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Christian Grace School of Cavite

B Brgy. San Gabriel, GMA Cavite (046) 890-2753

Second Monthly Examination in


NAME: ____________________________________________ DATE:__________________ SCORE:

YEAR & SECTION: ___________________________ TEACHER: ____________________________

I. Identification. Identify what the following statements describe.

___________1. it contains 97.5% of most saline water on the earth.

___________2. it is the total amount of water in the planet, generally remains constant trough
___________3. it moves and changes in form, but is neither created nor destroyed.
___________4. it is the process when droplets or ice crystals in the clouds become heavy.
___________5. the movement of water around the earth’s surface and its subsystem is called.
___________6. when the rain penetrates to land it is the process of what?
___________7. the largest reservoir contributes to evaporation.
___________8. it is the evaporation from the plants.
___________9. when the rains become saturated, rainwater may flow overland as.
___________10. the evaporation that happens on the plants is called.

II. Multiple Choices: Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write you answer on
the space provided before the number.

___________11. This is the pathway where the particles and dissolved substances are
a. drainage basin b. overland flow c. channels d. dams
___________12. It is form in places where water collects in a low area, behind natural or
human made.
a. dams b. lakes c. ponds d. ocean
___________13. It is an example of stream with a considerable volume and a well defined
a. dams b. lakes c. ponds d. river
___________14. It separates individual drainage basin.
a. drainage basin b. drainage divide c. drainage power d. drainage action
___________15. It is the largest river basin in the Philippines.
a. Cagayan river basin b. Marikina river basin c. Pasig river basin d. Nile river basin
___________16. It is the barriers constructed along streams to contain the flow of water.
a. dams b. lakes c. ponds d. river
___________17. It is the land areas where water covers the surface for significant periods.
a. river b. wetlands c. ponds d. dams
___________18. The largest among the four oceans
a. Arctic b. Indian c. Pacific d. Southern
___________19. Most of the earth’s water is in the form of
a. water vapor b. glaciers c. liquid d. solid
___________20. Laundry hanging out in the sun soon dries because of
a. precipitation b. evaporation c. condensation d. saturation
___________21. Why can the depth of a water table be high in some places and low in others?
a. there is too much leaking occurring in certain spots
b. the depth changes due to precipitation, drought, or overuse of wells
c. sedimentation occurs
d. none of the above
___________22. What is desalination?
a. the process by which salts are removed from the water
b. when water is heated to boiling so water evaporated but salt remains; water vapor is
cooled and fresh water collected
c. removing water vapor from local areas
d. all of the above
___________23. How is Earth's water supply being continuously renewed?
a. through photosynthesis
b. through the water cycle
c. through oceans
d. through carbon cycle
___________24. The process by which a high percentage of precipitation is returned from the
a. condensation b. rainfall c. run-off d. sublimation
___________25. It is the most abundant water available on Earth based on total global water
a. freshwater b. groundwater c. saltwater d. glacier and ice caps
___________26. The runoff confined in the stream channels
a. groundwater b. stream flow c. overland flow d. surface water
___________27. The movement of water through the soil and its layers
a. infiltration b. percolation c. interception d. geologic formation
___________28. Which of the following is not a wetland?
a. estuary b. marsh c. permafrost d. swamp
___________29. Which is the best aquifer?
a. mudstone b. sand layers c. fractured basalt d. crystalline granite
___________30. Which of the following addressed the country’s water problem through an
integrated water management program of developing new water resources and conserving
identified watershed?
a. Executive Order No. 222 (1995) c. Presidential Decree No. 424 (1974)
b. National Water Crisis Act of 1995 d. The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004

III. Modified True or False. Write the word True if the statement is correct and if it is not
write the word False and underline the word which make it wrong.

___________ 31-32. Water is a precious resource and we take it for granted that
water will flow when we turn on a faucet.
___________33-34. The average rainfall in the summer is not affected by droughts.
___________35-36. Most water in homes is used for showers.
___________37-38. The unit of measurement used to quantify how much water is used
is mgd or millions of gallons of water per day.
___________39-40. Rainfall, surface waters and groundwater are linked together
through the water cycle.
___________ 41-42. It is not important to conserve water because water is plentiful.
___________43-44. When water is pumped from an aquifer the water pressure
___________ 45-46. A good way to conserve water is to leave the faucet running when
you brush your teeth.
___________47-48. Sustainability means planning for the future and maintaining and
improving our water supply in order to protect the environment.
___________ 49-50. Water availability will not be a problem for future generations.
IV. Enumeration. Enumerate the following.

 Types of Wetlands (51-53)

 Types of Flood (54-57)
 Groundwater Profile (58-60)

V. Illustrate. Draw and explain the Hydrologic Cycle. 10pts

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