xiv) Lowering of Earthing Impedance ‘The solution to the other problem of achieving low impedance éarthing in smaller area can be achieved by employing any one or combination of the following methods. These methods can also be employed 10 coventional substations where soil res sisivity is high 1. Connection of substation grid with remote ground grids and adjacent grounding facilities if available, 2. Use of deep driven ground rods or use of longer ground rods and more number of such rods along the perimeter of the grid, 3. Use of foundation rods where feasible as auxiliary grids. 4. Wherever practical, a nearby deposit of low resistivity material of sufficient value is available, it is ideal to form an extra grid at such locations and connect it to the substation grid. such extra grids are also known as satellite grids. 5. The maximum touch (mesh) potential occurs in the comer mesh ofthe grid, Normally no equipment are placed in this area. In such cases, the touch (mesh) potential even if greater than permissible values caa be accepted, if step potential in the comer mesh are within permissible limits, ‘When equipment are placed near the comer mesh, it may not be necessary to change the entire grid desi to reduce the corner mesh potentials within the maximaum permissible values. Instead it would be econdmical to form ausiliary grids in the comer mesh to reduce the touch (mesh) potentials. Figure-7 shows a grid without any conductors in the comer mesh, Figure-8 shows grid with auxiliary grid in comer mesh, It has been observed R pie - 160 ry Vd 65 | a cd i tT 60 L baad 5s un Ps Usa 2 8 = is & 4s —. = ~ 3 ws oO £ UJ 3 10S: 38 . _ 100 t se L_ 3S 1 2 3 & s ‘ 7 ' oss Length-to- width ratio on Curve A - for dapth hed os Bq 20.500550 1 2 3 4 5 ‘ a ‘ Curva B - fer depth hei/ area Length-te-width ratio een foe depth be1/6 YET Te 2 -80SH4 60 Core A = for, depth het edeertt or depth be/10 HE (0 Coetficent Kp ar) mee ora feigee saa Figure 6: Coefficients K1 and Ka of Schwar2's Formula Te # -B.0Sx0 {9} Coaffidont Ky that addition of auxiliary grid as shown in Figure 2 reduces the comer mesh potentials to about 2/3 of the value of comer mesh potential without auxiliary grid. sf s|too[9P9] 10 | 10 PoP Ipoloia|i3| i3{a{uoluo[ose.a] 10-| 1 fosjestiofoltait3] po}. 1010) ofto] a1 | a Hohe’ uf polo ojo] wf | ro fre fer for boos na [re [ue Juz [ua [us us| wz [ur [ar fur far vefer [uv] v9 [eof ay fas fue rah fro [ro [uo uo fur fre |g -_ azfy fro fo [to ho ts he | fasoat | | to [to Jer for Boe tr {ro | to fro | 10 | 4 frofro| jtojto] tx} 20 | 20 |xo Juo | 21 |ro}ro) Sofas fas feo foo fis fos fue | Ferro ar [as fur | ur frofofietis 16 32 fo fer [es [ut [2 [te | fiahis|toltopafas| to | 10 eaEapahons his jis }us |e jaz [az jus jus [ts | [taftshofuopsfat xo [10 fsfe-sfrofiofis[i3] Figure 7 Figure 8 (xv) Check up for Transferred Potential Where a possibility of the places outside the earthing mat area being subjected to the carthing mat potential exists, the communication and signal circuits, low voltage wiring, conduits, pipes, rails, metallic fences ete. should be checked for wansferred potential and adequate protection against ansferred potential should be provided where necessary. If this is not conveniently possible, the resistance of the earthing system should be further lowered by increasing the earthing conductor lengths or by increasing the substation area under the earthing mat tll the desired voltage is attained. For further information Transferred Potentials and Solutions, CBI&P Technical Report No. 49 on “Earthing Parameters of HV, EHV and UHV Sub-Stations"” may be referred. (xvi) Earthing of Gas Insulated Substations GIS is a compact, multi-component, assembly enclosed in a earthed metallic housing in which the primary insulating. medium is a compressed gas and it normally consists of buses, switchgear and associated equipment, GIS are subjected to same magnitude of fault current and require low impedance earthing as in case of coventional substation. But GIS installation require only about 25% of land area of conventional