Structural Equation Models: Model and Notation

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Structural Equation measurement model.

The latent variable model is

η = α + Bη + ξ + ζ , (1)
where η is an m × 1 vector of latent endogenous
Structural equation models refer to general statisti- variables, ξ is an n × 1 vector of latent exogenous
cal procedures for multiequation systems that include variables, α is an m × 1 vector of intercept terms, B
continuous latent variables (“factors” or “unmeasured is an m × m matrix of coefficients that give the influ-
variables”), multiple indicators of concepts, errors ence of the ηs on each other,  is an m × n matrix of
of measurement, errors in equations, and observed coefficients for the effect of the ξ on η, and ζ is the
variables that are continuous, ordinal, dichotomous m × 1 vector of disturbances that contains the unex-
plained parts of the ηs. The term “endogenous” refers
(binary), or censored (see Measurement Scale).
to variables that are influenced by other variables in
One way to view these models is as an interre-
the model. “Exogenous” describes variables that are
lated system of regression equations where some
determined outside of the system of equations.
of the variables have multiple measures, and where
The model assumes that E(ζ ) = 0, that cov(ξ ,
measurement error is taken into account when esti-
ζ  ) = 0, and that (I − B) is nonsingular. The
mating relationships (see Errors in Variables). From
covariance matrix of the latent exogenous variables
another perspective, these are factor analysis mod-
is represented by an n × n matrix, , and the m × m
els in which some factor loadings are restricted to
matrix  is the covariance matrix of the equation
zero or other constants, and the researcher allows
disturbances, ζ . Implicit in (1) is a subscript to index
factors to affect each other, directly and indirectly.
the observations. Since the same model holds for
The most general form of the structural equation
all cases, the subscript is omitted to simplify the
model encompasses analysis of variance (ANOVA),
analysis of covariance (ANOCOVA), multiple lin-
The traditional LISREL notation has two equa-
ear regression, multivariate multiple regression,
tions for the measurement model:
seemingly unrelated regressions, recursive and nonre-
cursive simultaneous equations, path analysis, con- y∗ = νy + y η + ε, (2)
firmatory factor analysis, classical test theory (see ∗
Psychometrics, Overview), dichotomous and ordi- x = νx + x ξ + δ, (3)
nal probit, tobit, and a variety of other procedures where y∗ is the p × 1 vector of indicators of the
(see Quantal Response Models) as special cases. latent variables in η, νy is the p × 1 vector of inter-
Occasionally, the term “structural equation model” cept terms, y is the p × m factor loading matrix
refers to the simultaneous equation models of classi- of coefficients giving the linear effect of η on y∗ ,
cal econometrics. Increasingly, though, it has come to and ε is the p × 1 vector of measurement errors
refer to its more general form. Covariance structure or disturbances. The model assumes that E(ε) = 0
models, LISREL models, analysis of moment struc- and that cov(η, ε ) = 0. The covariance matrix for
tures, and structural equations with latent or unob- ε is the p × p matrix, ε . Analogous definitions
served variables are largely interchangeable terms for and assumptions hold for (3), with δ the q × q
structural equation models. covariance matrix for errors in x∗ . In addition, we
assume that ε, δ, and ζ are mutually uncorrelated
(see Correlation). Here too the observation index
Model and Notation is omitted, but is implicit. The disturbance or error
term for each equation in the latent variable or
The structural equation models are represented measurement model typically has different variances
in a variety of notations, but researchers most for different equations but, for a single equation,
commonly use the one derived from Jöreskog [19, the assumption is that the disturbance’s variance is
20], Keesling [23], and Wiley [31]. It is called homoscedastic (see Scedasticity) and uncorrelated
the LISREL notation, named after Jöreskog & across observations.
Sörbom’s [22] software package. The model has Eqs. (1)– (3) make up the classical form of
two primary components, a latent variable and a the LISREL model, in which it is assumed that

Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, Online © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

