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SAP Projects

Ticket Handling
Trainer : Email : Ph : (Australia)
Gurjeet Singh +61413159465
SAP Projects
SAP Implementation Projects.
Types of
SAP Support Projects.
SAP Migration Projects.
SAP Implementation Project : In this type of
project, customers are moving towards SAP
software. Previously they might be using some
other software. The whole process can take from
6 months to a couple of years to complete.
Types of SAP Support & Maintenance Project: Once a
SAP project is implemented, its supported by the
SAP consultants on day-to-day basis. During support
Projects projects, the support team helps the customer in
day-to-day business.
SAP Migration & Support Project: As SAP is
continuously upgrading the software , so
customers are moving from old version (4.5, 4.6,
ECC5) to new version (ECC6).
How Support
Project operates?
After completing implementation, project goes to support
 We can have our own customized software to get the
tickets or we use SAP solution manager or third party tool.
Once we (FC) get the ticket, it consists of the issue
details on which you need to prepare functional
How specification and get it approved from the business.
If the issue is related to technical side of SAP then you
support need to pass on the Functional Spec to the development
Project to prepare Technical specification accordingly.
One resolved, test yourself and get it tested by business
operates? users in UAT as per test cases.
Once its approved by the business, schedule it to move
the changes to SAP production system.
Once moved to production system, you need to
communicate with the business and get a confirmation to
close the ticket.
Ticket Handling
The errors or bugs forwarded by the end user
to the support team via Tickets.
These tickets are prioritized under categories
like High, Medium and Low depending on how
What is severe the problem is.
Ticket Depending on these categories, you have a
time frame to fix the issue. For example, High
Handling? priority -8 hours, Medium – 2 days, Low – 5 days
The main job of the supporting consultant is to
provide assistance to the customer or the
organisation where SAP is already implemented
of a Ticket
Support Tick examples
Support Tick Examples
End user can’t print/email a Purchase Order?
 Output condition record was not maintained in MN04.
Error while creating Invoice receipt (MIRO)?
 Good receipt (MIGO) was not done yet.
An item is showing blocked while creating a Purchase
 There was a block set up in the material master record.
Purchase requisition can’t be converted to a PO?
 P/req was not released yet.
Support Tick Examples
 Purchase Order is not allowing to Goods Receipt
 PO was already goods receipted OR Goods Receipt indicator is
un-ticked in PO under tab delivery because item is a stationary
item. Hence GR is not allowed.
 PO didn’t pick up the price even though PIR exists.
 PIR was marked as blocked in source list ME01.
 Account determination error while creating MIGO.
 Account determination was not set.
 MRP not generating planned orders for a product even though
there are requirements for it?
 Material had a block OR MRP type in material master was set
up as ND (no planning).
Support Tick Examples

 Any question asked by you is also a support ticket.

 Any question raised on the website forum is also a support ticket!
 For your own practice and learning, please try to reply to
questions raised on the forum by other students.
Test Cases
TEST CASE is a document that defines the
input, action and expected output or response to
determine, if a certain feature of an application is
What is working as expected.
Test For example – if the tester wants to test a
purchase order functionality, so he/she will use
Cases? the “test case” which explains how to carry out
the functional test. He/she will follow the test in
the test case and will record the result as pass or

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