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Grant Agreement Document format

Version 5.3

Please ensure all relevant details are completed accurately. The approval process is often delayed because of errors
or omissions. All accompanying notes are on a separate sheet at the end of the GAD format. Information in plain
text is entered into the General Ledger. Information in italics is entered into the grants tracking system.

1. Outline Data Note 1

1.1 Basics

GAD name: Football for girls

CPO name: CP 51 A Happy Development, CP 54 Program Support, CP 55 Administration
Country: Honduras GAD number: HND0088
Start date of GAD: June 30, 2014
End date of GAD for income: June 30, 2016
End date of GAD for expenditure: June 30, 2016
Is this GAD open to all? No
Does this GAD include any gifts in kind? No
Is this GAD for disaster work? Note 2 No

name/s contact email address/es: Note 3

Project Officer for Asia and Latin America
Plan Honduras Albania Reyes
Hector Salgado

1.2.1 GADs funding specific projects Note 4

PU/DOS/CO/RO code/s: PU/DOS/CO/RO name/s:

3034 PU La Paz

CPO codes: Output codes: Output names: Associate donors to outputs:

for selective grants only. Note 5
51 3A14 Gender awareness
51 2L10 Children’s/Youth
Organisation support
51 2L11 Children’s events
51 5C10 Awareness raising for
children, parents and
communities on ROC
51 6B11 PALS monitoring
51 6B12 CPME evaluation
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54 6A10 General Programme
Management, Supervision
And Support
55 7A10 Administration and
General Services
55 7A38 Property and utilities

You may exclude certain natural codes if you wish. List any natural code exclusions

Natural codes excluded


1.2.2. GADs funding a proportion of a CPO Note 4

Tick box if this GAD is funding a proportion of CPO (‘complete CPO’ in GL) without
reference to specific projects:
List any PUs, outputs and/or natural codes to be excluded below. If no exclusions, leave blank.
PU Code/s excluded: Output codes excluded: Natural codes excluded:

1.3. GAD budget

Summary of funding Enter amount in US$

A Grant funds applied for in the proposal US$223,700.00
B Grant funds retained by the NO (CO for US$24,856

Total (A-B) US$248,556

Total GAD expenditure budget in US$ US$223,700.00

1.4 Donor and match details Note 6

NO/s Donor name: Donor Committed Contra Match Grant

or type grant income c-tual expres- type
Local: Note 9 match sion
Note 7 Note 8 amount Note 10 Note 11
GNO Girl´s Funds G 223.700,00 N/A N/A PN

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Totals: 223.700,00

Donor reporting month, if different from Plan’s (first donor only): Note 12 N/A

If Local, and the grantor is associated with an NO, enter NO: Note 13 N/A

1.5 Exchange rates Note 14

Rate used to specify committed grant income for NO currency to US$ 1EUR=1,3479 USD
Rate used to specify GAD budget for program country currency to US$ 1USD=42,25 HTG

2. Agreements Note 16

2.1. Agreements for all grants except those which are part of a framework
agreement (for these see 2.2)
Stage 1: Agreement on grant opportunity
Parties agree to pursue grant opportunity and develop a proposal (where applicable).
This stage is not documented on the GAD, but the CD (or delegate) and the RD (or delegate) where
required, must notify their agreement to all parties by email. If the grant is likely to require CEO
approval inform IH of the potential grant at this stage.

Stage 2: Management agreement

Parties agree on potential grant activity and on proposal to be submitted.
For all GADs: attach the cash flow schedule and the risk checklist. Signature and date:
For GADs over CD authority limit: attach full grant proposal and draft contract
CD (or delegate) agreement:

RD (or delegate) agreement, if over CD authority limit:

NO agreement from authorised person in first named NO:

Ms. Maike Röttger, National Executive Director

NO agreement from authorised person in each other named NO:

Note 15
CEO agreement, if over RD authority limit:

A draft GAD needs to be entered in the General Ledger as soon as deemed sensible.

If the proposal changes substantially in negotiation with the donor, the Plan manager must keep the
signatories informed and ensure that they remain in agreement.

The CD/RD/CEO stage 3 approval constitutes an undertaking by Plan International Inc to the NO
to carry out all the field related obligations and responsibilities in the grant contract. The NO stage
3 approval constitutes an undertaking by the NO to Plan International, Inc. (i) to transfer the field
GAD format version 5.3, May 2014 3 of 10
element of the grant income to Plan International, Inc and (ii) to comply with field
recommendations relating to implementation of the grant project/s.