This article is © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Biostatistics in 2005 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/0470011815.b2a13089
2 Structural Equation Models

the latent and observed variables are continuous where τ01 , τ11 , and τ21 are the three thresholds that
variables. More recently, Jöreskog & Sörbom [21], determine whether the ordinal y1 variable falls in the
Muthén [26], and others have generalized the model 1, 2, 3, or 4 category. Alternately, if the y4 variable
by allowing categorical or censored observed is censored from below, we would have
variables. In this case, some of the variables in y∗ 
0, if y4∗ ≤ 0,
and x∗ are “latent indicators” that are only observable y4 = (7)
through categorical or censored observed variables. y4∗ , if 0 < y4∗ .
Here the model requires an additional set of equations The single threshold point is zero and when y4∗ is
to link the observed variables to their underlying above zero, y4∗ and the observed y4 are the same. If
continuous counterparts: the observed variables are continuous, we have no
need for (4) and (5). But when we have noncontin-
y = f (y∗ , τy ), (4) uous observed variables, (4) and (5) are nonlinear,
deterministic equations that relate the observed vari-
x = f (x∗ , τx ), (5)
ables to their underlying continuous indicator.
Many of the more familiar statistical models are
where y and x are the vectors of observed variables, derivable from this general model. Table 1 illustrates
some or all of which can be categorical or censored, how restrictions on the general model can lead to
and τy and τx are vectors that contain threshold more familiar techniques. If, for instance, we assume
parameters that determine the values taken by y and a scalar, continuous dependent response variable, no
x, respectively. For instance, suppose that y1 is a four- measurement error in the dependent or explanatory
category ordinal variable. In this case, we would have variables, and only dummy explanatory variables,
 we are led to the restrictions shown in the first row
 1, if y1∗ ≤ τ01 , that leads to analysis of variance (ANOVA). Keep-

 2, if τ01 < y1∗ ≤ τ11 , ing the same restrictions, except allowing continuous
y1 = (6)
 3,
 if τ11 < y1∗ ≤ τ21 , or dummy explanatory variables, leads to multiple

4, if τ21 < y1∗ , regression. Probit regression has the same constraints

Table 1 Common statistical models as special cases of structural equation models (SEMs)
Statistical model νy y ε νx x δ y

ANOVA 0 1 0 0 I 0 = y , scalar
Multiple regression 0 1 0 0 I 0 = y ∗ , scalar
Probit regression 0 1 0 0 I 0 1, 2, . . . , k
Tobit regression 0 1 0 0 I 0 = 0 if y ∗ ≤ 0
= y ∗ if y ∗ > 0
Classical econometrics 0 I 0 0 I
√ 0 = y∗
Classical factor analysis – – – – Diagonal –
(deviation scores) √ √
Confirmatory factor analysis – – – – –

Statistical model τy x τx α B  

ANOVA – Dummy variable – Scalar 0 √ Scalar
Multiple regression – Dummy/continuous – Scalar 0 √ Scalar
Probit regression (k − 1) Dummy/continuous – Scalar 0 √ Scalar
Tobit regression =0 Dummy/continuous – Scalar
√ 0
√ √ Scalar

Classical econometrics – Dummy/continuous –
Classical factor analysis C – Continuous – – – – –
(deviation scores)
Confirmatory factor analysis – Continuous – – – – –

, Present in model; – , absent from model.

Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, Online © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

This article is © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Biostatistics in 2005 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/0470011815.b2a13089
Structural Equation Models 3

as multiple regression, except that we have a dichoto-

mous or ordinal dependent variable (see Ordered ζ1
Categorical Data). Classical econometrics is a spe-
cial case of the model that assumes perfect measure-
ment and the absence of multiple indicators. From
g12 b21
this perspective, structural equation models have less x2 h1 h2
restrictive assumptions than many better known pro-
cedures. In addition, we can estimate many models l x 22 l x 32 l y 11 l y 22 l y 32
that are not treated by the traditional procedures.
x2 x3 y1 y2 y3

