Jus in Personam Jus Ad Rem: Contractual Negligence in The

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to deliver the fruit of the thing

 natural fruit – products of the soil,
Obligation (ART 1156) – juridical necessity animals
to give to d o or not to do  industrial fruit – produced by land,
cultivated or labor
Requisites of Obligation:  civil fruit – result of juridical relation
 Active subject – creditor/oblige such as the rent of a building
 Passive subject – debtor/obligor
 Prestation – object Right of creditor:
 Efficient cause – vinculum or legal or Personal Right – maybe enforced to
juridical tie one person to another
Sources of obligation: Real Right - right or power over a
 Law specific thing, enforceable against
 Contract the whole world
 Quasi-contract – lawful, voluntary - JUS IN RE
and unilateral acts giving rise to a
juridical necessity to the end that no 4. To deliver accessions (include
one shall be unjustly enriched at the everything that is produced by a
expense of the other thing or is incorporated or attached)
 Negotiorum gestio – voluntary and accessories (joined or included
administration of the property, etc. with the principal thing for the
of another without his consent or latter’s better use)
 Solutio indebiti – payment by Grounds for liability to pay damages:
mistake 1. Fraud
 Acts or omission punishable by law  Causal fraud – dolo causante;
 Quasi-delicts – “tort or culpa voidable; fraud without consent
aquiliana” which consent would not have been
- acts or omissions there being a given
fault or negligence but without  Incidental fraud - dolo incidente;
any pre-existing contractual valid; fraud without consent would
relation between the parties have been still been given but the
person giving would have agreed on
Nature and Effect of obligation different terms
Determinate Thing – particularly 2. Negligence
designated or physically segregated from all  Contractual negligence – culpa
others contractual; negligence in the
performance of a contract
Obligation:  Civil negligence – tort, quasi-delict,
1. to take good care of the thing: culpa aquiliana; cause damage to
diligence of a good father of a family others
2. to deliver the thing
 Criminal negligence – culpa 2. Conditional obligation –
criminal; result in commission of demandability or extinguishment
crime depends upon happening of a
3. Delay – default, mora condition (uncertain event wields an
 Mora solvendi - debtor influence on a legal relationship)
o Ex re – real obligation  Suspensive condition – condition
o Ex persona – personal antecedent or condition precedent;
obligation happening of which will give rise to
 Mora accipiendi – creditor obligation
 Compensation Morae – both parties  Resolutory condition – condition
4. Contravention of the tenor of the subsequent; happening of which
obligation extinguishes the obligation
 Potestative – depends upon the will
(Exceptions): Delay will exist without of party
demand  Casual – depends upon chance or
will of third person
1. When law so provides  Mixed – depends partly upon will of
2. When obligation expressly declares one of the parties and partly upon
3. When time is the essence of chance/will of third person
contract  Positive – to do
4. When demand will be useless  Negative - not to do
5. In reciprocal obligations  Divisible - capable of partial
Fortuitous events - events could not be  Indivisible - not capable of partial
foreseen, though foreseen are inevitable performance by its nature or law

Remedies of creditor to enforce payment Loss - thing perishes or goes out of

of his claims: (Successive measures) commerce or disappears
1. Pursue the property in the
possession of the debtor except 3. Reciprocal obligation – one that
those exempt by law arises from the same cause in which
2. Accion Subgrogatoria - Exercise all each party is a creditor or debtor of
rights and bring all actions of the each other
debtor except those personal to him 4. Obligation with a period –
3. Accion pauliana – impugn the acts demandability or extinguishment is
which debtor may have done to subjected to the expiration of term
defraud his creditors which is necessarily to come
 Ex die - suspensive effect; from a
General rule: All rights acquired in virtue of certain day
an obligation are transmissible  In diem – resolutory effect; until a
certain day
Different Kinds of Obligations:  Legal – by law
1. Pure obligation - one without term  Voluntary – by parties
or condition  Judicial – by court
When debtor loses his right to make use demand payment of the whole
of the period, creditor may demand obligation
immediate payment:  Passive solidarity – part of debtor
a) Insolvent unless he gives guaranty  Active solidarity – part of creditor
or security of debt  Mixed solidarity – part of both
b) Fails to furnish the guaranty or parties
securities that he has promised
c) Impairs the said guaranty by his Other terms:
own acts or when due to fortuitous  Joint and severally
events unless he gives a new ones  Individually and collectively
d) Attempts to abscond  In solidium
e) Violates any undertaking  Mancomunada solidaria
 Juntos o separadamente
5. Alternative obligation – several
prestation but one is sufficient 9. Divisible obligation – one capable of
Right to choose – belongs to debtor partial performance
When obligation ceases to be alternative - Susceptible of partial
and becomes a simple obligation: performance, number of days,
a) Debtor has communicated his choice metrical units
b) Only one is predictable 10. Indivisible obligation – not capable
c) Creditor has communicated his of partial performance
choice to debtor, if creditor has
been given the right to choose 11. Obligation with a penal clause –
provides for a greater liability on the
6. Facultative obligation – one part of the debtor in case of non-
prestation but debtor may render compliance
another in substitution
 Before substitution – thing due is  Penal clause – accessory
principal obligation undertaking on the part of debtor
 After substitution – thing due is the Rule: (Art. 1228) proof of actual
substitute damages suffered by the creditor IS
NOT NECESSARY in order that the
7. Joint obligation - each debtor (or penalty may be demanded
creditor) is liable (or entitled) only
for a proportionate part of the debt Kinds of penal clause:
Other terms:  Legal - law
 Proportionately  Conventional – agreement of parties
 Pro rata  Subsidiary – only the penalty may
 Mancomunada be enforced
 Moncomunada simple  Joint – both obligation and penalty
may be enforced
8. Solidary obligation – each debtor
(or creditor) is liable (or entitled) to Effect of nullity of principal
obligation and penal clause:
 Nullity of principal obligation carries b. Payment without knowledge
with it the nullity of penal clause and consent:
 Nullity of penal clause does not carry I. Recover only insofar
with it that of the principal as the payment
obligation beneficial to the
debtor; NOT
Causes of Extinguishment of Obligation: ENTITLED to
1. Payment or performance subrogation
Legal tender – money or currency General Rule: Payment to an
which the debtor may compel his incapacitated/unauthorized creditor is NOT
creditor to accept his payment.. VALID
 P 1000 = 1,5,10
 P 100 = 1,5,10,25 cents Special forms of payment:
 All bills are legal tender up a. Dation in payment – dacion en
to any amount pago, adjudicacion en pago, datio in
Inflation – increased in the currency solutum
Deflation – decreased - Form of payment where the
Rule: In case an extraordinary inflation or ownership of property is
deflation of the currency should supervene, transferred to his creditor to pay
value of the currency at the time of a debt in money
establishment of the obligation shall be the - Objective novation
basis of payment, unless there is agreement - As a rule, debtor IS released
to the contrary b. Application of payment –
designation of debt to which
Formula: A = (B/C) x B payment shall be applied when
A – amount to be paid at maturity debtor owes several debts in favor
B – amount of obligation of same creditor
C – value on the date of maturity
How application is made:
Free disposal of the thing – property is free - debtor who has preferential
from any claims or encumbrances in favor right designates the debt,
of third person - if not creditor makes it by
indicating debt being paid in his
Payment by a third person: receipt,
I. Creditor not bound to accept - if neither of parties, it shall be
payment by third person applied by the operation of law
II. Rights of third person who c. Payment by Cession – abandonment
makes the payment or assignment by the debtor of all
a. Payment with knowledge his property in favor or his creditors
and consent of debtor: - Ownership IS NOT transferred
i. he can recover what - Two or more debtors; insolvent
he has paid - As a rule, debtor IS NOT released
ii. he is entitled to be
d. Tender of payment - act of debtor before they are judicially rescinded
of offering his creditor what is due or avoided
to him 6. Novation – modification or
e. Consignation - act of depositing the extinguishment of an obligation by
sum or thing due with juridical another..
authorities; creditor refuses to
accept without just cause or cannot Kinds of novation:
accept it Real or objective – changing the
objects or principal condition
2. Loss of the thing due - includes Personal or subjective – change of
physical or legal impossibilities parties
General Rule: I. Substituting the person of
- Loss of a determinate thing debtor (always with
extinguishes the obligation creditor’s consent)
- Loss of a generic thing DOES NOT a. Expromission – third
extinguish the obligation person initiates the
(because generic thing does not substitution, without
really perishes – genus nunquam knowledge or against will
perit) of debtor
Exceptions: delimited generic thing b. Delegacion – debtor
– example: 100 cavans of rice from initiates substitution;
my harvest are completely requires the consent of
destroyed both parties