Stage 3: Legal agreement

Parties agree on the terms and conditions of the grant contract.
Funding statement
Is funding provided by the donor in advance for the activities to be carried out by Plan and its
partners under the funding agreement related to this GAD? Yes

If no, state the reasons why the funding is provided in arrears:

In this case, [NO name] will ensure that funding from another source is made available to fund
those activities, in consultation with Plan International Headquarters Finance department, until such
time as funds are received from the donor.
Procurement statement
Is adherence to Plan’s internal procurement guidelines acceptable to the donor under the funding
agreement related to this GAD? Yes

The following additional conditions are required:

none / [complete as necessary]
Contract statement
Is there a written contract with the donor for this grant? No

 If yes, a copy of the contract must be attached to this GAD and sent to the program country
office. The contract must be shared with all signatories to the GAD.
 If no, this GAD must clearly state all the donor requirements as discussed and agreed by the
NO and the CO.
Signature and date:
CD (or delegate) agreement:

RD (or delegate) agreement, if over CD authority limit:

NO agreement from authorised person in NO:

Ms. Maike Röttger, National Executive Director
CEO agreement, if over RD authority limit:

The draft GAD now needs to be activated in the General Ledger and completed in the grants tracking system.

Where there is more than one NO in the GAD, repeat this table for each NO.

2.2 Agreements for grants which are part of a framework agreement

This table is for framework agreement tracking GADs only: delete if not applicable
Plan NO:
Institution providing framework
GAD format version 5.3, May 2014 4 of 10
Management agreement
Parties review how the individual project fits within the framework.
Attach the cash flow schedule. Signature and date:
CD (or delegate) agreement:

RD (or delegate) agreement, if over CD authority limit:

NO agreement from authorised person in NO:

A draft GAD needs to be entered in the General Ledger and activated now and completed in the grants tracking

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3. GAD Project Summary

Enter here a short summary of the project being funded.

Submit the full proposal with this GAD.

In Honduras, the realization of the rights to participation, especially of girls, is limited by adult-centric
and sexist child rearing patterns. Male leadership styles are favored and the girls' freedom to participate
in social networks is restricted by child rearing patterns that raise them to be submissive and
subordinate. Families and schools reinforce practices that encourage differentiated skills - which are
not equally valued socially - this places girls in inferior positions, which hinders the development of
their potential as subjects of rights. As project scope, football will be used as a means to motivate and
attract girls to participate, achieving, within the process, their empowerment in topics of rights, gender
justice, participation and leadership, enabling them to become girl leaders and promoters of their own
development. From within their protected status, girls can engage in their families and communities
and change gender roles and stereotypes that will place them in a context of gender justice.

This proposal is designed to be implemented in two departments in Honduras - La Paz and Comayagua,
which are located in the country's southern central area. Rural communities in three municipalities
participating in this proposal have been selected for this project: San José and Santiago de Puringla
(Department of La Paz) and Comayagua (Department of Comayagua). This proposal seeks to reach
360 girls between the ages of 7 and 18 from the municipalities of Santiago Puringla, San Jose and
Comayagua. In addition, 360 boys and 180 people - mothers, fathers and teachers - will be included
who will benefit from the training workshops in rights, gender, self-esteem, participation, organization
and leadership. They will actively participate by supporting actions that will be developed in favor of
girls. An advocacy process will be conducted with at least 15 community organizations from the three
municipalities (5 per municipality) so they can learn about, assume and promote the fulfillment of the
rights of girls within a framework of equality and gender justice.

Through this project, Plan Honduras expects to obtain the following results:
R.1.1 Girls in training strengthen their capacity and autonomy. Training processes on rights and gender
justice are of fundamental interest and significant importance for strengthening capacity in girls as
subjects of rights.
R1.2 Empowered girls participate in decision-making processes. As a result of training processes, girls
have built their advocacy and negotiation capacity and will be able to insert themselves within the
various dynamics of development.
R2.1 Families, schools and communities are sensitized and aware of practices that promote the dignity
and self-esteem of girls. The comprehensive "Because I Am a Girl" intervention model encourages us
to work with the various levels that make up the social, economic and cultural spheres where girls
develop their activities.
R2.2 Families, schools and communities support girls and their participation processes. An expected
result of awareness-raising and training processes for stewards or moral guarantors is the strengthening
and positioning of girls' rights at family and community levels.
R3.1 Municipal governments include affirmative actions in their agendas that promote strategic
interests and practical needs of girls. Advocacy processes in this project are developed by girls through
families and community structures.
R3.2 As a result of the various advocacy processes and by committing to affirmative actions in favor of
the rights of girls, community organizations are taking into account the importance of the participation
of girls for the enjoyment of their rights under conditions of equality.
R4. Girls organized into football teams are trained and equipped for the sport. Within its programmatic
category of gender transformative projects, Plan Honduras strongly fights against gender roles and
stereotypes that contribute to perpetuating inequality.
R4.2 Girls participating in competitions enjoy public spaces for recreation and sports. The girls'
enjoyment of the right to recreation and their use of public spaces is an example of a civic exercise
conducted by girls under equal conditions.
R4.3 Girls improve their overall development and socialization by displaying leadership in sports. Girls
will be trained and prepared for significant changes in their perspectives of life within the community.

