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Format ESEI atau SEQ

1. Peperiksaan berformat Esei atau SEQ akan dijalankan secara Take Home

2. Sila rujuk pengumuman terkini berkaitan Jadual Peperiksaan Akhir dalam VLE.

3. Jadual Peperiksaan adalah berdasarkan tarikh dan masa rasmi di Malaysia.

Pelajar yang berada di luar negara perlu mengikuti masa seperti dijadualkan

4. Soalan akan dipaparkan mengikut jadual peperiksaan yang diumumkan. Pastikan

pelajar mengambil soalan peperiksaan yang betul.

5. Pelajar dikehendaki menjawab dalam masa yang ditetapkan. Rujuk tarikh dan
masa yang dicatatkan pada muka surat depan kertas soalan dan Jadual
Peperiksaan. Pelajar dinasihatkan untuk mengelakkan penghantaran di saat-saat
akhir. Penghantaran lewat tidak akan diterima.

6. Sila muat turun template jawapan peperiksaan. Pelajar tidak perlu salin soalan ke
template jawapan. Cuma nyatakan Nombor Soalan yang dijawab seperti dalam
Soalan sahaja.

7. Sila gunakan format MS-Word, huruf Times New Roman, saiz 12 dan line
spacing 1.5.

8. Sekiranya terdapat sebarang lampiran tambahan seperti graf dan lain-lain yang
berkaitan, lampiran mesti dihantar sekali

9. Jawapan peperiksaan ini adalah tertakluk pada polisi Similarity Checking.

10. Jawapan Peperiksaan Akhir hanya boleh dihantar satu (1) kali sahaja

11. Sila simpan resit yang diberi sebagai bukti penghantaran.

12. Kegagalan melengkapkan komponen peperiksaan ini akan mengakibatkan anda

diberikan gred keseluruhan F

Versi 2: Ogos 2020


Essay or SEQ Format

1. The essay or SEQ format examination will be conducted as a take-home


2. Please refer to the latest announcement on Final Examination Schedule in the


3. The examination schedule is based on the official date and time in Malaysia.
Learners who are abroad need to follow the time stated.

4. Questions will be presented according to the examination schedule. Refer to the

latest examination schedule shown in the VLE. Make sure that you take the
correct examination questions.

5. You are required to answer within the time set. Refer to the date and time
recorded on the front page of the examination paper and Final Examination
Schedule. You are advised to avoid last-minute submissions. Late submissions
will not be accepted.

6. Please download the examination answer template. You do not need to copy the
question onto the answer template. Just state the question number as stated in
the question.

7. Please use this format: MSWord document, Times New Roman font size 12, and
a line spacing of 1.5.

8. If there are additional attachments such as for a graph and other related items,
the attachments must be submitted as well.

9. Examination answers will be subjected to similarity checking.

10. Final Examination answers may be submitted only once.

11. Please keep the receipt given as proof of submission.

12. Failure to complete this examination component will result in an F grade.

Version 2: August 2020

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