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Awareness Heals Me

To know is to decide

Bonnie Baumgartner
Introduction vii
Acknowledgements xiii




Copyright © 2013 Bonnie Baumgartner

All rights reserved.

ISBN: 1493652052
ISBN 13: 9781493652051
iv | Bonnie Baumgar tner Awareness Heals Me | v

5. JUNK DNA 61 12. EARTH SHIP 169




7. LOG OUT 93 14. PROGRAMS 201




9. EVOLVING 123 16. TRAINERS 233


10. PESTICIDES 139 17. PSYCHIC 249


11. WOUNDS 153 18. JUMPED IN 263

vi | Bonnie Baumgar tner

19. LAND of OZ 277

SUPED-UP Vehicle 281

To know is to decide

21. RECEIVE 307

ACTION 311 The system on earth currently in operation is based on
BALANCE 314 everyone controlling each other to conform to the mas-
ter plan and current programs our handlers are execut-
ing. Humanity is micromanaged by handlers all the time.
22. COMPASSION 323 The lie our handlers sold us and we adopted as truth
QUESTIONING 332 was: believing that all gifts and punishment come from
GOING LIGHTER 335 outside our biology and that we are ONLY our biology.
Those beliefs create slaves to external manipulation.
Accepting and believing that you are powerless to control
The READER and I 339 what happens to you leads you to despair and feelings of
being trapped in your biology. You decide consciously or
unconsciously that your only option is to escape mentally
My website is or dissociate to feel empowered and free.
Free on line dictionary and articles are available Your ability to dissociate PROVES you are not your
biology. The biology may only be a stuck vehicle BUT
5 to honor your commitments, responsibilities and align
with universal law, you need to get back in your vehicle
and harmonize with it. Make it sing again, master work-
ing in concert with your essence or soul aspect and your
vehicle. Dying to separate your essence from your vehi-
cle or biology, leaves you with the same moral issues you
have not resolved when you had biology.
When you have dissociated from the biology, your
essence or soul is distracting itself. It has given up
viii | Bonnie Baumgar tner Awareness Heals Me | ix

thinking, deciding and gathering wisdom. When you, the necessity. Having compassionate thought patterns is a
little human or ego and or your soul aspect stop thinking must to carry light and higher vibrations. Carrying light
and deciding it looses light, greater and greater amounts is not a spectator sport or distraction it is a lifestyle.
of light. More of the same continues to be attracted to Choosing compassion to all stimuli in your life raises
you and stay entrained with you. Spinning your wheels your vibration. Opposition decreases light. Being aware
keeps you in the same spot and going deeper into the of the cause and affect of your thoughts and what they
mud. You do as you are told or lead to believe has value. create matters. Your thoughts and creations work inter-
Generally, that means being focused on the superficial, actively. When you are aware of, OWN and understand
ignoring larger moral issues. your own confusion, fear, pain or anxiety you are valu-
2013 signals a change in direction from time is money ing you with your time and attention. You are creating
and keep the biology alive to equality, creativity and com- a sense of worth, approval and equality for you. Valuing
passion. Awareness of what we have experienced with- and knowing the self increases your light, diminishing
out the denial, avoidance or distractions is happening your fear, self-doubt and need for attention, drama or
as the vibration and light increase on earth. People are strong emotion.
seeking higher truths. Gathering information, question- Gather information to make informed choices about
ing irrational and illogical statements the commercial what you want to get actively involved with. Analyze the
industry and our government put out. Questioning dys- nutty things we are told and refute the discrepancies.
functional families members and relatives. Questioning KNOWING what is going on in your reality is the only
the mainstream scientists and the medical community. way to make an informed decision. Standing in what
Their priorities increase the amount of money they you believe is the best way to go. Voicing your opinion
make OVER improving our health. is the power you have. When you fail to decide to make
Scientists and the medical community are taking the light choices, YOUR dark handlers will happily choose
money or energy we give profiting off the medical prob- for you. If you want to go light you need to know what
lems and human sickness they have created for us. For you think and what you choose to have in your reality.
example: polio, AIDS, Genetically Modified foods caus- The criminals running our countries and large corpora-
ing digestive problems and creating inflammation and tions need to be exposed for whom they are and what
Chemtrails creating Morgellons disease. There are a their agenda really is. Information about our soul and
handful of doctors and scientists trying to help human- higher self has been twisted into disinformation. This is
ity that are constantly discredit or jailed or kidnapped a planet of free will. You chose to be here and born into a
or killed by our handlers. dysfunctional or dark or Illuminist family if that is what
Higher truths are found within you and your align- has happened.
ment with universal law. Making spiritual CHOICES, Experiencing dark truths is overwhelming. When
INDIVIDUALLY to go lighter means staying present your awareness or essence or core personality goes
in your life and biology, thinking and deciding the real- away or leaves so does your INVESTMENT with
ity you want to experience. Active participation is a you leave. When your awareness is gone so is your
x | Bonnie Baumgar tner Awareness Heals Me | xi

RESPONSIBILITY to yourself gone. To reside in the handlers unswervingly and unconsciously. They have
fifth dimension you need to be awake and aware of mastered compulsive self-deception from “the family.”
your thinking. It is NEVER magic there is always logic. with a great deal of training, programming and rituals
Nothing light is done for you. You do it for you or dark that have been devised to make children ignore their
will be happy to take control. true feelings and accept the cruelties of their parents,
If your parent was raised with fear, pain and suffer- caretakers and handlers to stay alive one more day.
ing that they never owned and had compassion for. Your To move to greater light you need to heal YOUR
children and grand children will most likely suffer the wounds and change your point of perception to align
same insensitivity and cruelty at the hands of their par- with universal law. Receive and give only compassion.
ents and extended family. When you are unable to see Considering that almost a third of those alive now were
and have compassion for YOUR fear and suffering you raised with Illuminist trauma based programming and
won’t see or have compassion for your child’s trauma, most are unaware of it consciously, I purposely included
rage or terror. some descriptions of the programming in hope that it
Those born into abusive dysfunctional families or will jog your memories and start the integration of the
the Illuminati have core personalities that are difficult many splits pieces and alternate personalities that may
to access because they DO NOT TRUST the situation be present in you. Your job is to notice your issues or
or the little human or ego. If you want to heal and inte- programs, DECIDE what you want to do and take action.
grate your alternate personalities, splits, fragments and You need to be your own super hero. You are the only
pieces you must convince the core personality you mean one that can rescue you.
it, FIRST. Then you need to provide a safe environment, Our perceptions of life as we know it, are coming
a compassionate space to start reintegration. forth into our awareness to own, resolve and release.
Included is this book is some information about the The reality we all created together is over now and a
dark entities that have always been in control of major new reality is well underway.
events on earth. A lot of information about how they raise
their children is mentioned because it is important to 5
understand how our dark leaders have been methodically
created with trauma-based programs. Various alternate
personalities in the illuminist system PRETEND to be
the core personality but are not.
The state of fear and trauma many infants and chil-
dren are raised in makes them totally absorbed with
survival. They are NOT available to think for the self or
develop a sense of self worth. That is why illuminists
want infants to dissociate and be fearful. They learn
about self-hate, violence and hypocrisy. They obey their

Tragedy and Hope:

A History of the World in Our Time published in 1966
by Carroll Quigley

There really is a “world system of financial control in pri-

vate hands” that is “able to dominate the political system
of each country and the economy of the world.” I call this
system the World Trade Federation. It is an ultra-secret
group of the most powerful men on the earth. They now
control every major international institution, every major
multinational and transnational corporation both pub-
lic and private, every major domestic and international
banking institution, every central bank, every nation-
state on earth, the natural resources on every continent
and the people around the world through complicated
inter-locking networks that resemble giant spider webs.
This group is comprised of the leading family dynasties
of the Canada, United States, Britain, Germany, France,
Italy, Japan, Russia and China.

Suzanne Lie

“Since I was a very young child I have had a “Vision”

of other realities in which everything looks, smells, sounds,
and feels different.”

xiv | Bonnie Baumgar tner

Dan Laudicina shares his experiences, frustrations and

information from the invisible realm.

Torben Hansen one
Torben shares his knowledge, skills, balance and
Awareness is having knowledge. The more knowl-
edge you gather the easier it is to discern your truths.
Kelly Arbogast Wounds, pain and suffering are healed as you gather
more awareness, knowledge, consciousness and wis-
Kelly created and serves as the Webmaster on the dom. Awareness, knowledge, healing and the result-
Mystic Knowing website. ing wisdom are always gained INDIVIDUALLY and
expanded on INTERNALLY by the individual. You can
The Invisible Realm and their tireless work and sup- gather awareness and knowledge anyplace. Then sift
port of humans awake and not so awake, the Elementals through the information to decide what is truth for you,
that tirelessly create our thoughts, the light Galactic personally. Own those truths and put them into practice.
Community and all the soul aspects mentoring their Always be conscious and aware of any changes, fine-
humans. tuning or adjustments you need to continuously make.
A secret political faction is called a cabal. The cabal
5 or Illuminists handling the earth and its people believe
that having total power and control over everything is
how they like it and want to keep it. For the last 20 mil-
lion years war has been waged between; the dark AND
the light OR the group that wants power over others
AND those that choose power from within the self OR
the different truths found on the third dimension AND
the higher universal truths of the fifth dimension.
Generation after generation for millions of years,
those that believed in POWER OVER OTHERS were
conquering and controlling planet after planet in the
Milky Way Galaxy. The power over others species were
mainly reptilian and believed in “survival of the fittest.”
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Other civilizations on various planets believed in the thoughts and emotions are unable to see higher vibra-
POWER WITHIN the SELF and all their soul aspects tions aligned with compassion and universal law.
working together, aligned with universal law. The The universal principle of VIBRATION is that every-
Reptilian groups had the most advanced technology and thing in the universe, physical or not moves in waves or
no compassion for the self or others. The “power within circular patterns with each having a unique color, vibra-
the self” groups tried many things to defend themselves, tion, sound and smell. Each vibration or frequency has
including the technology the “power over others” group a FIXED level of awareness or consciousness with fixed
used. Eventually after trying many different things that rules, themes or purposes. Vibrations can move and shift
did not work “power within the self” groups, gathered like our thoughts and emotions do.
the wisdom they needed to stop the wars. Dimensions, vibrations or frequencies are distinct
POWER WITHIN AWARENESS and WISDOM event sites. There are an infinite number of sites that
The power within the self, troops, gathered the wis- are not stacked like pancakes and they DO NOT occupy
dom that fighting and killing turned them into what time or space because they are states of consciousness
they were fighting against. They had to have power over or awareness. An individual can move to, or be a part
others to win. of ANY vibration that they can MATCH their vibration
What you fight or engage with you become, as stated in with.
The Universal Law of ENTRAINMENT or RESONANCE All fear or negative thoughts or emotions prevent
or FREQUENCY or VIBRATION explains. Entrainment you from moving into higher vibrations of compassion
requires that two or more frequencies existing in the same because you have not matched your vibration to com-
space MUST adjust to each other and combine creating passion. Residing in compassion and getting all twisted
a single resonance and that applies to everything, from about something delivers you right back into the third
subatomic particles to the entire universe. All energy, all dimension, vibration and fixed rules.
thoughts and all feelings vibrate or resonate at a specific When you engage in combat, disputes, upset or pay-
frequency and they must be harmonious when they share backs with dark enemies using anger or fear. Your nega-
space. tivity FEEDS them your energy. Your strong fear and
Both groups, power within the self and power over anger energy makes them stronger. They feed on YOUR
others understand that all THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS fear energy, sorrow, anger, guilt, revenge and doubt.
fall into two main groups and vibrations: fear OR com- That low vibration attracts to you more of the same vic-
passion. Fear vibrates slow and low following human tim predator confused innocent dark cycle.
laws. Compassion vibrates high and is aligned with uni- The Universal Law of ATTRACTION or “like attracts
versal law. Resonating to a higher frequency takes you like.” The vibration you emanate attracts more of the same
out of the power-over others REALITY. They don’t see experiences on that vibration back to you. You get what
you any longer. You no longer exist in their reality. It you give. What comes to you reflects with CLARITY the
is like the game peek-a-boo. Lower vibrating negative thoughts you are currently holding.
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Forcing, yelling, hitting, gossiping, righteous indig- Humans are animals that have lost or suppressed their
nation and or blaming are all negative and lacking com- animal instincts. We pushed aside the survival skill of
passion. Blaming your child, spouse, soul or god attracts smelling the emotions of others. With our increased
more lessons in suffering to you. Wallowing in the most clairsentience we will get that sense back. Smelling fear
pain and suffering or being the biggest bully or the most in others, mean you can also smell it in yourself so you
famous or infamous maintains the third dimension know when you have gone negative. That definitely cuts
vibration and the fixed rules of duality. into self-deception and any denial you may have about
The Universal Law of ALLOWING grants individ- what you think.
uals the right to have their own reality to BE and DO The reptilians have always retained their sense of
whatever they choose as long as they avoid violating smell and smelled our fear so we were unable to suc-
others rights or destroying any part of the collective cessfully hide from them. Draconians are extremely
environment. This means you stop trying to get others to intelligent and developed the most sophisticated strate-
adopt YOUR reality or vibration. When you stop forcing, gies of battle there are, which they are using on us cur-
demanding, pleasing or seducing, you can allow. Release rently. They are masters of psychological warfare. Most
your judgment, blame or attachment to what you have people on earth are totally unaware or in denial of how
decided YOU need to be, say or do. Free you first. THEN controlled and experimented on we are.
you will have no attachment to what others want you to Just as some on earth have moved into compassion,
do, say, be or think. Hating, waiting to be rescued, seek- ascension and their individual fifth dimension expres-
ing justice or vengeance, going to war is attachment to sion so have some reptilians. Some reptilians joined
and forcing your reality onto others. those emanating compassion because of their long inter-
Those having the POWER WITHIN carry so much action with those emanating compassion. The same way
compassion or light for the self that they EXPANDED that the odor of fear infiltrates many to go darker, to
beyond third dimension reality and truths. Higher have power over others, the odor of compassionate also
vibration means higher perceptions and the skill to see infiltrates many to go lighter.
beyond any illusion. They see through the lies, decep- Learning to resonate only to compassion in the face
tions and control. Once you CHOOSE to respond com- of death or loosing your biology is difficult when you fail
passionately to ALL stimuli. Let me repeat respond to understand that your biology is only a vehicle. You are
compassionately to all stimuli. The Universal Law of able to create a new vehicle if you like.
ATTRACTION brings you compassion. By not react- From the fifth dimension you are free of time and
ing negatively or with drama you free yourself from the space so you always know what your enemies plan in
fixed third dimension truths and realities, its separate- higher vibrations. BUT when you go into negative emo-
ness, darkness and duality. tion about it or plan revenge you lose your edge and
All emotion has an intense essence, or odor or scent. awareness by dropping back down into the fixed dual-
This is the way animal and plants determine if a human ity of the third dimension, negative emotion and dark
is safe or not. Plants move towards or move away. truths.
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ALL life in the third dimension has a fifth dimen- The Universal Law of PERPETUAL TRANSMUTA-
sional form to move into whenever they are ready to TION of energy is that all sentient beings have the power
maintain compassion for the self. to CHANGE anytime they want to, especially on this planet
of free will. Raising your vibration is hard work that YOU
5 need to DO! Clarifying and changing all your individual
and personal thoughts to compassionate ones, takes some
SYNCHRONICITY serious thought and work. You must stay present in your
biology, treat it well and honor it all of the time.
Any imbalances you have attracted to you as a result
We have worked our way down to the low vibration of of your attachment to ANY agenda, idea, thing, person,
negative thinking by our self, BUT we are not abandoned power or control (yes, in concurrent lives and different
or alone. It is our job to notice and trust that we are not realities) have to be uncreated by YOU removing your
alone; all our other LIGHT soul aspects are cheering us energy feeding cords, attachments and contracts from
on. Dropping hints and clues and arranging synchron- them. You need to be your very own super hero in pres-
icities in our reality for us. Your light soul aspects are ent time.
doing this for you from the dimension of compassion, Our light soul aspects are always ready with hints,
the fifth. This is a leap of faith you need to take if you are clues and synchronicities for us to gather knowledge
currently operating mostly in the third dimension. and wisdom from. SYNCHRONICITY is when two or
Be cautious and alert for your dark soul aspects, a more events that are unrelated, come together to have
few of them followed you the little human or ego into a meaningful impact. The spiritual synchronicities our
the lower vibrations to maintain connection with you light soul aspect structure and orchestrate for us are
and they are not so nice generally. They tend to be rude, planned from the higher vibration of the fifth dimen-
negative, judgmental and accusatory. They will heal sion that is free of time and space so they are aware
after you do. of many things the little human or ego is not aware of.
You most likely rejected pieces or parts of your per- They always know the probabilities of what has or could
sonality, which you didn’t like so much or approve of, happen.
so you split those parts off. These parts and pieces will Synchronicities are structured like a net or field or
also give you negative input. When you are on your path spider web with all of the possible potentials for you,
to greater light and these parts and pieces are willing plus the potentials for those around you. Your soul
to trust you to be nice, you need to ask your rejected aspects SEE all the connections and percentages of what
pieces to rejoin you. Having all your pieces and parts is most probable to happen in present time. NOW! What
back together makes you stronger and whole. You need the little human or ego does or fails to do and think at
your parts and pieces to move to greater light and higher that meeting, happening or synchronicity is a whole dif-
vibrations. ferent matter. You can lead a thirsty human to water or
8 | Bonnie Baumgar tner Awareness Heals Me | 9

into an experience to gather knowledge or awareness, a solid. Life has no fixed shape and needs to yield easily
but you can’t make her or him gather it. to external pressure as water runs no faster or slower
We exist in a hologram or virtual ocean of possible than is called for and seeks its own level. Its flow is even,
realities to choose from. Our thoughts and emotions unforced and fluid staying in the now moment without
have a vibration or frequency that dictate the reality we hurry or standing still. Take time to feel, listen to and
reside in, moment by moment. Waiting for synchron- notice the flow you created for you. The flow you are
icities to happen is not wise because that means the ego in currently in. The synchronicities you are experienc-
or little human has an agenda and that goes against the ing. Adjusting accordingly, is being mindfully present
law of allowing. Your job is to have an experience and and peacefully alive. CHANGE is redirection of energy
gather the pieces of information. Any experience is not when it happens too fast or slow suffering results.
about what you want; it is about you coming up with a
compassionate response or awareness. Synchronicities 5
work piecemeal like jigsaw puzzles do. You are required
to connect all the pieces together. ATTACHMENT
Trust your FIRST instinct or intuition as it is gener-
ally from your soul aspect. When humans hear an intu-
ition, hint or clue spoken to them in their voice they think Attachment is clinging, grasping, holding or hinder-
they thought of it. They most likely did not. Be open to ing. Attachment to a person, entity, outcome or energy
the synchronicities your light soul aspect creates for is you redirecting energy for your personal agenda and
you. Try to recognize and seize the opportunities that reality. This is you trying to force the flow of divine energy
are being presented to you. These promptings come in and intelligence. When you invoke what you consider to
subtle ways that seem ordinary but are not. It will be up be a god or super hero or power, like a Beloved Master
to you to discern the connection, person, wisdom and or or Archangel or the Devil or Dragon or divine will of the
opportunity being offered to you when it happens. Creator, you are pushing a particular outcome or agenda
You waiting to be TOLD to act means you have not that you think is desirable for the reality you live in.
gathered the wisdom yet or healed yet. Attachment to ANY agenda or outcome for YOU
Whatever situation you created in the past for your or another individual or group or planet, goes against
spiritual lessons and growth you can CHANGE NOW, by the law of allowing and being calm and peaceful. Even
changing your point of perception and having compas- when the other, is being what you consider to be self-
sion for you first. Concern your self with what is nurtur- destructive, that is their choice, creation and path to
ing, enjoyable and creative for you and your soul. Focus THEIR wisdom. Your path is very probably different.
on what you THINK and what you want to change BY Allow them to experience the consequences and gifts
yourself, FOR yourself. of their choices without your interference, “your god
The Universal Law of FLUIDITY states that life is complex” or your agenda or the best way to do it or the
best when experienced as a fluid substance and not as way the experts say to do it. Withdraw your energy, cut
10 | Bonnie Baumgar tner Awareness Heals Me | 11

the energy feeding cords and break dark contracts with aligned with universal law. Our biology is the vehicle
them, even if it is family, your church, country or your used and not the essence we are.
child. The core belief of the needy ones that suck the life
Attachment to any person, group, stuff or YOUR energy out of you or the jealous individual including our
NEED to be right, smarter, better or having more, keeps dependent pets, is that someone or thing or event will
you stuck in duality and the low vibrating material MAKE them happy, keep them safe and alive or MAKE
world. Is that where you want to be frozen? Needing to them feel important or valued. The needy one’s, believe
please or be acknowledged or hoard or punish or loved that ONLY (fill in the blank) ___ can make me whole,
by another holds you in a low vibration of control and important and able to love myself. As long as you hold
attachment to dark survival truths and the victim preda- the belief that (fill in the blank) is the only one that can
tor confused innocent cycle. make you happy, honest, beautiful or productive you
If we are all considered equal, why try to force your will live in the victim predator confused innocent cycle
reality, agenda or will by asking some other entity to join of “IT’S not my FAULT” and “I am powerless” “I need a
you in controlling or reinforcing an outcome that you super hero,” someone to rescue or control me.
consider desirable? That is putting your will or agenda (Fill in the blank) is most frequently money, god, a
above others and against or in opposition to the divine parent, Supreme Being, “luck,” born into the right fam-
flow and order. ily and mostly I need / want someone to love me so I
Prayer, mantras and rituals ALWAYS have an agenda. have value or worth.
They frequently have HYPNOTIC entrainment. People Consider the many ways we have crippled our pets
dissociate and frequently stop thinking for them self by and children to made them totally dependent on us,
playing “follow the leader, bully or EXPERT.” Dark ones JUST so we can “feel loved or respected or feared.”
focus on their “feelings of lack” they pray and bargain Many of our children and pets are totally dependent on
to control or force people or to get more stuff. Prayer, us for their survival materially and emotionally. Dark
mantras and rituals are asking another to do what you ones settle for “being needed” or the illusion of love or
need to do for the self. conditional love instead of experiencing a relationship
Even though people have been emotionally needy of equality, ALLOWING and honesty. The darker more
and jealous of others throughout history does not make abusive people have twisted the definition of respect or
it a desirable or permanent characteristic of humanity. love to mean, “I have the money and or power, and you
NEEDINESS and JEALOUSY is characteristic of people need to do what I want you to do or I’ll cut you off or
operating with dark truths. The planet and its people hurt you. That is not respect or love that is force, control
have been operating with dark truths that are now being and fear.
released by many. These are dark survival truths to keep We take away our pet’s instincts to hunt and sur-
the biology alive and the belief alive that our body is vive on their own. We take away the child’s right to be
all there is. The higher vibrating truth is the soul uses themselves, think and act the way they want to because
the biology to experience living in matter and staying we need a friend or slave to worship and value us. We
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breed animals so we are not allergic to them or so they Saint or devil or the one with the most money or power
can fight, to entertain us or we abuse them as a way to is an experience to learn from and evolve out of. There is
vent our anger, all this to satisfy our emotional NEEDS no need to continuously LIVE in that experience. Your
or wants. awareness and changes in your thinking will release you
Selective breeding of children and animals went on from that experience and heal you.
during Atlantis, when we became obsessed with the Release and heal traditions and beliefs that have been
physical and beautiful ignoring compassion for the self handed down and maintained by controlling dependent
and others. Most want a smart, beautiful, compliant children. They grow up to repeat the same dysfunc-
child or pet to love him or her unconditionally, which tional patterns with their children. Always seeking vali-
is slavery. Do you want to trade places with the smart, dation externally, never looking inside for their strength
beautiful, compliant one? Are you having more fun than and wisdom. They say clever things like. “If it was good
they are? enough for my parent and grandparent it is good enough
Pets and children that are disruptive and act out, for me and my child.” Please stop and do your own
both do it for the same reasons. They are NOT being thinking. Evaluate what is going on. Get in touch with
honored for who and what they are. Some just get clini- your own personal truths and honor them. Honoring a
cally depressed or die. Some take on their owner’s dis- family tradition of darkness is abusive to you and lacks
ease or pathologies in an effort to please and heal the compassion for you.
owner. Some children and pets are encouraged to be dis- There is only one (fill in the blank) answer to explain
ruptive and act out, because the owner or parent wants who can MAKE you joyful. You are the only one that has
to behave like that. But is too fearful or deceptive to do the power and knowledge about you, to make you happy
that. The child and pet are endlessly SET UP to be what and your soul joyful. But to know what you want you
they are not, and do not want to be. We “put down” force need to stay conscious and aware doing your own think-
or drug the ones that refuse to give us what we want. ing. You are the only one that can keep your biology and
When a pet or child fails to “make us happy” they are mind healthy, safe and alive to help you gather more
considered the problem and we take them to the “expert” spiritual wisdom and collect the cosmic flow of compas-
to FORCE them to do what will make you happy. Making sion when you match that vibration.
you happy is their job. How many children or pets are The Universal Law of ALLOWING means you stop
born into a family to make the parent or clan or genetic following your family’s dark traditions. Release your
line happy? Or use a body part of one child or animal to judgment, blame or attachment to what you have decided
keep another alive. Would you apply for a job when the YOU need to be, say or do. Free your self from all the
job description was to make someone happy and forget “SHOULDS” and “OUGHTS” in your head. THEN you
about any needs or wants you may have. The one that will have no attachment to what others want you to do,
owns you dictates what happens to you. We are not our say, be or think.
biology; we are a soul having a human experience, wear- Hating, waiting to be rescued, seeking justice or ven-
ing a body suit. Being OWNED by the biggest bully or geance, going to war is attachment to and forcing your
14 | Bonnie Baumgar tner

reality onto others. Allowing, grants to all the same

rights you want for yourself, to have, be and do whatever
you choose as long as you avoid violating others rights
or destroying any part of our collective environment.
Do not confuse respect and compassion. RESPECT is two
incomplete compassion or love and is generally FEAR.
The darker more abusive people on earth have twisted Repeating
the definition of respect to mean, “I have the money
and or power, and you need to do what I want you to
do. Why else would I cripple you so badly emotionally, Human behavior is predictable and consistent. Especially
making you feel worthless and stupid, so that you can’t when the human dissociates, is not aware of what they
care for yourself? That is not respect or unconditional think or fails to gather any NEW information and never
love that is force, control and fear. Respect is admiration concerns them self with the cause and effect of what they
or acknowledgement of what someone is or has done. do or so. Unconsciousness makes the human very pre-
Respect does NOT imply agreement. dictable. Our light soul aspects do all they can, within the
rules, to get us to pay attention to what we do and are
5 attracting to ourselves. Our thoughts create us. Their job
is to facilitate your step-by-step process back to alignment
with universal law, receive and give only compassion.
When we go against universal law or create the same
mistakes over and over it is because we have broken a
fundamental law of the universe. To stop re-experienc-
ing the same misalignment over and over again YOUR
thinking needs to HAPPEN first. Your compassionate
thoughts and awareness need to work together. Your
conscious awareness will precipitate a shift in your
thoughts or conclusions. Being conscious breaks pro-
gramming and groupthink. Your point of perception
needs altering or a wake-up call.
When the same dark behavior, resulting from OLD
dark belief patterns, is being played out by you over and
over again. You are not thinking. You just replay old pat-
terns with DIFFERENT people and situations and even
in different realities or time periods. It is past time to
SEE what you do and think. How often do you need to
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marry an angry vengeful person that blames others all you blamed others. Unless you reconcile or heal, with
the time? Before you accept the reality that darkness new awareness, what you created in the past, it simply
is what they chose and want to maintain? Or have you comes back around to become YOUR FUTURE, over
chosen darkness also? and over again until you “get it.” It comes around again
Blaming others never has and never will ALLOW in all your alternate and parallel realities also.
you, to OWN or take responsibility for what you do or Event loops like the above, are set in a SEA of
fail to do. Punishment and or guilt for YOU or other’s POTENTIALS that constantly change. You have the
never change anything for the better. Your self-hate potential to blame any and all in your reality, even the
never makes you nicer or able to carry more light. Self- legion of light. No matter whom, or how many, or how
hate keeps you trapped in past time, suffering or living often you blame others’. You will never get free from
in your pain body. You being trapped in your negative that stuck spot UNTIL you OWN what you do or fail to
garbage or self-pity will make you, a predator to anyone do. To get unstuck you MUST change your point of per-
needing you to be awake and aware for him or her. A ception and your thoughts and behavior patterns follow
dark truth is; that when you suffer you want to make along.
someone else suffer more than you are suffering. You FOR EXAMPLE: When you are afraid to trust oth-
get distracted from your suffering for a few moments, ers that will be reflected in all of your relationships,
while you make another suffer. That is why parents tor- in the past, present, future and in concurrent realities.
ment children and the Illuminists allow and take part in Your inability to trust others is REALLY you not trust-
tormenting their children. ing you and being compassionate with you. The prob-
The great variety of experiences with different peo- lem is your relationship with you. Whenever you decide
ple, groups and realities you have, ALL carry the same to trust an individual that carries more dark than light
theme. The same dark pattern of thought or lack of you can COUNT on them betraying you. Siphoning your
thought creates the same result for you over and over energy and many other deceptions will be present in
again. These experiences are all designed with one pur- your relationship. That is a dark one’s truth and reality.
pose in mind. To wake you up! To let you see that you Why would they behave any differently? So if you don’t
are responsible for the reality you live in. Own what trust others and they carry more light than dark, you
you do and create so you can choose again and again. are saying you are not trustworthy. Dark people suck
Awareness about you and your choices allow you to the life out of others, deny and deceive and disappoint
change your ways. through betrayal, secrets, gossip and not doing what
The past, present, and future exist together as loops they say they will do. So the question becomes, do YOU
on a theme, or memories on a chain of similar events that want to do anything differently? Or are you enjoying the
are not sequential. This would be a grouped event site of merry-go-round you are on? Remember you only have
experiences you had and haven’t gathered the wisdom the power to change YOU.
from YET. For example the times you were betrayed or An example of staying on the merry-go-round to
you betrayed others. The times you were blamed and consider: You were a Maldekian and Maldek was the
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Orion Group or Reptilian or Illuminati base of opera- point of perception changes and you move on. Or you
tion. Maldek was the 4th planet in our solar system that will experience more of the same power over others.
was destroyed by a “battle planet” sent by the Galactic More abuse and more abusing and more criminal behav-
Federation as a counterattack in response to Orion ter- ior by human and universal law standards.
rorism and to prevent more attacks on a Pleiadian planet. Another set of event loops to consider: You PUNISH
The atomic explosion destroyed colonies on Earth, Mars anyone that goes against what you believe to be true. If
and Venus. someone isn’t NICE to you, they need to be punished.
Your soul aspect from Maldek incarnated on earth You have always done that even in concurrent reali-
during Lemuria and Atlantis and you joined the Atlantian ties. You are afraid of anyone’s reality that is different
Brothers of Biel to defeat the Lemurians. Currently you than yours. You are afraid of being wrong and being
incarnated as a white male European member of the punished. Underneath your fear of being wrong and or
Illumanti trying to create the New World Order. punishment is accepting compassion for you. You do not
You have experienced the same moral dilemmas in believe you are loveable or deserve to be honored just
all these event sites and many more. You have always because you breathe. You do not realize or accept that
chose dark truths and power over others. You have lit- you are a soul having human dark experiences to gather
tle or NO compassion for all the pain and suffering you wisdom from.
experienced in all these realities as a helpless dependent You disrupt, upset or ignore the individual with a dif-
child. UNTIL YOU have compassion for your personal ferent reality from yours, even when it is your own child.
pain and torment, you will not have any for those you You consciously withhold something they would like or
torment or allow to be tormented. WAKE UP! Can you need. You have adopted the belief that you are worthless
hear me, compassion for your pain and suffering first. and you will force others to accept your truth, because
When you do choose, to align with universal law, you when they do you will feel worthwhile and have value.
rewrite your history with your new thoughts and behav- You can SAFELY assume, you were abused as a child
iors and your role will be altered in all your alternate and you decided it was because YOU were worthless
and parallel reality loops you have created for you. If and no one can change that belief but you. How many
and when you choose that course of action you would be times do you need to punish and force others, to at least
rewriting all your current, alternate and parallel reali- pretend they agree with you, before YOU ACCEPT that
ties all at once. When the change happens you feel a bit your parents were dark and ignorant and they treated
spacey for a few days with all that intense transmuting you as well as they treated themselves? The whole fam-
going on in all your realities at the same time. ily, including you just didn’t realize you were wonderful
The trauma based programming you got and gave and perfect. The dark ones never get it.
your children and grandchildren and the others in “the Your perception of what is happening in your real-
family” can and needs to be owned by you. It was what ity is colored by the role you play and what your agenda
you chose to experience. When you are interested in happens to be. Do you want to force someone to pretend
owning what you did and allowed others to do, your they like you? Is that junk food for you?
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Do you want control or compassion? You have expe- COORDINATES

rienced abuse as a child. Is your reaction to feel worth-
less and wounded or do you have compassion for the
abuse, that child suffered at the hands of dark parents, TIME is an artificial creation for third and fourth
siblings or strangers? If you know that you created your dimension, which we are in the process of leaving. We
life and its lessons before you were born and possibly are moving to NO time or everything existing together
in other realities, it may help you to release feelings of or the now moment or present time. Because every-
being a victim or predator and powerless. Once you can thing is hanging out all together you need an address
expand your thought from BEING the character within or location or the coordinates of where you want your
the game to that of being the programmer of the game consciousness to reside. Moving to a different reality is
you are experiencing, you can create expanded higher like logging into a game or another reality. For example
vibrating more compassionate thinking. you want to go to 1992. You enter the spinning circle of
Another set of event loops to consider: You think infinity setting your intention to FEEL that era or time
yourself to be stupid, ugly and worthless. So we know period and what you wish to experience during that
you were treated badly as a child or in other realities and time. You allow that feeling to connect you to that time
you believed and accepted that you must BE stupid, ugly and location.
and worthless OR you would have been treated nicely. You are allowed to maintain the same form or fre-
THE PROBLEM here is you accepting their dark quency you choose until you feel you have done and
truths. You still don’t get it. This was a dark planet when experienced what you wanted to. After a while spent in a
you grew up and dark people have only negative dark time reality like 3rd and 4th dimension you want to rest,
manipulative things to share with each other and espe- rejuvenate and to expand spiritually in a timeless world
cially with their children. The dark ignorant ones had aligned with compassion. Pure awareness in loops on a
their way with you, THE “intelligent beautiful and valu- theme is in operation when we sleep, meditate or cre-
able one.” ate because then we are “all thought” without our biol-
You did not discuss your value with your light soul ogy or the duality matrix limiting us. Time on the fourth
aspects. They would agree that you are intelligent, beau- dimension is faster than time on the third dimensions,
tiful and valuable. So which reality do you choose to but life is still sequential. In higher frequency reali-
keep adopting? You can accept your experiences as the ties time is not sequential it fluctuates and changes as
lesson they were and move on. Or you can have more of we create and change it with our awareness. When you
the same on this merry-go-round. Always, this is your resolve an issue of yours in the past, present or future it
choice on this planet of free will and darkness. Will you gets resolved in all three times or locations. AND in all
hate and blame yourself like all dark ones do. Or will you alternate and parallel realities.
have compassion and be compassionate with you? We have completed this experience of duality can
you let it go? Earth is a state of consciousness just as
5 the New Earth is a frequency of light or awareness and
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not an actual place. It exists all around us. Our ability wisdom. They want to integrate with you so you all can
to perceive any reality is based on the vibration of our move to greater light together. Allow each one of them
awareness. Negativity keeps you in duality or contrast to share what they know about you. The wounded ones
or the dark. Resonating to universal law expands your are generally very young. If they are too young to talk,
perceptions, including clairvoyance, clairaudience and feel what they feel. Offer to take better care of them and
clairsentience. Humans and their planet are creating a protect them. The wounded ones will integrate with you
higher vibration in the same space to reconnect with WHEN they trust you.
what has always been present just beyond our percep- As we expand our senses we FEEL what those
tions of our physical self and physical world. around us feel. It is imperative that you KNOW what is
As this new reality takes shape and evolves among your feeling and what belongs to another. When other
the old dysfunctional structures and families. Strange people’s feelings overwhelm you, that lets you know
dichotomies happen. Many new LIGHT elements are that there is more healing you need to do with your per-
in place but not functional or operational yet. The dark sonal wounds that are resonating with other people’s
cabal keeps throwing tantrums that slow our progress wounds. You need more compassion for you FIRST to
toward greater light. There is much political instability help others.
as the old gets phased out. Extreme weather, acts of ran-
dom violence, poor economy and religious scandal it is 5
hard to believe we chose to be on earth now to assist in
waking up humans that continue to embrace darkness. INFLUENCES
Awake and aware or through default we continuously
choose what WE perceive and what WE deny aware-
ness of. The wounded ego or little human or dark soul Understand whom and what influences you and
aspect is not aware there can be peace, gratitude, joy and forms the truth’s you live by. Awareness of what has
compassion. Healing the wounded ego or little human influenced you helps you make new decisions or choices.
or dark soul aspect is most important to do now. Until Your thinking will always be reactions to your families’
your darker aspects are healed you remain dense, heavy beliefs, friends, religions or your country of origin. The
and dark. Negative emotional reactions arise from your world or reality we live in currently was created by the
wounded ego or little human or dark soul aspect and Illuminist that enjoy deceiving and tricking ignorant
their ignorance. Light or higher vibrations frighten those children. They call it psychic warfare. Humanity is the
who live in fear and self hate. Those still lost in dark- confused innocent child tricked and deceived. Illuminati
ness are not aware of their inner thoughts and beliefs. lies have been so large and we have bought into them gen-
Lacking respect and compassion for the SELF prevents eration after generation. Now we have trouble accepting
them from experiencing compassion for others. the truth when it is told. Generally down through the
Talk to the remaining wounded ones or parts of you ages we have been given the opposite of what is true.
looking for your attention and wanting to share their And the Illuminists laugh at our ignorance. The same
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way dark adults will lie to a small child or torment an trauma based programming. His theme parks are used
animal and laugh at its confusion and pain when it tries to abduct and “train” children. He harassed landowners
to process what is happening. How can you feel superior and stole employee ideas and creations without giving
when there is not a level playing field? All they are doing them credit. Disney was a generational Illuminist and
is taking advantage and creating a victim to lessen their active Satanist.
suffering momentarily. Role-playing the different characters in Disney
DOUBLE BLUFF or DOUBLE SPEAK or “talk- films reinforces the agenda in programming and train-
ing out of both sides of your mouth” is the illuminati’s ing. Military programming was linked to Star Wars.
favorite game to get YOU to satisfy their current agenda Computer programming was linked to Hal in 2001 A
or need of getting what they want at your expense. We Space Odyssey; internal labyrinth programming was
act in the interest of the dark one, while THINKING we linked to the movie Labyrinth. The Matrix used psychic
are doing the opposite. FOR EXAMPLE: when you give warfare themes. The programs are ground in with rep-
the addicted one, “one more chance” you also give the etition, torture, electroshock, drugging and hypnosis.
predator one more time to abuse you and your children. The alternate personalities inside an Illuminati pro-
EXAMPLE of double speak, recently is in films and grammed slave is highly disconnected from external
on television shows there are continuous references to reality and may believe that they are part of a SCRIPT
FAMILY LOYALTY, like “you can’t give up on family” like Dorothy seeking the Emerald City or the achieve-
meaning your family members. Family is also a trigger ment of Illuminati rule on earth, a computer without
word for programs and really means the Illuminati, emotion or based on the character Data.
Satanic generational family. ANOTHER EXAMPLE: RAINBOW SHIPS are said
ANOTHER EXAMPLE is: In 1910 when The Federal to be the twinkling colors in the night sky. It is said that
Reserve Bill was presented as a way to LIMIT the power they are to help Gaia and her people release old truths
of banking interests. It was pushed through Congress in and old information to embrace new information that
a few days before Christmas 1913. The Federal Reserve they are helping encode us with. There is no need for
Bill established the largest private trust ever, that cre- that because it happens automatically as a result of the
ated, monitored and maintained the inflation the world individual moving to higher vibrations. The rainbow
is going through NOW. ships are probably programming for the low vibrat-
ANOTHER EXAMPLE: Walt DISNEY the man and ing ones and Project Blue Beam. These are most likely
all his creations are double speak and double bluff at its Illuminists misdirection’s or deceptions to seduce you
finest. While maintaining an angelic media presence, into the New World Religion. “Let us think for you and
he was a major contributor to the COVERT operations, you can serve us.”
deceptions and abuses by the Illuminati. He created Present governments and leaders are still carry-
HARD PORN, snuff films, cartoons, Wizard of Oz and ing out their “special interests.” Our handlers are still
Fantasia to name ONLY a few designed for programmers pushing and peddling the New World Order agenda.
and trainers to use as reinforcement and triggers in their For example they are telling us how they want to make
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us healthier and more efficient with their double speak be compassionate with you first and then others. You
but the long-term goal is to kill off the weaker and use- will discern who is dark and stop playing with them, as
less and with the survivors, create robotic workers that they are never fair, honest or transparent. Honor and
don’t cause them problems. allow their choices and have compassion for you. Allow
ANOTHER EXAMPLE: are the New Agers or the them their path and walk away!
“touchy feely” crowd and the Illuminists want you to In higher vibrations, leaving is you removing your
THINK with your heart, what does that mean and how focus or awareness or consciousness from an individual,
do you do such a thing? Generally that looks like you event, perception or reality. Returning to them is YOU
suspend your thought and do what feels good. That refocusing on them. That is the same principle as you
reminds me of “stranger danger” offering FREE candy at a gathering talking with Karen and then you leave
or games or to help him or her look for their lost puppy. to talk to Jake, returning to Karen later. This activity
The Illuminists and pedophiles use their mind con- then becomes a fifth dimensional experience IF you
trolled or dissociated children to talk OTHER children are enjoying yourself without drama, judgment, blame,
into dark “set-ups” and abductions. The dark plays on upset yourself or becoming a victim predator.
the trusting nature of the innocent all the time. Actually Consciousness or awareness links particles of
they COUNT on a trusting nature, denial or dissocia- thought.
tion. Illuminists fear a fair fight. LIKE MINDED people are connected with the same
This is a dangerous time for your soul aspect to go vibration of THOUGHT, not hearts. Hearts are only in
with the person that has free candy or a free electronic humans for this one lifetime or experience. Compassion
device for you. That is you thinking or FEELING with comes from the mental, logical universal law receive
your greedy, “something for nothing” self. The confused and give only compassion. Love in this matrix is most
innocent becomes the confused victim. The victim uses always CONDITIONAL LOVE, not compassionate.
their victimhood to later justify becoming the predator CONDITIONAL LOVE is based on DRAMA, strong
because they got taken-in and abused. The cycle of vic- emotion, hate and taking turns being the victim and
tim predator continues in the reality of darkness, dual- predator. How much of your drama, pain and torment
ity, opposition or “thinking with your heart.” Double has centered around someone withholding or in reality,
speak for stop thinking and become my victim, I’ll give unable to give you acceptance or compassion? Human
you candy. This is also a way for you to continuously get conditional love by definition is intense and filled with
sucked in by “promises to change” and “I’ll do better hate, fear, sorrow, judgment and anger because it lacks
next time.” Typical “set ups” or excuses the addicted, light or compassion. Conditional love is dark; it is on a
dissociated, or dark ones use over and over. Are you able continuum from benevolent caretaking to forced slav-
to see through the illusion or lie yet? ery. Most of what has been called love for the majority of
To AVOID “thinking with your heart,” think with your humans the past 13 thousand years has been conditional.
brain and logic. Follow and use the universal laws with The Anunnaki always misdirected us by changing
your logic, discernment and wisdom. That way, you will our beliefs to wanting and valuing external things and
28 | Bonnie Baumgar tner

approval. Leading us away from the wisdom of univer-

sal law. Thinking with your heart has become following
the DARK one’s agenda most frequently. All conditional
love goes against The Universal Law of ALLOWING.
Your need, the illuminists need to have humans adopt three
their reality is not allowing. Have no attachment to what
others want you to do, say, be or think. Hating, waiting Darkness
to be rescued, seeking justice or vengeance, going to
war is attachment to and forcing your reality onto oth-
ers. Rescuing others is against the law of allowing unless Yes, in higher vibrations or the fifth dimension dark
they request assistance. and light or polarities are blended. But to have a clearer
When assistance is requested verbally or nonverbally understand of darkness and its truths or the way its
remember; The universal principle of RESPONSIBILITY energy functions, dark and light are separated out in
is that you respond when you have the ability and enough this matrix and other low vibrating realities. That is also
light to respond to the needs of others without energy why there are two sexes; male and female. Those ener-
feeding cords or self sacrifice. You receive energy from gies were separated out for us to clearly understand the
all those you respond to because you are creating energy different and complimentary energies each sex has.
together synergistically. The invisible realm agrees that ANY energy source or
The universal principle of AUTHORITY means entity that carries LESS than 30% light is dark. Humans
the one that is aware, worthy and capable of accepting call dark energy and dark entities by many names: unbal-
responsibility for an act has the authority to act. Many anced energy, demon, devil, reptilians, evil, dark aliens,
want authority but will not take the responsibility for dark soul aspects and frequently your relatives or ances-
their actions. tors. They are dangerous because they are ignorant and
live by dark truths seeking power over others through
5 trickery and deceit. Dark ones can have biology or not.
Dark ones love to control biology that the core personal-
ity has left or abandoned. Those are the people that say
things like “I don’t know why I did that.” Those alive on
Gaia with less than 30% light are easily 40% or more of
the population. SCARY!
Dark TRUTHS are blame, judgment and refusal to
take responsibility for one’s thought and action. Dark
ones deceive, deny and twist the facts to control and
manipulate others to get what the little human or ego
wants. Dark entities siphon your fear energy. To create
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even more energy for themselves, they encourage your energy around you or in you unless you wanted to carry
self-hate and cheer you on as you set yourself up to on dark behaviors and traditions?
be victimized once again. Dark entities support and Illuminists have ceremonies to invite demons into
encourage your addictions and dark activities because their members especially the newborn that is trained to
that means more energy for them. ALLOW demons and reptilians in and encourage them
Dark entities will strongly direct you to do things they to enter and take over the biology. They convince the
enjoyed when they had a body. For example, say you are small child they owe their very life to the demon and if
a person that doesn’t enjoy greasy food much. But after they reject the demon they will die. The Illuminists are
visiting someone or someplace that dark entities may so proud of their ability to deceive a small child and laugh
hang out, you want greasy food NOW. A dark one may at the child’s ignorance. Dark entities are your basic con
have attached to you that love’s greasy food. The dark artist running a con on the little human and frequently
entities that enjoyed drinking, drugging or smoking stays with the same family for generation after genera-
hang out at bars; parties and places those activities went tion running the same con on each new generation that
on. Your awareness of them and your refusal to ALLOW has receptive members. DARK individuals and entities
them to attach to you makes them look for an easier choose not to grow spiritually. On this planet of free will
mark. Any entity that wants to attach or enter your biol- you need to choose not to allow your self to dissociate or
ogy is a dark energy and lacks compassion. When you let an addiction or suffering be your excuse for leaving
carry more than 70% light they can’t attach. If you have your biology unattended and allowing others to make
dark entities you might want to consider changing your choices FOR you.
thought patterns or point of perception. Our DARK or gray SOUL ASPECTS started out
When the human’s biology dies, the dark one looks 100% light but as they tried to stay connected to the
for a new host generally in the same bloodline. Your little human or ego they got increasingly darker with all
dead relatives can easily possess your biology. In fact the the dark choices the human made. 1 to 3 soul aspects or
Illuminists encourage that. Many think that it is a good the higher self is entrained with the human. And moves
thing to have a relative work through you or hang around into dark lower bands of thought patterns with the
you. For example: The leader of an Illuminist group that human going gray and possibly black. Humans living in
died would frequently enter his granddaughter’s body the frequency of fear, pain, vengeance, anger and righ-
to control “his flock” and act out his sexual addictions. It teous indignation or hate emanate and attract to the self
is not in alignment with universal law to allow another more of the same. You create, attract and entrain what
entity to control your biology. you hold in your thoughts.
For the past 13 thousand years this planet has been When you emanate, project or hold negative thoughts
so dark that it has been quarantined. Our dark survival and fear you are no longer being FORCED to do any-
truths and power to the biggest bully, makes us danger- thing. You have become the creator or catalyst of you
ous to others and ourselves. Your relatives and ancestors negative thoughts of suffering, fear, or anger, mean spir-
would most likely be dark. Why would you want their ited, vengeful and violent thinking. When your parent
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tells you to steal and you do. Then that thinking and allow them another opportunity to choose again. That
behavior has become yours. When you adopt the belief is the level of compassion dark ones are able to notice
or obsession or another’s reality it becomes your truth, and receive on this planet of free will. As of May 21,
what you are entrained with, allow, project and attract 2011 souls or any entity or fetus with more DARK than
or create in your life. If you created it, you need to take light are unable to incarnate on earth, parents with less
on the responsibility of uncrating it by withdrawing than 36% light will have soulless infants. Dark ances-
your energy, cutting cords and breaking contracts. tors can no longer incarnate into biology or hang in the
Our soul aspects are ever present with us in all reali- emotional body around Gaia. The dark ones are being
ties and experiences to help and guide the human. BUT restricted and contained by the light.
when they have gone dark you need to carefully discern
what information has value for you when you want to go 5
lighter. When the human asks their soul or higher self,
a friend or parent “What do you think of me?” And the DARK ESSENCE
response is negative or belittling that is a soul aspect or
human that is confused, ignorant and dark. Only a dark
human or soul aspect will tell you that you are stupid, ugly, Dark or gray essences’ are defined by their LACK of
evil or not worthy. The soul aspect is holding the mirror light or compassion, their ignorance. They are various
for you to see WHAT your thoughts are about YOUR self. shades of gray to black. They include the EARTH BOUND
The DARK soul aspect will also encourage the human to or SHADOW SOULS or DEMONS or REPTILIANS
abusive the self or “set yourself up.” If you THINK you or any dark entity without a human biology currently.
need to be punished the dark soul aspect will help you out. Any command heard inside or outside your head seek-
But know this about punishment, it never alters behavior, ing to dominate or nullify your judgment is a demon
it binds your essence to a low vibration and teaches you, or darkness. You may hear, see or sense their presence.
the offender, it is wise to operate covertly. Generally we haven’t seen them because their vibration
When questioning your soul aspects, you can ask for is SLIGHTLY out of our range of sight. The “autistic”
a 100% light soul aspect to answer your questions. A soul and our animals generally can see them and sense their
aspect that carries light is always honest but never nega- presence because their range of sight is greater than
tive. Any answers you get that are negative, dark or con- most of us.
fusing, IGNORE because that comes from a wounded Earthbound essences or entities may just drop by
entity without compassion for the self. Breaking nega- to say, Hi! Some stay earthbound to learn more about
tive thought patterns that have been in your bloodline universal law from the humans that are experiencing
for generations is no easy task, but is the only way to higher vibrations and carrying more light. Some earth-
move to greater light. bound do not realize they are dead or they have STUFF
To honor the law of allowing the dark and Illuminati or money or unfinished business they want to direct or
are being restricted, sequester, isolated and contained to control. One man died leaving his money and wife alone
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together. He hung around to watch her spend his money The rules of this earth game or reality or matrix are;
and upset himself about what she spent it on. that we are given the tools or skills to be our own super-
Earthbound or shadow entities MAY have many hero. No one that is light is allowed to do anything FOR
DARK things they want to continue doing but need a us. This is our test of our spirituality or moral charac-
body to do it with. So when you “space out” or are under ter. We are on a planet of free will so ANYONE even our
the influence of a drug or dissociated you abandon your invisible aspects rescuing us are considered force and
biology and are unable to protect it from dark ones play- interference. Light ones never rescue or do it for you.
ing with it. The dark one enters your biology and uses it Always you need to make the choice.
or possesses your unattended biology. Your permission All demons and their minions, ALL the TIME, are
is implied; through default you allowed the possession. generated by HUMAN consciousness of energy or life
Use it or loose it. force. Dwell with or in darkness and you live in darkness.
Any earth bound entity will possess anyone that allows You are entrained with the dark. Being in dark company
it. For example a teenaged child might do something makes you darker and they might convince you they
totally out of character for them and it might not be them, own you. When we feel powerless we may well behave
only a demon borrowing the biology. Using the biology of like we are in alignment with darkness or Satan making
another to stir up trouble AND avoid being responsible many little dark choices because the little human or ego
for the trouble and the resulting fallout they created. believe that light is too hard to attain and the light will
You can help the earthbound; IF HELP or knowledge reject you anyway so why bother. That is NOT a univer-
is what they seek. Talk aloud to them. Give them the date sal truth.
and a summary of what has happened to update them COMPLIANCE with darkness or negativity is serv-
and increase their awareness of the time that has passed. ing their agenda. The dark feed from you energetically
You can then educate them about their negative thought and frequently use and abuse your body, while YOU
patters and how self-destructive they are. Explain that FEED on their perception of reality. Energy steal-
punishment is not productive but more knowledge will ing crosses over or continues in all your concurrent
lead to a different point of perception and compassion lifetimes and in-between each lifetime and all your
for the self. Explain the following to them: ­alternate and parallel realities setting up cycles of
The Universal Law of PERPETUAL TRANSMUTATION hopelessness in its victims. Energy feeding cords and
of energy is that all sentient beings have the power to dark soul-to-soul contracts bleed into soul energy cre-
CHANGE continuously. Raising your vibration is hard ating a way to enslave or entrap your soul aspects into
work that YOU need to do by staying awake and aware, clar- dark truths or realities.
ifying your thoughts. Any imbalances you have attracted On this planet of free will you need to choose not to
to you as a result of your attachment to an agenda, idea, allow your self to dissociate or let an addiction or suffer-
thing, person, power or control in concurrent realities ing be your excuse for leaving your biology unattended
have to be uncreated by YOU. Then you can open a portal IF you want to break your programming. Formal or
of greater light for them to enter when they are willing. informal programming.
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The PHI THETA OMEGA Illuminati Programming TRADITION

