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Benefits of Agile Methodologies

Agile refers to a set of practices, techniques and methods which collectively

fall under the umbrella term ‘Agile’. These agile methods help development
teams make fast and informed decisions based on customer feedback during
the development life cycle. Agile teams plan and execute work in time-boxes,
or iterations, sometimes called sprints.

Agile assists companies design and develop the products quickly. By

continuously improving products throughout development, agile allows
organizations both large and small remain competitive in the modern

Agile origins
In 2001, a small group of people, frustrated with the state of software
development projects at the time, created the Agile Manifesto with the goal of
improving software development processes.

The Agile Manifesto details 4 important values:

A focus on people and interactions instead of processes and tools.

A preference for working software over comprehensive paperwork.

Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.

An emphasis on adaptation over following plans.

In addition, there are 12 principles to guide the application of agile project


Serve the consumer by providing valuable products at every stage of

Accept changing requirements no matter how early or late in development.

Deliver working software in less time.

Both developers and business specialists need to work together throughout

the project.

Information is best conveyed through face-to-face discussions.

Motivate developers by creating an environment of trust and empowerment.

Working products are a key measure of progress.

Agile must promote sustainable development.

Attention to detail and quality improves the agile method.

Simplicity is an important part of effective agile management.

Self-organized teams produce the best products.

Teams must regularly reflect on progress and help improve the development

The benefits of being agile

Agile has been adapted to suit almost every industry. The specific strategies
used in each may vary depending on the unique challenges faced in their
respective industry, but all share some common benefits.
Stakeholder engagement and satisfaction

The agile process gives numerous opportunities throughout the development

cycle for engagement between developers and stakeholders.

Because the customer is actively involved in the development process, there is

a continuous level of collaboration between all parties. This allows developers
to better understand the clients’ desired goals and helps create products that
achieve these goals.

By delivering working software in frequent intervals, the agile development

process promotes engagement between the stakeholder and development

Early and predictable delivery

Sprints are held on a fixed schedule of 1 to 4 weeks. By using this time-boxed

approach, new features can be delivered to stakeholders quickly and
regularly. It also allows developers to test products before the final release or
release the software application early if it achieves desired goals.

Predictable costs and schedules

Because sprints are held on a regular fixed schedule, project managers can
draw up a timeline and budget based on the quantity of work to be done. By
updating approximated expenses prior to each sprint, the customer can better
understand the development timeline and cost of implementing new features.

This allows for better decision-making when prioritizing features or changing

the project scope.
Flexible prioritization

Agile development teams have more control over how they handle each unit
of work within the sprint. Should project scope or product features be
changed, this allows for a quick ROI as new tasks can be quickly prioritized,
and value delivered to consumers.

Agile processes also give the opportunity to continually reprioritize and revise
the task backlog. These changes can be quickly implemented in the next
iteration so new modifications can be demonstrated to customers within a
few weeks.

Focuses on business value

Agile focuses on understanding what is essential for consumers and can

provide features that offer the most value and best returns on investment.

Concentrate on users

User stories are typically used to define product features as they relate to
business goals. User stories allow each function to deliver value and ensures
they are not simply an IT element. Acquiring user feedback is essential to
allow important changes to be made as needed.

Enhances quality

Agile projects are broken down into manageable time-boxes (iterations),

making it easier for teams concentrate on quality and collaboration within
each iteration. By testing and adapting throughout the iteration, defects and
inequalities can be found early, improving overall quality.
The agile mindset

Ultimately, Agile is a mindset informed by the values and principles of the

Agile Manifesto. They provide guidance on how to respond the change,
navigate uncertainty and how to manage risk.

Agile isn't just about delivering high-quality products, it is also about creating
positive work environments, and fostering good relationships with employees
and customers.

If you’d like to train your staff in the latest agile project management
methodologies, make sure to see our agile courses page.

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