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Moin Uddin Ahmed ID: 11925

Assignment-Online Classes-2-A (Formulating the

research design)
Note: Write answer to each of the following questions in not more than 200
• What are the basic research design issues? Describe them in some detail.
Basic research designs can be seen from the issues associated with the decision about the purpose
of the study (exploratory, descriptive, hypothesis testing), where the research will conducted (i. e,
study setting), the type of research that should be (kind of investigation), the extent to which
researchers manipulated and control research (researcher interference level), the temporal aspects
research (time horizon), and the rate at which data will be analyzed (if the unit of analysis), is an
integral part of the research design.

• Why is it important to consider basic design issues before conducting the study and
even as early as at the time of formulating the research question?
Because it is important to note that the more sophisticated and rigorous the research design, the
greater the time, cost and other resources expended on the study.

• Is a field study totally out of the question if one is trying to establish cause-and-
effect relationships?
Yes, because relational studies conducted in the organization and called a field study. Field studies
conducted to establish cause and effect relationships associated with the natural environment and
with our immediate field of study will be able to make the question of cause and effect because we
know directly from an incident or problem that occurred in the field

• “An exploratory study is just as useful as a predictive study.” Discuss this statement.
An exploratory study is undertaken when not much is known about the situation at hand , or when
no information is available on how similar problems or research issue have been solved in the past .
In such cases, extensive preliminary work needs to be done to gain familiarity with the phenomena
in the situation and understand what is occurring, before we develop model and set up a rigorous
design for comprehensive investigation.

• Discuss the interrelationships among no contrived setting, the purpose of the study,
type of investigation, researcher interference, and time horizon of study.
The relationship between the background of thought, learning objectives, type of investigation,
researchers intervened, and the learning time is if we already know the background of thinking,
then we can determine the purpose of research that we lakukan. Setelah issues above will be
formulated so we can act appropriately in the research process and be able to use the time needed
for this research.
Moin Uddin Ahmed ID: 11925

• Below are three scenarios. Indicate how the researcher should proceed in each case;
that is, determine the following, giving reasons:
• The purpose of the study
• The type of investigation
• The extent of researcher interference
• The study setting
• The time horizon for the study
• The unit of analysis

• Scenario A
• Ms. Joyce Lynn, the owner of a small business (a women’s dress boutique), has
invited a consultant to tell her how her business is different from similar small
businesses within a 60-mile radius with respect to use of the most modern
computer technology, sales volume, profit margin, and staff training.
This will be a descriptive study (describing how she compares with the others).
Datawill be collected from small businesses on the use of computers, sales volume, profit margin,
and training programs and comparisons made.
Some of these descriptions might be qualitative, as for example, in describing training methods.
This will be a field study (using many similar small businesses), and researcher interference will be
It will be a one-shot study, and the unit of analysis will be small business systems

• Scenario B
• Mr. Paul Hodge, the owner of several restaurants on the East Coast, is concerned
about the wide differences in their profit margins. He would like to try some
incentive plans for increasing the efficiency levels of those restaurants that lag
behind. But before he actually does this, he would like to be assured that the idea
would work. He asks a researcher to help him on this issue.
This would be a causal, hypothesis-testing study.
It will be a field experiment, using one or two restaurants to manipulate incentive plans and see if
this causes an increase in profit margins in those restaurants.
Because of the manipulation, there will be some researcher interference with the natural flow of
The time horizon for the study would be longitudinal since data will be obtained on sales, profits,
etc., both before and after the manipulation.
The unit of analysis would be the restaurant.

• Scenario C
• A manager is intrigued why some people seem to derive joy from work and get
energized by it, while others find it troublesome and frustrating.
(why , what factors = hypothesis)
This would be a correlational, hypothesis-testing, field study with minimal researcher interference.
Moin Uddin Ahmed ID: 11925

It will be a one-shot study and the unit of analysis will be individuals.

Name: Moin uddin Ahmed

Reg No. 11925

Campus: Airport Campus

Date of Submission: Mar 28, 2020

Course In charge: M. Iftikhar Mubbahsir

Signature :

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