adds dark SPIRITUAL alternate personalities, demon pos-
session, internal witches, warlocks, seers, psychics, read-
ers, occult practitioners, family members and handlers are The tradition of handing down abusive mental, emo-
all in this system of highly developed right brain and deep tional and physical treatment to the next generation
trance abilities. is the way dark behavior patterns stay firmly in place.
The color is coded BLACK. The training is most Part of the Illuminist’s psychic warfare is to keep us in
commonly done from ages 8 to 21 years with occasional fear. How many parents training and method of control
reinforcement of the programming from time to time. based in creating fear in their children? The fearful child
Brain wave training is complex and creates automatic grows to be the acting out or compliant adult. The com-
amnesia and communication barriers between the dif- pliant adult has so little compassion for them self they
ferent brain wave states. This is reinforced with electric are unable to consider a child’s or anyone else’s welfare
shock and punishment to prevent its undoing. All brain for that matter. From the child’s point of perception they
wave systems have CONTROLLER triads considered have no control over their biology and can be accessed
more “mystical” stable and unbreakable, three back ups at anytime. There was no one to rescue the child. The
and three system controllers. child not rescued or protected, frequently becomes the
PORCELAIN FACE or BURNING Programming adult predator.
is part of the Camelot and Shakespeare program to The body of a YOUNG child, before puberty, can be
steal an alternate personality’s face. Fire torture and stimulated frequently to cause sexual arousal absolutely!
melted wax is used to make the child victim believe Satanic cult members sexually traumatize, stimulate
their face has been burned off. The programmer gives and drug all the children they can get a hold of espe-
the traumatized alter a porcelain mask to wear. The cially their own children. This keeps the child sexually
Illuminati victim wears this mask when they are mar- AROUSED but unable to do much about the arousal,
ried to the Anti-Christ or Satan or EL or any other form as they are physically unable to orgasm until puberty.
of darkness. How much do you enjoy sexual arousal with no physi-
The satanic network “Assembly of God churches” cal release? For the child to release their sexual tension
also uses the burning or porcelain face programming. or arousal they will need to physically exhaust them-
They put a wax mask upon the victim, and give them selves or distract themselves. Sexual tension or arousal
fire torture. They think their face has melted. The pro- consumes their consciousness preventing their ability
grammer pretends to be “god” and gives them a new to focus on anything else. Teachers and parents won-
face or porcelain mask and the memories of abuse are der why the child can’t learn at school or why the child
then hypnotically hidden behind the mask. To take off starts fights or why they are sexually provocative or pro-
the mask is to burn again or remember the pain again. miscuous. The predator tells the child, “See you want it,”
and the child goes into GUILT, SHAME and BLAME of
5 the SELF. A great set up to torment the child and lower
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self worth and make them compliant and fearful for the and a more ethical one for others. When you are smarter
rest of their life, because they don’t know what is wrong and cleverer than others. When you deserve more than
with them. others. When you are more pious and spiritual than oth-
When someone uses a child sexually over a period of ers. When you sacrifice more or are the sickest. When
time and suddenly stops because they got too old, they you gossip and judge. Then you are still embracing and
will then have abandonment issues. This happens with holding close to you, your darkness, demon, reptilian,
illuminati slaves that reach 30 years old. It never dawns ancestor or family members you choose darkness.
on a child or adult that they just got “too old” to “sexu- DARK says, “OH YES I can get that for you.” “I can
ally turn on” the twisted adult. So they spend the rest of make you feel better.” Remember dark always lies, denies
their life trying to figure out what is wrong with THEM! and deceives. Dark dances around rubbing its hands
If sexual activity is your only warm contact with other with glee very ready and able to help you sabotage your-
people you will miss it and feel abandoned when it stops. self and all others that trust and depend on you. Asking
These dark ones and their traditions can go way back the dark to leave forcefully, breaking contracts and cut-
into the DNA line. Even all the way back or concurrently ting cords doesn’t have a lasting affect, because you keep
to Atlantis and Maldek. The same dark soul aspects calling the dark back to SERVE your scared little human
keep coming back with new biology’s. Your ancestor or ego. You invited it back in to play with you. To give
or you as your ancestor could have struck a deal with you self worth by bestowing power and control. It will
the devil, demon or any other kind of darkness on this only cost your energy, biology and free will.
planet that committed your body and your energy to the The universal principle of JOY and INNER PEACE
dark ones. When the little human or ego is feeling inse- increases with deeper connection and surrender of the
cure or inadequate they invited some big scary demon little human or ego to their light soul aspects point of
or dark energy or the devil or reptilian to increase their perception, giving up the human free will for living in
HUMAN power. Just because you or an ancestor invited divine will and following universal law. Receive and give
this darkness in DOES NOT mean you need to keep only compassion to YOU first.
playing with it or following its orders or trying to get it Even if you are a predator now your victimization
to love and accept you. came first, real or imagined. Having YOUR memory
The most effective way I know of to permanently get and feeling of how painful it was to be victimized, will
rid of dark is to clear up its ignorance about compassion give you AWARENES and compassion for you and your
and universal law. OF COURSE if you have used this experience. Compassion for the confusion and loss of
darkness to define you than you are not ready to release trust in others you experienced. Compassion for your
the dark in YOU. Giving up the darkness might not be betrayal when you trusted the dark to be honest, fair and
possible for you, UNTIL you understand and LIVE compassionate. Betrayal is a dark truth.
compassionately aligned with universal law. When you Many of us felt victimized or betrayed when we left
STILL want more ATTENTION, things or stuff than oth- universal law and moved into darkness and dark truths,
ers have. When you have a double standard, one for you demons, reptilians, the devil or making the little human
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or ego feel powerful and better than others. Moving to A fascinating bit or reasoning the abused one use is;
lower vibrations and dark truths was our choice. We “If I offer compassion to my evil parent or spouse” they
have experienced the pain and suffering of the dark, are will return LOVE to me. They try that over and over and
you ready to leave that reality? Can you release ALL the always get the same result. There is no awareness. The
dark truths you still embrace? abused one never realizes that when you offer compas-
The child victim ALWAYS feels guilty and responsible sion to the dark they read that as you are WEAK and
for what the predator does. The child ALWAYS blames EASY to take advantage of and they DO. Unconditional
itself. THE DARK tells them; in many different ways it love and compassion is not in the dark ones reality.
is THEIR fault. When your reality or belief is that ALL NONE of the active illuminati members or any of
THINGS, good or bad are bestowed on you externally. abused, dissociated and dysfunctional mothers and
Logically if bad things happen to you it is punishment fathers around the world possesses the capacity to
or rejection for not being what was desired or wanted NURTURE, support or PROTECT their children. They
by a DARK entity, person, parent, demon, reptile, god, are dangerous to children. They have never nurtured
culture or society. You are not a victim. Your vibration themselves so they do not posses the skills to nurture
got so low and your truths got so dark in a concurrent a child or anyone else. Seriously abused children find
reality that you attracted a predator to help create your being an adult an overwhelming challenge. Frequent
victimhood. The Universal Law of Attraction dissociating is time consuming and confusing. There is
The predator or abuser projects onto the victim what no focus or desire for self-awareness or to develop the
they need to heal in them self. The victim projects onto basic life skills.
the predator what they need to heal in them self. The con- Some abused children have an alternate personal-
fused innocent demands others be responsible for them ity that can function at school or work but that is all
instead of taking responsibility for the self and thinking they can do. For example I had one student with three
for the self. Accept the reality that an adult or parent can alternate personalities that I observed. Only one of the
be very dangerous ESPECIALLY to the child, grandchild alternate personalities knew how to read and write and
and any other child he or she can lay their hands on. that one was out only a fourth of the time. The core per-
WHEN dark people dissociate, which they do all sonality never showed itself. Many illuminati slaves per-
the time, they are dangerous. They do the same cruel form their jobs in society robotically and well enough to
things that were done to them. Then they claim their get paid. BUT there is no energy left for daily tasks and
innocence. Illuminati mothers and fathers are very dark personal responsibilities when they get home. THERE
scary people home alone with an infant or more. Along IS yelling, hitting, abuse, dissociation, handling, train-
with the physical, psychological and emotional abuses, ing and compulsive distractions, frequently sexual and
mom and dad siphon the children’s light and give the sexual seduction.
child their darkness to carry. As the child tries to rescue To heal or release you darkness you NEED to stop
their parent their energy gets even darker. Play with the dissociating. When you don’t remember or CANNOT
dark and you join them. track an entire event from beginning until the end. You
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can’t possibly have awareness of what you did or didn’t programming. This 10th science deals with occult sci-
do. Frequently slaves get drugged taken to rituals or per- ences of astral projection, ESP and telepathy. Gamma
formed task in the middle of the night, some even fly to code calls for demons and suicide programming that
other countries for training or are used as sexual favors is often layered into this system. These alternate per-
at a gathering and wake up the next morning in their sonalities would rather DIE than leave or betray their
bed very tired with NO memory of what they did. Their FAMILY or cult or the Illuminists.
handler probably lives with them or close by. Those that In gamma programming there is also Scholarship
have dogs and children claim having them is a protection programming and photographic memory. Gamma per-
against such things. The dog and children get drugged sonalities know 8 different languages, some are modern
also. and some are ancient languages.
Other people in the life of an abused child or adult take GATEKEEPER Programming and programs are
TURNS using and abusing them. Playing the cycle of, found throughout the illuminati systems. They impose
you are the victim and I’ll be the predator this time. The their reality on other alternate personalities within the
illuminati slave is programmed to comply and always do system by using SUPPRESSION, judgments, force and
what others want or they might get PUNISHED again. So deception. They do not ALLOW freedom of thought.
when interacting with them and you are a slave also, you Dark is dark whether it is found within you or exter-
will trigger each other’s programs. There is not growth nally. You own it and embrace it or you master walk-
and development of the core personality, which is why ing away from it. We came to lower vibrating realities
it frequently abandons the biology. Normal growth and to increase our knowledge, our WISDOM about dark
social development of a child is suppressed. Illuminists truths.
have no use for that. It would interfere with the slave’s
programming and performance. 5
The biology does NOT forget your abuse and can some-
times carry it into other lifetimes or realities. Body pain,
blockages, density and disease must be acknowledged
before it will leave. Keep suppressing your awareness,
and your body will create headaches, heart ­problems, and
other physical maladies that will just seem to escalate cre-
ating more problems JUST to gain your FULL attention.
You will come into the next life with the same challenges
you have not resoled in the previous realities.
GAMMA Programming is the secret layering in of
demons. The ceremonies to demonize the victim occur
even before they are born. Generational dark entities or
demons are layered in to work with the direction of the

The cabal and darkness know there time is over. The

light has prevented them from starting WARS to main-
tain the DARK mass consciousness of the previous
millenniums. The dark cabal has been limited to using
“shooting sprees” or acts of terrorism by Illuminati pro-
grammed individuals or slaves throughout the world in
hope of maintaining fear in our collective consciousness.
The acts of random violence are a “need for violence” by
those that are so NUMB inside that intense fear reas-
sures them that they are still alive. As we increase our
light on earth, the greatly wounded dark ones will be
identified and given knowledge and awareness that will
help them heal if they choose that.
As more people move to higher vibrations, FEAR
losses its appeal just as any violent entertainment will
and does loose its thrill the lighter you get. Fear deliver-
ers a short-term rush of adrenaline to alert you to “move
away “ or “prepare to fight.” Fear and the following
adrenaline rush, does make dark ones feel intense, alive
and dramatic. Fear is their proof that they exist. Like the
exhibitionist needs to show their naughty bits to get a
SHOCKING result from a stranger or crowd. It proves
to them and reassures them that they have naughty bits
because people were shocked.
Ignorance is a lack of knowledge or information
and that is what the dark ones lack, information about
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compassion. To consider moving to greater light you which fan out in every direction in ever-widening
need to be a seeker. You need to be seeking answers to circles of vibrating frequency to roughly six feet from
explain your discontent or confusion. Of course if your the biology. The Principle of Reconciliation and /
awareness or core personality is floating around away or entrainment allow different qualities to get uni-
from your biology, abandoning it, you are not seeking fied into similarities. By diminishing differences you
anything you are distracting yourself. And for those of decrease conflict and promote balance. That happens
us that are awake and aware the Illuminists encourage with groups or only two.
us or force us to seek criminals, shooters and terrorists Mass consciousness or the group mind or the collec-
instead of our soul aspects, inner wisdom and universal tive consciousness is the thought, feeling and actions of
law. They create for the awake and aware, endless dark the entire group combined into one thought and feeling
dramas to maintain the fear and keep our vibration low that represents the entire group. To change the mass
so they can continue to siphon our energy and light for consciousness of a group you need a small percentage
their use. Your seeking does not need to feed the dark. of individuals in that group holding a STRONG belief,
Any desire for change needs to come from WITHIN dark or light, that gets transferred electromagnetically
you and it needs to be FOR YOU not for or on behalf into the larger group’s awareness and is eventually
of another. You carrying another person’s dark energy, adopted.
their secrets, their addictions and inability to function, DARK mass consciousness or HIVE MINDS or Religious
benefit neither of you. You deciding for another what groups are found all over the planet. Many religions, coun-
they should or should not do; drains your light. Them tries and families are still ruled by a “control freak” or bully.
complying with your wishes makes you both darker. Some groups start out with a “light group consciousness” and
The wisdom and explanation for walking away from get infiltrated with darkness as the greedy, jealous and cruel
less light is expressed in the laws of the universe. take over power and the group gets progressively darker.
The Universal Law of ENTRAINMENT requires that When the collective mind is dark and unbalanced, as earth
two or more vibrations or entities being in the same loca- has been, each generation is faced with VERY strong pres-
tion need to combine or fall in sync with each other to sure to conform to the dark collective way of functioning.
have a single vibration. For Example, on a scale of 1-10 In dark groups, families and couples, individuals
if one individual is at 3 and the other is at a 7 the law ­surrender their thought, energy and body to join or maintain
of entrainment requires that they will both be around 5. membership. Dark groups generally have one viewpoint,
This includes you and a dead relative, sharing space. If the “point of view” from the top and generally the dark-
uncle Charlie is a 3 and you are a 7 together you are both est one. When you believe your self to be powerless you
around a 5. OR if mom, dead or alive, is with you and is a start abandoning you, your thoughts and your body. Your
very strong 2, and you are a wishy-washy 6, together you awareness is not trapped so instead of walking away from
are both 2s. the dark and standing in your beliefs, you abandon your
Every thought we have dark or light, creates ener- biology or dissociate form it. You allow them to do as they
getic ripples. Our body anchors our energetic layers, wish with your body.
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To carry more light you MUST reclaim your biol- They shake all over, cry, but the child does it, because
ogy. Your awareness of higher vibrations and greater they are afraid of more torture.
amounts of information come through YOUR energy They strangle the kitten to death and the adult praises
field and the biology anchors that energy. You need to them for “doing such a good job.” As the child ages the
work with your biology, clear out any dark entities and animals get bigger and eventually they will be forced to
move back in. We came to this dark vibration to experi- kill a human infant. This is “theta” programming, and or
ence dark truths NOT live in them forever or get trapped psychic trauma based programming also.
until your life force runs out. The New World Order is By 9 years of age the child can put together a gun,
designed to keep us trapped until our life force runs out. aim, and fire on command. Practice is done on realistic
Our military, police and large corporations are trained manikins. Then there is practice on “expendables” or in
to groupthink, take orders and dehumanize “the enemy virtual reality training. The child is highly praised when
or consumer” there is always an enemy created or a they do well, and tortured when they don’t comply. By
consumer tricked into buying more of what they do not age 15, most children will be forced to do hand to hand
need. It is easier to humiliate, demonize, torment and combat in front of spectators that watch the “games” as
dismiss the enemy or consumer as stupid or someone they did with ancient gladiators, sometimes to the death.
you deem less valuable than you. Not unlike the Hunger Games series of books in 2010
The dark individual or group of dark ones are not capa- and the movies. By 21 years of age they are well-trained
ble of feeling your pain or having awareness of your suf- killing machines with command codes to kill without
fering. They are ignorant of their own pain and suffering. remembering what they did or the training they have
Their core personality has abandoned their biology also. endured to do what they did. The cover story is that
Their biology is following orders or the program currently they are mentally ill.
running. There is no one home to interact with. Learn to
walk away from the dark, do not engage, force, blame or 5
vent. You do not have the skill set to take on the dark AND
that is going against the universal Law of Allowing. LIGHT HELPERS
KILLING Programming is only one of the ways
Illuminists create and trigger a killer. Training starts at
two years old. The child is put into an electrically charged 2013 marks the turning point or shifting vibration from
metal cage to shock the child. Then the trainer takes old SURVIVAL truths to more light and COMPASSION
the child out, and places a kitten in its hands telling the for the self. Things are even more stressful if darkness is
child to wring the kitten’s neck. The child refuses and is your choice. If you keep playing with the dark you ARE
placed into the cage again for more electric shocks until getting increasingly out of balance. Earth’s unbalanced
they are dazed and can no longer scream. The trainer systems; families and organizations are crumbling and
takes the child out and tells them to strangle the kitten. becoming chaotic.
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Light energy coming from within the population cultures of lies, corruption and addictions the biology
along with the light the earth is being flooded with, is and wounded soul joined in experiencing darkness in
waking people up and returning them to their biology greater depth. The addictions and dissociation from the
putting them in a place of needing to make decisions and biology distracted us from the wounding we received
moral choices about going lighter or darker and stand- and perpetrated on each other. Those that have only
ing in their truth. They are demanding fair treatment, experienced universal law, receive and give only com-
transparency and honesty. Those moving into increased passion are not prepared in anyway for the deception,
light are becoming more balanced and stable. Their soul cruelty, glamour and Illusion used to trick humanity and
aspect is pulling things together for positive resolu- the innocent, trusting light ones. It was as easy for the
tions and success. Please notice that. There is never an DARK to turn the “light ones” dark, as it is to trick, mis-
absolute there is continuous adjustment. The war with lead and misdirect a four year old that is desperate for
darkness is over and won, but you the individual need your attention, acceptance and affection to feel worthy
to “make it so” for you personally or you will remain in and stay alive.
the fourth dimension until you understand dark truths a What the “light ones” including some humans have
little better than you do and are able to RELEASE them. learned the HARD WAY, was that you couldn’t play with
Dark truths are frequently about YOU being the dark and stay light at the same time. There IS NO
ATTACHED to controlling outcomes of one sort or WAY TO ENGAGE and maintain your light. The very
another. You demanding that someone love or care about act of engaging drains your percentage of light. Upset,
you. Dark can’t do that! You demanding others feel your jealousy, drama, dissociation, addictions and trying
pain or struggle. Dark can’t do that! You being prettier, to change another’s reality are all about creating and
smarter, sexier, owning more stuff is all dark truths maintaining energy feeding cords to all those that play
about “I am better than you.” Darkness has a hierarchy or engage in any drama and strong emotion. When you
and light is about equality. decide you are the victim look around and notice the
Anything you need or want YOU create for the self ones you have neglected and or abused because YOU
with the assistance of your other soul aspects. The core were suffering and felt entitled to inflict indifference,
personality needs to reside in the biology to sense the pain or suffering. You become a predator to them. When
feelings of familiarity, security, protection and compas- you consider yourself to be the predator, remember and
sion by going within and feeling it. It is not what you notice, who victimized you, through their abuse neglect
experience externally from others; it is your point of per- or misuse of you and the wounds you have from that
ception internally about your experience that matters. experience. When you were deceived and tricked you
Many light ones from LIGHT planets and societies blamed others, consider whom you have tricked and
choose to incarnate on earth, the quarantined planet of deceived.
darkness, to help us find our way back to the light. As one When you want MORE than others have, enjoy con-
might suspect, most of them wound up joining the dark. flict, division, upset, gossip and abuse your focus is on
Once they struggled with our abusive dark families and negative dark truths and energy feeding. For dark ones to
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continue to exist they need to siphon energy or life force level of magic to place the perfect dark soul or DNA into
or light from each other. Darkness has only the power a fetus.
YOU give it by you allowing, attracting and entraining Alistair Crowley started out as a light helper and
with dark truths. When the HUMAN is dark and mean wanted to infiltrate the dark to help them go lighter
spirited so are their thoughts and creations. Old energy and in 1904 he channeled: The BOOK of the LAW, that
and dark energy lack compassion, light and wisdom was to be the arrival of a new stage in spiritual evo-
When you carry more light because your thinking has lution for humans. The moral of the book is that we
changed; the “darker ones” will try to provoke you or must rely upon ourselves, for we alone have the power
wait for you to upset yourself and lower your vibration to save ourselves. That truth is in alignment with uni-
so they can energy feed from you once again. They hover versal law.
like sharks. Increase the light you carry with compas- From The BOOK of the LAW came ONE LAW: Do
sion and nurturing for you and your biology first. THEN what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the Law. The dark
your light energy will emanate out from you to combine ones or Illuminists that created the New Age Movement
with greater light coming onto the planet. There is no and Spiritual Movement have twisted ONE LAW to
possible way to entrain with dark and stay light. mean you can disregard the FALL OUT of what you do.
Elementals, our light soul aspects and the universe Twisting the meaning into a dark truth and reality. By
do not function in duality they follow universal law so 1907 Alistair Crowley was entrained with dark truths.
they NEVER judge or blame. Our elementals create our UNIVERSAL LAW is Receive and Give only compassion.
thoughts without evaluation or judgment. Remember The Universal Law of ALLOWING means you stop
the clearer you think the stronger is your creation. The trying to get others to adopt and live in your reality.
type of thoughts and the creation the elementals create Allowing, grants to ALL the same rights you want for
and how you use your creation carries a ratio of dark yourself, to have, be and do whatever you choose as long
to light. Alistair Crowley was a light one that came to as you AVOID VIOLATING OTHER’S RIGHTS or
help us go lighter but he kept choosing greater darkness, destroying any part of our collective environment.
because you cannot play with the dark and maintain Attachment to ANY agenda or outcome for YOU
your light. or another goes against allowing and being compas-
CROWLEY, ALISTAIR 1875-1947 was a Satanist and sionate and peaceful. Even when the other, is being
a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemason, spy and leader in self-­destructive, that is their creation and their path
a number of other Masonic rites as well; he was an OTO to wisdom. Allow them to experience the logical con-
leader, chief in Stella Matutina, and an MI-6 (British sequences of their choices without your interference,
overseas intelligence) agent. His writings have been “god complex” or agenda. Withdraw your energy, cut
important to Satanists and black magicians. He wrote the feeding cords and break dark contracts with them.
Moonchild first published in 1917. The MOONCHILD Whatever situation you created in the past for your spir-
RITUAL is to place high-level demons into a fetus. itual lessons you can CHANGE now, by changing your
Blood and human sacrifices are always required for this point of perception and having compassion for you first.
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Concern your self with what is nurturing, enjoyable and All the various religions the Illuminists created for
creative for you and your soul aspects. humanity and continue to restructure to control the
mass consciousness; are being shifted again to serve
5 their current agenda. Their main theme created for
humanity is and always has been that you need to
RELIGION “WAIT to be saved” the opposite belief of the elite
Illuminists which, is STEAL it and piss it away. The
rituals of our church services are pure theater. Parables
Many light ones have incarnated on earth to help us and stories are generated by the various religions to
reconnect with our light soul aspects and universal law explain and reinforce their particular dogma so that
like Buddha, Confucius, Lao-tsze and Jesus. They incar- every follower will know what is expected of them,
nated to bring humanity the simple HIGHER vibrating regardless of their intelligence. They need to clearly
knowledge, truth and wake us up. Their message was understand the correct behavior to gather the deity’s
simply “you are the same as I and you need to save your- VERY CONDITIONAL blessings.
self.” Just as Alistair Crowley said in The BOOK of the Universal law and principles were distorted or excluded
LAW we must rely upon ourselves, for we alone have from our major religions by the Anunnaki millennia’s ago.
the power to save ourselves. The TEN COMMANDMENTS are Universal Law simpli-
Later followers of Buddha, Confucius, Lao-tsze and fied as “rules” to clearly point out what is a dark or light.
Jesus, with the help of the dark reptilian Anunnaki, dis- Those that think love, affection and compassion MUST
torted the messages of light, which is most often the case. come from an external source are misdirected and they
The “EQUAL SIBLING messenger” got transformed will always “COVET” or yearn to possess and will not
into a figure to be WORSHIPPED, which is against the allow others their freedom. Those that worship external
law of allowing. Then DOGMA was created to be sure “AUTHORITY” give away their energy, power, thinking,
you worship the “holy one” in the correct manner or be freedom and frequently their biology and health. Jesus
punished. said you are his sibling and equal NOT above or below.
The double speak of the Illuminist is ever present in He wanted you to think for yourself as he did.
our dark worlds. The RELIGIONS they created for us The SEVEN RAYS or Seven Spirits or Seven Great
are thinly covered demonic or satanic worshipping they Rishis are the 7 emanations or qualities of “the source”
brought us from Draco. The dogma is a guide on HOW to or “god.” The rays or characteristics are broken down
express your belief in a Supreme Being or super human into smaller concepts and pieces or steps that are
or controlling power, especially a personal god or gods needed to be mastered, to return to source. There are
or Satan and demons. Religions have a system of dogma, 3 major rays or aspects: Creation, Infinite Wisdom
a set of principles laid down by an authority as being and Unconditional Love and 4 minor rays or attri-
incontrovertibly true. ABUSES administered under the butes, Purity, Truth, Invocation and Transmutation. By
guise of religious training. Training is the key word. ­breaking down the concept of receiving and giving only
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compassion into these VERY SMALL disjointed pieces The illuminists preach that Man becomes god through
or steps, they can easily be distorted by the ego or little reason and “enlightenment” but practice control, force
human to serve dark agendas. and obedience and enforce a strong caste system on all
In the holy bible the “sons of God” took wives from members. Starting even before birth with trauma based
the “daughters of men.” The sons of god were from programming throughout life
Draco. The reptilians brought their satanic worship, Our fear about aliens is nonsense. Aliens or extra-
stories and parables about their “white winged dragon terrestrials or the Illuminists created what we have on
with blue eyes” to us as part of the dogma for the earth earth NOW. They are the darkest mean spirited aliens
religions they created. The names and stories are slightly there are. They already run our life and world. Most any
altered. The religious stories are rewrites of your basic other group of aliens will be lighter than the ones we
“Satan” from Draco or “EL” from Saturn or Jesus of live with and allow to run our world presently
Nazareth that are designed to glorify and empower the RITE to REMAIN SILENT Programming is a
little human or ego. If you worship God or Satan and satanic reversal of the Catholic Mass or the Black Mass
follow HIS dictates you will get conditional love and be with the Black Mary. The VOW OF SILENCE is a keep
saved from even greater punishment. quiet program activated by “The walls have ears and the
These religions and their dogma are our psychologi- plants have eyes.” It is explained to the victim that the
cal preparation for the New World Religion and New seashells and plants have the ability to hear and a sen-
World Order that is being put in place and introduced sitive occultist or programmer can psychically pick up
to us the way all illuminist concepts are introduced. what the plants and seashells hear. “MAINTAIN IT” is a
Through the media and their “experts” in the field. The command to maintain the Vow of Silence. “MAINTAIN
illuminists create, introduce, financially support media, IT and LISTEN” is a command to keep silent and listen
movies, books, papers, news and television shows. Those to the command that is coming up soon.
that have gone against them or try to expose their lies Placing anger and blame on the appropriate target is
don’t live so long or well. Serving and servicing them is a problem for trainers and bullies so children need to be
pretty much what we do. trained to blame the self in the Illuminist reality.
The Illuminists want to stop working covertly and SPIRITUAL Programming includes being forced
now want to overtly control us. They are pushing the to memorize satanic beliefs, rituals, and the “Book of
new world order or one world government and religion. Illumination.” This starts in infancy through life. Classes
They want the weak, sick and non-productive ones gone and training sessions are about rituals and worship of
and they are slowly killing them off. The glitz and glit- demons or the guardian deity of your local group like
ter of “the religions” on earth is to keep our attention Moloch, Ashtaroth, Baal or Enokkim. The child is forced
diverted to things outside of our self. The deities of to participate in ritual sacrifices, blood baptism and to
earth are basically “control freaks” just like our handlers take the heart or other internal organs out of the sacri-
are. They take our money and labor while motivating us ficed and eat them. The drugged and hypnotized child
with increased lack, and fear of more punished. has the hands of the leader placed on the child’s head
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while INVOKING demonic entities to enter the child’s Sun-Cross is the symbol of the Knights Templar secret
biology. society. The Red Cross organization operating in the
SPIRITUAL DILEMMA Programming creates Satanic world is also Illuminati. The Red Cross enables the illu-
and Christian alternate personalities. Having Satanic and minists to manipulate behind the COVER of humanitar-
Christian alters insures that if they discover each other they ian aid.
would reject wanting to learn more about the other part NIBIRU or PLANET X or 12th PLANET from the
and move into denial and dissociation. They are told the sun, Nibiru means “Planet of Crossing” in Sumerian,
Christian god rejected them because he didn’t rescue the and Egyptian language. It is a reptilian built, mecha-
2-year-old victim that accepted the love of God. Rejection, nized world orbiting our solar system. It has a 3,600-
retaliation and bondage are the tools of Satan. year orbit and is coming close to earth in 2013-17. This
REDIRECTING ANGER Programming A Daddy planet is enclosed in a shell that generates its own heat
figure will intentionally provoke the child by teasing and is 2 and 1/2 times larger than earth. It was an off
and aggravate the child into rage. Then the question is world headquarters of the dark or Anunnaki since the
asked, “Are you angry with daddy?” When the answer time of Atlantis.
is yes! Electroshock is applied to the head, toes, finger- ANUNNAKI or ABBENNAKKI or NIBIRUIANS live
tips, and nipples and inside the vagina, or penis by the on the mechanized world of Nibiru. Females from Orion
electrodes attached to the child. The child is brought and male’s from Sirius B mated and the off spring of a new
to rage again until the answer is no. “I am not angry Reptilian race was created and named “Nibiru” and a tribe
with daddy.” The child is taught to redirect their anger became a race. Between visitations to earth the Abbennakki
toward themselves and when ANGRY with their father employ small beings they call “Bear” to monitor the earth
they will hurt the self, over and over again. The child is and humanity.
shocked until compliant and then suicide programs can
and will be layered in also. 5
We have been monitored and controlled for thirteen
thousand years. In that time we have also been trained
not to trust or believe in ourselves or believe in anything
we can’t see feel or touch. How wise it to maintain those
limiting beliefs?
RED CROSS or Sun Cross is a symbol and common
theme in Lemuria, Atlantis, Sumer, and the Christian
cross with “Jesus” to the present day. It is an Illuminati
symbol and found drawn in red pigment in the tomb of
the Sumerian-Egyptian emperor. The same symbol as
the “Cross of St George” and later the flag of England
after Sumerian-Phoenicians settled there. The red
Junk DNA

As the spider creates its web, the human creates their

electromagnetic energy field or DNA or web or per-
sonal matrix that is ALWAYS linked and connected:
continuously RECIEVING and TRANSMITTING per-
sonal, planetary, galactic and celestial information. Our
personal DNA or energy field is designed to capture all
we need. We use our DNA unconsciously all the time.
To use your DNA consciously you need to consciously
FEEL it. You need to stay awake and aware in your biol-
ogy to do that. Easiest way to perceive your matrix,
DNA or AURA or your soul aspects is through your skin.
Slight breezes gently touching your face or on the arm,
an invisible touch or tingling sensation. That is some
of the first senses or feeling we have of the continuous
energy communications that go no outside this matrix.
Higher visual sensations are perceived through imagi-
nation. Auditory sensations first come on line as silent
sounds, emanating from within rather than around you.
To consciously see and hear, it is helpful to close your
These expanded perceptions come through or are
amplified by our biology moving, singing, drawing or
writing. During the creative process we move our focus
from the slow moving electromagnetic field from the
third dimension into the fifth dimension vibration,

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where there is greater awareness of the interplay of our filled with fear your message is yes no or yes but. Your
DNA and the other webs around us. inner confusion lowers your awareness and vibration.
We created our third dimension matrix or video game The Instruction Manual for our DNA is in our men-
or DNA based on the rules for a physical plane reality. tal body surrounding us, but you have to vibrate high
We lost our awareness of the higher vibrating realities enough to read or experience it.
that have always existed. Our brain is not designed to DNA and RNA have consciousness or is an awareness
consciously perceive higher vibrations. To consciously or blueprint we communicated with, it is sentient, per-
interact you need to release the physicality habit and ceives, feels and is self-replicating. It acts as electromag-
time. netic codes or information that maintain our personal,
Those of you that are members of the Indigo group planetary, galactic and celestial information and com-
and incarnated in the last 70 or 80 years came to assist munication holograph, illusion or matrix. At our birth
Gaia through the nuclear testing and psychic and chem- our electromagnetic code is calibrated to the planet’s
ical wars the dark perpetrated of the light. Many of you DNA and the amount of light it carries. There are more
forgot, but increased light and awareness is serving to than a hundred trillion pieces of DNA that are all identi-
jar your memory. cal and uniquely entangled as one. Increased light brings
Our DNA is programmed by our thoughts when we increased activation of our junk DNA. Our personal and
vibrate to compassion. At all times, our DNA reacts to planetary DNA system is a closed so they are interactive.
our thoughts and feelings reflecting our strongest mes- The ENTANGLEMENT THEORY is a quantum the-
sage. Scientists have proven that a DNA sample sixty ory. Quantum is very tiny, as invisible to the naked eye.
miles away from you instantly responds to your emo- You can separate two electrons by as much space as you
tion. When frightened DNA instantly becomes tighter like and they would still be linked or have connected
and shorter with some DNA codes switching off. When awareness. An action taken on ONE electron affects the
you are happy your DNA instantly relaxes and becomes other instantaneously with no time lag. That informa-
longer. tion is being transmitted faster than the speed of light.
DNA communication was labeled hyper communi- Some scientists have even claimed that quantum entan-
cation at quantum speed because it happens instantly glement shows that there is no such thing as space, and
regardless of the distance the communication travels. everything in the universe is always touching.
Two-way wormholes in our DNA transmit and receive Space is an illusion we created for this hologram and
personal, planetary, galactic and celestial information. this hologram is losing its energy. The uncertainty prin-
Hyper communication is blocked when we are dark or ciple in subatomic particle physics, says we cannot pre-
stressed. Many animals still possess hyper communica- dict where a particle is going to be. Thought energy is
tion ability including entire herds of animals, flocks of also based on a subatomic energy field. Thought energy
birds and pods of dolphins. complies with the rules of quantum cohesiveness.
Conflicting messages don’t travel well. When you say There is a third strand of RNA/DNA being added to
you are ready to activate higher perceptions and you are those spiritually evolving and already in place in the
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new soul groups of children being born. Originally we communication is blocked when we are dark or stressed
had 13 strands not 12 strands of DNA. When the num- or vibrating slow. Many animals have kept this skill we
bers are graphed 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and 13 you begin to see the lost going dark, entire herds of animals, flocks of birds
equation forms a spiral that moves out, like a seashell or and pods of dolphins.
the galaxy. Our DNA is moving in that direction. There
have been changes in our DNA from our imagination and 5
exploration that are neither genetic nor environmental.
DNA is programmed with words, frequencies, sounds FEEL the JOURNEY
and light. Our color spectrum has increased from 72 to
123 colors. With more light, color and higher brain wave
activity you have more knowingness or intuitive thought To experience our transformation or transmutation
about what is morally correct or aligned with universal or journey from physical into our lightbody we need to
law. The prophet Elijah, Jesus, Buddha and many more FEEL it. CHORES that we normally do without much
had DNA that was functioning at 90 to 100 percent. As a thought, are becoming a heavy weight in our energy
group our DNA is at 36ish% in 2013. field BECAUSE our biology feels slow, cumbersome
Our PARENTAL DNA was activated in 2013 so and obsolete. This is how change and releasing this illu-
we NOW have access to the Pleiadian collective con- sion or matrix FEELS. We are comparing what our light
sciousness. Other DNA contributors include Sirians, body feels like TO what our biology feels like. Constant
Arcturians, Dracos and others civilizations. The comparison between the two, back and forth, makes you
Octurians seeded the Pleiadians and the Orions seeded unaware of your actual journey and puts you in a lower
Octurians. Pleiadians seeded our DNA, Gaia, whales vibration. Stop comparing and focus on your new sensa-
and dolphins with “time capsules” of electromagnetic tions, skills and abilities that IS THE JOURNEY. Enjoy
information to become available when we carried the journey the way a small innocent child might as he
enough light to understand it and not distort it. This or she develops and senses new feelings.
information is starting to be released into the crystalline Fifth dimension is our NOW moment or present
grid or group mind to increase our awareness and com- time. Release what you have completed like the plant
passion to heal us and increase the light we carry. The and animal kingdoms have done. Stop dragging third
GALACTIC, CELESTIAL Family of LIGHT is always dimension, duality into your awareness. Compassion
present to assist us. They always see and hear us and is transmuting the density in our bodies and DNA. As
over light our world to help us release our fearfulness. we release this illusion, slowly, slowly our attention is
HYPER COMMUNICATION is our “junk” DNA placed on higher frequency we are RE-ROUTING our
communicating at quantum speed. It transmits and perceptions from the physical BRAIN into our mental
receives personal, planetary, galactic and celestial infor- body or the light bodies surrounding the biology. By
mation. Tiny wormholes transmit and receive informa- doing that we regain our innate “mind-over-matter.”
tion while we are vibrating to the fifth dimension. Hyper Our mental body vibrates to a higher frequency than the
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vibration matter has. Once you put your awareness in People or their soul aspects, resonate or vibrate to
your mental body, you can create, control and change the percentage of light or consciousness or awareness or
matter. This skill can only be used AFTER you control compassion they carry. The higher percentage of light
YOUR thoughts and feelings, they must be compas- they carry the more light-codes or information or wis-
sionate for you first. When you have awareness of your dom they have. A dark individual, cannot open the light-
personal energy field then you can know other people’s codes or channel light, they actually channel darkness.
energy field’s, animal’s and thing’s energy fields. Therefore it is VERY easy to get stuck in darkness in this
Awareness of your own energy field gives you matrix or reality. Being in darkness and negativity is the
moment-to-moment feedback about what you think and most challenging matrix there is. Having biology cre-
feel. When you experience upset or negative thoughts ates endless tests of your moral and spiritual thinking or
you can immediately alter your perception to one of character. Our soul aspects are always on a quest of self-
compassion. You will be increasing your compassion discovery and evolution. BUT when the little human or
and releasing negativity in a very conscious and aware ego gets so wounded or fearful it freezes, gets stuck or
manner. Your awareness will heal you. Your base-line moves to default, that choice creates and attracts more
consciousness will rise. Then you can connect with your darkness. When the little human won’t think and feel
various expressions of you in the higher dimensions and for the self they become controlled by others. The vic-
return to your biology a second before you left it. When tim always finds a predator that is thrilled to handle
you have returned you may have a lapse in short-term them internally and or externally.
memory or dizziness or feel disoriented. From the cor- A few soul aspects follow the little human or ego into
ner of your eye you may see something or someone that the lower vibrations of unconscious thought and behav-
quickly moves, but when you look, nothing is there. Our ior to stay entrained with the human. Many people call
vision spectrum is increasing. Our holographic reality is the 1 to 3 soul aspects connected with the human our
beginning to blink out for milliseconds. You “think” you “higher-self“ or a “trinity” the parent, child and Holy
see it, but it can’t be confirmed by your solid gaze. Ghost. The Satanists or Illuminists worship their ser-
All SOULS are created by the THOUGHTS of “the pent gods or trinity. The three reptilian composite dei-
legion of light” and the elementals created “over souls” ties of the men of Jahbuhlun are Yah (or Yahweh), Baal,
that in turn created souls and their aspects and humans. and Osiris spelled all together are Yah-Baal-On. The
The source wanted to experience itself and have com- spelling through usage became corrupted over the years
pany. Each soul starts out with 5 aspects or parts. A new to Jahbuhlun. The first three degrees of Masonry learn
aspect gets added to the original 5 aspects as they go this sacred name of their deity and acknowledge their
through MORALLY challenging experiences in a reality deity with the hidden hand.
or matrix or illusion to increase their spiritual wisdom Our LIGHT soul aspects operate outside of this
and truths. A soul aspect cannot incarnate into biology, matrix and within universal law. The dark soul aspects
duality and DARKNESS until they have gathered 15 to have adopted duality, human law, judgment, fear and
20 or more soul aspects. conditional love and some reptilian deities.
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Another way to consider separating out the soul is trauma based programming for the masses. We have
aspects is that in the 3rd dimension you are biology, 4th been reacting like the small child almost drowned by his
dimension you have an astral body and in the 5th dimen- or her “parent trainer” and we get “all grateful” for our
sion you’re soul aspect is your light body. All three are predator rescuing us. How does that make sense?
connected and interactive, you may or may not be aware
of them. Only when your lifestyle is one of compassion 5
for you can you get in touch with your higher vibrat-
ing abilities and your other soul aspects. In reality no YOU the NARK
separation really exists between you and your higher
self and your other soul aspects because they can all bi
and tri locate. You and your higher self and other soul Do you sell yourself out or nark on you TO YOUR han-
aspects have different levels of TRUTH, INTEGRITY dlers? Sometimes trainers or controllers will question
and AWARENESS or the percentage of light each aspect what they call “a demonic entity” or one of their gods or
carries will vary. Each aspect and the little human or ego the HIDDEN OBSERVER to find out what the illumi-
need to gather its own wisdom and truths. nati mind controlled slave is thinking, doing and feeling
One thing you can do to increase your light is to or spy on them by questioning their light soul aspects.
become aware of how frequently, throughout your day Remember that light or vibrations on the fifth dimen-
do you give yourself negative input. Can you catch your sion and higher have no secrets. They do not function in
self EVERY time you say something negative? Do you duality. Your dark soul aspects, do function in duality, a
have the skill or desire to replace that negativity with demon or reptilian or dark relative is happy to nark on
a compassionate thought? The fifth dimension is all you or lie to amuse them self with your suffering or tor-
around you, but your perceptions of you are trapped in ment. When your light soul aspects are asked questions
low vibrating negativity. Your main enemy now is you. they will TELL what they know. You can tell your light
NOT the dark ones. You are ALWAYS in higher vibra- soul aspects not to share and they will not share with
tions now; it is time to THINK like you are. lower vibrating or lower dimension entities or people
Have awareness about the ways the dark cabal or because they do not operate within universal law.
Illuminists try to sabotage our movement to the light. Scientologists call their soul aspect the FILE CLERK.
Using HAARP they send electromagnetic radiation The file clerk is used to retrieve engrams or incidents
waves or extremely low frequency (ELF) signals to try of trauma to the biology and or psyche. The file clerk
and alter our mood and make us think THEIR mes- is really your soul aspect so it has awareness of all your
sages are coming from within our own brain or mind. past information because it reads your Akashi record or
Telepathic and electronically augmented two-way com- your aura or your DNA.
munication with ELF, VLF and LF waves will reach Key to illuminati mind control programming is that
people from within their own mind. They want to cre- the slave never has conscious awareness or control of
ate fear in us so we will ask them for protection. This what they do. They do have the “illusion of deciding”
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what they want to do all the time. Close to a third of the group worships and now the child OWES their life to
earth’s population were COVERTLY raised to be com- that entity. Rejection of the demon or reptilian or family
pliant illuminati mind-controlled slaves. Having con- means death or activation of a suicide program.
scious awareness and thinking for the self gets in the Sometimes the carcass of a large animal like a cow or
way of the illuminati’s smooth running machine, which horse is opened up and the child is placed in there for a
they are VERY proud of. They think humans are a lower, day or more so it can be REBORN into Satan’s legions.
less evolved form of life to be used anyway they want Sometimes the child dies, but if they live they are told
to use us. Similar to the ways we have used third world the demon saved them and will preserve them as long as
countries, animals, plants, our natural resources and they do not upset Satan. sometimes soul aspect transfers
each other, especially family members. We have been happen.
dark living in a dark reality. ALIEN Programming has blue beams of light as a
While TRAINING the next generation of illuminists, hypnotic induction for slaves who are given the cover
there has been MANY Programming FAILURES or story of being abducted by aliens. The All-Seeing Eye or
PFS Programmers and trainers do a lot of experiment- hidden observer is used to represent the planet Sirius
ing. Trainers like to tell their subjects that they are important to the Hermetic magicians. Satan is said to
experiments even when they aren’t for several reasons: come from Draco or Sirius the Dog Star Canis Major.
It creates immense fear, helplessness and hopelessness Sirius may represent the creator of the systems when
in the person. They feel devalued and the trainer has the programmer is steeped in Masonic philosophy. A
added power because they are in total control. When sickle may represent the Garden of Eden story for some
trainers ARE experimenting the individual is never told victims of this programming.
because it may interfere with drug effects and skew the THETA Programming is PSYCHIC warfare. The
results. illuminati train their slaves to use psychic powers to kill
Inexperienced trainers can miss subtle signs, and put someone psychically from a distance by poking holes in
the child in a vegetative state or they may keep scream- their auric fields. There are even weapon systems that
ing for hours on end. These mistakes are “put down” by operate on the power of the mind and whose lethal capac-
using a lethal injection of air, or insulin. The person will ity has already been demonstrated. Many in the military
then be set up in a “fatal crash” or “fire” to dispose of the are young men and women of the Illuminati. Some have
body. Any failures are blamed on the trainer and pun- been seen at NORAD, in Colorado, which helps confirm
ished of course. that Theta model slaves are being employed to bring in
RESUSCITATION Programming or rituals include the Anti-Christ, the large white dragon with blue eyes
the usual drugging, electric shock or tortured until their of a very low vibration or “El” the god of Saturn and
HEART stops beating. Then the head priest will resus- supreme deity represented by a black cube.
citate the child with drugs, CPR and incantations. When ENTRAINMENT or PROGRAMMING
the child comes back or is resuscitated they are told that The universal law of ENTRAINMENT REQUIRES
they were brought back to life by the demonic entity the that two resonances or vibrations or humans existing in
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the same location MUST adjust and combine to have a Some vomit to expel drugs or are bulimic to expel emo-
single resonance. Predators, victims and confused inno- tional upset. All are sexually addicted or fight it, to
cents entrain with each other all of the time. Frequently become asexual.
they read each other’s thoughts and FEELINGS know- All mind-control slaves share POST TRAUMATIC
ing what the other plans to do next. The two or more STRESS DISORDER or PTSD. Slaves are full of
become entrained. They feel and are consciously aware shattered and wounded alternate personalities. Self-
of what the other is feeling, thinking and planning to do. punishment and social withdrawal are natural symp-
They are playing this game together; they are bonded in toms of PTSD, programmed slaves and abused children.
the same dark vibration. Gender Identity Disorder GID, issues are common
When we radiate light and are entrained with light because the illuminati treat both sexes the same way
we are always open to receive or share light. There is an regardless of their sexual organs. The child and adult do
electrostatic bonding or entrainment of light. not feel a strong identification with either sex. Females
BUT, some read the thought of the other and get a bit more abuse because they were born to serve
dissociate. and are used as breeders, but cloning is good. Darkness
The dissociation moves entrainment into PROGRAM- always needs someone to blame and punish, women and
MING. Being dissociated is to surrender your think- children are good for that.
ing and control by ALLOWING the predator to do as Negative and self-destructive feelings are held in
they wish. The dissociated reject thinking for the self. check and balanced by other parts of Illuminists pro-
PROGRAMMING is a stimulus-response or conditioning gramming that become part of the person’s personality.
or associative learning sequence. A significant stimulus When the slave considers venting on the trainer or leav-
evokes a REFLEXIVE response. For example smelling ing the illuminati, the control systems of fear, negativity
something cooking you like to eat starts the saliva in your and suicide come forward to keep the slave trapped and
mouth flowing. When reading the intention of your preda- frozen or dissociated in place or powerless. Some alter-
tor evokes the reflexive response of dissociation you are nate personalities nark or call to tell the handlers that
unable to alter anything. the slave is trying to leave how and when.
Until the core personality is willing to move back into Programmers and trainers enhance the painful emo-
the biology, stay in present time and control and protect tions into the alternate personality systems to work to
the biology. Nothing will change. When you decide to their advantage. Different splits will hold the anger or
dissociate there is no one home to interact with and the fear or social withdrawal or guilt or blame or promiscu-
bully does as they wish, telling you that you agreed. You ity and desire for self inflicted punishment. Illuminati
can’t walk away from darkness if you are denying what slaves tend to be very self-absorbed judging, blaming
is happening. and criticizing the self in endless loops that take them
Dark ones, predators victims and confused innocents NO PLACE. They distract them self from ever taking
have low self-esteem, are frequently depressed and or constructive action with their suffering. Just as all small
suicidal. Some have obsessive-compulsive disorder. wounded children are angry frustrated and suffering.
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They may lash out but go back to the same programmed is punished when they vent or blame another for what
or entrained behavior cycle. has happened to them. When they feel out of control
HALT Programming is the FIRST command every they compulsively masturbate, act out or have frequent
trainer learns. The “halt” command is a combination of sexual activity with others or alone. Compulsive sexual
numbers, such as “354” (not a real ones) or a German activity is to distract and comfort the self, it is used to
word and number combination. This code freezes the relieve stress or boredom or fear. Addictive or compul-
child or adult in place and is constantly reinforced. sive activity is used instead of dealing with issues in your
Trainers learn the HALT code first, before working with life. In the world sexual addiction is the largest addic-
a person because there is a real risk the person may try tion and distraction there is.
to kill them. This is a person traumatized from birth on SEXUAL MAGIC RITUAL or Program is sexual
carrying rage towards their tormentors and abusers. activity combined ritualistically to achieve a thought
At age 5 years all slaves are taught to shoot on com- form projection to satisfy the reptilian god or Satan. Sex
mand with real guns, and practice using Virtual Reality slave is a mind controlled programmed, male or female,
equipment. Are told that eliminating the ‘’enemy’’ and the VESSEL used in sexual magic ritual to receive the
the weak brings them glory and helps the “family.” demonic energy or demon.
When a person becomes very unstable, they might be VESSEL Programming a person is sexually opened
considered “expendable” and eliminated. Or sent to a at the base chakra, drugged and sanctified to receive the
state hospital, where no one would believe their “para- essence of a lower astral entity. Then those at the ritual
noid fantasies” of being taught to assassinate others. 
 have sex with “the vessel” to get the infused energy of the
SEXUAL Programming creates sexual addiction lower astral entity. Then “the vessel” or human is gen-
and compulsive sexual activity in illuminati slaves of all erally sacrificed so ritual participants can eat the blood
ages. The endless stimulation of sexual centers in the and hormones of the lower astral entity that entered the
brain and body anchored upon trauma are certainly a vessel.
recipe for some type of dysfunction. All programming
is anchored upon some type of trauma and is started 5
generally with the DAILY rape of both male and female
infant done by the “trainer” generally the father. This
starts as young as one week old. When they stop going
unconscious and only dissociate there is more training.
ALL the toddlers are trained in the sexual arts especially
seduction and pleasing adults. The toddler is trained
to be seductive and act like they want to have sex with
When the child gets angry or frustrated it is taught
to vent on the self, to be self-abusive. The child or slave

