O'clock. Breakfast Time. Lunchtime. O'clock. Teatime. O' Clock. Dinnertime

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What time is it? = Cat este ceasul?

- It’s 8 o’clock. It’s breakfast time. → Good morning! = Este ora 8. Este timpul pentru micul dejun. Buna
- It’s 12 o’clock. It’s lunchtime. → Good afternoon! = Este ora 12. Este timpul pentru pranz. Buna ziua !
- It’s 5 o’clock. It’s teatime. = Este ora 5. Este timpul pentru ceai.
- It’s 7 o’ clock. It’s dinnertime. → Good evening! = Este ora 7. Este timpul pentru cina. Buna seara!
The MEALS of the day are : (Mesele zilei sunt:)
- breakfast = mic dejun
- lunch = pranz
- dinner = cina
FOOD & DRINKS (Mancaruri si bauturi)
Listen and learn. Then write the words in your notebook!!!!

Toast and honey = paine prajita si Pasta salad = salata de paste Chicken soup = supa de pui
miere de albine
Boiled eggs = oua fierte Hot dog Pea soup = supa de mazare
Scrambled eggs = scrob Hamburger Broth = ciorba
Omelette = omleta
Bacon = costita Burrito Stuffed peppers = ardei umpluti
Ham = sunca, jambon Taco Rice = orez
Cereals = careale Fried chicken = pui prajit Steak = friptura
Sandwich Pizza Roast chicken = friptura de pui
Grilled chicken = pui la gratar
Pancakes = clatite Fries / French fries = cartofi prajiti Fish = peste ; fish and chips
Bread, butter and jam = paine, unt Kebab Salmon and rice = somon cu orez
si gem
Mashed potatoes = piure de cartofi
Meatballs = chiftele
Sausages = carnaciori
Tossed salad = salata cu de toate
Spaghetti = spaghete


= produse lactate
Milk = lapte Bread = paine Chocolate bar = baton/ tableta de Water = apa
Yoghurt = iaurt Baguettes = baghete Chocolate cake = tort de ciocolata Milk = lapte
Cheese = branza Cookies = prajiturele, Cupcake = briosa Lemonade = limonada
Cottage cheese= Roll = chifla ca un melc Ice cream = inghetata Orange juice = suc de
branza de vaci portocale
Cream = smantana Pretzel Sundae = desert de inghetata Herbal tea = ceai de
Whipped cream = Pie = placinta Popsicle = inghetata pe bat Iced tea = ceai cu gheata
Butter = unt Croissant Candy cane = acadea sub forma de Coffee = cafea
Candy floss = vata de zahar
Doughnuts =gogosi Candies = bomboane Soda = sifon
Crackers = biscuiti Lollipops = acadele Cola
Bun = chifla Nuts and raisins = nuci si stafide Hot chocolate =
ciocolata calda
Bagel = covrig Popcorn Milkshake
Biscuits = biscuiti chips Smoothie
Beer = bere
Wine = vin

Write the words in your notebook and learn them by heart !!!!



To slice = a felia Knife = cutit (knives = cutite)
To peel = a decoji
To chop = a toca
To dice = a taia cubulete
To grate = a razui Grater = razatoare
To beat = a bate Whisk = tel
To roll out = a intinde, a rula Rolling pin = sucitor
To sieve = a cerne Sieve = sita
To stir = a amesteca Spoon = lingura
wooden spoon =lingura de
Teaspoon = lingurita
To fry = a praji Frying pan = tigaie
To boil = a fierbe Saucepan = cratita
To bake = a coace Cake tin = forma pentru
To mix = a amesteca Bowl = castron
To add = a adauga
To sprinkle = a presara
To pour = a turna
Now write and translate this recipe!!!! (Acum scrie si tradu aceasta reteta)
(Reteta pas cu pas : Omleta cu ciuperci)
1 teaspoon of olive oil ; 3 eggs ; ½ litre of milk ; 200 g mushrooms ; 1 onion ; 200 g cheese; fresh
parsley and dill ; salt and pepper
mushroom = ciuperca
onion = ceapa
parsley = patrunjel
dill = marar
Method :
1. Heat the oven = Incinge cuptorul
2. Slice the mushrooms then peel the onion and chop it into small pieces.
3. Fry the mushrooms and onion in olive oil in a frying pan.
4. Beat the eggs, milk and herbs together in a bowl .
5. Grate the cheese over the mixture.
6. Sprinkle some salt and pepper.
7. Pour the mixture into a baking tin and add the vegetables.
8. Bake for 30 minutes until the omelette is golden brown.
ENJOY YOUR MEAL ! (Pofta buna!)


Listen and learn. Then write the words in your notebook!!!!

How can I help you ? = Cu ce va pot ajuta ?
I would like ...... = As dori/ vrea .....
Please follow me! = Va rog sa ma urmati !
Menu = meniu
Could you give us the menu, please ? = Puteti sa ne dati meniul, va rugam?
Here you are! = Poftim!
Can I get you anything to drink ? = Pot sa va aduc ceva de baut ?
Just water for me. = Doar apa pentru mine.
I’ll be right back! = Ma intorc imediat!
Are you ready to order? = Sunteti gata sa faceti comanda?
Would you like ..... ? = Ati dori ......?
Starter = aperitiv
Main course = fel principal
It smells so great! = Miroase asa de bine!
I’m hungry = Mi-e foame
The soup is so hot, I can barely touch it! = Supa este asa de fierbinte ca abia pot sa o ating!
To cool down = a se raci
Indeed = intr-adevar
Dish = fel de mancare
To pass = a da
Could you please pass me the .....? = Poti te rog sa-mi dai .....?
Did you enjoy your meal? = V-a placut masa?
I’m thirsty = Mi-e sete
I would like to drink some .... = As dori sa beau niste...
Can I bring you anything else? = Pot sa va mai aduc altceva?
Bill = nota de plata
May I take your order ? = Pot sa va iau comanda?
Anything else? = Altceva?
For here or to go? = Aici sau la pachet?
Would you like your cheeseburger with everything on it? = Vrei un cheeseburger cu de toate?
Onion = ceapa
A bottle of mineral water = O sticla de apa minerala
Is that it ? = Asta este tot?
Spicy = condimentat
Sweet = dulce
Salty = sarat
Flavour = aroma, gust
I can’t stand ... = Nu suport .....
Usually = de obicei
Often = des, adesea ; pretty often = destul de des
Rarely = rar

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