3. Condonation or remission - Effect if new obligation is void: novation is

gratuitous abandonment by the void; original one shall subsist unless parties
creditor of his right intended that former relation will be
4. Confusion or merger – meeting in Effect if original obligation is void: novation
one person of the qualities of is void; no obligation to extinguish since it is
creditor and debtor non-existent
Effect if original obligation is voidable:
5. Compensation – two person in their novation is valid; provided that annulment
own right are creditor and debtors may be claimed ONLY by the debtor or
of each other when ratification extinguishes acts which
 Facultative – this compensation may are voidable
be claimed or opposed by one of the Effect if original obligation is subject to
parties (such as when not all suspensive or resolutory condition: new
requisites for legal compensation obligation shall be subject to same
are present) condition unless otherwise stipulated
 When one or both debts are
rescissible or voidable: may be
compensated against each other
CONTRACT 3. Preparatory – serve as a means
which other contracts may be
Contract (Art.1305) – meeting of minds entered into (agency,
between two persons whereby one binds partnership)
himself with respect to other, to give D. Acc. to name or designation:
something or to render some service 1. Nominate - which have name
under law
Elements of Contract 2. Innominate – without name
Essential - without which there will be no Example:
contract Do ut des (I give that you may
a. Consent of contracting parties give)
b. Object/subject matter Do ut facias (I give that you may
c. Cause do)
Natural – found in certain contracts unless Facio ut des (I do that you may
set aside or suppressed by parties (ex. give)
warranty against hidden defects) Facio ut facias (I do that you may
Accidental Elements – particular do)
stipulations (ex. Terms of payment, interest E. Acc. to risk or fulfillment:
rate) 1. Commutative – parties give
equivalent values
Classifications 2. Aleatory – fulfillment depends
A. Acc. to perfection or formation: upon chance
1. Consensual – perfected by mere F. Acc. to parties obligated:
consent (ex. Lease and Sale) 1. Unilateral – only one of the
2. Real – perfected by delivery of parties is obligated to give or to
object (ex. Depositum, do
Commodatum) 2. Bilateral – both are obligated,
3. Formal or solemn – must be in reciprocal or non-reciprocal
form provided by law for their G. Acc. to subject matter:
perfection 1. Things – sale, barter
B. Acc. to cause: 2. Right or credits – usufruct or
1. Onerous – exchange of valuable assignment of credits
considerations (Sale, Barter) 3. Service - agency, lease of service
2. Gratuitous or Lucrative – H. Acc. to time of fulfillment:
receives no equivalent 1. Executed – has been performed
consideration 2. Executory – has NOT yet been
3. Remuneratory – cause is the performed
service or benefit remunerated I. Other classifications:
C. Acc. to importance 1. Auto-contract – only one person
1. Principal – can stand by itself represents two opposite parties
2. Accessory – existence depends to contract
upon another contract (pledge, 2. Contract of adhesion – only one
mortagage) party drafted the contract
Stages of Contract: or not, may or may not be for a
1. Preparation or conception – valuable consideration
preliminary negotiations and Rules on acceptance:
bargaining 1. Must be absolute
2. Perfection or birth - point when 2. Made by telegram or letter does not
there is a meeting of the minds bind offeror except from the time it
3. Consummation or death or came to his knowledge
termination - parties fulfill or 3. May be express or implied
perform the terms agreed upon in 4. Made through an agent is accepted
the contract from the time it is communicated to
Basic principles of contract: Rules on consent:
1. Liberty or freedom to stipulate 1. Parties MUST have the capacity to
2. Mutuality of contract enter into contract
3. Relativity of contract –  Incapacitated person must pay
General rule: contracts take effect reasonable price for food and
only between the parties, assigns necessaries (sale is valid)
and heirs except where rights and  Husband and wife are prohibited to
obligations are not transmissible sell to each other or donate
4. Consensuality of contract – 2. Agreed in a state of drunkenness or
General Rule: contracts are perfect during a hypnotic spell are
be mere consent VOIDABLE
Except: real contracts, formal or 3. Given through FIVUM (Fraud,
solemn contracts Intimidation, Violence, Undue
5. Obligatory force of contract and influence, Mistake) = VOIDABLE
compliance in good faith
Simulated contracts – one that does not
Essential Requisites: intent to have any legal effect on or a
change in the juridical situation of the
CONSENT - manifestation of the meeting of parties
the offer and the acceptance upon thing  Absolutely simulated contract –
and cause which are to constitute the parties do not intend to be bound at
contract all; void
Rules on offer:  Relatively simulated contract –
1. MUST be CERTAIN conceal their true agreement;
2. INEFFECTIVE upon death, civil agreement is enforceable
interdiction, etc. of other party
BEFORE acceptance is conveyed OBJECT
3. Offer may be withdrawn at any time 1. Things are NOT OUTSIDE the
before acceptance by withdrawal commerce of men, including future
except, founded upon consideration things
 Contract is generally VOID when
 Option – offeror gives offeree object is future inheritance
certain period within which to buy
2. Rights which are NOT 3. Unenforceable contract – one that
TRANSMISSIBLE (strictly personal cannot be enforced UNLESS
rights such as right to vote, parental RATIFIED
authority)  Right is available ONLY to the
3. Services which are NOT CONTRARY contracting parties
to law, moral, good custom.. Examples: - entered into the name of
4. NOT IMPOSSIBLE another person, without authority
5. MUST be determine, if not possible - do not comply with Statute of
to determine without need of a new Fraud
contract 4. Void contract – has NO FORCE and
effect from the VERY BEGINNING
CAUSE – essential reason why a party - Equivalent to nothing; produces
enters into a contract no civil effect
Lesion – inadequacy of cause Pari Delicto – universal doctrine which
General Rule: Lesion shall NOT INVALIDATE holds that no action arises in equity or law
a contract from an illegal contract
Exception: Fraud, Mistake, Undue Influence - Applies ONLY when there is
and suffer for more than ¼ of the value of EQUAL GUILT
object Reformation – remedy in equity by means
of which a written instrument is made or
Defective contracts: construed so as to express or conform to
1. Rescissible Contract – has all the real intention of the parties, some
essential requisites but which may errors or mistake has been committed
be set aside by reason of equity on