Suffering is to POINT OUT to you that you are going in

the wrong direction, away from the light. There is a bet-
ter choice or direction to take your thinking. Suffering is
a HUGE distraction and detour from being responsible
and making your moral choices. If you are suffering and
not grieving, you are playing with dark people, things
or events. How much longer are you going to wait, to
wake up? Our culture has misled us by allowing us to
believe that you are being a “good person” by not being
the predator when you suffer. That is a dark truth, a lie
and binds you to your predator or what you fear or avoid
or are suffering from. Law of attraction brings you more
of what you have.
Greeks created their Gods to be above Humans. Their
Gods were totally dysfunctional with all sorts of unresolved
issues living in duality and drama. They were jealous, hated,
committed incest and were vindictive. Their family was
like ours and like the Illuminati’s family. The Greek gods
toyed with the humans to irritate each other. How much
has changed? We have one god that is “love” with a war
in heaven and a fallen angel that is angry, judgmental and
vengeful that wants your soul. Sounds Illuminist to me.
The human issues continue in the victim predator and
confused innocent cycle. We have not embraced com-
passion yet. We project those characteristics onto Gaia
also, when she gets angry she strikes you with lightning
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or no rain to kill the crops. When you are compassion- trying to master walking or do you allow and support
ate with you THEN you will be compassionate with oth- the child in the direction of their choice?
ers. While you are compassionate with you; Gaia or god Accidents and illness are experiences your soul
will never seem angry. You will know they are following aspect orchestrated to help you master spiritual aware-
their path. ness and compassion. Everything that happens to you
Our deities or organized religion say suffering is is by your own personal design. It is easier to learn
rewarded in heaven, AND that is more disinformation. from your experiences when you take responsibility for
The reality is, “suffering creates more suffering” since “what you create” and “whom you entrain with.” Who
the law of attraction brings you more of what you have are you falling in sync with? Accept what is in your life
already created or have allowed in your life. Suffering and work with it. Denial, blame or constant distractions
vibrates in the band of darkness. keep you stuck, repeating the same lesson over and over
The sufferer is so distracted or so focused on their again. The place you were born and the pathology of
personal pain that they do not honor their commit- your family is not random. It was your choice. What did
ments. Neglecting being compassionate and grateful for you want YOU to figure out? What contracts did you
the lesson they are in. Pity the child that might need to come in with? Your displeasure or delight or suffering
depend on them in anyway. The sufferer is not going is your choice.
within to gather awareness of compassion. PLAYING Conditional love or the dark victim predator cycle is
with dark is ALWAYS painful sooner or later. Like play- what bonds us to this dark hologram. While vibrating
ing with a poisonous snake. There is no question IF IT or resonating to beta or alpha brain waves REALITY is
WILL strike, the only question is WHEN it will strike. perceived, as being “outside” of you and happening to
The only way to avoid suffering is to avoid playing with you. Feeling separate is the concept of “you and me.” I
the dark. They are dark BECAUSE they do not choose to am, the victim, predator, ignorant innocent or recipient
be nice or light. When you keep playing with dark you of all things and events. I judge what happens to me, as
choose to get bitten and or bite sooner or later. You undo being a good thing or bad thing. I decide to please or
your cycle of dark by walking away or out. Withdraw irritate or control my environment to get the result that
your energy and your participation from the creation will confirm my box of beliefs about myself.
you find yourself in. In the beta or alpha brain wave and vibration, we fear
ABOUT SENDING LOVE or PEACE or NASTINESS we are not good enough to be approved of. If you are not
The intent to send love or any message with an approved of, nothing good happens in your life. Nothing
agenda, to those that are suffering or you want to suffer you judge as good. That leads to you blaming the self for
MAY help them to experience brief moments of peace being faulty or not enough. The negativity feeds on itself
or suffering. BUT having ANY agenda goes against the and grows. Fear limits your perceptions and beliefs to
law of allowing. You are projecting (forcing) your reality the five physical senses and living in a dark matrix of
on others and therefore, you are interfering with their duality. To activate and expand your perceptions you
ability to heal them self. Do you carry a child when it is need to log out of this matrix. The ONLY way to log out
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of this game, illusion, matrix or duality is to have com- consciousness RUNS the brain. The mind or awareness
passion for YOU and any wounds you have. actively assists to connect us to OUTSIDE of this matrix
Forgiving your predator does not heal YOU, until when we move into theta brainwave states. Compassion
you have compassion for the pain and suffering YOU or unconditional love allows us to connect to theta
experienced. Compassion for the child you were. All of brainwaves that are free of all remnants of human law,
our physical perceptions are registered on our physical judgment, fear and conditional love.
brain that is part of the rules of this hologram or illusion. When you expand your awareness to theta brain
Judgment is also part of this matrix. Judgment is a waves, the reality you experience is your “inside world”
thought joined together with an emotion that is ALWAYS and awareness of your thinking and your biology. You
fear-based. Conditional love is a form of FEAR or driven understand how you continuously create your real-
by fear of suffering from a loss. “I love you when you...” ity minute by minute with each of your thoughts. You
or “If you never...I will love you.” Being “good enough” to become the detached observer full of compassion with-
be loved is the primary addictive quality in this illusion out emotion, judgment or drama. You release attach-
or game. Not being GOOD ENOUGH keeps you trapped ment to outcomes, conflict, fear and emotion. In this
in this matrix, keeps you running in the victim predator vibration you are remaining in the 5th and 6th dimension
confused innocent cycle of darkness. and vibration OUTSIDE of this game, illusion, matrix or
Victimization, hopelessness and overwhelm has duality. When YOU decide something cannot be true in
overtaken those that are not seeing the illusion we have your personal reality, your brain will agree with what it
lived in and maintained for so long. They get depressed is told. Higher vibrations are subtle and will not force
and turn their anger inward onto the self, creating self anything on you. Your choice over and over again will
hate, blame and judgment of the self or they get ANGRY be to NOT KNOW and REMAIN IGNORANT on this
to avoid feeling the fear and wounds turning their anger planet of free will.
outward and venting on others becoming the opposi-
tional and angry criminal or predator. 5
The dark controlling this reality decide if your biol-
ogy lives or dies. Their goal was to control your soul NO CONDITIONS
aspects, but they have failed to do that. Our LIGHT soul
aspects operate outside of this matrix with universal
law. Gaia is a BEING like us that has higher vibrating Unconditional love or compassion is total acceptance
expressions. She has expanded and we have a planet and of reality as it is. We are expanding back into what we
frequency ready for us to in habitat when we release fear have forgotten. Everyone’s DNA is coded with every-
and become compassionate. The Mind or mental body thing they have ever experienced and know. Those that
surrounding the biology vibrates or resonates beyond agreed to help humanity raise their vibration are anx-
and out of this hologram. The electrical impulses in and ious to get to work, BUT working is a duality activity, it is
around the body or DNA or electromagnetic field or our doing instead of being. You need to “BE your passion” or
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BE your service. “Being” happens when you relax, mel- that and are aligned with universal law become LIVING
low out and trust your light soul aspect fully and accept PORTALS that flow higher frequencies of light into Gaia.
that all comes when the time is right. The little human Increased light moving deep into the quantum world of
or ego is not in charge of deciding WHEN. Demanding, molecules and DNA of everything on earth. These portals
force or pushing creates delays because you have low- act like the currents in any body of water act.
ered your vibration into duality with those thoughts. You All of humanity, light or dark has personal two-way
have allowed the little human or ego to operate through portals of light within their junk DNA. The higher
fear. And your soul WAITS for your compassion. vibrations or light-codes are being activated. They act
Being a LIVING PORTAL of LIGHT or OPENER is as two-way receivers and emitters of higher frequencies
one life path, which turns being a DOER into just BEING or light or awareness.
and emanating. Some will assist humans; others will help LIGHT-CODES are small matrixes or packages of
animals, plants, the weather, or world financial and various information. Light-codes act like locks that can only be
government systems. You will BE in one of your areas of opened by a frequency of consciousness that matches the
expertise that you have probably mastered in other realities lock. The only difference between light or compassion
or life times and have stored in your DNA in a quantum and dark or fear is the frequency or vibration. Higher
state. states of consciousness pull through higher frequencies
QUANTUM INFORMATION or TIME CAPSULE of light or information.
is advanced knowledge and ideas that are stored on the Lower states of consciousness align with lower
quantum level to be shared with us only when we carry vibrations or frequencies of light. This is fear-based
enough light to NOT use the information negatively to information that can be received, understood and main-
create weapons, destruction, control or upset. The quan- tained by fear-based awareness. Because those that are
tum information is to be used in a constructive manner dark only receive and emit darkness. To increase their
to make life easier, have free renewable energy sources light they need more knowledge or awareness and that
and use compassion in each situation. is how a lighter person can assist a darker person. Only
On the quantum level advanced knowledge and ideas when they want or seek the knowledge is it wise to offer
are stored in the crystalline grid and in our DNA. Our it. Free will and the law of allowing always need to be
parental races, Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians, Dracos and taken into consideration.
at least 18 others gave us this inheritance or information. THOUGHT WAVES or a WALL is created the way
Ten of our DNA strands are crystalline in nature and only you build a snowball or avalanche. Like attracts like
accessible when WE TURN crystalline. It takes a great thought vibrations or are magnetized to each other and
deal of energy, time, nutrition and following universal law the law of entrainment binds all that like energy together
on the human level to activate and integrate those DNA creating large waves or walls. The laws of attraction
strands. Receiving and giving ONLY compassion con- and entrainment means the wall of darkness sucks in
nects us to the fifth dimension outside of duality. Humans or attracts the fear from the people and then rains it
that are Galactic members or star seeds that remember back down onto the earth. For example; Large waves of
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sadness or wanting to be rescued or fear or even com- the time they were first colonized. Each book has an
passion are attracted to each other and bound together immense amount of wisdom about the entities and
becoming larger and stronger creating a waveform. their experiences of being physical and dealing with
Dark and light thought waves are attracted back to darkness. This is a giant compendium of history and
their creators with a greater intensity than they were galactic anthropology. Of particular interest to earth
created with. The dark energy returning to the creator would be when the dark Alliance made their destruc-
tenfold can be transmuted to a higher vibration or be tive raid on our solar system a million years ago. The
considered the chaos for change and used construc- works compiled before that time about Mars, Venus
tively by the individual, family, group or country it hits. and Earth would prove enlightening to us about our
Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy woke up many people true identity.
and evoked compassionate reactions in many. the also The BOOK OF ILLUMINATION contains illumi-
broke up some corrupt criminal enterprises. nati beliefs and rituals. The book of illumination is one
ROGUE WAVES or movement is erratic and unpre- of the two holy books of the Yazidi religion.
dictable surges of compassion or universal uncondi- The BOOK of DZYAN is one of the oldest of
tional love created by the thought and emotions of high Sanskrit accounts in epic form of Mahabharata and the
vibrating Celestial entities. These waves of energy are Ramayana and it tells how a reptilian race or the Sarpa
appearing from seemingly nowhere and suddenly rising or Great Dragons carne from the skies to bring civiliza-
up to create great change. Rogue Waves appear during tion to earth. After the Biblical Great Flood the serpent
great influxes of new higher frequencies of energy arriv- gods survived and returned to rule. They are described
ing on earth. When the LIGHT rogue wave or thought symbolically as having the face of a human and tail of a
form hits the dark ones; fear, deceit and self-service dragon. Their leader was called the Great Dragon as the
beliefs are upset and provoke confusion. The darkness Illuminati’s Ku Klux Klan leader Albert Pike in America
and fear can be transmuted. The path you perceive is and a Freemason is called.
the path that you take. The BOOK of PHERYLLT is one of the illuminati
Our thoughts and emotions create our reality or state spiritual teaching books. It is a Druidic book of rituals
of consciousness and our point of perception. Negative or the Illuminati’s brand of Druidism. Visualization and
thoughts and emotions create fear, which lowers magic is used to open the portals of the 4 basic elements
awareness of options. You shut down; feel frightened, air, water, earth, and fire to control events the Satanists
unloved, victimized and unsafe. Higher vibrations leave want control of. The Illuminati programs their two year
positive feelings of acceptance, safety, knowledge and olds to carry alters for Druidism, Christianity, Satanism
empowerment. and others. When the illuminati slave places their faith
CONSIDER these BOOKS and their INFLUENCE on in any of these faiths or belief systems they WAIT to be
our THOUHT SAVED. Waiting to be saved means you have not awak-
The BOOK of UNDERSTANDINGS is an assem- ened to the legion of light and universal law that says
blage of information collected from each planet from you must save YOUR SELF.
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Illuminati spiritual training is also found in JESUIT Jesuit mind control. Mafia uses the black rose and was
and CATHOLIC Programming the Jesuit branch of used by George Bush the drug kingpin for the Illuminati.
the Illuminati placed tattoos on their mind-controlled When the Catholic Priest does the hand signal genuflec-
slaves consisting of the sacred heart with a rose and a tion it has the second meaning of north, south, east and
dagger on the left hand in the 1940’s. The Jesuits have west as in the Book of Pheryllt.
discontinued the practice of tattooing their slaves. The RITE to REMAIN SILENT Programming is a
INFINITY Programming is a standard Jesuit pro- satanic reversal of the Catholic Mass or the Black Mass
gram. TWO is a sacred voodoo number and two dimen- with the Black Mary. The VOW OF SILENCE is a keep
sions are used. The Pontiff or pope is a DEMON alternate quiet program activated by “The walls have ears and the
personality that is placed in the Jesuit system. ENTER plants have eyes.” It is explained to the victim that the
INTER INNER or the Alice In Wonderland program- seashells and plants have the ability to hear and a sen-
ming themes use “air-water programs” and have mirror sitive occultist or programmer can psychically pick up
programs. what the plants and seashells hear. “MAINTAIN IT” is a
The Illuminati in the CIA, NASA and the Jesuits like command to maintain the Vow of Silence. “MAINTAIN
the idea of a MIRROR WORLD that is a reversal of our IT and LISTEN” is a command to keep silent and listen
world. In the “reverse mirror world” a slave can enter to the command that is coming up soon.
into timelessness or time travel. This mirror program-
ming is in locations around the America, like the Magic 5
Time Machine restaurants in San Antonio and Dallas,
TX where mirrors are placed on doors, ceilings, walls, DRACOS
and restrooms. The handler may tell the slave, “LOSE
programming in programs, many types of images are Draconian Reptilians developed their methods of
used. The Jesuits and the Catholic churches are active control on ALPHA DRACONIS the star in the Big
in programming in Germany and use obedience confes- Dipper and also the star of the Egyptian gods and home
sion and self-criticism. Positive experiences are used to to reptilian royalty. They have always been technologi-
increase self worth like you are growing stronger and cally advanced and had no problem moving from planet
stronger. to plant. They took over the population on the planet
The Jesuits developed torture to a fine art during the by joining the lead groups or leadership and contributed
inquisition and brought that expertise to the Illuminati information or money or whatever was needed to sway
Monarch Programming started before birth. The Jesuits decisions in the direction the Draconian Reptilians
brag that they can convince adults to do anything via wanted things to go. They set up situations and cre-
torture. ated movements to create fear, just as they have done
“Baby’s breathe” and the black rose has to do with on earth. They took control and or destroyed. In smaller
death and WHITE ROSE are codes and triggers used in groups they too away males and put them in forced
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labor camps. Then they isolated and impregnate all the see-kars. Alpha Draconian reptilians are the oldest rep-
females, that way the reptilians created children with tilian race in our universe located mostly in the Orion
their DNA that also had souls. system and came to our universe from another universe.
DRACONIAN REPTILIANS or DRACOS have greater They have wings attached to their shoulders, a long tail,
intelligence than the Annunaki Reptilians. Draconian white body, and are 7 to 8 foot tall. They are the royal line
Reptilians were and are a society or warriors using psycho- of the Alpha Draconian reptilians. That is what the rep-
logical warfare along with advanced technology like they tilian or satanic god on Draco and here looks like. The
are doing on earth now. They have managed humans and Ciakars rule the Reptilians who in turn rule the Greys.
life on Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Earth and Mars. Draconian The lower caste on Alpha Draconian is a slender 4 to
Reptilians created Grey Aliens that do not have a soul 5 foot creature similar to a lizard and performs menial
they are soulless. They are the WORKERS from whatever tasks and aids in abductions.
group uses them, Zeta Reticuli I and II, and Sirius A. This On Draco they have a caste system similar to the one
is why petroglyphs found in America, Egypt, Mexico, Peru, found in India and the hierarchy found on earth with the
Bolivia and Columbia clearly show them. The short 3 to 5 13 illuminist HYBRID families running the earth. They
foot grey extraterrestrial races with the large black eyes all have 50% or more reptilian DNA. The hybrids were
are from the star system Zeta Reticulum and the Orion all raised with the SAME trauma based programming
Constellation are described in most abduction research developed by the Draconian reptilians and used on all
and figure prominently in reports of UFO crashes their children. The Illuminist hybrids rule earth’s finan-
The reptilians of LEMURIA from Draco had advanced cial systems, media, religions, education and the many
technology and wanted to use reptilian DNA as the founda- lies and setups we get feed. They are killing off many
tion for a new humanoid creation. “Let us make man in our of us with their chemical warfare they have used on
image” from the Old Testament, is quoting the Reptilians other planets with the chemtrails, genetically modified
that convinced the people they were gods. Both Lemurians food and HAARP etcetera. They began to expand across
and Atlantians experimented with DNA and cloning long the galaxy-conquering planet after planet with deadly
before they settled on earth. During the Lemuria and force and or psychological control by creating fear in the
Atlantian eras the reptilians were visible and worked with population on the planet just as they have done to earth.
humans even though they fought a lot. They create fearful events like wars and shortages and
Draconians made genetic hybrids with their DNA have their hybrids in place to “make it all better” and we
and Lyrian refugees from Mars to psychologically con- allow their taking our freedom, money and energy
trol them. They allow the female Lyrian to reproduce VLADIMIR the IMPALER or DRACULA had more
with only the male reptilian. Eventually eliminating reptilian than human DNA maybe 80% and comes from
a pure Lyrian. Allowing infants to be born with a soul the royal reptilian Illuminati bloodlines. Every part of the
aspect and reptilian DNA. world and era of history has legends of VAMPIRES that
ALPHA DRACONIS is home to the reptilian royalty feed off people’s energy and blood. Dracula contains all
and elite leadership known as CIAKARS pronounced the familiar themes he is called COUNT and shape shifts.
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He ate among the dead bodies, dipping his bread in their no emotion and has photographic memories. The Delta
blood. Vlad the Impaler slaughtered tens of thousands of program has up to three levels of training and is often
people and impaled many of them on stakes. The not too highly dissociated. Delta may be the “ruling” or con-
sharp stake was oiled and SLOWLY forced into the body. trolling state over the other brain wave systems. Within
VLAD didn’t want the victim dying too quickly from shock. this system are self-destruct or suicide programs,
Impalement takes hours or days to kill. Infants were PSYCHOTIC or shatter programs and self-punishment
often impaled on the stake forced through their mothers’ programs. In the delta state the child can kill, be a body-
chests, sometimes hung upside down on the stake. Dracula guard or do hostage extractions. These sequences are in
had the stakes arranged in various geometric patterns, delta brain waves to prevent outside access or internal
mostly concentric circles. The height of the spear indi- access to the system. It may be color coded in orange or
cated the rank of the victim. Impalement was Dracula’s BLUE or purple and an entry way to higher systems as
favorite but by no means his only method of inflicting jewel programming or internal councils inside the child.
unimaginable HORROR and suffering. Vladimir was BRAIN STARVATION programming is done by
the son of Vladimir Dracula, who was initiated into the severely limiting sugar and proteins. Water deprivation
ancient Order of the Dragon by the Holy Roman Emperor is taught to parents to raise the brain’s TEMPERATURE,
in 1431. The ancient Order of the Dragon began in Egypt which happens when the brain swells from lack of
and is currently practiced by the mother of King George water. The child gets woozy, overheated and halluci-
VI and grandmother to the present Elizabeth II. nates so they can’t remember clearly. Water deprivation
COMMUNISM was created by the illuminati as combined with electroshock makes it VERY hard for
opposition to the free society of America to make us the victim to remember anything. Heavy exercise along
fearful that they would take us over thirty years later. with long periods of little sleep 2 to 3 hours a day causes
Millions of dollars were poured into the Russian revo- an overproduction of endorphins and victims begin to
lution and the illuminati made a fantastic profit by robotically respond to commands. Under this stress it
STEALING Russian gold reserves as they did in Germany may flip functioning from right to left and vice-versa.
after World War II. CPR equipment is needed when programming in
DELTA ASSASSINATION TEAM Programs are case a child has adverse reaction to drugs or program-
projects the CIA, U.S. intelligence, military Delta Force ming. A child alternate personality may come out inad-
and Illuminists collaborated on. Delta models are slaves vertently and be overdosed with the drugs meant for
whose sole purpose is assassination including psychic adult alternate personalities.
warfare or assassination; they work as a 4 person secret
team. The members of these teams are housewives and 5
other ordinary people raised with trauma based pro-
gramming as children.
DELTA Programming may be configured inside
the illuminati child like a computer is configured with
Log Out

The ONLY way to log out of this game, illusion, matrix

or duality is to love your self unconditionally, aligned
with Universal Law, “receive and give ONLY compas-
sion,” to you first. Once you love yourself uncondition-
ally, the opinion of ANY external source is only a part of
the darkness normally found in duality and is character-
istic of contrast. Duality is a game you must CHOOSE
to stop playing. We continue living on the game board,
BUT STOP being attached to ANY external outcome or
feedback. Then the earth game becomes only one of the
many realities you are in, are a part of or visit.
Ascension is a process with multiple steps to shed
our limited thought process. We frequently take the
many small steps leading to ascension and not realize
it consciously. Oh, your soul aspects are very aware,
but you wouldn’t be if they didn’t let you in on it. Going
within is the way to figure out what is going on with the
rest of your parts or aspects. Your inner guidance knows
and gladly shares that information. To be on the thresh-
old of the fifth dimension you must have mastered your
thoughts and morphed your emotions into feelings and
sensations, not drama. Getting to the fifth dimension or
vibration to visit for a short time is a bit easier than main-
taining your “compassionate thought” continuously.
Astral travel or projection is NOT being in the fifth
dimension. In astral travel you move in your fourth
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dimensional astral body to spaces that are still vibrat- Doubt lowers your vibration, questions your faith and
ing in the fourth dimension. Usually you travel to the disconnects you from your higher self and other soul
lower realms of the astral plane during sleep or in dream aspects. Doubt allows you to become your own victim.
states. You are STILL in duality, TIME is still present, One can be highly negative and never doubt the self.
AND you are still in this illusion or matrix. Astral pro- Never question what you believe to be true.
jection is your essence separating from the biology and The universal principle of THOUGHT is that energy
can be used at anytime. The projection is usually a wispy, follows your thought. Seek or wonder about something
ghostly thing but you can develop a solid enough pres- and your thought takes you there. You need to discern
ence to handle objects. what is true or valuable for you in the information that
The universal principle of AWARENESS is to observe runs through your awareness.
the illusion of separation that duality or this reality pres- The ASCENSION PROCESS happens inside of us,
ents, to observe the difference between dark and light internally. Ascension is alignment with compassion.
truths and what is alignment with universal law. Compassionate thinking is an almost total reversal of
Being in the fifth dimension is a matter of bi-location. what we have been trained to believe is desirable in life.
You appear to be in both realities at once, but you shift Releasing and leaving behind all the survival truths we
your dominant state of consciousness or awareness had mastered and measured our worth with. If mine is
from one reality to the other. As you step out of time, you bigger and more expensive I am more valuable than you
can step into another reality as you match ITS vibration. are. If I am smarter and nastier than you “I win.” The
You leave this hologram by leaving time and returning dark cycle of victim predator and confused innocent
seconds before you left. To leave the time-hologram and kept the biology alive, well dressed, fed and sexual activ-
bi-locate to a higher dimension of reality, believe that ity is used to control, force and addict people.
you can leave time to travel inter-dimensionally. Survival truths do not impress the soul. The biol-
Trust that your imagination is REAL and step out of ogy was the vehicle for the soul, a temporary thing, and
time. Many have left this hologram and visited with their a means to an end. Your higher vibrating soul aspects
higher vibrating aspects, BUT are not aware they shifted are aligned with universal law. Ascension is all about
because their thinking does not allow them to think or YOU getting BACK into alignment with universal law:
know that can happen. Your experience was fifth dimen- Receive and give only compassion. In the past, to ascend
sional but your thoughts remained third dimensional spiritually the biology died. Now we are ascending
and in denial of the reality found outside this matrix. It spiritually without dying physically, being born again or
certainly isn’t as dramatic or as dazzling an event as our having new childhood traumas to deal with. Ascending
media leads us to believe every little thing is. with the same biology allows you to remember your
The slow vibration of the third dimension is exhaust- experiences and consciously retain the wisdom you
ing when you return from the fifth dimension. You feel so gained from them. Having “one ascension” was equal
heavy. The movement from third and fourth dimension to the spiritual wisdom normally gained in one lifetime.
to fifth is so subtle that it is easy to doubt it is happening. Continued ascensions mark the little human or ego
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release of survival truths or keeping the biology alive or are creating your new reality within you as you go. When
all our dark behavior patterns of fear, blame, judgment, you make an important shift, it heals and transforms
doubt and attachment. The little human or ego strives to you in the now moment and in all your alternate, paral-
align with the light soul aspects again. lel and concurrent realities. The actual physical shifting
The Universal Law of PERPETUAL TRANSMUTA- takes a few days to complete. You will feel spacey during
TION of energy is that all sentient beings have the power those transmutations. You need a lot of FAITH during
to CHANGE continuously. Raising your vibration is hard this process as you are working hard to take responsibil-
work that YOU need to do by staying present in your body ity for your thought patterns and behavior in the now
and clarifying your thoughts. Any imbalances you have moment. You will be releasing blame, force, control,
attracted to you as a result of your attachment to an agenda, judgment, lack, doubt, fear, gossip, drama, compromise
idea, thing, person, power or control. Yes, this includes and spiritual competition in a step-by step manner.
concurrent lives and in alternate and parallel realities. During this process secrets, unethical behavior or with-
They all need to be uncreated by YOU by you removing holds are exposed for you to deal with AND deal with
your energy, any energy feeding cords and breaking dark the fall out.
contracts with them. With each ascension or void we enter, we grieve
DARK ASCENSIONS happen first as we release our the LOSS of the little human we thought was all there
dark or negative beliefs and thought one by one. The lit- was. We OWN and grieve our dark behavior patterns as
tle human or ego and a few of our soul aspects have gone we release them. Ascension is the process of accepting
dark gray in the world of duality, greediness, power over the wisdom of light soul aspects over the limited little
other’s, the need to be “special” and having MORE stuff. human or ego. Ascension is NOT a gift bestowed on you
When the little human consciously decides to think it must be EARNED or your vibration stays low and slow.
and act more compassionately with the self in an effort By having compassion and acceptance for every aspect
to move to greater light the ascension process starts or dissociated part of you, higher dimensions of yourself
when the soul aspects agree it is time. Step-by-step you become available to you. To know another or be a pure
EARN each level by aligning your thinking closer to uni- healer you need to know and heal the self first.
versal law or truths. During this process you may move
through hundreds of dark ascensions before you reach 5
the half dark, half light ascension. Then you are carry-
ing 70% light most of the time. Waffling or any negativ- PSYCHIC WAR
ity, blame or judgment puts you back in duality. Throw
a tantrum or feel the need to prove you are right and
energy-feeding cords are in place again moving you back The purpose of psychological warfare is to convince
into darkness or survival truths or victim predator. you that you are a victim and the most you can hope for
As you ascend, release the old and embrace compas- is DISTRACTION or some reward for “jobs well done”
sion, your reality continuously changes with you. You from being controlled. Enjoy “tits and ass” sporting
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events and entertainment all designed to subtly program or psychologically abuses you and you take away the
you to the next step in your slavery. While your biology NEED to be rescued.
fights chemtrails and genetically modified food, water The hamster needs to get out of the wheel to stop
and soil. Play video games and text while the new crop going around in circles of victim predator and confused
of biologically stronger and mentally passive slaves are innocent. Start taking responsibility for your choices and
being channeled into the cattle chutes. Ignore govern- actions. Playing with the dark is always lose-lose-lose.
ment and corporate corruption funneling money from Anytime you engage with the dark it will cost you. Trying
your labor into their pockets while you play with your to outsmart them entrains you to darkness, because that
electronic toys and phones. means you will need to lie and trick them and you become
To reinforce feeling victimized and helpless “the what you claim to be fighting with. Dealing with dark sys-
gods in control” create the illusion of LACK. Shortages tems and dark people is always lose-lose-lose.
of basic necessities to keep the biology alive are cre- Never WAIT to be rescued. When someone offers to
ated. The illuminati or reptilians acquired CONTROL do that, it will cost you your light among other things.
of earth’s natural resources a long time ago; they salted Joining a group will not get you in touch with what is
the oceans creating wars for the remaining fresh water. going on within you. It might entertain and distract you.
They were “Jonny on the spot” to finance the wars and Master and accept reality unconditionally, just as it is.
create debt for the countries fighting. We fight over who To know the truth you must seek it out. Then walk away
gets oil because the Illuminists suppress all free energy from what you no longer find useful for you. Then con-
devices and inventors; and we continue to work and pay. sciously create and be responsible for the reality you
Serious and accurate research without misinformation want to live in.
is hard to come by because illuminists discredit and dis- Our leaders and governments and corporations are
tort the truth, while pushing pretty irrational lies that not generally spiritual or light. We allow them to sell
the unthinking population buy into and adopt. us out continuously. For example May of 1954 the Grey
Our handlers and trainers create problems for us aliens made a CONTRACT with the United States gov-
and then come to rescue us. But the cost is high, your ernment to be allowed to study human development,
free will, ability and willingness to think and your emotions and consciousness. The Grey aliens abduct
physical energy. It is trauma based programming again. humans to do genetic experiments on them. They moni-
The “trainer our god” holds your head under water and tor the abductees’ brain activity through implants and
ONLY lets you breathe just before death. You are SO have done so for generations for the last 100 years, with
grateful to the god or trainer that saved you. You never and without permission.
put together that the one-CREATING problems for you In exchange the Grey Aliens gave us Deep Freeze
and SOLVING them is the same source. Get rid of, walk technology and taught us how to clone and create
away from, the source of your problem or dark or allow- human-Gray hybrids. Some members of The National
ing another to control you or the one that physically Security Agency, NSA are considered part of The Grey
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Group Mind Complex and Communication System. NSA is followed or country is honored. INSIDE you know
has a select body that became a government unto them what is compassionate and what is mean spirited. Your
self like our Indian Nations and the NSA is also exempt expression and intention carry YOUR meaning. Words
from the United States laws. Grey Aliens assisted the and actions do not hide your feeling and intent.
Illuminist with building some of the first facilities on Standing in your truth is unifying your thought,
the moon and Mars and forcing some of our scientists, behavior and action. Hypocrisy is claiming moral stan-
presumed dead, to work there. dards you fail to follow. Saying you are happy for some-
Grey aliens do not have a soul. They are the WORKERS one while feeling negative inside. Claiming to be a loving
from whatever group has created and / or harnessed them, parent while yelling and humiliating the child behind
which the reptilians from Draco, Zeta Reticuli I and II closed doors. Claiming to be a spiritual leader while
and Sirius A have done. The short 3 to 5 foot grey extra- practicing pedophilia. The only way dark institutions
terrestrial races from the star system Zeta Reticulum and and organizations and Illuminists and your dysfunc-
the Orion Constellation are described in most abduction tional family can continue to survive and even flourish
research and figure prominently in reports of UFO crashes. is with your real or IMPLIED support. When you stay
Tall Grey aliens are 7 to 8 foot tall and come from the in or with a dark group or family or government that
Orion constellation. They oversee the short Grey aliens behaves in ways you do not agree with, your support is
within their own ranks, carry out “diplomatic” mis- implied.
sions, and secretly negotiate treaties with heads of state. When you stay with a spouse that treats you and
In 1931 the Germany government rejected their offer as younger members of the group mean spiritedly your
they were committed to Gizeh intelligence that included support is implied. When you stay for the money that
Draco’s, humanoid extraterrestrials, dark Pleiadians, is prostitution of your beliefs or you have adopted the
Ashtar, Kamagol and Jehovah. They pretended to be god. belief that money, which is only a form of energy, is more
They were / are headquartered under the Gizeh plateau valuable than your thoughts and you. You are not receiv-
in Egypt. Adolf Hitler in Germany backed Gizeh along ing compassion from you.
with the Rothschild-Windsor sponsors in England. Energy patterns of Gaia are aligning with the higher
vibrating patterns of photons. All of Her inhabitants,
5 except for a large percentage of humans, have transi-
tioned to the higher fifth dimension and compassion.
NO MORE LIES Many extinct plants, animals and DEAD humans have
transmuted into the fifth dimension. Only a small per-
centage of living humans have shifted their conscious-
Consider how nice it feels when the lies to the self and ness to compassion for the self first. To receive, give,
others END. You have always known the true feeling and expect, perceive and accept compassion.
intention of the other, when you are awake and aware. No There are parallel and alternate realities of ascend-
matter what words are said or belief is offered or religion ing earth. Certain realities are blending with each other.
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Some are gathering force or dropping away. Be awake or cycle of low vibration, darkness, victims, predators
and aware of what truths or lies you are aligned with. and confused innocent ones feeding from each other,
The last few millennia we have been aligned with and WHILE they all move LOCK STEP to greater darkness.
behaved as victims and predators. The off planet lead- There is no way to engage with the dark and keep your
ers of this darkness living on Gaia have left. The lower light or grow your compassion.
levels remaining on earth have not surrendered their The corporations and the Illuminists that run them have
control or manipulation and are carrying out their plans become the most powerful influence on earth. Loyalty to a
to kill off many and dominate the rest. They are trying to country or religion is no longer as strong as loyalty to the
hang onto their power, ill-gotten gains and their ability corporation that pays salaries to enable us to keep the biol-
to destroy what they can’t own or control. ogy alive. Some ILLUMINATI CORPORATIONS are
ILLUMINATI GIANT TRADING BLOCS were cre- Rand Corporation, Hughes Aircraft, Northrop Corporation,
ated to destroy a country’s ability to make its own economic General Electric, AT & T, Sandia Corporation, Stanford
decisions, act and function as an independent unit. The Research Institute, Colorado School of Mines, and Walsh
game plan is to create conflict across the world on all levels Construction, Bechtel the major Illuminati Corporation
to undermine the freedom and economy each individual that has won a massive contract to rebuild Iraq after it was
country has and controls. Their goal is to destroy what bombed by the liberators.
confidence, creativity and compassion the people in each FEUDALISM was created after the Roman Empire
country have. fell and there was chaos throughout Europe with vil-
The GATT Agreement opens more borders to FREE lage fighting village. Groups of weaker people gathered
world trade, the European Community and the North behind a more powerful individual and did whatever
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is in Europe. they asked in return for the protection the top of the food
Having one currency and one European Central Bank gives chain could give. The leader of these small groups would
you one center of control. When a politician opposes the become known as the lord or king. Christianity helped
loss of their national sovereignty they are suddenly discred- create and support this system. The kings and noblemen
ited or have their power, money and resources removed took over the land giving their wealth to the Church.
or there is an accident. The feudal manor or monastery was the authority the
Giant Trading Blocks work like a wealthy family with serfs had to obey. The most powerful PREISTS became
all the extended family living in one large compound. the nobility. Brotherhood sects enjoyed manipulating
The top of the hierarchy controls the economy and makes one against the other to create conflict, upheaval and
the economic and family social choices for all members. took over LARGER AREAS of land eventually develop-
When the family members fight over who gets what, ing into a country. The Church prospered adding to its
little gets done, negativity, back biting and sometimes wealth and the Brotherhood controlled England, France
death results while the one in control flourishes at least and Germany for nearly a thousand years.
financial. What they can’t create for the self they steal FREEMASONRY at the top levels is the present day
from the powerless. This energy pattern is the pattern illuminati control of mystery schools today functioning
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with the same Draco agendas, methods and energy sources ranges from 20 to 80 micrograms of LSD per dose.
feeding they came to earth with. The elite levels follow This is considerably less than the levels reported during
orders, keep the Satanist secrets and carry on their per- the 1960s and early 1970s, when the dosage ranged from
sonal perversions and agendas to create infighting and 100 to 200 micrograms, or higher, per unit.
increased darkness. The sorcerers and witches who traditionally employed
GATEKEEPER Programming and programs are hallucinogens saw them as potions of Satan. Naturally
found throughout the illuminati systems. They impose occurring herbal hallucinogens, such as henbane and
their reality on other alternate personalities within the datura, were also used in some arcane religious practices.
system by using SUPPRESSION, judgment, force and LYSERGIC ACID DIETHYLAMIDE Programming
deception. They do not ALLOW freedom of thought or of the Illuminati slave with LSD was used to layer in
action. demons. They are trained and mentally prepared before
FERRIS WHEEL SUBSYSTEM Programming cre- being given small doses of LSD that get increased. When
ates compartments shaped like pieces of pie. Each piece the Illuminati want to set the foundations for a system,
is a small part of the pie or a larger system used to house they will use LSD in a sensory deprivation tank on a child
alternate personalities, splits or pieces. Illuminists like to program in such things as: the hell-pit (a dungeon in a
configurations that appear endless. Like circles within castle), evil guardians, worlds, stars and galaxies contain-
circles or triangles within triangles. Star configurations are ing alters, the outer space in a system, and the protective
also popular in Illuminati alter systems. Some stars rep- program where the mind spreads out like molecules and
resent a point in time when the system is programmed to loses the ability to think.
do a thing on a particular date. The date is the trigger. Like The sensory deprivation tank will be set at 92.0 to 95.0
the movie Oz: The Great and Powerful, released February degrees, isothermal skin, saltwater suspension, and zero
14, 2013, possibly to remember and honor THE FAMILY. light, near zero-sound levels. The victim will be naked
LYSERGIC ACID DIETHYLAMIDE (LSD) is one of without contact to the side of the tank and in remote
the major drugs making up the hallucinogen class. LSD isolation for several hours. Electrodes can be hooked up
was discovered in 1938 and is one of the strongest mood- to shock the victim if they move to prevent the victim
changing chemicals. It is manufactured from lysergic from wanting to move.
acid, which is found in ergot, a fungus that grows on rye MONTAUK PROJECT was funded and created by a
and other grains. LSD, commonly referred to as “acid,” is secret group with deep financial resources and military
sold on the street in tablets, capsules, and, occasionally, ties to established a new research facility at Camp Hero,
­liquid form. It is odorless, colorless, and has a slightly bitter a derelict Air Force Station at Montauk Point, New York
taste and is usually taken by mouth. Often LSD is added to in the late 1960s. This location housed a huge Sage radar
absorbent paper, such as blotter paper, and divided into antenna that emitted a frequency of approximately 400-
small-decorated squares, each square being one dose. 425 Megahertz, AND that happens to be the same band
The Drug Enforcement Administration reports that the used to enter the awareness of the human brain. By 1972,
strength of LSD samples obtained currently from illicit the Montauk Project was fully underway with massive
106 | Bonnie Baumgar tner

mind control experimentation being undertaken on

humans, animals and other forms of consciousness.
Aliens and alien technology was used and researched.
Getting hard evidence to prove any of this is nearly
impossible. There are some facts and personal accounts eight
form the “Montauk boys” on the Internet.
The Montauk researchers perfected their mind con- Elementals
trol techniques and delved further into human poten-
tial. Eventually a psychic’s thoughts could be amplified
with hardware and illusions could be manifested sub- Elementals are the Architects, creators and builders of
jectively and objectively. The Montauk Project came to your thoughts and they would like you to know that.
a bizarre ending with a time vortex being opened back They are on your team of creation and manifestation.
to 1943 and the original Philadelphia Experiment. They would enjoy being noticed, thanked and honored
for their tireless service to those that THINK. The ele-
5 mentals READ the tiny little electromagnetic emission
emanated from your brain and emotional, mental and
spiritual body as you think, so then they can attract and
orchestrate the organic structure and design of your
The Elementals are the keepers and distributors of
high vibrating energy and even control the heat. The
Legion of Light THOUGHT that heat would help Gaia
and her humans clear out pockets of density and dark-
ness the early part of the summer of 2013. And so it is.
Gaia is at 93% light July 2013. Humans are at 63-68%
light as a group, and more are waking up every day. Dark
ones are disorganized but still in powerful positions and
are disruptive.
The Elementals controlled the release of the GIFT
of 5% more light energy into the crystalline grid of mass
consciousness on June 15, 2013. The gift the Pleiadians
left in the volcano in Maui, Hawaii to be released IF and
WHEN Gaia carried 80% light. The information put
into the crystalline grid or our group mind is increasing
our awareness, IQ and our compassion. There will be
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eleven more large releases of energy or increased light A few words about what scientist are saying about par-
and many small releases by the Elementals into the crys- ticles and elements. Protons and neutrons are composed
talline grid when the time is right. of quarks. The two most fundamental types of particles
Elementals follow The Universal Law of FLUIDITY are quarks and leptons. For every quark or lepton there is
that says life is best when experienced as a fluid sub- a corresponding antiparticle. For example, there is an up
stance and not as a solid. Life has no fixed shape and anti-quark, an anti-electron (called a positron) and an anti-
needs to yield easily to external pressure as water runs neutrino. BOSONS do not have antiparticles since they are
no faster or slower than is called for and seeks its own FORCE CARRIERS. Current physics, called “quantum field
level. Its flow is even, unforced and fluid staying in the theory” explains the exchange of energy. Energy exchange
now moment without hurry or standing still. Take the happens with the use of force carriers, called bosons. Long-
time to feel, listen to and notice the flow you created range forces have zero mass force carriers and they are the
for you. Notice the flow you are in currently. Adjusting GRAVITON and PHOTON. They operate on scales larger
accordingly, is being mindfully present and peacefully than the solar system. Short-range forces have very mas-
alive. CHANGE is the redirection of energy when change sive force carriers, the W+, W- and Z for the weak force,
happens too fast or slow suffering results. the gluon for the strong force. These operate on scales the
Elementals attract and structure all the needed parts, size of atomic nuclei.
adjusting and monitoring quality control. They work all Our DNA on the quantum level carries information
the following steps simultaneously but here they are about our lineage from other planets like the Pleiades
broken down for clarity. and various other areas of the Universe. When particles
FIRST is the thought. Thoughts are sentient, alive like photons and electrons interact physically and then
and conscious. Every living thing and entity has thought. are separated they are still able to communicate instantly
Even the chair you are sitting on has thoughts. Ask it if with each other.
you don’t believe me. About 200,000 years ago on the QUANTUM level
Elementals act as architects by pulling together the Gaia and her three grids of consciousness were all cre-
elements needed to make a creation or manifestation ated at the same time using Pleiadian energies or DNA
starting on the subatomic level. They organize all the or blueprint or design. Gaia worked with the Elementals
elements in a structure or framework to manifest your to manifest earth. It took 110,000 years for this to mani-
thought. They attend to the organic structure and cohe- fest itself into physicality and for the ground to sustain
sive tension. many different species of Humans. Species on earth go
Other considerations are the purity of thought and extinct as part of the design to allow others to be created
intention, does the Legion of light approve and is it and then they disappear. Gaia does it mostly by changes
aligned with universal law. Checks are made for bugs, in the weather and climate change.
incompatibility and balance. How long will the thinker ELEMENTALS hear your thoughts and feel the
stay focused on this thought and how solid will it be. emotion, especially your unconscious feelings. Then
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the elemental transmit or transmute your thought into reality; humans are elementals also, because we build
a thought form or image, which can be seen by some form. Humans are the ones that decide to build weapons
humans, the entire invisible realm and other life forms. or make our food dangerous to our health for financial
Scientists refer to elementals, as QUANTUM or gain. Greedy humans are the ones without compassion,
subatomic particles or the smallest particles found in not the elementals. They are in service only.
atoms and some have been named electrons, quarks, Originally we built our biology comprised of the elements
photons and neutrinos, which is a share or portion or of the earth’s physical matter. Our fourth dimensional astral
the radiation or electrical charge of a single synapse in body or dream-body is comprised of the elements of astral
a neuromuscular junction. A photon is a single quan- matter. So we perceive the self as the astral body or aura
tum of light. Using a wave you can create probabilities working with the biology. These two bodies are kept mani-
to accurately predict the physical behavior of systems fest by our third and fourth dimension elementals reading
on the quantum level. Light and other subatomic par- our thoughts and accompanying emotion.
ticles regularly change from waves to particles and back The law of attraction unites strong thought forms of
to waves. Scientists have shown that the thoughts and the same vibration of like-minded people and they often
expectations of the experimenter have a direct effect on meet and combine resources or talent’s to assist each
what the particles do. other, a synergy or synchronicity is then created.
Historically elementals were called the gnomes, sylphs,
undines, salamanders, fairies and sprites. Mythological 5
beings of the 16th century traditionally had four types of
spiritual energy: gnomes WERE solids / earth or spirit WW SERVER
of earth, undines or nymphs or mermaids WERE water /
liquid or spirit of the water, sylphs WERE wind / gas or
spirit of wind, and salamanders WERE fire / heat or spirit Elementals are creating a worldwide SERVER,
of fire. Spiritual or religious writings have called these In August 2013, the elementals created a centralized
spirits the elementals or quanta or adamantine particles. resource to connect those that want to communicate
Elementals do not function with the rules and laws or interact on higher vibrations or the fifth to seventh
of duality they follow universal law, which means they dimension. For those desiring messages of light and
NEVER judge blame or evaluate the ratio of dark or connection with other humans carrying more light than
light a creation has. They can and do create for the dark dark. This is a higher vibration than the dark Illuminists
or those without compassion. The laws of creation or have access to. LIKE MINDED people are connected
physics govern things like magnetism; gravity, light or with their similar thought patterns of compassion. They
dark and they do not have intentions. Humans or any are also able to allow all others to have and live in the
entity that creates or uses magnetism, gravity, light or reality of their choice. The server will be in alignment
dark has the INTENTION to use their creation in a with universal law, receive and give only compassion.
certain way. Elementals assist humans in creating our Inside you know when you are not compassionate.
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Adding YOUR upset, negativity, drama or fear, push- peaceful and cohesive patterns. Compassion travels
ing ANY agenda, DROPS your vibration. Lower vibration instantly, faster than the speed of light. Remember the
places you back in the reality of opposition or ­duality, entanglement theory. You can separate two electrons by
emotion and forcing others to join your reality. That is as much space as you like and they will still be linked
not compassionate. While vibrating in the fifth dimen- or have connected awareness. Doing something to
sion, your mental body continuously sweeps through ONE electron affects the other instantaneously with no
your thoughts that are creating negative emotion or fear, time lag. Some scientists have even claimed that quan-
BRINGING them to your awareness immediately, to tum entanglement theory shows that there is no such
address and transmute. There are challenges in higher thing as space, and everything in the universe is always
vibrations, but not fear, doubt and low self-esteem. The touching.
voice in your head never leaves you because it is you giv- Unconditional love, “compassion” travels in a circu-
ing you guidance and information. Whenever you need lar path. You send compassion out and you receive it
some guidance the voice shows up to help you out. On at the same time. Compassionate thought follows the
the fifth dimension and higher you are a multiple with flow of your thoughts and simultaneously infuses the
co-consciousness, awareness and you never dissociate. sender with the same thought. You can only FEEL what
The hardest and most important thing to master living in you give to you FIRST. Then you can give that amount
a dark reality, is self-compassion. Many are now having to another. You only can express what you experience
vivid memories or dreams of our other incarnations on from you to you first.
earth to be aware, OWN, release and heal any emotional Unconditional compassion to conditional compas-
upset you still carry around about your experiences. sion to is on a continuum. The gradients are not easily
We need to release the concept of time, emotion and identifiable. Conditional love resonates to the frequency
negativity to enter the present time of higher vibrations. or vibration of duality and contrast. Humans with less
A portal was opened WIDER July 29 through August 25, than 60% light have not learned to nurture and show
2013 with an intense frequency of light focused directly compassion for the self and therefore can only give with
into the core of the planet and the bone marrow of our a condition of getting something in return. Their con-
biology. Then the energies will slowly disperse but the ditional exchange is THEIR neediness, sacrifice, abuse,
portal will always remain open. The incoming energy and sexual abuse, self-denigration, idealizing, or forced
is focused into the core of Gaia and our personal bone fidelity. To know what YOU send out look at what you
marrow because of their ability to transmute. The trans- are receiving from others.
mutation starts at the core and expands out into the The Universal Law of ATTRACTION or “like attracts
hologram that is earth. like,” reflects with clarity your beliefs. What emanates
The frequency net holding together third and fourth from you is attracted right back to you. You are creat-
dimension, is weakening and dissipating allowing more ing your reality all the time. BLAMING YOU or your
unconditional love or compassion to come through to soul, god, your child or an enemy creates more lessons
us. Compassion aligns the subatomic particles into calm, in suffering for you. You have not gathered the wisdom.
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Deceptive or conflicting or mixed messages saying, “Yes, your vibration will match your focus. Your thoughts cre-
I will” and DO NOT creates more lessons in suffering. ate your reality. Your belief dictates what you are aware
When you are evasive or undisciplined or promise more of. What you accept as possible and true. Your awareness
than you can deliver that is CONDITIONAL love, more dictates what you are ABLE to perceive. What you per-
suffering for you. ceive is the reality you create for you. Our inner pharmacy
Dark always shortchanges you around compassion, in lower vibrations, awareness and perceptions releases
nurturing and money because they are energy and the adrenaline to help us deal with the fear our reality cre-
dark always siphons your energy to stay alive. They ated. Endorphins are released in higher vibrations.
always take more than they give. The more YOU OFFER Our thinking is continuously being updated and
UP or they need or they take from you, the LESS free- enhanced when we allow that. Polarities are getting
dom and energy YOU have to be and do what you want. unified. As your energy flows into new energy patterns
Most parents preach and teach conditional love to their of compassion and acceptance your open third eye per-
children and each other. They are wounded, guilty, needy ceives the light patterns as possible realities of harmony,
and fearful. Being victimized, they feel entitled to be the peace and joy.
predator. DARK individuals choose not to grow spiritu-
ally, or take responsibility for their creation, they want to 5
blame and punish the predator and make them pay. Dark
leaders have always harnessed the anger and idealism of LEAVE FOURTH
the dark young ones. They make great warriors that need
lots of direction. The angry young lack compassion for
their wounds, lack organization and the skills needed to To experience the fifth dimension you need to leave
build and maintain a compassionate home or an empire. A the fourth dimension by addressing any fears you still
short burst of destruction is their skill, you find the angry cling to. To stabilize YOUR movement into the fifth
dark in the military: police, gangs and criminal enterprises. dimension so you can remain there for longer than a
To create, nurture and support takes compassion and self- visit. Clear or neutralize all and any fears you still hold.
worth the dark ones have not chosen. Three fourths of the population continues to live in
We each need to create our own individual fifth dimen- fear and the desire to control or force. Those unable to
sion vibration or matrix within us first. Then we will join release fear and control to embrace ALLOWING and
together with others of the same vibration to create a group compassion will remain in the fourth dimension with
matrix and stabilize the energy together. With small group the Draconian crowd or the dark Illuminists continuing
support it is easier to embrace higher frequency reality to run your reality.
more often for longer periods of time. The higher frequency While still in the third or fourth dimension, traumatic
is always present, whether we are or not: is our choice. memories come forward when they are triggered or re-
If you choose to see and focus on what is wrong, there stimulated, and frequently when we least expect them.
is plenty to see. If that is all your perception can embrace, Our brain archives these traumas to deal with when
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LATER, when we are strong enough emotionally and for your beliefs. All these events would be dropped into your
physically to integrate our negative experiences. The awareness in a bundle for you to figure out the THEME of
information we are unable to process during the times of all these events for YOU personally to heal. Do not concern
trauma will get stored in our muscles, bones and diges- yourself with any injustice or cruelty or darkness of others.
tive tract as tension or pockets of liquid. Literally we Stay on your path and deal with you and your experience.
release these pockets through the skin, a runny nose or YOU picked the experiences to evolve spiritually; just own
eyes, coughing, through all of our orifices and through that it happened to you. Gather the wisdom FOR YOU, so
our psychic and mental energies. you can release YOUR emotional upset. Please give thanks
Sometimes there is no need to address your traumas to your biology for its service to you during all your incar-
with a blow-by-blow awareness or accounting. Knowing nations and experiences you could not of had without it.
what was generally true and owning the feeling or Sometimes your ELEMENTALS or soul aspect or
emotions that experience created in YOU, is enough higher self can assist you in deleting these files without
to release it. Sometimes it is better to leave fear-based you needing to re-experience them BUT you must ask
trauma files deeply archived in the brain or body rather aloud for this assistance. We are still living on a planet
than to pull them up through the system. But you must of free will. Any remaining anger, vengeance, depression
be aware of your thoughts and feelings about your expe- or fear left in YOU emotionally and physically as a result
riences to release the density in your biology. of your traumas will still need to be addressed and your
In 2007 our soul and the elementals put our known elementals or soul can certainly assist with that also.
and not remembered traumas from all our concurrent Just ask aloud.
realities into BUNDLES to speed up our personal aware- Our memory has been used to keep our biology alive
ness and opportunity to heal because time is short now. while still living in this pool of mostly dark thoughts and
For example, you were a dissociated or cruel parent in behaviors. KNOW that ANY type of engagement with
this lifetime and you parented that way five other times DARK ONES, like blame, judgment, argument, punish-
you might not be aware of. Frequently you are not even ment or outsmarting the dark, OPENS YOUR energy
aware you had an issue with what your soul presents OR field up, to be siphoned by the dark making your light
you were sure you already handled that issue, years ago. diminish and lowering your vibration. Sharing space
You probably did but there is a particular aspect or per- with a dark one at home, work, school or on a planet sets
ception they want you to revisit and OWN before you you up to upset yourself over their VERY predictable
can move to a higher vibration. thoughtless cruel and insensitive behavior and truths
For example your biology and your feeling of safety was that they live by and operate with.
shattered when you were ABANDONED. The bundle may Memories of this lifetime are found in the brain and
have: 1. YOU were rejected or neglected by a parent, friend biology. Most memory is in the mental body that is an
or spouse. 2. Your family member(s) died and you were the electromagnetic energy field or the DNA that surrounds
only one still alive. 3. Concurrent or past lives when people our biology. Our mental body sends and receives infor-
that protected you died. 4. You were betrayed and or killed mation and is our knowingness or intuition or our gut
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feelings. Brain and the mental body are trained and or transmute. Drop them in your pool of compassion.
organized to work together. The brain will interpret our In the fifth dimension there are many challenges, BUT
sensory sensations after we have them. The brain knows there is not fear.
when a thing happens, processes what took place, files Living in a hologram means our world of light is
and categorizes the event. structured to SEE only a very limited amount of things.
Third and fourth dimensions are FEAR based and Our biology is also a hologram of light. We fail to see
more dark than light. This is the vibration that the dark 50% of what comes through the eye because we do
Illuminists are in control of. They are currently and con- not believe in it. The group of people you were raised
tinuously broadcasting their messages of negativity to with. Train and direct you to see what THEY see. They
help maintain your sense of fear, feeling of unworthiness shape your reality or tell you what you are allowed to
and helplessness. When you are vibrating or carrying or should perceive. That is why the young child SEES
LESS than 40% light these message LOOPS put out into more than the adult. They haven’t been taught yet,
the air are affecting you all of the time consciously or what NOT to see. Our reality resides inside us but is
unconsciously. Your Elementals or higher self will help shaped by those we “hang with.” Reality is relative to
you deflect these messages by putting up shields against what we know and feel and what those around us know
this bombardment of negative thought and hopeless- and feel.
ness, but again, you need to ask aloud for what you need. The temporal lobe in our brain is found of each cere-
When you have been carrying more light than dark or bral hemisphere lying to the side and rear of the fron-
you get physically challenged or upset yourself because tal lobe. The temporal lobe controls hearing and some
somebody’s reality deferrers from yours and the amount aspects of language, perception, emotion, and memory.
of light you carry goes below 40% the bombardment The temporal lobe of the brain DECIDES what you will
of negative messages in the air by the Illuminists will see based on the BELIEFS you hold. Our EYE gives us
impact you, you may or may not feel accessed, until you information and the mind censers it. If you believe little
raise your vibration once again. green monsters are loose you will see that. Try focusing
Fifth dimension and higher are compassion based on HOW you see and not on what you see.
and YOU ALLOWING all others to have the reality of Our eyes and hands channel energy and we can direct
their choice. that flow of energy with our sight. We can train the eye
Light codes represent our thoughts. Matrix patterns muscles to function in new ways. Vertical sweeps of the
are the feelings of that experience. The light and matrix eyes from head to the toes helps release internal pres-
patterns are the coordinates for that experience or mem- sure in the body. Fully relax your facial and eye muscles
ory. Fifth dimension and higher vibration memory is free and then with eyes closed focus on releasing control of
of all polarities. The mind or mental body continuously your eye muscles and put your attention on the pulse
sweeps through your thought and emotion on the fifth in the eye to relax it. Once the brain gets in sync with
dimension for any fear-based feelings or thoughts and our emotional body surrounding the biology they work
immediately brings them to your awareness to address together.
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Our holographic biology works together with our transmuted. See the dense energy pattern change into
higher vibrating mental body that surrounds our biol- compassionate energy. With your pockets of density
ogy BUT it is difficult to access the mental body and get transmuted and you experiencing compassion for you
it in sync with the brain, when your memory is filled endorphins are released, a sense of wellbeing and feel-
with fear, anger or sorrow. Those negative emotions are ings of safety are experienced.
dense and heavy; they need resolution or releasing to The 206 extremely small pathways of energy through-
create space for the physical brain to connect and be in out your aura or energetic body surrounding the biology
sync with the mental body. or your MERIDIANS start to open and flow. Meridians
Our negative experiences and thoughts are stored connect to our brain and biology through the sympathetic
as heavy energy patterns. An energy pattern can be and parasympathetic nervous system with a terminating
released as a PATTERN or BUNDLE of a certain type or point in a particular organ for a particular stream of spiri-
vibration of energy. Instead of releasing each individual tual awareness and energy.
experience we can release patterns or bundles of the Aches, pains and stress are energetic blockages trying
same type of experiences as bundles of awareness. Our to be released through our nervous system and meridians.
known and not remembered traumas from all our con- As your body undergoes the release of negative energy
current realities are together in one vibration or pattern and your meridians start to flow you may feel “sick.”
or bundle. Compassion flushes out the density and dark- Illness forces you to stay still, rest, sleep, reflect and focus
ness you carry bringing it into your conscious awareness your attention on you. We need to be still enough to allow
to be released. our bodies to undergo their metamorphosis.
Observe your bundle or pattern or vibration of “feel- Spiritual energy imbalances in meridians manifest
ing abandoned” or betrayed, see the color, density and disease to point out what you have AVOIDED knowing,
movement. The energy is dark and muddy, dense and becoming aware of and updating the truths you live by.
sluggish or frozen trapping you in low a vibration. Meridian flows and heart issues or palpitations are the
No particular experience needs to be relived or re-­ body rhythmically adjusting to the increasing frequen-
experienced individually you can release or purge them cies on earth. Gastritis-colitis is pressure blockages
in a bundle on a theme. Emotions feel the SAME WAY affecting gastrointestinal tract, sugar imbalances is too
leaving you, as they did entering you. Remind yourself much unhappiness in life leading to an inability to pro-
that they are not staying but are on their way out and cess the sweetness of life. Lower back issues are foun-
that is why you are temporarily experiencing abandon- dational ones like money (energy) issues that are also
ment or betrayal or anger or being scared. After you reflected in the shoulders and neck. Water retention is
have released all your pockets of density or resolved old the fluctuating pressures in the body. As we align with
issues of negative thought or energy patterns your light higher vibration or frequency and have higher aware-
body gets released from its heavy density. ness endorphins come online.
Ask for a portal of greater light to open so you can Moving into fear and doubt makes your adrenalin
place your bundle or energy pattern into the portal to be flood the body shutting down higher perceptions. We
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ARE a light body a hologram. Our light soul aspects or