S/S,uhus making design of system more difficult, Another area required auention in GIS stations is earthing of metallic enclosures. The metallic enclosure of GIS have induced Currents and specially during an internal earths fault the inductive voltage drop occurring with the GIS assembly must be taken into account for design to touch potential in GIS station. The touch voltages criteria of GIS station is Gy + EP < E, (oman) Where F, = The actual calculated touch voltage (Calculated in a manner similar to conventional S/S). = Maximum value of metal 10 metal voltage diference on and between GIS enclosuts or between GIS enclosure and the supporting structures. Refer Annexure for sample calculation. E, (max) = Maximum permissible touch voltage. ‘The meullic enclosure of GIS may be continuous or non-continuous. In both these enclosures providing frequent carth bonds isthe best solution to minimize hazards of touch voltage inthe GIS area. Additional measures such as earthing of GIS structures and service platforms at frequent interval, prevention of induced current establishing loops via other station equipment such a5 wansformers, switchgear etc sti. 6 Construction aad Installation of Earthing Mat have tw ‘All joints in the stcl earthing sysiem should be made by welding except those where earthing mat may have ‘be separated from equipment, cable sheath etc., for testing. These joints should be accessible and frequently supervised. All exposed steel conductors should be protected with bituminous paint. For protection against rusting. the welds should be weated with Berium chromate. Welded surfaces should then be painted with red load and aluminium paint in turn and afterwards coated with bituminous paint. The joins in the earthing conducto« between the switchgear units and cable sheaths and such other points which may require to be opened subsoquenty for testing should be bolted. 7. Earthing Mat and Perimeter Fence Connection . - ‘Whether the earthing mat and perimeter feace should be connected or not should be decided on the basis of study/ ‘analysis of individual cases as indicated below: be ence and (a) If the design of carthing mat permits termination of the mat more than 1.5 metres inside the perimeter Clea iscaion between fre and earbiny mat nb eau e weit fne Boul be ep sla {om the earthing mat and the fence should be independently and effectively earthed by running on earthing conducior under the boundary and connecting it to the fence at frequent intervals. (©) If the design of earthing mat requires exicnsion ofthe mat upto the perimeter fence or where electrica! isolation between the earthing mat and fence cannot be ensured but the design calculations reveal thatthe values of touch potentials both within and outside the fenced - in area are within safe limits, the fence should be connected to the earthing mat at frequent intervals. (0 IT the design of earthing mat requires extension of the mat upto the fence and calculation reveal that touch potential 4 the fence exceeds the tolerable limit the earthing mat shouldbe terminated bout 1.5 mesre or more within the boundary fine of the fence and the fence elecrically isolated and independenily earthed by running earthing conductor under the fence and bounded with the fence at frequent intervals or by means of adequate number of earthing electrodes. Example for the design of Earthing Mat for a substation with high resis Let a 132 KV line AB feed a substation B at a distance of 32 km. Let the fault evel at Bus A be 975 MVA and the resistivity of the soil of the switchyard at B be 250 ohm meu. At substation B, a 15 MVA, 132466 kV, Y/Y steps down the received power to 66 kV level from where itis further stepped down by 3x2.5 MVA, 66/33 KYA. /Y wansformers to 33 kV as shown in Figure 2. Calculation of fault current Fault level at 132 kV Bus A = 975 MVA =: bnesie 32 km cas? aa Oot pe oe 0.26997 pu tus B = Gass o0ns sons 202657 «056 Phase to round fat cum wii Bw Osan Amp 3x13220.5276 Impedance of 15 MVA, 13266 KV wansformer = 75% Length of 132 kV line AB X= X, for the 132 