account of damage to one of the
parties or third person
Rescission – remedy allowed by law to
contracting parties or to third person, to
secure the reparation of damages caused to
them by a contract
- Remedy to make ineffective a
contract, validly entered into..
 Action for rescission: prescriptive
period – 4years from the date of
2. Voidable Contract – one that is
defective by reason of incapacity or
vitiated consent of one to the
parties; binding UNLESS ANNULLED;
Annulment – to set aside voidable contract
Ratification – adoption or affirmation of a
contract which is defective because or
party’s vitiated consent or incapacity
ALLOWED: only if the thing pledge is
Pledge – real contract, requires for its not sold at two public auctions
perfection the delivery of the thing to  APPROPRIATION IN MORTGAGE IS
creditor or to third person by common NOT ALLOWED
agreement Pledge shall not be perfected until the
- without delivery=VOID delivery of object of the pledge
- delivery of merely symbolic = no
pledge Kinds of Pledge:
Requisites of Pledge or Mortgage: 1. Conventional or voluntary – mutual
1. Constituted to secure the fulfillment consent
of a principal obligation 2. Legal – operation of law
Pledge may secure: Object of Pledge:
 All kinds of obligation 1. All movables within commerce of
 Voidable, unenforceable, natural men which are susceptible of
obligation possession
2. Pledgor or mortgagor be the 2. Incorporeal rights (by negotiable
absolute owner instrument, bills of lading, shares of
 Pledge or mortgage constituted on stocks etc.)
future property is VOID Form of Pledge
 Third person MAY pledge or 1. Between parties – delivery of object
mortgage their property to secure 2. As to third person – public
other’s debt instrument
3. Persons constituting have FREE Extent of Pledge
AUTHORIZED 2. Fruits, income, dividends or interest
 Corporation under receivership is 3. Offspring unless excluding them
NOT VALID, (because doesn’t have
free disposal of the thing) Sale of the thing pledge or appropriation =
extinguishment of pledge and principal
General Rule: Pledge or mortgage CANNOT obligation
BE SOLD or ALIENATED since payment
cannot yet be compelled (Before Maturity) Legal pledge - right of person to retain a
Exception: If pledgor, mortgagor fails to thing until he receives payment of his claim
fulfill certain conditions Examples: - Possessory Lien by a possessor
in good faith
Pactum Commissorium – stipulation in a - P.L of worker
pledge or mortgage which provides for - Depositary’s right of retention
- VOID; contrary to morals and
public policy
 Pledgee or mortgagee may also bid
at the public auction things pledge Conventional Legal Pledge
or mortgage Pledge
Excess belongs to Remainder belongs Foreclosure – remedy available to mortgage
creditor unless to debtor by which he subjects the property
there stipulation mortgaged to the satisfaction of obligation
Creditor is NOT Creditor IS secured
entitled to recover ENTITLED to Kinds:
deficiency recover deficiency 1. Judicial foreclosure – filling a
petition in court
Real mortgage Tipo or Upset price – set by parties as the
Important characteristics: amount at which property will be sold at
1. Accessory – cannot exist without public auction; VOID
principal 2. Extra-judicial foreclosure – Act no.
2. Indivisible – creates lien (legal claim) 3135
on the whole a. There is stipulation
3. Inseparable – subjects the property b. Made under a special power of
upon which it is imposed atty.
4. Real right - right to have mortgaged
property sold to satisfy his claims Redemption – transaction through which
5. Real property – immovable property the mortgagor or one claiming in his right
Kinds: by means of payment or performance,
1. Conventional or voluntary reacquires or buys back the value of title
mortgage – agreement Kinds:
2. Legal mortgage – law 1. Equity of redemption – right to
3. Equitable mortgage – lacks certain redeem but before the property is
formality, shows the intention of the sold
parties to charge a real property as a a. Judicial Foreclosure – not less
security for a debt than 90 days to pay the
Objects: mortgage debt before property
1. Immovable is sold
2. Alienable real rights b. Extra-judicial foreclosure – may
Form: avail right after his default but
1. Between parties – may be in ANY before property is sold
form, even NOT registered in 2. Right of redemption – right to
registry of property repurchase within a certain period
2. As regard to third person – MUST of time after it was sold
be RECORDED in registry of property a. Judicial Foreclosure – after sale
Extent: but before confirmation by the
1. Property mortgaged court except granted by banks
2. Natural accessions b. Extra-judicial foreclosure – one
3. Improvements year from the date of
4. Growing fruits registration of sale
5. Rents and income not yet received Exceptions: juridical person
6. Indemnity granted or owing to whose property is being sold
proprietor pursuant to an extrajudicial
foreclosure – right to redeem:
but not after the registration of
the sale or 3 months after Characteristics:
foreclosure (whichever is earlier) 1. Accessory – contract that is
CHATTEL MORTGAGE – mortgage appears 2. Formal – writing
to be recorded in Chattel Mortgage Register 3. Nominate
4. Real right – lien on immovable
Objects: - ONLY personal property 5. Real property – real property by
1. Movables susceptible of itself
appropriation 6. Indivisible - subsists as long as the
2. Real property as personalty principal obligation remains unpaid
(growing crops) Application of fruits of immovable:
3. Forces of nature control by science 1. Taxes and charges
(electricity, light, gas) 2. Expenses for preservation and
4. Things can be transported to one repairs
place to another without 3. Interest
impairment 4. Principal obligation
5. Obligation and actions – have their
objects movable or demandable
sums Pledge Real Mortgage
6. Shares of stock Movables immovables
Forms: Thing is delivered Not required to
to creditor or third be delivered
1. Between the parties – must be
recorded in Chattel mortgage Public instrument Registered to
register take effect
2. As to third person – affidavit in good against third
faith must be appended to Deed of person
chattel mortgage and recorded (Conventional) Deficiency CAN
deficiency be recovered
Affidavit of good faith – sworn statement CANNOT be
attesting to the fact that mortgage is made
(Conventional) Excess proceeds
for the purpose of securing the obligation excess proceeds is belongs to
specified and for no other obligation retained by the mortgagor
pledgee UNLESS
Anti-chresis- contract whereby the creditor there is stipulation
acquires right to receive fruits of an Pledgee may CANNOT
immovable of his debtor with obligation to appropriate thing appropriate
pledge; not sold in
apply them to the payment of interest and
two public
principal of his credit auctions

