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Guessing Meaning of Vocabulary from Context

Having an extensive vocabulary helps you to figure-out the meaning of new words more quickly. Even if you have thought
you have correctly guessed the meaning of the new word from its context, use a dictionary to check its pronunciation and
look for possible multiple meanings. Check a dictionary if a word you are looking-up can be used as part of a figurative
expression. If you do not have your dictionary with you, note down words, which you do not understand and look them up

Now you will learn how to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words or new words by looking around the words to find clues.
These clues will help you to find their meanings; then you will better understand what you are reading. There are many ways
to help you guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context. They are discussed below separately with examples.

1. Definition: Writers may use words, phrases, or statements to define something. e.g.
1. Inflation is a rise in the general level of prices you pay for things you buy.
The definition = a rise in the general level of prices you pay for everything you buy.
2. Someone who explores and studies caves is known as a spelunker.
Definition = someone who explores and studies caves
2. Restatement: The writer may use other words, phrases, or sentences to provide the meaning of difficult words. e.g.
The surface of Africa consists mainly of plateaus, or large flat areas, although these occur at different levels.
meaning = large flat areas

The use of computers to handle text, or word processing, was foreseen in the 1950s.
meaning: handle text = word processing
3. Punctuation marks: is used to describe the meaning of unfamiliar words. e.g.
Full-color pictures are printed using only black and three colors: yellow, cyan (a light blue) and magenta (a light purple).
Meaning: cyan = a light blue and magenta = a light purple
4. Examples: Examples help us to understand the meaning of new words. e.g.
Use navigation buttons, such as, the Next button, the previous button, the Menu button, and the Exit button, to go back and
forth or jump to other topics while you are using your English software.
Meaning = buttons on computer program that are used for turn on pages
5. Contrast: They will show the opposite meaning of the new words. 
E.g. Although Derartu and Letay are very close friends, they are very different. Derartu spends a lot of money to buy things
while Letay loves to economize.
a) spend more money b) save money
c) buy things more than before d) keep things in a safe place
6. Similarity: You can guess the meaning of new words by using signal words of similarity. They will display the same
meaning of the new words.
E.g., Indonesia is producing Ford cars and trucks. Soon, Thailand and Vietnam will be producing the same products with, no
doubt, the same quality.
What does the words ‘the same products’ mean? _________
What is your clue? ______________________________
7. Surrounding words: If you cannot find any signal words or key words as stated before, you may look around new words or
unfamiliar words and try to guess them. The surrounding words may help you to understand the new words. See examples
Children are too young to understand that swallowing gum can cause medical problems and so they should not be allowed to
chew it, doctors say.
Unfamiliar words: swallowing and chew
What do these words mean?
How do you guess their meaning?

8. Imagination
You may try to use many strategies as stated previously to understand new words, but sometimes you still can’t understand.
You can use your imagination in that case. Read the following passage and try to imagine how a father felt when his child got
D or F grades.
Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.

A father examined his son’s report card and suffered mild cardiac tremors as he saw a solid column of D and F grades.
Outraged that a product of his genes could so disgrace the family, he confronted his son and said, “Dave, this just won’t do. I
can’t tolerate these grades, and if you don’t show me an immediate turn-around, you’re going to be grounded!”
Do you think Dave got good grades or bad grades? _______
Was Dave’s father happy or angry at his school result? __________
What is his father going to do with him? _____________

9. Pictures: A picture is worth more than a thousand words, (an old Chinese saying) so a picture can help you to guess the
meaning of a new word. Look at the pictures below and choose the best answer to explain the pictures. .

1. Which is the best description for the above picture?

a) Holiday on beach b) Beautiful beach c) Activity of people

10. Experience and background knowledge

Reading researchers confirmed that experience and background knowledge play an important role in reading
comprehension. As EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students, you may read related Thai texts to gain knowledge before
reading the English text. See example.

Termites, ant-like insects, found in warm countries like Thailand, love to bite and eat most wood and paper. Once they start,
they never stop until everything is gone or you stop them.

Look at the pictures below, which one is the termite? ____________

11. Analyzing Word Parts

In addition to context clues, an analysis of word’s part may also provide clue to its meaning. If you know what those parts for
the word mean, you can often guess the meaning of the unfamiliar word. A word may contain three parts, which are prefix
root and suffix. For example: un-success-ful, non-break-able, actress (actor-ess), etc

Use signal words as your clues to find the meaning of the underlined words. Encircle signal words and write their meaning in
the space provided.
1.  The encyclopedia defines astrology as the ancient art or science of divining the fate and future of human beings from
indications given by the positions of stars and other heavenly bodies.
Astrology means______________________________________
2.  Sales literature means printed matters that contain information on the goods.
Sales literature means_________________________________
3 According to Indian custom, a great dowry of money and objects is given to the bridegroom, in other words, it is a dot.
dot = ________________________
4. There are several types of aerosol cans. Simple ones contain a liquefied gas, called the propellant, in which material is
Dissolved =___________________
5. Both facsimile (known as fax) and electronic mail (email) are ways of sending documents.
Facsimile =________________Electronic mail =_________________
6. An FM radio DJ (disk jockey) broadcasts over the airwaves.
DJ =__________________________
7. Learning should not be limited to the classroom or with teachers. We can learn by ourselves about things that are not taught
by teachers. Similarly, ‘self-learning’ is encouraged for our education system.
What does the words ‘self-learning’ mean? ___________
Exercise 2: Use signal words as your clues to find the meaning of the underlined words by choosing the best answer for
each question. Circle signal words.

1. Some people in the North of Thailand do wickerwork, for example, they make elephants, turtles, plates, beds, and chairs,
from teak trees for earning money.
a) silver handicraft b) bronze handicraft c) niello handicraft d) wood handicraft
2. The Savanna grasslands are the home of grazing animals such as elephants, giraffes, antelopes and zebras. Lions, leopards
and hyenas also live there.
a) non-backbone animals b) meat-eating animals
c) Invertebrate animals d) grass-eating animals
3. Nadia was promoted to be the chief secretary of the manager of the company, whereas her colleague, Samy, was penalized.
a) promoted b) punished c) exiled d) rewarded
4. Although small pox has almost been eradicated. Malaria is prevalent in Kanchanaburee, Thailand. A policeman just died
from the PF (Plasmodium Falciparum) malaria last month.
a) destroyed completely b) common found c) fear of disease d) furbish
5.  Professor Belay of the Aksum Business College, had to do a presentation in Aksum and Addis Abeba on the same day, to
be sure that he would be back to Aksum on time, he bought a round trip ticket.
a) one way ticket b) two way ticket
6.  In Mekele on Monday morning, most streets are very crowded, so Askale came to school late because she was trapped in
a) blocked b) caught

7. Most Thais are Buddhists and they usually make merit by giving donations, listening to sermons, giving food, and
meditating on religious days.
a) do good things b) work hard
8. Thailand has never been under the yoke of any other country. We are proud to have our own language, culture and tradition.
a) Dependable b) ruled by
9.  Please, Uncle Jack, give me a piggyback!
a) a ride on someone back or shoulder b)  a small bag

10. When they heard the good news about the court’s decision, the angry crowd cheered and then began to disperse. “It looks
like everyone is going home,” one reporter stated.

Which would be the opposite of “disperse”?

a. come together
b. smile
c. fly like a bird
d. sing

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