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Azelaic Acid in Acne Vulgaris

Mary Caroline Young, Patrick M. Zito

ABSTRACT: By definition, a drug is a medicine or sub- option for acne vulgaris. Azelaic acid is a dicarboxylic
stance that exerts a physiologic effect on an organism. In acid that is thought to alter follicular epidermal hyper-
dermatology, various medications and substances are proliferation, inflammation, and Propionibacterium acnes,
utilized on a daily basis, ranging from topical treatments but not excess sebum production (Allergan, Inc., 2003;
to anesthetics in micrographic surgery. The purpose of this Zaenglein et al., 2012).
section was to focus on some of the more common
substances, specifically how they work, how they are
utilized, and routine alternatives (if available). The mech- MECHANISM OF ACTION
anism of action, usage, and alternative options of the The mechanism of action of azelaic acid is not well un-
medication azelaic acid are discussed. derstood. However, in vitro, it possesses antimicrobial
Key words: Acne Vulgaris, Melanin, Pregnancy, activity against Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylo-
Propionibacterium, Rosacea coccus epidermidis, most likely through microbial cellu-
lar protein synthesis inhibition (Allergan, Inc., 2003).

A cne vulgaris is a common disorder of the pilose-

baceous unit that causes comedones, papules, pus-
tules, and nodules on the face, chest, and back. It
predominately affects adolescents but may be present in
patients through 30 years old or older (Zaenglein, Graber,
Microcomedones and comedones can arise because of
hyperkeratinization. Azelaic acid produces an anticomedonal
effect by decreasing the amount of hyperkeratinization
(Allergan, Inc., 2003). Biopsies have shown a decrease in
stratum corneum thickness, keratohyalin granules, and
& Thiboutot, 2012). filaggrin in patients treated with azelaic acid cream (Allergan,
The pathogenesis of acne involves the following four Inc., 2003). Azelaic acid also competitively inhibits tyros-
key elements: (a) follicular epidermal hyperproliferation, inase, an enzyme involved in the conversion of tyrosine
(b) excess sebum production, (c) inflammation, and (d) to melanin (Figure 1). Last, its mechanism of action also
Propionibacterium acnes (Zaenglein et al., 2012). Treat- includes the inhibition of DNA synthesis and mitochon-
ment is typically based on the type of acne that is diag- drial enzymes, thereby inducing direct cytotoxic effects
nosed. However, regardless of the morphology, topical on the melanocyte (Sarkar et al., 2016). Therefore, azelaic
retinoids are often involved in the first-line treatment acid is thought to decrease postinflammatory hyperpig-
either as monotherapy or in combination with topical or mentation (Zaenglein et al., 2016).
oral antibiotics or benzoyl peroxide (Zaenglein et al.,
2012). Topical dapsone, azelaic acid, and salicylic acid
are used as alternatives to retinoids. USES IN PRACTICE
Topical antibacterials such as erythromycin are not Topical azelaic acid is Food and Drug Administration
recommended as monotherapy for acne vulgaris. Azelaic (FDA) approved for mildYmoderate inflammatory acne
acid is a safe and appropriate monotherapy treatment vulgaris under the brand name Azelex as 20% cream
(Allergan, Inc., 2003). It is also FDA approved for mild-
to-moderate papulopustular rosacea under the brand
Mary Caroline Young, DO, A.T. Still University, Kirksville College
of Osteopathic Medicine, Kirksville, MO. name Finacea as 15% gel and 15% foam (Bayer
Patrick M. Zito, DO, PharmD, RPh, FASCP, FRSPH, College of Health HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc., 2015). At this time,
Sciences, School of Nursing, Walden University, Minneapolis, MN. azelaic acid is not approved for any other subtype of
The authors declare no conflict of interest. rosacea. In clinical studies for azelaic acid gel 15%
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to (Finacea), there was some reduction of erythema noted
Patrick M. Zito, DO, PharmD, RPh, FASCP, FRSPH, College of
in patients treated for papulopustular rosacea, but no
Health Sciences, School of Nursing, Walden University, 100
Washington Ave., S. Suite 900, Minneapolis, MN 55401. specific clinical trials were performed to study erythema
E-mail: Patrick.zito@waldenu.edu in rosacea in the absence of papules and pustules (Bayer
Copyright B 2018 by the Dermatology Nurses’ Association. HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc., 2015). Azelaic acid is
DOI: 10.1097/JDN.0000000000000399 also used off-label for the treatment of hyperpigmen-

VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 0 | MONTH 2018 1

Copyright © 2018 Dermatology Nurses' Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
All three formulations of topical azelaic acid mention
that hypopigmentation has been reported and recom-
mend monitoring for this in patients with dark complex-
ions, as this has not been well studied in this population.
Azelaic acid can also cause ocular and mucous mem-
brane irritation; thus, contact should be avoided (Bayer
HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc., 2015). It should be
noted that hypersensitivity reactions to azelaic acid or its
components have also been reported.