Anti (Greek word) – against Pledge Chattel Mortgage

Chresis – use; denoting action of giving a
Thing is delivered NOT required to be
= “against” the “use” of property
Public instrument Registered and
accompanied by
affidavit of good
faith to take effect
against third
(conventional) Deficiency CAN be
deficiency CANNOT recovered except
be recovered personal property
sold in installment
Excess proceeds of Excess belongs to
sale is retained by mortgagor
pledgee UNLESS
there is stipulation
May appropriate CANNOT

Real Mortgage Chattel Mortgage

Immovables Movables
Registered to bind Accompanied by
third person affidavit
Secure future CANNOT secure
obligation future obligation
AGENCY Fiduciary – relationship of principal and
agent; based on trust and confidence
Agency – contract whereby person binds Kinds:
himself to render SOME SERVICE, TO DO 1. Acc. to form:
SOMETHING IN REPRESENTATION or IN a. Express – oral agreement (oral
BEHALF OF ANOTHER with consent and agency is valid unless law
authority requires other form)
Elements: - Written agreement (require
1. Consent – express or implied special power of atty.)
2. Object – execution of a juridical act b. Implied – acts of principal
in relation to third person - Silence of principal
3. Agent acts as representative - not - Lack of action of principal
for himself - Failure of principal to repudiate
4. Agent acts within the scope of his the agency..
authority 2. Acc. to extent:
Characteristics: a. General agency – one that
1. Principal compromise all business of
2. Preparatory – means by which other principal
contracts may enter into b. Special agency – one or more
3. Consensual – perfected by mere specific transactions
consent 3. Acc. to authority-conferred
4. Nominate a. Agency couched in general
5. Bilateral – bound reciprocally terms – (General power of atty.);
6. Commutative – give and receive only acts of administration
almost equivalent value Power of Attorney – written instrument
Parties: given by principal to his agent authorizing
1. Principal – represented by the the latter to perform specified acts in behalf
agent; primarily and originally of the former; acts have binding effect
concerned in contract of agency b. Agency couched in special terms
 If principal is incapacitated; agent is – requires special power of atty
capacitated = VOIDABLE for performance of specific acts
2. Agent – acts for and represents the (Art 1878) *Read*
principal Kinds of acceptance of agency by agent:
 Contract of agency is VOIDABLE If 1. Express
the agent is incapable of giving 2. Implied – his act carry out the
consent agency
 Legal capacity is NOT required for - His silence or inaction
the validity of agent’s act; mere Basic principles of agency:
extension 1. agent must act within the scope of
Acts that may NOT be delegated: his authority
1. Personal in nature 2. must act in behalf of his principal
2. Prohibited by law Effects if one or both principles are absent
Any acts which one may lawfully do 1. agent’s own behalf – undisclosed
personally MAY BE delegated principal
a. principal has no right of action 6. Not to carry out agency if it would
against the person with whom result to loss or damage to principal
the agent has contracted 7. Liable for damage if there being
b. the (person) has no right of conflict between his interest and of
action against the principal principal; he should prefer his own
c. agent is one directly bound 8. Not to borrow the money of the
2. agent acts in excess of his authority principal without latter’s consent, if
and in principal’s behalf or person agent is authorized to lend
acts without authority but in behalf principal’s money at interest
of latter 9. To render an accounting of his
- act is UNENFORCEBLE unless the transaction and to deliver to
latter ratifies the same principal whatever he may have
3. Agent acts in excess of authority received; stipulation exempting the
and his own (agent’s) behalf or agent is VOID
person acts without authority but 10. Liable for interest on the sums he
in his (former’s) behalf has applied to his own use from the
- Act is deemed to be that of day on which he did so, and owes
agent himself or without after extinguishment of agency
authority; VALID 11. Be responsible for fraud, negligence
Obligations of a person who declines the 12. Bear the risk of collection and to pay
agency: bound to observe diligence of a the principal the proceeds of the
good father of a family in custody and sale on the same terms agreed upon
preservation of goods with the purchaser, in addition to
Owner shall: ordinary commission (Guaranty
a. Appoint an agent Commission)
b. Take charge of the goods 13. Liable for damages if he does not
Obligation of agent: collect the credits of the principal at
1. Carry out agency the time when they become due and
2. Liable for damages, principal may demandable UNLESS he proves he
suffer exercised due diligence for that
3. Finish business already begun on the purpose (ordinary commission agent
death of the principal; delay entail ONLY)
any danger
4. Advance necessary funds; except Agent’s liability when he appoints a
principal is insolvent substitute:
5. Act in accordance with the a. Agent not prohibited – agent must
instruction of the principal; shall do be responsible; principal may bring
all that a good father of a family an action against the substitute
would do b. Agent is authorized to appoint a
Instruction – orders given by the principal substitute
to his agent relating to the manner by which 1. Principal DID NOT designate –
agency shall be carried out agent shall be liable if substitute
Authority – subject matter upon which the is notoriously incompetent or
agent is commissioned to act insolvent
- Agent shall NOT be liable if not successful conclusion and seller together
notoriously incompetent or of sale
insolvent; substitute is liable for
himself Obligation of a commission agent:
2. Principal DESIGNATES – agent is a. Responsible for the goods received
NOT responsible by him in terms and conditions; he
c. Agent is PROHOBITED – if he shall make a written statement of
appoints, all acts of substitute shall the damage and deterioration
be VOID b. Distinguish by countermarks goods
of the same kind and mark which
Liability of 2 or more agents, appointed belong to different owners
simultaneously: c. Authority to sell on credit
General Rule: each agent is liable for his General Rule: commission agent
OWN acts, if all are fault, liability is JOINT CANNOT sell on credit
Exceptions: each agent is responsible for: Exceptions: C.A. can sell on credit
