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 Physical Characteristics
Some of the things that make us unique are the results of heredity.
Heredity – the process by which the traits or characteristics of parents are passed on to the offspring.
 Mental Characteristics
the ability to see things in a positive way and how you think, feel, interact, and behave within your
 an optimistic person thinks that something good may turn out from her bad experience.
include how you think, feel, interact, and behave within your environment
Emotional Characteristics
Emotional characteristics are acquired or learned from the things, people, and situations that surround you. These
characteristics are the results of your interaction with your environment and the things and non-living things that
surround you.
Attitudes – the way you weigh things and form judgments about people and things around you make up your

 Social Characteristics
One’s personality not only lies on his or her physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
A person is also judged according to the way he or she deals, interacts, and behaves with other people.
Self-Concept – the way you view yourself.
Concept means idea , so your self-concept is the idea that you have about yourself.

Understanding Oneself of Puberty

Adolescence period – children experience rapid growth between the ages of 10 to 14.
 The stage where you can say that you are not a child anymore but an adolescent.
 Is the stage when child develops secondary sex characteristics.
 Begins between the ages of 9-13.
Four (4) important physical changes that every girl and boy undergoes:
1. change in body weight;
2. change in body shape;
3. maturation of the reproductive system; and
4. other physical changes that go with sexual development like change in voice and growth of hair in different
parts of the body.
The different physical changes girls and boys undergo:
Your breasts begin to develop and start to take shape. Your skin may get more oily because you sweat more.
Pimples are most likely to come out on your face.
Hair starts to grow under your arms, on your legs, and in Your voice gets deeper. This starts with your voice
the pubic area or area between your legs. cracking.
Your arms, legs, hands, and feet may grow faster than the Hair starts to grow under your arms, on your legs, and
rest of the body. face, and above the sex organ.
Your skin may get more oily because you sweat more. Your arms, legs, hands, and feet may grow faster than
Pimples are most likely to come out on your face. the rest of the body.
Your hips get wider and your waist gets smaller. You get taller and your shoulders get broader. You
could gain a lot of weight in the process.
Your menstruation cycle, or monthly “period” begins. Your sex organ will start developing so you need to be
Most girls get their period between the ages of 9 and 16. circumcised.
Taking Care of One’s Clothes
Proper care of clothes includes the following:
1. Darning of Clothes
Darning – the repairing or mending of ripped clothes using interlacing stitches. Ripped clothes need to be
darned in order to prevent further damage.
2. Removing Dirt and Stain
Removing dirt or stain while still fresh is easier done at the same time because it saves time and effort. Clean
and stain-free clothes give fresh confidence and satisfaction to the wearer.

The following are some common dirt and stains and ways to remove them.
Dirt and Stain Ways

Put some ice on the stain then scrape it.

1. Bubble gum
2. Blood Soak in cold water for two or more hours. Wash in warm
water with soap. Rinse.
3. Rust Put some salt and calamansi extract on the stain and dry it
under the sun for 3-4 minutes. Rinse.
Apply some petroleum jelly on the stained pat. Then wash it
in warm water with soap. Rinse.
4. Lipstick
Scrub the stain with a cotton wet with turpentine. Rinse.
5. Paint

6. Mud Wash in warm water with soap. Rinse.

Drench the burnt part with cold water. Dry it under the sun.
7. Burn
put a thin slice of onion on the part with stain.
Soak in cold water, lime, or milk. Wash in warm water with
8. Tint
soap. Rinse.
Squeeze calamansi on the stained cloth while it is still soaked
9. Chocolate
in water. Dry it under the sun. Rinse.
3.Washing- the act or action of one that cleanses with water.
4.Starching of Clothes – the process of soaking washed clothes in cooked and diluted starch
5. Ironing- the act or process of smoothing or pressing clothes, linens, etc., with a heated iron.

Family: Its Nature and Functions

Family – the basic unit of the society. Anyone in our life can be considered as family for as long as these people
have special meaning in our lives.

1. NUCLEAR FAMILY – consists of a father, a mother, and their children
2. EXTENDED FAMILY – consists of a father, a mother, their children, and their relatives like a
grandmother, a grandfather, an uncle, and/or an auntie living in one roof.
3. BLENDED FAMILY – also called step family. In this kind of family, one or both parents have been
married before. One or both of them have children before. They have found another person to marry and they
live in one roof together with a step dad/mom and their children, and their own children.
4. SINGLE-PARENT FAMILY – this family is only composed of a parent, whether the mother or the father,
and he/she is raising their biological child/children and living under one roof
5. ADOPTIVE FAMILY – a family where one or more of the children has been adopted
6. FOSTER FAMILY – a family where one or more of the children is legally a temporary member of the
Taking Care of the Home and Its Surroundings

Taking Care of the House

A home is considered a workshop where the children learn many things. It is where they practice
cleanliness and orderliness.
Living room – the center of family activities where guests, callers, friends, and relatives are received and
accommodated by the whole family.
Bedroom – a private place reserved for the family where they can:
-The bedroom should give each member of the family a feeling of comfort and privacy.
Dining Room – is adjacent to the kitchen and the living room. In some houses, one room serves as a living
room, dining room and kitchen combined.
Kitchen – must be adjacent to the dining room so that the preparation and serving of food will be much
– the center area for the preparation and storage of food, cooking, and serving of meals, and
washing and cleaning of kitchen wares.
Bathroom – always occupies the smallest area in most houses. At present, many houses have combined the
toilet and the bathroom.
Taking Care of the Environment
The following activities are included in caring for the environment:
 planting ornamental plants and vegetables
 cleaning the pathways
 sweeping fallen and dry leaves
 watering the plants
 disposing the garbage
 making a compost pit for fertilizer
 participating in community projects in making the environment clean and beautiful

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