WEG Lackpoxi 76 Wet Surface N 2680 Ingles Technical Bulletim English

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TE CHN IC AL BUL LE T IN – L i q u i d Coat in gs


PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: High thickness epoxy polyamine primer, intermediate and top coat, solvent free,
formulated with non-toxic anticorrosive pigments to steel surfaces. Product
developed to apply on dry, humid and hydroblasting surfaces, prepared by dry and
humid abrasive blasting. The product complies wit h Petrobras N 2680 Standard. It
is certified for contact with food (drinking water, alcohol, fatty foods, grains, etc).

INTENDED USES: Boats, Marine structures and of fshore: Ballast and fuel tanks, decks, petroleum
exploration and natural gas platforms, broadside machinery, pipeline.
Industrial Applications: Bridges, metallic structur es and several machi neries.
Piping line: May be applied inner or out of piping lines.

PACKAGING: Component A Lackpoxi 76 Wet Surface Primer N 2680 Oxide Red – 10003820 - Bucket
(15 L)
Lackpoxi 76 Wet Surface Primer N 2680 Gray 10003822 – Bucket (15 L)
Component B Lackpoxi 76 Wet Surface N 2680 Component B – 10003830 (5 L)

Component A Lackpoxi 76 Wet Surface Primer N 2680 Oxide Red – 10003821 - Gallon
(2,7 L)
Lackpoxi 76 Wet Surface Primer N 2680 Gray – 10003823 – Gallon (2,7 L)
Component B Lackpoxi 76 Wet Surface N 2680 Component B – 11125195 (0,9 L)

Colors Ral, Munsell or according to the costumer standard
Bucket Gallon
Component A 15 Liters 2,7 Liters
Component B 5 Liters 0,9 Liters

Component B winter Lackpoxi 76 Wet Surface N 2680 Winter Component B – 11130339 (0,9 L)
Component B winter Lackpoxi 76 Wet Surface N 2680 Winter Component B – 10857966 (5 L)

Note: Option to use a catalyst (component B of winter) for situations of

applications in environments with low temperatures (below 15º C), which
requires a better performance in the drying of the product.
Finish/ Sheen: Gloss
PRODUCT INFORMATION Viscosity 100 ± 10 UK a 25ºC
VOC content Without solvent
Validity Term: 12 months (25°C)
Typical Film Thickness: 150 micrometers in dry coat.
Theoretical Coverage: 6,60 m²/liters with 150 micrometers of thick in dry coat (considering
theoretical volume solids of 100%). For consume calculation, verify the
note for used coverage in Application Procedures.
Flash Point: > 55ºC
Drying Information: Lackpoxi 76 Wet Surface N 2680 Componente B
5ºC 10ºC 15ºC 20ºC 25ºC 30ºC
Touch Drying Time: - - 14 h 9h 6h 5h
Handle Drying Time - - 30 h 20 h 16 h 15 h
Final: - - 10 days 8 days 7 days 7 days
Pot-Life: - - 5h 4h 3h 2h

Overcoating Data: 5ºC 10ºC 15ºC 20ºC 25ºC 30ºC

Min. - - 20 h 18 h 12 h 12 h
Max. - - 5 days 5 days 5 days 5 days
5ºC 10ºC 15ºC 20ºC 25ºC 30ºC


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TE CHN IC AL BUL LE T IN – L i q u i d Coat in gs

Drying Information: Lackpoxi 76 Wet Surface Component B Winter

5ºC 10ºC 15ºC 20ºC 25ºC 30ºC
Touch Drying Time: 48 h 24 h 12 h 6h 3h 90 min.
Handle Drying Time 72 h 48 h 24 h 16 h 12 h 8h
Final: 15 days 12 days 10 days 7 days 7 days 7 days
Pot-Life: 8h 6h 4h 2h 90 min. 45 min.

Overcoating Data: 5ºC 10ºC 15ºC 20ºC 25ºC 30ºC

Min. 72 h 36 h 16 h 16 h 10 h 10 h
Max. 12 days 8 days 5 days 5 days 5 days 5 days


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TE CHN IC AL BUL LE T IN – L i q u i d Coat in gs

SURFACE The performance of this product is straightly related to the surface preparation grade. Remove
PREPARATION: completely oils and grease applying a degreased product or according to the solvent cleaning method,
standard SSPC SP1.

The accumulated dust must be removed, using a dry brush and the soluble salts must be removed
washing with fresh water in high pressure.

For new works, is necessary to treat spatter and weld seams, damaged areas, edges and corners by
abrasive blasting in Sa 2½ degree or SSPC SP10. Visual standard ISO 8501-1.

Preparation by abrasive blasting

It can be used in situations where the pieces present oxidation C or D degrees, as the visual standard
ISO 8501-1, with the exception of immersed works.