a. Non-fulfillment of agency ONLY with the express or implied
b. Fault or negligence of his fellow consent of principal
agents; except when acted beyond
authority Effects if the C.A sells on credit WITHOUT
principal’s consent
Agent’s liability if he contracts in the name a. Principal MAY DEMAND payment in
of principal: cash
General Rule: agent shall not be liable to b. C.A is ENTITLED to any interest or
the party with whom he contracts benefit
Exception: agent shall be personally liable:
1. If he expressly binds himself – both Obligation of the commission agent if he is
agent and principal shall be liable to authorized to sell on credit – must inform
the party the principal, with statement of the names
2. If he exceeds limits of his authority of buyers; if he fails , sale shall be deemed
without giving such party sufficient to have been made in cash
notice of his powers
Guaranty commission – del credere
Commission agent – who buys and sells commission
goods or chattel consigned or delivered by
his principal for compensation (commission) Obligation of Principal:
1. Comply with all obligations which
Commission agent Broker the agent may have contracted
Maintains relation Merely an within the scope of his authority
with his principal intermediary between 2. Be bound for any obligations
buyer or seller and buyer and seller wherein agent has exceeded his
property Function is to bring power, if he ratifies tacitly or
together the parties to expressly
3. Be solidarily liable with the agent if
Receives a Earns his pay merely
commission upon by bringing the buyer he allowed the latter to act as
though he has full powers when 2. Pays him the indemnity for all
agent exceeded his authority damages which the execution of the
4. Advance the agent the sums agency may have caused the agent,
necessary for the execution of the without fault or negligence on his
agency should the agent so request part
5. Reimburse the agent the sums Incompatible contracts with agent and
advanced by the latter even if the principal:
business of undertaking was NOT 2 persons contract with regard the same
successful, agent is free from fault thing, one of them the agent, and the other
6. Indemnify agent for all damages with principal
which the execution of the agency a. Movable:
may have caused the latter, without 1. First possessor in good faith
his fault or negligence on his part 2. Contract with prior date shall be
When principal is NOT liable for expenses b. Immovable:
incurred by the agent: 1. First registrant in good faith
1. Agent acted in contravention of the 2. First possessor in good faith
principal’s instructions, UNLESS the 3. One who present oldest title in
latter should wish to avail himself of good faith
the benefits derived from the
contract Liability for damages to third person
2. Expenses were due to his fault whose contract is rejected in incompatible
3. Agent incurred them with contracts:
knowledge that an unfavorable a. Agent is liable if he acted in bad faith
result would ensue; principal was b. Principal is liable if agent acted in
NOT aware good faith
4. Stipulated that expenses would be
borne by agent or allowed ONLY a Extinguishment of agency:
certain sum 1. Revocation – acts of the principal
terminating the agency at will
Liability when there are 2 or more confidence and representation
principals: - appointed an agent for - P. may revoke at will and compel
common transaction, they shall be the agent to return documents
SOLIDARILY LIABLE for all consequences of evidencing the ageny
agency Who may revoke? (2 or more principals) –
ANY ONE of the principal may revoke
Rights of retention of agent (nature of legal (Solidarily liable)
pledge) – right to retain in pledge the things
which are OBJECT of agency until the Kinds:
principal: I. Express – orally or writing
1. Reimburses him for the sums II. Implied
necessary for the execution, even if a. When new agent is appointed
it is NOT successful; provided the for the same business or
agent is free from fault transaction, previous agency is
REVOKED from the day on which Liability/ obligation of an agent who
notice was given to the former withdraws:
agent a. Agent must indemnify the principal
b. If the principal directly manages for any damage suffered by the
the business entrusted to agent, latter by reason of the withdrawal
UNLESS the purpose is just to UNLESS withdrawal is based upon
assist the agent the impossibility of continuing the
c. General power of atty. Is agency without detriment to himself
REVOKED by a special one b. Must continue to act UNTIL principal
granted to another agent, had reasonable opportunity to take
regards the special matter necessary steps to meet the
situation even if for a valid reason
Agency may NOT be revoked at will:
a. If a bilateral contract depends upon 3. A. Death
the agency a. of Principal
b. If agency is a means of fulfilling an General Rule: death of principal
obligation already contracted DOES extinguish the agency
c. If a partner is appointed manager of Exceptions: (NOT EXTINGUISH)
partnership in contract of I. if agency has been
partnership and his removal from constituted in the common
the management is unjustifiable interest of the principal and
Notice of revocation agent
a. Agent contracting with specified II. if agency has been
persons – principal must give timely constituted in the interest of
notice of revocation to such third third person who has
person accepted the stipulation in
- Without such notice = third his favor (pour autrui)
person not be prejudiced, act
done shall be legally operative Validity of agent’s acts without knowledge
against principal of death of principal or other cause of
b. Agent contracting with public or extinguishment of agency: acts are VALID
any person - revocation does NOT and shall be fully effective with respect to
prejudice third person who acted in third persons who may have contracted
good faith and without knowledge with him in good faith (1931)
- Notice in a newspaper of general - agent MUST finish business
circulation is sufficient warning already begun on the death of
to third person principal..
- Revocation is binding against b. of Agent – extinguishes the
third person who has knowledge agency
Duty of Agent’s heirs:
2. Withdrawal – by the agent giving a. notify the principal of the agent’s
due notice to the principal of his death
withdrawal (Art. 1928) b. adopt in the meantime such
measures as the circumstances
may demand in interest of the
principal (1932)

