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Submitted to:
Mr. Adeel Munir

Mechanics of Machines
Submitted By:

Hamza Iftikhar 2018-ME-306

Talha Mustafa 2018-ME-318
Muhammad Asif 2018-ME-331
Muhammad Abdullah 2018-ME-349
List of Experiments

Experiment No. Description

Experiment No. 1 To balance single disturbing mass by a single balancing mass rotating
in the same plane at equal radii.

Experiment No. 2 To balance single disturbing mass by a single balancing mass rotating
in the same plane at different radii.

Experiment No. 3 To balance two rotating masses with a single mass rotating in the
same plane at equal radii.
Experiment No. 4 To balance two rotating masses with a single rotating mass rotating in
the same plane at different radii.
Experiment No. 5 To balance three masses (rotating masses) with a single mass
(balancing mass) rotating in the same plane at equal radii.
Experiment No. 6 To balance three masses (rotating masses) with a single mass
(balancing mass) rotating in the same plane at different radii.
Experiment No. 7 To balance one rotating mass by two masses rotating in the different
plane at equal radii when plane of disturbing mass is between the
planes of two balancing mass.
Experiment No. 8 To balance one rotating mass by two masses rotating in the different
plane at different radii when plane of disturbing mass is between the
planes of two balancing mass.
Experiment No. 9 To balance one rotating mass by two masses rotating in same plane at
different radii when planes of disturbing mass is on either side of the
planes of two balancing mass.
Experiment No. 10 To balance one rotating mass by two masses rotating in different
plane at different radii when planes of disturbing mass is on either
side of the planes of two balancing mass.
Experiment No. 11 To balance different masses rotating at different radii in the different

Experiment No.12 To determine a graph of follower displacement against angular

rotation of the cam

Experiment No.13 To draw the cam profile machine and draw the cam profile using
displacement diagram with the help of displacement curve for uniform
To balance single disturbing mass by a single balancing mass rotating in the same plane at
equal radii.

Learning Objective:
 To identify the disturbing mass present in a plane at a specific radius and angle.
 To calculate the balancing mass with the help of static balancing equation and put it in
the plane at required radius and angle.

 Balancing Machine (Balancing of rotating masses)
 Mass Balance
 Nuts, bolts & washers as masses

Main Parts of Balancing Machine

 Mounting platform
 Suspension and bearings
 Shaft and rotating discs
 Motor, belt and pulley
 Motor speed control unit

Useful Data
Static and Dynamic balancing unit
Disc radii:
Distance between discs: 4in

Balancing of rotating and reciprocating masses
The balancing of rotating bodies is important to avoid vibration. In heavy industrial
machines such as gas turbines, electric generators and heavy engines of ships, vibration can
cause catastrophic failure, as well as noise and discomfort. In the case of a narrow wheel,
balancing simply involves moving the center of gravity to the center of rotation, which is
done by placing balancing masses in a specific plane at a specific radius and angle. For a
system to be in complete balance both force and couple polygons should be closed i.e., both
forces and couples are need to be balanced.
Static balancing
Static balance occurs when the center of gravity of an object is on the axis of rotation. The
centrifugal force due disturbing mass is neutralized by equal and opposite centrifugal force of
balancing mass. The object can therefore remain stationary, with the axis horizontal, without
the application of any braking force. It has no tendency to rotate due to the force of gravity.
This is seen in bike wheels where the reflective plate is placed opposite the valve to distribute
the center of mass to the center of the wheel. E.g., Car Wheels.

As we can see from the figure that a balancing mass(m) is attached in same plane at a radius
of (r) in front of disturbing mass (M). So, from condition of static balancing we got:

Dynamic balancing
A rotating system of mass is in dynamic balance when the rotation does not produce any
resultant centrifugal force or couple i.e., dynamic balancing requires both force and
couple to be balanced. The system rotates without requiring the application of any external
force or couple, other than that required to support its weight. If a system is initially
unbalanced, to avoid the stress upon the bearings caused by the centrifugal couple,
counterbalancing weights must be added. This is seen when a bicycle wheel gets buckled.
The wheel will not rotate itself when stationary due to gravity as it is still statically balanced,
but will not rotate smoothly as the center of mass is to the side of the center bearing.
Following figure shows how couple is balanced:
Rotating shaft unbalanced by two identical attached weights, which causes a
counterclockwise centrifugal couple (C*d) that must be resisted by a clockwise couple (F*ℓ =
C*d) exerted by the bearings.
Two different cases of dynamic balancing are there under category of (balancing of single
rotating mass by 2 masses in different planes)
1) When plane of disturbing mass is in between plane of balancing masses
Following figure illustrates it:

Now, after static balancing, we got:

m*r=(m1*r1) +(m2*r2)
After couple/torque balancing about points P and Q, we got:
2) When the plane of disturbing mass lies on one side of planes of balancing masses
Following figure illustrates it:
Now, from force balancing, we got:
m1*r1=(m*r) +(m2*r2)
And after couple balancing:

1 Ensure that the balancing machine is levelled on the table and if not then use levelling
screws to level it horizontally on table
2 Take a mass in the form of nut and bolt, measure it and place it in a plane at a specific
value of radius and angle in a disc.
3 This will be the disturbing mass.
4 Take same value of mass (nut and bolt) and place it at the same radius at an angle of 180
degree from disturbing mass in the same disc.
5 This will be the balancing mass.
6 Start the motor by pressing switch and increase its speed with the help of speed control
7 The mounting platform containing discs must be stationary and must not reciprocate
forward and backward, which means disturbing mass is balanced statically.