Steps in Modeling d2 d3 e1 e2 e3

An analysis that uses structural equation models has Figure 1 An hypothetical example of a structural equation
several components to it. These concern (i) model model with three latent variables and six observed variables
specification, (ii) the implied moment matrix, (iii)
identification, (iv) estimation, (v) model–data fit
regression constants that enter the equations for each
assessment, and (vi) respecification. These are
examined in the next six subsections. endogenous variable.
An alternative to the path diagram is to represent
the model specification using (1)–(3). In this specific
Model Specification example, (1) is
The first step is to specify the hypothesized relations η1 α1 0 0 η1
between all latent and observed variables. In other = +
η2 α2 β21 0 η2
words, the researcher needs to describe the specific     
form that all the matrices in Table 1 take for the γ γ12 ξ1 ζ
+ 11 + 1 , (8)
specific example of interest. Typically, not all of the 0 0 ξ2 ζ2
matrices are required, so that the task is simplified.
However, model specification requires the substantive (2) is
expertise of the analyst to be able to formulate a      0
x1 0 1 0
set of restrictions that defines the model. A person ξ1
x2 = νx2 + 0 λx22 + δ2 ,
who has little or no knowledge about the substantive ξ2
x3 νx3 0 λx32 δ3
area will not fare well with structural equation models (9)
(see Model, Choice of). and (3) is
A path diagram for a hypothetical example, to
illustrate model specification, is shown in Figure 1. A y1 νy1 λy11 0
more detailed description of path diagrams is given y2 = νy2 + 0 λy22 + ε2 .
in the article on path analysis, but in brief it pro- y3 νy3 0 λy32 ε3
vides a pictorial representation of the multiequation (10)
model that a researcher specifies. The ovals or circles
enclose the latent variables, boxes signify observed The observed variables are continuous, so that (4)
variables, and the disturbances and error terms are and (5) are x = x∗ and y = y∗ . These relations are
not enclosed. The single-headed straight arrows indi- substituted into the above three equations. This also
cate a linear impact of the variable at the base of the means that we will not need any threshold param-
arrow on the variable at the head of the arrow. Curved eters (τx , τy ) in the model. In addition, (9) shows
two-headed arrows show linear covariances (correla- that x1 is perfectly measured (i.e., x1 = ξ1 ) and this
tions) between variables that are not explained within explains the use of x1 in place of ξ1 in the path
the model and they signify the covariances between diagram in Figure 1. The covariance matrices of the
exogenous variables or between disturbances/errors. exogenous variables and disturbances/errors are not
To simplify it, the diagram does not include the represented in path diagrams. In the example, these

Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, Online © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

This article is © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Biostatistics in 2005 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/0470011815.b2a13089
4 Structural Equation Models

matrices are y∗ (called y∗ y∗ (θ)), the lower right quadrant is the
  implied covariance matrix for x∗ (x∗ x∗ (θ)), and the
φ11 φ12
= , off-diagonal quadrants are the implied covariance
φ21 φ22
  matrices for y∗ with x∗ (x∗ y∗ (θ)).
ψ11 ψ12 The implied mean vector, µ(θ), is
= , (11)
ψ21 ψ22  
 ν + C(α + κ)
0 0 0 µ(θ) = y , (15)
νx + x κ
δ = 0 Θδ22 0 ,
0 0 Θδ33 where κ equals the mean vector of ξ [E(ξ ) = κ].
 These general expressions for the first and second
Θε11 0 0
ε = 0 Θε22 0 . (12) implied moments apply to any specific model. For
0 0 Θε33 the model in Figure 1, the implied covariance matrix
for y∗ is
The zero in the (1,1) position of δ follows since x1
contains no measurement error. If we had correlated y∗ y∗ (θ)
errors of measurement specified, then some of the  λ2 var(η ) 
y11 1
off-diagonal elements of δ or ε would contain
 +Θε11 
free parameters rather than zeros.  
 λy11 λy22 λ 2
var(η ) 
=  y22 2 ,
×β var(η ) +Θ 
Implied Moment Matrix  21 1 ε22 
 2 
λy11 λy32 λy22 λy32 λy32 var(η2 )
Once a model is specified, it implies that the first ×β21 var(η1 ) ×var(η2 ) +Θε33
and second moments (means, variances, and covari-
ances) of the observed variables are functions of the
model parameters. Few have examined the higher- with
order moments of the observed variables and their
relation to the model parameters. Most structural x∗ y∗ (θ)
equation models focus on the implied covariance  
matrix, (θ). The general expression for (θ) comes λy11 λy22 β21 λy32 β21
from the cov(z∗ , z∗  ), where z∗  is [y∗  x∗  ]. The link- ×cov(ξ1 , η1 ) ×cov(ξ1 , η1 ) ×cov(ξ1 , η1 ) 
 