4. Grant Reporting Requirements and other information

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You must attach to this GAD:
1. The full grant contract, where there is one
2. Any consortium or partnership agreement signed with a third party relevant to the grant/s in
this GAD.

The program country grants manager must ensure that all staff involved with the grant have fully
understood the terms, conditions, reporting and evaluation requirements set out in the contract.
This may require professional translation work, and also explanation and follow up for remote
staff and partners who may not have the capacity to understand the contract in its original form.

You may wish to attach additional information as outlined below, depending on the nature of
the contract. Bear in mind that there may be a turnover of staff in Plan during long-running
grants, and so clear documentation at the outset is essential.

The final versions of the project application, activity plan, budget and logframe are part of
this GAD and the basis for the project implementation.

Reporting Requirements
Reporting should be based on the agreed project documents (s. above). For the narrative and
financial reports please use the GNO formats which are forwarded with the signed GAD. To
facilitate administration GNO requests the submission of the reports (narrative, financial) plus
photos together at one time at the specified dates.
Please do not send them separately. Financial reporting should include how you map Plan’s
Financial coding against the donor breakdown required (see GNO Format).

Submission date Report title* Reporting period

15.01.2015 - half-yearly financial report 01.07.2014 – 30.12.2014
- half-yearly progress report
project photos
15.07.2015 - half-yearly financial report 01.01.2015 – 31.06.2015
- half-yearly progress report
- project photos
15.01.2016 - half-yearly financial report 01.07.2015 – 30.12.2015
- half-yearly progress report
- project photos
31.08.2015 - intern reflexion workshop report 01.07.2014 – 01.07.2015 (12
Months period)
15.01.2017 - TOR for End Evaluation
- TOR for Audit
15.08.2016 - final financial report 30.06.2014 – 30.06.2016
- final/completion report (total project period)
- project photos
15.08.2016 - End Evaluation Report 01.07.2014 – 30.06.2016
15.08.2016 External final audit 30.06.2014 – 30.06.2016
(total project period)

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*Reporting details
half-yearly financial reports starting from 01.07.2014 as per GNO format
half-yearly progress reports overall overview of developments and achievements in reporting
period, according to GNO Formats
Case stories 2 yearly case stories presenting a child who participates in the
project with photo
final financial report as per GL / budget lines, 45 days after project completion
final/ completion report overall overview of developments and achievements, 45 days after
project completion
project photos as per the following photo standards:
 1748x2473 pixels (which is a resolution of 4 mega pixels),
 a minimum of 300dpi
 file format jpg.;
 without showing time, date, title etc. directly on the photos;
file name with GAD No., keyword, date, name PU, output code
End Evaluation The end evaluation is planned as an external evaluation. The TORs
shall be submitted to GNO 8 weeks before submission date of the
report so that GNO will comment.
Audit Report The audit is planned as an external audit. The TORs shall be
submitted to GNO 8 weeks before submission date of the report so
that GNO will comment.

4.1 Deadlines and requirements for financial and narrative reporting.

All reporting requirements are laid out in the reporting table under GAD section 4.

4.2 Details of evaluation reporting requirements.

All reporting requirements are laid out in the reporting table under GAD section 4.

4.3 Reports on the larger project in addition to the GAD.

All reporting requirements are laid out in the reporting table under GAD section 4.

4.4 Any other items you wish to document.

• The agreed final version of the project application, activity plan, budget, and
log frame are part of this GAD and are the binding framework for the implementation
of the project.

• The CO agrees to inform GNO about any changes of the project (e. g. over and
under spending within single budget lines, any project components, objectives, target
groups, partners, project duration, project area, reporting or any other relevant
changes) well in advance. Changes may be implemented only with prior consultation
and approval from GNO. This is mandatory where a main budget heading is affected
with an increase or decrease of more than 20%. Any change in a budget heading
below 20% may only be done if it doesn’t change the total project budget.