Sr. No. Disturbing Mass Balancing Mass

M1(g) R1(mm) Θ1ᵒ M2(g) R2(mm) Θ2ᵒ

1 21 60 40 21 60 220
2 15 30 20 15 30 200
3 16 90 40 16 90 220
4 26 90 80 26 90 260
Specimen Calculations
For 1st observation:
M1 = 21g
R1 = 60mm
R2 = 60mm
Now, using equation of static balancing,
M1 * R1=M2 * R2
M2 = 21g


 When one is to be balanced by one another mass in same radii the mass and
radii are equal but placed 180o apart from the rotating mass.

 We are actually to balance the resultant of the disturbance forces in the rotating

 Centrifugal forces of the elements mounted to the rotating elements disturbs the
rotating element and causes the unbalancing.
To balance single disturbing mass by a single balancing mass rotating in the same plane at
different radii.

Learning Objective:
 To identify the disturbing mass present in a plane at a specific radius and angle.
 To calculate the balancing mass with the help of static balancing equation and put it in
the plane at required radius and angle.

 Balancing Machine (Balancing of rotating masses)
 Mass Balance
 Nuts, bolts & washers as masses

Main Parts of Balancing Machine

 Mounting platform
 Suspension and bearings
 Shaft and rotating discs
 Motor, belt and pulley
 Motor speed control unit

Useful Data
Static and Dynamic balancing unit
Disc radii:
Distance between discs: 4in

1 Ensure that the balancing machine is levelled on the table and if not then use levelling
screws to level it horizontally on table
2 Take a mass in the form of nut and bolt, measure it and place it in a plane at a specific
value of radius and angle in a disc.
3 This will be the disturbing mass.
4 Take same value of mass (nut and bolt) and place it at the same radius at an angle of 180
degree from disturbing mass in the same disc.
5 This will be the balancing mass.
6 Start the motor by pressing switch and increase its speed with the help of speed control
7 The mounting platform containing discs must be stationary and must not reciprocate
forward and backward, which means disturbing mass is balanced statically.

Sr. No. Disturbing Mass Balancing Mass

M1(g) R1(mm) Θ1ᵒ M2(g) R2(mm) Θ2ᵒ

1 21 60 40 14 90 220
2 15 30 20 7.5 60 200
3 16 90 40 24 60 220
4 26 90 80 30 30 260

Specimen Calculations
For 1st observation:
Now, using equation of static balancing,
M1 * R1=M2 * R2
M2= 14g


 In static balancing only these centrifugal forces are to be balanced but in case
of dynamic balancing moments are also to be balanced.

 Vibration and wobbling are the main disturbances in the system.

 Counter weights at specific radius and angles are required to balance the

 For the same plane action only centrifugal force are to be balanced.
To balance two rotating masses with a single mass rotating in the same plane at equal radii.

Learning Objective:
 To identify the disturbing mass present in a plane at a specific radius and angle.
 To calculate the balancing mass with the help of static balancing equation and put it in
the plane at required radius and angle.

 Balancing Machine (Balancing of rotating masses)
 Mass Balance
 Nuts, bolts & washers as masses

Main Parts of Balancing Machine

 Mounting platform
 Suspension and bearings
 Shaft and rotating discs
 Motor, belt and pulley
 Motor speed control unit

Useful Data
Static and Dynamic balancing unit
Disc radii:
Distance between discs: 4in

1. Ensure that the balancing machine is levelled on the table and if not then use levelling
screws to level it horizontally on table
2. Take a mass in the form of nut and bolt, measure it and place it in a plane at a specific
value of radius and angle in a disc.
3. This will be the disturbing mass.
4. Take same value of mass (nut and bolt) and place it at the same radius at an angle of 180
degree from disturbing mass in the same disc.
5. This will be the balancing mass.
6. Start the motor by pressing switch and increase its speed with the help of speed control
7. The mounting platform containing discs must be stationary and must not reciprocate
forward and backward, which means disturbing mass is balanced statically.

Sr. No. Disturbing Mass 1 Disturbing Mass 2 Balancing Mass

M1(g) R1(mm) Θ1ᵒ M2(g) R2(mm) Θ2ᵒ M(g R(mm) Θᵒ

1 28 60 200 32 60 220 59 60 59
2 40 45 120 36 45 110 76 45 335
3 52 30 90 31 30 120 80 30 349
4 48 60 80 56 60 160 80 60 326

Specimen Calculations

For 1st observation:

Now, using analytical method,

= -0.00181

= -0.00305
Now, resultant force Fc is:
Fc = √ (∑V )2+(∑ H )2 = 0.003546 kg.m
Since m*r=Fc, So,
m= ∗1000 = 59g
Now, angle of balancing mass from horizontal is:
θ=tan −1 =59 ᵒ

 For same plane we need only to balance the centrifugal forces because no
moment is present in that case.

 Centrifugal forces of the elements mounted to the rotating elements disturbs

the rotating element and causes the unbalancing.

 ‘mr’ suggests that if you have lower masses then again system can be
balanced by increasing the radius of rotation to balance the system.
To balance two rotating masses with a single rotating mass rotating in the same plane at
different radii.