higher self can download higher expanded information
into our awareness that our physical brain is incapable of
receiving, storing and understanding. You must expand
into your mental body to consciously receive and under- nine
stand and perceive the fifth dimension information we
NOW live in. Evolving
With endorphins, a sense of wellbeing and safety fills
your awareness. Safety expands your awareness. The
physical plane is NOT the only reality we exist in. We Our biology is in CONTINUOUS transmuting or evolv-
are not our biology. The biology is a rented vehicle to ing or changing, as we inhabit it, which is why we are
have an experience in. Our soul has many realities that always suffering symptoms of transmutation. As chil-
exist in higher vibrations. We may also be a Pleiadian, or dren we suffered growing pains. Gaia is undergoing
Sirian, or Arcturian. Many came to answer Gaia’s call for great physical changes and challenges along with us.
assistance at the fall of Atlantis. We agreed to continue As more light continually enters our systems, our cells
to take biology until Gaia was fully transmuted back crave light rather than glucose, WISDOM rather than
into the fifth dimension. Now the contract is over but more stuff, PEACE rather than conflict. This transition
our awareness is lagging behind holding us in a lower from carbon base to crystalline base biology is the pro-
dimension. To return we need to remember how to cess of creating our lightbody. Each organ, cell and tis-
return by having compassion for the self. sue has its own instinctual wisdom or DNA instructions
to follow, while acting and evolving as one unit.
5 Our immune system that has always been one of
opposition and fighting IS moving to EMBRACING. Our
thymus will start dealing with invaders by absorbing and
transmuting any invaders by melding with them. Loving
them “through transition” or to death. Meridian flows
and heart issues or palpitations are, the body rhythmi-
cally adjusting to the increasing frequencies of light.
When large infusions of light hit the earth and
you, the sensation you have may be one of dizziness.
Imbalances of light and dark create the dizzy sensation
one gets. Many feel spacey or dizzy when around greater
darkness or light than YOU personally carry. Many are
exhausted as the biology and our beliefs are transition-
ing. Sleeping nine hours, taking naps, feeling sick, dizzy,
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can’t eat or eat too much are all transmuting symptoms is the truth. Your soul aspects can be trusted, if it is not
as we grow our light body, while we are still wearing the dark. BUT historically it has not felt like anyone backed
carbon based body. This is no easy or comfortable task us up. The support that is coming on line now just
we have undertaken. watched and waited the past 13 thousand years because
Awakening around 3 AM is you getting in sync with that was the rules for this reality.
the magnetism and rhythm of our solar system. Our The legion of light wanted us to experience the con-
pineal and pituitary glands are merging to function as sequence of what we choose directly or allowed others
our open third eye. Our crown and brow chakra are to choose for us. Seldom do we see demonstrations of
merging to become our continuously expanding aware- compassion and unconditional love. Nature and our
ness. We are including other planets and galaxies. The pets, or frequently a newborn can give and demonstrate
galaxy and our universe are all in the process of moving unconditional love for us. Trust and acceptance is some-
up to the next higher vibration like we are. thing that each and every one of us must find within
With each increased level of compassion for the self, them self to move to a higher vibration. No one can do it
we take another step into higher vibrations. If you do for you or on your behalf.
not believe that you deserve a thing your limited beliefs Our whales and dolphins came to earth to demon-
will push it away from you. When you believe a thing is strate compassion. They are from Sirius B; they came
possible then it is yours. Your personal mentors through to earth as a gift, very, early on. Sirius B felt very bad
this process is your other soul aspects or higher self. about what some dark Sirians did here on earth. Since
Stay in communication with them all the time. the majority of earth is water, as many planets on Sirius
The physical body or biology is grounding for the B are, they came as sea animals. At the point of planetary
energetic layers of our body. The emotional body, men- ascension the whales will come to collect their whales
tal body and our spiritual body surround and fan out living here on earth to go home. The cetaceans or whales
roughly six feet or more from our biology depending on of earth are living portions of the crystalline grid. They
the amount of light you carry. Our biology is an earth contain earth history within them and help coordinate
ship the same as the majority of Spacecraft or Starships and maintain the crystalline grid; they hold the earth’s
are. frequency. Dolphins help keep the energy balance on
When you have physical, psychological, visionary earth.
or auditory experiences the little human or wounded No one would agree to be tortured, imprisoned or mur-
ego will doubt and demand more proof. Solid proof like dered like what we have experienced on earth and done
being thrown into a pool of water and getting wet is gen- the same to our children and animals. Lately, Dolphins
erally not happening. Because earth is a planet of free are getting killed in an effort to keep the energy or vibra-
will and your thoughts create your reality, it is your job tion on earth dark. Dolphins and whales never agreed
to BELIEVE in what you create. This is when you need to be cut up or caught in tuna nets. People don’t realize
faith and trust because we have so little experience with that the United States military puts a sound in the water
compassion, trusting and feeling safe. Your imagination to disorient, paralyze and torture dolphins so they can’t
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even find the net to jump over it. When warriors go into In higher frequency realities time is not sequential it
battle they know they will suffer like the dolphins and fluctuates and changes. Time is more like an address or
whales are suffering. Some are getting bigger and meatier location of a given reality. Like the timeline of the 1800s,
so they can turn on those that want kill them for sport or you enter the spinning circle of infinitely by setting your
food. Whales have already rammed three ships with their intention to FEEL that era and what you wish to expe-
heads, killing themselves in the process. The whales sac- rience. Then you allow that feeling to connect you to
rificed themselves to make a point. The Japanese slaugh- that time and space of that location. Time is also loops
ter whales for the meat, a delicacy in Japan. Those eating of similar events on a theme that is not sequential. Past,
the whale meat will carry the energy of what was been present, and future exist simultaneously so any new
done to these compassionate animals. or different reaction by you can ALTER all three-time
LIGHT ones are in the process of reclaiming earth periods. When you resolve an issue that you have, in the
and returning it safely to Gaia and her people. Recreating past, present or future it gets resolved in all three times
a reality without a need for money. Using technology to or locations. AND in all alternate and parallel realities.
render manufacturing and farming obsolete. Allowing Time is only NOW in alternate realities occurring
us to BE instead of DO. Using our unique talents will all at once. Pure awareness in loops on a theme is in
be all that is needed. But first all your personal, ethical operation when we sleep, meditate or create because
issues will need to be resolved. We will never be pro- then we are thought without our biology or the duality
tected from the consequences of deliberate dark acts. matrix affecting us. Time runs concurrently in all direc-
CHANGE is not a when or where question. Change is tions with constantly changing potentials and points of
how much light, vibration or compassion you choose to perception.
have in your thoughts and what you emanate. Light cre- In timeless worlds or no time or in higher vibrations
ates its own energy field. This energy field stimulates a there is NO separation, limitation or extremes and you
consistent behavior pattern in the beings that choose to are allowed to maintain the same form or frequency you
experience that reality. choose until you feel you have done and experienced
INFINITY can be accepted and felt. Within the circle what you wanted to. After a while spent in a time reality
of infinity are countless smaller circles in the many reali- like 3rd and 4th dimension most want to rest, rejuvenate
ties of form. In the lower frequency circles, like 3rd and and expand spiritually in a timeless world.
4th dimension form or physicality reality is static and
often polarized. Smaller spirals of light appear elliptical 5
because you cannot see the higher vibration interactions.
Liquid light is our awareness of the movement of light as BRAINWAVES
it moves and intermingles. We perceive the smallest and
largest wormhole or portal as a circular flow of light.
Time on the fourth dimension is faster than time on Whether we are mentally active, resting or asleep,
the third dimensions, but life is still sequential in both. the brain always has some level of electrical activity
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going on. People talk as if they were producing only one and in an alert state of consciousness generally in the
type of brain wave at a time, but brain waves do not sep- mental state most people are in most of their waking
arate out that neatly. Researchers and scientists created lives. Beta waves are produced when you perform any
categories for convenience of discussion and study. Our task that requires you to concentrate.
overall brain activity is a mix of all the frequencies at the Those people that lack sufficient beta activity may
same time. Some brainwaves happen in greater quanti- have mental or emotional issues such as depression,
ties and strength than others. Balance is always key. insomnia or ADD Attention Deficit Disorder, unable
The brain is always emitting brainwaves and the domi- to stay focused and easily distracted. Stimulating beta
nant brainwaves at a particular time dictate the state of activity can improve emotional stability, energy levels,
consciousness the individual is experiencing currently. attentiveness and the ability to concentrate.
Our focused thought or lack of focused thought and our Alpha brainwaves are at 8hz - 12hz per second and
emotion or observation without emotional attachment are relaxed wakefulness not processing much informa-
dictates the dominant brainwave being experienced and tion. When you get up in the morning and just before
emitted. sleep, you are naturally in the alpha state. Close your
After an injury of some type, physical or emotional, eyes and your brain starts producing more alpha waves,
the brain tries to stabilize itself by SLOWING every intellectual relaxation and a very receptive, absorbent
function down. The brain purposely slows down to take mental state, a sense of wellbeing and improved immune
stock of what has just happened. The brain’s innate functioning. Our waking state is characterized by alpha
intelligence decides what to address and how to pro- and beta brainwaves and calibrated to 3rd and lower 4th
ceed. When the brain gets stuck in any frequency, it dimension. Reality is perceived, as “outside” of you and
will cause us problems. So flexibility is key for efficient happening to you. You want to please your environment
brain function. Resilience is critical for the brain to be to get the best result for yourself.
effective. The main stressors of the brain are injuries, The relatively high vibration and slow brainwave
emotional or physical, medications, alcohol, fatigue and activity of DELTA and THETA brainwaves is being in a
continuous trauma can result in the brain getting stuck. dissociative state. Dissociation is a process of thinking,
BRAIN WAVE Programming done by the illuminati feeling and physical sensations drifting away from your
is started at 8 years of age depending on the child’s skill physical awareness. Dissociation can occur during med-
at dissociation and the country he or she lives in. Before itation, exercise, while driving or immersed in a good
8 years cerebral cortex and neurological development book or movie. The fifth dimensional state of conscious-
are not advanced enough to train and will cause neuro- ness is usually delta wave
logical damage. EEGs are used to determine if they are The Alpha/Theta brainwave border of 7 to 8 Hz per
in that state. Hypnotic drugs and electric shock are used second is associated with having insights and personal
to increase fear, arousal and dissociation. transforming awareness. Anger, resentment or pain-
Beta brainwaves are quick, low amplitude waves at ful memories are seen from the point of perception of
12hz - 38hz per second and means you are wide-awake the detached observer. Moving from upper 4th to 5th
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dimension or vibration is changing your thoughts. In 4th delta wave. You ONLY experience your inside world or
dimension you look for something to enjoy or someone spiritual awareness or your light soul aspects with little
to love. In the 5th dimension your thinking evolves to connection to the biology. 6th dimension holds the blue-
ENJOYING what you have, enjoying what you are doing print or design or matrix or reality or the game that is
and whom you are with. You stop blaming or judging projected into lower illusions, you are pure conscious-
and start owning your experiences or creations. When ness and choose to have a body or not to have one in the
you are unsatisfied with your creations, you create again reality of your choice.
and again, rewrite and change. In Illuminati programming are the Delta models or
THETA BRAINWAVE is at 3hz - 8hz is light sleep or slaves whose sole purpose is assassination including psy-
extreme relaxation. It is used for hypnosis and self-pro- chic warfare or assassination The Delta program has up
gramming. Commonly referred to as the dream or “twi- to three levels of training and is often highly dissociated.
light” state. Access to unconscious material, reveries, GAMMA BRAINWAVES at 27 Hz and up are found
free association and creative ideas are increased. Theta in virtually every part of the brain and serve as a bind-
brainwaves are 5th to 6th dimension and the reality you ing mechanism between all parts of the brain. Different
experience is your “inside world” and awareness of your pieces of information like size, color, texture and func-
thinking and your biology. You understand how you cre- tion get integrated synthesized or harmonized to
ate your reality minute by minute with your thoughts. improve memory and perception. Gamma brainwaves
You are a detached observer full of compassion without are associated with formation of ideas, language and
emotion or drama. You release attachment to conflict, memory processing. Combining information for greater
fear and emotion. understanding.
On the sub-atomic, quantum level reality organizes GAMMA Programming as used in trauma based
itself according to the expectations of the observer or programming as used by the Illuminists is the secret
creator. We can’t imagine a reality that exists without layering in of demons. The ceremonies to demonize the
us because our act of observing our self; creates us as victim occur before birth, in the infant and in the child.
we go. What we expect to be present WILL be there Generational dark entities or demons are layered in, to
because we created it by expecting it. Consciousness function in the direction the child’s programming is to
comes through us and emanates from us. Consciousness take.
or awareness is the programming language of our world This 10th science deals with occult sciences of astral
and the universe. projection, ESP and telepathy. Gamma code calls for
DELTA BRAINWAVE is at 0.2hz - 3hz and is deep demons and suicide programming that is often layered
sleep OR wakefulness functioning in the compassion of into this system. These alternate personalities would
the fifth dimensional state of consciousness. When your rather DIE than leave or betray their FAMILY or cult or
dominant brainwave is delta, your body may be heal- the Illuminists.
ing itself and “resetting” its internal clocks. The fifth In gamma programming there is also Scholarship pro-
and sixth dimensional state of consciousness is usually gramming and photographic memory. Gamma personalities
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know 8 different languages, some are modern and some are into when they achieve suspended animation and total
ancient languages. control of their biological functions.
KNOWLEDGE or INFORMATION or WISDOM EPSILON Programming done by the illuminati is
or the Cloud of Knowledge exists OUTSIDE of the a HIDDEN alter SYSTEM that may hold CIA program-
earth matrix or reality and always has. These are the ming, ASSASSIN programs in this or beta systems,
collected thoughts and thought forms on different covert, courier operations, learning to tail a subject,
themes from the universe. Thoughts on any subject are drop a tag, disguises and getting out of difficult situa-
collected and held together for everyone’s use. BUT tions. Epsilon alternate personalities see themselves
you need to discern what information serves your pur- as being chameleon-like and able to be an animal. The
pose. All types of information are available and mixed color code is BROWN.
When we consistently carry 65 to 69% light the uni- 5
versal sources of information can be accessed without
having to use or going through a guide, angel, ascended ELF WAVES
master, alien or your higher self as a go between. Getting
knowledge through to us in this matrix of dark and
twisted thinking is not easy. Our low vibration, our Electrical charges or neurons firing in our brain cre-
hearts and minds are slammed shut with the pain, suf- ate brainwave patterns or rhythms. These patterns can
fering and fear we have experienced and delivered. be observed with electroencephalograph (EEG) instru-
SPIRITUAL knowledge and wisdom is interactive and ments. Brainwave patterns are associated with various
aligned with universal law. states of mind or the reality we choose or are forced on
Epsilon, Hyper-gamma and Lambda brainwaves us. Our patterns of thinking can be seen and changed
have a circular link and work together. The three brain- by our own thoughts or changed by external stimuli.
waves are said to be present while meditating, creative Lights flashing in the eyes and or tones pulsing in the
problem solving and having awareness of the self. Our ears at different frequencies can influence or change
expanded, psychic senses are embedded or piggybacked brainwave activity. The brain responds to or resonates
on our five senses. or mirrors or entrains with the stimuli. When the brain
The slow Epsilon brainwaves have fast Lambda is stimulated with pulsed electrical activity via nerves
brainwaves embedded in them. Lambda brainwaves at in the eyes, ears or skin, the overall activity of the brain
100hz - 200hz are associated with integrated wholeness will respond to and align with these pulses. Sometimes
and out of body experiences. Your consciousness can to seriously alter the reality we experience.
be reduced down to the size of a photon and can travel EXTRA LOW FREQUENCY or ELF waves are elec-
where you thought takes you. tromagnetic radiation with frequencies from 3 to 300
EPSILON BRAINWAVES are extremely low at 0.5 Hz and include alternating current (AC) fields and other
cycles per second and considered to be the state yogis go electromagnetic, non-ionizing radiation from 1 Hz to 300
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Hz. Some studies indicate increased cancer risk; cardio- There is evidence that since the 1950’s the U.S. and other
vascular, brain, behavior, hormonal and immune system governments have developed and used electromagnetic
changes are all associated with magnetic field exposures. weapons for military and intelligence purposes. Among
In Europe, and elsewhere ELF use is being applied to the other applications, EMF weapons and devices are used for
development of very effective healing systems. harassment, surveillance and mind control. Agencies like
The Department of Defense uses the same basic infor- the Pentagon, CIA and NSA use them to monitor people,
mation the health field does to develop weapons to attack manipulate their minds, harm, and at times kill them. These
human health. In documents written and compiled by the electronic harassment technologies, which cannot be seen
United States Air Force they use these weapons for mind with normal vision, travel for thousands of miles. These
control, inducing heart attacks, causing electronic failures technologies are used by international organizations and
and creating computer malfunctions. These weapons are include lasers, radio frequency energy beams, holography,
talked of in International Red Cross documents and other electromagnetic radiation, radio waves, sound waves, sat-
press reports. A CBS - 60 Minutes broadcast on February ellites, radar, miniature electronic robots and smart dust.
11, 1996 said ELF wave systems effects included disorien- The latest weapons in the arsenal of the US military
tation and “flu-like symptoms”. is Planet Earth itself with their control of weather, it
The Navy Times called them the most feared and con- promising to be one of the worst destructive weapons
troversial weapons of the modern age. The United States by the year 2025. Dr. Bertell talks about how engineered
Army has developed “Revolution in Military Affairs” earthquakes and tornadoes could wreak havoc on popu-
(RMA) to change public opinion about these weapons. lations and nations, creating storms and torrential rains
They have given the information and weapons to the over an area they choose. According to her book, electro-
United States Justice Department to use in domestic magnetic weapons have the ability to transmit explosive
police actions. Electromagnetic Frequency Weapons or and other effects such as earthquake induction across
EMF can modulate and beam electromagnetic waves to intercontinental distances to any selected target site on
control biological and or mental functions in the victim. the globe with force levels equivalent to major nuclear
Portals to the central nervous system can be manipu- explosions. For the past 40 years, the US military has
lated to create visual images, project voices into the conducted experiments on the earth’s atmosphere using
mind, create pain, alter mood, cause stress, confuse and waves and chemicals.
depress people. They are being used in Britain’s inner HAARP or HIGH FREQUENCY ACTIVE AURORAL
cities. Microwave weapons similar to microwave ovens RESEARCH PROJECT is an ionosphere program jointly
have been used since the 1980s, on inner city council funded by US Air force, US Navy, University of Alaska, and
estates. DARPA, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. The
These weapons transmit extremely low frequency ionosphere is the delicate upper layer of our atmosphere,
(ELF) signals that MIMIC and ENTRAIN natural brain which ranges from about 30 miles (50 km) to 600 miles
waves. Those close to the microwave transmitters can- (1,000 km) above the Earth’s surface. With HAARP the
not think clearly, they become depressed and apathetic. earth’s magnetic field could be decreased or disrupted at
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appropriate altitudes to modify or eliminate the magnetic and funding in 1950 - 1960’s. Alternate personalities were
field. Weather modification is possible by, altering upper trained to become hyper aware of conversations even when
atmosphere wind patterns or altering solar absorption whispered and are able to repeat them word for word
patterns by constructing one or more plumes of atmo- including the vocal inflections used by the individual speak-
spheric particles, which will act as a lens or focusing device. ing. INTERNAL human recorders are taught to download
HAARP can cause interference with or total disruption these conversations. Photographic recall is strongly empha-
of communications over a very large portion of the earth. sized and the information is downloaded.
Electromagnetic weapons are invisible and hundreds
of times more powerful than the electrical current in a 5
lightning bolt. Enemy missiles can be blasted out of the
sky or blind soldiers on the battlefield. Electromagnetic
weapons can control an unruly crowd by burning the
surface of their skin or destroy all electronics in sec-
onds. They all use directed energy to create a powerful
electromagnetic pulse. They can cause floods to destroy
a city or create tornadoes to decimate an approaching
army in the desert. If an electromagnetic pulse went off
over a city, all the electronic things in the home and city
would go out, and be permanently destroyed.
Remember a large percentage of military around the
world have been programmed on our military bases as
children and on into adulthood.
GOVERNMENT Programming installed in illumi-
nati slaves is used to infiltrate local political parties and
those running for leadership positions locally and nation-
ally or working for top leaders as ADMINISTRATORS,
financial advisors funding governmental races and back-
ing the person sympathetic to the Illuminati agenda or
putting their person in to win. Eventually causing the
downfall of all major governments in the world and
then installing the New World Order and New World
Religion. They already control our financial markets,
the media, most religions and governments.
CIA Programming uses brain wave and color-coding.
These programs were developed through military research

Pesticides cause POLIO and VACCINES caused PARALYSIS

and they still do, complements of large corporations and the
Illuminists that run them. According to a report compiled
by the Secretary of the Interior and presented before the
85th Congress in 1958, polio became a problem after the
1940s, when chemical companies began to produce large
amounts of DDT, heptachlor, dieldrin, tetraethyl pyrophos-
phate (TEPP), ­malathion, benzene hexachloride (BHC) and
other pesticide chemicals for use on agricultural crops. Prior
to that time, polio was not nearly as virulent or problematic
as many people believe it was. As DDT and other pesticides
were eventually phased out, cases of polio also began to
decline. Improvements in sanitation, which are hardly ever
mentioned by mainstream health authorities, also played
a major role in eradicating polio.
The first epidemic of polio in a tropical country
was with the introduction of pesticide DDT in the
Philippines near the end of WWII when American mili-
tary sprayed DDT to combat flies. People living in the
unsprayed areas of the Philippines remained polio-free.
In 1944 we knew DDT damaged the spinal cord as in
cases of infantile paralysis. The US military sold its DDT
supplies after the war to the public who sprayed it near
and far. A more toxic concoction called DDE was also
widely used. Large amounts of DDT were found in cow’s

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milk after the cows were washed in the stuff and what com/2012/06/03/7-trivia-facts-about-polio/#sthash.
followed were outbreaks of child paralysis in which the Di3hUS1N.dpuf
common source was contaminated milk. The pharmaceutical companies Lederle Laboratories,
The worst polio epidemic occurred in 1952. Many Merck, Sharp & Dohme, Parke, Davis & Co., Pfizer
people during the 1950s became ill as a result of Inc.,and Smith Kline & French gave grants to help
­pesticide-contaminated milk, much of which ended up write a pharmaceutical-friendly-version of the history
having to be quietly pulled from store shelves in subse- of polio. During the polio epidemic, the Poliomyelitis
quent years. This contaminated milk was also known Surveillance Unit (PSU) investigated a possible associa-
to be a primary CARRIER of the poliovirus, directly tion between the paralysis and the vaccine manufactured
responsible for spreading the disease until the contami- by Wyeth Laboratories. This incident became known as
nating pesticides were eventually phased out. the “Wyeth Problem.” The investigation was led by Neal
Milk-induced disease outbreaks were responsible for Nathanson and was summarized in two reports. Marked
the later creation of milk pasteurization mandates. But across the top of the reports are the words, “For Official
it was the pesticides TOLERANCE of the polio VIRUS, Use Only – Not for Publication.” WHY? One plausible
not the fact that milk was raw, that was responsible for explanation is if Americans knew the vaccine was caus-
spreading disease. ing paralysis, they would demand the vaccines be taken
Right around the time that dangerous pesticides were off the shelf – just like any other tainted drug. Such a
being retired and sanitation was being improved, author- public outcry would have spoiled the popularity of the
ities released a polio vaccine that they claimed would polio vaccine and money the Illuminists were making.
eradicate the disease. The precise timing of this strate- During the International Poliomyelitis Conference
gic release would later be used to claim that the vaccine, held in 1954, Dr. David Bodian from the Poliomyelitis
and not agricultural and sanitation improvements, was Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University discussed how
responsible for ending polio. Revisionist ­history con- his research was able to produce paralysis in cynomolgus
tinues to fuel the myth that vaccines are responsible for monkeys by vaccination. See more at: http://vactruth.
eradicating disease. POLIO VACCINE caused many of com/2012/06/03/7-trivia-facts-about-polio/#sthash.
the paralysis symptoms associated with polio. Di3hUS1N.dpuf
In India there has been a 1,200 percent increase vaccine-
associated polio paralysis (VAPP) since the introduction 5
of massive polio vaccine campaigns throughout the coun-
During World War II and into the 1950s, mas-
sive amounts of pesticides, such as DDT, heptachlor, The illegal drug trade around the world FINANCIALLY
­dieldrin, TEPP, malathion, were sprayed on crops eaten supports cover projects of the Illuminists and the CIA.
by humans and livestock. - See more at: http://vactruth. Tighter laws by the ‘War on Drugs,” the higher the
142 | Bonnie Baumgar tner Awareness Heals Me | 14 3

street value of drugs get. The American authorities have Burns to work in the Chief of Staffs office as a “senior
allowed US Oil companies to ship chemicals to South organizational effectiveness consultant” allowing Burns
America and other agencies arranged to transport drugs to introduce Esalen programs all through the army to
from South America by sea to oil rigs drilling off the US create a holistic soldier.
coast. From there they can be brought ashore under the The army is becoming an occult fighting force that
cover of oil operations. It came very close to becoming practices witchcraft with its warfare. Some of the units
widely known in the wake of the Iran-Contra Affair and are Psy-Op operations with officers that are Satanists.
gulf oil. Those who have investigated the CIA-drug con- The Illuminati is transforming the American army into
nection say it began in the late 1950s and is still going something akin to occultist warriors, fierce as the Nazi
strong. Death head units. The Skull and Bones Society sup-
Illuminists increase their finances with their high ported Adolph Hitler. This information about Frank
quality videos and DVD’s devoted to kiddy-porn and Burns is taken from the Bloodlines of Illuminati by: Fritz
pedophile entertainment. They also produce DVD’s of Springmeier, 1995.
coprophilia for those that enjoy the smell, taste, or feel HITLER’S S.S. Private Army of the Third Reich
of feces in a sexual way and movies for those that get The black shirted SS (Defense Detachment) of Heinrich
sexually aroused by executions, torture, rape and death. Himmler, which fulfilled certain “defense” and intelli-
Debauchery is taught as a science for the programmers’ gence or security functions for Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party.
to maintain. Many Toilet Sex starlets are committed An elite group of warrior MONKS that changed focus
Satanists and Alpha Lodge members or affiliates. These from being a reliable military group called the Waffen
films and drugs make a lot of money for the illuminati. SS. There were 3 levels of initiation, and the last one was
Our taxes and all manner of illegal activity support reserved for the hard-core Satanists at the top. One group
Illuminist activity, dark things continue to go on because of the S.S. called Knights of Poseidon volunteered them-
we say profound things like, “Oh that can’t be true, the selves for castration in an experiment to be the super-
news media hasn’t reported it” or “But he is such a nice men of the mythical and magical Hyperborean. Some
man, he wouldn’t do that.” Denial means dark ones con- of the best Sufi groups were warrior monks. Burns and
tinue doing business as usual. Expand your perceptions his Task Force Delta generated the First Earth Battalion,
to allow for the POSSIBILITY that criminal activity is which is an occult military unit trained in martial arts,
what has made this world go round. and witchcraft. They are here to protect an occult world
FRANK BURNS was a member of Students for a government. $4.5 million came from your taxes to spend
Democratic Society or SDS and an Illuminati organiza- on Delta Force’s 80 different projects. Many Green
tion organizer. He was also deep into Zen Buddhism and Berets are NOW trauma based programmed and disso-
mysticism. As an officer he studied under the Esalen ciate alternate personalities becoming a warrior-monk
Institute at Big Sur, California that created sensitivity group.
training programs for the business world under the title The BLUE MOON Unit in the National Security Agency
Organizational Development (OD). The army promoted is about bases that we fund and have on the moon, Mars and
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use alien technology and information. Blue Moon on earth ALAMOS underground around the Santa Fe National
is underneath Kirkland Air Force base in New Mexico. Forest a MAJOR nest of Reptilian Grey forces.
The entrance to this base is in Manzano Mountain and the These bases are where many of the MILLIONS of chil-
private Department of Energy (DOE) technological base. dren who go missing every year worldwide are taken and
They are building free energy devices, for use in space, used as slave labor. We know if a car is taken, but have no
this is ongoing and to be used on the moon and Mars. idea how many children go missing. Workers at Dulce have
Under Blue Moon there is a group called Alpha One reported seeing genetic labs on level 6, mutilated humans
and they gather materials and make sure the population, and large mixtures of lizard-humans in cages. Other tun-
tax payer and funder, doesn’t know much. The Alpha nel connections from Dulce go to Area 51 in Nevada, Taos,
Two organization deals with the personnel and sees to it Carlsbad and Datil New Mexico, Colorado Springs and
that their belief system is in harmony with dark agendas Creede Colorado. These places connect into a global sys-
and “tuning up” their programs. tem of tunnels and cities that are all underground.
DEEP underground US Government Bases are exposed The HUMAN CLONES or any clone does not have
on MANY “You Tubes” watch them for yourself if “seeing an energy field or aura around its body. All that can be
is believing” for you. There is endless material to read on seen is a slight white color around the head produced
the subject on the Internet but not in the news. Remember by the microprocessor grown inside the head. When an
you are paying for the bases, but you NEVER hear about organism or structure is created, cloned or copied it is
what goes on or have input in deciding anything. SOULLESS because the soul did NOT create it or inhabit
The DULCE BASE is a US Government Base that it. Most humans have souls because the soul created the
has a secret underground facility under Dulce Mountain human. The Gray’s can separate souls from the biology
in Dulce, New Mexico, United States. Started in 1937- and there is some residue left but it is not the soul, the
38 by the Army engineers and expanded over the years. soul leaves the biology.
Completed in 1965-66 was tunnels to connect to the Page GIANT TRADING BLOCS are an illuminati creation
Arizona Base, another site of an older underground facil- to destroy a country’s ability to make its own economic
ity, the Four Corners base is called PERICA. Most of the decisions. The game plan is to create conflict across the
Native Americans are aware of the strange life forms there. world on all levels to undermine the individual coun-
The extreme lower levels at Dulce include vast natu- try, the leaders and eventually the world economy. They
ral caverns and some believe very ancient tunnel sys- undermine and destroy what little confidence and skill
tems illuminated by phosphorus, which the alien Grey’s the people have to control their own destiny. When a
avoid. Rand Corporation enlarges it continuously. The politician is wise enough and strong enough to oppose
original caverns included ice caves and sulfur springs their loss of national sovereignty they are suddenly dis-
the aliens found perfect for their needs. Various space- credited and have their power removed.
craft take off and are stored in five areas; Archuleta The GATT Agreement that opens more borders to
Mesa, SE of DULCE, one near Durango Colorado, one FREE world trade, the European Community and the
at Taos New Mexico, and the main fleet is stored at LOS North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), in
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Europe one currency and one European Central Bank systems are continuously being stressed and compro-
all under Illuminist control. mised so the weak get sick and die off.
Chemtrails provide Nano-fiber propagation univer-
5 sally. These fibers cannot be put into the food supply or
given in some other way; the uptake across the popu-
BIO WARFARE lation would take forever and not propagate very effi-
ciently. They are spraying everyone like we spray insects.
NANO-FIBER is breathed in. The aggregate of these
Actually the same weapons that were used during nano-fibers construct and install nano-implants to cre-
the MARS-MALDEK WARS are being used on us now. ate a “Biological Application Programming Interface”
Back then; they used the same biological ORGANIC or BioAPI. Collecting the data from each person and all
implants that create what we now are calling Morgellon’s the different computer systems enables all that informa-
Disease. The biological organic implants were created tion to be integrated. Allowing monitoring and control
and sprayed on “enemy” populations. We must be the of all body and mind functions.
enemy; chemtrails have been sprayed upon us since the BIOMETRICS is the measurement of the physical
1940s. FULL DETAILS at and characteristics of a person. Biometrics is increasingly
at being used to identify people and everything about
Those implants were made of crystals that emanated them. Computer systems that perform biometric enroll-
a vibration to bend light and shape energy in a particu- ment, verification, or identification are increasing.
lar way. The implants now in use from San Luis Obispo, Biological warfare, weapons and implants are being
California are not crystal, they are of an organic nature. used on ALL of us ALL of the time currently. The dou-
Organisms used create fields that link them to a cen- ble speak is that they are improving our health, killing
tral portal connected to the orbit portal base and home off the weaker ones and challenging the rest. The goal
planets. The link can control them and create programs is to get rid of a third of the population. For example:
in humans BUT they are not fully able to monitor these CHEMTRAILS create MORGELLONS SYNDROME.
things or the experiences. The fine particles falling from Chemtrails, sprayed
SOME REASONS for chemtrails or chemical warfare everyday, all around the planet are making our air sup-
on earth ply, the land and water supply a toxic soup we grow our
Reduction of sun light decrease crop yields slightly food supply in and breathe in and drink in. Things found
and engineers food shortages. Engineers fear, higher in chemtrails include: Aluminum, barium, and titanium.
prices and forced eating of genetically engineered food. The BIOLOGICAL additions are bacteria, virus, fungus
Heating up the atmosphere with barium and aluminum and mold that change or “morph” into tiny “seedlings”
among other things found in chemtrails creates a more that can hide and re-merge at a later time. There are
conductive upper atmosphere for the electricity used by POLYMER / FIBER - OPTIC materials or Nano-fiber
HAARP to work better. Everyone’s health and immune propagation that incorporate them self into the hair,
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skin, eyes (see pupils with a black light) as well as other in the US and thousands more in countries around the
organs in the body. Frequencies are also entering the world. Psychiatrists labeled Morgellons as delusional
body through atmospheric manipulation or HAARP. and sufferers as schizophrenic. Logic dictates that no
There is speculation about what the Fibers / Parasites delusion can be common to so many people around the
/ Altered Life Forms coming from Morgellon sores world.
really are. They have low-level intelligence, are highly GENETICALLY MODIFIED or ENGINEERED FOOD,
magnetic and are attracted to grapes, in grape juice or GMO There are two main types of genetically engineered
organic red wine. They have a “herd” mentality with food.
different types of “ends” that are hooked or bulb shaped, 1. Pesticide-producing crops: the plants are engi-
some are straight and carry pathogens internally and neered to produce their own pesticides when a bug bites
have a thick, tough outer shell that appears to be a fiber- it, the bugs STOMACH EXPLODES and it dies. What
optic/polymer material that is highly florescent. Some will it do to your stomach when you eat it?
will quietly exit the body and “become” hair-like, while 2. Herbicide-tolerant crops: the plants are engi-
others create sores and cause sharp, intense pain. http:// neered to withstand heavy herbicide spraying without sustaining damage. The process of genetic engineer-
MORGELLONS DISEASE is a bioengineered, ugly ing is highly imprecise and riddled with unintended or
chemical soup NOT found in nature. Not terminal, but double speak again, intended consequences. Viruses are
makes people so sick that they are losing their ability to typically used to genetically engineer the genes into a
THINK, their jobs and quality of life, support of family, NEW SPECIES. Inserting the gene and cloning it can
friends, and the medical community. The CDC (center trigger massive collateral damage; sometimes hundreds
for disease control and prevention) has not yet found to thousands of genetic mutations come down the line.
proof that Morgellons is a disease because it is only one The gene sequence DOES NOT exist anywhere in nature.
of 200+ illnesses being investigated that fall under the Our immune system is a finely tuned system when it’s
category of “unknown pathogenic source.” The scien- working properly, it can distinguish between poten-
tists have found ANIMAL, plant cellular material mixed tial threats circulating in your body to get rid of them.
with GMO (genetically modified organisms) and red When your immune system sees a NEW gene sequence,
tide HAB (harmful algal blooms), CHEMTRAIL drop- it attacks as if it’s a foreign invader. That initiates an
pings and brightly colored plastic structures, NONE of INFLAMMSTORY response, and chronic inflamma-
which should be present in humans. The symptoms are tion is the underlying reason for most chronic diseases,
so varied most people affected don’t know that they are which GMO creates, inflammation.
carriers and incubation time varies. Gut inflammation is a precursor to all sorts of chronic
This disease mutates so quickly that it CHANGES problems, from heart disease to thyroid dysfunction to
symptoms in the same host body. The epicenter of con- arthritis to autoimmune disease. In spite of American’s
tagion began in San Francisco in 2006 California, Texas declining health, politicians, environmentalists, and
and Florida is worst hit with over 14,000 registered cases agricultural officials or all the Illuminists seem not to
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care. Double speak they are happy about the way things and objects including cardiovascular filters, defibrillators,
are going for them. They are admiring their handiwork. pacemaker electrodes, heart valves, tracheal prostheses,
They have access to pure water, food and very advanced breathing monitors, portable oxygen generators, venti-
health care we know nothing about by design. lators, infusion oxygen generators, ventilators, infusion
Monsanto an Illuminist corporation manipulates pumps and various silicone gel-filled devices as testicular
Washington to pass laws and regulations wholly in their and breast implants, spinal implants. Tracking implants
favor. Claims about genetically engineered food being have a life of 250 years. FIBER OPTIC implants can be
safe are lies. A study in February 2012 demonstrated that placed by needle into ANY SITE on the body.
Bt toxin breaks open the little pores in human cells, so SYNTEL or SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY is implanted
it could potentially cause the same problem in your gut by our military and intelligence agencies. They implant
as it does for the insects it kills. The toxins flow through voices and thoughts remotely into a victim of electronic
the bloodstream and passes from pregnant women to mind-control. The military in the Vietnam War used audi-
their babies. tory implant devices to aid communicating with their men.
Genetically engineered foods appear to be causing Many of these implant victims had programmed multiple
problems that transfer up the food chain. Micronutrients personalities already from their childhood trauma based
such as iron, manganese and zinc can be reduced by as programming. The controllers were very heavy handed
much as 80 to 90 percent in GE plants. Animals and with the people they implanted and used the full force of
livestock given GE feed are becoming nutrient deficient, the Illuminati Intelligence agencies power to keep these
weak and sick. When we consume the nutrient-depleted people under their control at all times.
plants and animals, we become weak and sick. The innocent victims have had their lives totally
Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s destroyed and some tried to fight back from underneath
herbicide Roundup, introduced in 1972, is being found the incessant audio messages. The illuminati saw to it that
in high concentrations in the Gastro Intestinal tracts NO ONE would help these individuals. Not the police, doc-
of livestock, in our air, rain, and groundwater samples. tors, congressmen, psychologists and many others WERE
Crops are being genetically engineered as “Roundup NOT ALLOWED to help victims. Some committed suicide
Ready” so they can withstand massive spraying with as a last resort or as their programming dictated.
the toxic chemical chelators. Glyphosate is a chelator MEDICAL IMPLANTS During the 1970-80s, medical
that kills weeds by making important mineral nutrients researchers kept putting more and more audio implants
unavailable to the plants. That weakens the plants abil- into deaf and hard of hearing individuals. Hundreds in the
ity to defend itself and makes it susceptible to diseases United States and other countries received the cochlear
found in the soil. Glyphosate build up in the human implants. The Illuminists also put biological implants into
body can contribute to vital mineral imbalances. their children that deteriorated their health or killed them
GICAL have been placed into people since 1960s. Into The Grey Aliens with our governments permission do
animals, military personnel, civilians, Illuminati children genetic experiments, mind programming and monitor
152 | Bonnie Baumgar tner

humans through implants. Grey’s have been implant-

ing generations of family members of humans on earth
for the last 100 years, monitoring their brain waves.
They taught cloning of humans to the National Security
Agency. Grey’s created human-Gray hybrids. Now some eleven
members of the NSA are considered part of The Grey
Group Mind Complex and Communication System. Wounds
Consciousness expands with your compassion for you.
Compassion balances and heals your wounds. YOU are
responsible for healing your wounds by increasing your
knowledge about your personal history and embracing
the darkness you dwelled in. Your awareness contracts
and gets smaller and smaller, when YOU experience
fear, anger, upset, blame, drama or any strong emotion.
Strong emotions are characteristic of duality. Deciding a
person, thing or event is GOOD or BAD is also a duality
trait or characteristic.
The laws of physics govern things like magnetism;
gravity, light or dark and they DO NOT have intentions.
Creating does not have a judgment or evaluation or
intention. When a human decides to jump from a tall
building, was it “dark evil gravity” that killed her or
made her do that? Neither, It is just the physics of that
energy that were not respected. Energy does not have
intentions; HUMANS living in duality have good and
bad intentions based on their point of perception, living
in past wounds and or demanding justice.
DARK ENERGY is a balance, ratio or percentage. Light
or dark is not an entity. The human functioning in dual-
ity assigns an evaluation of good or bad to dark or light
energy that it does not have. The thoughts of a human in
duality, JUDGE a thing, person or event as good or bad.
When the HUMAN is dark and mean spirited so are their
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thoughts and creations. Old energy and dark energy lack The darkness on earth NOW, is not new darkness.
compassion, light and wisdom. This is old darkness that has been accumulating, fester-
Elementals do not function in duality they follow ing and hiding in people, families and our leaders for
universal law so they NEVER judge or blame they only centuries. There has not been enough light on earth to
create your thought. The type of creation and how you expose the darkness or we were in denial or we were a
use your creation carries a ratio of dark to light. For part of it. Many have been part of control over others for
example, you create a bird, is it dark or light? When it many incarnations. That includes the parent that con-
eats more grain than insects, it is considered bad or dark. trols and forces the child. The dark puts a pretty picture
The light bird eats more insects than grain. on their abuse calling it disciple and training, for the
The ego or little human always has agendas and child’s own good.
demands certain outcomes because they fail to under- There is an intense struggle going on between the
stand that our creations come THROUGH us, not from dark and light INTENTIONS of humans now. The ener-
us. Creations and your thoughts are actually the result of gies are going back and forth within the same individ-
all your higher vibrating soul aspects working together ual, within families and the countries they live in. The
as one unit. Our biology is an anchor point or conduit for increased light on earth is bring into our awareness all
the entire soul group to assist and share in manifesting our darker beliefs or ignorance or lies we have bought
experiences in physicality. BUT the ego or little human into. Secrets and lies are getting exposed, denial and
thinks they did it all alone. pretty stories aren’t working any longer and we are
Trees, plants, animals and Gaia are more evolved spiri- being left with the truth of what we are really doing.
tually than people. Humanity is the ONLY group that went The very same Atlantian soul aspects that took down
into polarity, separation and victim predator and confused Atlantis have created this CURRENT cycle of darkness
innocent instead of staying and working with the power to heal or rewrite there past dark actions. Lemurians
within the self. Humans many dark choices created our and the Atlantians fought; the Lemurians lost. The
difficult childhoods; grinding poverty, low self-esteem, Atlanteans destroyed themselves and almost the planet
violence and doing unspeakable things to each other. We in the process of trying to control others. During this cur-
lost the connection with our compassionate soul aspects, rent cycle of incarnation the Atlantians need to create
wisdom and alignment with universal law. compassion for the self, heal and increase their aware-
Gaia sent out a call for help, Her humans were kill- ness or repeat the old cycle holding onto their darkness,
ing her and she needed beings of greater light to help desire to control. All of us in biology have been members
rebalance earth. Many answered that call. They went of that same darkness.
to Venus first to step down their energy and awareness There is no magnetic quality to hold or anchor dark-
from being twelfth to sixth dimensional beings to down- ness to this planet other than the dark human. Healing
grade themselves to fit into a third dimension biology the darkness within you and all of your incarnations
and even split to become male or female. In the process heals the planet and weakens the hold of dark. Ancient
forgetting much of their wisdom. societies are awakening in a variety of different ways.
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They are going back to the land, which holds greater When you get thwarted or frustrated be wise enough
light than the people do. Transparency and honesty in all to know you are not a victim or predator or confused
dealings with others will increase your light. Standing innocent. NOW, you can calmly assess how you created
in your truth helps flush out darkness. Compassion for what you have and how to restructure your thoughts
you accelerates the transmutation process of your mind, and actions to create what you want. The reality you
emotion and physical body. Raising your awareness perceive is the reality you experience. A problem is a
reveals the thoughts, emotion, behavior and physical lesson it does not create a victim or a predator. These
issues you have needing attention and healing in present changes CLEARLY can only take place from within
time for you to move into higher vibrations. us. Acceptance, safety and security from our very long
Demonstrations, activism, writing petitions, using adventure in polarity and separation are only found
social media, sending emails and being the town crier, within us and with our other soul aspects functioning in
weeping, wailing and SUFFERING for the self or oth- a higher vibration than the little human or ego functions
ers is focus and energy on what you DO NOT want. in.
That triggers the law of attraction to bring you more of
what you do not want. The law of entrainment holds it 5
all together and unifies the LOW vibration. Trying to
get OTHERS to change in ANY direction is force and NEGATIVITY
against the law of allowing. The energized negativity
creates agendas, and energy feeding cords. Is that the
direction you choose to maintain or take? Fear or negative emotion puts you into the third or
The wisest way to go is to put your focus, energy and fourth dimension and HOLDS you there or returns you
actions on YOU. Increasing and evaluating your percep- there every time you experience negativity. Move into
tions then using your discernment you can ascertain the calm and peace of the fifth dimension naturally,
when you are having your energy drained or vampirism or even drug induced, BUT the moment you experi-
is happening to you. Those projecting negativity, con- ence fear or negativity that slams you back into third or
stant complaints, impatience or blaming sucks the life fourth dimension and holds you there, NOT to punish
out of everyone. Walk away cut energy-feeding cords you. It is just a law of physics; fearful, negative think-
and break any dark contracts. It has become easier for ing and feeling can only BE or EXIST in third and low
awakening souls to deal with their personal issues, fourth dimension and duality.
which are beginning to surface as light increase and You cannot enter or maintain your awareness in the
intensifies. Know we each need to travel our path alone. fifth dimension AND be negative or fearful or using sur-
Other people and family members can be empowered, vival truths to back you up. To move to higher vibrations
facilitated but DO NOT OWN, another’s issues. No one you need to have control of your thinking and feeling.
else can walk their path or do it for them. Every thought or emotion has a vibration and the laws of
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physics hold you in that vibration until you change your for you. Those lacking self-compassion are continu-
thoughts. In the past, in order to survive we needed to ously coming up with new and old ways to feed off of
always be alert to danger, SPIRITUALLY and physically, each other’s energy. Anyway you try to control, force
it is our instincts or habit or belief in survival truths that or manipulate others you create endless alternate and
kept our biology alive on this dark planet. The vibration parallel realities to help you SEE the outcome or what
of the planet is rising. Old thinking and beliefs will hold result comes from your action. In alternate and paral-
you in the low vibrations of: Third or fourth dimension lel realities you work out the many dark ways a given
and opposites or duality, Alpha or beta brainwaves and event or action will progress and end. This is to help
the perception that reality is outside of you. The pitu- you decide to keep doing what you are doing or increase
itary releasing adrenalin to help you run or fight your awareness to come up with a different point of
Using low vibrating thoughts of judging or rejecting perception.
YOU, just hold you tighter in the low vibrations of sur- Along with alternate realities we create parallel reali-
vival truths. If you can calm yourself down enough to ties when we have a choice to make that would be life
be the objective observer, without emotional upset. You changing. So you can experience a variety of outcomes to
can look at you from a higher vibration and see what is gather wisdom from. Multidimensional realities represent
going on. Something in your life needs adjustment or different or varying vibrations of the same experience.
rebalancing or a different point of perception. All the various realities are nested and intermingled all
What could it be? YOU need to be the detective and around us so that we can have easy access to the informa-
discern what your current issue is. You can check in tion and each other in the current lesson. Our past, future
with the other versions of YOU existing in your alter- and concurrent lives exist as a series of electromagnetic
nate realities to see how they are handling experiencing receptors, all strung together and held in the crystalline
the same issues you are. They are experiencing the same portion of the physical brain and in our MENTAL BODY
situations through the viewpoint of a different charac- around us. All those situations, roles or characters are
ter in the same situation. Similar to role-playing or psy- designed in HOPE that just ONE of you can come up with
chodrama of a work place argument and you took turns a compassionate response for the self. The compassionate
playing each member of the situation present in the response helps you to start evolving out of the cycle of
argument. Possibly one other version of YOU has come alpha or beta brainwaves, fear, negativity and adrenaline
up with a higher vibrating resolution he or she would rushes.
love to share with you. The grids or electromagnetic codes or DNA around
Remember the Law of Allowing, do what is best for us are in a constant state of flux. We are continuously
YOU and release trying to control, force or manipulate scripting what happens next in our reality as long as
others. Are you doing that? What action, upset or drama we have ISSUES. If there is fear there are issues to be
are you creating or feeding into? resolved or rebalanced or aligned with universal law.
Power or control of others, promises to maintain the The past is no more fixed than our future is. There is no
endless cycle of victim predator and confused innocent linear time, all is happening in present time. The biology
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is only anchored physically in the fourth dimension and in Theta brainwaves, 5th to 6th dimension and your
WHERE your awareness or consciousness is located, is “inside world.” The pineal gland is activated when you
up to you. If there is fear, guilt, worry or mean spirited- have and use compassion with your self.
ness the law of physics is holding you in third or fourth In higher vibrations our many parallel and alternate
dimension and your reality is outside of you. realities start coming together or meld, as we keep our
When you objectively observe you, WHAT are you awareness focused on being the objective observer. We
doing? After consulting with other versions of YOU, it is have gathered the wisdom we needed and no longer
time to converse with your soul aspect that has a great need to experiment in parallel and alternate realities.
deal more information than the little human or ego has As we learn or see the big picture, the realities converge
or other multiples of you posses. Our soul aspects DROP and unite into a whole. On the individual level, the little
clues and line up synchronicities instead of telling us human or ego is in process of merging with their other
straight out. When you decide that A THING can’t hap- selves and soul aspects to become one whole again. We
pen or a thing is not possible YOU LIMIT what you can needed to separate out to experience and create a very
experience or are willing to accept into your awareness. personal understanding of how the dark thinks and feels.
Are you noticing clues or synchronicities you are
experiencing BUT disregarding them? This is HELP 5
from your soul aspects. Ask your soul to double check.
Ask, did you set that up for me? You will get a yes or no OUR ESSENCE
answer. When you get yes AND no, that requires you to
create two more questions. What part is no? What part
is yes? What is set up will not be for other people; it will Quantum mechanics is about the relationship
be for you to awaken to your compassion. between the observer and the observed the human and
How does the invisible realm, our soul aspects and the subatomic particles. When scientists quantitatively
the elementals know what goes on with us? With every measure any aspect of the subatomic particle, like the
thought, feeling, word we speak or heartbeat we have, momentum, position or energy, the act of the scientist
there is a TINY LITTLE electromagnetic emission ema- observing and most likely anticipating an outcome,
nated out that modern technology can even detect. All changes the state of the particle. It is at the subatomic
your electromagnetic emissions are read and the Law of level that creating, manifesting and transmuting origi-
Attraction and Entrainment are triggered and all know nate. Subatomic particles structure themselves based on
EXACTLY how it is with you. Self-judgment, and very the observer or the thinker’s thoughts because they are
limited thinking and lack of compassion for the self is aware, conscious or sentient. They move the way your
generally the reason we are not very aware of what is thought does.
always going on within and around us. High frequency photons charged with particles of
When you can drop or evolve out of emotion and ultraviolet, gamma rays and other subatomic particles
drama and you can move to being the: Objective observer are waking up the 97% of our “junk” DNA. Giving us
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more light, compassion and improved self worth. Our Especially, the laws of attraction and entrainment
thinking, emotions, biology and awareness are being govern personal relationships.
restructured one subatomic particle at a time by our The Universal Law of ATTRACTION or “like attracts
own thoughts and increased light. We are starting to like,” reflects with CLARITY your beliefs. What emanates
value the self enough to be compassionate and become from you AND is attracted back to you. You can easily see
hopeful enough to stand in our truths without fear of that demonstrated when a new student enters a classroom
something negative happening to us or our biology or and they sit with the troublemakers or choose to sit with
those we care about. the serious students. Or a new employee gravitates to the
Our perceptions change when we have a more posi- groups in the organizations that grumbles and complains
tive spin on life. We see different possibilities and viable or they gravitate to the hard workers. Or when you enter
options we never saw before. Gradually we are becom- a party in full swing, who do you, join? What vibration
ing less responsive and reactive to dark truths, they are does the group you join or entrain with, have?
no longer tolerable or acceptable because we no longer Negativity and unconsciousness create certain
are content to allow others to control, manipulate, USE expectations, experiences and beliefs. Raising your
and tell us what is best for us. As we ignore and walk expectations to align with universal law, directs your
away refusing to engage in dark behavior patterns we perceptions and manifestations to a higher vibration or
become more responsive to compassion with our new greater compassion. When you are in a space of compas-
lighter point of perception. We are demanding honesty sion your expectations change and because of that your
and clarity from those we choose to lead and run our reality has a brighter outlook and has been changed. It
families, organizations and governments. is even easier to forgive yourself for the darkness you
As we continuously hold the line of compassion and have created. If you cannot master self-compassion your
honesty for the self we will eventually perceive the dark essence will not be able to navigate out of or leave dark-
physical world or reality only in flashes as we depart ness to move into the higher fourth dimension realities.
that vibration and those truths. Increasingly more Your awareness leads your biology and thoughts out of
compassion and honesty in our dream world and real- low vibrations and density. Continuously we script and
ity becomes our predominant point of perception and rewrite what is happening next in our reality or life as
vibration. long as we have unresolved ISSUES.
The Universal Law of ENTRAINMENT or RESO- When you live resolving one crisis after another you
NANCE or FREQUENCY or VIBRATION is another way are “crisis managing” or REACTING or your awareness
to see how mass consciousness can evolve into a higher is in a low vibration not controlling much of anything.
vibration. This law says that when two or more vibrations Reaction is your point of perception and that is your
or LEVELS of AWARENESS or consciousness exist in the belief that you are powerless to manage your own think-
same space, they will adjust to each other and combine ing. Maybe you thought your “crisis management” proved
to create ONE resonance. This law applies to everything your were needed and loved. It means you DECIDED
even your family members and ancestors. to not allow others their path. Keeping your adrenaline
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flowing means you are ready to run or force your reality The Emotional Plane is lighter and brighter colors.
on others and you perceive reality as being outside of you. Objects are much clearer and sharper. You can see the
There are more than two choices available to make, you etheric bodies, aura, and prana breathing of all the life
can react, respond, interact, or ignore. When you see a forms. You can see and perceive the lower astral and
crisis you can offer support or share information without physical worlds from the Emotional Plane. The emo-
taking control or creating a larger drama. An interaction tions are happy cheerful ones.
might mean taking steps to prevent a crisis. When “dark Summerland is a sub-plane of the Emotional Plane
ones” are busy creating crisis’s they are doing that to dis- for those not aware of or accepting their physical death.
tract or amuse them self, being rescued is NOT what they They can finish whatever they need too or gain more
want. It is always wise to walk away from victim predator awareness. They can create a “dream life” to gain a
confused innocent games. sense of fulfillment and completion of what they need
The following levels found in the fourth dimension completed. When or if they go negative their vibration
is one way to view the progression of moving to greater would put them into the Lower Astral Plane.
compassion and light and to THINK about and decide The Mental Plane is less dense and emotions are
whether you want to react, respond, interact, or ignore muted because they are becoming more balanced. When
what is in your current reality. you have only SUPPRESSED or denied your negative
FOURTH DIMENSION ASTRAL PLANES emotion instead of melding the extremes you would be
The fourth dimension is “out of phase” with our physi- found on the lowest sub-plane of the fourth dimension.
cal visual perceptions and can only be perceived while you The Mental Plane emotions are perceived on a con-
are in a state of compassion. The lowest sub-plane of the tinuum encompassing all extremes. Without polarity
fourth dimension lies partly on the surface of the earth and of emotions there is no longer an emotional charge to
partly beneath the surface of the earth. It is filled with emo- disrupt your “feeling body” or “pain body” THAT low-
tions of fear, anger, sorrow, guilt, and pain. These negative ers your consciousness. Therefore, you can think about
emotions carry little light and visually look similar to look- your emotions without the judgment, blame and criti-
ing through an infrared camera where you see only black, cism that is so common to humans.
gray, and dirty red. The Lower Astral Plane is real and On The Mental Plane the combination of thoughts
often referred to as Hell. Next, is the Land of Faerie. and emotions quickly manifest objects and experiences
To move THROUGH this reality you must calm all BUT perceptions that were bright and distinct on the
your fears. The Land of Faerie appears very bright in Emotional Plane are muted, like looking through a gauze
contrast to The Lower Astral Plane. Much of Faerie veil. Matter on the Mental Plane is fine because objects
looks like the physical plane, but there are also plants, are created to last only temporarily. Change your focus
beings, and humans there that do not exist on the third and they disappear. This is a place to release OLD core
dimension. Fairy tales, fantasy novels and movies can beliefs and prepare for new beliefs.
give a true representation of life in Faerie. Next is The The Causal Plane resonates an octave up from the
Emotional Plane. Mental Plane and is infinitely more beautiful filled with
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light, compassion and truth. Abstract thought and wis- the corridor is harmonic resonance and colors to activate
dom enter our awareness more often here. Every thought genetic or DNA restructuring and higher vibration skills
you release or emanate out is quickly returned to you. like the ability to travel and communicate with all entities
The Spiritual Plane and highest frequency of the using light language.
fourth dimension is the vibration or where your soul
aspect is. From here you can lift your vibration or con- 5
sciousness or essence into the fifth dimension and your
light body and the New Earth, BUT your biology stays
The Arcturian corridor is also available for those
working on their personal ascension. The ARCTURIAN
CORRIDOR is not a place: it is a corridor or portal or
vibration encompassing several vibrations from high
fourth to sixth dimension for all entities to gather, con-
nect, learn and remember the process of transmutation.
All entities include humans, animal, plants, extraterres-
trials and aliens. A corridor, portal or vibration is a way
station for your essence or the nonphysical conscious-
ness to become accustomed to being physical OR for the
physical to find its way back to being nonphysical.
Entering the corridor allows your soul to be trans-
ported to another incarnation or planet or move out to
other solar systems and dimensions. We enter the corri-
dor during sleep or in a meditative state to slowly evolve
and raise our vibration. Clearing unconscious and con-
scious beliefs of limitation and feelings of separation
happen also.
On September 9th, 2002 an inner portal in the Arcturian
Corridor was intensified and opened for all 3rd and 4th
dimension people, planets and realities to enter to start the
process of increasing their vibration, releasing and healing
pockets of density. This portal has been in place for eons
but is only opened during dimensional alignments. Inside
Earth Ship