B.) Civil interdiction – he cannot manage or

dispose; in prison, acts are restricted

C.) Insanity – principal cannot give his

consent, agent cannot carry out agency

D.) Insolvency – principal modifies or limits

his capacity to act, agent cannot carry out
agency effectively

4. Dissolution of firm and corporation

which entrusted or accepted the
agency – equivalent to death of
natural person
5. Accomplishment of object or
6. Expiration of period for which the
agency was constituted
PARTNERSHIP (Not finished) - Formed for the practice of
profession, primary purpose is
Partnership – contract of 2 or more persons to render service to the public
who bind themselves to contribute money,
property or industry to common fund, with Form of partnership contract: ANY FORM
the intention of diving the profits among (oral or written)
themselves Exceptions:
1. Immovable property or real rights
- Contract and Business are contributed
organization a. Must be in public instrument
b. Inventory: must be signed by
Characteristics of a contract of partnership: parties and attached to public
1. Consensual instrument
2. Principal If not: contract is VOID; CANNOT have
3. Bilateral or multilateral juridical personality
4. Nominate 2. Capital of partnership is P3,000 or
5. Preparatory more in money and property
6. Onerous a. Must be in public instrument
b. Registered in SEC
Essential requisites of partnership: If not: contract is STILL VALID; STILL
1. Valid contract - voluntary ACQUIRES juridical personality; liability and
agreement members to third person are NOT
- Formation CANNOT be imposed AFFECTED
upon a person because a 3. Limited partnership
partnership is a fiduciary a. Certificate signed under oath by
relationship partners and recorded with SEC
- Doctrine of delectus personae If not: considered as GENERAL
(personarum); person is free to PARTNERSHIP
choose those whom he wants to
be associated with in partnership Who may become partners:
2. Mutual contribution: money, 1. Natural persons who is
property or industry to common CAPACITATED
fund 2. Artificial persons – partnership and
- Limited partner MAY contribute corporation
cash, property but NOT SERVICE
3. Lawful object or purpose Rules to determine whether partnership
- Unlawful object is VOID exist:
4. Established for a common benefit, 1. Persons who are NOT partners as to
to obtain profits and to divide the each other are not partners to third
profits among the partners person EXCEPT, person represents
- Element that distinguishes it himself as a partner in an existing
from religious, civic and social partnership or with one or more
org. partners not actual partners
2. Co-ownership or co-possession - Made to public officer, wife,
DOES NOT itself establish a descendant or ascendants by
partnership reason of his office
3. Sharing or gross returns DOES NOT b. Particular partnership – has its
of itself establish a partnership object for determinate things,
4. Receipt by a person of a share of the their use or fruits or a specific
profits of business is a PRIMA FACIE undertaking or exercise of
evidence that he is a partner profession
Exceptions: 2. As to liability:
- debt by installments a. General partnership – all
- Wages or rent partners are general partners
- Annuity or representative of a who are liable to the extent of
deceased person their separate property after
- Interest on loan partnership asset has been
- Consideration for sale exhausted
b. Limited partnership – at least
Kinds of partnership: one general partner and at least
1. As to object: one limited partner (liable only
a. Universal partnership – may to the extent of their investment
either be a universal partnership in partnership)
of all present property: or 3. As to duration:
universal partnership of profits a. For a fixed term – duration is
fixed by partners
Of all present property: contribute all b. For a particular undertaking –
property, profit and fruits which actually organized for a certain
belonged to them at present and after undertaking, when attained will
formation; except acquired by inheritance, cause termination
donation and legacy c. At will – no period is fixed, may
be terminated at will by the
Of profits: all that the partners may acquire partners
by their work and industry during the 4. As to representation to others:
existence of partnership, usufruct belonging a. Ordinary partnership – actually
at the time of formation exists among the partners as
well as to third person
If silent: Universal partnership of profits b. Partnership by estoppel – in
- Transmits less rights and interest reality is not a partnership but
Rule: Person prohibited to give donation or considered as one with respect
advantage CANNOT enter into a universal to those who, by the reason of
partnership their conduct are concluded
- Donations between spouse from denying its existence
- Guilty of concubinage or  If all partners consent –
adultery assets of partnership will
- Guilty of criminal offense be used to pay the
liability after exhaustion;
all be liable with their c. Nominal partner – not actually a
separate property partner but liable as such to
 If not all partners third person (partner by
consented – actual estoppel)
partners who consented d. Ostensible partner – active and
and person who made known to the public, name is
misinterpretation shall be included in the firm name
liable jointly with their e. Secret partner – connection is
separate property kept to the public
 If non existing f. Silent partner – has no voice in
partnership – all persons partnership, though he shares in
who consented are liable profits and losses
jointly g. Dormant partner – does not
Kinds of partners: participate in management and
1. As to liability: not known in public
a. General partners – liable to extent Rules on division of profit or loss
of his separate property 1. All are capitalist partner
b. Limited partners – extent of his - be divided according to their
capital contribution only agreement
c. General-limited partner – has all the - Only in sharing of profits have
rights and powers and subject to all agreed upon: share of each
restrictions of general partner partner in losses shall be in the
EXCEPT, to his contributions same proportion as the share of
- Have rights against other each in profits
members - Absence of both: share of each
- Liable pro-rata to partnership shall be in proportion to his
creditors to extent to his capital contribution
separate property after 2. Industrial partner/s + Capitalist
exhaustion of partnership asset partners
BUT can demand for a. Profits – according to their
reimbursement agreement
2. As to contribution: - Absence: industrial partner shall
a. Capitalist partner – money or first receive a just share of