Learning Objective:
 To identify the disturbing mass present in a plane at a specific radius and angle.
 To calculate the balancing mass with the help of static balancing equation and put it in
the plane at required radius and angle.

 Balancing Machine (Balancing of rotating masses)
 Mass Balance
 Nuts, bolts & washers as masses

Main Parts of Balancing Machine

 Mounting platform
 Suspension and bearings
 Shaft and rotating discs
 Motor, belt and pulley
 Motor speed control unit

Useful Data
Static and Dynamic balancing unit
Disc radii:
Distance between discs: 4in

1 Ensure that the balancing machine is levelled on the table and if not then use levelling
screws to level it horizontally on table
2 Take a mass in the form of nut and bolt, measure it and place it in a plane at a specific
value of radius and angle in a disc.
3 This will be the disturbing mass.
4 Take same value of mass (nut and bolt) and place it at the same radius at an angle of 180
degree from disturbing mass in the same disc.
5 This will be the balancing mass.
6 Start the motor by pressing switch and increase its speed with the help of speed control
7 The mounting platform containing discs must be stationary and must not reciprocate
forward and backward, which means disturbing mass is balanced statically.


Sr. No. Disturbing Mass 1 Disturbing Mass 2 Balancing Mass

M1(g) R1(mm) Θ1ᵒ M2(g) R2(mm) Θ2ᵒ M(g R(mm) Θᵒ

1 28 60 200 32 45 120 40 60 286
2 40 45 120 36 60 260 31 45 66
3 52 30 90 31 45 140 89 30 336
4 48 60 80 56 30 300 32 60 44

Specimen Calculations
For 1st observation:
Now, using analytical method,

= -0.00292

= -0.00305
Now, resultant force Fc is:
Fc = √ (∑V )2+(∑ H )2 = 0.003546 kg.m
Since m*r=Fc, So,
m= ∗1000 = 40g
Now, angle of balancing mass from horizontal is:
θ=tan −1 =286 ᵒ

 In static balancing only these centrifugal forces are to be balanced but in

case of dynamic balancing moments are also to be balanced.

 Vibration and wobbling are the main disturbances in the system.

 Counter weights at specific radius and angles are required to balance the

 For the same plane action only centrifugal force are to be balanced.
To balance three masses (rotating masses) with a single mass (balancing mass) rotating in the
same plane at equal radii.

Learning Objective:
 To identify the disturbing mass present in a plane at a specific radius and angle.
 To calculate the balancing mass with the help of static balancing equation and put it in
the plane at required radius and angle.

 Balancing Machine (Balancing of rotating masses)
 Mass Balance
 Nuts, bolts & washers as masses

Main Parts of Balancing Machine

 Mounting platform
 Suspension and bearings
 Shaft and rotating discs
 Motor, belt and pulley
 Motor speed control unit

Useful Data
Static and Dynamic balancing unit
Disc radii:
Distance between discs: 4in
Balancing of rotating and reciprocating masses
The balancing of rotating bodies is important to avoid vibration. In heavy industrial
machines such as gas turbines, electric generators and heavy engines of ships, vibration can
cause catastrophic failure, as well as noise and discomfort. In the case of a narrow wheel,
balancing simply involves moving the center of gravity to the center of rotation, which is
done by placing balancing masses in a specific plane at a specific radius and angle. For a
system to be in complete balance both force and couple polygons should be closed i.e., both
forces and couples are need to be balanced.

Static balancing
Static balance occurs when the center of gravity of an object is on the axis of rotation. The
centrifugal force due disturbing mass is neutralized by equal and opposite centrifugal force of
balancing mass. The object can therefore remain stationary, with the axis horizontal, without
the application of any braking force. It has no tendency to rotate due to the force of gravity.
This is seen in bike wheels where the reflective plate is placed opposite the valve to distribute
the center of mass to the center of the wheel. E.g., Car Wheels.

As we can see from the figure that a balancing mass(m) is attached in same plane at a radius
of (r) in front of disturbing mass (M). So, from condition of static balancing we got:

Dynamic balancing
A rotating system of mass is in dynamic balance when the rotation does not produce any
resultant centrifugal force or couple i.e., dynamic balancing requires both force and
couple to be balanced. The system rotates without requiring the application of any external
force or couple, other than that required to support its weight. If a system is initially
unbalanced, to avoid the stress upon the bearings caused by the centrifugal couple,
counterbalancing weights must be added. This is seen when a bicycle wheel gets buckled.
The wheel will not rotate itself when stationary due to gravity as it is still statically balanced,
but will not rotate smoothly as the center of mass is to the side of the center bearing.
Following figure shows how couple is balanced:
Rotating shaft unbalanced by two identical attached weights, which causes a
counterclockwise centrifugal couple (C*d) that must be resisted by a clockwise couple (F*ℓ =
C*d) exerted by the bearings.
Two different cases of dynamic balancing are there under category of (balancing of single
rotating mass by 2 masses in different planes)
1) When plane of disturbing mass is in between plane of balancing masses
Following figure illustrates it:

Now, after static balancing, we got:

m*r=(m1*r1) +(m2*r2)
After couple/torque balancing about points P and Q, we got:
2) When the plane of disturbing mass lies on one side of planes of balancing masses
Following figure illustrates it:

