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Atterberg Limits Data Sheet

ASTM D4318-10

Project Name: 3 STOREY COMM/RES. BLDG. Tested By: B. Luceña Jr. Date: 11/10/19
Location: San Miguel, Iriga City Checked By: B. Luceña Jr. Date: 11/10/19
Tesp Pit No: TP - 1 Test Number: 2
Sample Depth: 1.00 m. Gnd Elevation: 0

USCS Soil Classification: Claye Gravel (GC)


Variable 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Var. Units
Number of Blows N blows 38 30 22 14
Log (N) 1.58 1.48 1.34 1.15
Can Number/Mark --- --- A B C D E F G H
Mass of Empty Can MC (g) 21.68 21.71 21.68 21.71 18.58 18.66 18.70 18.61
Mass Can & Soil (Wet) MCMS (g) 29.26 30.03 29.26 30.03 49.80 53.20 50.40 55.30
Mass Can & Soil (Dry) MCDS (g) 27.90 28.53 27.40 28.53 42.80 44.30 40.50 42.00
Mass of Soil MS (g) 6.22 6.82 5.72 6.82 24.22 25.64 21.80 23.39
Mass of Water MW (g) 1.36 1.50 1.86 1.50 7.00 8.90 9.90 13.30
Water Content w (%) 21.9 22.0 32.5 22.0 28.9 34.7 45.4 56.9

Liquid Limit (LL or w L ) (%): 41 LL PI U Line
Plasticity Index (PI)

A Line
Plastic Limit (PL or w P ) (%): 50
25 4 4
Plasticity Index (PI) (%): 16 25.5 4
USCS Classification: GC 30 115.89 70
20 CL
PI at "A" Line = 0.73(LL-20)
0 0
One Point Liquid Limit Calculation: 10 70 70
LL = w n (N/25)0.12 0
0 710 20 7 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
PROCEDURE USED 29.6 7 Liquid Limit (LL or wL)
Wet Preperation 50 0
Multipoint 55 50 70
Water Content (%)

Dry Preperation
50 15.8 7
X Multipoint 85.778 70
y = -28.52ln(x) + 132.52
Procedure A 40 25 0 R² = 0.9958
Multipoint 25 10
35 25 20
Procedure B One- 25 30
Point 30
25 40
25 25 60
10 Number of Blows (N) 100

Slope: -65.677
Intercept: 132.52

Bartolome I. Luceña Jr.

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