Wishbone Trap and Trap Option Package by Charlie Taaffe (1993)

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1993 Summer Manual: Coach Taaffe is an assistant coach for the Montreal Alouettes.

1. Imperative to prevent the D from scheming methods to remove our FB as a running threat.
A. In the ‘bone, the FB must run w/ the ball.
B. Over the years, we’ve had to devise ways for our FB to be a factor—the triple option isn’t
C. The trap and trap-option series has given us a consistent method of keeping the FB involved.
The FB Trap
1. The FB trap is a consistent play that can be executed against most D’s.
2. Generally, we’ll trap the first DL past the C and have the ability to change the direction of the play at the
LoS based on the alignment of the defensive front (see Fig. 1A and Fig. 1B).
3. We don’t prefer to trap a 4-defender side.
4. If we trap an A-gap defender, we add the term “goal line” to our trap play (see Fig. 2).
5. This play allows us to trap most goal-line D’s and to assist the FB in knowing where the trap will occur.
6. FB
A. Alights w/ his heels 5½ yds. from the front tip of the ball.
1. This can vary slightly depending on the speed of the FB.
B. FB should know, prior to the snap, where the trap will occur based on the defensive
C. On the snap, FB will run an S-course, putting his playside foot in front of the backside foot
1. Important that the FB does not step outside the backside foot.
D. We want the FB to stay tight to any down block—stay inside-out of the trap block, and break
off the block on the playside LB.
7. QB
A. Executes a 360° turn, or “whirlybird” action.
1. We prefer this movement b/c of the holding effect it has on the LBs/FS.
B. On the snap, QB will reverse pivot slightly past 6 o’clock.
C. His second step (balance step) must insure that his shoulders will be perpendicular to the LoS.
D. The third step is a ride, and follow the FB—turn to the inside, sink the mesh, and carry out the
option fake.
The Trap-Option
1. Once the trap’s been established, and LBs begin to step up on play recognition, the D makes itself
vulnerable to the trap-option.
2. QB action and subsequent mesh w/ the FB has the potential to freeze the LBs/FS.
A. When this occurs, it’s time to run the option off the trap fake.
3. Backfield action is identical to the trap—everything must look the same (see Fig. 3A and Fig. 3B).
4. Pitch back can also assist the QB by recognizing hard pressure and making a call to the QB as the
stunt is recognized.
5. Line blocking is identical to the trap—on the trap-option, we “log” the same defender who is trapped on
the trap play.
A. Has the potential to create conflict for the DL.
6. Trap-option gives us a misdirection type of option play that has an excellent “freeze” effect on the
7. Imperative to establish the FB trap in order for the trap-option to be successful.
Trap-Option Pass
1. This is an excellent series, b/c the pass look is identical to the trap/trap-option.
2. When we throw off the trap-option series, we have specific ideas in mind—we want to control the pitch
support on the option, and take advantage of a fast flow LB.
3. 2 routes that accomplish these objectives are shown in Figure 4A and Figure 4B.

4. Series is a supplement to our wishbone triple option attack.

5. Trap has kept our FB as a threat in the O; trap-option provides a misdirection option w/ tremendous
freeze potential on the LB/FS, and the trap-option has taken advantage of a secondary which
aggressively supports against
the options phases of the series.

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