property profits; each capitalist partner
b. Industrial partner – service or shall share in proportion to his
industry (physical or intellectual) capital contribution
c. Capitalist- industrial partner – b. Losses – industrial partner shall
money, property and service not share the losses
3. Other classifications: - Capitalist partners shall share:
a. Managing partner – manages according to their agreement; in
business proportion to their share in
b. Liquidating partner – takes profits; in proportion to their
charge winding up of the affairs share in contribution
after it’s dissolved
3. Capitalist-industrial partner/s + With just cause – vote of
capitalist partners partners owning the controlling
a. Profits – according to their interest
agreement Without just cause – only by
- Absence: capitalist-industrial consent of ALL partners including
partner shall first receive a just managing partner (novation)
share; each capitalist partner 2. Appointed manager after
including capitalist-industrial partnership has been constituted
shall share in proportion to their a. Scope of authority – may
capital contribution execute ALL acts of
b. Losses – according to their administration but in case of
agreement opposition, partners owning the
- Absence: including capitalist controlling interest may resort to
partner in his capacity as voting for his removal
capitalist partner, according to b. Revocation – may be removed
their capital contribution WITH OR WITHOUT JUST CAUSE
- Capitalist-industrial partner shall by the vote of partners owning
not share in loss in capacity of as the controlling interest
industrial partner 3. 2 or more partners have been
appointed has managers
Designation of share in profit and loss by a i. When there specification to their
third person or by a partner: duties
1. Entrusted to third person: same a. Scope of authority – shall
shall be binding upon the partners perform only the duties specified
and may be impugned ONLY when it ii. No specifications or no stipulations
is manifestly inequitable that one shall not act without the
It can no longer be impugned: by consent of others
partner who has begun to execute a. Scope of authority – may
it; by any partner if 3 months has separately execute all acts of
already lapsed from the time he administration
obtain knowledge b. In case of opposition – decision
2. Entrusted to a partner: designation of majority of managing partner
is VOID shall prevail, if tie, decision of
managing partners owning the
Rules of management: controlling interest shall prevail
1. Appointed as manager in the art. of iii. Stipulation that none of the
partnership managing partners shall act without
a. Scope of authority – may consent of others
execute ALL acts of a. Vote required – concurrence of all
administration, despite of of them shall be necessary for
opposition of other UNLESS in validity of acts
bad faith b. Rules in case of absence/disability
b. Revocation of one of the managing partners –
other managing partners ARE NOT
authorized to act for partnership Rules on sharing of partnership liabilities
UNLESS there is imminent danger to third person
4. Manner of management has not 1. Nature of liability
been agreed upon – all of them are a. Pro-rata – equally divided
managing partners; WITHOUT the among the partners (including
consent of others none of them may industrial partner)
make any important alteration in b. Subsidiary – each will liable with
immovable property even it is useful his separate property after all
- Whatever any of them may do the assets of partnership have
alone shall bind the partnership been exhausted
a. Rules in case of opposition – 2. Partners liable – ALL general partner
decision of majority shall prevail; (whether: Capitalist or Industrial)
decision of partners owning the 3. Status of stipulation exempting
controlling interest partner from pro-rata and
subsidiary liability after exhaustion
Rights of partners to engage in business: of P. assets
1. Industrial partner - VALID among the partners
General Rule: CANNOT engage in - VOID as to third person
business for himself If there is such stipulation, liabilities shall
Exception: UNLESS partnership be paid as follows:
expressly permits him to do so 1. Assets of partnership
2. Separate assets of partners (incl.
If industrial partner engages in business industrial partner) – equally
without express permission capitalist 3. Partners not exempted from pro-
partners may: exclude him with right of rata and subsidiary liability shall
damages; avail themselves of the benefits reimburse acc. to partner’s profit
obtained from business with right of and loss sharing agreement or
damage capital contribution
- Industrial partner exempts from
2. Capitalist partner – may engage in losses
business for his own account - General partners exempted from
1.) Different from the partnership pro-rata and subsidiary liability
2.) Same kind as the partnership but Requirement to operate under firm name –
allowing him to engage may or may not include the name of one or
If capitalist partner engages in the same more partners
kind of business without stipulation - Those who are not member and
allowing him: capitalist partner shall bring included their names in the firm
to the common fund any profits accruing to = subject to liability of a partner
him from his transaction, bear ALL the Obligations of partners
losses 1. Contribution of capital – contribute
EQUALLY to the capital of
partnership UNLESS there is a
stipulation to contrary
SALES – (Not finished) 4. seller draws on the buyer a bill of
exchange but the buyer dishonors
Delivery of incorporeal property (quasi- such bill of exchange
tradition) however if bill of lading is negotiated to
a. Constructive tradition – execution a purchaser for value in good faith,
of public instrument ownership of the goods is passed on to
b. Placing the titles of ownership in him
the possession of vendee
c. Use by vendee of his rights with General Rule: Goods are sold by a
consent of vendor person who is NOT the owner, buyer
acquires NO better title that the seller
Sale on return – ownership is transferred had
but buyers has the option to revert their Exceptions:
ownership within fixed time 1. sale is made under authority or
consent of owner
Sale on approval/trial/satisfaction – 2. owner is precluded by his conduct
ownership remains to the seller but from denying the seller’s authority
transferred to buyer if: to sell
 he signifies his approval; 3. sale is made under the provision of
 does an act adopting the any factor’s acts
transaction; 4. sale is made under a statutory
 if does not signify but retains the power of sale
good without giving notice of 5. purchase is made in merchant’s
rejection within fixed time store