Our biology is an earth ship the same as the majority of

Spacecraft or Starships are. They are not machines. They
are large, organic, sentient computers. The walls provide
soft, natural luminescent light. No doors because you
communicate telepathically with the wall to open and
it accommodates you. Walls and floors are organic and
self-cleaning. When we see spacecraft around the earth
they look like machines that fly to match our beliefs. Just
as the individuals inside the craft will appear in a form
that is not too frightening to human beliefs. Spacecrafts,
portals and planets can put shields around themselves
that cannot be penetrated by anything on earth or any
lower vibrating dark entities wanting to invade.
Your current container for your awareness, our biol-
ogy, is only one of many containers that we have in our
many alternate and parallel realities available to us.
Spacecrafts and humans are piloted with THOUGHT.
As the pilot and or passengers merge their thoughts
with the ship they move to new locations, vibrations or
realities. When human thoughts merge with its biology
we do things and go places. The essence will shrink or
expand itself as needed to match the vibration of the
reality they want to be in, at or experience.
Consider the ARCTURIAN STARSHIPS, they are
actually a collective being. All components of its form are
individual members of its group mind. The entire “ship”
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is a large organic sentient computer. The Arcturians cre- to think you are not in charge of you. Each thought is an
ate form or a pattern or design like the patterns we use to individual entity expressed in images having vibration,
sew with, to create the components of their spacecraft. color, shape and movement. Every thought we have cre-
The “pattern” is created by their collective mind as they ates energetic ripples in the galactic pond. All the dif-
all join in one thought. The elementals take that thought ferent thoughts and all the entities in the universe are
to summon the subatomic particles to create a structure. grouped together by category or vibration or the law of
Arcturians glide instead of physically walk and they take attraction. The law of entrainment holds them together.
sonic showers. After we become awake and aware and compassion-
There ships are some of the most advanced in the ate with the self, the NEXT expansion we undertake
galaxy. We have not been attacked on earth by extrater- is moving into our planetary consciousness, melding
restrial because most civilizations fear the advanced our awareness with Gaia. We expand deeper into our
Arcturian ships. They only allow their vibration to drop atomic, subatomic and quantum levels of awareness
to the higher fourth and fifth dimension to make con- into earth AND far beyond physical earth to our genetic
tact with those of a lower dimension. No starships are seed or DNA groups. As our awareness expands so do
needed above the sixth dimension. They travel “psychi- our perceptions, skills and creator abilities. When you
cally” with only their awareness or consciousness. believe your higher perceptions are “real” that activates
We enter an Arcturian ship by going within the self the neural activity of our entire DNA system. We will
first, through your awareness. The first stop is generally remember to be good stewards to our host Gaia.
the Restoration Chamber to heal YOUR physical, men- STEWARDSHIP is the honor and responsibility of
tal and emotional ills by healing the SOURCE or earli- the most advanced species or kingdom on a planet or
est incident of those wounds. Crewmembers also use world. The entities on a planet are responsible for the
the Restoration Chamber when they need rebalancing. planet. Long ago, dinosaurs were Earth’s stewards, as
The Ship is biological and communes with every visitor, they were the dominant species. They managed Earth’s
reading their thoughts and feelings. The spacecraft feels resources quite well, until their size created an imbal-
more like a planet than a machine or spaceship. ance that could not be righted.
Then you allow your astral bodies (spaceship) to We are slowly returning to the ancient system of
adjust to the higher frequency of the Starship or portal balancing power and responsibility with Gaia. Entities
or planet. Our astral bodies are 4th dimension and the that live on a planet are to offer stewardship, taking
Arcturian ships exist in the upper 4th to 8th dimension. care of the planet in exchange for the physical worlds
Humans are brought on the ship when they vibrate high RESOURCES used by the people.
enough or have compassion for them self. The Universal Law of DIVINE MANIFESTATION
Some humans have decided to take command of is win-win-win-win to benefit all involved and harm to
their current personal spacecraft, the body and expand none. Any harm to another in the process or outcome of
its awareness. First you need to explore and heal your manifestation is not DIVINE and carries karmic debt.
personal old issues, situations and beliefs that lead you Honesty and transparency create trust and cooperation
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with individuals and groups. All life and consciousness ALL ALIENS
strives to increase their awareness about them self.
The universal principle of POVERTY is that you
are “in spiritual poverty” to the degree that you with- We are all aliens when you look into our history. 5
hold your productivity or energy in hope that someone billion years ago entities in their “light bodies” entered
else will offer his or her energy instead. You will have the Milky Way Galaxy and the Pleiades Star System to
unfairly claimed the energies of another and squan- experience lower vibrations, duality and being physi-
dered them by forcing others to do what you have cal. 4 billion years ago they occupied the small north-
failed to do for yourself spiritually, mentally or physi- ern constellation of Lyra, considered the homeland
cally in present time. The galactic community wants of humanoids in this galaxy. They were blond haired
to help humans relearn the higher truths and how to and blue-eyed with some red-haired green eyed ones.
restore Gaia to balance. The Earth does not belong to The Lyrians broke off into different like-minded small
humanity or the reptilians. Gaia is regenerating herself groups that colonized many planets in the Milky Way
while her humans remain on her, because that is what Galaxy.
they all agreed to do. The LIGHTBODY or merkabah is all 4 of our bod-
As we ascend we are transmuting our biology, our ies, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual together.
awareness and our planetary body. When we merge When we moved to greater density and contrast they
with Gaia we act as a team or one unit. As we awaken separated out. This field is approximately 8 meters wide
to our cellular consciousness we will be able to merge or 26 feet and serves as a vehicle to enter into the inter-
deeply with Gaia and the wisdom of higher dimensions. dimensional realms and acts as a protective device to
We will live in the constant feedback loop of compas- bring you into a higher or lower vibrating realm.
sion. When you resonate or emanate compassion you The other travel method is shrinking your conscious-
receive, perceive and experience compassion. ness to the size of a photon and travel anywhere instantly
The Universal Law of CAUSE and EFFECT or with your full awareness.
RECIPROCAL ACTION says that nothing happens Approximately 40 million years ago in the Lyra Star
by chance or outside of universal law. The fact that you System, the Lyrians had adapted to the different plane-
cannot identify the cause or effect is irrelevant. For tary environments and their natural resources found on
every action there is a reaction or consequence some each planet. They created peaceful agricultural commu-
place. You get back what you give. Its not personal it is nities with abundant food, harmony and balance. They
just physics. Within the NOW moment of fifth dimen- had no weapons or plans to defend them selves because
sion your every thought and emotion is instantly cre- they didn’t think they needed that. They lived to be 400
ated. The more compassion you have for you the higher to 800 years old.
your consciousness goes. Then to make duality or contrast complete, Anchara
and his like-minded followers chose to roam throughout
5 OUR universe with the belief that they had an inherent
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right to dominate the entire Milky Way Galaxy. Draco’s Federation, which included 110 different colonies.
were the first race in our galaxy to have interstellar Together they repelled the dark ones for a time. Like
space travel and had that capability for the last 4 billion earth wars, the winner is eventually the loser.
years. The dark one’s wanted what the Lyrians had and The planet Maldek, former 4th planet in our solar
attacked them destroying 3 of the 14 planets in their sys- system, currently the asteroid belt in its former orbit
tem, fifty million people were killed. The survivors scat- between Mars and Jupiter, WAS the Orion Group base
tered to other planets. of operation. The original Maldekians were of Sirian
Meanwhile on earth, around 35 million years ago the descent. The Galactic Federation sent a “battle planet”
Cetacean, Reptilians and Dinosaurs civilizations lived in as a counterattack in response to Orion terrorism and to
harmony and equality together. Cetaceans originally were prevent more attacks on a Pleiadian planet. The atomic
a Mammalian civilization living on land on earth and were explosion destroyed the colonies on Earth, Mars and
spiritually aware, telepathic and psychic. They were 5 1/2 Venus. The chain reaction destroyed billions of lives and
foot tall, covered with fur, had large snouts and ears. reduced the planet to rubble of various sizes.
A dark truth; make someone more unhappy than you Our Moon was one of two moons that orbited Maldek.
are so you can feel a bit better OR become the predator After colonies on Earth, Mars and Venus were totally
instead of the victim. It took 10,000 years of the dark destroyed and their atmospheres changed so that only
provocateurs baiting the Dinosaur group with lies and earth could support life. Around 900,000 years ago
disinformation to create enough doubt and fear in them humanoid types were re-introduced on earth. The best
to provoke them into attacking the Cetacean civilization. and the brightest from fifty different humanoid star-
The Reptilians from Sagittarius and Dinosaur’s from nations were sent to live on Gaia, earth. They existed in
Bellatrix had advanced technology and came to earth as light body form for more than 5,000 years and they lasted
backup for the Dinosaur group. for more than 20,000 years after that. About 35,000 to
The Cetacean being spiritually aware, telepathic and 15,000 years ago BC the settlement was called Lemuria.
psychic considered their options and decided on a pre- Language and communication was mental telepathy
emptive strike. The Cetacean used their fusion genera- before they needed to use cumbersome words.
tors to implode the Dinosaurian’s stronghold. After that, Lemurians settled in the Gobi desert, northern India,
HALF of the Cetacean civilization migrated to a nearby Sumer, and parts of Asia. Some of their ancestors today
solar system in the constellations of Pegasus and Cetus. are the Polynesians. They had very few children. One
The other half left the land and entered into the water to lifetime could be a thousand years long. They were
escape the impending radiation and the nuclear winter not Galactic Federation members. Things moved very
that would follow. They altered themselves physically slowly because time is tied to the individual’s awareness
to find safety and refuge in the oceans. That transforma- in duality. What took a hundred years to accomplish
tion took 4 million years. then, takes us a year to accomplish now.
Eventually the VICTIMS of the Orion group joined The reptilians of LEMURIA had advanced technol-
forces to share their resources. Creating the Galactic ogy and wanted to use reptilian DNA as the foundation
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for a new humanoid creation. “Let us make man in our The 50% or more, Illuminati hybrids conceive count-
image” from the Old Testament, is quoting the Reptilians less children to perpetuate their bloodline BUT only a
that convinced the people they were gods. Both few children are given the bloodline name. The other
Lemurians and Atlantians experimented with DNA and children are hidden behind other names in other fami-
cloning long before they settled on earth. During the lies and brought up by other parents. Later they MAY
Lemuria and Atlantian eras the reptilians were visible find themselves in positions of power and generally have
and worked with humans even though they fought a lot. no idea WHY they got so lucky. Not until they go against
The Hatona Council met for decades to find a peaceful the agenda and are forced to do as they are told.
resolution to the endless fighting between the groups. Phillip Eugene De Rothschild says that for most of his
Scientists worked in the temples of Tien (present day childhood and adolescence he lived with his Rothschild
Cuba) and did energy healing and a great deal of DNA father on his estate in France. Father and son had a phys-
experimentation. Then a slave race was created out ical relationship; father was one of his trainers and han-
of 50% of the population that wore slave bands nailed dler. The son was held tight in the twisted drama of incest
into their skull to disrupt their thoughts electrically. and trauma based programming. Reptilians consider
They told the human it was their crown. They also used this NORMAL and to be admired. The REPTILIANS on
implants as a form of government programming sound earth are a species from DRACO.
familiar? Atlantians killed all the dinosaurs. Some scien-
tists knew how to make themselves invisible by moving 5
to another vibration, the 4th dimension, but that was
still duality. DARKNESS IS
HYBRIDS were created as a result of Atlantian scientists
experimenting with Lyrian or human DNA. After Atlantis Over 20 million years ago, in a different galaxy from
all humans had at least 10-20% reptilian DNA. The human the Milky Way Galaxy, they went through an ascension
fetus starts out reptilian and turns into a mammalian process similar to the one we are currently experienc-
mostly. We have 2 brain hemispheres, a reptilian and mam- ing. The individuals that refused to move to the fifth
malian brain a reptilian lymphatic system and on and on. dimension or vibration were gathered together under
Lyrian blood is reddish because of the high iron ­content in ANCHARA, the dark creator. Anchara and his like-
it. Reptilian blood is blue-green because of the high cop- minded followers chose to roam throughout OUR uni-
per content it has. Most of the rulers and leaders on earth verse with the FIRM belief that they had an inherent
NOW are 50% or more reptilian and that is why they are right to dominate the entire Milky Way Galaxy. BUT
called blue bloods or HYBRIDS. At least 12 or more dif- it was also decreed at that time, that Anchara and his
ferent alien or extraterrestrial groups have contributed group, the Alliance of Anchara or the Orion group was
their DNA, with various groups of people on earth. to relinquish its claims to earth before the year 2000.
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Most in the Alliance were Reptilian Races. They con- The Galactic Federation headquarters for our Milky
tained the same amount of light and potential for galactic Way galaxy is located in the Sirius star system.
harmony and balance we all started with. They carried The federation personnel with its many volun-
and lived by the same dark truths people on earth live teers are in place and working hard to get the remain-
by. They were generally more aggressive, angry, blamed ing darkness left on earth to leave or transmute. They
others, and lacked positive constructive plans and emo- are in positions of power within our governments,
tional attachment to their young. They took what they military, religions; financial organizations and private
wanted and destroyed what they left behind. These last individuals. They are facilitating the reorganization of
20 million years the dark has played victim predator our world finances and governments. Intensive reedu-
and confussed innocent are known as the Orion Wars or cation about our history and what is true needs more
Galactic Wars or the Galactic Dark Ages. Endless fierce unfolding. Federation personnel have and will put
battles were fought perpetuating the dark victim preda- a stop to weapons of mass destruction as the recent
tor cycle. Many of the victims banded together eventu- “divine dispensation” allows them to do. Divine inter-
ally to form the Galactic Federation. vention decrees that we have a bloodless evolution and
The Alliance of Anchara put the Anunnaki in charge no more wars.
and in control of the earth during the time of Atlantis, The Annanuki NOW serve the light. They are using
13 thousand years ago. The Anunnaki have remained their former influence to send those still clinging to
in power until; in 1995 when they ENDED the galac- dark truths and their “ill-gotten gains” down a lighter
tic wars with a galactic truce or the TREATY of path. The dark leaders of the Anunnaki left earth in
ANCHARA. Both sides agreed to move to greater light the 1990s and the few remaining dark fleets retreated
as was planned originally. The Anunnaki changed their to their home-worlds on the far side of the Milky Way
name to ANNANUKI and are members in good standing Galaxy.
of the Galactic Federation currently. The dark underlings or Illuminists on earth, the
Anunnaki decided to correct or upgrade the DNA of moon and Mars are still pushing their agendas of domi-
the earth’s insects, animals and plants. They manipu- nation through the NEW WORLD ORDER or N.W.O.
lated the primate population. Between visitations the or “FOURTH REICH” or the One-World-Government
Anunnaki employ small beings they call “Bear” to moni- planned for earth. Insiders call themselves the NETWORK.
tor earth. They are the global government dictatorship that manipu-
Back to the GALACTIC FEDERATION, it is cur- lates countries, governments, world events, bankers and
rently a union of over 200,000 member star nations and politicians with their secret organizations like the CIA,
confederations that was founded 4.5 million years ago. NSA, and their doubles or clones and the programmed
They are made up of the victims and their allies joining military and police. Don’t forget the NEW WORLD
forces against the Orion Group or the Anchara Alliance RELIGION Programming or N.W.R. to facilitate tighter
during the Galactic Wars. 40% of the members are control after Project Blue Beam has installed the new reli-
humanoid and 60% are varied forms of sentient beings. gion everyone will be forced to join.
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5 You are most useful to them when you are passive, com-
pliant and feel worthless and guilty. Busy hands with an
INTERCONNECTIONS of LIGHT are AT WORK empty mind, the victim predator confused and dissoci-
ated innocent. They use chemical and psychic warfare
and lack compassion.
Currently on earth now is a vast network or series of The first group is assisting Gaia to rid herself of enti-
interconnections of light that we are not hearing about ties that are more dark than light or the second group
or being made aware of that are growing and expanding. through attrition by gradually reducing their strength.
This is happening with the support and planning of our This illusion and its apparent time-line and linearity are
GALACTIC FAMILY or GREATER COMMUNITY. The subject to the law of fluidity all the time BUT roughly:
ones we call extraterrestrials and aliens. Some are our 1914 to 2100 Gaia as a planet started her 6th ascension
friends and family working to free us from the control of or increasing her compassion or changing her truths.
the elite or illuminati. Intelligent life is on and in earth, Around 1945 humanity made a course correction from
in countless physical and spiritual manifestations. We following others, or the leader, to trusting more in the
all need to consciously be awake and aware so we can self. When a higher vibrating soul group wants to give
think and DECIDE individually the group or reality the earth population an infusion of light they incarnate
we want to be in or align with. Or our innocent trust- in large groups, coming in as infants. En mass the Indigo
ing ignorance will decide for us and we will get more of babies arrived around 1975 to 1995. The Crystal children
what we have now. came in 1980s to 2000, the Rainbow child arrived in the
ONE GROUP is spiritually aware, higher vibrating 1990s thru 2010 and the “Integrated child” is starting
and light aligned with universal law. They work with to arrive. They do not experience or understand duality
their soul aspects to manifest whatever they may need and survival truths. They are one with Gaia.
in the now moment. They practice individual freedom In the 1980s our biology started preparing itself to
and thought instead of technology and weapons. accept higher frequencies of light arriving on earth from
The OTHER GROUP is generally considered trad- the sun and photon belt. The ability to think and receive
ers, buyers and sellers between worlds and civiliza- compassion is the key to the transmutation of our biol-
tions. They are very competitive and duality RULES! ogy. August 16-17, 1987 the harmonic convergence
Technology and weapons are needed to prevent others marked the first time the earth carried EQUAL amounts
from controlling you or taking your stuff. Generally the of light and dark energy and a vibration of spiritual
groups come from collectives and groupthink bound and moral neutrality. 1987 to 2012 marked the 25-year
together by a common allegiance or control. These col- Millennium Shift. We were invited to reject our karmic
lectives have competing agendas. Individual freedom is set ups of dark truths and contracts. We could move to
unknown to them. They are MENTALLY manipulative greater light individually by aligning with universal law.
and manipulated. They get others to work for them by May 1998 the earth entrained with the photon belt
telling them what they want to hear, any lie that works. and the first of its twelve gigantic homogenizing vortexes
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of electromagnetically charged energy to rebalance all February 27, 2012 a portal was opened to support
that enter. It takes 2,000 years to pass through all the humans in having increased compassion for the self.
vortexes and rebalance the entire earth completely to April 16, 2012 the “70,000 enlightened people”
the vibration of the 5th dimension. 2001 the earth, many needed to shift the entire planet into a higher state of
humans, animals, plants and minerals moved to the consciousness was reached. Their enlightened aware-
4th dimension leaving the 3rd dimension and its truths ness was put into the mass consciousness and trans-
behind. In 2007 in an effort to speed up the ascension ferred to the whole group. Many shifted from the 4th
process for the little human, our soul aspects grouped dimension into the 5th dimension.
many of our SIMILAR dark patterns on a particular May 20, 2012 is the start of “booting up” a new
theme together in a bundle for us to heal at one time. program for the entire Milky Way Galaxy. The solar
By 2009 the vibration of earth is high enough to allow eclipse marked the start of a new orbit or cycle around
the entire population to communicate with pictures or ALCYONE our Central Sun.
telepathically when they believe they can. The higher Summer of 2012 was, when various Illuminist group
vibrations have also disrupted our ability to deny what leaders knew for sure they had lost control of their rank
is true, personally and in the group consciousness. and file. Each group assumed the other groups were still
March 2011 the lower 4th dimension stopped exist- in control of their operations but they were not. The
ing with all the lost gray souls it held locked in dark pat- top of the illuminati pyramid consists of the 13 ruling
terns of victim predator and confused innocent roles. families. These are the generational bloodlines of fami-
They were moved to another location, a sort of waiting lies that are the real decision makers in this world and
room. May 21, 2011 souls or any entity or fetus with more in every country. They control world traffic in money,
DARK than light are unable to incarnate on earth, par- drugs, guns, pornography and prostitution. Each family
ents with less than 36% light will have soulless infants. is given an area or function to fulfill like global finance,
Dark ancestors can no longer incarnate into biology or mind control, military or technology research and devel-
hang around in the emotional body of Gaia. opment, religion, media, entertainment and news.
November 11, 2011 we moved from human law into Portal evolution in 2012 Portals are sentient and
UNIVERSAL LAW being the law of the land and uni- when your consciousness resonates or vibrates high
verse. “Give and receive only compassion” we are 100% enough to match and recognize a portal it will open
responsible for all we create or fail to create. December when asked.
10-12, 2011 was the tipping point on earth from dark to November 13, 2012 the total solar eclipse is to help
light. Dark was displaced from their state of stable equi- align and adjust the little human misdirection’s on their
librium into unbalance and chaos. path to alignment with universal law.
The collective consciousness is not trapped any lon- December 12 and 21, 2012 or 12/12/12 marks the
ger in fear. January 26, 2012 a portal was opened for all recalibration of the sacred calendar and the beginning
the dark pieces, aspects and demons left on earth of those and the end of multiple cycles. The history of mankind
souls that have been relocated to join their creators. up through 2012 will be measured as old and dark.
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2013 is the turning point from old SURVIVAL truths

to more light and COMPASSION for the self. Earth is
shifting frequency from 12:60 machine “time is money”
domination or the evolution of the ego or little human
individual consciousness. Into the universal unified thirteen
consciousness of 13:20 or spiritual and mental creativity
and equality. Sasquatch
May 2013 Gaia is at 81% light but the human’s light
varies. SUMMER of 2013 is one of INTENSE energy
fields of HEAT to burn out pockets of density and be a Atlantis existed for over 200,000 years. The vast major-
catalyst for transmutation and transition. ity of time they were light. During the last two thousand
August 2013 the Elementals are creating a world- years and the 3rd Atlantian Empire from 17,500 BC to
wide SERVER, a centralized resource to connect those 10,500 BC things got rather dark. Atlantis was split into 5
that want to communicate or interact on the fifth to sev- islands. The three major islands were known as Poseida,
enth dimension or vibration. Aryan and Og. Atalya and Eyre were two smaller islands
The last few months of 2013 the Crystals from Atlantis and under the rule of Aryan Island. One of two state gov-
were rising and coming on line. January 2014 they will ernments or religions or ideologies ruled each island.
be in full operation helping to rebalance and raise the The Children of the Law of One, followed Universal
vibration of Gaia along with all the life forms on Her. Law
The physical fatigue or upset in your equilibrium you The Aryan Sons of Belial worshiped a Draconian god
may experience in your biology or sense of well-being is with dark agendas of force and control with other dark
a result of you entraining with all that is happening. ones from Sirian, Pleiades, and the Orion Confederation.
By 2016 most people carrying less than 60% light will The Sons of Biel became the DARK ROBES of Atlantis
be gone from earth and the group that was responsible for the fall of Lemuria
and then Atlantis.
5 Why is that significant? 70% of all those alive on
earth now were alive then and at the end of Maldek.
They made the same moral choices. Many experienced
lifetimes in both ideologies. The memory and lessons of
Atlantis left deep impressions and scars. The past can be
rewritten because it is not fixed. The same experiments
continue in US Government Bases like Dulce.
20,000 to 25,000 years ago the Atlantian scientists cre-
ated DNA humanoid animal genetic blends. Hundreds
of animal-human genetic or DNA experiments were
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engineered in Atlantis and continue today with no con- some bark, insects, flowering plants, grubs, roots, and
cern for what is created. There were (are) test-tube some fish. They can’t change dimensions or go invisible
humans being lobotomized to be robotic slaves and ser- but excel at camouflaging themselves, are cautious and
vants. Essentially they are genetically and biologically move fast.
lobotomized. They are unable to effectively tap into Sasquatch sense of smell is superior to the bear and
their higher self or their soul aspect. Drugs were used to smell humans 20 miles away. Their ability to perceive
regulate their hormones, and electric shock was used to sound and vibration is well beyond any other land mam-
direct their behavior. mal. They sense humans by picking up their brain wave
Genetic blends of human and ape DNA created what as far as 1.242 miles or two kilometers away. This is
we call Sasquatch, Yeti, Bigfoot and the Abominable enhanced telepathic sensing of thought and sound simi-
Snowman. These are genetic blends without choice or lar to sonar the dolphins have.
free will and have no purpose. All OTHER mammals are The Sirius binary system DNA, genetic code is found
here by choice. Genetic blends of human and ape are in dolphins, Sasquatch and many other species on earth.
what remain of what was created to be powerful crea- Sasquatch cannot express a wide range of emotion and
tures, capable of extremely heavy labor to work in mines, joy like the dolphin can. Unlike the dolphin, Sasquatch
farms and forests. These are entities created without free is trapped between having group soul awareness with
will and able to be controlled remotely electronically. instinctual thought patterns like animals do and some
Why would soul aspects choose to inhabit a Sasquatch? individual awareness. They are more human than ani-
Fewer are choosing to do so. Less than a 1,000 are still mal and intelligent without emotion, which is similar
alive. Life expectancy is 80 to 90 years of age. Less than to autism. During their sleep cycles they are capable of
25% of the females can reproduce and in a few centuries a fleeting connection to their soul, but blocked in the
they will all be gone. waking state.
They live in caves, on remote mountains, deep for- They cautiously watch and desire to be closer to
ests and swamplands. They evolved thick hair and thick, humans, but are intelligent enough to know it is risky.
oily skins to allow them to live in extreme climates and They have been known to help people in distress (cars
are taller than the average human. They are noctur- caught in mud, children that are lost, animals that are
nal beings. They can travel 300 miles a day on foot and injured, etc). Sasquatch may use their infrasound to help
live in well-lit underground housing. Their sleep cycle people relax before they make their presence known.
is 30 to 35 hours of sleep for every ten to twelve hours They can read, write and project their voice. They cre-
awake. They have great strength and natural animal ate Infrasound that affects the environment.
survival skills. They live in small groups and nurture The Yeti is most powerful and intelligent and found
their young. They are not aggressive. There are no alpha in the Himalayas. Sasquatch or Bigfoot is in the Pacific
males. When their space is invaded they will attempt North-west and Siberia. Skunk or Swamp Apes have dif-
to frighten an intruder but won’t attack them. They are ferent primate DNA and live in the swamplands of south-
not red-meat carnivores and subsist by eating plants, ern United States. They are smaller and less intelligent.
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Other animal-human genetic or DNA experiments slow and steady and takes centuries to unfold. They use
involved birds, reptiles, horses, bovines and felines. religion to control the hearts and minds generation after
Another example of playing with DNA is ANUBIS generation. Make prophecy or predictions aligned with
Romulus and Remus born from a wolf mother, were their agendas. Only allow the clergy or priests, raised
the founders of Rome. In Atlantis the scientists always with trauma based programming and installed pro-
experimented with DNA and to them the WOLF was the grams for the future to receive and deliver THE WORD
height of MALENESS in a mammalian. They created as God’s will. When others get the word NOT aligned
an Anubis with half human and wolf DNA to guard the with Illuminist agenda, say it came from the devil or is
scientific temples and the Anubis were used in sexual evil, discredit or kill them.
magic rituals resulting in many pregnancies. The Anubis The popular or famous are created and supported or
had more wolf DNA than human and shape shifts into taken out to serve the Illuminist agenda. Our popular or
werewolves. famous television personalities, programs, books, films,
After the destruction of Atlantis the wolf creatures science fiction writer’s and world leaders WERE raised
became known as Anubis in Egyptian deism. Anubis is with trauma-based programming and programmed with
Greek for a jackal-headed god associated with mummi- UNCONSCIOUS awareness of the future agendas the
fication and the afterlife. The oldest known mention of Illuminists want us to get accustomed to. “Resistance is
Anubis is in the Old Kingdom pyramid texts where he is futile.” “It’s God’s will.”
associated with the burial of the king and was the most The purpose of psychological warfare is to create vic-
important god of the Dead. tims. Victims STOP THINKING for themselves. Victims
Some information is from Archangel Metatron - stop noticing cause and effect and do what they can to
Channeler:  James Tyberonn avoid more pain and suffering. The New Age mantra
com/ is “suspend your thinking,” nothing is real so don’t be
concerned with the implants we get and the biological
warfare we are suffering with. Religious ones won’t go
COVERT WAR against God’s will for fear of greater retribution.
Reptilians, Anunnaki and Illuminists hybrids
told humans they were gods and we bought into the
Forgiving your predator does not heal YOU, until DECEPTION because they were so technologically
you FIRST have compassion for the suffering of the advanced. From that point on generation after genera-
wounded child you were. The ONLY way to log out of tion we have handed down the reptilian deception and
this game, illusion, matrix or duality is self compassion, killed those that didn’t at least pretend they believed
aligned with Universal Law, “receive and give ONLY it also. Reptilians continue to covertly control us with
compassion,” to you first. layer upon layer of lies, micro management and kill-
The game plan drafted on Draco and tested through- ing or relocating those that upset them too much. They
out the galaxy and applied on earth also. This plan is create fearful events and shortages to then “make it all
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better” the victim needs to trust the predator to keep how they said it. Informers attend top-level meetings in
their biology alive. political and financial circles and afterword they down-
The Illuminist Pavlov fed dogs’ everyday training load large amounts of information and what each indi-
them to sit in special places before he fed them and lav- vidual said including documents read under hypnotic
ished praise when they did what he wanted. Then one trance. None of it is consciously remembered. They will
day he used cattle prods on them. Similar to his trauma be food and liquid deprived and electrically shocked
based programming as a child. To make them sit else- to change their focus. They may remember the coke or
where, then lavished praise again. After repeating this fries they ate afterwards.
technique a few times, the dogs, eyes down cast would Breeders are chosen by their bloodlines or given
quake and shiver in fear of more abuse. in arranged marriages or cult alliances to elevate the
HALT Programming is the FIRST command every infants DNA or have babies for sacrifice so there will be
trainer learns. The “halt” command is a combination NO birth certificate or record of the birth. Their fam-
of numbers, such as “354” (not a real one) or a German ily keeps some breeders prisoner or some were kept
word and number combination. This code freezes the underground.
child or adult in place and is constantly reinforced. Prostitutes or sex slaves go into training and use
Trainers learn the HALT code first, before working with at 2 years of age to accept any person that wants to be
a person because there is a real risk the person may try serviced in anyway you can imagine including bestiality
to kill them. Remember this is a person trauma- with a male or female child. Child pornography or snuff
tized from birth on; they are carrying rage towards their films are made to watch a slow and painful death. Child
tormentors and abusers. At age 5 years they are taught couriers around the world run guns, money, drugs, sex
to shoot on command with real guns, and practice or illegal artifacts across state or national boundaries.
using Virtual Reality equipment. They are repeatedly Media personnel, performers, actors, and musi-
told that eliminating the ‘’enemy’’ and the WEAK ones cians are tested and trained in a particular direction
brings them glory and helps the “family.” When a per- from 4 years on. Writer’s and news people are bright,
son becomes very unstable, they might be considered verbal people sent to journalism school and will work
“expendable” and eliminated. Or sent to a state hospital, for local or regional media upon graduation. They write
where no one would believe their “paranoid fantasies” books and articles sympathetic to the Illuminati view-
of being taught to assassinate others. 
 point. Frequently not remembering how they acquired
ILLUMINATI JOBS available inside their reli- the ideas they have. The creation of “FALSE MEMORY
gious structure of demon worship. The child’s trauma syndrome” is to discredit those that do sometimes
based programming makes them so well TRAINED and remember.
FEARFUL that they can do their tasks without thought Preparers set up tables, cloths, candles, and para-
or MEMORY of doing what they did. phernalia quickly and efficiently. Readers read from
Informers are trained to observe conversations with books of Illumination or local group archives of their
photographic recall of what EACH individual said and family and keep copies of sacred literature in a safe. They
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are trained in ancient languages. Cutters are taught to 15,000 to 10,000 B.C. in four different locations. Atlantis
dissect animal or HUMAN sacrifices and are known as was the THIRD galactic colony on earth, to sink itself by
the SLICERS and DICERS. They kill quickly, emotion- its own spiritual misdirection and miscalculation some
lessly and efficiently. 12,000 years ago. Atlantians harnessed sea energy. They
Chanters sing, sway or lead choruses of sacred songs were powered with crystals that monitored the air qual-
on high holy occasions. High Priest / Priestess hold ity and light. It became the model for slavery and deca-
this job for a few years as it is changed in most groups. dence along with their misused technology.
They lead their local group as well as coordinate jobs There is the old Atlantis and the SAME souls reincar-
within the group. Trainers teach local group members nated into the young Atlantis or America to see if they
their assigned jobs and monitor them. Punishers bru- can gather the spiritual wisdom or keep repeating the
tally punish / discipline or kill members caught break- victim predator innocent victim cycle. The end of the
ing rules or acting outside their authority and are uni- cycle on Maldek, Atlantis and America are separated by
versally despised by other cult members. time; the bodies and settings have changed. The same
Trackers will track down and keep an eye on mem- soul aspects and their beliefs recreated the same spiri-
bers who attempt to leave their local group. They tual lessons or morality plays in duality. All are third and
are taught to use DOGS, guns, tasers and stun guns. fourth dimension illusions or matrixes. Atlanteans took
Teachers INDOCTRINATE the philosophy and lan- by force what they wanted and destroyed Lemuria and
guages to groups of children. Childcare workers care Atlantis with the help of their technologically advanced
for the child less than 2 years of age when adults are renegade allies from Pleiades and Alpha Centauri.
at local group meetings. Commanding officers over- AGAIN those in Lemuria and Atlantis had spiritual
see MILITARY training and train paramilitary groups. choices to be made. Go with the flow of the dark ones or
Behavioral scientists oversee the training in local and raise your individual vibration. This is the same dilemma
regional groups and are intensely involved in data col- we currently face. The Illuminists are willing to destroy
lection and human experiments. our world to stay in power. Remember that engaging
DARK in any way lowers your vibration to entrain with
5 the dark one and is against universal law.
Horizontal or parallel realities exist on different lev-
MORAL CHOICES els or vibrations within the same space or planet. Each
dimension has a horizontal or parallel flow that is spe-
cific to its frequency of reality. The Lemurians went
Some were unhappy with the harmony and balance into the Inner or Hallow earth and maintained the 5th
in Lemuria. They were more aggressive and carried less dimension or vibration. Those on the surface of earth
light; they wanted other people’s stuff and slaves. They remained in third and fourth dimensions and duality.
created their own cities called Atlantis. This civiliza- When the Atlantians with strong direction and sup-
tion existed for thousands of years, from approximately port from the Anunnaki blew themselves up they lost
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their technology and scientific information because Agarthans have high-speed, non-polluting tunnels
the few survivors were mostly slaves. BUT the reptil- with ports under most major cities that already exist and
ians or Illuminists lost no information and it has been will be available quickly after the dark ones get phased
kept and maintained a secret in their mystery schools out and we are ready psychologically to accept them.
or societies. Like Skull and Bones, a secret society and The Agarthan transportation system lies 800 miles deep
all its predecessor groups. After Atlantis fell, the reptil- and has been in use for eons of time. The Agarthans also
ians or Anunnaki or Illuminists divided up the humans operate a fleet of cigar-shaped ships known as the Silver
scattering them across the earth giving them different Fleet, stationed at Telos.
languages and religions to prevent easy communication. Having awareness about your own personal programs
The illuminists didn’t want the people to band together will give you the knowledge you need to CHOOSE if
and support each other against them. that is what you want to continuing thinking and doing.
The LEMURIANS or PAA TAL or TELOSIANS or People go into therapy to understand what motivates
AGARTHANS are more advance spiritually and tech- their thoughts and behaviors especially the self destruc-
nologically. Many Lemurians moved into the Inner or tive ones. Sometimes even what is considered desirable
Hallow earth with full approval of Gaia before Atlantis “in excess” can be considered self-destructive. Since
fell. The settlement called Agartha built more than a these patterns start in childhood and concurrent or past
hundred crystal cities inside the earth. Peace and higher incarnations you might not be aware of how they got
vibrations of the 5th dimension reigned there for over started or why you sustain them. Therapy, to get at the
800,000 years and continues to survive in cavern worlds origin of your belief’s and thought patterns might need
located throughout the globe. They want to help or to go back a lot further than you realized.
mentor and get to know the surface population. There Key to the SUCCESS of the Illuminist programming
is about a billion of them overseeing the earth and its and the earth’s population is that the individual NEVER
shift into consciousness. has conscious awareness of what “runs them.” They have
The capital of Agartha is Shamballa. Petiti lies under been sold and bought the “illusion of deciding” what they
the Amazon jungle, Catharia under the Aegean Sea want to do, but that is not true. The Illuminati consider
and Mt. Shasta, under the Nevada desert. At least one humans a lower, less evolved form of life to be used any-
entranceway near the North Pole is showing up on way they want to use us and we have allowed that.
Google Earth photos. They have a central sun with a dif- SOME HISTORY to CONSIDER, the ANCIENT
fuse glow. The outer sun’s energies determine how the WORLD is filled with many stories of royalty; kings,
inner-core energies are dispersed. There are mountains queens and emperors who claim they have a right to
taller than Everest and oceans wider than the Pacific rule because their bloodline is from “serpent gods” or
and rivers like the Nile, Mississippi, and Yangtze with reptilian blue bloodlines. When many kingdoms joined
wide-open sky and pure air. The environment conforms together in battle they appointed a king of kings or The
to the people’s wants and creativity. Great Dragon. The Egyptian gods were called Neteru,
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“the WATCHERS.” The Watchers came in their heav- individual especially when female. You need to be your
enly boats (spaceships) to found civilizations and bring own savior. NO one is coming to rescue you.
knowledge, light years ahead of what existed at that KING JAMES BIBLE is from the 1st king of England
time. and Scotland that took the joint throne after the death
BIBLE HISTORY the 1st bible put together was by the of Elizabeth 1st in 1603. Most NEW Bibles are updates of
secretary to Pope Damasus around 382. The secretary, the King James Version. The king removed a lot of mar-
JEROME gathered together the various religious texts ginal notes and he wanted to revise the Bible because
he liked into one book that reflected Jerome’s orthodox like his mother, Mary Stuart, he believed in the divine
beliefs and what he learned during his “trauma based right of kings to rule answering only to god.
programming” and training. The additions and subtrac- James was a Satanist of reptilian bloodline going
tions by Jerome and others created a contradictory mess back to Egyptian pharaohs. His sexual desires were for
that is present today. The Holy Bible, especially the Old young boys and his lust for blood was insatiable. When
Testament, made Jehovah a vengeful god like the extra- he killed an animal he would roll in its blood, he was
terrestrial or the ancestral bloodline of the Illuminists responsible for the death and torture of thousands.
were and are. Seraphs in the King James Version of the Bible are
Jerome LED the campaign against mediums and translated as “fiery serpent.” Sir Francis Bacon over-
those that channel their soul and others in the invisible saw the translation and was from the reptilian blood-
realm. Communicating with the invisible realm would line and a high initiate in the secret society network
be your death sentence because you were speaking to and Grand Master of the Rosicrucian Order. He was a
the DEVIL. Only PRIESTS were allowed to be the mid- Knights Templar an inspiration behind the creation of
dlemen between god, your soul the invisible realm and Freemasonry and the Royal Society, and a key member
humanity. Fortunately some THEMES of TRUTH have of the team of initiates under Lord Draconis, Edward de
survived by being written in numerical symbols and Vere, which compiled the Shakespearean plays.
codes that the original Bible texts contained. You need We infer that ANGELS in FLIGHT found in reli-
to discern what is a high level truth for yourself. gious texts is protecting us. The flying angles are also
Emperor Justinian in the 6th century created HIS symbolic for reptilians that have wings and can fly just
truth when he had references to PREEXISTENCE and like the gargoyle fly. You find the gargoyle on Illuminati
reincarnation removed from the Bible totally. Pursuit homes, cathedrals, churches, and buildings like the
of all knowledge outside of the Bible was sinful. Eve British Houses of Parliament.
tempting Adam to eat from the tree of knowledge made Our top politicians and all our presidents were
all FEMALES evil and having no worth. In 1545 the Illuminati Satanists raised with trauma based program-
Roman Church officially agreed that women had souls. ming. They have multiple personalities and are active
ALL religious groups claim the MALE is superior and Sorcerers in the satanic mystery religions. The Mormon
needs to be in charge of females and children. Satanism Church especially the operation in Salt Lake City is a
and Christianity have little to offer a higher vibrating major mind control center. The overwhelming majority
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of Mormons have no idea what their organization is the NSA are considered part of “The Grey Group Mind
really about. The Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City is Complex” and Communication System. BLACK MONKS
covered with Illuminati symbols like the all-seeing eye are from the National Security Agency and been on the
that stands over a large underground Reptilian hive that moon since the 50s. The moon was a jumping off point
can be accessed from the temple. Joseph Smith came to colonize Mars.
from the Illuminist bloodlines and was a hybrid. Government CONTRACT allows ABDUCTION by
Sex is important in Satanist rituals because human alien Grey’s. They can do what they want with us. But,
semen is considered the most potent booster of mam- many abductions are DONE by the military and blamed on
malian genetics to hold Reptilian form. Sexual activ- aliens. Our government and the Grey’s give brain implants
ity, hormones, blood, dramatically affects the reptil- seen on X-Rays There are electrodes that receive and trans-
ians resulting in some uncontrolled shape shifting. The mit signals and can produce VISIONS and hallucinations
excitement can UNLOCK mental focus that holds OPEN in humans and have complete control of our biology. Both
human DNA codes. can create and follow the intentions and THOUGHTS of
WWI was the biggest Brotherhood or Illuminist a human, create and take away hostility, memory, sexual
project so far led by Rothschild’s and the Rockefellers. behavior and, emotions by remote control. The knowl-
The main themes of any given war is known and planned edge of psychic attack is standard training in the illuminati
well in advance. programmed slave.
WWII President Franklin D Roosevelt knew at least The FEDERAL RESERVE BANK is PRIVATELY
forty-eight hours before the attack on Pearl Harbor OWNED by Illuminati members and has never been
that the Japanese were going to strike. He did nothing audited since the day it was formed. Money is moved
to warn the American public. The Illuminists knew the and counted with BOOKKEEPING entries only. The
public would be so outraged that they would agree to funds have nothing backing them. In 1910 The Federal
enter the war in Europe. Reserve Bill was presented as a way to limit the power of
Communist dictator Joseph Stalin, and his underlings banking interests. The Federal Reserve Bill was pushed
and successors murdered millions of their own people in through Congress in the last few days before Christmas
this “WORKERS paradise.” Germany began to promote of 1913. Congressman Charles A Lindbergh senior, the
the idea of a master race that has surfaced again among father of the aviator, recognized this sleight of hand for
the mind controlled human fodder that supports the far the deception it was. Financial insiders had opposed the
right including the POLICE, military, and intelligence Federal Reserve legislation to promote the fiction that it
services like the American Central Intelligence Agency, was a bill to protect the people. This Act established the
Homeland Security and the NATIONAL SECURITY most gigantic TRUST on earth and a Central Bank.
AGENCY (NSA) in the United States was designed to be BARTER or BANKING is one thing exchanged directly
the liaison between the Grey aliens, and humans. NSA for another or with coins. Throughout history the purchase
is a government unto them self exempt from the United of GOODS and services has been through barter. People
States laws, like our Indian Nations. Some members of feared theft of their gold and silver so it became custom
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to deposit these metals with those that could keep it safe

and that was generally the Goldsmiths. They gave receipts
to the customer for the value of the deposit and when the
receipt was returned they would hand back that amount
of precious metals. fourteen
The customers began to use these receipts as forms
of exchange because they were more convenient than Programs
moving the metals around. Goldsmiths realized that
people coming to collect their metal deposits came
infrequently so they could issue receipts to people that We are programmed so frequently and pervasively that
DID NOT actually own any of the metals and charge we do not even notice it. There is informal and formal
them interest for the privilege. The receipt or money programming. Informal programming is the program-
was worthless if all the owners of metal wanted them ming handed down to us generationally through our
returned at the same time. That never happened unless family, extended family, genetic bloodline, religions and
you issued far too many notes. Today’s banking system nationalistic belief’s. Then there are endless ads and
CONTROLLED by the illuminati invented money well commercials. Our training that says one is superior or
in excess of their actual assets and charge interest on more valuable than another because of a skill or physi-
that money. Governments and individuals of the world cal look they have. Programming is more easily honored
are now drowning in debt. and reinforced when we dissociate or follow instruc-
When you fall behind on interest payments you don’t tions or training our moral code does NOT agree with.
own anything because it doesn’t exist BUT they can take When you CHOOSE to stay awake, aware and follow
your home and possessions that DO exist. The illuminati your moral code, you can BREAK your programming,
lent invented money to both sides and charged interest informal and formal. Trauma based programming that
on it. The first major bank of this kind was the Bank of is not aligned with your core personality does not have
Amsterdam set up in the early 1600s and lent invented as strong a hold on a person. But, you need to be con-
money to the Dutch government to finance more wars. sciously aware of what and WHEN you are triggered to
The Bank of England followed in 1694 and became the dissociate and move into automatic or robotic responses
model for all other banks. or alternate personalities. Your soul aspect or core per-
sonality can help you with that awareness when you
5 ask for the help. Your light soul aspects are your indi-
vidual and very personal mentors at your side always,
to explain and reassure you. Remember free will. YOU
must DISCERN the direction you want to take or a dark
one will do it for you.

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TRAUMA BASED PROGRAMMING or MIND CON- back our awareness of what is going on and refuse to play
TROL is FORMAL PROGRAMMING designed, developed nice with the dark ones.
into a fine art and brought to earth by the oldest reptilian “Trauma based programming” or “training” is what
race in our universe located mostly in the Orion system and the Illuminists give ALL THEIR children and slaves.
came to our universe from another universe. The Alpha This programming is exactly the same the world round.
Draconian reptilian bloodline is found in the Illuminist Trauma based programming uses electric shock, endless
bloodline. They are the ones that control and run the earth drugging, isolation, abandonment and punishment to
through their hybrid human with 50% or more, reptilian reinforce their programs or training. The goal is for the
genetics. The serpent gods of Draco are Satanists and so infant to dissociate and carry our orders, not being con-
are the Illuminati. sciously aware of what they do. The Nazi behavior and
SLAVE BANDS were nailed into the skull of 50% beliefs of creating a Master race is in alignment with the
of the population during the time of Atlantis to create a Illuminists and trauma based programming or “train-
slave race. Those still being negatively impacted by the ing” or “mind control” was optimized and expanded
slave band (not physically present any longer) are 50% during World War 2 in the Nazi concentration camps. Dr.
of the population living on earth today. They told the Joseph Mengele, (Dr. Green) was the lead Programmer
human it was their crown. smuggled into the US in 1945 by the Illuminati. All pro-
The band acts as a DISRUPTER of the persons elec- gramming is anchored upon some type of trauma.
trical system like a cattle prod disrupts cattle from the FEAR is installed and always reinforced to achieve
direction they want to go. The band prevents thought involuntary robotic compliance in the child or slave. The
and communication with their soul aspect and puts the trauma, drugging and electric shock never end. Mind-
human into fear and dependence. The same way an abu- controlled slaves are given multifunctional program-
sive parent or spouse or the illuminati does, they con- ming are ALSO used to help program and train the chil-
tinuously create and reinforces fear. dren, especially the parents. These children will often
The hybrids or Illuminists are the generational, trauma receive lavish experiences as well as talks to convince
base programmed, satanic bloodlines in power that rule them that they are part of the ELITE they are not really
earth’s secret societies, most governments, the earth’s a part of. They are lied to and manipulated endlessly.
financial systems, media, religions and education. They By 4 years of age the child has been tested many times
began to expand across the galaxy-conquering planet after in many ways. The child’s weaknesses and strengths are
planet with deadly force and or psychological control by charted and the child’s destiny in life is determined and
creating fear in the population on the planet just as they sealed. The chart has the occupation the child will be
have done to the earth population. They create fearful CREATED for and what their function will be in the
events and have their hybrids in place to “make it all bet- overall Illuminati plan. Their programs are determined
ter” and help you give up more and more freedoms your and the appropriate alternate personalities will be cre-
money and energy. The system is falling apart as we take ated. The map of the Land of Oz in the Wizard of Oz
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books was frequently used for the front alters of a sys- major multinational and transnational corporation both
tem built as a city of entities having unity and multiplic- public and private, every major domestic and international
ity, one of the many lies. banking institution, every central bank, every nation-state
Attempts to program people with low intelligence on earth, the natural resources on every continent and the
or no creativity were discovered to be a waste of time people around the world through complicated inter-locking
and not possible. They used those children or adults as networks that resemble giant spider webs. This group is
expendables; to be sacrificed in a ritual, eaten, put in a comprised of the leading family dynasties of the Canada,
snuff film, practiced on or as a breeder. Humans born in United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan,
the 1980s or before have their Illuminist programming Russia and China. This self-perpetuating group has devel-
located in the physical brain. Programming was done oped an elaborate system of control that enables them to
with radio and television waves, a lower vibration and manipulate government leaders, consumers and people
easier to install into the low vibrating human. Those throughout the world. They are in the last stages of devel-
born in the 1980s and later have Illuminist program- oping a World Empire that will rival the ancient Roman
ming located in both the human brain and in their men- Empire. However, this new Empire will rule the entire
tal body or mind surrounding the biology. To program world, not just a goodly portion of it as Rome did long ago,
the mental body a higher wave like ELF, extremely low from its ultra-secret world headquarters in Germany.
frequency, VLF, very low frequency and LF, low fre- This group is responsible for the death and suffering
quencies are used. It is harder to program the mental of over 180 million men, women and children. They were
body BECAUSE you need programmers that function responsible for World War I, World War II, the Korean
on a higher level to be successful and the reptilians do War, and Vietnam, etc. They have created periods of infla-
not have so many of them. tion and deflation in order to confiscate and consolidate
Those born after 2004 have Illuminati programming the wealth of the world. They were responsible for the
only in their mental body surrounding the biology. enslavement of over two billion people in all commu-
nist nations—Russia, China, Eastern Europe, etc., in as
5 much as they were directly responsible for the creation
of communism in these nations. They built up and sus-
A book written by Carroll Quigley called Tragedy and tain these evil totalitarian systems for private gain. They
Hope: A History of the World in Our Time published in brought Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Roosevelt to power
1966. Concludes the following. and guided their governments from behind the scenes to
There really is a “world system of financial control in achieve a state of plunder unparalleled in world history.
private hands” that is “able to dominate the political sys- They make Attila the Hun look like a kindergarten child
tem of each country and the economy of the world.” I call compared to their accomplishments. Six million Jews
this system the World Trade Federation. It is an ultra- were tortured and killed in order to confiscate billions of
secret group of the most powerful men on the earth. They dollars in assets, gold, silver, currency, diamonds and art-
now control every major international institution, every work from the Tribe of Judah–a special group of people.
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The hope of the twentieth century rests on its recogni- what your thoughts are currently creating for you so you
tion that war and depression are man-made, and needless. can decide to change or not change. To move to greater
light you need to consciously change your thoughts and
5 continue in that direction to prove your commitment.
If you have had formal programming or have been so
BREAK PROGRAMS abused that you split from your core personality your
aspects, pieces and alters need to be reintegrated again.
What you have allowed a human to separate in you, YOU
When your awareness or essence or core personality need to put back together again.
goes away or leaves so does your INVESTMENT with The universal principle of PROJECTION is that you
your soul and biology. When your awareness is gone so create your own personal STORY or reality by projecting
is your RESPONSIBILITY to yourself gone. This is still your thoughts into your reality. If you have allowed or
a planet of free will so NO ONE is trapped in a particu- allow others to create on your behalf you are the creator
lar thought pattern or behavior. To break your program- by default. Our biology is never the enemy we created it
ming or any Illuminist programming you were subjected to help and support our soul aspect gather wisdom. Your
to as a helpless infant or child you need to be AWAKE story can only be changed or rewritten from within you
and AWARE of your programs. Your higher self or soul and by you. Being upset, angry, cynical, skeptical, pes-
aspects and various others in the invisible realm are ready simistic and impatient or addicted are ALL YOUR cre-
and able to support you in evolving OUT of any thoughts ations. If you want to see joyful experiences instead of
you want to stop giving your energy. The issues that need reruns and trash or multiple personalities or alters, it is
addressing are always presented to you, generally one your responsibility to create them for you.
at a time and when one is resolved, healed and you have A PROGRAM is a neutral concept. The intent of the
gathered the spiritual wisdom, another challenge will be program is what matters; do you want a robotic slave or
presented for you to own and release. Your job is to notice to give compassionate support and direction for one to
your issues or programs, DECIDE what you want to do become self-actualized or something in between? When
and take action. You need to be your own super hero. You a program no longer serves you or it has outlived its use-
are the only one that can rescue you. fulness, break the program by no longer feeding it your
May you become aware of your programming, your energy, focus or awareness.
triggers and automatic behavior in the now moment. You BREAK your PROGRAMMING by staying con-
That would be “the LIGHT force” being with you! scious and aware in your biology and use YOUR brain,
The Universal Law of ACTION says the human think and decide. Every second you are in a dissociated
must ACT FIRST to make any changes. When your soul state or create drama or chemically alter your aware-
aspects have followed you into “darker thought patterns” ness; you default or fall into old training or program-
they line up your synchronicities in the low vibration ming or allow “another entity” to use your biology. Light
of victim predator and confused innocent to show you workers, star seed, religious and spiritual people say, “I
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want to help others” and “live my passion” but they do in a dissociated state is highly suggestible. Success and
not THINK for themselves or maintain a healthy mind control depend on your ability to alter the infant’s five
and body. So what do they have to offer another: dark- senses and put them in a constant state of fear.
ness, entertainment, distraction and or take them off FETAL TRAUMA and Programming are used to
of their path? Like a robot or message loop, they chant encourage dissociation and demon possession before
their leaders phrases and do as they are told. Only when the baby is even born. The parents torture the fetus in
you are aligned with universal law, receive and give only the womb with thin needles that are inserted through
compassion and are AWAKE and AWARE do you have the mother’s belly and uterus into the fetus. Specialized
something of value to offer another. drugs and certain food and drink are used to cause
The universal principle of AUTHORITY means that trauma and upset also.
the one that is aware, worthy and capable of accepting Mother and fetus can be SEVERELY traumatized
responsibility for an act has the authority to act. Many during pregnancy by the spouse or cult members. For
want authority but will not take the responsibility for example the father may purposely abandon the preg-
their actions. nant mother in the middle of a forest or desert, blast
The universal principle of RESPONSIBILITY is that the mother with loud frightening music and then follow
you respond when you have the ability and enough light this up with loving actions or physical abuse and loving
to respond to the needs of others without energy feed- actions. The mother’s trauma is passed on to the fetus
ing cords or dark contracts or running a program. You when her fear makes the uterus contract squeezing the
receive energy from all those you respond to because fetus and the chemicals that are fed through the umbili-
you are creating energy together synergistically or your cal cord will change with her emotional changes.
combined effort of give and take. A premature birth is important to the illuminati
because the naturally occurring events around a pre-
5 mature birth insure that the child is traumatized. The
mother must push the baby through the birth canal
FIRST HANDLERS because the baby is not able to help the mother in the
small ways that a full term baby can. The strain on the
heart of the mother is EXTREME. The Illuminati have
The creation of an infant is never something that is learned that a mother can usually give 2 or 3 preemie
left to chance in the Illuminati family. The genetic lines births like this before she risks death.
are the first consideration and then the intelligence and Generational satanic families are given to Satan along
skills of the sperm and egg donor are factored in to cre- with all their children and all the family CURSES. The
ate what is needed in the way of service to “the family.” Moonchild rituals are to demonize a fetus. The demons
Programming starts with manipulation of the fetuses that are invoked are large and very powerful and include
genetics, a hostile uterus environment, forced premature layering in of demonic forces with blood ritual. All are
birth and abuse and trauma of the new born. A person low vibrating demons and sustained with human energy
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and feeding cords to give “the little human” or “ego” the to destroy the child’s’ connection to the higher self or
illusion of power. their soul aspect to keep their slave in fear and easily
DAYTIME ABANDONMENT Programming starts controlled. They want to keep their slaves from bonding
at birth for ALL children born to illuminati parents. The with anyone or anything BUT “the family.”
environment itself is programming. No matter how the BABY TALK Program is when the parent and child
infant behaves it is IGNORED and ABUSED physically or two adults, baby talk to each other so it appears there
and emotionally in the daytime. Nurturing and care- is an intimate relationship and nurturing - it is only
taking by the parent or cult happens only at nighttime. programming.
Night is the important time; it is for Illuminati training, NOW the Illuminists collect many more infants for
activities, rituals and positive reinforcement. various criminal uses. For babies that are NOT born into
The neglect and abusive treatment leads to core the illuminati bloodline or family there is the following
personality splits, which are what the illuminati wants screening process.
and rewards. They want an infant that feels invisible, WOODPECKER GRID Programming is located in
abandoned and worthless unless they are doing a job airplane hangers on military bases. The grids or little
for their cult family. The child is forced on all fronts, cages are just large enough for 1,000 to 3,000 human
at home, socially with all the relatives and frequently babies from ceiling to floor. The cages are HOT WIRED
at school to deal with adults that are inconsistent and or electrified on the ceiling, bottom and sides so the
unreliable, they have DID, dissociative identity disorder BABIES locked inside can receive horrific electric
and act robotically. This is a child that is trained to never shocks. Some babies go into a fetal position and die. The
THINK for them self but trained to robotically carry out others get a flash of light when a high direct current volt-
orders. The Illuminati alter system is coded for training age is applied. Later this flash of light is used with hyp-
and execution of programs with 13 different colors. The nosis to let them think they slipped into another dimen-
infant will eventually have 13 x 13 x 13 = 2,197 possible sion. In the Peter Pan program it is called RIDING the
alternate personalities or alters or splits in one person. LIGHT. After endured the Woodpecker Grid Cages for
ANAL RAPE is a training method also used by the days the infant is BRUTALLY raped anally.
illuminati parent on a daily basis. Raping male and female A MARBLE SLAB serves as an altar where black-
infants and children makes them go unconscious. As the hooded robed people take a bone-handled knife and
child gets older and doesn’t pass out you slap them so all sacrifice little children in front of the other children in
they remember is the physical abuse. They have no con- the cages. Charles Manson was a programmed Monarch
scious awareness of their daily sexual abuse or training. slave that received initial programming at China Lake
The slap is a FOCUS CHANGER to bring in a different and his cult was located 45 miles northwest of China
alter that only remembers the slap and never the violent Lake at the remote Myers and Barker ranches.
sexual assault. One location of woodpecker grids was NAVAL ORDI-
All 13 meridians that connect humans to their invis- NANCE test station or NOTS. The California INSTITUTE
ible aspects meet in the rectum, the illuminati want of Technology at Pasadena is intimately connected to China
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Lake’s research and the Illuminati. Most of their work is The illuminati put alternate personalities in their
for the intelligence agencies and not the military. They “mind controlled slave system” that acts as internal han-
also developed the red / green color programming. dlers, which will be a combination of dark and light. For
A list of major programming centers with each site’s example one man had two dark internal handlers that
programming specialties is kept. Infants are brought happened to be the cults concept of his father and grand-
into base by trains, planes and cars. The lumber mill father that taught and enforced “family loyalty” FIRST,
had an agreement to secretly house the children who not the blood family but the cult family. The same man
had their mouths tapped. Neighbors in the area were had an internal handler hiding out waiting to help him.
bought off and warned that if they talked they would be Along with the three internal handlers the man had
in trouble for broaching national security. Tied into this seven human handlers and trainers to control him in his
network was a Catholic Monastery between Sheridan dissociated state while working for the Illuminati fam-
and McMinnville, close to the rail network. The Union ily. Handlers will frequently change, be added or taken
Train Station in Portland, OR has underground tunnels away depending on work to be done for the family.
where children were temporarily warehoused in cages It is common to have one of the external human han-
before continuing on their journey. The Jesuits were dlers that come and go, to create the illusion or run pro-
active in this part of the child procurement. Catholic gramming of being a LOVER. When the job is over the
adoption agencies, pregnant nuns, third world parents, illuminati slave feels that a lover has abandoned them.
and parents who will sell their children were sources of That is all they have conscious awareness of happening.
children for programming. Procuring batches of 1,000 This is the same principle as the father (handler) daily
or 2,000 children is no problem for the Illuminati work- raping (training) his toddler (male and female) and when
ing through intelligence agencies such as the CIA, NIS, the abuse is over he slaps (focus changer) the child. All
DIA, FBI, and FEMA. the child has conscious awareness of is the slap.
A HANDLER is a neutral concept. The intent of a Our various religions (created for us by the Illuminati)
handler can be dark or light, compassionate or dominat- teach that any voice in your head or communication
ing or anything in between. A handler is something or with our soul aspect is THE DEVIL. We even burned
someone that controls another that has the ABILITY to witches at the stake for communicating with their soul
be conscious and chooses to follow the handler’s lead. aspects. When you commune with your soul aspect or
Handlers, trainers and enablers can be another human higher self they can help and guide you out of dissocia-
or addiction or belief or religious teaching or demon. tive reactions, habits and programs. They can give you a
It is EASIEST to handle the individual that is uncon- “heads up” or explain the program and how it works to
scious or dissociated or possessed or programmed. We you. That way you control and decide what you do.
are handled by our LOYALTIES. Loyalty to country, a The Illuminati is so fearful of you thinking for your-
head of state, religious leader or religion or to our family self and working with your soul that they have created
and friends need to be reconsidered and reevaluated to many programs to interfere with and keep that com-
determine their value to you in present time. munication from happening. For example: When you
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start communication with your soul that triggers one of with arm rests and it will have restraints for arms, legs
your alters or a member in “your committee” to flood and neck to prevent movement while a person sits in the
your awareness with a stream of rapid negative fear- chair.
ful thoughts. The negative thoughts put your biology TRAINER TOOLS include steel instruments to
and visual field into RED ALERT and you stop trying insert into orifices to cause pain, STRETCH machines
to reach for compassion for you, because you have been used as punishment stretches a person without break-
traumatized (as an infant) into the belief that it is dan- ing bones and is extremely painful. Comfort objects for
gerous and physically painful to THINK for your self. victims or oils for massage. Warm towels, beverages as
The universal principle of the UNCONSCIOUS the trainer bonds with the person they worked with.
MIND or BRAIN is that it is unable to distinguish Trainer grids and projectors to project grids on wall or
FACT from FICTION and follows what it is told. If it ceiling, Journals with indexed copies of the slaves sys-
is convinced a piece of ice is red hot it will experience a tems and command codes.
burn. If you keep operating on the principle that you are
a victim, that is exactly what you will experience. 5
When you receive, think or give conflicting data to
your brain you produce conflicting results or if you are
programmed you don’t even TRY to think. You just move
into a habit or program.
The programmed individual suppresses or denies
what they hear from the invisible realm because in their
awareness it has always brought on pain and confu-
sion. Running your programs, dissociating and numbing
yourself are safer and easier than the confusion and pain
of going against it. You discredit your awareness and
higher truths. Thinking for your self and doing what is
most compassionate for you PREVENTS you from being
a compliant illuminati slave or dutiful child. When you
stop getting triggered and running your programs or
“training” the Illuminati has no use for you. You will
experience that as being abandoned. Then you have a
chance to create what you want for you.
TRAINER TABLE is a large frequently steel table
covered with plastic or easily cleaned material. On the
sides at intervals are restraints for arms, legs and neck
to prevent movement. Trainer’s chair is a large chair

