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Pengantar Rekayasa dan Desain

 Expected outcomes
 Students understand the importance of energy sustainability
 Students understand the general concept of energy conversion and
 Students able to calculate kinetic energy and potential energy
Is the world running out of energy ?
World Energy Consumption

1 Exajoule = 1018 joule

Source :
Energy consumers
 Kosky et al
Fossil Fuel Consumption
 and
 Sustainable Energy
 Sustainable provision of energy that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future generations
to meet their needs
 Technology -> renewable energy
 Hydroelectricity, solar energy, wind energy, wave power,
geothermal, artificial photosynthesis, tidal power, energy efficiency
Renewable energy production
Energy and Power
 Energy is the capability to  Power is defined as time
do work rate of doing work

 Work = force x distance  Power = work/time

 Power Units:
 Energy Units:
 SI: watts (joules/sec)
 SI: joules
 English: Horsepower (550 ft
 English: ft lbf lbf/s)

 1 kW = 1.34 hp
 Energy (Merriam-Webster dictionary)
 the physical or mental strength that allows you to do things
 Natural enthusiasm and effort
 Usable power that comes from heat, electricity etc
Type of Energy

 Kinetic Energy - motion

type Motion Examples/subtypes
Mechanical Energy Motion of macroscopic objects Machines, muscles, projetiles, wind,
ocean waves,…

Thermal Energy Random motion of microscopic particles of Heat, fire, geothermal

matter (molecules, atoms,)

Electrical Energy Bulk flow of charges (electrons, protons, ions) Household current, AC and DC circuits

Electromagnetic Energy Disturbance of propagating trough electric and Radio waves, microwaves, infrared, light,
magnetic fields or the motion of photons x-rays etc

 Potential Energy - position

Force field Quantity in field Examples/subtypes
gravitational mass Roller coaster, waterwheel,…

electromagnetic charge Electric, magnetic, chemical

Strong nuclear Color charge Nuclear reactors,

Weak nuclear Lepton number Radioactive decay,
Gravitational Potential Energy
 GPE is the energy acquired by an object by virtue of
its position in a gravitational field (typically by being
raised above the surface of the Earth).

GPE (Ep) = mgh/gc

Symbol Variable Unit [SI] Unit [US]

m mass kg lb
g Grav. accel m/s2 ft/s2
h height m ft
gc 1[-] 32.174
Lbm.ft/lbf. s2
A person takes 2.0 seconds to lift a 1.0 kg book a height of 1.0
meter above the surface of earth. Calculate the power
expended by the person. Calculate the potential energy
increment of the book in ft.lbf

 Need: Power, potential energy increment

 Know: mass = 1.0 kg, distance = 1.0 m, time = 2.0 s
 How: work = force × distance, and power = work/time
increase of potential energy = weight x increase of height
 Solve: Work = (m × a)/gc × (distance)
= (1.0 kg)(9.8 m/s2)/1 × (1.0 m)
= 9.8 kg(m2/s2) = 9.8 joules
Then, Power = (9.8 joules)/(2.0 seconds) = 4.9 J/s = 4.9 W
Delta Ep = (m x g)/gc x (h2 – h1)
= (1.0x2.204 lbm)x(32.174 ft/s2)/(32.174 lbm/lbf.ft/s2) x (1.0x3.28 ft)
= 7.2 ft.lbf
Kinetic Energy (mechanical)
Also known as “Translational Kinetic Energy” (TKE)

TKE (Ek) = ½mv2 /gc

Symbol Variable Unit [SI] Unit [US]
m mass kg lb
v speed m/s ft/s
h height m ft
gc 1[-] 32.174
Lbm.ft/lbf. s2

“Rotational Kinetic Energy” : RKE (Ek rot) = ½ I w2 /gc

Kinetic Energy (Thermal)
 Thermal energy, often referred to as heat
 special form of kinetic energy
 the random motion of trillions and trillions of atoms and
molecules that leads to the perception of temperature
 All higher forms of energy dissipate thermal energy, the
ultimate energy sink

 The laws of thermodynamics state

 1) all energy is conserved and
 2) that the thermal energy in the universe always increases
Energy Conservation and Conversion
 Energy comes in different forms (potential, translational
kinetic, rotational kinetic, thermal etc)
 Energy can be converted from one form to another
 The energy in the Universe is conserved
 A “control volume” is a subset of the Universe you construct to isolate
the problem of interest. It exchanges energy with the rest of the
: Energy exchanges

Control volume
“The Universe”

System energy changes  0

Universe energy changes = 0
 Energy exchanges between a speeding car and the rest of the

 We deduce that total energy exerted by the car are exactly

equal to the loss in chemical (potential) energy in the fuel that
is driving the vehicle.
Energy Conversion Efficiency

Energy conversion system

Sub Output
system 1 (useful)

system 2


Useful Energy Output

Efficiency ( ) = =  i
Energy Input
Efficiency of Energy conversion device
Example : electric power plant
Individual Homework
(Due: Monday, 3 February 2020 at 3pm)
 Calculate the energy that you absorb and spend everyday
 Use yourself as an object and try to estimate:
 Absorbed energy (energy in) on one particular day
 Spent energy (energy out) on the same day
 Then analyze why there is difference between energy in and out.

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