Now, from force balancing, we got:

m1*r1=(m*r) +(m2*r2)
And after couple balancing:

Balancing of several masses in the same plane

When different masses are present at different angles from each other and from positive x-
axis at same or different radii in the same plane then in order to balance them, their resultant
centrifugal force is to be calculated and then a mass is calculated from this force and attached
at the required radius at an angle of 180 degree from the direction of disturbing force.
Hence, we are doing static balancing because masses are in the same plane.
It is illustrated in following figure:

To find magnitude and position of balancing masses, we have analytical & graphical
method, which are described below:
1)Analytical Method
It has following steps:
1. Find out centrifugal force produced by each disturbing mass i.e., product of mass &
its radius of rotation
2. Resolve the centrifugal force into its horizontal and vertical components and then find
the sum of horizontal components (∑H) and vertical components (∑V) using
following formulae:

3. Find magnitude of resultant centrifugal force using following formula:

Fc= √ ∑ H 2+ ∑ V 2
4. Let ‘θ’ be the angle made by resultant force with horizontal which is:

5. The balancing force is equal in magnitude to Fc but opposite in direction, and its
angle from horizontal is (θ+180)

6. Now find the magnitude of balancing mass by following relation:

(Where ‘r’ will be given or we can assume any value at which we want to put balancing

Graphical Method
Various steps involved in this method are given below:
1. Draw the space diagram with the positions of the several masses, as shown.
2. Find out the centrifugal forces or product of the mass and radius of rotation exerted by
each mass.
3. Now draw the vector diagram with the obtained centrifugal forces or product of the
masses and radii of rotation. To draw vector diagram, take a suitable scale.
4. Let ab, bc, cd, de represents the forces Fc1, Fc2, Fc3 and Fc4 on the vector diagram.
Draw ‘ab’ parallel to force Fc1 of the space diagram, at ‘b’ draw a line parallel to
force Fc2. Similarly draw lines cd, de parallel to Fc3 and Fc4 respectively.
5. As per polygon law of forces, the closing side ‘ae’ represents the resultant force in
magnitude and direction as shown in vector diagram.
6. The balancing force is then, equal and opposite to the resultant force.
7. Determine the magnitude of the balancing mass (m) at a given radius of rotation (r),
such that,
Fc =m*(ω^2) * r
Where m*r=resultant of m1*r1, m2*r2, m3*r3 and m4*r4
Following figure illustrates this method:

1 Ensure that the balancing machine is levelled on the table and if not then use levelling
screws to level it horizontally on table.
2 Take 3 masses in the form of nuts and bolts, measure them and place them in a plane
(disc) at specific value of radius and different angles from horizontal.
3 These will be the disturbing masses.
4 Take a mass (M) (nut and bolt) as determined from graphical or analytical method using
pre-determined value of radius (R).
5 Place M in the same disc as of disturbing masses at radius R and at the angle of 180
from the direction of resultant force.
6 This will be the balancing mass.
7 Start the motor by pressing (On) switch and increase its speed with the help of speed
control knob.
8 The mounting platform containing discs must be stationary and must not reciprocate
forward and backward or oscillate about pivot points, which means disturbing masses
are balanced.

Sr. Disturbing Mass 1 Disturbing Mass 2 Disturbing Mass 3 Balancing Mass


M1(g) R1(mm) Θ1ᵒ M2(g) R2(mm) Θ2ᵒ M3(g) R3(mm) Θ3ᵒ M(g) R(mm) Θᵒ

1 13 90 60 13 90 120 11 90 180 25.1 90 116.0

2 11 30 20 11 30 100 11 30 200 10.7 30 100

3 15 60 30 16 60 150 17 60 270 1.73 60 240

Specimen Calculations
For 1st observation:
Now, using analytical method,

Now, resultant force Fc is:

Since m*r=Fc, So,

Now, angle of balancing mass from horizontal is:


 Centrifugal forces of the elements mounted to the rotating elements disturbs

the rotating element and causes the unbalancing.

 In static balancing only these centrifugal forces are to be balanced but in case
of dynamic balancing moments are also to be balanced.

 Vibration and wobbling are the main disturbances in the system.

To balance three masses (rotating masses) with a single mass (balancing mass) rotating in the
same plane at different radii.

Learning Objective:
 To identify the disturbing mass present in a plane at a specific radius and angle.
 To calculate the balancing mass with the help of static balancing equation and put it in
the plane at required radius and angle.

 Balancing Machine (Balancing of rotating masses)
 Mass Balance
 Nuts, bolts & washers as masses

Main Parts of Balancing Machine

 Mounting platform
 Suspension and bearings
 Shaft and rotating discs
 Motor, belt and pulley
 Motor speed control unit

Useful Data
Static and Dynamic balancing unit
Disc radii:
Distance between discs: 4in

1 Ensure that the balancing machine is levelled on the table and if not then use levelling
screws to level it horizontally on table.
2 Take 3 masses in the form of nuts and bolts, measure them and place them in a plane
(disc) at specific value of radius and different angles from horizontal.
3 These will be the disturbing masses.
4 Take a mass (M) (nut and bolt) as determined from graphical or analytical method using
pre-determined value of radius (R).
5 Place M in the same disc as of disturbing masses at radius R and at the angle of 180
from the direction of resultant force.
6 This will be the balancing mass.
7 Start the motor by pressing (On) switch and increase its speed with the help of speed
control knob.
8 The mounting platform containing discs must be stationary and must not reciprocate
forward and backward or oscillate about pivot points, which means disturbing masses
are balanced.


