Plan Umbrella Level 6 Module 1 HECHO CORREGIDO

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Plan Umbrella Level 6 Module 1

MODULE 1: Living Spaces

Excersice 1 

a) Do you know what a living space is?

Any living organism could live like animals,insects, plants And humans beings.

b) What kind of living spaces are there?

In the world there are many kinds of living spaces. For example, there are those nature
habitats where animals, plants or in many cases humans live. Also there are living spaces
that have been created by humans and they are artificial


• Which of the pictures is a natural habitat?

R: the natural habitat shown in photo number one because this also showing the sea and
two whales are swimming.

• Which is a temporary shelter?

R: the habitat of the whales is temporary because they often migrate to other oceans in the
search of better food, protection, or by climatic changes

• Which is a permanent home?

R: obviously the home is a permanent shelter that is grounded in a specific place, it cannot
be moved

d) What characteristics does each of them have?

R: The first picture shows a natural habitat, where there are two whales which are
swimming. This habitat is natural because it was not built by humans. It is an environment
that is outdoors. It is a habitat around of sea.

The second picture shows an artificial habitat although this house is built in a forest
obviously, the house was built by humans' hands. It is a big place, the house is surrounded
by nature, it appears to be a bright and spacious place. The house is located in the forest so
it allows people to enjoy tranquility and peace of nature.

In the first picture, the nature habitat I think that the benefits are for animals in this cases
whales or other species of animals like fish because they need to be in freedom to do
anything, a habitat restricted is not a good place for them.

On the other hand regarding the second picture, I think that it is a good place because not
only it is a big place but also it is surrounded by the nature. But in my opinion, I think that
this house maybe is too far from civilization.

Exercise 2

Question 1: how do you survive without water?

Possible answer: here, there are many cacti. I can cut their cortex and then I drink the liquid
that is similar to water

Question 2: How do you prevent your house from flood?

Possible answer: When there are strong storms I can cover my house with a tent.

Question 3: How could you communicate with other people?

Possible answer: I could create a satellite dish with basic elements and it allows me to
communicate with others.

Question 4: What is your opinion about your neighborhood? Are they friendly? Are they

Possible answer: I think that my neighbors are people very friendly, they are nice people.

Exercise 3.

Write down the adjectives you found in the text “Sweet Songs & Strong Coffee”

Dreamy Dark

Giant Nodded







Exercise 4. Write a descriptive paragraph of your living space. Use lots of new and varied

I live in Bogotá, Bogotá is a capital of Colombia so it is a big city. Bogota is full of

buildings and parks. Many people from other cities and in some cases other countries are
living in Bogotá because they believe that in Bogota they could find great opportunities.
For this reason, Bogota is a mixture of culture and customs. The air in Bogota is very
polluted by cars and factories. On the other hand, I consider that Bogota has also many
advantages because there are many parks where people can do sports, Bogota has a mix of
many things like culture, customs, fashion and it allows people to create many styles of life.
For example, I think that Bogota is an uncomplicated city.

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