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Name : Oktavia fiddah S.

Id : 17320096
Class : AS

A Formalist Analysis of The Necklace

The Necklace be able to analysis from the formalist perspective because of

the deeply meaningful symbols referenced in the story. The necklace itself, for which
the story was named, is a deeply meaningful symbol. The assumption that the
necklace is more than simply a necklace, but a deeply meaningful symbol that gives
insight into the deeper meaning. The assumption that symbols that appear in a story
are important to understanding the overall meaning of a story can be applied to a
formalist reading of The Necklace. In The Necklace, the necklace that Mathilde
borrowed is a key symbol in interpreting the meaning of the story.

From a formalist perspective, the symbol of the necklace the is key to

interpreting the story. The necklace, though it appeared beautiful and very valuable,
was actually worthless. The necklace symbolizes the main character, Mathilde’s,
obsession with her own beauty and being perceived as wealthy. Like the necklace,
Mathilde is beautiful, but she doesn’t have much worth as a person. She wasn’t born
into a wealth family, as she tries to appear, and she doesn’t have any skills that
would allow her to be independent without needing a husband. She was deceived by
Madame Forestier into believing that the necklace was valuable in the same way she
deceived her husband into sacrificing everything for her.

The Necklace can easily be interpreted from a formalist perspective if the

reader becomes familiar with common everyday objects that appear in the story and
view the necklace itself as a symbol of the main character’s place in society. Both
Mathilde and the necklace are beautiful, but neither has the monetary worth they
appear to have. This interpretation is based entirely on the content and language of
the story and doesn’t require the reader to be familiar with the author’s life or other
works, or with the society and time period in which it was written. This formalist
interpretation stands on its own and relies on the text itself.

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