Threat mechanically until obtain, at least, the degree St3 or SSPC-SP3. Visual standard ISO 8501-1.
The areas, which cannot be prepared by this product, should be made the localized abrasive blasting
to get the degree Sa 2 or SSPC-CP6. VISUAL STANDARD 8501-1

The surface may be cleaned, dried and without contaminants.

Preparation by water blasting

It is recommended to make the painting on surfaces waterblasted on CWJ-2 degree as SSPC-VIS 4


Old coatings

Should be ensured the original material is well adhered. Coatings not well adhered may be removed
until the firm layer. Does not exempt the correct washing and the surface’s degreasing and the sanding
of coatings always that necessary to promote adherence. It is recommended to proceed with a gloss
break in the coating film by a sanding, making a better adherence between coats cleaning the surface
as descript above, removing the dust.
The points with corrosion should be treated as written above.
The overcoating should be made only on preserved surfaces.

The application on Shop Primer Silicato de Zinco intact may be prepared with fast jet. For application
on Shop Primers Epóxi Oxido de Ferro, make sure that the primer is intact, cleaned and dried.

Note: If the maximum interval indicated for the next coat application is exceeded, proceed with a
surface manual/mechanical polishing using sandpaper to break the gloss. This procedure is required in
order to get adhesion between coats.

For more information, please contact the Technical WEG Department, by using the telephone
number specified in the end of this sheet.


APPLYING Homogenize the contents of each one of the components (A and B) by mechanical or pneumatic stirrer.
Make sure that no pigment is retained at the bottom of the vessel. Add the component B to the
component A, complying the recommended mix ratio. Mix it throughout, when possible, use a
mechanical stirrer.

Mix Ratio
3A X 1B in volume

Not necessary the dilution. Product ready to be used.

2 hours at 25°C
Verify values of the pot life in the item Characteristics.

Induction Time (25°C)

Wait 15 to 20 minutes before the application.

Note: In places with high temperatures, we recommend to consult our Technical Department in
Coating WEG, by using the telephone numb er specified in the end of this sheet.


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TE CHN IC AL BUL LE T IN – L i q u i d Coat in gs

APPLICATION METHODS The information below present should be used as a guide, similar equipments can be used.

Changes in the pressure and nozzle could be necessary to have better pulverization characteristics.

Before the application, make sure tat all equipments and parts are clean and in the better use

Purge the compressed air line to avoid contamination for coating.

If stops occur in the application line, after the mixture of the components, and this mixture has the pot-
life exceed, it cannot be diluted again for continuing the application.

Retouch all rough-edges and welding areas with a brush in order to avoid failures on such surfaces.
On spray applications, make an over application of 50 % of each step of the spray to provide a proper
esthetic top coat, mainly for aluminum, and conclude it with cross application.

Airless Spray:
Airless ........................... ... 60 : 1
Fluid pressure................... 27000 - 3000 psi
Hose ........................ ..........3/8“ of internal diameter
Nozzle................................ 0,017“ to 0,021“
Dilution .............................. –

Recommended only for retouch (bolts, nuts, welding areas. Multiple coats may be required to achieve
specified film thickness.

Use sheep wool roll without seamless.

Note: Not recommended to internal tanks painting.

For application by brush or roller, may b e necessary two or more passes to achieve an
uniform layer and according to recommended film thickness per coat.

Equipment cleaning: Use Diluent Epoxy 3005.

Nota: Do not take material in the hoses, sprays, and equipments used to spraying. For higher
temperatures, the coating could change the fluidization point, and getting difficult to clean.

Clean completely all used equipment.

APPLICATION For a better performance of this product, please follow the orientations below:
For application by brush or roller, may be necessary two or more passes to achieve an uniform layer
and according to recommended film thickness per coat.

It is recommended a surface preparation on Sa 2½ or SSPC SP10, Visu al standard ISO 8501-1. It is

acceptable to use surface preparation standards if the completely cleaning by water on high pressure
(may by evaluated the alternatives of the surface preparation in each case).

It is indispensable the correct washing and de greasing of the surface and the sanding of old coatings
always that necessary to remove adherence.

The application to exposed salt ambient, we recommend to remove the soluble salts washing with fresh
water in high pressure.

Independent of the type of application, the tolerance of the Lackpoxi 76 Wet Surface N 2680 to
humidity, allows the washing of the surface with freshwater immediately before painting, making sure of
a minimization of salts content.

The Lackpoxi 76 Wet Surface N 2680 allows the painting in recently water jet surfaces that present
small traces of fast corrosion (Flash rust or degree of blossom blight) relatively early (equivalent to
“moderate” degree descript on SSPC VIS4(1) / NACE N°7) on the surface.

It is not recommended the direct exposure to rain during the application and cure process. It may be
avoid the application on water depth too.

In just painted surfaces in contact with water during the draying, may occur stains with changes of color
(more in darker colors), drying retard and commitment with the product’s performance.

Color, aspect and gloss changes could be noticed in the applied product when the application occurs in
high relative humidity periods, rainy days, ambient with low temperatures or when the applied product
was exposed in external places.