• The NO will inform the CO about changes as well (e. g. non-availability of

funds, change of donor requirements, etc.).

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• For request of no-cost extensions, GNO policy on no-cost-extensions for
grants projects Final Version – 15.05.2012 applies, which will be provided with this

- Leftover funds/ GNO commitments need to be reimbursed to the GNO after

acceptance of the final financial report. CO staff should liase with their
respective contact person at GNO about the details of this transfer before GAD

• To facilitate administration GNO requests the submission of the reports

(narrative, financial) plus photos together at one time at the specified dates. Please do
not send them separately.

• Further requirements are keeping project files with all relevant documents

- project application, activity plan, budget, log frame, signed GAD

- all communications
- list of participants (of e. g. workshops, trainings) and beneficiaries list (of e. g.
scholarships recipients, income generating activities), each with signatures of
participants and beneficiaries
- monthly updated staff lists
- tender documents
- documentation of quotations
- contracts and subcontracts with suppliers
- Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with local partners
- vehicle logbooks
- publications, newspaper clippings
- any other documentation which seem relevant

5. Locally raised grants

The locally received income accounting policy and procedure is applicable: all new
GADs which include locally raised grants where the income is to be credited to an NO
must include the following table. The table should be completed by the NO partner.

If the GAD does not include any locally raised grants, please delete the table.

5.1 Income entitlement criteria for locally raised grants

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Notes for the GAD format
Note number/topic Explanation
1. Entering figures All figures must be in US$. Figures apply to the whole GAD and not by FY,
except where budget breakdown is given in section 1.3.
2. GAD for disaster See the definition of disaster management GADs at: Disaster GAD definition
3. NO contact Enter the address of the person who deals with this GAD’s details. This may not
necessarily be the main NO grant contact person. Automatic emails generated by
the tracking system will be sent to this address.
4. Specific project or A GAD may fund either a specific project, or a proportion of a CPO without
proportion of CPO reference to specific projects. You complete either 1.2.1 or 1.2.2; not both.
5. Associate donors For selective grants only, where the grant pays for specific outputs within a
to outputs project, complete NO donor name against the outputs its grant is funding.
6. GAD budget This is the estimate of total expenditure on the project wholly or partly funded by
the grant. This includes what is funded by the grant or grants, and what is funded
by the match, if there is one. The figure must agree to the expenditure projection
given in the cashflow schedule.
7. Donor name For selective grants, maximum 2 donors. For proportional grants, maximum 6
donors of one match requirement and 6 of another.
8. Donor type This specifies the nature of the donor, corporate, bilateral etc, using letters A to I.
9. Committed grant This is the total amount of income committed by the NO for each grant in the
income (CGI) GAD, once the grant has been awarded.  Any funds from the grant retained by the
NO and not transferred are not considered grant income and are not recorded in
the grants tracking system. Sponsorship funding used as match is not counted as
GAD income. The CGI must agree to the ‘total cash transfer from NO to PI Inc’
figure in the cash flow schedule.
10. Match Express as dollars of grant to dollars of match, eg 1G:2M for one dollar of grant
expression requiring two dollars of match.
11. Grant type This defines the grant in terms of what kind of match the grant requires (or none),
using a coding for 7 possible types (PC, PS, PN, SC, SS, SN, FD). All grants
must be given one of these types.
12. Donor reporting This allows a GAD reporting period which is different from Plan’s fiscal year. A
month start date is entered in the GL, and the reporting period will become one year
forward from this.
13. Local grants and If the local grantor can be clearly associated with an NO (eg, embassy) the income
associated NOs is credited to the NO at year end. See the locally received income accounting
policy and procedure for details.
14. Exchange rates The rate must be unit of NO currency per US$, not the other way around, eg for
Sterling 0.5, for Euro 0.6, for Kroner 5.0. One decimal point is sufficient; up to
maximum 4 decimal points can be used.
These are not entered into the system at present, but may be included in future.
15. Agreement from Use this for shared GADs. Add further rows as required for other NOs.
other named NO/s
16. Electronic All parties may use electronic signatures except for the CEO (for tax reasons). If
signatures physical signatures are required in addition to electronic signatures, these can
follow and should not impede the start of the project.

Further details on items in section 1 can be found in the grants Facts at your fingertips guide
Further details on items in section 2 can be found in the GAD approval process core document.

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