Sr. Disturbing Mass 1 Disturbing Mass 2 Disturbing Mass 3 Balancing Mass


M1(g) R1(mm) Θ1ᵒ M2(g) R2(mm) Θ2ᵒ M3(g) R3(mm) Θ3ᵒ M(g) R(mm) Θᵒ

1 28 60 200 32 45 120 34 30 60 36 60 -57

2 40 45 120 36 30 260 26 45 190 52 45 74
3 52 30 90 31 60 140 45 60 200 132 30 -87

Specimen Calculations
For 1st observation:
M1=28g R1=60mm Θ1=200ᵒ
M2=32g R2=45mm Θ2=120ᵒ
M3=34g R3=30mm Θ3=60ᵒ

Now, using analytical method,

= 0.001182

= -0.00179
Now, resultant force Fc is:

Fc = √(∑𝑉)2 + (∑𝐻)2 = 0.002144 kg.m

Since m*r=Fc, So,
m= ∗ 1000 = 36g

 For the weights to be in different quadrant we need to find angle of resultant

with great care so that proper angle could be achieved.

 Counter weights at specific radius and angles are required to balance the

 For the same plane action only centrifugal force are to be balanced.
To balance one rotating mass by two masses rotating in the different plane at equal radii
when plane of disturbing mass is between the planes of two balancing mass

Learning Objective:
 To identify the disturbing mass present in a plane at a specific radius and angle.
 To calculate the balancing mass with the help of static balancing equation and put it in
the plane at required radius and angle.

 Balancing Machine (Balancing of rotating masses)
 Mass Balance
 Nuts, bolts & washers as masses

Main Parts of Balancing Machine

 Mounting platform
 Suspension and bearings
 Shaft and rotating discs
 Motor, belt and pulley
 Motor speed control unit

Useful Data
Static and Dynamic balancing unit
Disc radii:
Distance between discs: 4in

1 Ensure that the balancing machine is levelled on the table and if not then use levelling
screws to level it horizontally on table
2 Take a mass in the form of nut and bolt, measure it and place it in a plane at a specific
value of radius and angle in a disc.
3 This will be the disturbing mass.
4 Take same value of mass (nut and bolt) and place it at the same radius at an angle of 180
degree from disturbing mass in the same disc.
5 This will be the balancing mass.
6 Start the motor by pressing switch and increase its speed with the help of speed control
7 The mounting platform containing discs must be stationary and must not reciprocate
forward and backward, which means disturbing mass is balanced statically.

Sr. No. Disturbing Mass Balancing Mass 1 Balancing Mass 2

M(g) R(mm) Θᵒ M1(g) R1(mm) Θ1ᵒ M2(g R2(mm) Θ2ᵒ

1 35 60 50 28 60 300 37 60 184
2 28 45 150 30 45 260 47 45 75
3 33 30 110 46 30 170 39 30 290
4 42 60 80 45 60 200 55 60 320

Specimen Calculations

Disturbing mass = m = 35g

Radius = r = 60mm

Θ =50ᵒ
L1=100mm, L2= 200mm and L3=300mm


Θ 1= 300ᵒ, Θ 2=184ᵒ
Then, by using formula;

m2= (m*r*L1)/ r2 * L3
m2=37 g
m1= (m*r*L2)/ r1 * L3
m1 = 28 g


 Centrifugal forces of the elements mounted to the rotating elements disturbs the
rotating element and causes the unbalancing.
 In dynamic balancing we need to balance the forces as well as the moments produced
due to these centrifugal forces.
 For different plane we need balance the centrifugal forces as well as the moments to
get the system whole balanced.
To balance one rotating mass by two masses rotating in the different plane at different radii
when plane of disturbing mass is between the planes of two balancing mass.

Learning Objective:
 To identify the disturbing mass present in a plane at a specific radius and angle.
 To calculate the balancing mass with the help of static balancing equation and put it in
the plane at required radius and angle.

 Balancing Machine (Balancing of rotating masses)
 Mass Balance
 Nuts, bolts & washers as masses

Main Parts of Balancing Machine

 Mounting platform
 Suspension and bearings
 Shaft and rotating discs
 Motor, belt and pulley
 Motor speed control unit

Useful Data
Static and Dynamic balancing unit
Disc radii:
Distance between discs: 4in

1 Ensure that the balancing machine is levelled on the table and if not then use levelling
screws to level it horizontally on table
2 Take a mass in the form of nut and bolt, measure it and place it in a plane at a specific
value of radius and angle in a disc.
3 This will be the disturbing mass.
4 Take same value of mass (nut and bolt) and place it at the same radius at an angle of 180
degree from disturbing mass in the same disc.
5 This will be the balancing mass.
6 Start the motor by pressing switch and increase its speed with the help of speed control
7 The mounting platform containing discs must be stationary and must not reciprocate
forward and backward, which means disturbing mass is balanced statically.

