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REG NO:19BCC0020

Download advertisements and analyse the message for the target
audience.(MNC- Sony)

Target market/audience- Sony targets all different types of people. They have
devices for everyone, which do not depend on age. Like cameras, or a T.V that
anyone can buy, and is not specifically for a certain age group. The only thing is that
if you are young you would probably want to buy a gaming system, or a T.V and if
your older you are probably interested in cameras or laptops. Sony tries to make
their products for everyone, so they can get more sales that way.
Advertising is any paid form of non-personal mass communication through various
media to present and promote product, services and ideas etc. by an identified
sponsor Advertising is the most significant promotion method in Sony’s business.
For example, the company advertises its products through online media and print
media .. So far, SONY has advertised its products through many different ways and
media. Through TV we have seen different advertisements of its products such as
Bravia televisions or Sony wega TV. For Ex: Advertisement in India features
thousands of square anthropomorphic pixels. A Kathakali dancer's green face turns
into pixels which run away from him. He finds his face later in a Sony BRAVIA
Sony also advertise its products by targeting those favorable television programs,
like sports, series and also it has its own channel called Sony TV channel. Sony uses
some events like Miss India 2008 to promote its products. Also, Sony has advertised
its games like Playstation 3, Playstation 2 and PSP using sports like football in
REG NO:19BCC0020
England premiere league. Through newspapers like Times of India, Sony has
advertised a wide range of products it offers to its customers. And also through
Posters a message has been sent to a lot of people to be aware of the products which
Sony offers. 16 Sony also uses direct – response advertising. This is type of
advertising that encourages the consumer to respond either by providing feedback to
the advertiser or placing the order with the advertiser either by telephone, mail or the
internet. Such advertising is done through direct mail or catalogues. Sony
incorporates co-operative advertising in its advertising process. Sony corporation
provides the dealers (e.g. Sony World) with the materials and guidelines to develop
ads for print, television or radio commercials. This ensures that message is in line
with, what the manufacture wants to communicate. The company and the dealers
usually share the media costs and hence, the name ‘co-operative advertising’.

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Sony’s expenditure on advertising is very high. In 2016, its advertising budget was
$ 3.7 billion. ( Sony uses adverts like newspapers, televisions, billboards,
magazines and so on to advertise their products. They have a very dominant web
marketing also. They use various pdf brochures and videos to ensure customers
understand their products and business. Along with this they also offer cards with
redeemable points when someone makes a purchase. They basically concentrate on
the pull strategy for attracting customers.)The large advertising budget also reflects
the heavy competition in the electronics industry. When the competition in the
industry is as high, you need to show somewhat deeper focus on marketing and
promotion. SONY’s branding strategy to a large extent has played a strong role at
helping it overcome the competitive pressure. It is renowned as a technological
brand and has been the first to bring a few great products to the market. Its
Walkman was a big hit. So, have been the Experia television and its smart noise
cancelling headphones. Still, Sony does not leave any stone unturned to market its
products and to make them successful. After having discontinued its PC business, it
focused on the other areas including music and entertainment. Its SONY
PlayStation has also been a big hit. These devices are promoted heavily on
television. It is not difficult to come across the ads of SONY products while
watching TV. While mostly, these ads have product quality and functionality at
their centre SONY gets creative with its ads to engage its customers. Apart from
highlighting the features, these ads also focus on creating a customer friendly
image. SONY’s customer orientation gets easily visible in its marketing strategy
too. Whether on Television or other marketing channels, SONY ads have a
definitely beautiful angle which is distinct from others. However, the target
customer segment are mainly the millenials. Its advertising strategy focuses on
reflecting the same energy and enthusiasm and sometimes you can easily catch a
glimpse of this energy in SONY’s promotional videos.
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Another platform that has played a central role in SONY’s marketing strategy is the
social media. Social media can be a major support, if you can design a creative
customer experience. SONY has used social media for both customer engagement
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and for promotion of its products. Apart from millions of followers and several
popular Facebook and Twitter pages, there is much more that SONY is doing
through social media. It has also used Pinterest and Google plus for marketing and
promotion. Along with cost effectiveness and reach, a major advantage that any
brand can generate through social media is that of customer engagement. Social
media helps you connect with your customers on a different level where the
connection can be made more personal. SONY’s strategy has always focused on
customer friendliness and deeper clarity. The credit goes to SONY’s creative
execution that it has been so successful at engaging its followers through social
media channels. How you showcase your brand on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
Pinterest or any social media channel, plays a major role in your branding strategy.
SONY’s showcase is beautiful and so is its impression on the millions of its
customers globally. At last, there are several creative lessons to learn from SONY’s
marketing strategy. Some are easily evident when you browse through its videos on
Sony Corporation (Sony) announced “make.believe” (make dot believe), a new
Group-wide brand message that unites Sony’s communication initiatives across
electronics, games, movies, music, mobile phones and network services on 2 Sep
2009 in Berlin, Germany. The introduction of “make.believe” symbolizes Sony’s
spirit of creativity and innovation and marks the first time the Company has
introduced a unified brand message encompassing both entertainment and
electronics. “Believe” represents Sony’s ideas and ideals – the ability to think,
imagine and dream – while “make” signifies the Company’s unique ability to turn
these ideas into reality. The “dot” is where inspiration meets creativity and
creativity meets reality, and symbolizes Sony’s role in bringing imagination to
reality. “make.believe” will manifest itself through the introduction of breakthrough
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products, game-changing technologies, compelling new content and new network

services that deliver unparalleled user experiences.

Sony retains and keeps this strong message structure successfully until nowadays.
Although the whole structure of the message is relatively short and simple but yet
this slogan is capable of delivering a strong and powerful message to the target
market/consumers. Many consumers are attracted by the message appeals created
by Sony because it can to tap into the consumers mind subconsciously. When a
consumer see a SONY trademark alphabets, they will associate or link the word
itself with the slogan ‘make.believe” automatically.

Besides, the presentation of the message was straight forward because it was
designed in a way that it is simple but unique that act as a cache for any consumer
to take note with Sony’s diverse range of businesses extends from electronics
hardware including professional and consumer products to entertainment such as
movies, music, and games, as well as network services such as PlayStation
Network. By aligning all its external communication efforts and delivering a
consistent and unified message to consumers, Sony will seek to enhance the
strength and reach of its brand across countries and cultures, and continue to change
how people experience the world through its full spectrum of products and services.

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