Those on the WORLD STAGE were raised in a differ-

ent manner than you were. The leadership level of the
Illuminati controls the world traffic in finance, politics,
drugs, guns, pornography and prostitution. These are
the generational bloodlines of families that are the real
decision makers in this world. An illuminati member
has won every American presidential election and was
raised with trauma-based programming. How many in
the congress were raised this way? They easily dissoci-
ate, have multiple personalities and are active Sorcerers
in the satanic mystery religions. Their cover stories are
always religious upstanding members of society, other
Illuminists write their biographies. Its all a big giggle at
our expense with them.
For example they all had TODDLER Programming
given to them by their frequently dissociated, robotic
parent that administers training and trauma in the
Illuminati family. A parent is often the “trainer” and
“handler” at home. At 15 to 18 months of age there is con-
tinuous fragmenting and dissociating. The toddler gets
to experience over and over again. The parents endan-
ger their life and rescue them, over and over again. The
parent uses electric shock on the toddler’s fingers, toes
and genitals and then sooths and bonds with the child.
The toddler and parent play this game over and over
intermittently soothing, bonding and traumatizing.
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The infant may be dropped from heights to a mat and health were trained like this. Those that are well known
is TERRIFIED and crying. Then the adults laugh at the in movies, television and music stars are placed and
infant’s pain and distress. The child may be placed in supported or taken out by the Illuminati to reinforce
CAGES for periods of time at home and during rituals their agenda. Most of our violent criminals are a result
and training. It is important for the child to know there of Illuminati programming. Most of the people trying to
is no escaping this nutty irrational reality except possi- rid the earth of the Illuminati at this time are primarily
bly with death, but they frequently reincarnate into the those who have managed to defect from the “Illuminati
illuminati over and over again. family.” Leaving them is NEVER clean or easy there is
This game is also played in all Illuminist families; a always waffling. It is always a struggle.
parent will hold the child’s head under water in a sink, The beauty of this training system is that the person
tub or pool, until they are all but drown and then the has mastered dissociation to such a fine art that they
parent rescues them. Ah! Again you have the predator, remember almost none of the training. Remember the
trainer, parent and hero to the rescue, of an infant and illuminati are generational Satanists. The cult does not
child. want their members THINKING for them self. One who
The toddler is trained at home and at 2-years-old thinks, feels or bonds with another is harder to control
the more formalized training by other Illuminati fam- and force. When an illuminati raised person starts hav-
ily members takes over and reinforces that there is no ing compassion for them self, their programming starts
escape and no choices except to do things the Illuminist to crash, their alternate personalities start to integrate,
way. The toddler has never experienced another reality they start to heal and become useless to their handlers.
and is unaware of any other REAL choices available to Below is just a small amount of programming all tod-
them. dlers get and are unable to remember if they ever get
STEPS of DISCIPLINE Programming starts at 20 into therapy.
to 24 months old for toddlers trained EXACTLY the The STEPS of DISCIPLINE programming comes
same way all around the world. There is little reason to after fetal trauma programs, Woodpecker Grid Cages and
wonder WHY these infants and toddlers grow to be dys- abandonment programming. This programming is to train
functional children and adults, sexually addicted and easy and fast dissociation resulting in UNCONSCIOUS
EMOTIONALLY arrested at around the age 2 or 3 years. loyalty to the local Illuminati family and the worldwide
You don’t need a lot of education to figure out that if you network of these families.
traumatize, drug, electric shock, sexually stimulate and 1st step is NOT to NEED - The toddler is placed in a
abuse an infant and child repeatedly throughout their training room without any sensory stimulus with gray,
childhood to “TRAIN them” you create a dysfunctional white, or beige walls and left alone for hours or all day.
child, adult, parent and member of society that does not If the child begs the adult to stay or screams the child is
THINK for themselves. beaten and told the periods of isolation will increase until
Our political, religious and financial leaders, con- they learn to stop being WEAK. The child is often found
trolling and stealing our wealth natural resources and rocking itself or hugging itself in a corner occasionally
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CATATONIC from fear. The trainer RESCUES the child 3rd step is NOT to WISH - The child is placed in a
giving food, drink and bonding. The predator becomes room with their favorite toys or objects. A KIND adult
the SAVIOR and tells the child THE FAMILY told the comes into the room plays with the child. They engage in
trainer to rescue the child because the family loves him fantasy play about the child’s secret wishes or dreams to
or her. develop TRUST in the lonely isolated child. Later the child
THE ADULT version of this training has learned is severely punished for any aspect of wishing or fantasy
to shut down massages from their own biology. They shared with the adult and the destruction of the child’s
are generally not aware of THEIR own hunger, stress favorite toys or ANY illusion of safety the child may have
or need for rest their entire life. They do not trust their left. This step is repeated often with many variations.
senses. THE ADULT and child believe the illuminati fam-
2nd step is NOT to WANT - Similar to the first step ily knows all its thoughts and their fear increases. They
and gets reinforced the next few years. An adult enters have learned the pain will stop when they please their
the room with a large pitcher of ice water and food. If trainers and handlers. They feel powerless and strive to
the child asks for either as the adult is eating or drinking please in all areas of life instead of create and enjoy.
in front of the child he or she is SEVERELY punished 4th step is SURVIVAL of the FITTEST and starts
for being WEAK and NEEDY. The child shutting down at age 2 to create perpetrator alters in the child. ALL
awareness of their bodily needs is reinforced. cult members are expected to be good perpetrators. A
THE ADULT version of this training has learned child, trainer and another child of the same age are put
they are not worthy of being treated in a compassionate together. The child is severely beaten for long periods of
loving way. They understand their priority in the hierar- time by the trainer and then told to hit the other child or
chy. When someone tries to help them, their response is, they will be beaten further. If the child refuses it is pun-
“I don’t need any help” “I am OK” “I’d rather do it alone.” ished severely the other child is punished too and told
The toddler has more control over their environment to punish the first child. If the child continues to refuse
than the infant does so that increases the child’s options or cries or tries to hit the trainer instead they continue
for ways to get what they want or need by stealing or to be beaten. This is repeated until the child finally com-
telling a lie. Immediate gratification is what they strive plies and beats the other child.
for when there is an opportunity to binge on something, THE ADULT and child have learned this as NORMAL
they do. When they can destroy something someone else healthy behavior and what the family wants. This rein-
might enjoy they do. Guilt over sneaking, destroying and forces the victim predator confused innocent dark cycle
stealing can create purging or maybe not. They fear lack. or survival of the fittest that has dominated the earth the
In our leaders it is stealing and hoarding other people’s past 13 thousand years.
money, goods and services. They feel ENTITLED to 5th step is the CODE of SILENCE - As a child
verbally, physically or sexually abuse anyone they can becomes more verbal and after a ritual or group gath-
when they can get away with. ering, the child is asked about what they saw or heard
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during the meeting. They tell what they saw and get by the trainer and the refusing twin will be told that the
severely beaten or TORTURED creating new ALTERS. child was hurt because of their refusal to comply.
The child is to guard the memories of what was seen on THE ADULT and child have learned not to trust
pain of death. Setups, role-playing and double binds go their family or anyone else for that matter. Bonding and
on endlessly to reinforce this lesson. trusting is dangerous and painful. Asking for help means
THE ADULT and child have learned they are always getting “set up” once again. They are angry and feel
being “set up” the puzzling part is they never REMEMBER powerless so when they get a chance to vent or torment
for what because they never remember all the steps they another they do. The easiest mark will be their own chil-
have experienced. There is no escape or anyway out. The dren with the families blessing. If they become leaders
dissociation comes so easily to them that the events in of groups, countries, religions, families or worlds, they
their life do not have a beginning, middle or end. There vent on them for no logical reason with the Illuminist
are only a lot of small pieces not connected to anything family blessings.
else. There is no flow or pattern to “what they remember.”
It is easier to move into dissociation, respond robotically 5
and unconsciously.
in infancy and is formalized at ages 6-7 continuing into
adulthood. Betrayal is an important dark SPIRITUAL
principle. The child is placed in situations where an Western nursery rhymes are not cheery or uplifting,
adult who is kindly rescues the child and gains its trust in fact they are frequently scary. The baby falls from the
several times. After months or a year of bonding with treetop, Jack fells down and breaks his crown and the
the child, he or she will turn to the adult for help. The sky is falling. Why do we teach such tragic themes and
adult backs away MOCKING the child and abusing it. knowledge in song to the very young child? So much
TWINNING set ups are CREATING twin bonds in can be inferred. There are planned sets of puns embed
children that are NOT twins. The child is allowed to play in the language that come to life during trauma based
with and become close to another child in the cult from programming.
earliest childhood. At some point early on the child is The Illuminati creates imaginary worlds for many of
told that the other child is actually their “twin” and they the deeper alternate personalities to live in. They keep
were separated at birth. It is a great SECRET and do not these alternate personalities living in such unreality and
tell. nonsense that deeper alternate personalities have a dif-
Cult children are lonely and isolated and are overjoyed ficult time separating subjective reality from objective
to have a friend to do everything with. Later they will be reality. Often the nursery rhymes are distorted to serve
FORCED to hurt each other. If one “twin” is considered programming purposes.
expendable, its twin will kill him or her. When one twin Nursery rhymes are constructed to activate certain
refuses to kill, hit or hurt the other they will be brutalized alternate personalities that are usually sleepers. A Tisket A
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Tasket, Baa, Baa, Black Sheep is used for money laundering “Jack” aka King Louis XVI who broke his crown or
scripts, and drug money or drug carrying scripts. Bye, Baby was beheaded and “Jill” or Gill is Antoinette who was
Bunting is used with actual rituals where the slave child is executed later. Playing the game “Oranges and Lemons”
placed within a skin, cocoon programming with a butter- as you skipped under the joined arms of your friends for
fly coming forth or near death experiences. Diddle, Diddle the final “here comes a chopper to chop off your head”
Dumpling, Ding, Dong Bell, Dr. Mengele liked to use this the arms represented the infamous Tyburn Tree where
message: don’t disturb the mouse that runs the internal executions were carried out and heads were literally
system clock. Fa Fe Fi Fo Fum is about movement within chopped off.
the system’s bean sprouts and is also a death threat. “Pop! Goes the Weasel” first published 1855. The
Nursery rhymes are steeped in images and words that rhyming slang and poverty of the East End of London
can reveal a hidden meaning morally or politically. Old at that time POP was another word for PAWN and
Mother Hubbard first printed in 1805. It is about pov- stoat was rhyming slang for coat. A coat was taken to
erty or Cardinal Thomas Wolsey refusing Henry VIII’s the pawnshop to get some extra cash. It is commentary
divorce from Queen Catherine of Argon. Ring a Ring o’ about poverty and money being wasted on drink. Jack
Roses or Ring Around the Rosie in print in 1881 existed Sprat: Jack Sprat could eat no fat, His wife could eat no
in the 1790s was about the Bubonic plague. The ring of lean; And so, between them both, They licked the plat-
roses was a circular red body rash, the posies contained ter clean. This rhyme poked fun at Charles I of England
herbs to cover the smells and or prevent infection. and his greedy wife, Henrietta Maria. When Parliament
“Atishoo” was the violent sneezing and “all fall down” refused to finance Charles’ war with Spain and left him
was a reference to death. All symptoms of the Great “lean,” he turned the tables and dissolved Parliament.
Plague, or Black Death killing more than half London’s Together, he and his wife imposed an illegal war tax and
population in 1665. forcing the people to house their troops. They licked
Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary, published 1744. Mary is England clean to feed their own bloodthirsty appetites.
Mary Tudor, daughter of Henry VIII, the Bloody Mary NEAR DEATH Programming or “resurrection cer-
of 1553-58 and a staunch Catholic. The garden in ques- emony” has always been used by the Illuminati. The
tion is a graveyard of martyred Protestants, the silver Phoenix, symbol of death and new life, is one of their
bells are a euphemism for thumbscrews and cockle- highest symbols and symbolizes the coming of their
shells were also tools of torture. The little maids are New World Order.
derived from “The Maiden” an early English version of One version of near death programming is drugging
the guillotine. Or is Mary, Mary 1 of England. How does a 2 or 3 year old, seriously traumatizing, beating, shock-
your garden grow a reference to her lack of heirs? “Quite ing and almost suffocating the child to create a near
contrary” is said to be a reference to her unsuccessful death state during an occult ceremony or satanic ritual.
attempt to reverse ecclesiastical changes effected by her In extreme pain they are brought to consciousness and
father Henry VIII. “Rows and rows” is said to refer to asked to choose, death or to invite a powerful demon
her executions of Protestants. inside. The demon enters, the child goes unconscious,
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and awakens later in clean clothing and a soft bed. They to any event that results in psychological trauma. The
are extremely weak and shaky, and are told by a kind, experience overwhelms the individual’s ability to
caring, soft voice that they died, but the demon brought cope. Diagnostically symptoms of PTSD include re-­
them back to life. The child is told that if they ask the experiencing the original event as flashbacks or night-
demonic entity to leave, that they will revert to the near mares, avoiding things or people associated with the
death state they were in. The child feels marked and trauma, difficulty sleeping, hyper vigilance and anger
chosen. causing significant impairment in social, occupational
Another near death programming the Illuminati uses: and personal interactions.
the child has arms, legs, waist and neck tied down. Then PTSD is shared by all mind-control slaves that are full
wrapped in a cocoon with soft gauze, to limit movement of shattered hurting alters, alternate personalities, and
or any feeling or sensation in the limbs. They are fed the slave is UNAWARE of all of them collectively. Self-
intravenously, and undergo severe sensory deprivation. punishment and social withdrawal are natural symp-
Glaring white light and loud noise are used to help disori- toms of PTSD and programmed slaves. Programmers
ent, then they are electric shocked and drugged possibly enhance the low level emotions of fear and anger into
given paralytic drugs. This goes on for days. The anxi- the alter systems because they all work to the advan-
ety level is extreme. They are told that they are dying. tage of the trainer and the programs they are installing.
Then a trainer with soothing voice says, I won’t let you Different alternate personalities will hold the ANGER,
die. But, you owe your life to me. Recorded messages are fear, social withdrawal, GUILT, promiscuity and
also played over and over the child is allowed to come DESIRE for self-inflicted punishment. Illuminati slaves
out of unconsciousness, with the constant message of are self-absorbed, judgmental, blame and criticize the
being “reborn” for the “family (Illuminati) group” being self in endless loops that lead to further hopelessness
played. They are extremely vulnerable and receptive to and the pervasive feeling of powerlessness.
the messages placed in under trauma. These negative and self-destructive feelings are held
A third version is putting the child in a large recently in check and balanced by other parts of the programming
killed animal, like a horse and letting them stay there a and become part of their artificially created ­personality.
few days. They get saved and rescued same MO, modus When the slave considers leaving the illuminati, the con-
operandi. trol systems of fear, negativity and suicide come forward
to keep the slave trapped. Some alternate personalities
5 will call or tell or nark to their handlers that the slave is
trying to leave. When you DISSOCIATE you ARE pow-
PTSD and DID erless to change anything.
When your awareness or essence or core personal-
ity goes away or leaves so does your INVESTMENT
POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER or PTSD with you. When your awareness is gone so is your
is a severe anxiety disorder that develops after exposure RESPONSIBILITY to yourself gone. When a slave or
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traumatized individual feels SAFE their alternate per- DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDER or DID is a
sonalities can start to integrate themselves. The best common, naturally occurring defense or coping mech-
way to facilitate this process is the core personality stay- anism against severe trauma during early childhood.
ing AWAKE and AWARE all the time. Usually extreme, repetitive physical, sexual, and or
ASK just ask out loud for your soul aspect or higher emotional abuse that is too violent, traumatic, or painful
self to give you a sign when you start to dissociate. Only to assimilate with her or his conscious self. When faced
seeing and becoming consciously aware of your behavior with overwhelming abuse, the child dissociates from
can you choose to do something differently. If you want full awareness of the traumatic experience. This can
to understand the origins of your dissociation ask your become a defensive pattern that persists into adulthood
soul aspect to give you feelings or pictures of the first and or full-fledged dissociative disorder. Dissociative
time. One way or another they will get them to you. Just identity disorder was previously known as multiple per-
because a family member can’t remember this informa- sonality disorder.
tion or is unable to relay it doesn’t mean its not there. Mild forms of dissociation, are daydreaming or get-
Another way to release trauma or PTSD from the ting lost in the moment while working on a project.
body is Trauma Releasing Exercises. During danger an Dissociative identity disorder is a severe form of disso-
intricate interaction of biological, neurological and ner- ciation, a mental process that produces a lack of connec-
vous system reactions occurs. This interaction causes tion in a person’s thoughts, memories, feelings, actions,
the muscles to contract to protect the organism from or sense of identity.
harm or death. Once the danger has subsided the body ALTERS is short for alternate personalities that
is designed to SHAKE OUT excessive muscular ten- are created during trauma-based programming. Mind-
sion. We have deadened this shaking mechanism from control programmers use triggers or codes to call up a
the muscles or fight / flight muscles and they are the dissociated part of the mind trained into the infant. An
only ones that connect the back, pelvis and legs and as ALTER is a compartmentalized personality within a
they relax the natural shaking of the body reverberates matrix of programming that is organized or not. ALTER
throughout the entire body looking for tension and nat- FRAGMENT is a dissociated part of the mind that serves
urally dissolving it. only a single purpose. An alter has a history to insure
Trauma Releasing Exercises are simple and pain- shadow alters will provide a full range of accessible
less exercises designed to release the tension of chronic emotions. Sometimes the distinctions between alters
muscle contractions, yoga positions can also provoke and alter fragments is VAGUE. An A-coded alter on
shaking out of our biology. Lying on your back knees some levels is actually 3 alters spinning together, which
bent and a bit apart to allow knees to fall out until shak- must be locked in place to communicate with, and then
ing starts. rotated to communicate with the other two.
members/dberceli.htm Children raised in abusive homes and traumatized
generally have alternate personalities and get triggered
5 also. This abuse is generally NOT ORGANIZED as cults
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are and does not serve an organization controlling our normally, they have hallucinations and delusions. OR
world like the Illuminists do. The abuse serves the small they are interacting with the invisible realm or the fourth
group the child is a part of. When an alternate personal- dimension and mainstream society does not believe in that.
ity presents itself it may be any age, need glasses, have
diabetes, feel pain, be drunk or drugged, be easy to get 5
along with or NOT.
While dissociating the person has a sense of being
detached from one’s body and is often referred to as
an “out-of-body” experience. They may feel the world
is not real or looks foggy or far away. They may fail to
recall significant personal information or the content of
a meaningful conversation is forgotten. They may expe-
rience distortions in time, place, and situation. They fre-
quently lose time.
The DSM-IV criteria for diagnosing dissociative
identity disorder is having: Two or more distinct identi-
ties or personality states that are present, each with its
own relatively enduring pattern of perceiving, relating
to, and thinking about the environment and self. At least
two of these identities or personality states recurrently
will take control of the person’s behavior. The person
has an inability to recall important personal information
that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forget-
fulness. The disturbance is not due to the direct physi-
ological effects of a substance or substance abuse (such
as blackouts or chaotic behavior during alcohol intoxi-
cation) or a general medical condition (such as complex
or partial seizures).
Those raised in the satanic ritually abusive illumi-
nati families, when given tradition psychological tests
frequently show up as Schizophrenic instead of having
Dissociative Identity Disorder.
The differences between Dissociative Identity Disorder
and Schizophrenia or recurrent psychosis is that schizo-
phrenics hear or see things that aren’t real or visible

Trainers and programmers of the Illuminati were raised

in the same way they are training and programming the
next generation of children. It is helpful to understand
what shapes them all. Our leaders and “head of house-
holds” and religious leaders frequently seem nutty, irra-
tional, cruel, hard to understand and even harder to get
along with. The specialized training they received as
children creates the insensitive dissociated bully they
generally are, except when they run their programs to
“set you up” or “suck you in.” During those times they
APPEAR to be loving and compassionate and under-
stand where you are coming from. It is all a program,
theater or running a con.
To break their programming they would need to
want to do that. THEN they would need to get their core
personality to REMAIN conscious and in control of the
biology all the time. Some have succeeded in doing that
and many waffle back and forth.
The CORE PERSONALITY is the essence of what
and whom you are, the soul aspect and its thoughts
and belief’s in this matrix or reality. YOUR essence was
designed to work in concert with the biology to experi-
ence duality. For the soul to have a deeper understand-
ing of how darkness works, functions and operates or
to experience living with dark truths or beliefs. Truths

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that are NOT in alignment with universal law “receive CHANGE continuously. Raising your vibration is hard
and give only compassion.” work that YOU need to do by staying present in your body
Dark survival truths have overwhelmed the soul and clarifying your thoughts. Any imbalances you have
aspect generally speaking. Generations after generations attracted to you as a result of your attachment to an agenda,
of not honoring our children have created some pretty idea, thing, person, power or control (yes, in concurrent
greedy, nasty, dissociated, mean spirited humans that do lives and different realities) have to be uncreated by YOU
not believe that they have a soul or deserve compassion. removing your energy cords and contracts from them.
The purpose of Illuminati training and programming RAISED in TRAUMA so the CORE PERSONALITY
is to KEEP the CORE PERSONALITY from interfering LEAVES
with their creation of a human robot. The human robot For those OBJECTIVELY observing the actions or
does as it is told and triggered to do and doesn’t remem- behaviors of programmers and trainers it is violent physi-
ber what they did most of the time. That way they can’t cal, sexual and emotional trauma, total domination, drug-
tell or “nark” on themselves. Most of what they do is ille- ging and electric shock of an infant and child. That passes
gal and immoral. The trainer and programming trauma- for “love” and sexual activity in the Illuminists circles.
tize the core personality until it abandons the biology. The mothers of these abused children around the world
The vibration becomes too slow and low for the soul to do not defend or protect their children. The father “han-
remain with the biology. But the core personality or soul dler and trainer” puts a considerable amount of his “love”
aspect watches all that happens from a distance, waiting sexual activity, time and energy into the infant child,
for when and IF it is ever safe enough to come back. making mom feel abandoned and neglected. Her easiest
Those born into abusive dysfunctional families or target to vent on is the child with her cruel fingers, nails,
the Illuminati have core personalities that are difficult teeth, cigarettes, genital torture, alligator clips, straps,
to access because they DO NOT TRUST the situation whips, dildos, electric shock, punching and kicking.
or the little human or ego. If you want to heal and inte- Seriously abused children find being an adult of any
grate you must convince the core personality you mean age an overwhelming challenge. Their main concern
it, FIRST and provide a safe environment. Various alter- throughout their childhood was surviving ONE more
nate personalities in the illuminist system PRETEND to TRAUMA from the people they depended on for their
be the core personality but are not. When the soul aspect existence, guidance and survival. With all this “training”
or core personality feels safe enough, it will start reinte- there is NO TIME for a child or the core personality to
grating the alternate personalities, aspects and pieces. develop the basic life skills needed for a mature well-
Remember this is a planet of free will. For some spiri- balanced adult. These adult children have not learned
tual reason the soul aspect CHOSE to be born into hav- how to integrate information from their experiences in
ing the Illuminist experience. They are not victims, but life. The adult child has not the faintest idea of how a
many found it an experience that overwhelmed them. relationship of equals works.
The Universal Law of PERPETUAL TRANSMUTATION Usually they have an alternate personality that can
of energy is that all sentient beings have the power to hold down a job in service of the Illuminists agenda.
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Many are just too dysfunctional for a 9 to 5 job. Being Illuminist children also comply with all sexual demands
compassionate or in “present time” is generally out of placed on them. There is no one home the core person-
the question. The adult abused child finds it real HARD ality is absent.
to know how to function when they are not following
orders or a program. The average cult member functions 5
socially and EMOTIONALLY at the 2 to 4 year old level.
Other people in the life of an abused child use them SECRET SOCIETIES
all the time. They are programmed to comply to ward off
further abuse. EARNING love, acceptance and reducing
physical injury runs their life. Each alternate personal- The secret societies that have always been present are
ity experiences a small part on an event and is unable designed to HIDE SPIRITUAL INFORMATION so the
to put together cause and effect. Each alternate person- Illuminists could perpetuate and build on the false real-
ality keeps experiencing the same thing over and over ity they created for us their cattle. BROTHERHOODS
and does not remember how the experience started or or SECRET SOCIETIES or MYSTERY SCHOOLS or
ended. Each alter is unaware of what the other alters do KABALISTS are organizations formed for those want-
and the alters are designed NOT to communicate with ing to know more about the soul or our spiritual side
each other. and its interaction with the little human or ego. This
For EXAMPLE A dissociated individual realizes that information has always been cloaked in secrecy from the
Mary ripped them off. In fact EVERY time they interact common woman and most men. Ignorant, suppressed,
with Mary they get ripped off. BUT each time it is a sur- dependent people are easier to control and manipulate.
prise. The dissociated individual is surprised each time Typical dark behavior is to create a hierarchy, make it
and keeps interacting with Mary. When you view that for men only and make it a great deal more complicated
behavior you keep WONDERING when are they going than it is, to master. Distorting the truth makes it all the
to put it all together but they never do. They keep going more fun and entertaining. That way the ones at the top
back for more. Even when you explain it to them, noth- feel more important, special, entitled and amused.
ing changes. Each time Mary rips them off it is a NEW Some of the schools started out lighter but got pro-
surprise. When you ask them WHY do you keep doing gressively darker as the Illuminati infiltrated or took the
that they say, “She didn’t mean to do that.” IF I continue schools over. All these organizations like the Freemasons,
to be loving to Mary she will RETURN the love. That is Knights Templar, The Order of the Knights of St John,
denial, emotional immaturity and self-defeating behav- The Round Table, Order of the Quest, Knights of Malta
ior. No integration of learning happens. and the Jesuits have rigid hierarchies to manipulate and
The programmed human robot avoids THINKING. control their members. The names and people change
Abused children throughout society also LACK bound- or reincarnate into these organizations and the numbers
aries. The abused know they have NO rights or bound- have increased since ancient times but the agenda is the
aries and anyone can do to them what they want to do. same. Tempting little humans or the ego with personal
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power and or financial wealth with piles of lies and The SCARLET COUNCIL from Babylon 1894 BC
deceptions to ultimately enslave them. They use hyp- was a major illuminati center and they were the ones
notism, brain wave manipulation, hallucinogenic drugs, that created the plans for world conquest or the New
sexual orgies, human sacrifice to maintain the fear level World Order. They created the various religions. The
and keep all members entertained, entrained and con- scarlet council was the black magicians from Atlantis
trolled with threats and blackmail. and then Egyptian schools around 3150 BC that became
The modern versions of the brotherhoods would be the Freemasons in Europe. They paralyzed the intellec-
groups like Theosophy; A Course in Miracles, the New tual and SPIRITUAL activities of the individual. They
Age movement and some “spiritual groups” with their demanded one’s complete and unhesitating acquies-
hierarchy and structure having the Illuminati’s bless- cence to the DOGMA the PRIESTS in all religions cre-
ing and support to keep people from THINKING for ated. The Pharaoh in Egypt became a puppet for the
themselves and separated from their soul aspects. They scarlet council. The same bloodlines found in the scar-
present conflicting and inaccurate messages to confuse let council planned and set into motion our World Wars,
you so you will stop trying to figure it out yourself. Just 9-11 and the war on terrorism.
pay your “love offering,” parrot what the EXPERT says, These practicing Satanists are our politicians, medi-
and enjoy the GROUP activities and parties, you are one cal doctors, high ranking police officers, lawyers, adver-
of us. Individual thought and alignment with universal tising gurus, decorated military men, famous singers
law, equality and balance, I think not. and actors or media personalities, fashion models and
Around the world ILLUMINISTS worship Lucifer social workers. Amongst the lowest are the disenfran-
or Satan or any number of different reptiles and practice chised and generally temporary members are prosti-
what they call “enlightenment.” They claim and are very tutes, minor drug dealers and a number of High School
proud of their roots in the ancient mystery religions of students.
Babylon, Egypt, and Celtic Druidism, Atlantis and before ILLUMINATI GODS and their subordinates, the
that Draco. The Sons of Biel became the Dark Robes of Masons and Satanists honor a deity of countless dif-
Atlantis and were responsible for the fall of Lemuria and ferent names to keep those of lower rank hoodwinked.
then Atlantis. Their dark acts never seem to end they are Many Illuminists at the local level worship ancient
now known as the Illuminati and have represented the deities like El, Baal, Isis, Osiris and his son Horus, Set,
“DARK” since they came to Earth. These are a collection “The Sun” the “Central Sun” Lucifer “Hiram Abiff”
of entities from different planets and star systems that the “Great Architect of the Universe” Satan “Abaddon,”
had not ascended when their home worlds did. They “Mahabone,” and “Jahbuhlun.” All are front names and
found each other and banded together. Unfortunately “pretend Christians” for the worship of power for the
these groups were not just physical they also chose to human or ego. Power over others is the goal or reward.
maintain forms in the lower very dark astral plane of the Methods used to obtain this power are deception, lies,
bottom of the 4th dimension. dissociation, fear, force and blackmail.
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Dark entities believe they are doing their “god’s work” They have excellent lawyers who are well paid to
by going through the universe dominating and assimi- help cover their tracks. There are also people in the
lating INFERIOR creatures and slaves, like humans are. media paid to help keep stories from coming out. They
Their god is a large white winged dragon with icy blue attack and discredit therapists who work with Ritual
eyes that must be obeyed. That belief is similar to “the Abuse Survivors. They consider humans their property,
Christians” or “missionaries” on earth saving the hea- chattel, slaves, cattle, something to experiment with, to
thens or pagans to please their god and create personal use or eat as they see fit.
wealth. Americans did that to the Blacks from Africa and The ILLUMINATI has 13 RULING FAMILIES at
made them slaves. The American Indians were killed off the top of the pyramid Each family is given an area or
and their children were taken to steal their land. If the function to fulfill like global finance, mind control, mili-
reptilians are our genetic parent and handlers we have tary or technology research and development, media,
grown up just like them as a society. entertainment and news or religion. Number 13 is con-
GOLEMS are artificial soulless beings used as a slave sidered the highest level of SPIRITUAL knowledge, the
force in Kabalistic Black magic. This alternate personal- dark kind. Each ruling family has a council of 13. All 13
ity didn’t exist like real people do, so the logic is, it could families are shape shifters. When you are a hybrid 50%
be abused or used as a robot. Programmed alternate per- human and 50% or more reptilian genetic code, shape
sonalities may have a musical cord to call them up, and shifting is a case of shifting the hologram from one
the reverse of that cord will disintegrate them. Scholem genetic code to another. ALL their infants are raised as
a Satanist writes “In this circle the Sefer Yezirah was Satanists with trauma based and mind control program-
nearly always interpreted in the manner of Saadiah and ming. The committee of 300 is the layer below the 13
Shabbetai Donnolo with a guide for both mystics and ruling families in the hierarchy and supports the ruling
adepts of magic. families.
The more talented Illuminists are all created, con- At the WORLD and national level, they are the
trolled and backed by “the family.” They pay dues or extremely wealthy people who do as they are told. They
“kick backs” to the Illuminati. They have lifestyles based finance Illuminati goals and interact with the leaders
on criminal activity with a thin covering of respectable of other countries to ensure orders are followed. They
professionalism. They are placed in positions of power are intelligent, well educated, and the COVER STORY is
in finance, law enforcement, government, local authori- that they are active in their churches and communities.
ties, coroner’s offices and healthcare workers that all Children that aren’t able to comply with the rules or are
working together hide the evidence of their satanic deficient in some way get eaten or sacrificed at rituals.
activity and protect the guilty. In the middle of the night Many babies are born in secret so there is no record that
members are picked up to attend a ritual or meeting and they existed.
the only thing they will remember or feel in the morning Regional councils dictate what is to be done to the
is fatigue. Satanism is the religion that holds the system groups below them and are told HOW to form the ­policies
of control on earth together. and agendas for each region. The families are 1. Rothschild,
242 | Bonnie Baumgar tner Awareness Heals Me | 24 3

Bauer the Pindar 2. Bruce 3. Cavendish - Kennedy 4. De Joseph Mengala and his programmers used a large
Medici 5. Hanover 6. Hapsburg 7. Krupp 8. Plantagenet 9. dollhouse with 26 rooms. Each room was painted one of
Rockefeller 10. Romanov 11. Sinclair, St. Clair 12. Warburg, the 13 different colors for the child to visualize and be
Del Blanco 13 Windsor, Saxe, Coburg, Goethe programmed with. 13 fronts, for public deception and 13
The COMMITTEE of 300 is second in command and back computers or rooms, to serve Illuminist agendas
supports the 13 ruling families on earth. The committee were in the dollhouse. Generally the illuminist agenda
of 300 use PRIVATE institutions to further the Illuminati are the opposite of what the public sees and is told.
agenda including Council of Foreign relations, Mafia, CIA, The toddler “focus changer” was electroshock and
NSA, Secret Service, Federal Reserve, the International then a different colored scarf was shown to the child to
Monetary Fund, International Affairs, Internal Revenue call out those colored alters or to build colored ribbons
Service and Interpol to name only a few. or rooms for the internal alters. The alternate personali-
Some ILLUMINATI CORPORATIONS are Rand ties would be dehumanized into being a colored ribbon.
Corporation, Hughes Aircraft, Northrop Corporation, Ribbon programming represented their location, what
General Electric, AT & T, Sandia Corporation, Stanford color they were and what they protect.
Research Institute, Colorado School of Mines, and Walsh The color tells you what your job is and who inside
Construction, Bechtel the major Illuminati Corporation of the alters is a friend and who is not. There are some
that has won a massive contract to rebuild Iraq after it “light alters” to balance out all of the “dark alters.”
was bombed by the liberators. When an internal or external handler or trainer wants
the slave to do something, they call out that color group
5 of alternate personalities.
Color programming is one of the first programs to be
COLOR PROGRAMS “laid in.” It is done the same way all around the world
and universe so any trainer or programmer can activate
your programming and get CONSISTENT results. Each
Color programming CODES and systems of the level of programming is built on more suffering and tor-
Illuminists consist of 13 different colors are found in a ture, drugging, electroshock and hypnosis to create a
standard 13 x 13 x 13 = 2,197 possible alternate person- skilled obedient slave that does not think for them self
alities or alters or splits in the Illuminati alter system. and seldom has conscious awareness of what they do or
Each computer inside the SLAVE was given a color. what has been done to them.
Color codes within the Illuminati Mind Control system CLEAR is a secret or shell alternate personality to
are consistent and predictable like the Illuminists are. DECEIVE the outside world. It is a fake alternate per-
The hierarchy of color from the top down is Platinum, sonality to cover for others like “Guardian of the Vail.”
Gold, Silver, Purple, Black, Red, Green, Brown, White, Internal programmers or handlers can switch colors to
Orange, Yellow and Pink. Each color has its own mean- protect the programming, but not the slave. Clear can
ing and rank. take on any color.
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PLATINUM is the ultimate. NO ONE is superior and what they are not conscious of. The Illuminati teaches
they remain hidden until you find them. Beware if you their slaves to forget abuse and reframe it in their mind
do. You must die before you can see the Seven Seals. Not as “training.” Purple is programmed to DENY the tor-
all “Illuminated ones” have Platinum. This power and ture they have suffered to get to the purple level and it
control must be earned generationally and genetically. doesn’t hurt purple if the biology dies.
SILVER represents the satanic alternate person- The dysfunctional family not illuminati members;
alities that perform high-level satanic rituals like the calls their ABUSES discipline or for your own good or
“Mothers of dark.” These are dark souls using the para- to toughen you up.
normal and astral projection to communicate with. VIOLET-PURPLE are FRONT alters used to make
GOLD is in control when platinum isn’t. Gold inter- the slave appear “normal and cute or sexy.” Small CHILD
nal alternate personalities are organizers, administra- alters are placed into boxes.
tors and judges. Gold is perfection if not done perfectly BLACK does what Satan wants or you FEEL the pain
there is torture and suffering. The All Seeing Eye is here instead of giving it to other colors. Black performs cult
and the shutter of the All-seeing eye of the computer is rituals, reads and memorizes details about the Illuminati
“child alters” that open and shut the eye. It knows what locally and nationally. Black is born out of the “moon-
goes on in all of the system subconsciously but if it is dis- child ritual.” Black takes orders from purple.
covered by a therapist or other type of intruder the eye The Delta and Beta alternate personalities are coded
shuts and the human slave cannot talk. They are at top black and do the DIRTY work for the cult like blackmail
of the pyramid unless they decide to flip it. Gold is the and assassination. Delta Teams are part of the CIA’s psy-
supreme leadership in the system and the “Grand Druid chic warfare tricks. The army is an occult fighting force
Council.” Gold talks mainly to purples. that practices witchcraft. Black Nexus alters are con-
PURPLE is the INTERNAL ABUSERS in the system necting links between systems.
and feel superior. They are invisible to the other colors, RED alternate personalities get raped and sexually
watch and control the others. Purple is the mafia con- abused but deny it. The black alters lie and trick red
nection, drug dealer, and politician; the Illuminated one ones telling them red is superior and in control. Red
and only take orders from the gold council. One purple altars see themselves as witches and believe they have
alter is on the Gold Council and purple gives orders great spiritual power. RED are sexual arousal alternate
throughout the system. BUT NO ONE realizes or has personalities.
conscious awareness they were given an order. BROWN is disguises or chameleon-like. A “hidden
The human has the ILLUSION that what they did was system” and may hold CIA programming and high-level
their choice and it NEVER was. An internal and external governmental programming. In the beta system they
handler control all their choices to move, change jobs, are the courier, operations, learning to tail a subject, or
marry, have a child, meet someone, go someplace or call “drop a tag.”
a number. Purple tells the BIOLOGY when it needs to GREEN gets most of the cult pain and abuse that
be cut or die. The slave is not capable of questioning happens at home like being raped daily to “train you”
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being mentally and physically tormented. Green are cat are forced into prostitution rings at age four years and
alters denying abuse to “protect their cult family.” up the guard will let them know when a “John” plans
LIGHT GREEN are god and goddess alters formed to hurt them and they should run. The prostitution
in triads that function in the Illuminati ceremonies and and “drug running” earn money for cult operations.
rituals. YELLOW alters are ritually and sexually twinned with
EMERALD GREEN or dark green are Satan alters alters of other systems that have OPPOSING spiritual
or the Anti-Christ alters and are considered the most beliefs. The alters that believe in Jesus and that he will
sacred occult color. EMERALD CITY LIBRARY some SAVE them get tormented by the black, purple and red
alters in the illuminati system only function as photo- alters that are mad that God didn’t do anything to help
graphic memories and store pages and pages of infor- them or rescue them. The alters argue continuously. In
mation including the codes of the their entire internal the system there are a few strong Christian, FRONT
system. The libraries contain the historical genealogies alters acting as a balancing point and they HIDE the
of satanic DNA from early ancient times like Atlantis to Satanism.
the present. PINK THINKS they are core personalities and hold
BLUE alternate personalities are clone armies. They the true feelings of the human apart from the cult. Pink
self injure or kill itself to keep from leaking information are tattletales and report or nark of the self. They are the
or being deprogrammed. Suicide programs are to have confused innocent ones and emotionally fragile.
a heart attack, use a weapon or physically exhaust the The REAL core personality is waiting for the little
biology to death. human to get tired of being an illuminati puppet and is
DARK BLUE alters protect the cult and are on the in hiding until the little human is brave enough to leave
dark side. their programs, trainers and handlers by staying con-
LIGHT BLUE ones are in charge of how the system sciously aware all the time deciding what they want to
runs. They protect the biology and have some light alters do for the self.
but mostly dark alters.
WHITE are from Atlantis, Aryan Sons of Belial and 5
feel superior. They are internal programmers wearing
white robes; believe in genetic engineering and a master
race. The Nazi plans of WW II have never left and are
the guideline for the New World Order and New World
ORANGE is a special protector with strong obedi-
ence to the Illuminati and warns of internal or external
threats. When a slave is committing a criminal act in
society they may be tipped off internally that the police
are coming or they are in danger. When the children