Sr. No. Disturbing Mass Balancing Mass 1 Balancing Mass 2

M(g) R(mm) Θᵒ M1(g) R1(mm) Θ1ᵒ M2(g R2(mm Θ2ᵒ

) )

1 50 30 10 25 60 170 51 45 300
2 42 45 20 26 30 120 36 60 195
3 25 60 30 35 45 210 55 45 160
4 33 30 45 47 60 135 56 45 270

Specimen Calculations

Disturbing mass = m = 50g

Radius = r = 30mm

Θ =10ᵒ
L1=100mm, L2= 200mm and L3=300mm


Θ 1= 170ᵒ, Θ 2=300ᵒ
Then, by using formula;

m2= (m*r*L1)/ r2 * L3
m2=51 g
m1= (m*r*L2)/ r1 * L3
m1 = 25 g


In dynamic balancing we need to balance the forces as well as the moments produced
due to these centrifugal forces.
 For different plane we need balance the centrifugal forces as well as the moments to
get the system whole balanced.
 For the same plane action only centrifugal force are to be balanced.
To balance one rotating mass by two masses rotating in same plane at different radii when
planes of disturbing mass is on either side of the planes of two balancing mass.

Learning Objective:
 To identify the disturbing mass present in a plane at a specific radius and angle.
 To calculate the balancing mass with the help of static balancing equation and put it in
the plane at required radius and angle.

 Balancing Machine (Balancing of rotating masses)
 Mass Balance
 Nuts, bolts & washers as masses

Main Parts of Balancing Machine

 Mounting platform
 Suspension and bearings
 Shaft and rotating discs
 Motor, belt and pulley
 Motor speed control unit

Useful Data
Static and Dynamic balancing unit
Disc radii:
Distance between discs: 4in

1 Ensure that the balancing machine is levelled on the table and if not then use levelling
screws to level it horizontally on table
2 Take a mass in the form of nut and bolt, measure it and place it in a plane at a specific
value of radius and angle in a disc.
3 This will be the disturbing mass.
4 Take same value of mass (nut and bolt) and place it at the same radius at an angle of 180
degree from disturbing mass in the same disc.
5 This will be the balancing mass.
6 Start the motor by pressing switch and increase its speed with the help of speed control
7 The mounting platform containing discs must be stationary and must not reciprocate
forward and backward, which means disturbing mass is balanced statically.

Sr. No. Disturbing Mass 1 Disturbing Mass 2 Balancing Mass

M1(g) R1(mm) Θ1ᵒ M2(g) R2(mm) Θ2ᵒ M(g) R(mm) Θᵒ

1 40 60 90 30 60 160 58 60 299
2 25 45 80 35 45 150 48 45 295
3 33 30 120 30 30 170 32 30 320
4 27 60 60 40 60 190 36 60 345

Specimen Calculations

For 1st observation (where “A” is balancing mass )

Fig 9.1 Angular Position of Masses Fig 9.2 Position of Planes

Fig 9.3 Force Polygon

Scale (1mm = 1×10-3 kg.m )

Plane m (kg) r(m) m.r l (m) m.r.l

A Ma (r.p) 0.06 0.06×Ma 0 0
B 0.04 0.06 0.0024 0.1 0.00024
C 0.03 0.06 0.0018 0.2 0.00036

3.4576 ×10-3 =0.06×Ma

Ma = 57.62667 g


 In forming couple diagram, we need to consider that the system is balanced and it is
only possible if resultant couple is zero.
 For different plane we need balance the centrifugal forces as well as the moments to
get the system whole balanced.
 Vibration and wobbling are the main disturbances in the system.
 Centrifugal forces of the elements mounted to the rotating elements disturbs the
rotating element and causes the unbalancing.

To balance one rotating mass by two masses rotating in different plane at different radii when
planes of disturbing mass is on either side of the planes of two balancing mass

Learning Objective:
 To identify the disturbing mass present in a plane at a specific radius and angle.
 To calculate the balancing mass with the help of static balancing equation and put it in
the plane at required radius and angle.

 Balancing Machine (Balancing of rotating masses)
 Mass Balance
 Nuts, bolts & washers as masses

Main Parts of Balancing Machine

 Mounting platform
 Suspension and bearings
 Shaft and rotating discs
 Motor, belt and pulley
 Motor speed control unit

Useful Data
Static and Dynamic balancing unit
Disc radii:
Distance between discs: 4in

1 Ensure that the balancing machine is levelled on the table and if not then use levelling
screws to level it horizontally on table
2 Take a mass in the form of nut and bolt, measure it and place it in a plane at a specific
value of radius and angle in a disc.
3 This will be the disturbing mass.
4 Take same value of mass (nut and bolt) and place it at the same radius at an angle of 180
degree from disturbing mass in the same disc.
5 This will be the balancing mass.
6 Start the motor by pressing switch and increase its speed with the help of speed control
7 The mounting platform containing discs must be stationary and must not reciprocate
forward and backward, which means disturbing mass is balanced statically.