KV line = X, for the 132 kV Tine = x, X, = X, for transformer = THs as yy 10015 1s X, = 0805 = 04pu |AS this uansformer is Y/Y connected X at 66 KV bus at sation B= 05276+0.5+0.5+04 = 19276 pa Phase to ground fault current asiomiGDD at 66 kV bus at sation Bo = = 1361 Amp ix 66 x 1.9216 Impedance of 312.5 MVA. 66/33 kY transformer @8% per transformer 8100 X, =X, for the vansformess = OEP = 1.087 pu As these transformers are A/Y connected, zero sequence reactance will not come in the circuit. Therefore X at 33 kV bas at station B 9276+ 1.067 1.067 = 4.0616 pu Phase to ground fault cuenta 33 kV bus = eteORICED Vix 33% 4.0616 1292 Amp. From the above, it is seen that the fault current is the maximum on 132 kV Bus B. However, it is less than the shor. time current rating of the switchgear. Therefore the earthing mat will be designed on the basis of fault currents of 20 kA. ‘Arca of earning mat conductor ‘Area of steel conductor = 12.301 30x20000 © 1000 = 246 mm* Resistivity of soil of station B=250 of mez. Since the resistivity of sil is higher than 100 ohm meize, no allowance is necessary for comosion, ‘The nearest standard steel section in the form of mild steel flat that can be used will be 6 mmx50 mm giving on area of 300 mm* Maximum Grid Current 1, = C, Del, ~As expansion factor has been taken as 1.5. c,=10 «For the duration of flow of fault curent equal to 1.0 sec. D,= 10 =5,01) 31, = 20000 amp. In the absence of full details regarding exact system configuration of which the substation form a card, at the design stage, it will be, fairly accurate to adopt a value of 0.5 for S, to determine the fault current that flows through the grid”, to remote earth. ‘Thus {, = 0.5 x 1.0 x 20000 = 10000 Amps Surface Layer In conformity with the normal design practice, it will be assumed that a 10 cm thick layer of stones resistivity.of 3000 ohm metre will be provided around all the metallic structures. Tolerable Valuer of Touck and Step Potentials F touch = [1000 + 1.5 C, (h, K) PL] 0.116 16 au 250 - 3000 _- 2750 Ko "350+ 3000 “3250 =m = O2 mene C, from figure 1 =07 = Fach from ss xem x00] AES Zn va ROT Tos . aie F sup = [1000 + 60, KP, 7 0.116 = [1000 + 6 x 0.77 x 3000) Tor = 2438 Vols Arrangement of Earthing Mat Let L = Length of Earthing mat conductoc in metres From Figure 3, L = @ x 100+ 77657664 8x 4 9.x 22 $2x385+ 141 BEM yisan = 4513 meve A 2106244 80n 185 4 T3215 + 205 x EB = 2496 + 1480 + 1095+ 1137.75 = 6208 mt Estimated Values of Mesh and Step Potentials mesh km. KI “= = Tenist, = Yo K, = 0656+ 0.172'n Ween = Ve AB = Vi0xM) =H =35 , = 0656 + 0.172 x 35 = 6.676 oa Do oan ok Kit 8 Km = [mn * a =m al” (eet Tea 7 za) * oe za! la D 25m b = 05m Kho Vie = Ve os = MS = 1207 he 10 Kii = 1.0 (Assuming wat the earthing mat will be provided with ground rods slong the parimete) 4 = Equivalent Diameter of earthing mat conductor, in metres For earthing mat conductor consisiing of rectangular flat d = W/2 Where, Wo = width of flat 9.950 P= 0.025 metres ” wm ek 25% 2542.05) 05 = Ge 11" 160.5.00%5 * 83252025 40.025 - 1 8.0 in 1.2047 x (2x35-)] Tin 125 + 24.5 5) + 0.81653 1n 0.0365054] = 0.15915 (3.9269-2.694) = 0.1962 L, 4519. m Le = 136 x 1m = 136.0 Fl. = 250% 01962 x 6676 x 10000 BB Bex = 7013 vok which is less than E __, of 732 V E. py KK, 05556 + 0172 0 40 0656 + 0.172 x 40 = 7536 Volts ge hth ee Laos} 2h” Dem 14 . = Tas* Tas tay ose) = bE 1+o0sss + 04 wy] = 055176 250 x 10000 x 0.55176 x 7536 Fee = 4513 +136 xb1S = 22262 volts which is less than the permissible value of E _, of 2438 V ‘Thus the values of mesh and step potentials likely to be experienced are less than those of the tolerable touch and step potentials. . Ground Resistance 5 RR Ru! . * RaRIR, =R~(o/m) (ln a +K, WIR &) 19.54 mm = 0.01954 m, 1B Re on for k = —— ph=00012 L:Wraio = 102: 76 wa 7879 = 134 but h = 05 m > 00012 fave 2. 