Currently, there are no other known drugs with the same
mechanism of action as azelaic acid. On the other hand,
there are many other drugs that can be used in the
treatment of acne vulgaris, such as topical and oral reti-
FIGURE 1. Competitive inhibition of tyrosinase by azelaic noids, oral and topical antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide, top-
acid results in a decreased production of melanin. ical dapsone, salicylic acid, photodynamic therapy, lasers,
and peels. Antibiotics develop resistance when not used in
tation disorders, including melasma, due to its inhibition combination with benzoyl peroxide and therefore should
of tyrosinase (Figure 1; Mazurek & Pierzchaaa, 2016). not be used as monotherapy. Azelaic acid is an effective
monotherapy for acne vulgaris in pregnant women
(Chien, Qi, Rainer, Sachs, & Helfrich, 2016).
Topical azelaic acid has a bioavailability of up to 10% in
the epidermis and dermis (Allergan, Inc., 2003). Approx- WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS
imately 4% of azelaic acid cream or gel is absorbed systemi-
Hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with the
cally after topical application (Allergan, Inc., 2003; Bayer
use of azelaic acid. It should be avoided in patients with
HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc., 2015). Azelaic acid is a
known hypersensitivity reactions to azelaic acid or its
saturated dicarboxylic acid (HOOC-(CH2)7-COOH) found
components. Hypopigmentation has been reported with
in many foods, including animal products and whole
the use of azelaic acid as well. Skin should be monitored
grains. It may undergo some beta-oxidation to shorter-
for signs of hypopigmentation, especially in patients with
chain dicarboxylic acids, but it is predominately excreted
dark complexions. In addition, contact with the eyes,
in its original form in urine (Allergan, Inc., 2003). The half-
mouth, and other mucous membranes should be avoided.
life of topical azelaic acid is approximately 12 hours, and
the patient should apply it to the area of concern twice
daily. Favorable results are typically seen within 4 weeks REFERENCES
in patients with acne vulgaris and within 12 weeks in pa- Allergan, Inc. (2003). Azelex (azelaic acid) cream label. Irvine, CA:
Allergan. Retrieved from http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_
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Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc., 2015). Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc. (2015). Finacea (azelaic acid) foam full
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ADVERSE EFFECTS Chien, A. L., Qi, J., Rainer, B., Sachs, D. L., & Helfrich, Y. R. (2016).
Mild, transient adverse effects have been reported with Treatment of acne in pregnancy. The Journal of the American Board of
Family Medicine, 29(2), 254Y262. doi:10.3122/jabfm.2016.02.150165
topical azelaic acid. Adverse effects of the 15% gel Mazurek, K., & Pierzchaaa, E. (2016). Comparison of efficacy of products con-
(Finacea gel) used for rosacea include burning/stinging/ taining azelaic acid in melasma treatment. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology,
tingling (29%), pruritis (11%), scaling/dry skin (8%), 15(3), 269Y282. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jocd.12217
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and erythema/irritation (4%; Bayer HealthCare Phar- (2016). Periorbital hyperpigmentation: A comprehensive review. Journal
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cream (Azelex) used for acne vulgaris are similar but
Zaenglein, A. L., Graber, E. M., & Thiboutot, D. M. (2012). Chapter 80:
less commonly noted in the clinical trials. They include Acne vulgaris and acneiform eruptions. In L. A. Goldsmith, S. I., Katz, B. A.
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patients and erythema, dryness, rash, peeling, irritation, Education.
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foam (Finacea foam) reported similar adverse reactions. Dermatology, 74(5), 945.e33Y973.e33.

2 Journal of the Dermatology Nurses’ Association

Copyright © 2018 Dermatology Nurses' Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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