Sr. No. Disturbing Mass 1 Disturbing Mass 2 Balancing Mass

M1(g) R1(mm) Θ1ᵒ M2(g) R2(mm) Θ2ᵒ M(g) R(mm) Θᵒ

1 55 30 60 45 60 150 70 45 299
2 42 45 70 37 30 160 59 60 280
3 35 30 40 27 60 90 45 45 195
4 23 60 80 37 45 200 48 30 320

Specimen Calculations

For 1st observation (where “A” is balancing mass )

Fig 10.1 Angular Position of Masses Fig 10.2 Position of Planes

Fig 10.3 Force Polygon

Scale (1mm = 1×10-3 kg.m )

Plane m (kg) r(m) m.r l (m) m.r.l

A Ma (r.p) 0.045 0.045×Ma 0 0
B 0.055 0.03 0.00165 0.1 0.000165
C 0.045 0.06 0.0027 0.2 0.00054

3.1643 ×10-3 = 0.045×Ma

Ma = 70.31 g


 For different plane we need balance the centrifugal forces as well as the moments to
get the system whole balanced.
 Reference plane must be selected such that unknown could be reduced to the
acceptable level and calculations must become easy.
 Vibration and wobbling are the main disturbances in the system.
 For the same plane action only centrifugal force are to be balanced.
 Centrifugal forces of the elements mounted to the rotating elements disturbs the
rotating element and causes the unbalancing.
To balance different masses rotating at different radii in the different planes

Learning Objective:
 To identify the disturbing mass present in a plane at a specific radius and angle.
 To calculate the balancing mass with the help of static balancing equation and put it in
the plane at required radius and angle.

 Balancing Machine (Balancing of rotating masses)
 Mass Balance
 Nuts, bolts & washers as masses

Main Parts of Balancing Machine

 Mounting platform
 Suspension and bearings
 Shaft and rotating discs
 Motor, belt and pulley
 Motor speed control unit

Useful Data
Static and Dynamic balancing unit
Disc radii:
Distance between discs: 4in

Balancing of rotating and reciprocating masses
The balancing of rotating bodies is important to avoid vibration. In heavy industrial
machines such as gas turbines, electric generators and heavy engines of ships, vibration can
cause catastrophic failure, as well as noise and discomfort. In the case of a narrow wheel,
balancing simply involves moving the center of gravity to the center of rotation, which is
done by placing balancing masses in a specific plane at a specific radius and angle. For a
system to be in complete balance both force and couple polygons should be closed i.e., both
forces and couples are need to be balanced.
Static balancing
Static balance occurs when the center of gravity of an object is on the axis of rotation. The
centrifugal force due disturbing mass is neutralized by equal and opposite centrifugal force of
balancing mass. The object can therefore remain stationary, with the axis horizontal, without
the application of any braking force. It has no tendency to rotate due to the force of gravity.
This is seen in bike wheels where the reflective plate is placed opposite the valve to distribute
the center of mass to the center of the wheel. E.g., Car Wheels.

As we can see from the figure that a balancing mass(m) is attached in same plane at a radius
of (r) in front of disturbing mass (M). So, from condition of static balancing we got:

Dynamic balancing
A rotating system of mass is in dynamic balance when the rotation does not produce any
resultant centrifugal force or couple i.e., dynamic balancing requires both force and
couple to be balanced. The system rotates without requiring the application of any external
force or couple, other than that required to support its weight. If a system is initially
unbalanced, to avoid the stress upon the bearings caused by the centrifugal couple,
counterbalancing weights must be added. This is seen when a bicycle wheel gets buckled.
The wheel will not rotate itself when stationary due to gravity as it is still statically balanced,
but will not rotate smoothly as the center of mass is to the side of the center bearing.
Following figure shows how couple is balanced:
Rotating shaft unbalanced by two identical attached weights, which causes a
counterclockwise centrifugal couple (C*d) that must be resisted by a clockwise couple (F*ℓ =
C*d) exerted by the bearings.
Two different cases of dynamic balancing are there under category of (balancing of single
rotating mass by 2 masses in different planes)
1) When plane of disturbing mass is in between plane of balancing masses
Following figure illustrates it:

Now, after static balancing, we got:

m*r=(m1*r1) +(m2*r2)
After couple/torque balancing about points P and Q, we got:
2) When the plane of disturbing mass lies on one side of planes of balancing masses
Following figure illustrates it:
Now, from force balancing, we got:
m1*r1=(m*r) +(m2*r2)
And after couple balancing:

Balancing of several masses in the same plane

When different masses are present at different angles from each other and from positive x-
axis at same or different radii in the same plane then in order to balance them, their resultant
centrifugal force is to be calculated and then a mass is calculated from this force and attached
at the required radius at an angle of 180 degree from the direction of disturbing force.
Hence, we are doing static balancing because masses are in the same plane.
It is illustrated in following figure:

To find magnitude and position of balancing masses, we have analytical & graphical
method, which are described below:
1)Analytical Method
It has following steps:
a. Find out centrifugal force produced by each disturbing mass i.e., product of mass &
its radius of rotation
b. Resolve the centrifugal force into its horizontal and vertical components and then find
the sum of horizontal components (∑H) and vertical components (∑V) using
following formulae:

d. Find magnitude of resultant centrifugal force using following formula:
a. Fc= √ ∑ H 2+ ∑ V 2
e. Let ‘θ’ be the angle made by resultant force with horizontal which is:
f. tan¿ ∑ H
g. The balancing force is equal in magnitude to Fc but opposite in direction, and its
angle from horizontal is (θ+180)

h. Now find the magnitude of balancing mass by following relation:

i. Fc=m*r
(Where ‘r’ will be given or we can assume any value at which we want to put
balancing mass)