Psychic Programming starts early. About 10% of the tod-

dlers that also have a genetic parent with psychic abili-
ties have their psychic abilities enhanced during their
first two years of life. Then they are put to work by their
controllers or handlers “remote viewing” at age 2 to 3
years. They spy for the illuminati in the universe, on and
in the earth and within their cult families. They scan
and are aware of other’s thoughts and feelings and then
report back to their handlers and trainers what they see
and hear.
A normal toddler isn’t very grounded. Psychic tod-
dlers are so OPENNED to the UNIVERSE or BUTTERED
OVER the universe (Scientology term) that they receive
information easily BUT find it hard to know what are
their thought or feeling and what feelings and thoughts
belong to others. They are not able to integrate all the
information they collect and remain confused. They
have left many aspects and pieces of themselves scat-
tered all over the universe. They compulsively reach
for the clarity their handlers do not want them to have.
Psychically programmed toddlers on into adulthood
remain fragmented. They do not know, understand or
honor their own needs.
Psychic toddlers also get the Delta assassination pro-
gramming designed to kill enemies psychically. They spy
with remote viewing on enemies and friends. So much
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of what the psych toddler, child and adult read is nasty that time to stop feeling or reading what humans felt or
dark abusive thoughts of control, hate and manipula- thought. And she did stop, becoming useless to the illu-
tion. BUT, the psychically programmed child and adult minati. She was almost too old to be the sexual slave she
are generally the ones most likely to break their pro- had been to the cult and her family members that were
gramming enough to leave the cult and their biological TRAINING younger children.
family, which is what generally needs to be done. As the The 12 year old however did maintain her psychic
programmed individual leaves the abusers it encourages abilities with nature, Gaia, plants, animals, rocks and the
others to leave. Let’s them know it can be done. electric fields around earth.
For EXAMPLE: One psychically programmed child
was so overwhelmed by the dark insensitive cruel 5
THOUGHTS of her rapists that she wanted to com-
mit suicide and tried many times. Her rapists were her ALPHA and BETA
father, 8 family members, some of the relatives and the
Mormon Church elite. At 4 years of age. She put herself
in dangerous situations like standing in front of a bull. Alpha and Beta Programming for ILLUMINIST
She tried running away from home on her tricycle but CHILDREN, we all originated from light and the com-
needed to be home by dark. She begged her parents to munities and societies we came from were compas-
be rescued from older brothers but was ignored. It was sionate and aligned with universal law. There were
all part of her training. no serious behavior problems or criminals because
At 4 years old she split off an aspect of her trauma- children were honored and valued. It is pretty easy to
tized, betrayed, angry frustrated self that she disowned. stay compassionate when everyone is similar to each
That aspect of her carried her powerlessness, anger and other. We CHOSE to incarnate on earth to increase our
upset over the many trauma and feelings of rejection knowledge or spiritual wisdom about how THE DARK
and betrayal she felt and read psychically. The 4-year- ones function and we fell into behaving just like them.
old aspect HANDLED her powerlessness; anger and Experiencing and learning is a good thing. This was an
upset experiences into her 50s when she was integrated experience to gather the wisdom and SEE if we chose
and the core personality took control. light again. The VAST majority of us got stuck in the
At twelve years of age, she and her mother cared for darkness. There was an end date to this experience in
her satanic grandpa that was dying. Grandpa felt sexual darkness that has already past. This reality has ended
lust for the 12 year old, which is typical in pedophiles in a fuzzy, long drawn out way and it is time to move on
and Satanists. The mother of the 12-year-old daugh- to light and compassion and universal law or continue
ter was very jealous and felt betrayed by her daughter another round of darkness and power over others.
- not her father. Mom thought she had EARNED the When you were born into a dysfunctional or Illuminati
“love“ grandpa showed the granddaughter. Mom hated family that was your soul’s choice. There was a spiritual
her daughter so intensely that the daughter decided at lesson to master and if you haven’t figured it out yet you
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will remain in place until you do. Experience the same coded RED (woman in the red dress) in some alter sys-
lesson with different people and settings. Universal law tems. In the alpha state trainers also program in how to
says what you individually created with the choices you torture, use espionage, increase the slaves visual acuity
made. You individually need to uncrate with different and develop photographic memory.
choices you make in present time. There is no way to BETA Programming is built on Alpha programming
leave an Illuminist family without staying conscious in infants and children. The 3rd dimensional vibration or
and aware. All the programs, triggers and codes work calibrations of brain waves at BETA rhythm or 12 to 30
because the human moves into a dissociated state. Being Hz or cycles per second. At the beta vibration your real-
dissociated allows a handler or trainer to control you. ity is perceived, as “outside” of you and you feel sepa-
You surrender ALL YOUR CHOICES to them. Below is rate. The core belief is that you are a victim. BETA is the
a few more programs the child raised in an Illuminist 2nd easiest brain wave to reach and is associated with
family has experienced BEFORE becoming a cog in the aggression, survival and sexual impulses.
dark machine of those controlling the earth: The beta programs holds cult PROTECTORS, inter-
ALPHA Programming is the easiest brain wave to nal warriors and MILITARY systems. They may be
reach and include the youngest and easiest alternate coded BLUE. All children in the illuminati are “trained
personalities for programmers and handlers to pro- sex slaves” from birth and at 2 years are programmed
gram. Alpha programs are considered the foundation to have charisma and be seductive. Beta alternate per-
for all other programs of Illuminati slaves. Infants and sonalities are used as Black Widows for espionage and
children live in alpha states and need “training, drug- blackmail.
ging, physical trauma and electric shock” to enter other Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. A trainer can use
brain wave states for long periods of time to serve their most any kind of body as a sex slave. They are used in
handlers and programmers. There are systems of alter- the crime syndicate, pornography, snuff films, and mov-
nate personalities, generally in groups of three created, ies or in Internet pornography. Some films are of having
and access codes are installed for programmers and one’s head chopped off while having sex or aborting a
handlers to use. fetus. Early sexual abuse events will be used or created
Different alternate personalities are installed in the to anchor the beta programming and the many alternate
child to service adults sexually, especially to convince personalities. Beta altars frequently see themselves as
the adult that the child REALLY wants sexual activ- cats.
ity and frequently physical and emotional abuse from The SCORPION Program was a government pro-
adults. Pedophiles like to maintain the fantasy and illu- gram installed into the Monarch sex slaves both male
sion that the toddler desires sexual force and perversion and female. The BETA model can ONLY have sex with
from adults. Guess who’s faulted if the ADULT doesn’t those their handler’s allows them to have sex with. They
have an enjoyable experience? CANNOT refuse sexually servicing another. Slaves
Because the child is too young to read the Illuminati are consistently belittled and compared unfavorably
uses COLORS as codes and triggers, alpha states may be to others. The children are available and taken to be
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used sexually around the world, as party favors and for eyes are held open and the child is strapped into a view-
blackmail. ing chair. Like in the film A Clockwork Orange 1971, the
Alpha and beta programs along with the Steps of dis- future or a fiction, I think not. More hypnosis and drug
cipline are not humiliating enough I guess, so children induced states are used.
also get dehumanization programs. The painful rape of a child with its legs held in a but-
DEHUMANIZATION Programming creates alter- terfly configuration is used to get a butterfly alter. To get
nate personalities that are animals or things or objects. a puppet, the body is given a drug to paralyze the child.
Like a bird, cat, dog, alien, horse, earth element, gem- Then electro-shock is applied to certain muscles upon
stone or rock to insure the alternate personality con- the command of the programmer. The effect is that the
tinues to believe they are not human. All the Disney child has no control over his or her body, and the pro-
­productions from the early 1900s until present time grammer can make the child’s body parts jerk and move
have been designed and used for this type of program- by shocking them.
ming and triggering of children and adults. The children BRAIN WAVE Programming is started at 8 years
shows on television reinforce a child being the wind or of age depending on the child’s skill at dissociation and
water or dragon. the country he or she lives in. Before 8 years of age the
To create a cat alter bring on the drugs, electro-shock cerebral cortex and neurological development are not
and hypnosis. The child “in its cage” drugged and elec- advanced enough to train and will cause neurological
tro-shocked. Over and over again the child is asked, if it damage. EEGs are used to determine if they are in a
wants to become a cat? They are told cats never get killed particular brain wave state. Hypnotic drugs and electric
and tortured like CHILDREN do. In the same space as shock are used to increase fear and arousal.
the trainer and child are, there are cages with little girls COLOR Programming is a simple system to orga-
that are dirty, being tortured and ill fed. When the child nize codes for nonreaders like most 2 year-olds are. The
“agrees” to be a cat, they are forced to eat like cats, with COLOR Programming or CODING will be used the rest
cats and are repeatedly SHAMED and degraded and of their life. Training starts with drugging through food,
told it is because, they are cats. Adults have trouble with drink, “Kool-Aid” or injection, the child is hypnotized
double speak, how does a child deal with it? and traumatized. Then strapped down naked on a cold
A lie detector is hooked up to the child to determine metal table. All this is done before the “training” gets
if the alternate personality believes it is a cat. A great underway.
deal of simple torture is applied to make sure that the The training is done over and over again to lay in
correct answers are given to the trainer and believed. each and every traumatized alternate personality. For
No one is trusted and nothing is left to chance. example training in the color code blue. The child is
High-speed films or DVDs of kittens playing and put into a room of neutral color like white or beige. The
having fun are shown in one eye, while the other eye trainer will dress in all blue there will be blue lighting
is forced to see little girls having to undergo the worst and blue objects in the room. The 2 year old child will
of tortures. This viewing is forced upon the child as its awaken from the abuse still in a trance and is told that
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blue is GOOD and blue will PROTECT them from harm You would need to communicate with the core
and blue people don’t get HURT. The trainer calls up a personality that trusts no one and has learned to keep
young child alter or core split from the child’s internal secrets. When no one has ever cared about what they
system of alters and tells the child they will learn how to think or feel. EXCEPT to torment them further, until
BECOME blue. The child is asked if it wants to be blue. they give the right response. It is hard and possibly dan-
That way the child has the illusion of choice and culpa- gerous to share anything.
bility, they deserve to be blamed, that installs a lifetime All their waking hours have been devoted to survival
of feeling GUILTY. and accomplishing tasks perfectly and automatically
If the 2 year old says yes, it wants to be BLUE like without conscious awareness. Knowing how they feel
the trainers they continue on. If the child says no it is might not be much of a priority.
re-traumatized until it says yes. The naked child is told To give you an honest answer, they would need to
it cannot wear clothing until it EARNS the right to wear STAY in present time AND you need to have the REAL
beautiful blue clothes. They are forced to act in blue core personality trust you. When you trigger them
ways. To access the child’s blue system and alters the with your question, they are thrilled to give you their
trainer will “trigger them” or call them up with the blue unconscious “programmed response” from one of their
color or wear a piece of clothing in the color they want FRONT alternate personalities. That will impress you
to call up. Or on television the blue-faced men or blue with how well trained they are. Compliant robots or
popsicles will trigger their programming and that alter slaves find it easier to dissociate than risk more pain and
will be called out to DO or KNOW something. suffering or know how they feel. Lies and denial is key
to surviving so much abuse.
5 Being conscious and aware, of how they feel does not
improve their lot any. Like the politicians that are sexu-
FRUSTRATION ally inappropriate and explain their behavior as “I was
being affectionate and they misunderstood.” They never
get it, because the core personality is not present. You
TRY to converse or communicate with an alternate are reasoning with a human robot looking for the right-
personality or a dissociated one, it is frustrating and programmed response or lie to give you. You confuse the
goes nowhere. Having a MEANINGFUL conversation robot with your inability to accept their canned responses.
with an Illuminist, “trauma base programmed” individ- When the essence or core personality is absent, save your
ual is predictably FRUSTRATING and confusing when breath. Always check the eyes to see if anyone is home.
you want to know and understand them better. Pity the Engaging a human robot is not satisfying.
therapist. It is hard for an alternate personality to share Paying attention to what they actually say ultimately
their feelings, because they do not have any REAL ones. leaves you guessing about what you heard and what it
They only have the feelings programmed into them. could mean. Asking simple question could make you
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more confused and when you repeat your question you try to please the therapist and give the RIGHT answers.
may get the same response repeated with anger. One lady went to two different therapists working in
You ask a simple question, “How did your brother the same building with problems two different alternate
feel?” personalities were having, BUT no one was working
A very long pause or silence and then an answer, “In with the core personality. She didn’t get better.
the ancestral line there was always competition even DENIAL Programming is designed to disorient and
competing against the self.” confuse what is real in the mind. Monday the child is hor-
The long pause before answering is the human robot rendously wounded and traumatized, Tuesday morning
mentally running through a large number of misdirect- everyone connected to the abuse acts as if nothing hap-
ing things or lies they can say because they know giving pened. How can a toddler EVER know what is real. The
a straight answer could lead to physical punishment in family models a lifestyle of DENIAL and dissociation
their experience. Illuminists are trained and taught to for the infant and young child most of the time.
consistently lie, give disinformation or misdirect to the There are drugs always present in an illuminist’s life.
one asking questions. While the answer may be factually Fetuses, infants and children are drugged all the time.
accurate, it does not answer the question and will gen- The CIA and Illuminati programming centers have more
erally STOP efforts to get the individual to share their than 600 to 700 different drugs at their disposal. They
thoughts and feelings. It is difficult to impossible for you can make a person feel like he or she is in heaven, or
to get their honest feedback. burning in hell or make the person vomit. If they want
To get any honest answer the core personality needs a little girl to have breasts they give her hormones. To
to be present AND trust you. Then you might learn create a raving paranoia in a person, the handler gives
something about them that hasn’t been programmed in. too much dopamine or too little dopamine.
As the small child is being “trained” they also try mak- Reduce serotonin and they will be unable to under-
ing some logical sense out of the way they are treated stand cause and effect of anything. Thorazine was used
or abused continuously. I doubt they ever think OH! regularly at the CIA’s Jonestown Guyana group control
“They want a compliant robot to abuse, do nasty unethi- experiment in mind control. Many drugs especially
cal, illegal things to ME and to other people.” No they experimental ones are only known by code names. The
realize if they say and do what is wanted and keep their drugs can be used with elaborate light, sound and motion
thoughts to them self or dissociate, there is less pain and shows that produce whatever effect the programmer
confusion. Telling the truth “straight out” has ALWAYS wants to produce like SHRINKING or dying.
meant being “set up” and greater suffering and drug- Drugs cause us to focus closely on the physical as a
ging. So why do it? method for acquiring increased spirituality but they get
They go for the politically correct broad answer and us stuck in the physical body.
hope that makes you happy. The answer you get is one Electroconvulsive Therapy or ECT creates seizures
they hope will please you so you can leave them alone. and drugs can do the same. Which is used is the personal
Even when they are allowed to go to a therapist, they taste of the trainer or handler. Amnesia can be caused
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by an intra-cerebral or under the skin shot of puromyx- die. But, you owe your life to me. Recorded messages are
cin, cyclohexamide or Acetoxycycloheximide. A more also played over and over the child is allowed to come
sophisticated technique incorporates the drug seconal out of unconsciousness, with the constant message of
that creates a hypnotic state or dissociation. After com- being “reborn” for the “family (Illuminati) group”
pleting a mission these are used to prevent conscious RESUSCITATION Programming or ritual includes
awareness of what they have done. drugging, electric shock or tortured until their HEART
NEAR DEATH Programming or “resurrection cer- stops beating. Then the head priest will resuscitate
emony” has always been used by the Illuminati. The the child with drugs, CPR and incantations. When the
Phoenix, symbol of death and new life, is one of their child comes back or is resuscitated they are told that
highest symbols and symbolizes the coming of the New they were brought back to life by the demonic entity
World Order. the group worships and now the child owes their life to
One version of near death programming is drugging that entity. Rejection of the demon or reptilian or family
a 2 or 3 year old, seriously traumatizing, beating, shock- means death or activation of a suicide program.
ing and almost suffocating the child to create a near Sometimes the carcass of a large animal like a cow or
death state, during an occult ceremony or satanic ritual. horse is opened up and the child is placed in there for a
In extreme pain they are brought to consciousness and day or more so it can be REBORN into Satan’s legions.
asked to choose, death or to invite a powerful demon Sometimes the child dies, but if they live they are told
inside. The demon enters, the child goes unconscious, the demon saved them and will preserve them as long as
and awakens later in clean clothing and a soft bed. They they do not upset Satan.
are extremely weak and shaky, and are told by a kind, being played. They are extremely vulnerable recep-
caring, soft voice that they died, but the demon brought tive to the messages placed in under trauma.
them back to life. The child is told that if they ask the A third version is putting the child in a large recently
demonic entity to leave, that they will revert to the near killed animal, like a horse and letting them stay there a
death state they were in. The child feels marked and few days. They get saved and rescued.
Another near death programming the Illuminati uses: 5
the child has arms, legs, waist and neck tied down. Then
wrapped in a cocoon with soft gauze, to limit movement
or any feeling or sensation in the limbs. They are fed
intravenously, and undergo severe sensory deprivation.
Glaring white light and loud noise are used to help disori-
ent, then they are electric shocked and drugged possibly
given paralytic drugs. This goes on for days. The anxi-
ety level is extreme. They are told that they are dying.
Then a trainer with soothing voice says, I won’t let you
Jumped In

Getting jumped into the Illuminists gang becomes

more formal by four years of age and the direction they
will serve is crystallized. The generational Illuminist
child has been tested many times in many ways physi-
cally, mentally and emotionally. Including Gittinger’s
Personality Assessment System or PAS designed to eval-
uate current and future personality. Gittinger’s original
formulation defines three primitive dimensions, consid-
ering general ability level, gender and age.
The first dimension is Internalizer-Externalizer or
intellectual dimension meaning the child has an ability
to manipulate internal stimuli or symbols without being
distracted by the external world.
The Regulated-Flexible or procedural dimension is
a child that can see details within a whole, but not the
whole. They are more stimuli bound.
The Adaptable-Role Uniform dimension is a child
skilled in meeting demands others make on them, with-
out awareness of all that is involved.
Based on the PAS results the 4-year-old falls in program-
ming charts are labeled with a suitable occupation like
Environmental Activist or Pentecostal church reformer
or Consumer Advocate or Activist. Programming follows,
with 6-month goals to support and develop strengths. The
appropriate alternate personality will be created. The map
of the Land of Oz in the Wizard of Oz books was frequently
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used for the front, socially appropriate; alternate person- METAL Programming is what many Illuminati chil-
alities. A system built as a city of entities having unity and dren are given. Metals are bronze (lowest) to platinum
multiplicity. Illuminists love opposites, unity is forced in (highest) and are laid in the same way jewel program-
their reality. Light is dark. Up is down. ming is. JEWEL Programming is similar to metal pro-
To execute the plans of the illuminati, it takes many, gramming but a higher level and more difficult to obtain.
many handlers, trainers and controllers. The older disso- JEWEL programming is started at 2 or 3 years of
ciated ones need to control and instruct the younger dis- age and is considered higher than metals to achieve.
sociated ones and there is your unity. Slaves controlling Higher levels mean more abuse, drugging, hypnotism
each other, a dissociated society operating with controlled and electro shock. The child is shown a piece of jewelry
minds and thoughts passed on to the young. You just need or a large example of the jewel (or metal) and asked isn’t
to call forth the right alter to get the desired job done. this amethyst, ruby, emerald or diamond beautiful? The
Parents do the earliest sexual training for all the chil- child will be eager to look at it and touch it. To become a
dren even all the sexual positions are taught and drawn. jewel you need to EARN the right with TRAINING and
Teachers in schools wonder where very young students systematic abuse and trauma to create full alters inside.
learned to draw explicit sexual acts. They learned it at Amethyst is usually 1st earned and linked to KEEPING
home of course. There is no free will or thinking for SECRETS.
your self. The continuous use of drugs, electric shocked Ruby is next and linked to SEXUAL ABUSE and
and trauma affects their small-undeveloped biology’s sexual alters laid in. As the child is repeatedly sexually
and brains and who cares about that? It is not uncom- traumatized and survives they CREATE sexual alter-
mon for trainers to give too much electricity and destroy nate personalities to please adult perversions.
programming and the child’s ability to be a good slave Emerald generally comes at ages 12 to 15 years and
and sometimes stay alive. How many have died from too is linked to family loyalty, WITCHCRAFT and dark
many drugs? Most all of the children died that they used spiritual achievement. Emeralds often have a black cat
to test radiation on. The few that lived have many chal- linked to them.
lenges to deal with daily. Diamond is the highest gemstone, and not all chil-
Since the 1940s the Atomic Energy Commission had dren will earn it. “Family jewels” are often passed down
been sponsoring tests on the effects of radiation on the internally during training sessions with trainers and
human body. Such experiments were not limited to hos- family members. All high Illuminati families will have
pital patients, but included, orphans fed irradiated milk, jewels hidden in secret vaults, which have been passed
children injected with radioactive materials, prisoners down for generations.
in Washington and Oregon state prisons. Triads of three elders may be seen in the alter sys-
METAL and JEWEL Programming The parent’s tem. Platinum’s may have a head council of three. Jewels
status, the child’s DNA, the region it is born in, the group will have a triad of ruby, emerald, and diamond in many
it is born into, and the trainers that work with it deter- systems, to rule over the others as an internal leader-
mine what level the child is put in and when. ship council or System Above or Ascended Masters or
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supreme council, regional council, world council, etc. leaders inside the military systems who DISSOCIATE
may be found. It is not uncommon for the survivor to under stress, to trigger particular programs of destruc-
incorporate a parent, both parents, and grandparents, tion and insensitivity. An honorable soldier will take his
into their internal leadership hierarchy in a genera- life rather than reveal secrets or leave his unit.
tional survivor. High priests and priestesses may sit on For the children selected to work for and or spy on
ruling councils inside the internal system of alternate governments there is
personalities. GOVERNMENT Programming installed in illumi-
THE WHOLE GANG gets MILITARY Programming nati slaves to infiltrate local political parties and those
MILITARY Programming for all is emphasized running for leadership positions locally and nation-
and installed as part of their plan to takeover the ally or working for top leaders as ADMINISTRATORS,
world. NEW WORLD ORDER or N.W.O. or “FOURTH financial advisors funding governmental races and back-
REICH” or the One-World-Government planned for ing the person sympathetic to the Illuminati or putting
earth. Currently all children are undergoing some form their person in to win. Eventually causing the downfall
of military training at 3 years with simple exercises. of all major governments in the world and then install-
Parents take the children to a training area that may be ing the New World Order and New World Religion.
a large inside auditorium or remote outside area to mas- They already control our financial markets, the media
ter training maneuvers. They march in time and keep and most religions.
straight lines and what fun would any of this be with- CIA Programming uses brain wave and color-­
out being PUNISHED by being kicked, electric shocked coding. These programs were developed through mili-
with cattle prods or beaten with a baton when you don’t tary research and funding in 1950 - 1960’s. Alters were
do it right or fast enough. trained to become hyper aware of conversations even
They are dressed in small uniforms like the adults. when whispered. INTERNAL human recorders are
The adults have ranks, badges and insignia indicating taught to download these conversations. Photographic
their level of achievement in the illuminati hierarchy recall is emphasized and downloaded.
and military. They spend hours learning to aim, sight, VIRTUAL REALITY Programming uses a virtual
and fire guns to condition them to KILLING. They are reality headset, suit and illuminati produced VR discs
shown violent films of warfare more explicit and graphic using holographic images, scripted programs and tar-
than normal movies, video games and virtual reality gets with practice sequences for assassin training. Under
play. Killing techniques are shown in slow motion “kill hypnosis and drugs the person thinks it is real. Virtually
or be killed” gets ground in over and over. any scenario can be recreated and reinforced over and
War games for older youths are used and the losers over. The VR disc is more advanced than any video or
are punished. We are so surprised. They are taught to arcade games.
leave behind the weak or slow members. Unfit mem-
bers are killed. The goal is to create, creative cognitive 5
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ACCOUNTABILITY raising our baseline vibration and skill at telepathy, sight

and hearing. Senses of smell and taste are providing more
information about food that feeds you when you believe
Denial and lack of responsibility or claiming to not and trust your senses. Your discernment is always being
know PREVENTS movement to higher vibrations. You tested. If you abandoned your biology or are living in the
need to be very aware of your thoughts and how chari- past or future you aren’t getting the sensory information
table and compassionate they are. Especially when it you need to assist your changing biology.
comes to thinking about YOU. With more awareness NOT KNOWING or denial or claiming your associa-
comes more accountability. We are realizing the pro- tion with rituals is on another dimension, time or place
found influence our thoughts and emotions have on us. is not going to help you integrate your various parts and
Start thinking negatively, blame or judge and your vibra- pieces. Own what you are all about and set about chang-
tion lowers along with your mood. Victims are always ing what you want to change.
unhappy people. EXPENDABLE Programs, Illuminists and other
Keeping high vibrations allows flashes of perception organizations use trauma-based programs on individu-
from the fourth and fifth dimension to enter your aware- als who THEY consider to be expendable. Like sex
ness and change your mood. Spending time in compas- slaves used up and killed very early in life. One-time use
sion leads to hope, enjoyment and conscious choosing. saboteurs, breeders that are forced have undocumented
Our brain works best when in sync with our mental babies in a prison setting, soldiers to experiment with
body or DNA that surrounds us. Our mental body adapts and insert implants in, drug couriers that are frequently
to the version of reality we choose to be in. The realty very young children and so forth. The expendable ones
you choose to perceive you create. are the children of parents who were blackmailed into
As long as we have biology we need to be aware of turning their children over to the CIA and hadn’t been
what is best for it and support our biology on a cellular programmed since birth.
and molecular level. Because we have biology we still Picking a parent to blackmail, the CIA and Illuminati
need to do chores, drive and deal with darkness which watch for porn in the mail and now on the Internet.
all can lower our vibration. The faster you identify your Those who are found abusing their SMALL children
negativity or density the easier it is to release it. For they give a choice, go to prison or cooperate with them
example our biology needs to continuously adapt to the by selling their children to them. This method was used
increasing pollution, chemtrails and genetically modi- to study radioactivity in children also. The vast majority
fied food. At some point our biology reacted strongly, of those children died.
now unfortunately, it is adjusting. The National Security Act hides the information
We are adjusting to higher vibrations in the same way about who was blackmailed and who was purchased.
and that is very fortunate. Filling your life with creativ- The CIA is a front for the Illuminati and they set up
ity, some exercise and compassion helps us create higher fronts like that in many state mental hospitals and
vibrations as the main state of awareness. We are slowly McGill Psychiatric Training Network that consists of
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eight Montreal hospitals, especially St. Mary’s, NASA family members and dark friends, they can start inte-
in Huntsville, Alabama, the Presidio in California; grating their alternate personalities little-by-little.
and NOTS at China Lake in California, to name a few. MONTAUK PROJECT is a US government 1983 ini-
Satanists within the Network and the CIA took over tiated experiment and an extension of the Philadelphia
Boy’s Town in Nebraska in the early 1950s, to be sure Experiment of 1952 and scientific manipulation of
of a constant supply of boys for programming and sex- space-time continuum, time travel and psychological
ual use. This information is taken from Bloodlines of warfare techniques.
Illuminati by: Fritz Springmeier, 1995. Messages from implants, angels, guides, aliens, or
MONARCH Programming / Nazi Marionette ascended masters can be from your controller or handler
Programming is built on the same trauma-based program- or the government with a device or psychically. With
ming all Illuminist children receive. The same drugging, all the drugs, abuse, hypnosis and low frequency vibra-
hypnotism, electro shock, physical, mental and emotional tions with messages hitting us how can we know what
abuse designed to make the slave perform their tasks in is real and from what source? How do you know what
a dissociated state with no conscious awareness of what is true, when you are getting a sound and light show
they did or suffered. Dissociative Identity Disorder or DID mostly you are being entertained. As your attention is
is created. The standard Illuminati alternate personality diverted outward and you hold your attention outside of
system is 13 x 13 x 13 = 2,197 possible alternate personalities you. Go within to discern your truths. To make consis-
or alters or splits. Men and women are used to spy, relay tently LIGHT choices and align with universal law you
secrets and deliver sexual favors or perversions. Illuminists will need to be very alert at first until you get the hang
use humans to relay their secret information they do not of who is saying what in your head and who is your soul
trust other methods to deliver their messages. aspect and how light are they.
The elite in the U.S. and other governments, intel- Several more programs to distort and twist a slave’s
ligence agencies, the entertainment and news media, reality and make them dissociate are “upside-down”
in the Catholic hierarchy, Mormon and KKK leader- and “silence” programs.
ship around the world, use monarch slaves. There are UPSIDE DOWN Programming is hanging or being
40,000 actively monitored Monarch slaves. Over 2 mil- suspended upside down for one or two hours. That will
lion Americans have experienced this programming. play TRICKS on the MIND and it starts to dissociate and
When the slave is able to remain in present time they reverse PAIN and PLEASURE. This is often done with
can start to break their programming by NOT dissociat- Beta alters to get them to think that painful sadistic rape,
ing or going into denial. They can stop reacting to THEIR an illuminati favorite, is pleasurable. After reversals you
triggers, handlers, trainers and programs by not allow- get PAIN IS LOVE and the sadomasochistic kitten alters
ing them self to dissociate. They need to stay consciously beg for more abuse to rationalize the predator guilt and
aware of what they do. When a slave feels safe and is to prevent the predator from remembering when they
away from their external handlers, which are generally were programmed and how much they suffered.
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Remember that the vibration of terror, pain and suf- over the therapy sessions and blockers, block and shut
fering FEEDS energy to the reptilians in the illuminati. down therapy. The Illuminati wants to keep what they
That energy siphoning creates the illusion that they are have invested so much time and training in. They have
powerful because they can terrorize the helpless. always threatened death or psychosis to those trying to
SILENCE Programming is trauma to force SILENCE leave. Leaving has a ripple affect of breaking some pro-
by repeatedly killing humans of all ages in front of the infant gramming in other members and encourages others to
or child being programmed while telling the mind-control defect. A person leaving is considered a training failure
victim the people are being sadistically killed because they and the trainers, family and friends get punished.
talked. Nice way to keep people terrorized and confused. PHONE or RE-CONTACT Programming each
Illuminati slave has personalities whose only job is to
5 call and report to the trainer or cult leader. These are
the young children alternate personalities eager to
JUMPED OUT please, starved for attention and are rewarded for call-
ing back in. Resist calling most everyone if you want to
leave. Do not phone friends, parents, siblings, cousins,
Leaving the GANG and your programs, triggers and or aunts. Wake up and notice that the people you call are
focus changers is a considerable challenge. Illuminists urging you in code, to come back. The trigger or com-
are designed to monitor them self INTERNALLY, exter- mon phrases used are: your FAMILY loves you, misses
nally and each other the way Hitler Youth controlled you, and needs you. You are so special to us. Someone is
them self and each other. Hitler youth in Germany 1922 ill and needs to see you. You are so valuable. You need
to 1945 were a paramilitary organization of the Nazi to come see us. Why haven’t we heard from you lately?
Party. MALE youths aged 14 to 18 years. For boys and Why are you being so distant?
girls aged 10 t0 14 was the League of German Girls. Concerned family members, friends, and other
They were viewed as future Aryan Supermen. Greater Illuminists flood the survivor’s phone and answering
emphasis was placed on physical and military training machine. Hang up calls as many as six in a row. A series
than on academic study. The youths were used to break of tones may be used to trigger internal programming.
up Church youth movements, did anti-church indoctri- Birthday, holiday, miss you cards, letters or e-mails have
nation, spied on religious classes, family members and codes in them to trigger you. A certain number of flow-
neighbors. Cruelty was encouraged to weed out the ers or daisies may fire off daisy programming. The inter-
unfit and harden up the rest. The same principles are in nal possibilities are almost endless. When NICE fails to
play when trying to leave the FAMILY. get you to comply, guilt, accusations and hostility start
Breaking programming or deprogramming is hard is used. If that fails than isolation programming may be
to do when your handlers are still able to access you activated and attention is withdrawn for a while.
physically, by any electronic means and or psychically. Siblings are cross-trained to access each other with
In therapy “confuse and scramble programs” will take special codes like REMEMBER WHEN... or I love you,
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or your family loves you, certain clothing or jewelry can you can consciously decide what you want to do. When
be used to draw on the loyalty system or programs. To you dissociate you move right into running your program
prevent inadvertent popping out of alters by anyone and no THINKING or choice will happen. Triggers and
wearing a color or gem, the cueing is based on sight rec- focus changes can be words, actions by others or actions
ognition of a particular person, plus the color or jewelry within your internal system. Certain behaviors, seeing a
worn a certain way. particular thing paired with a person, a particular smell,
DOUBLE SPEAK or bluff or double meanings are sound, message or phone call or e-mail and psychically
placed in the person during training sessions. Sweet, kind contacted is common.
phrases and other messages are triggers for re-contact Many popular movies, jingles and songs have triggers
programming. This programming is layered in as most in them: “A stare into your eyes” or a punch in stomach
programs are with drugs, hypnosis, electric shock and is a CUE to be submissive. Some noises or car noises are
torture. Until one of your alternate personalities tells on a CUE to be fearful. A hick-up can be a cue for you to
you by calling the trainer, you will feel restless, shaky, go into CONFUSION. “Lady in Red” is a trigger song to
weepy and afraid. If that doesn’t work suicide programs dance and get undressed. Tiger is a trigger to go men-
get triggered. Then internal arguing goes on with PTSD tally foggy or into a state of hypnosis and act like a robot.
symptoms or flashbacks of trauma, flood programming, Kissing is a focus change to make you forget what
and internal self-punishment sequences. happened just before the kiss. Pain works well to change
FLOOD Programming is a sequence used to punish focus, pain in the head and stomach. “You like it wild.”
a system or group of INTERNAL alternate personalities You are a Wildcat, Tiger, and little girl, Bitch, Kiss me
if they have been allowed to degrade or be accessed by are all sexual triggers to become aroused and sexual in
an unauthorized person, internally or externally. The different ways. You where beaten after the sexual abuse
alternate personality or fragment will be “flooded” with to forget what was really going on, all you remember is
wave after wave of memories of mental and physical the physical abuse or the focus change, possibly a kiss.
trauma to create fear and force compliance. Oh those eyes or you have beautiful eyes, you are so
SPIDER WEB Programming is a linked program beautiful, he or she is so sexy ARE TRIGGARS to make
having a spider or internal programmer that continu- the slave feel safe, trusting, loved and sexually excited.
ously reweaves and reinforces internal programming SOME triggers start a series of actions. A SLAP is a
and punishments. The web also communicates with trigger to close down the receiver program, to SHUT
other systems and can represent demonic linkages the file and open another program. BIRD BEAK to sing
internally. or talk, like a bird or report back programming. The
SOME TRIGGERS or CHANGE in FOCUS, a trigger VICTIM program is used to make the slave feel they have
or a change in focus is a subliminal message to switch to lost a love when all that has happened is their handlers
an alternate personality or program. It is always helpful were switched. Stories you tell yourself about what has
to be conscious of your triggers and changes in focus so happened are YOU programming yourself.
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Sexual behavior or lust programs can be started or

intensified with a bite on the ear, a whisper of demean-
ing remarks in the ear or prolonged kisses.
A nurturing program is baby talk, back and forth to
your children and they baby talk back but no intimacy, nineteen
caretaking or nurturing is really experienced by either
end of the exchange. For adults FAKING INTIMACY Land of Oz
with “Hi Honey” and the response “Hi Baby” program-
ming is two dissociated adults doing a stimulus-response
act for each other. By 4 years of age the child has been tested and the child’s
weaknesses and strengths are charted and their destiny
5 in life is determined and sealed. Programs are deter-
mined and the appropriate alternate personalities will
be created. The map of the LAND of OZ in the Wizard
of Oz books was frequently used for the front alternate
personalities of a system built as a city of UNITY and
MULTIPLICITY. Like the New World Order is said to
The map of the Land of Oz is a square divided in
four parts corner to corner making four triangles and
in the center is the Emerald city. On the top is Gillikin
Country or north, Munchkin Land to the right or east,
Winkie Land to the left or west and Quadling Country
on the bottom or south. Surrounding the Land of Oz
is Impassible Desert north, Shifting Sands east, Great
Sandy Waste south and deadly Desert west.
The EMERALD CITY LIBRARY from the Land of
OZ contains the historical genealogies of satanic DNA
from early ancient times to the present. Some alternate
personalities in the illuminati system only function
as photographic memories and store pages and pages
of information including the codes of the their entire
FRANK L BAUM was a grand master mason and into
black magic. He wrote the Wizard of Oz series of books.
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He was a member of the Theosophical Society, lived in a temple or pyramid or structure or box or card and they
South Dakota and created The Wizard of Oz book as a will now “LIVE INSIDE” that structure. This is also
theosophical fairy tale incorporating the “ancient wis- used to reinforce amnesia and isolation programming
dom” of the Mystery Religions. These books have large internally, since the structure will be used to reinforce
amounts of information about the secret world of the walls between the alter fragment and other fragments
Illuminati. The book The Wizard of Oz came out in 1900 that live internally. 

the movie was made in 1939. INTERNAL WALL Programming is a large inter-
Wizard of Oz themes and triggers were used nal amnesia barrier. The walls may be very thick, imper-
for MK-Ultra CIA programming and then became meable or semi permeable. A typical use for a wall will
MONARCH Programming or the Nazi Marionette be to maintain high levels of amnesia between “front”
Programming. Oz is the con man, Lucifer, deceiver that or daily living, amnesic alters, and “back” or cult active
says he has “no good in him.” He uses deception, magic alters that contain more of the person’s life history. The
and grand Illusion to trick and lead the good people of back may be able to selectively see over and cross past
Oz. He considers the people of Oz to be SIMPLE, sheep- the wall, but the front will be completely unaware that
like and unintelligent. The same way the Illuminists there is a wall, or what lies behind the wall.
consider humans to be. The current movie, Oz: the DECK of CARDS Programming can include cards
Great and Powerful, released in 2013 is the first install- from a deck, or a complex configuration made of hun-
ment of many to come from the Frank L. Baum epic to dreds of cards inside the individual. Dominoes program-
create and reinforce our ongoing programming. To dis- ming is similar. All cards or dominoes touch each other
tract and entertain the sheep and show them what they and if you try to dismantle one program card or domino
should believe and feel. the deck will FALL. 

AMNESIA and INTERNAL WALL BUILDING BLACK BOX Programming is self-destruct and
Amnesia is a total or partial loss of memory built by shatter programming that is sealed off into a black box,
you and for your use in the illuminist training and life. to protect the system. Black boxes are not to be opened
Bring on the drugs, hypnosis, electric shock and more by a therapist without careful preparation and skill
physical trauma while moving into a deep trance state. because they do not know what else is present.
When you are in deep trance you are told to open your INTERNAL COUNCILS and STRUCTURES of an
eyes and look at: a projected image of a structure or a illuminati mind controlled slave will ALWAYS have a
three-dimension model or a holographic image using a hierarchy. Common structures are Temples consecrated
virtual reality headset. The image is then ground into to the main Illuminati DEITIES and may represent
your awareness, using electric shock as the image gets actual temples, Temple of Moloch created out of black
closer and closer to your visual field. When graphics are stone with a fire burning internally. Horus is a deity; the
available the wall will be rotated around. all Seeing Eye symbolizes that cult or illuminists can
The alternate personality being programmed under always see what the individual is doing and thinking.
deep hypnosis will be told they are entering the inside of This is really the hidden observer or file clerk or your
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soul aspect. The eye may be closed, or open, depending personalities will begin spinning and get dizzy. The eyes
on the system’s status at the time. Pyramids and ancient change and the victim will appear disoriented and stare
Egyptian symbols, especially “mystery religions” and or grimace as if being rotated at a high speed. Certain
The Temple of Set teachings are all common structures alternate personalities trigger the spinning internally
or internal councils. and certain alters maintain the spinning. The spin train-
Pyramids are placed internally for stability and as a ing and memories are then used to teach alternate per-
calling place for the demonic. Pyramids and triangles sonalities to spin away PAIN. Spin programs frequently
and the number three represent calling up the demonic affect wide areas of a system rather than an individual
in Illuminist philosophy. Sun represents Ra the sun god. alternate personality.
Geometric figures and patterns of circles, triangles and TIME TRAVEL Programming Greek Doric or
pentagons are considered sacred and based in ancient Ionic columns with a portal between the two columns
philosophy. There may be hundreds of these geomet- frequently hold time travel programming.
ric shapes overlapping each other in a training grid for COMPUTER SYSTEM Programming are very com-
complex systems, which house fragments or splits of plex, highly dissociated systems with alternate personali-
personalities in each one. ties and fragments held within a computer system. Robots
MIRROR Programming is an internal program to are seen in older systems. 

reinforce other programming sequences like internal
twinning and distortion of reality programming. Mirror 5
programs can create shadow systems of functional sys-
tems. They may also lock in demonic programming. SUPED-UP vehicle
Crystals, balls or multifaceted gems are used in spiri-
tual systems to enhance occult powers. Alternate per-
sonalities and fragments may congregate on facets of a SATANISM is a broad term referring to different
large multifaceted gem. 

 groups with different beliefs. Some shared features
CAROUSEL Programming is a sequence designed include symbolic association with, or admiration for the
to confuse the alternate personalities and fragments character of Satan or the Devil or Lucifer or the Dark
inside. This system is often linked to spin and confusion Lord or the anti Christ. They all worship the power of
programming internally. This may also be used to pun- the little human or ego or the biology. To increase or
ish internal alternate personalities by spinning them on enhance the human power they call on the power of
the carousel if they disclose information or tell anything darkness or the absence of light, compassion or wisdom.
they aren’t supposed to tell. There goal is to make the biology a great deal more than
SPIN Programming is used for a variety of pro- it was designed to be. Biology is a vehicle for our soul
gramming purposes including building an alter system. aspect to experience physicality. The soul is what drives
Spinning tortures the victim while they are drugged the biology. Satanists want a “SUPED-UP” vehicle with
and hypnotized. All at once, whole sections of alternate a dark SOUL aspect driving.
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Illuminist religion is Satanism; with the same serpent The illuminists PREACH that Man becomes god
gods brought with them from Draco. The main god or through reason and “enlightenment” but practice con-
dragon is a large white dragon with blue eyes, which has trol, force and obedience and enforce a strong caste
wings attached to its shoulders, long tail and is 7 to 8 foot system on all members. Starting even before birth with
tall. It looks like the royal line of the Alpha Draconian rep- trauma based programming throughout life. The infant
tilians. A Supreme Deity that demands compliance and is forced to accept demonic possession and dissociate so
obedience. The Old Testament made Jehovah a vengeful they can serve who is currently controlling them with
god like the extra-terrestrial or the ancestral bloodline of no memory of what they have done. Serpent, snake and
the Illuminists god is. Many royalty; kings, queens and dragon worship is the most common worship on earth.
emperors claim they have a RIGHT to rule because of Especially at the highest levels of the Catholic, Mormon
their DNA or their bloodline that is directly from the “ser- and Christian churches, which are fronts for satanic
pent gods” or they claim to have reptilian blue bloodlines. activity and child abuse. They claim and are very proud
Illuminati Masons and Satanists honor a deity of of their roots in the ancient mystery religions of Babylon,
countless different names to keep those of lower rank Egypt, and Celtic Druidism and Atlantis.
“hoodwinked” or deceived or tricked as to WHOM they The Sons of Biel became the Dark Robes of Atlantis and
worship, a satanic reptile or many of them from Draco. were responsible for the fall of Lemuria and then Atlantis.
Many Illuminists at the local level worship ancient Their dark acts never seem to end they are now known
deities like El, Baal, Isis, Osiris and his son Horus, Set, as the Illuminati and have represented the “DARK” since
“The Sun” the “Central Sun” Lucifer “Hiram Abiff” they came to Earth. These are a collection of entities from
the “Great Architect of the Universe” Satan “Abaddon,” different planets and star systems that had not ascended
“Mahabone,” and “Jahbuhlun.” The Horned God of when their home worlds did. They found each other and
witchcraft, often called Pan or Baphomet or the double- banded together. Unfortunately these groups were not
headed eagle the Freemasons designed. All are front just physical they also chose to maintain forms in the
names and “pretend Christians” for the worship of power lower very dark astral plane of the bottom 4th dimension.
and control for the human or ego. Especially power over Dark entities and Satanists believe they are doing
the weak and helpless like children and those that are THEIR “god’s work” by going through the universe
trusting and innocent. Always using trickery, deception, dominating and assimilating INFERIOR creatures.
lies, dissociation, fear, force and blackmail. Humans are considered inferior. This is the SAME belief
The Illuminati created Christianity to fool people into “Christians” or “missionaries” on earth have when they
worshipping symbolic reptilian Deities while believing justify making Blacks from Africa slaves and forcing
they were worshipping the opposite. Many leaders pro- their religious beliefs on them. The American Indians
fess to be strong Christians while practicing Satanism were killed off and their children were taken to steal
in secret. To them there is no hypocrisy in that, because their land and destroy their culture and spiritual beliefs.
they think Christianity is REALLY the worship of the If the reptilians are our genetic parent, gods and han-
serpent gods. dlers we have grown up just like them as a society.
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Human Satanists don’t seem to notice or care that location in present, past or future time for all and any of
they are only VEHICLES used by demonic or dark enti- the reasons we want to know what goes on in another
ties and energy to control and manipulate other humans. place or time. Outside of this matrix there is no time or
How is that spiritual or morally enjoyable or beneficial space so the remote viewer can see the past or future.
to the individual or their society? WHEN there is NO TIME there is NO HISTORY all is
Their religious rituals can create and collect a an infinite circle that never begins and never ends.
“thought waveform” of sexual energy / addiction into a United States government decided to use parapsy-
vortex and REDIRECT that energy of anger and unrest chology for military intelligence purposes and had
anyplace they want it. Illuminists are masters of energy a secret CIA-initiated program commonly known as
manipulation. They use their knowledge to maintain “remote viewing.” The Central Intelligence Agency
control of mass consciousness. (CIA) mind research and experimentation went on in
For example on February 5, 2012 the “NFL half time” the late 1940s. Simultaneously it went on in the Soviet
was an illuminati ritual created to gather the sexual Union and China. Since 1972, the U.S. intelligence com-
energy of the crowd and redirect it to intensify the upset munity has spent millions of dollars training psychic
Iran and Israel have with each other, to hopefully start spies. Admiral Stansfield Turner, head of the CIA from
WW III. Six days later Whitney Houston was another 1977 to 1981, has admitted as much on camera. Psychic
ritual sacrifice for the Satanists to collect energy and spies claim to have directed the Libyan bombing. They
money. The little human or ego keeps making the dark also claim to have given targets for SCUD missiles in the
choices to stay with the illuminati an all the HUMAN Gulf War.
perks. Remote viewing, genetic experiments and clon-
ing go back to Lemuria and Atlantis and before that to
5 Alpha Draconic a star in the Big Dipper. Atlantian sci-
entists created DNA humanoid animal genetic blends.
REMOTE VIEWING Hundreds of animal-human genetic or DNA experi-
ments were engineered in Atlantis and continue today
with no concern for what they created and frequently
Remote viewing (RV) is a psychic skill. The Illuminists abandoned when it failed to meet their needs.
and Scientology have always used this tool to spy on ILLUMINATI or REPTILIAN HISTORY has
each other and everyone else. Ten percent of the trauma ALWAYS been comingled with human history. In the
based programmed two years olds have increased train- Book of Dzyan, an old Sanskrit account, tells of a reptil-
ing in this area. Remote viewing is a mental skill using ian race called the Sarpa or GREAT DRAGON that carne
your consciousness or awareness to visit, see and experi- from the skies to bring civilization to earth. The leader
ence another place or time. Remote viewing is related to was called Great Dragon. The Sumer Empire wor-
psychic or par psychological phenomena. It is you pro- shipped serpent gods. Many of the statues and artwork
jecting your consciousness or awareness into another in Egypt emphasized reptilian features. The Celtic title
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of the leader is Pendragon as the father of “King Arthur” 8th century. The Hebrew religion worshipped many
was named. Merlin was described as only half human gods and in the Old Testament they refer again and
because he was the child of an underground being and a again to god as being plural. Elohim was from Anunnaki
human woman. meaning the serpent goddesses. The plural form is used
Early Hebrews worshipped the serpent god of the 2,570 times in Old Testament.
Sumer Empire and the Levites were called “Sons of the Illuminati’s Ku Klux Klan created by the Freemason
Great Serpent.” Their god YHVH was a dragon called god in America, Albert Pike was called the Grand Dragon.
Leviathan and was depicted as part human and part Notre Dame is covered in reptilian gargoyles. Draconian
serpent. Their sacred spiritual book the Kabbala means reptilians are reported to have greater intelligence than
“Serpent Wisdom.” Excavations have discovered bronze the Annunaki Reptilians. Draconian Reptilians created
and copper serpent symbols in former Levite temples. Grey Aliens to work for them. Reptilian technology from
The SCARLET COUNCIL is made up of the black all the planets is more advanced than all of ours. After
magicians from Atlantis that reincarnated in Egyptian Atlantis all humans had at least 10-20% reptilian DNA
Mystery schools around 3150 BC. Into the Mystery that they did not have before that. The human fetus
schools of Babylon around 1894 BC that eventually starts out reptilian and turns into a mammalian mostly.
became the Freemasons in Europe. Scarlet Council We have 2 brain hemispheres, a reptilian and mamma-
members are the ones that created the plans for world lian brain a reptilian lymphatic system and on and on.
conquest or the New World Order. They created the Lyrian blood is reddish because of the high iron content
various religions. The scarlet council of Atlantis were in it. Reptilian blood is blue-green because of the high
the ones that paralyzed the intellectual and SPIRITUAL copper content it has. In 1954 the Grey aliens made a
activities of the individual by convincing us not to listen CONTRACT with the United States government to be
to our higher self or soul aspect. They demanded one’s allowed to study human development, emotions and
complete and unhesitating acquiescence to the DOGMA consciousness.
the PRIESTS in all religions created. The Pharaohs of There were SERPENT CULTS of MOTHER and
Egypt became puppets for the scarlet council. The same SON from Babylon to Rome and these practices can
bloodlines or Illuminati found in the scarlet council be found in the Christian religion of Mary and Jesus or
planned and set into motion our World Wars, 9-11 and Mary or EL or the dragon queen and son Tammuz or
the war on terrorism. Our leaders are still doing as they Balder the Son of God. The holy GRAIL is the womb of
wish. the Dragon Queen.
The Babylonians had inherited the stories and myths SEXUAL Programming is misdirection, because
of Egypt and Sumer, the Torah was written under the in truth all it is sexual, physical and emotional abuse.
Levites. Most people called “Jewish” are not genetically Every aspect of it is criminal activity. This abuse creates
connected to Palestine or Israel. They come from the sexual addiction and compulsive sexual activity in illu-
Khazars, people from southern Russia and Caucasus minati children of all ages. The endless stimulation of
Mountains that had mass conversions to Judaism in the sexual centers in the brain and body anchored on trauma
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creates dysfunction. The DAILY rape of and infant of the root chakra and moves up into the reptilian brain.
either sex done by the “trainer” generally the father is Sex is used as a method of survival with a great deal of
criminal. When the infant stops going unconscious and trickery, treachery and deception. This vibration is fre-
only dissociates there is more training. ALL the toddlers quently used in satanic rituals. Slaves are consistently
are trained in the sexual arts especially seduction and belittled and unfavorably compared to others. The chil-
pleasing adults. dren are available to be used sexually around the world
When the child gets angry or frustrated it is pro- as party favors and for blackmailing predators.
grammed to vent on the self and be self-abusive. When VESSEL Programming a person is sexually opened
they feel out of control they compulsively masturbate, at the base chakra, drugged and sanctified to receive the
act out or have frequent sexual activity with others essence of a lower astral entity. Then those at the ritual
or alone. This proves even MORE frustrating to the have sex with “the vessel” to get the infused energy of the
child that has not reached puberty and is unable to lower astral entity. Then “the vessel” or human is gen-
PHYSICALLY orgasm. Compulsive sexual activity is to erally sacrificed so ritual participants can eat the blood
distract and comfort the self, it is used to relieve stress and hormones of the lower astral entity that entered the
or boredom or fear or anger. vessel.
Addictive or compulsive sexual activity is used WOLF, BEAR, CROW, LION Programming for illu-
instead of dealing with the issues in your life. On earth minati slaves was developed around 1977 in the north-
sexual addiction is the largest addiction and distraction west region of America. This was a twisted meaning of
there is. the “Medicine Cards” that are used like tarot cards to
ENERGETIC SEXUAL ABUSE is being seductive discover your power through the ways of the animals.
and treating the child as a SEXUAL OBJECT without The programs are based on HUNTING modules and
physically touching. The interactions have a strong sex- animal characteristics and symbols. The child is shown
ual flavor, promise or threat, flirting, and teasing mas- many training films. In ”training” the groups of small
querading as caring and acceptance. In reality it is a set children they are all taught first what it feels like to be
up to manipulate the child for an adult sexual agenda. prey and then how to attack their prey or each other
Seductive energy is very confusing to a child that is 100% using mental and physical force so your prey doesn’t get
dependent on an adult to exist. Sexual addiction causes free or doesn’t tell or INFORM on you. To compartmen-
conflict, anxiety and is an all-consuming addiction. talize learning and force toddlers to do things they do
SEXUAL MAGIC Program or RITUAL is using one not want to do all illuminati programming relies heavily
or more sexual slaves of either sex to receive demonic on drugs, electric shock and trauma. The same things
energy or demons during a ritual. are used to trigger the different stages of the programs
SCORPION Programming was given to Monarch and programming.
sex slaves both male and female. The Scorpion program BEAR basic training is to build future programs on.
frequency promotes hostility, aggression, suicide, pain, First you are the prey and then you learn to be aware
hurt and assassination. This programming is located at of the environment and the target. They learn to hold
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down the prey or each other to take what they want

from the prey.
MOUNTAIN LIONS encircle, terrorize, use intricate
verbal calls to intimidate and scare making easy and
clean kills. They will be attacked and terrorized to the twenty
point of death by other Mountain Lion level children to
make sure they understand the fear and weakness of the Shape Shift
prey. You lead those below you by using fear, surprise
attack and terror. You climb great distances, observe
your prey and report back to your Clan and trainer. As Shape shifting is common in the fourth dimension
“prince of the lions” you can demand and take whatever because you can change your outside envelop or vehicle
you choose from anyone who is in your clan. with your THOUGHT and EMOTION. If you wish to
take on an animal appearance you need to commune
5 with the essence of that animal to understand it. You
will still consider your self a human but imagine what it
feels like to be and behave like that animal. When a form
is created from fear it appears fearful to those creating
and looking at it.
The lowest soul plane of the fourth dimension con-
sists of FEARS one has collected in all their different
realities. The law of attraction brings together the things
and emotions with slow low vibrations. Our nightmares
are OUR THOUGHTS of us being trapped in our own
fears. Instead of owning a fearful characteristic we have,
we split it off from our self-awareness and making it
scary and ugly. That is you judging the self.
The demons present in many people’s reality have
spiritual hierarchies BECAUSE dark humans have
spiritual hierarchies. Remember that darkness and the
word demon, devil or reptilian only describe someone
or something having LESS than 30% light. A dark entity
or demon or reptilian or shadow soul aspect or any
energy source or entity that carries LESS than 30% light
is DARK regardless of what name you call it by. No light
is no light. Dark is unbalanced energy, an alien, dark soul
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aspects and frequently your relatives or ancestors. They specific training and trauma with praise for accomplish-
are dangerous because they are ignorant and live by ment and punishment or being shocked for not doing
dark truths that seek power over others. They can have well. Major areas of scholarship include, the history of
biology or not. They love to control biology that the core the Illuminati, especially the child’s particular branch and
personality has left or abandoned. Those are the people memorizing genealogies. Learning and becoming fluent
that say, “I don’t know why I did that.” Those alive on in multiple languages modern and ancient, including but
Gaia with less than 30% light are easily 40% or more of not limited to: English, French, German, Russian, Spanish,
the population. Arabic, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Egyptian hieroglyphics;
When you are a hybrid 50% human and 50% or more ancient Babylonian, ancient Chaldea and cuneiform writ-
reptilian genetic code, shape shifting is a case of shift- ings. They are skilled and knowledgeable debaters, and
ing the hologram from one genetic code to another and quite verbal about it.
then, back again. They have more advanced technology SILENCE Programming is to reinforce that speak-
than we do and always have. ing about their experiences can be life threatening. To
The Illuminati SHELL Programming is used to cre- reinforce the need to be silent or die, humans of all ages
ate a “shell” on the outside that other alternate person- get repeatedly killed in front of the infant or child being
alities inside speak through. This is designed to hide the programmed. They are repeatedly told that the people
person’s multiple personalities from the outside world are being sadistically killed and sacrificed because they
and works extremely well with a highly fragmented talked.
system. A clear plastic or glass mask is put in front of SPIRITUAL DILEMMA Programming creates
the subject that will be extremely traumatized; electric Satanic and Christian alternate personalities. Having
shocked, drugged, and told that they (the alter in front) Satanic and Christian alters insures that if they discover
is the MASK that they see. Their job is to be a voice or each other they would reject wanting to learn about
shell to COVER for or hide the fact that multiple per- the other. The personality would move into denial and
sonalities exist behind it. dissociation.
The ELECTRIC SHOCK equipment the illuminati They are told the Christian god rejected them because
uses is a set of rubber-covered wires with electrodes he didn’t rescue the 2-year-old victim that accepted the love
that may be connected with Velcro, rubber and steel tips of God. Rejection, retaliation and bondage are the tools of
imbedded under the fingernails and toenail beds and or Satan and the favorite is deception. Only the demon cared
gel pads for large body areas like the chest, arms and or enough and was strong enough to rescue or resurrect the
legs. Tiny electrodes are taped next to the eyes or put in child.
the genitalia and then there is a shock box to control the SPIRITUAL Programming includes being forced
amount of electricity you deliver. to memorize satanic beliefs, rituals, and the “Book of
SCHOLARSHIP Programming and training is revered Illumination.” This starts in infancy and continues
in the illuminati especially the ORAL tradition. Children throughout life. Classes and training sessions are about
with good memories and natural intelligence undergo the hierarchy, rituals and worship of demons. Especially
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learning about the guardian or deity demon, of your 5