Do not apply the product after it’s mixture pot life, in case of exceeded this period.
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After this procedure of application, during the cure process, when the applied pieces are submitted to
conditions of low temperatures and/or high humidity, it may occur the formation of exudation in film
during the cure process, which should be removed by washing with freshwater or cleaning with wet
cloth in an appropriate diluent. This exudation does not affect the quality and neither the anticorrosive
resistance of the film, but it may be removed as described above.

The film exposition on temperatures above 120°C may implicate on the product’s performance in
relation on the adherence and chemical resistance.

Products based in epoxy system are usually know for it excellent anticorrosive properties and low
resistance to sunlight. In case of weathering film exposure, after some time, a gloss reduction will be
noticed, named calcinations and consequently, changes in the color.
We advise that even with calcinations, the film is not damaged in the anticorrosive protection.

In varied methods of painting, the coating application may generate differences in brightness and final
aspect of the painted pieces.

Note: According to the differentiated cure of the Lackpoxi 76 Wet Surface Primer / Finishing N 2680,
the theoretical consumption calculation may be corrected to 6,0m²/l in the thickness of 150 in dry
micrometers. These values are base on tests realized on the technical laboratory of coatings of W eg. It
should be considered the loss factors from the conditions and methods of application for practical
income determination for each work.

For more information, please contact the Technical WEG Department, by using the telephone
number specified in the end of this sheet.

SYSTEM COMPATIBILITY Repainting surfaces painted in good condition

AND MAINTENANCE In the absence of solvent on Lackpoxi 76 Wet Surface it increase the compatibility with older paintings.
It’s advised to test the contact of the Lackpoxi 76 Wet Surface with an older painting on a small area of
REPAITING test. You should be ensured that the original material is well adhered. All the coating doesn’t adhered
should be removed.

It should not be dispensed the correct washing and degreasing of the surface for the application of the
finishing coating. For finishing application on Lackpoxi 76 Wet Surface N 2680, may be respected the
time of repainting. The surface should be dried and without contaminants.

For more information, please contact the Technical WEG Department, by using the telephone
number specified in the end of this sheet.
SAFETY Before handling this product, it is necessary to read carefully all the material safety data sheet
PRECAUTIONS: (MSDS), available in our site, indicated in the end of this sheet.

Handling, dilution and the use of paints during the painting and drying process shall be carried out far
away from flames, sparks or excessive heat and in ventilated rooms since they are flammable
products. The appropriate protection equipment must be used.

Contact with the skin may cause irritations.

If swallowed, do not provoke vomit. In case of eye contact, rinse the eyes under running water. In any
case, seek immediate medical attention.

Do not smoke in the working area.

Make sure that electric installations are perfect and that they will not release sparks.
Do not wash the skin, hands or other parts of the body with solvents or thinners. Wash your hands first
with alcohol and then wash them with running water and cleaning pastes. Use a skin restoring
protective cream.

In case of fire, use CO2 or chemical fire extinguishers. Water is not recommended to extinguish the
flames caused by the burning of paints.
Paints and thinners shall be stored in ventilated rooms and protected against inclemency. The storage
temperature may vary from 10 to 40ºC.

If intoxication symptoms are caused due to inhalation of solvent vapors, remove the person
immediately from the working area and bring him to a ventilated room.
In case of unconsciousness, call for a doctor right away.

Product restrictly used for painting professionals.

The use and application of this product must be in accordance to Health, Security and Environment
National Standards.

When is necessary to remove the already cured applied paint from the substrate, the operator and
people in the same room, may use personal protective equipment, according to the MSDS of the


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For a necessity to welding metallic parts already painted with this product, dust and ga ses will be
formed, and personal protective equipment m ust be used (face mask for Organic Vapors), according to
each ambient.

Application in closed areas must be well ventilated. Contact t he Security area of your company.

For more information, please contact the Technical WEG Department, by using the telephone
number specified in the end of this sheet.

NOTE: All information stated in this Technical Bulletin is based on our experience and knowledge of Coatings

Nevertheless, as we do not have control over the use of our products, the responsibility of use will be
exclusively to the customer, no warranty either expressed or implied can be granted or suggested with
regards to this information whatsoever. Therefore, we do not assum e any liability for coverage rate,
performance or any damages or injuries resulting from improper use of the given information and
durability of this product.

Some information inside this Technical Bulletin are estimated and can change due factors out of the
producer control. The Coatings WEG do not guarantee and do not take responsibility over the
coverage, performanc e or any material or personal damage, resulting of incorrect use of this product or
information in this Technical Bulletin.

The information inside this Technical Bulletin may change periodically, without advanced notice, due
our politic of evolution and continuing improvement of our product and services, giving solution with
quality to satisfy our costumer necessity.

Rodovia BR 280 Km 50 – Guaramirim – SC – 89270-000
E-mail: tintas@weg.net - www.weg.net – Fone: (55) XX 47 3276-4000


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