Graphical Method
Various steps involved in this method are given below:
1. Draw the space diagram with the positions of the several masses, as shown.
2. Find out the centrifugal forces or product of the mass and radius of rotation exerted by
each mass.
3. Now draw the vector diagram with the obtained centrifugal forces or product of the
masses and radii of rotation. To draw vector diagram, take a suitable scale.
4. Let ab, bc, cd, de represents the forces Fc1, Fc2, Fc3 and Fc4 on the vector diagram.
Draw ‘ab’ parallel to force Fc1 of the space diagram, at ‘b’ draw a line parallel to
force Fc2. Similarly draw lines cd, de parallel to Fc3 and Fc4 respectively.
5. As per polygon law of forces, the closing side ‘ae’ represents the resultant force in
magnitude and direction as shown in vector diagram.
6. The balancing force is then, equal and opposite to the resultant force.
7. Determine the magnitude of the balancing mass (m) at a given radius of rotation (r),
such that,
Fc =m*(ω^2) * r
Where m*r=resultant of m1*r1, m2*r2, m3*r3 and m4*r4
Following figure illustrates this method:

Balancing of different masses present in different planes

When the disturbing masses are present in different planes then both the centrifugal force &
couple need to be balanced for balancing that masses.
Steps of the balancing are as follows:
1 A reference plane is chosen from which lengths to other planes are the left of
reference plane, the distances are negative while on right side they are positive.
2 A table is made in which the centrifugal forces and couples due to all masses are written.
3 Force and couple polygon is developed using suitable scale.
4 Magnitude of resultant of polygons will give balancing mass and balancing mass will be
antiparallel to the resultant.
These all steps are shown in following figures:
1 Ensure that the balancing machine is levelled on the table and if not then use levelling
screws to level it horizontally on table.
2 Take 3 masses in the form of nuts and bolts, measure them and place them in a plane
(disc) at specific value of radius and different angles from horizontal.
3 These will be the disturbing masses.
4 Take a mass (M) (nut and bolt) as determined from graphical or analytical method using
pre-determined value of radius (R).
5 Place M in the same disc as of disturbing masses at radius R and at the angle of 180
from the direction of resultant force.
6 This will be the balancing mass.
7 Start the motor by pressing (On) switch and increase its speed with the help of speed
control knob.
8 The mounting platform containing discs must be stationary and must not reciprocate
forward and backward or oscillate about pivot points, which means disturbing masses
are balanced.

Sr. Disturbing Mass 1 Disturbing Mass 2 Disturbing Mass 3 Balancing Mass

M1(g) R1(mm) Θ1ᵒ M2(g) R2(mm) Θ2ᵒ M3(g) R3(mm) Θ3ᵒ M(g) R(mm) Θᵒ

1 10 30 0 15 30 60 10 30 207 30 30 226

2 10 90 0 12 30 60 21 60 190 60 60 330

Specimen Calculations
For 1st observation:

Θ1=0 degree

Θ2=60 degree

Plane Mass (g) Radius Distance Couple

A (Ref) Ma 30 30Ma 0
B 10 30 300 30480
C 15 30 450 91446
D M2 30 30Md 9144 md

Here, (F) is centrifugal force and (Dist.) is distance of masses from reference plane.
Now, using suitable scale the couple polygon is


Md=12g Θd=226
degree And the force polygon is:

Ma=10g ΘA=180+27=207 degree So, balancing masses
and angles are:

Θ3=207 degree

Θ4=226 degree

 In forming couple diagram, we need to consider that the system is balanced and it is
only possible if resultant couple is zero.

 For different plane we need balance the centrifugal forces as well as the moments to
get the system whole balanced.

 Vibration and wobbling are the main disturbances in the system.

 Centrifugal forces of the elements mounted to the rotating elements disturbs the
rotating element and causes the unbalancing.

1. Learning objective:
To determine a graph of follower displacement against angular rotation of the cam

2. Apparatus:
 Cams.
 Cam analyze machine.
 Roller follower.

Displacement when the follower Moves with Simple Harmonic
The displacement, when the follower moves with simple harmonic motion are shown in Fig.
10 (a). The displacement diagram is drawn as follows:
1. Draw a semi-circle on the follower stroke as diameter.
2. Divide the semi-circle into any number of even equal parts (say six).
3. Divide the angular displacements of the cam during out stroke and return stroke into the
same number of equal parts.
4. The displacement diagram is obtained by projecting the points as shown in Fig. 10 (a)
Since the follower moves with a simple harmonic motion.
Figure 10(a)

Learning objective:
To draw the cam profile machine and draw the cam profile using displacement diagram with
the help of displacement curve for uniform velocity

1. Apparatus:
 Cams.
 Cam analyze machine.
 Roller follower.

2. Procedure:
The procedure is given below,
 Place the Cam to the motor and fly wheel apparatus.
 Mount the follower onto the cam.
 Set the graph apparatus.
 Now, start the motor, during its motion the shaft will rotate causing the cam to
 Follower follows the cam and graph is being plotted between displacement and
periods for forward stroke, dwells and reverse strokes.

3. Observations and calculations:

 No offset
 Base diameter=5.1 cm
 Roller diameter= 15 mm
 Stroke length= 50 mm
 Forward stroke= 120.2o
 Dwell 1=35.2o
 Dwell 2=96.2o
 Reverse stroke= 1080
Cam profile is drawn and attached to the report.
Figure 1

Figure 2

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