21 Design-Criteria Nurse-Call-Systems

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Design Criteria

21. Nurse call systems

05-Jun-2018 | V1.1 
ICT Clinical Design Criteria

Nurse call systems


The designer shall design a complete IP based nurse call system based on the Rauland 5 system.
The nurse call system in a smart hospital environment is a hub for interfacing technologies and systems. Physical pathways,
interconnections, and interfacing are also required to support lighting and blind control from the smart bed, and control of the patient
entertainment/education system from the nurse call system pillow speaker
  The technical capabilities of the nurse call system, hardware interface and integration requirements, system layout, and functionality shall
be co-ordinated with HMC’s technical and clinical staff.
The nurse call system shall be the primary communication device for patients to contact staff in each clinical use and patient care area
and the primary communication device for HMC staff to alert other staff that they need assistance in a clinical use or patient care area.


The nurse call system shall fully interface with HMC’s Cerner system to enable bi-directional communications and transfer of
admit/transfer/discharge (ADT) data.
Integrate the nurse call system with the network and provide suf cient audio channels, in consultation with HMC, for the requirements of
the facility.
The nurse call system shall provide a full range of software applications as offered by the nurse call vendors most current systems
intended for use in large acute care facilities. The applications shall include system administration and supervision, staff assignment and
messaging, staff tracking and presence, workload and work ow management, and statistical reporting.
Utilize standard structured cabling and connectors for nurse call cabling as applicable.
Nurse call terminal cabinets shall be installed in telecom extra low voltage spaces as approved by HMC. All nurse call network horizontal
runs shall be terminated on dedicated patch panels.
Where smart beds are planned, the nurse call patient station shall fully interface with the full range of smart bed call and audio
The nurse call system shall provide an interface such that the audio from the patient entertainment/education system will be connected
and audible through pillow speakers.
Dedicated smartbed connector and data connectivity shall be provided to capture smart bed status information such as patient weight,
bed rail status and other bed measurements.
The nurse call system shall also provide an interface such that the smart bed is capable of controlling patient headwall lighting, and
up/down control of the patient room electric blind.
The nurse call system shall annunciate on the staff communication system for near instant alarm response as a secondary alerting system.
The nurse call system shall operate seamlessly with the wireless staff communication devices and allow two-way VoIP communication
into all patient locations.
The nurse call system will utilize VoIP communications between all major components including staff consoles, patient stations, staff
stations and all telephones and staff communication devices.

Staff console

At a minimum, a staff console in each clinical nursing area shall be provided.

Staff consoles shall be color, touch screen, user con gurable, allow multiple screens, soft key enabled, hands-free full duplex capability
  with handset for private conversations.
Staff consoles shall have the capability to redirect all calls to other staff consoles on a manual, automatically scheduled basis, call
escalation, or console failure.

Patient stations
Patient stations shall be installed at each patient bed headwall location, patient care area, and each patient use area.
In each general medical/surgical inpatient room the following shall be provided:
one patient station for each bed location,
one bath station with audio and pull cord capability,
one pull/call cord station for each patient chair location.
  Patient stations shall be individually programmable to allow multiple call classi cation and priority levels.
Patient stations shall be capable of connecting two nurse call cords or auxiliary alarm inputs. Provide the ability to disable any nurse call
system input from any staff console.
Patient stations located in psychiatric areas shall have a suitable physical barrier, or enclosure that enables staff to prohibit access to the
patient station by the patient.

Nurse call/emergency pull cords

Nurse call cords and pillow speakers shall be provided, with the remainder being standard call cords.
Provide emergency pull cord stations at all patient bath rooms, shower rooms, and change room locations complete with audio and staff
  emergency alarms.
Pull cords shall be washable and compliant with HMC’s infection control policies.
Psychiatric facilities shall not have cords permanently attached to input devices.

Multi-call classi cation dome light

Multi-call classi cation dome light (minimum 4 LEDs) shall be provided to annunciate staff presence, or calls in all rooms with nurse call
  Locate dome lights in a manner that allow HMC staff the best possible view from the outside of the room where the nurse call device is
Provide zone lights at all corridor intersections to direct and lead staff from anywhere within or outside the unit to the origin of the call.

Code blue functionality

A code blue functionality with code blue buttons shall be provided at locations determined in consultation with HMC including all clinical
use area, patient care area, care team stations, care hubs, nurse stations, reception, administrative, and all patient therapy rooms, patient
lounges, procedure rooms, exam rooms and inpatient rooms.
A code blue system shall be provided that is interfaced with the following systems: elevator controls and public address system.
A code blue system shall be provided that achieves the following sequence of operation:
Upon a code blue button activation, a priority call signal shall be annunciated at the staff console, and a pop-up message will also be
displayed on all switchboard workstations that will indicate the precise origin of the code blue call.
Provide dome/zone lights at all corridor intersections and elevator lobbies to direct and lead the code blue team from anywhere
within or outside the unit to the origin of the code blue call.
  A message will be automatically sent to all unit based staff communication and paging devices as directed and determined by HMC.
Upon authentication of the code blue event by the unit clinical staff to the switchboard, a code blue signal shall be manually initiated
by the switchboard staff. The code blue signal shall comprise a coded message on the public address system, and a text message
which is sent to the code blue team’s staff communication devices, and a pre-recorded message to be sent to the radio system. 
Switchboard staff shall also activate an elevator homing command by way of keyswitch at the switchboard location.
Each code blue team member shall have the ability to recall a code blue elevator from any elevator lobby by means of an elevator
recall keyswitch. The code blue team will assume control of the elevator by means of a code blue keyswitch located inside each
elevator cab.
Upon cancellation of the code blue call at the patient station, all systems shall reset and resume normal operation.

© Copyright - Hamad Medical Corporation by Corporate Communications Dept.

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