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The bar chart shows the percentage of the total world

population in 4 countries in 1950 and 2003, and

projections for 2050. 
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the
main features and make comparisons where relevant.

This bar chart sows the changes in percent of habitants in

4 countries between 1950 and 2050, then will stepulate 
the expectations of this number in 2050. it's clear from the
graph that China and India  the highest number in
In the bar chart we can see that China was the must
populated country in the first of the period 1950 ( ariund
23% of world population)  and still have its order in 2003
( 20% ) but it would expected to lose this place for the
favor of India in 2050. Concerssely India will face a growth
of around 4% from the the total population of the world.
Finally, Japan whis is  less than other 4 countries will
decrease its actuel portion 4% to 1% of total mondial
population, whoever USA may lose only 2 % of its actuel
percent .
The use of social media is replacing face-to-face
interaction among many people in society. Do you think
the advantages outweigh the advantages?

These last years new application like social media

application became a way to communicate with other
people. Some people are agrees with the growth of this
technology while other think it has its negative effects on
the society. In this essay, I will try to present and explain
the arguments of the two opinions then I will present my
own opinion. 
firstly, the people who think these programs are useful and
have  a lot of advantages. To give an illustration, these
applications will save time and money to contact with
someone away because we will save the expenses of
transportations and its cheaper than the cost of calls by
telephone. Furthermore, they allow us to know people
around the world without travelling or contacting our
families in the overseas.
Conversely, some people does not agree with this way of
relations and prefer face-to-face contact. They argue that
these applications damaging the real life and replace by
virtual one. Moreover, kids lately lost their social skills
because of the use of Internet and social media. In
addition, social relations made by mobile and computer
transformed cold where we can touch hands or hug our
loved persons. This technology may erase distance
between people who are away but it creates a distance
and walls between the near people.
In conclusion, all the two opinions have their strong
arguments and I believe that social media applications are
very important in our modern life and we can't stop using
them but we have to do it with moderation. 

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