Transfer of ownership by delivery of if the seller’s title is VOIDABLE, but has not
specific goods to carrier or other bailees been avoided at the time of sale, buyer
General Rule: Delivery of specific goods to a acquires good title; provided that in good
carrier or other bailee for the purpose of faith, for value and without notice of defect
transmission to the buyer transfers
ownership to the buyer Document of title of goods - any document
Exceptions: ownership of specific goods is used in ordinary course of business in the
retained by the seller despite delivery to sale or transfer of goods as proof of
carrier or other bailee: possession to authorize the possessor of
1. there is stipulation document to transfer or receive, either
2. by the terms of bill of lading, goods indorsement or delivery, goods represented
are to be delivered to the seller or by document
his agent or order of seller or his
agent Common forms:
3. by the terms of bill of lading, goods 1. bill of lading – written
are to be delivered to the order of acknowledgement of the receipt of
the buyer or agent but the bill of goods by a carrier and agreement to
lading is retained by seller or agent transport and deliver
2. dock warrant – given by a dock b. To bearer – deliverable to bearer =
owner to the owner of the goods mere delivery
and warehoused on the dock upon c. Special indorsement – name of
the faith of the bill of lading indorsee is specified = indorsement
3. warehouse receipt or order – + delivery
written acknowledgement by a
warehouseman of the receipt of the  Negotiable instrument of title,
goods placed in his possession marked “non-negotiable” = remains
Ex: Quedans negotiable
 Delivery of an order document of
Classes of documents of title: title WITHOUT indorsement = mere
1. Negotiable document of title – assignment
stated that goods will be delivered  Non-negotiable document of title
to bearer or to the order of any CANNOT be negotiated = only
person named in document transfer or assign
2. Non-negotiable document of title –
stated that goods are to be Who may negotiate negotiable document
delivered to a specified person of title
1. owner
How negotiable document of title 2. person to whom the possession or
negotiated: custody of document has been
1. By delivery entrusted by owner:
a. Terms: deliver the goods to - deliver goods to person to whom
bearer the possession or custody of
Special indorsement of a document of title: document has been entrusted
goods are deliverable to bearer: - at the time of entrusting, it may
 Document of title which is a bearer be negotiated by delivery
document of title on its FACE
becomes an ORDER document = Rights acquired by a person to whom
negotiated by indorsement + negotiable document of title is negotiated
delivery 1. title of person negotiating the
 Negotiable instrument payable to document, over the goods covered
bearer remains a bearer instrument by document
even if specially indorsed 2. title of depositor or shipper
b. Terms: deliver the goods to the 3. direct obligation of the bailee to
order of a specified person or hold possession of the goods for him
subsequent indorsee has
indorsed it in blank or to bearer Rights of the transferee of a document of
2. By indorsement + delivery – title
delivered to the order of a specified 1. non-negotiable document of title
person a. title of the goods against the
Indorsement may take any forms: transferor
a. Blank indorsement – without b. right to notify the bailee of
specifying any name = mere delivery transfer to him
2. negotiable document of title – 5. Expenses of delivery – seller bears
transferee to whom a negotiable the expenses UNLESS otherwise
document of title has been stipulated
transferred but NOT negotiated
acquires: When vendor is not bound to deliver the
a. title of goods against transferor thing sold:
b. right to notify bailee of the transfer 1. Vendee has not paid him the price
to him of document of title 2. No period for the payment of the
price has been fixed in contract
Warranties of a person transferring or 3. Period has been fixed: he is bound
negotiating a document of title: Exception: vendee loses the right to
1. document is genuine make use of the period
2. has legal tight to negotiate or a. Vendee becomes insolvent UNLESS
transfer it he gives guaranty or security for the
3. has knowledge of no fact which payment of the price
would impair the validity or worth b. Vendee fails to furnish guaranties or
of document securities
4. he has the right to transfer the title c. Guaranties or securities have been
and goods are merchantable or fit impaired through his own acts
for its purpose d. Vendee violates any undertaking
e. Vendee attempts to abscond
 indorser shall NOT be liable for any
failure on the part of the bailee who Rights of the buyer when quantity or
issued the document or previous quality of goods delivered is different from
indorsers to fulfill their respective that which seller contracted to sell
obligations 1. Quantity delivered is LESS THAN
agreed upon
Time and place of delivery of thing sold: a. Reject the goods
1. Place of delivery b. Accept the goods – pay for them
a. Place stipulated at the contract rate
b. Place fixed by usage or trade 2. Quantity is MORE THAN agreed
c. Seller’s place of business; seller’s upon
place of residence a. Accept the goods agreed upon
2. Time of delivery and reject the rest
a. Time stipulated b. Accept the whole and pay for
b. Within a reasonable time them at contact rate
3. Goods in the possession of third c. Reject the whole if they are
person – seller has not fulfilled his indivisible
obligation UNLESS third person 3. Seller delivers good agreed upon
acknowledge the buyer that he BUT mixed with goods of different
holds goods on the buyer’s behalf description
4. Demand or tender of delivery – at a. Accept the goods agreed and
reasonable hour to be effectual reject the rest; divisible
b. Reject the whole; indivisible
Unpaid seller – has not been paid or
tendered the whole of the price or who has
received a bill of exchange or other
negotiable instrument and condition under
which it was received has been broken by
reason of dishonor; insolvency of buyer

Rights of unpaid seller:

1. Possessory lien - right to retain
them while he is in possession of
2. Right of stoppage in transitu – right
of unpaid seller to resume
possession of the goods at any time
while they are in
3. Right to resale
a. Buyers has defaulted in
b. Seller has the right of lien or has
stopped the goods in transitu
c. Title to goods has passed on to
the buyer
d. Grounds must be any: goods are
- Seller has expressly reserved the
right to resell the goods

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