29 oa 6VR 809 ° but h = 0.5 > 0.0021, a K, & K, have to be taken from curves falling below ‘c’ since such curves are not available using curve ¢. K, = 107, K,=45 7 250g 22453 ig, 4510 4s 34513” 0.09e8s 208 = 0017633 (In 91310 + 61288 - 45) = 0.017633 (11.422 + 61.288-4.5) + 0.0176 x 68.21 = A tn th ere Rein, Oy Tx . Le 2 a 1 . R= 2D fy eax scrx [36-19] mean Ome faa = 02925 (1, 31496 = 1 + 3.0875] 0.2925 (5.524 ~ 1 « 30875) 22937 RR = agen 0.01763 (9.1079 + 61.288 ~ 3.5) | 0.01763 x 66.896 = 1.1796 Rhone | RaR, — 2K, 1223909 — 11796 | 12422222 — 2 x 11796 = 2.20756 = 13914 1.39524 | 3.5222 ~ 23592 1 | = 11997 ‘= 1.2 ohms 19 Rise in ground potential =~ 1.2 x 10000 = 12000 Volts “This is very high, obviously on account of the high soil resistivity. Addition of more conductor or rods is not helpful in this case. In such cases, chemical treatment of soil is called for. 35 HVA, B2/64KY transtormer KY bus 10 30 Number of Maines on 6 side Fig.l4: Corner Step voltage for o squore Grid in depth 0-25m and lem conductor diometer Fig. 13: Corner Mesh voltage for a square Grid in depth 05m ond 1 cm conductor diameter # tre a | a Comer step potenti Percentage of grid voltage) » - 30 Condiclor diameter 10 le depth Om” ‘ond beh On Geld sires Yon x 10m 3 Gri shes ash Boa x 20m Zp 2 fim toe Son x 30m 3 20m x 20m in tite a 5om x Som Sta 1 50m 5 fom x 60m fom x 60m : Sim x Som ab Tom x 70m + fom x bom 100m x 100m £ ieaix 00 tom x roa geig 1008 x Hom 3 100m x 100 M__ g 150m 1500 : zsh 3 & | 10m x tom grid 2 | ——s s ee 3 150m x 150m grid 150m . : Pa 150m grid L 4 5 + ? 0 30 Figure 15: Step Voltage Outside a Square Humber of meshes on 2 side Grid in Depth of 1m and tem Conductor Diameter Mumber of meshes on 2 side Figure 16: Corner Mesh Voltage for a Square Grid in Depth 1.0m and tem Conductor Diameter ANNEXURE - B Example showing Division of Fault current Between the Overhead Earthwire and Earthing Grid Lei two 132 KV DIC lines feed substation B from substation A. Let length of the line AB be 77 km with aa average span between tower of 250 m and tower footing resistance of 10 ohms. At substation B, there are four 15 MVA, 132/66 KV transformers to sep down the received power which is funher sepped down to 11 kV by 6 X 5 MVA, 66/ 11KV transformers. The maximum S-L-G fault curent of 10 kA is at 132 KV bus. The ground resistance of station B is assumed as 0.9 ohm. For a typical 132 kV D/C tower with one ground wire, 1. Maun! pedance Veoween ph contin sa the pound wics (Zam) = 0:204 JAP obmatan. : 2 Sa impedance of ground wire with ground ceum (Ze) = 2.30 /2083* ohms Calculation of Division of Current . ‘The fuk curentsuptied bythe four circuits of 132 KV line (lea 10 KA) will nt completly flow into the ground as par of the caren ill be divened by ground wires duet induction and conduction Diversion of current due to induction . Fault current flowing in a line conductor (1) will induce current in the ovechead ground wires (1) of the same line. . 1 = i, zam — 0.294 L80 whee, 2 = Ze” 23 / 2083 Inj = 0.128 That is 12.8% of fault current flowing in the line will be induced in its earth wire. The fault current I, supplied by both double circuit line together is 10 KA. Therefore current induced in both earth wire () = 0.128 x 10 = 128 KA Diversion of Current due to conduction ‘Overhead ground wites and tower footing resistance form a ladder network. As the number of towers is more than 20, the length of lize can be considered as infinite for purpose of determining the admittance (¥) of the ladder network which is given by q Z span W/Z span xR 2 Where, Z span = Self impedance of one span of ground wire with ground return in ohmy/km R = ‘Average tower footing resistance for first 20 towers in ohms, Span bewween towers = 250 m 250323 : LZ span 0.575 ohms 1 1 v= = Sap = 0372 mho. os7s +\/0.s75x10 2685 2 Z__ = Impedance of ladder network = UY = 2685 ohms 2! = Resultant impedance of ground wires due to two double Cxt Hines (Le, 2) = 1.34 ohms ‘The current discharged to the ground from the station will be given by fu Where 1g! = Total fault current minus the current diverted by the ground wires due to induction 2 Beez ha 10-1.28 = 8.72 KA z Resslantimpondance of ground wires due 1 two dovble ct ines 134 Re = Ground resistance = 0.9 ohm

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