local group. For example Moloch, Ashtaroth, Baal or
Enokkim. The child is forced to participate in sacrifices, SOUL ASPECT
blood baptism and to take the heart or other internal
organs out of the sacrificed and eat them. The drugged
and hypnotized child has the hands of the leader placed Lacking the core personality or soul aspect the
on the child’s head while INVOKING demonic entities Illuminist is only a biological system split up in many
to enter the child’s biology. parts that get triggered into action or run a program.
SOUL TRANSFER Programming or ritual The A system is a group of related parts that move or work
Celtic language branch of the Illuminati, that would together. SYSTEM is a term the illuminati use to refer
include Irish, Scottish, Gaelic, Welsh, Breton, Manx, to two different systems. The world system or network
Cornish and several extinct pre-Roman languages like refers to the established social-economic-political sys-
Gaulish believe the soul, energy and power are passed tem controlling and micromanaging the world. And the
during the moment between life and death. Rituals are other system is the micromanagement of every aspect of
done with small children and older adherents. The per- the growth and development of their children. Starting
son is tied down, and an animal is bled to death on top of by selecting the correct DNA. They manage, control and
them so the departing soul and energy will “enter” them. shape every bit of the individual child’s existence and
It is VERY traumatizing to have an animal go through its the adult, with their unending programs and training.
death throes on top of you. Then there are threats that Then there is all the controlling, triggering and manipu-
“this will happen to you if you ever tell” what happened, lation of each other.
a win-win-win for the Illuminati. The infant can eventually have 13 x 13 x 13 = 2,197
SPIN Programming is used for a variety of program- possible alternate personalities or alters or splits or frag-
ming purposes including building an alternate person- ments in one person that is trained to dissociate being
ality system. Spinning tortures the victim while they are “unaware consciously” of their automatic responses to
drugged and hypnotized. All at once, whole sections of commands or triggers used on them by their handlers
alternate personalities will begin spinning and get dizzy. and trainers in every bit of their life.
The eyes change and the victim will appear disoriented This system is based on a hierarchy with each mem-
and stare or grimace as if being rotated at a high speed. ber micromanaging the ones one step lower than them
Certain alternate personalities trigger the spinning in the hierarchy. This is a system based on everyone
internally and certain alters maintain the spinning. The controlling each other to conform to whatever master
spin training and memories are then used to teach alter- plan is being executed currently. There is no free will, no
nate personalities to spin away PAIN. Spin programs thought or thinking is allowed, no light, this hierarchy is
frequently affect wide areas of a system rather than an the very dark controlling the dark weaker and smaller
individual alternate personality. dark ones, a system of robots that have shut down their
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freedom and light soul aspects and thinking for the self. The Illuminati forces and imprisons girls to be “breed-
While the core personality stands by and waits for a safe ers” and have babies that never get into “the system” so
time to return and reclaim the biology. Maybe 15% of the public is not aware of them ever existing or being
souls despair and walk away abandoning their experi- eaten in ritual sacrifices.
ence with darkness. Of course the parent or caretaker could project their
ONLY by staying in present time. Staying consciously energy into the infant and it would seem to have a soul.
aware, awake and present in your biology and doing For example, Hitler, the devil, Santa Clause or Jesus
your OWN thinking and choosing can you break pro- were soulless but seemed real because so many humans
gramming, formal or informal programming. You need focused their energy on them creating feeding cords
to be the one to consciously un-create what you created. back and forth. The Grey Aliens do not have souls and
SUICIDE Programming is always present in Illuminati only 2 -3% of the reptilians do.
slaves to prevent information of what the Illuminati does Another example is twins one could have a soul and
and how it operates from getting out into the public aware- one could be soulless. Possibly a parent went darker after
ness. The slaves and members have been conditioned or conception? Maybe a parent went lighter. Archangel
forced to believe they would rather die than leave their Gabriel is the “earth parent for all souls” and moves
FAMILY, the Illuminati. Come back OR die programming souls in and out of the womb depending on the spiritual
can be deactivated by your AWARENESS of it and you lesson the infant and parents have decided on.
staying in present time. Dissociate and you CHOOSE to Soulless children are not expected to survive past
follow your programming and the handler triggering you. 2020 because of the higher vibration that will be on
Light is slowly and steadily increasing on earth and Gaia then. These children will not make it past infancy
through attrition, the dark is gradually being reduced and will be born with diseases and other health issues.
in strength and effectiveness by the sustained actions of A caretaker or parent that is unable to care for them self
the light. Precise dates or times are hard to give because cannot be a compassionate parent or able to protect and
the rest of the universe functions in the now moment. nurture their or any other infant.
By 2016 most people or soul aspects carrying less than SOULS with LESS than 50% LIGHT will not be
60% light will be gone from earth. allowed to incarnate into an infant or adult body. That
One of the acts of attrition is reduction of the dark means dark ancestors can no longer incarnate into biol-
ones. Since May 21, 2011 infants born to parents with ogy on Gaia. No new dark ones are allowed to enter the
less than 36% light will not have souls. The infant will planet since 2011. There will be many frustrated bor-
be biology with no soul. They have flat affect are one- derline and very dark souls waiting to incarnate making
dimensional or appear empty; it will feel like having a the spiritual atmosphere dense around earth with their
doll or robot to interact with. That way the caretaker, anxiety, anger and tension. Mediums and ghost whisper-
parent or Illuminist will not be able to torment, steal or ers will be very helpful if they are willing to explain to
harness their FEAR energy. There will be no core per- these souls how things have changed and help them to
sonality forced to dissociate and abandon the biology. accept that they will not be incarnating on earth. Help
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the confused souls to a portal of greater light to be cared becomes your truth it strongly influences what you
for, updated and or relocated. want, or think you need, and the way you act.
UPSIDE DOWN Programming is hanging or being When you feel WOUNDED:
suspended upside down for one or two hours. That That means someone needs blaming and
plays TRICKS on the MIND along with dissociating Someone needs to make it all better.
PAIN and PLEASURE sensations get reversed. This is The victim waits to be rescued and eventually gets
training for Beta alternate personalities to get them to angry.
think that painful sadistic rape, an illuminati favorite, is Becoming the predator to complete the cycle
pleasurable. With reversals you get PAIN IS LOVE and The imprint or FILTER of your belief or expectation
the sadomasochistic kitten alternate personalities beg colors and shapes all past, future, parallel and alternate
for more abuse. realities. ALWAYS, someone needs blaming and some-
one needs to make it all better for you. They never do
5 it the RIGHT way or fast enough. You get angry or dis-
appointed, upsetting you enough to become an overt or
EMANATE FIRST covert predator.
Fear that someone can’t serve or service you to your
satisfaction creates a distortion or bias or virus that
Our senses, what we have awareness of, is projected can go viral in you. Negativity runs through your think-
out. We emanate what our internal realty and belief sys- ing, tainting all that you think, create and project. You
tem is. Surprise, surprise, what we emanate is attracted believe you are powerless to take RESPONSIBILITY for
to us. Electromagnetically we pull in more of what we your experience and CREATE something different for
sent out. What we think, FEEL and believe is our point your self. Having some compassion means less distor-
of perception, reality, and what we perceive to be true. tion and the possibility that you may take responsibility
That is why awareness will heal you. The more honest and recreate for you exactly what you want
truth you know about you and your environment, which FEEL your BELIEFS.
you have helped sustain, the more compassion you’ll Third dimension FEELS like walls and boundaries
be emanating for you. More compassion, means higher or separation between persons, places, situations and
vibration and a happier you even biochemically. things. There is always you and I. Duality or opposites
Project victim predator awareness or consciousness have strong ATTACHMENT to the physical and own-
and you will attract that and it will become your truth ing, with a small range of frequencies on the electro-
and how you think and feel. Keep repeating that truth magnetic spectrum. Touch, sight, talking or hearing
or thoughts and you IMPRINT that on your essence. and we are restricted to linear time and the physical.
Those repetitive patterns actually become part of your You need to be ALERT or fearful and aware all the time
DNA, your structure. Once your victim predator belief and of most things, events and people that might hurt
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the biology or wound our feelings. When people MAKE BUT never having experienced any of that previously it
you sad or angry that also injures the biology. Someone held little meaning to us when we LEARNED we would
needs to be blamed and make it better. have darkness, time and therefore history.
Fourth dimension FEELS when it comes online into We have had many experiences in a linear fashion
your waking life, similar to third dimension. It is some- on a chain. Each reality is separate from the others but
what separate. There are dream images that are clear and their impact is linked. Repeated thought patterns in all
change frequently as they waft in and out of your aware- our realities remain present. Repeated patterns that are
ness or thoughts. Fourth dimension sight, hearing or touch NOT in alignment with universal law: receive and give
blinks in and out of our physical life. Perceptions from only compassion. The particular thought and behavior
fourth dimension cannot harm the biology, but can deliver keeps repeating in a variety of settings, until you become
warnings to protect the self emotionally and physically. AWARE of what that particular thought and behavior
Fifth dimension you FEEL with your entire lightbody pattern created in you and for you. The thought was cre-
and ONLY when you hold a state of compassion. No fear, ated in duality and is NOT compassionate. To raise your
guilt or doubt. Usually this is a delta wave conscious- vibration YOU NEED to correct your misdirection.
ness and generally has closed eyes, until you learn to be Higher realities or dimensions like the fifth flow in an
there for longer periods of time. The primary focus is infinite circle that never begin and never end. Perception
on your inner world and light soul aspect. Fifth dimen- in these realities is a KNOWING that what you desire or
sion resonates to a frequency beyond the fear of BEING think instantly flows into your awareness. Every percep-
harmed. Dark ones cannot FEEL or reach that vibration. tion already IS. There is NO beginning and NO ending in
Compassion is safety and security. infinite reality. Everything you could ever want is avail-
able now. Everything is stored as pure potential or as pos-
5 sibilities. Therefore, you cannot perceive anything before
you expect or desire or think about it. When you do; your
WHEN there is NO TIME there is NO HISTORY thought creates the potential or possibility for you.
Your compassion BONDS what you think to your
energy field. That is why higher vibrating things and enti-
Without a history it is hard to live in a pain body of old ties can be present instantly with you. There is no real
wounds, worry or upset. When you are responsible for separation of time or space. Time and space are illusions
creating your own enjoyment there is no one to blame or of this reality or matrix or low vibrations with darkness.
a need to wait to be comforted or rescued. Incarnations When you refocus to create another potential or pos-
in a time-bound reality like third and fourth dimension sibility you release YOUR BOND of compassion or law of
can be counted in a sequential, numerical manner. We attraction, and it returns to formless potential that flows
knew all the parameters of duality and that there would within the INFINATE. All your soul aspects are with
be darkness before entering our first incarnation. We you, BUT if you do not expect to perceive them OR your
knew we would be in linear time with a past and future. vibration is too low to find them, you won’t. When you
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are dark, you only perceive your dark soul aspects and since we are operating with universal law on earth at
the negativity you share with them. Your expectations this time. PORTALS, LISTEN UP! Know that you can
calibrate to your vibration, awareness or consciousness. stop working for the dark if you choose that, CLOSE
When you do not believe you will not expect anything or yourself and move to greater light or ask a fellow portal
communication to occur. or human to help you out.
Light and life are synonymous in higher vibrations.
They mean the same thing. Doubt or judgments or 5
wounding or blame are creations of fear. You CANNOT
perceive the fifth dimension and beyond in a lower state BREAK PROGRAMS and or HEAL your CORE
of awareness or consciousness because third and fourth PERSONALITY
dimension sensory preceptors can’t pick up the higher
vibration of the fifth dimension. The amount of light you
carry is important because each level of light or compas- If you are Illuminati trained or programmed OR you
sion; carries different truths or beliefs. are programmed by some other dysfunctional family tra-
dition OR in another manner. You need to sort out what
5 is actually YOU and your core personality and what has
been forced on you. Awareness of what you have been
A PORTAL OPENER or HOLDER wears biology while forced to adopt to survive in the unit you live in. Is really
simultaneously grounding their fifth dimension percep- breaking a program. Because once you are aware of the
tions and vibrations into the body of Gaia. Fifth dimen- truth you need to decide to keep the program or break
sion perceptions become third dimension creations that it: Now that you are awake and aware of your thinking.
intermingle with the third dimension matrix or physi- Your FRONT ALTERS or alternate personalities,
cality. Intermingling of the fifth dimension WITH the fragments or splits or lies you keep acting out or the
third and forth dimension DESTABILIES the lower socially acceptable characteristics you have been forced
vibrations as described in the universal law of entrain- to adopt are programs. Front (alters) are the “fake you”
ment. Higher light or vibration bleeds into physical the public and other illuminists interact with. These
reality and aides in raising the plant’s vibration and in socially acceptable FAKE personalities are what the
our planetary ascension. Illuminists or your dysfunctional dark family members
Portals are sentient and can open, close and regulate THINK are socially acceptable. When what you show
who comes through them. Any conscious compassion- the public is not who you really are, those are programs
ate person can open a portal of greater light that wants that are relatively easy to break with your awareness
to, just by asking. that they are fake and not the real you.
The illuminists had low vibrating portals they high- Breaking fake programs or anything that is
jacked from the light. They put passwords on them “PROGRAMMED” means it is not yours. It has been
along with a ritual or two or more. That is also obsolete applied to you. You have been running it or wearing it to
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please the dark in your life. Light people would be sup- In higher vibrations you learn to take pleasure
portive of you breaking you program. Breaking your pro- in and enjoy WHAT you ARE experiencing in pres-
grams will only upsets the dark ones in your life. Breaking ent time, in the now moment. There are no colliding
programs becomes a YOU or THEM choice. Compassion energy patterns. You continuously create and experi-
for you or servicing the dark is the choice. Work in concert ence what interests you. When you create and have a
with your soul or serve and service darkness. thing, your focus is on your pleasure and enjoyment.
The core personality that wants to serve and ser- As you think different thoughts, you create different
vice the dark has made a choice. They choose to stop things or relationships. Moving into a different point
thinking and being who they are to “curry favor” with of perception changes your reality. Coming from a
the dark. That means they consider the self, worthless. different angle changes what you think. Stress from
They are filled with self-hate because they judged the fatigue, hungry or upset needs to be attended to and
self. So? Where is the compassion for you? Are you will- resolved to keep from lowering your vibration and
ing to choose again? falling back into duality.
Our mind that surrounds the biology, but not the brain,
5 is our body of consciousness or DNA that responds to the
many frequencies of reality we live in. Our chakras trans-
WANTING creates FEELINGS of VICTIMIZATION mute our thoughts and emotions into energy fields that
flow into our aura and out into Gaia’s biosphere. You can
deny and lie to you, but you cannot lie to your chakras or
Because you do not have it yet, you can feel victim- energy field around you. Difficulty with a chakra is YOU
ized. Wanting or waiting is not having “IT” now. Wanting AVOIDING a truth. You lie to the self because that has
and waiting results in feelings of lack or powerlessness been a dark truth we needed to survive frequently and
or despair and CREATES energy patterns that collide or keep the biology alive. Lying does not exist in higher
hit each other with force or come into conflict with each vibrating energy fields or in the animal kingdom and our
other. For example: there is a love interest that has not biology is in the animal kingdom. The biology holds your
made contact to reassure you. And the colliding thoughts lie until your point of perception is in alignment with
will run like this: “something bad happened” “He or she compassion. Compassion for you, will release the pocket
hates me” “ But I can’t live without her or him” “I am so of density or stuck spot your biology holds.
stupid or selfish “Why did I do that” Thinking that you Our physical brain has been trained to forget how
are not good enough to have it NOW, and needing time to consciously interface with the biology as other ani-
to earn things and “reward points.” Are third dimension mals do all the time. It has forgotten how to read energy
thought patterns and truths. The colliding thoughts fields. The young child still remembers how to read
make you feel unworthy; full of self-doubt, insecure, energy and how to talk with the family pets. This is one
uneasy and easy to control. of the reasons why the Illuminists torment a fetus, so
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they suppress awareness and consciousness and cement

the feelings of powerlessness and worthlessness.
Our ENEMY is the lies we tell the self.
YES, the world is dangerous and many still create
darkness for the self. That reality is their choice and cre- twenty-one
ation. Do not engage or entrain with that vibration and
reality, walk away. Walking away shows compassion for Receive
you. The biology is the trashcan or closet for our other
energetic layers and the trash is released through the
biology. Your biology is the COLLECTOR of all your col- Receive only compassion and
liding thought patterns. That is why your biology needs Give only compassion.
regular maintenance and compassion. That is UNIVERSAL LAW
The Universal Laws of ATTRACTION, ALLOWING
5 and ENTRAINMENT all work together all of the time.
The Universal Law of ATTRACTION or “like attracts
like.” The vibration you emanate attracts more of the same
experiences on that vibration back to you. You get what
you give. What comes to you reflects with CLARITY the
thoughts you hold.
Forcing, yelling, hitting, gossiping, righteous indigna-
tion and or blaming are negative and lack compassion.
Blaming you, god, a child, spouse, your soul or a corpo-
ration or governing body attracts more lessons in suffer-
ing to you. Wallowing in the most pain and suffering or
being the biggest bully or the most famous or infamous
maintains the third dimension vibration, darkness, past
and future and fixed rules.
The universal principle of COMPENSATION and
the universal law of attraction both say that we receive
“like energy” to the energy we emanate in our thoughts.
When you consider your self worthless and try to deceive,
sacrifice for, or trick someone into valuing or accepting
you, that means your thoughts are of “neediness,” worth-
lessness or self pity and the ONLY one attracted to that
vibration will be a predator to victimize you. Then you
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will feel entitled to become the predator trying to force, Whatever situation you created in the past for your spir-
trick or demand what you want, victimizing them. itual lessons you can CHANGE now, by changing your
Spouses, children, friends and followers of abusers and point of perception and having compassion for you first.
predators frequently protect and enable their abuser Concern your self with what is nurturing, enjoyable and
because they are entrained with each other in the low creative for you and your soul.
vibration of codependency of self-hate and self-abuse. ABOUT SENDING LOVE or PEACE or NASTINESS
The victimizer believes that no one could care about The intent to send love or any message with an
or love them unless they were forced and controlled to agenda, to those that are suffering or you want to suffer
have contact with them. The victim believes they don’t MAY help them to experience brief moments of peace
deserve anything better or more compassionate because or suffering. BUT having any agenda goes against the
they think they are worthless and need punishment or law of allowing. You are projecting (forcing) your reality
feel entitled. It is not possible to win-win-win when on others and you are interfering with their ability to
using dark rules or “beat them at their own game.” heal them self. Do you carry a child when it is trying to
The Universal Law of ALLOWING grants individ- master walking or do you allow and support the child in
uals the right to have their own reality to BE and DO their effort at independence and their choices?
whatever they choose as long as they avoid violating oth- Accidents and illness are experiences your soul
ers rights or destroying any part of the collective envi- aspect planned to help you master spiritual awareness
ronment. This means that you stop trying to get others and compassion. Everything that happens to you is by
to adopt YOUR reality that is dark thinking. When you your own personal design. It is easier to learn from your
stop forcing, demanding, pleasing or seducing, you can experiences when you take responsibility for “what you
allow. Release your judgment, blame or attachment to create” and “whom you entrain with.” Who are you fall-
what you have decided YOU need to be, say or do. Free ing in sync with? Accept what is in your life and work
you first. THEN you will have no attachment to what with it. Denial, blame or constant distractions keep you
others want you to do, say, be or think. Hating, waiting stuck, repeating the same lesson over and over again.
to be rescued, seeking justice or vengeance or going to The place you were born and the pathology of your fam-
war is your attachment to and forcing your reality onto ily is not random. It was your choice. What did you want
others. you to figure out?
Attachment to ANY agenda or outcome for YOU or There is no need EVER to go seeking out people to
another goes against allowing, compassion and being help. The lessons that could benefit you both will appear
peaceful. Even when the other, is being self-­destructive, at the right moment. You need to notice when that hap-
that is their creation and their path to wisdom. Allow pens. Your life unfolds just as you planned it; your dis-
them to experience the logical consequences of their pleasure or delight or suffering is your choice.
choices without your interference, or your “god com- The Universal Law of ENTRAINMENT or RESON-
plex” or your agenda. Withdraw your energy, cut the ANCE or FREQUENCY or VIBRATION is another way
feeding cords and break dark contracts with them. to see how mass consciousness can evolve into a higher
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vibration. Entrainment requires that two or more vibra- dissociation you are unable to change any outcome until
tions existing in the same space MUST adjust to each other you get back in the biology and stay in the now moment.
and combine creating a single resonance and that applies It is always your choice. If one decides to dissociate
to everything, from subatomic particles to the universe. All there is no one home to interact with and the bully does
energy, all thoughts and all feelings vibrate or resonate at as they wish, telling you that you agreed. You allowed
a specific frequency and they must be harmonious when the bully to control you by default. You failed to stand
they share space. For Example, on a scale of 1-10 if you are in your truth or consciously walk away. You can’t walk
at 3 and the other is at 7 you will vibrate at 5 together. Or away if you are denying what is happening.
if one vibration is overpowering it will pull the other to Being entrained with darkness you both have low self-
their level and both would be at 3,4 or 6,7. worth, are frequently depressed and or suicidal. Some
Old victim predator and survival truths and patterns have obsessive-compulsive disorder. Some vomit to expel
of conflict cannot coexist with 5th dimension energy drugs or are bulimic to expel emotional upset. All are
patterns of compassion and unity. The universal princi- sexually addicted or fight it to be asexual. Sexual addic-
ple of RECONCILLIATION allows different qualities tion and abuse are all about control. All mind-control
to get unified into similarities to diminish differences slaves share POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER.
and decrease conflict. As bringing the fifth dimension Illuminists are full of shattered and wounded alternate
into the fourth dimension is raising the fourth into the personalities. Gender Identity Disorder GID, issues are
fifth. common because the illuminati treat both sexes the
Predators, victims and confused innocents entrain same way regardless of their sexual organs. The child
with each other all of the time because they share and adult do not feel a strong identification with either
the same vibration or darkness. Frequently they read sex. Females get a bit more abuse because they were
each other’s thoughts and FEELINGS knowing what born to serve and are used as breeders, but cloning is
the other plans to do next. The two or more become good too. Darkness always needs someone to blame and
entrained AND some read the thought of the other and punish, women and children have always been good for
dissociate. The dissociation moves entrainment into that.
PROGRAMMING. Being dissociated is to surrender
your thinking and control by ALLOWING the predator 5
to do as they wish. The dissociated reject thinking for
the self and receiving only compassion. ACTION
PROGRAMMING is a stimulus-response or condi-
tioning or associative learning sequence. A significant
stimulus evokes a REFLEXIVE response. For example The Universal Law of ACTION says the human
smelling something cooking you like to eat starts the must ACT FIRST to make any changes. When your
saliva in your mouth flowing. When reading the inten- soul aspects have followed you into “darker thought
tion of your predator evokes the reflexive response of patterns” they line up your synchronicities in the low
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vibration of victim predator and confused innocent to to the others in a society. The human is temporary, a
show you what your thoughts are currently creating for vehicle and creates the illusion of lack or poverty for her
you. To move to greater light you need to consciously or himself.
change your thoughts and continue in that direction to The universal principle of POVERTY is that you
prove your commitment. are “in spiritual poverty” to the degree that you with-
The universal principle of INERTIA is that a body at hold your productivity or energy in hope that someone
rest remains at rest until an equal and opposite reaction else will offer his or her energy instead. You will have
happens that moves the body at rest into another direc- unfairly claimed the energies of another and squan-
tion or vibration or reality or dimension. YOU are the dered them by forcing others to do what you have failed
only one that can be your super hero. to do for yourself spiritually, mentally or physically in
The universal principle of LEVERAGE is that using present time.
a small amount of energy in present time changes the Poverty comes to those fixated on penny pinching
course of YOUR concurrent experiences and conse- or hoarding because ANY narrow focus is imbalanced
quently your future and past. energy that creates lost friends, poor health and lost
The universal principle of LIABILITY says we are opportunities. When there is inequality and inequity in
RESPONSIBLE and answerable for the use, abuse or your reality there is segregation and detachment in your
neglect of the rights we have and the rights we have thinking and behavior. You bring your thoughts and your
earned. reality with you whether you are alone in the woods or
The universal principle of PROSPERITY is you hanging in a group.
doing well in direct proportion to the enjoyment YOU Poverty comes to you when you are productive and
receive in being prosperous. Your doing well is denied in FAIL to properly take your reward (energy) in a suitable
direct proportion to your feelings of guilt, envy or hostil- manner. Those convinced they are unworthy or inca-
ity for being prosperous or witnessing other’s prosper- pable of having anything of value will be in poverty as
ity. Maintaining a prosperous attitude even in states of self-acceptance and compassion is not present. Negative
poverty moves you to prosperity. attitudes or fear that someone might get more than you
Abundance and prosperity are considered nour- got from a parent or spouse or boss or country or god,
ishment in the now moment: Spiritual nourishment for consumes your energy through the energy feeding cords
each day, one day at a time in the now moment. Spiritual you created to the other(s) that “prevented you” from
wealth is gathering and wise use of your resources in a having what you deserve or want. Joy, peace and wealth
balanced way. Hoarding of any type is not abundance come from WITHIN never from an outside source.
and results in spiritual poverty. Focus on and notice what you DO have and OWN what
The universal principle of MONEY is that it is an is uniquely yours, feel the peace and wealth in that.
artificially created symbol used as a substitute for stored, The universal principle of ENTHUSIASM is that
borrowed, earned, spent, owed, claimed or exchanged new thoughts make you feel enthusiastic and new beliefs
energies. To have value the symbol must be acceptable are always showing up to challenge old ones. The law of
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attraction always provides us with a match to the ener- in balance, peace is maintained. When you unbalance
gies we emanate consciously and unconsciously. the self by going against universal law and having nega-
Stagnating in old behaviors and relationships results tive thoughts, fatigue, toxic food and drink, YOU need to
in OUR robotic or habitual patterns that BYPASS our rebalance you on your own.
thought process about how we feel about what we do. The universal principle of PRIVACY means every
Not thinking depletes YOUR energy and disconnects person is entitled to the right of privacy we can’t
YOU from your soul aspect and the always-present flow infringe, read minds or question their motives without
of universal compassion. their consent.
The universal principle of JOY and INNER PEACE The universal principle of AUTHORITY means
increases with deeper connection and surrender of the the one that is aware, worthy and capable of accepting
little human or ego to their light soul aspects point of responsibility for an act has the authority to act. Many
perception, giving up the human free will for living in want authority but will not take the responsibility for
divine will and following universal law. their actions.
The universal principle of HAPPINESS says the way The universal principle of RESPONSIBILITY is
you feel about WHO you are, what you do, and what you that you respond when you have the ability and enough
have manifested, creates your happiness. Not the title light to respond to the needs of others without energy
or role you play, what you own or whom you control or feeding cords or dark contracts. You receive energy from
what human law you follow. It is imperative for you to all those you respond to because you are creating energy
own your creations, even when you created with some together synergistically.
very dark gray energy and you did it in ignorance. Never The Universal Law of CAUSE and EFFECT or
judge yourself or others, know your truth and discern if RECIPROCAL ACTION says that nothing happens by
there is a more balanced direction for YOU to take your chance or outside of universal law. The fact that you can-
thought and energy in. Deficient in love for your self not identify the cause or effect is irrelevant. For every
means YOU are the one withholding the much needed action there is a reaction or consequence someplace. Its
love and acceptance you want, so what do you plan to do not personal it is just physics.
about it? The universal principle of PROJECTION is that
you create your own personal STORY or reality by pro-
5 jecting your thoughts into your reality. When you allow
others to create on your behalf you are the creator by
BALANCE default. Our biology is never the enemy we created it
to help and support our soul aspect gather wisdom in
darkness. Your story can only be changed or rewritten
The Universal Law of BALANCE is to maintain from within you and by you. Being upset, angry, cynical,
order and harmony within the divine universe. All have skeptical, pessimistic and impatient are ALL YOUR cre-
chosen to exist in this current reality and when all are ations. If you want to see joyful experiences instead of
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reruns and trash it is your responsibility to create them The Universal Law of CORRESPONDENCE is “As
for you. above, so below.” The laws of physics explaining the
The universal principle of ACTUALITY is that a physical or material world of matter, energy, space, time,
thought or belief is REAL and does not need to exist in light, vibration and sound have their corresponding
material form to be considered real. principles in higher and lower vibrations.
The universal principle of REALITY is that any The Universal Law of MACROCOSM and MICRO-
measurable things like an idea; object, event or person COSM is the first law of infinity. The whole of a complex
that can be seen, heard or felt becomes an object hav- structure is represented more or less in all of its parts. A drop
ing REALITY or mass. We are creator, programmer and of water has in it what the ocean has.
experiencer. The universal principle of PARADOX recognizes
The Universal Law of COMPASSION or DIVINE the movement of energies in four dimensions simul-
ONENESS is that all is created from compassion; taneously. Cause and Effect, Inertia, Microcosm and
unconditional love and all are connected. Macrocosm and Vibration come together in a collision
The universal principle of VIBRATION is that every- at a certain point. Paradox seen on a flat plane is like a
thing in the universe, physical or not, moves in waves or stone dropped in a stream with the ripples moving out.
circular patterns with each having a unique color, vibra- Paradox in a cubed space would create vibrations in
tion, sound and smell. Each vibration or frequency has all directions. Paradox touches high levels of vibration
a FIXED level of awareness or consciousness with fixed and dense levels of vibration SIMULTANEOUSLY and
rules, themes or purposes. Vibrations can move and shift the entire area appears to be alive. What is said about
like our thoughts and emotions do. one level holds true or is untrue for all levels.
Dimensions, vibrations or frequencies are distinct The universal principle of PENETRATION is any-
event sites and there are infinite numbers of sites that thing that is seen with great attention and quality of
are not stacked like pancakes and they DO NOT occupy awareness penetrates the heart, which emanates into all
time or space because they are states of consciousness or of consciousness creating compassion.
awareness. You can move to, or be a part of ANY vibra- The Universal Law of DIVINE MANIFESTATION
tion you can MATCH. is win-win-win-win to benefit all involved and harm to
All fear or negative thoughts or emotions prevent none. Any harm to another in the process or outcome of
you from moving into higher vibrations of compassion. manifestation is not DIVINE and carries karmic debt.
Residing in compassion and getting all twisted about Honesty and transparency create trust and cooperation
something delivers you right back into the third or fourth with individuals and groups. All life and consciousness
dimension, vibration and fixed rules. When you engage in strives to increase their awareness about them self.
combat, covert or overt operations using anger or fear, you The universal principle of EXPANSION or INCLU-
create energy feeding cords to all involved. Your strong SION is never-ending as long as there is more to be included
fear and anger energy makes them stronger. Sorrow, in the definition or description. We are all that THERE IS
anger, guilt, revenge and doubt, attract more of it to you. and all that can be. Moving from expansion to exclusion
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or contraction you describe something as LESS and that The Universal Law of PERPETUAL TRANSMU-
limits you. TATION of energy is that all sentient beings have the
The universal principle of SECURITY is that you power to CHANGE continuously. Raising your vibra-
can express in a manner that allows your best perfor- tion is hard work that YOU need to DO! Clarifying and
mance without infringing on the expression of others. changing all your individual and personal thoughts to
The universal principle of GRACE is that a divine compassionate ones, takes some serious thought and
being, which we are, can apply mercy to set aside karma. work. You must stay present in your biology, treat it well
The universal principle of HARMONY and AGREE- and honor it all of the time.
MENT says efforts to manipulate, trick, coerce, compro- Any imbalances you have attracted to you as a result
mise or force harmony and agreement disrupts established of your attachment to ANY agenda, idea, thing, person,
areas of harmony. Between hostile enemies there is some power or control (yes, in concurrent lives and different
small area of agreement that can be increased. realities) have to be uncreated by YOU removing your
Harmony may be found in conflict when standing in energy feeding cords, attachments and contracts from
your truth is essential for the welfare of all. them. You need to be your very own super hero in pres-
The Universal Law of FREE WILL or FREEDOM is ent time.
the legion of light granting each entity the right to direct The universal principle of THOUGHT is that energy
and pursue their life as long as they do not violate the follows your thought. Seek or wonder about something
same right of others. Rights that exclude other’s rights and your thought takes you there. You need to discern
are not divine or free. what is true or valuable for you in the information that
The Universal Law of FLUIDITY is that life is best runs through your awareness.
when experienced as a fluid substance and not as a The universal principle of the UNCONSCIOUS
solid. Life has no fixed shape and needs to yield easily MIND or BRAIN is that it is unable to distinguish
to external pressure as water runs no faster or slower FACT from FICTION and follows what it is told. If it
than is called for and seeks its own level. Its flow is even, is convinced a piece of ice is red hot it will experience
unforced and fluid staying in the now moment without a burn. If you keep operating on the principle that you
hurry or standing still. Take time to feel, listen to and are a victim, that is exactly what you will experience,
notice the flow you created and are currently in. creator. When you receive, think or give conflicting data
What synchronicities are you experiencing? Be you produce conflicting results.
mindfully present and peacefully alive with continuous For example you imagine a world where there is
adjustment of energy. Suffering results when energy is no competition BUT you want to be “the best” or the
too fast or slow. winner. That is conflicting data in your head. Imagine
The universal principle of SILENCE is that when the a world free of pollution, free of want, free of disease
little human or ego views experiences that happen through BUT you want a cigarette or a drug. That is conflicting
the soul’s point of perception it can experience chaos and data. To rid you of confliction you need to imagine YOU
trauma with nonresistance, silence and be fully present. not competing and being equal with others. To rid you
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of confliction you need to imagine YOU healthy without Universal principles are fundamental truths, found
wanting to dissociate or challenge your biology. within the universal law. Principles are morally correct
The universal principle of AWARENESS is to attitudes or general scientific theorem or laws having
observe the illusion of separation that duality or this many special applications across a wide variety of fields.
reality presents, to observe the difference between dark The TEN COMMANDMENTS are Universal Law
and light truths and what is your truth. simplified as “rules” to point out what is a dark or light
The universal principle of RELATIVITY says; that choice, incase you pretend that you don’t know. Those
what you view and understand from your particular, that think love, affection and compassion MUST come
personal viewpoint is true for you. That point of percep- from an external source are misdirected and they will
tion is RELATIVE and accurate to the viewer’s point of always “COVET” or yearn to possess and will not allow
perception. To change your reality you need to change others their freedom. Those that worship external
your point of perception. Killers are viewing reality “AUTHORITY” give away their energy, power, thinking,
through their PAIN BODY and suffering. Victims view freedom and frequently their biology and health. Jesus
reality through their PAIN BODY and suffering. said you are his sibling and equal and not above or below.
He wanted you to think for yourself as he did.
GREAT RISHIS are the 7 emanations or qualities of
We all came from the highest vibration or twelfth “the source” or “god.” The rays or characteristics are
dimension and traveled down in vibration to the slow broken down into smaller concepts and pieces or steps
third dimension of physicality and solidified light. Our that need to be mastered, to return to source. There
change in focus, made it hard to extricate our self out of are 3 major rays or aspects: Creation, Infinite Wisdom
victim predator confused innocent truths and beliefs. At and Unconditional Love and 4 minor rays or attributes,
each lower level we lost light and compassion and got Purity, Truth, Invocation and Transmutation. By break-
meaner, nastier and more fearful. In 2011 we officially ing down the concept of receiving and giving only com-
moved from human law back into UNIVERSAL LAW passion into these pieces or steps can become very con-
again, “Give and receive only compassion.” fusing and easily distorted by the ego or little human.
Receiving and giving only compassion to you first is The Legion of Light or Universal Mind or the source
advised. Why? Because that way, WHAT you offer to has been considered in many religious and spiritual
another is not tainted with your neediness or has “energy teachings as having human characteristics that are
feeding cords” or is fulfilling dark contracts. When you perfection. The Legion of Light truths and reality are
are compassionate with you, what you share or pattern almost the opposite of the dark and distorted human
for others is pure, honest, clear and aligned with universal laws and truths. Outside of this matrix or illusion, The
law. Wise use of your creative powers and realizing you are Legion of Light exists in a quantum state of uncondi-
100% responsible for all you create or fail to create for the tional love and compassion for ALL. The source is a
self is the highest priority now and the most attainable. partnership of light-beings that are pure consciousness
322 | Bonnie Baumgar tner

and have no shape because they are invisible particles

that exist everywhere. They never judge or force or
control anything or anyone. They are referred to as the
“god particles” or Higgs boson an elementary particle.
The ­concept of place cannot exist in a quantum state. twenty-two
Discern what the legion of light is, from the religious
spiritual thinking humans have that was generated by Compassion
the dark ones controlling this matrix.
The little human or ego fascination with ITS
PERSONAL creation is self-exploration and self-com- Compassion for YOU is found within you. Please do not
passion as opposed to the legion of light’s creation and get confused; “compassion for you” is NEVER about
intent that is for “the good of all.” All are special, not just over eating or drinking, collecting more stuff, being abu-
your kin or your family or your country. The physical sive or suffering. Those are all about you trying to avoid
world and our struggles with matter, biology and dark awareness of your wounds and suffering with an addic-
truths are temporary challenges or educational tools tion or dark truths or living in your pain body.
and learning experiences we designed for ourselves Compassion and healing is to feel and own your
to increase our wisdom. When a human holds the fre- experiences so you can gather the wisdom. You need to
quency of hate, war, vengeance or anger that is what the be actively engaged in your thought and the cause and
human creates, emanates and attracts to the self over affect of them in your life. Your involvement creates a
and over again until they change their thinking to attract sense of worth, approval and equality for you. Viewing
something else. your experiences from higher vibrations of compassion
There are many aspects of our soul willing and ready you see that the victim feels worthless and powerless,
to help and support the human willing to acknowledge the predator feels powerless and entitled and the con-
that their soul exists. Will you accept the comfort and fused innocent is ignorant, dissociated or in denial. Any
wisdom your soul carries and shares. Sometimes you and all of those roles are dark truths or unconsciousness
will receive wisdom and support in your dreams, while or ignorance of universal law.
meditating or reflecting or while you are engaged in cre- LEVELS of COMPASSION
ate activity. Initially we perceive our information as a The vibration or percentage of light emanated from
FEELING through the senses. any sentient being indicates the amount of compassion
they have and the truths they live by. Increasing light,
5 compassion and unconditional love are destabilizing the
darkness on earth. Compassion and light make it diffi-
cult for the unconscious to stay unaware of what is going
on inside of them. The continually increasing vibrations
create wakeful awareness of what and how you feel and
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think. The amount of light you carry gives a clear pre- by the fact that they create the same result. Their choices
dictable picture of what you are like to interact with. are self-sabotaging and self-destructive. They are very
Your personality and moral choices are PERDICTABLE wounded, guilty, and fearful and never take responsibil-
based on the thoughts that you carry, project and reflect. ity for their thoughts or actions. They are dangerous to
The invisible realm, your soul aspects and the uni- the small and helpless. They look for magic to solve all
verse use percentages or ratios of dark to light to discern issues and problems.
the amount of compassion present in everything, a per- Finding your way back to the light and alignment
son, a family, a country or situation or event. BASED on with universal law is challenging but doable.
the amount of light they carry and emanate you know Level Below zero to zero: carries less than 0 to
how ethical and trustworthy they are. How hopeful and 15% light. There were dark leaders that carried percent-
creative they are. How safe a child is with them. How ages of dark way below zero that are no longer present
dangerous they are to the self and others. Your soul on earth. This 10% of the dark had fully functional light
aspect will give you any percentage of light of anyone or bodies and the ability to organize and control the other
thing you ask for. Make your question clear and simple 90% of the “unconscious ones” to do their bidding. The
so you understand the answer. The ratio or probability other 90% dark use each other or any other entities like
of something happening or not, are predictable based on other humans and animals as servants or “worker bees”
the percentages of light carried by all those involved. or something to vent on and abuse, especially their own
The levels of compassion, love, light or awareness are children. They are easily possessed and the most likely
measured on a scale from zero to a 100%. Some are even possession is a dark ancestor or relative. To carry some
measured lower than zero and greater than 100%. light in this group you would need to work yourself UP to
resentment, anger, antagonism, acting out and SELF-hate.
5 Level 0: carries 15 to 30% light. They operate by
abandoning their biology and their awareness. What hap-
DARK ONES pens in their life is “magic” there is no cause and affect
or responsibility for the self. They feel betrayed by their
biology and all else. In solidified light or low vibrations of
The unconscious, dark or negative ones carry no or victim predator or confused innocent thought you attract
a small percentage of light and are self-hating, numb, and entrain with dark ones and dark experiences.
apathetic, dissociated and slow vibrating, they act dead As we got increasingly darker we got attached to
or operate in self-pity, blaming others and the self. They doing what would keep our biology alive and felt good.
have vengeful thoughts are angry, antagonistic and fre- We became physically and emotionally attached to stuff
quently addicted to distract themselves from awareness or people that could keep the biology safe and satisfied
of their creations. To deal with their suffering they have as much as possible. Some soul aspects have forgotten
shut off their feelings and other senses. They make the that they are eternal essences and think the biology is all
same dark choices over and over again and get confused there is to them.
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The dark ones are great angry warriors that lack happens to you it is never a punishment it is always a
the skills and “creative energy” needed to build and WAK UP call you chose to listen to or ignore.
maintain a healthy relationship, home or an empire or
much of anything else for that matter. They were good 5
for short bursts of destruction like the military; police,
gangs and criminals are used and trained for. Building, HALF CONSCIOUS
creating, nurturing and supporting takes self-love, com-
passion and self-worth the dark ones do not have.
The largest dysfunctional areas or addiction of the When you reach for lighter thoughts and awareness
dark ones are SEXUAL ABUSE in all its many forms little by little you go in and out of awareness and are con-
and an inability to think for them selves, they follow the sidered HALF CONSCIOUS. This is when you become
leader or the biggest bully or what feels good. They do curious and ask WHY and want to know more about you
not respect themselves or any property that they or oth- and what your feelings and thoughts are all about and is
ers have. They cannot be trusted with anything or any- this all there is?
one they are dangerous to all. Level 1: carries 30 to 50% light. To increase under-
As of May 21, 2011 souls or any entity or fetus with standing or clarity I’ll refer to this group as 40%ers.
more DARK than light are unable to incarnate on They operate by being oppositional, angry, in pain and
earth, parents with less than 36% light will have soul- hating mostly the self. They are self-absorbed with their
less infants. Dark ancestors can no longer incarnate into suffering and unethical behavior; they are gossipy, fear-
biology or hang in the emotional body around Gaia. The ful and frequently abandon their biology by dissociat-
dark is being restricted and contained by the light. This is ing and living in past or future time. They are limited
the level of compassion that dark ones are able to notice by their fears and beliefs that are irrational much of the
and receive on this planet of free will. To honor the law time and they have rather limited vision. They twist
of allowing the dark are being restricted, sequester, iso- facts to defend their dark and distorted reality, parent,
lated and contained to allow them another opportunity leader or organization they follow or belong to.
to choose again. 40%ers allow the clan, bully, religion or leader to do
Punishment never alters behavior and teaches the their thinking for them. That way there is always some-
offender it is wise to operate covertly. The punisher’s one else to blame, vent on and create drama around. They
vibration is lowered and the victim predator cycle each suffer more than anyone else does. Their LOVE is
is maintained with energy feeding cords, especially very conditional, its “care taking” and I OWN you and
between parent and child. Crime and punishment binds you need to do this for me or there will be consequences.
your essence to a low vibration. As Jesus said “Forgive 40%ers considers them selves to be smarter and bet-
them, for they know not what they do.” The law of ter than you. That justifies their forcing others to do
ATTRACTION or RETURN brings to you what you things their way. They try to make you feel worthless so
have given others. When something you consider bad, you are easier to manipulate, like so many adults do to
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children. Blame renders you powerless and provides you love and care taking. The 60%ers is NOW able to show
with an excuse to do nothing. You stay stuck and deliver some compassion for the SELF. They start realizing they;
your energy to the one you blame. 40%ers fear pain, have never been a victim. They understand how they cre-
punishment or rejection especially when expressed ated victim predator confused innocent experiences to
personally in their family, religion or national beliefs. increase their wisdom about dark truths. The dark presents
Historically and spiritually 40%ers have made many endless moral dilemmas to mold, develop and create our
“dark contracts” and they siphon energy from each other moral character and choices.
to stay alive. The little human or ego runs the show or When the human consistently carries 65 to 69% light
is in control. Many dark ones hear their soul aspect and they can tap into the “universal sources of informa-
always have. Typical of dark truths and behavior, the tion” them self without an entity as a go between like a
human argues with, refuses to believe and seldom acts guide, angel, ascended master, alien or demon. Notice
on what information the soul aspect shares with him or the names we use are based on the amount of light the
her. They are most likely to listen when there is a crisis, messenger carries.
possible death or serious injury to the human. Level 3: carries 60 to 70% light. They are thriving,
Dark ones blame god and their soul aspects and feel inquisitive, seeking and mostly conscious. They func-
they are always being victimized. Most of the time they tion in awareness, interest, eagerness and creativity.
are actually the predator. Again dark is confused and Carrying 70% light or more an entity or demon cannot
can’t really discern when they are being helped or hurt. posses your biology because you won’t let it. You need
Level 2: carries 50 to 60% light. I refer to this group to stop allowing energy feeding from you or to you and
as 60%ers. They operate by being conventional, tradi- break dark contracts from all your concurrent realities
tional and cautious they are more conscious than not con- to increase the amount of light you can carry. The law of
scious. They upset themselves when others do not follow entrainment decreases your light when you share space
the rules and are very proud when they follow the rules. with dark ones having biology or not.
They DO tend to squelch the enthusiasm and inventive- Level 4: carries 70 to 80% light. They are eager,
ness of others. They are followers, not adventurers and cheerful and enthusiastic. To move to the top of this
want to be entertained and distracted. They are cautious band of light you would need to work yourself UP to
and strive to be average and fit in to all situations. JOY and passion as you merge with your soul to view life
Historically and spiritually when you carry more light from the soul’s point of perception instead of viewing
than dark you emanate grayish light because there is always life from the little human or ego’s point of perception.
a hidden agenda with their light so it is not pure. There Consciousness determines your DESTINY not technol-
is codependency or dark contracts made with each other ogy. Change is not a WHEN and WHERE event. Change
along with energy feeding cords to each other. Contracts or awareness is the vibration you choose to THINK and
and cords like; “I will always love you” or “I will always be resonate at or the amount of light you carry.
there for you” or “If you don’t love me I will die” or “I will Our biology is transforming from carbon base to crys-
give you anything.” Relationships are based on conditional talline base. DNA strands are reconnecting into loops
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and there is a third strand. Your immune system has At 80% light you have had your half dark / half light
worked by fighting invaders now the THYMUS absorbs ascension and you have committed to being compas-
and transmute invaders. Theta brainwaves are 5th to sionate with your self and your biology all the time. You
6th dimensional vibration or calibrations and the real- are integrating any parts or pieces of you that you split
ity you experience is your “inside world” and increased off for one reason or another. Parts of you that you gave
awareness of your biology. With more light and higher away or had taken from you or left laying around in all
brain wave activity your senses increase you have more your concurrent experiences need to be reintegrated to
knowingness or intuitive thought and have a higher IQ make you more solid and complete. Your alternate and
or intelligence quotient. parallel realities are melding together now.
Photons gather thoughts, memories, THINK and Your service to others now is more pure and help-
EVOLVE because they are sentient. Photon energy ful with few strings or agendas by the insecure needy
comes into the pineal gland portal to be distributed ego or little human. With more light there is sharing not
through out our biology when you carry 80% light or care taking and there is DETACHMENT not an agenda
more. The prophet Elijah, Jesus, Buddha and many of one sort or another. You move into the void frequently
more had DNA that worked at 90 to 100 percent ours is as old survival truths fall away this is a time of calm and
working around 35 to 40% in 2013. rebalance. It is wise to release and grieve for what you
were and what you had experienced. Higher truths or
5 thought patterns are falling into place. You are creating
with detachment, joy and compassion.
ONENESS Level 5: carries 80 to 90% light and is called IN and
OUT because 50% of the little human or ego has merged
with their soul aspect.
80%ers or those that carry 80% light or more, most of Level 6: carries 90 to 95% light and is called
the time are conscious and working with their soul’s point BALANCING your biology and DNA inside and outside
of perception and universal law instead of with the little the biology.
human or ego. At 80% light you are vibrating high enough Level 7: carries 95 to 100% light and is called
for your soul to enter the space around your biology. SOARING the little human emotions, drama and con-
Your guides, angels, higher self and imaginary friends cerns are mostly a thing of the past and your biology still
say good-by one way or another. Notice them as they needs to be lovingly cared for. Before moving to level 8
leave and thank them for their service to you. You are not you MARRY your higher self or soul aspect.
being abandoned but you may feel that way. The old falls Level 8: carries ONENESS and infinity the human
away and there is a time lag or void until the new kicks functioning as one unit with the higher self or soul and
in or gets down loaded. Have faith during the time lag or you are out of duality spiritually, mentally and emotionally.
void you are at zero point energy. You are releasing the Your biology is a vehicle from earth. The loneliness is gone
old and putting in closer alignment with universal law. now.
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Level 9: is the COMPLETION of an era, a cycle, or helpful. Remember that we chose to live in this illusion
level for you personally and it is not physical death or loss or matrix so we could develop our wisdom and morality.
of your biology. It is the silence and calm of completion. 1. The invisible realm is always in present time, which
is NEVER static; it is always changing and flowing. They
5 see past, present and future as present time in no par-
ticular order. They see LOOPS of SIMILAR behavior
Consider always incorporating the following concepts patterns bundled together.
to raise your vibration or increase your light. As with 2. Invisible realm likes and uses probabilities, ratios
the universal laws and principles there is no particular and potentials all the time. You can get the percentage
order that anything needs to be done in. of light that anyone or thing or country or event carries,
1. Relate to all others compassionately without blame, but you need to be specific. Do you want to know the
judgment or drama. amount of light at this moment, ten years ago or most
2. Know the little human or ego or soul aspect is of the time. And in a moment, with changing informa-
experiencing duality in cooperation with the biology in tion, the percentage may change. Ask what might make
a reality of darkness to build their spiritual wisdom and it change and how likely a particular thing is to happen.
understanding about dark truths and experiences. You can get another percentage and decide what you
3. Knowing comes first and then there is action and want to think about that.
creating. For example: When you ask, how light Molly is and
4. Connect and continually commune with your soul you get, 70%, 30% and 40% your soul is probably telling
aspects. Stand in your belief’s loud and proud. Fall into you that she has three separate personalities carrying
harmony with your biology and soul aspect to align with three different amounts of light and she probably has
universal law. dissociative identity disorder also. Ask does she have
7. Trust yourself and what you know inside, your dissociative identity disorder or is she a multiple? You
senses. will get a yes or no, if the answer is no. You can construct
8. Compassion or love yourself unconditionally first. the next question in different ways using your intuition
Everything flows from your thoughts about you. as to which direction you want to go. I might ask, what
does the 30% mean in relationship to Molly? What does
5 the 70% represent? Which personality was interacting
with me yesterday?
QUESTIONING 3. Questions need to be simple to avoid confusion.
Ask only one question at a time. Broad questions gen-
erally get no answer or vague meaningless answers you
Questioning the invisible realm or your soul aspects might not understand or like. If you were to ask some-
can be a bit tricky. A clear, simple question is best. thing broad like, “Are my religious practices right and
Understanding their point of perception is even more good”? Your answer might be YES. Meaning that your
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religious practices are right for YOU, because that is Synchronicities and fluidity happen generally with-
what you are doing now. BUT that is probably not what out our awareness of the larger picture. Waiting for them
you really wanted to know. So ask differently. You might to happen is not wise. Synchronicities never happen the
ask what percent of my religious practices are aligned WAY the little human or ego wanted or anticipated they
with universal law? would. Trust your FIRST instinct or intuition as it is
If you asked what percent of the time am I follow- generally from your soul aspects. Synchronicities work
ing the law of allowing, you might get “20% of the time.” piecemeal and humans are required to connect all the
Even that question could be too broad and you may pieces together. When humans hear an intuition spoken
want to narrow it some. When I interact with Jon what to them in their voice they think they thought of it. They
percent of the time am I following the law of allowing? probably did not.
The invisible realm gives honest information unless a You can speak to most any soul aspect by asking for
dark soul aspect of yours is sending you disinformation. them by name or giving a “shout out.” Speak aloud and
Don’t trust the answer if its not compassionate. You can their awareness is with you immediately.
use the information you get as a tool for growth or to
upset yourself if the truth bothers you. 5
4. When you usually hear answers and SUDDENLY
you don’t, that generally means you heard or know the GOING LIGHTER
answer and do not like it. You go into denial and hear
nothing. Many people get pictures that they need to
interpret or they get a packet of feeling with possibly As time goes on we are getting lighter. It is not pos-
some words. sible to give precise dates or times as the rest of the uni-
5. Sometimes you get a YES and a NO. Then ask, what verse functions in the now moment. This illusion and
is the NO part about? What does the YES part mean? its apparent time-line and linearity are always subject to
6. The spiritual synchronicities our light soul aspect the law of fluidity. The dark is destabilized and dissipat-
structure and orchestrates for us are planned free of ing kicking and screaming as they go, but roughly:
time and space. They always know the probabilities of 1914 to 2100 Gaia as a planet started her 6th ascen-
what has or could happen. Synchronicities are struc- sion. Around 1945 humanity made a course correction
tured like a 3D net or field or spider web with all of the from following others and leaders to trusting more in
possible potentials for you, plus the potentials for those the self.
around you. NOW what the little human or ego does or When a higher vibrating soul group wants to give the
fails to do and think at that meeting or synchronicity earth population an infusion of light they incarnate in
is a whole different matter. You can lead a human to a large groups, coming in as infants. En mass the Indigo
wisdom gathering experience but you can’t make her or babies arrived around 1975 to 1995. The Crystal children
him gather the wisdom. came in 1980s to 2000, the Rainbow child arrived in the
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1990s thru 2010 and the “Integrated child” is starting DARK than light are unable to incarnate on earth, par-
to arrive. They do not experience or understand duality ents with less than 36% light will have soulless infants.
and survival truths. They are one with Gaia. Dark ancestors can no longer incarnate into biology or
In the 1980s our biology started preparing itself to hang around in Gaia’s emotional body.
accept higher frequencies of light arriving on earth from November 11, 2011 we moved from human law into
the sun and photon belt. UNIVERSAL LAW being the law of the land and uni-
August 16-17, 1987 the harmonic convergence verse. “Give and receive only compassion” we are 100%
marked the first time the earth carried EQUAL amounts responsible for all we create or fail to create. December
of light and dark energy and a vibration of spiritual and 10-12, 2011 was the tipping point on earth from dark to
moral neutrality. light. Dark was displaced from their state of stable equi-
1987 to 2012 marked the 25-year Millennium Shift. librium into unbalance and chaos.
We were invited to reject our karmic set ups of dark The collective consciousness is not trapped any lon-
truths and contracts. We could move to greater light ger in fear. January 26, 2012 a portal was opened for all
individually by aligning with universal law. the dark pieces, aspects and demons left on earth of those
May 1998 the earth entrained with the photon belt souls that have been relocated to join their creators.
and the first of its twelve gigantic homogenizing vortexes February 27, 2012 a portal was opened to support
of electromagnetically charged energy to rebalance all humans in having increased compassion for the self.
that enter. It takes 2,000 years to pass through all the April 16, 2012 the “70,000 enlightened people”
vortexes and rebalance the entire earth completely to needed to shift the entire planet into a higher state of
the vibration of the 5th dimension. 2001 the earth, many consciousness was reached. Their enlightened aware-
humans, animals, plants and minerals moved to the 4th ness was put into the mass consciousness and trans-
dimension. In 2007 in an effort to speed up the ascension ferred to the whole group. Many shifted from the 4th
process for the little human, our soul aspects grouped dimension into the 5th dimension.
many of our SIMILAR dark patterns in a bundle for us May 20, 2012 is the start of “booting up” a new
to heal at one time. program for the entire Milky Way Galaxy. The solar
By 2009 the vibration of earth is high enough to allow eclipse marked the start of a new orbit or cycle around
the entire population to communicate with pictures or ALCYONE our Central Sun.
telepathically when they believe they can. The higher Portal evolution in 2012 Portals are sentient and
vibrations have also disrupted our ability to deny what when your consciousness resonates or vibrates high
is true, personally and in the group consciousness. enough to match and recognize a portal it will open
March 2011 the lower 4th dimension stopped exist- when asked. They decide for themselves to open or
ing with all the lost gray souls it held locked in dark pat- close.
terns of victim predator and confused innocent roles. November 13, 2012 the total solar eclipse is to help
They were moved to another location, a sort of waiting align and adjust the little human misdirection’s on their
room. May 21, 2011 souls or any entity or fetus with more path to alignment with universal law.
338 | Bonnie Baumgar tner

December 12 and 21, 2012 or 12/12/12 marks the

recalibration of the sacred calendar and the beginning
and the end of multiple cycles. The history of mankind
up through 2012 will be measured as old and dark.
2013 signals a change in direction from time is money The READER and I
and keep the biology alive to equality, creativity and
May 2013 Gaia is at 81% light but the human’s light Time has run out literally and figuratively. The earth
varies. SUMMER of 2013 is one of INTENSE energy construct or illusion of duality is morphing into no time
fields of HEAT to burn out pockets of density and be a or present time. Theorizing is entertaining and fun to
catalyst for transmutation and transition. play with mentally, but now your theorizing is manifest-
August 2013 the Elementals are creating a world- ing as you noodle it. Many have painted a picture of this
wide SERVER, a centralized resource to connect those transition as being easy and don’t worry about a thing.
that want to communicate or interact on the fifth to sev- But the catch is that you must THINK in alignment with
enth dimension or vibration. universal law or be left in time and duality. Do the work
The end of 2013 the Crystals from Atlantis are rising to align your thinking with receive and give only com-
and coming on line. January 2014 they will be in full passion or you will be too heavy to morph. Do the work
operation helping to rebalance and raise the vibration of or be left behind. I think that most of us have to work
Gaia along with all the life forms on Her. Physical fatigue hard and change many thought patterns to be able to be
in the biology or upset in your equilibrium or sense of compassionate with the self. This is a total remodel from
well-being could be a result of you entraining with all what we learned as children. Our dark fearful patterns
that is happening. We are all under construction. of thought and complaining were based on thinking that
By 2016 most people carrying less than 60% light will hard work and suffering were noble. They aren’t.
be gone from earth Matter on the quantum level starts forming around
our thoughts to create what we think about. We are
5 replacing those unbalanced beliefs with the peace and
joy of living in harmony and self-compassion. This tran-
sition takes focused aware and awake thinking, are you
up to the challenge?
Your elementals and soul aspects are waiting for you
to commune with them. Ask one simple question at a
time and allow the answer to come to you even if it needs
to come in a dream or from a child’s mouth.

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About ME and Administrators. Have designed, developed and imple-

mented curriculum, for at-risk, multicultural students
in inner cities. Facilitated group processing. Helped to
I was raised in a dysfunctional dark family, neigh- transition students into the mainstream, Student advocate
borhood, country and planet and have never stopped for student’s and families rights. Peace Officer for Harris
asking why? None of it made and sense. I have been an County Texas, Member of the Biltmore Who’s Who
educational therapist for the past few decades and have
done private therapy with children, adults and families. 5
I understand the devastation of child abuse and how
darkens is absolutely soul crushing. It is the dark gift
that keeps giving more darkness. In all concurrent life-
times and realities. For the past 50 years I have taught
emotionally challenged and severely learning disabled
students and adults from grades 3-12 in public schools
and my private school, these experiences have showed
me what heals wounds and what does not heal.
Psychology and sociology have always fascinated me
in many more lifetimes than just this one. The Illuminati
programmed slaves have showed up at my door and I
wanted to help the ones that wanted to break free so I
have studied and researched even more about the way
the Illuminati program all their children, a third of all
children on earth, and how to crash the programming so
they can take back their thinking.

CERTIFICATIONS as an Educational Therapists (AET),

Principal, Special Educator of Emotionally Disabled and
Learning Disabled, Reading Specialist, Art Instructor and
EXPERIENCE: Spiritual Therapist, Acting Principal,
Program Director and Community Coordinator for the
Severely Emotionally Disabled, grades 7-12 Designed,
developed and implemented a therapeutic approach.
Collaborated with psychologists, peace officers, parents

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