 λx22 λy11 λx22 λy22 β21 λx22 λy32 β21 
age to the model parameters comes from substitution = 
×cov(ξ2 , η1 ) ×cov(ξ2 , η1 ) ×cov(ξ2 , η1 ) ,
of (3) in for x∗ and the reduced form equation in  
for y∗ ,  λ λ λx32 λy22 β21 λx32 λy32 β21 
x32 y11
×cov(ξ2 , η1 ) ×cov(ξ2 , η1 ) ×cov(ξ2 , η1 )
y∗ = νy + y (I − B)−1 (α + ξ + ζ ) + ε. (13)
The reduced form of an equation results by solving
the right-hand side of the equation, so that it con-
tains only exogenous variables, disturbances, errors, x∗ x∗ (θ)
and coefficient matrices. After these substitutions  φ 
and taking the cov(z∗ , z∗  ), the implied covariance 11

matrix is  λx22 φ21 λ2x22 φ22 

 
  = +Θδ22 , (18)
C(  + )C + ε C x  
(θ) = ,  
x C x  x + δ λx32 φ21 λx32 λx22 φ22 λ2x22 φ22
(14) +Θδ33

where C = y (I − B)−1 and θ is the t × 1 vec- where

tor that contains all of the model parameters to be
var(η1 ) = γ11
φ11 + 2(γ11 γ12 φ12 )
estimated in a given model. The upper left quad-
rant of (θ) is the implied covariance matrix for + γ12
φ22 + ψ11 ,

Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, Online © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

This article is © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Biostatistics in 2005 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/0470011815.b2a13089
Structural Equation Models 5

var(η2 ) = β21
var(η1 ) + ψ22 , scales to ξ1 , η1 , and η2 . An alternate method to scale
the latent variable is to set the variance of the latent
cov(η1 , ξ1 ) = γ11 φ11 + γ12 φ12 , variable to one and its mean to zero. This latter option
cov(η1 , ξ2 ) = γ11 φ12 + γ12 φ22 . (19) is less desirable when analyzing panel data or when
testing whether models are the same across different
With these implied moment matrices we have a groups.
one-to-one relation between a mean, variance, or Establishing model identification in the general
covariance of the observed variables and a function structural equation model can be difficult. Algebraic
of the parameters in the model. For instance, in manipulation of the implied moment equations can
the model the variance of x2 equals λ2x22 φ22 + Θδ22 . sometimes establish that each model parameter has a
These connections are critical to the issues of model unique solution in terms of the means, variances, or
identification, estimation, and fit assessment. covariances of the observed variables. In complicated
models, this becomes less feasible. In special cases,
such as the classical econometric model or confirma-
Model Identification
tory factor analysis, there are rules of identification
Model identification concerns the question whether that are helpful or that researchers can combine
it is possible to determine uniquely the parameters to establish model identification (see, for exam-
of a model from the means, variances, and covari- ple, Fisher [13]; Bollen [6, pp. 88–104, 238–254,
ances of the observed variables (see Identifiability). 326–333]). Also widely used are empirical checks
The last section gave the relation between these on model identification that are based on whether the
moments and the model parameters. Identification information matrix of the model parameters from a
concerns whether it is possible to uniquely solve for maximum likelihood solution is nonsingular. Singu-
the model parameters in terms of the moments of the larity suggests that the model is underidentified. In
observed variables using these equations. To illustrate most cases the empirical tests of identification work
this point, consider a simple example with a single well, but it is possible for them to fail (see, for exam-
observed variable, x1 , that equals ξ1 + δ1 . Here (θ) ple, Bollen [6, pp. 246–251]).
has a single element, φ11 + Θδ11 and µ(θ) is κ1 , the
mean of ξ1 . The only second moment of the observed Estimation
variable is the population variance of x1 , and the sin-
The earliest developments of structural equation mod-
gle first moment element is the population mean of
els assumed that y and x were continuous and multi-
x1 , µx1 . The mean of x1 identifies κ1 , but the sin-
normally distributed. The maximum likelihood esti-
gle variance for x1 is insufficient to identify the two
mator under this assumption is
parameters, φ11 and Θδ11 . For any given value of the
variance of x1 , an infinite set of values of φ11 and FML = ln |(θ)| + tr(S −1 (θ))
Θδ11 would satisfy the equation for the implied vari-
ance. The model is underidentified. More generally, + (z − µ(θ))  −1 (θ)(z − µ(θ))
if in a model θa and θb are any two sets of values for − ln(|S|) − (p + q),
θ such that (θa ) = (θb ) and µ(θa ) = µ(θb ), then
θa = θb must be true if the model is identified. where S is the sample covariance matrix of the
A necessary but not sufficient condition for iden- observed variables and z is the vector of sample
tifying a model is that the researcher must assign means of the observed variables. Numerical mini-
a scale to each latent variable that is measured with mization procedures find the θ̂ that minimizes FML .
error. One way to do this is to choose an indicator for The θ̂ has the usual maximum likelihood estimator
each latent variable and set the coefficient or factor properties of being asymptotically unbiased, asymp-
loading for the indicator to one. The intercept for the totically efficient, consistent, asymptotically normal,
same observed variable should be set to zero. With and an asymptotic covariance matrix that is the
this scaling, the latent variable has a metric that is inverse of the information matrix of θ̂ (see Large-
similar to that of the observed variable. In the model sample Theory).
in Figure 1, for instance, we could set λx11 , λy11 , and Fortunately, the θ̂ from FML retains many of its
λy22 to 1, and set νx11 , νy11 , and νy22 to zero to assign desirable properties under some conditions when y

Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, Online © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

This article is © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Biostatistics in 2005 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/0470011815.b2a13089
6 Structural Equation Models

and x are not from multinormal distributions. For strategy. It is assumed that all observed endogenous
instance, if x = ξ – that is, x is exogenous – then noncontinuous variables have underlying continuous
the usual properties hold assuming that the distur- variables that correspond to them. So, for example,
bances, ζ and ε, are from multinormal distribu- we assume that underlying our five-point ordinal
tions. Even if x does not equal ξ and y and x scale on self-reported health is a continuous variable
are nonnormal, θ̂ remains a consistent estimator. of perceived health. The first step is the estimation of
Corrections to the asymptotic standard errors from the correlation (covariance) matrix of the continuous
the usual maximum likelihood procedures also are variables that underlie the noncontinuous observed
available (see, for example, [9] and [28]). Further- variables. The next step takes this matrix and analyzes
more, there are robustness conditions under which it with the arbitrary distribution function (weighted
the usual maximum likelihood asymptotic standard least squares) estimator. Thus the main difference
errors and significance tests hold for observed vari- when endogenous categorical variables are part of the
ables from nonnormal distributions (see, for example, analysis is that we take the extra step of estimating
Sattora [27]). what the correlation (covariance) matrix would look
Another class of estimators are explicitly designed like if these variables were measured on continuous
to take account of nonnormality rather than relying on scales.
robustness conditions or correcting standard errors.
For instance, Browne [9] proposed an asymptotically Model–Data Fit
distribution free estimator (also called the weighted
least squares) that applies to observed variables Once the researcher estimates a model, attention turns
from distributions with finite eighth-order moments. to assessing its goodness of fit. Model fit assessments
Although the estimator appears to work well in mod- have two parts: (1) overall fit and (2) component
erately large samples with models that do not involve fit. Overall fit refers to summary measures of how
many parameters, the performance of this estimator well the model as a whole corresponds to the data.
has been disappointing in large models. An instru- The most widely used measure of overall fit is a
mental variable estimator, two-stage least squares, test statistic (see Hypothesis Testing) that asymp-
is a limited information estimator that also does totically approaches a chi-square distribution when
not require observed variables from multinormal dis- the population covariance matrix equals the implied
tributions. Hägglund [16] developed this estimator covariance matrix; that is, the null hypothesis is
for factor analysis models with uncorrelated errors H0 :  = (θ). In the case of FML described above,
of measurement. Recent work proposed a two-stage the test statistic is T = (N − 1)FML , evaluated at
least squares estimator for all the coefficients of the final parameter estimates. The degrees of free-
both the measurement model and the latent vari- dom equal 12 (p + q)(p + q + 3) − t, where p and
able model with or without correlated errors of q are the number of y and x variables and t is
measurement [7]. The two-stage least squares esti- the number of unrestricted parameters estimated.
mator has known asymptotic properties including The first term gives the number of nonredundant
standard errors that allow significance tests with- elements in the covariance matrix of the observed
out assuming multivariate normality of the observed variables and the number of sample means. If the
variables. The finite sample properties of the esti- distributional assumptions of the test are satisfied,
mator are not well studied in latent variable mod- a significant value of the test statistic suggests that
els. the model is misspecified (see Misspecification). In
The estimation of parameters is more complicated large samples the power of the significance tests
when some of the endogenous observed variables is sometimes so great that even trivial departures
are categorical. This would be the case if the lead to rejection of H0 . In small samples, the power
indicators of a latent variable are ordinal, censored, of the test might be too weak to detect prob-
or dichotomous variables, or in other situations in lems.
which the “dependent” variable of a relationship In response to these difficulties a variety of
is noncontinuous. Analysts have proposed several other overall fit measures have arisen. The residual
approaches to incorporate such variables into a matrices, S − (θ̂ ) and z − µ(θ̂), are two simple
structural equation model, but they all share a similar measures. These values show the departures of

Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, Online © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

This article is © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Biostatistics in 2005 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/0470011815.b2a13089
Structural Equation Models 7

the observed and the predicted covariance matrices Historical Origins

and mean vectors of the observed variables.
Standardization of the residuals that take account of We can trace the ancestry of contemporary structural
the scaling of the observed variables or the standard equation models to several sources: Sewall Wright’s
errors of the residuals are sometimes employed. (1918 [32], 1921 [33], and 1925 [34]) path analysis,
Numerous other overall fit measures appear in the the factor analysis tradition in psychometrics, simul-
literature. Most are normed to range approximately taneous equation work in econometrics, and the 1960s
from 0 to 1, where the value of 1 represents an ideal and early 1970s synthesis of these areas in sociomet-
fit. The fit indices are the subject of debate in the rics. Although contemporary structural equation mod-
literature on structural equation models (e.g. Bollen els are distinct in many ways, Wright’s path analysis
& Long [8]). is probably the closest relative. Path analysis begins
A second type of fit assessment occurs for the with a model specified prior to estimation. It provides
components of the model rather than the overall fit of a method of testing the consistency of a model to the
the model. These components of fit are ones that are data and a method to trace the influences of variables
familiar to researchers using regression techniques. through a system of equations. The path diagram
Researchers examine such things as the signs and invented by Wright in 1921 [33] is a pictorial rep-
the significance of coefficients, variances, and covari- resentation of the model. It provides a simple way to
ances, and the R-squares for equations. They also represent the complex relations between a large num-
check for “improper” solutions such as negative vari- ber of latent or observed variables. These diagrams
ances or correlations greater than one. are standard in structural equation models. Wright
also used these diagrams to distinguish the direct,
Respecification indirect, and total effects of one variable on another.
The direct effects are the influences of one variable on
It is not unusual to find that an initial model speci- another that do not pass through any other variable.
fication provides an inadequate match to the data. A The indirect effect is an impact that is through at least
common reaction is to attempt to improve the model. one other variable, while the total effect is the sum
Once the researcher enters this more exploratory of the direct and indirect effects of one variable on
mode of analysis, the usual significance tests cannot another. This decomposition of effects is still part of
be interpreted in the usual way. It is then important structural equation models, although researchers have
to seek to replicate the final model on an independent elaborated the definitions to include reciprocal rela-
data set. The substantive expert of the research is the tions and the presence of latent variables and have
most valuable source for possible modifications of debated their “causal” meaning (see Causal Direc-
the initial model. It is not unusual for the analysts to tion, Determination).
have considered several plausible relationships that Another lasting influence of Wright’s path
were excluded from the initial model. These mod- analysis is the practice of writing the variances
ifications are natural ones to consider, if the initial and covariances between variables as functions of
model fit is poor. the model parameters (e.g. coefficients, variances,
Empirical methods that can help in respecifi- and covariances of exogenous variables and
cation also are available. The residual covariance disturbances). Wright used these relations to explore
matrix and mean vector described above show poorly issues of model identification and the estimation of
fit parts of the data. But care must be taken in the parameters in a path model. Through examples,
using such residuals [10]. Other aids are Lagrangian he demonstrated how path analysis could incorporate
multiplier (and Wald) test statistics, that estimate latent variables (factors), reciprocal relations, and
the decrease (increase) in the chi-square test statis- recursive relations into statistical models. See the
tic for the freeing up (restricting) one or more entry on path analysis for further details.
parameters at a time [2]. Too great a reliance on Wright’s [32] first application of path analysis,
these empirical methods can lead to problems (e.g. appearing in 1918, was a factor analysis of bone size
MacCallum [25]), but when used in conjunction measurements. Unknown to Wright, Spearman [29]
with substantive expertise, they can prove help- had proposed factor analysis over a decade ear-
ful. lier to analyze whether a general intelligence factor

Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, Online © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

This article is © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Biostatistics in 2005 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/0470011815.b2a13089
8 Structural Equation Models

underlied individuals’ performances on tests. Spear- estimators [18] led to the more sophisticated estima-
man’s work launched the beginning of the factor anal- tors that are commonly applied to structural equation
ysis tradition in psychometrics. Factor analysts soon models.
moved from single to multiple-factor solutions and In the 1960s and early 1970s, sociometrics set
developed various methods of “rotating factors” to the stage for the cross fertilization of path anal-
improve interpretability (see Rotation of Axes). Psy- ysis, factor analysis, and econometric models that
chometricians became the most experienced group in eventually merged into the contemporary form of
the analysis of latent variables measured with mul- structural equation models. Blalock [4], for instance,
tiple indicators. Some applied factor analysis to test demonstrated the power of path analysis and par-
prior hypotheses about the dimensionality of mea- tial correlations in examining a researcher’s model
sures. However, most researchers used factor analysis of hypothesized relationships. Duncan’s [11] didac-
as a data reduction tool, in which the number of tic paper on path analysis in 1966 had a tremen-
factors and the pattern of influences of the latent vari- dous impact on the spread of path analysis in soci-
ables on the observed variables were determined by ology as well as in psychology and other disci-
the statistical procedures rather than by being speci- plines. Duncan et al. [12] illustrated the synthesis
fied in advance. of latent variable and simultaneous equation mod-
A related but separate development in psycho- els using path analysis in a classic 1968 study of
metrics was classical test theory [24]. It shared with peer influence. In 1969, Heise [17] shed new light
factor analysis a concern with latent or true score on the use of panel data to explore reliability and
variables, but each observed variable was a func- stability in the measurement of variables. A clas-
tion of a true score and error rather than being sic 1971 edited volume by Blalock [5] illustrates
possibly influenced by multiple factors. In addition, the early merging of these techniques and the dif-
factor analysis conceives of each variable as having fusion of statistical approaches from one field to
a specific variance that is distinct from the factors another.
and separate from the pure random error. The true Although separated by only a couple of years, a
score from classical test theory would include spe- 1973 edited volume by Goldberger & Duncan [14]
cific variance as part of the true score, not a part revealed the more sophisticated approach to struc-
of the residual term. Classical test theory developed tural equation models that now dominates the field.
distinct definitions and approaches to the reliabil- Included in the volume is the highly influential paper
ity and validity of measures. And these concepts of by Karl Jöreskog, where he presented an early ver-
reliability and validity still hold influence in contem- sion of the LISREL model. The papers marked a more
porary structural equation modeling, although such general approach to model specification, the implied
models lead to far more general relations between covariance matrix, identification, estimation, and test-
variables than those included in classical test the- ing that is typical of current research.
ory by allowing correlated errors of measurement Structural equation models have diffused through
and multiple latent variables to influence observed most of the social sciences and have begun to
variables. appear in the biostatistics and public health literature.
The contribution of econometrics to structural Numerous software packages to estimate structural
equation modeling comes largely from its work equation models are available with LISREL [22] and
on simultaneous equations. These models focused EQS [3] being the two most widely used ones. Pub-
on observed rather than latent random variables. lications using structural equation models are com-
They dealt with issues of identification and esti- mon in sociology, marketing, psychology, and edu-
mation of a system of equations [15]. Econometri- cation, and the technical literature continues to grow.
cians proposed general rules of identification for Structural Equation Modeling is a journal devoted
simultaneous equations [13] that systematized the to the technique, but other statistical journals also
study of this issue and greatly influenced the publish work in this area. SEMNET is a listserver
contemporary perspective on identification in the devoted to structural equation models and to date
more general structural equation models. Similarly, has over 1400 subscribers. Structural equation mod-
econometricians’ work on limited information (e.g. els remains an active area of research and applica-
Theil [30] and Basmann [1]) and full information tions.

Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, Online © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

This article is © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Biostatistics in 2005 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/0470011815.b2a13089
Structural Equation Models 9

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Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, Online © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

This article is © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Biostatistics in 2005 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/0470011815.b2a13089

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