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bit e -m y-cake .blo gspo t .

co m
http://bite-my-cake.blo gspo m/2011/03/co ko ladni-muffini-s-naranco m-yo u-co uld.html#mo re

Čokoladni muffini s narančom / You could eat chocolate

sometimes...Chocolate orange muffins
Please scroll down for English

"Zašto ti ne bi malo češće jela čokoladu pa pripremala čokoladne kolače?" , upitali su me neki dan isti oni koji
obožavaju čokoladu, svjesni da 80 % mojeg kolačarskog repertoara čine kolači s bijelim kremama i voćem. I
tako su (za promjenu) nastali ovi muf f ini.
Kad malo bolje razmislim, nisam dugo pekla niti jela muf f ine. Radije pečem cupcakes jer podrazumijevaju i
kremu te igranje oko ukrašavanja. Muf f ini nisu toliko zabavni, ali su itekako praktični. Ja ih više volim u
slanim varijantama, ali ovi slatki kolačići su brzi i jednostavni za izradu, a pravi užitak za doručak, uza šalicu
kave ili čaja. Prigodni i kad vam dođe društvance, omiljeni na zabavama. Kod muf f ina je važno da prosijete
brašno prije dodavanja mokrim sastojcima i da ne miješate previše smjesu, kako bi ispali što lakši i
prozračniji. Kombinacije okusa su beskrajne, a ovi su odličan spoj čokolade i naranče. Upravo im komadići
naranče u tijestu čuvaju sočnost pa su provjereno izvanredni i idući dan.

Čokoladni muffini s narančom

(za 16 muffina)

115 g maslaca
75 g tamne čokolade
120 g smeđeg šećera
1 jaje
250 ml mlijeka
2 žličice arome vanilije
275 g brašna
1 žličica sode bikarbone
1 naranča

1. Otopite maslac i čokoladu na laganoj vatri.

2. Umutite jaje sa šećerom, aromom vanilije i mlijekom pa dodajte rastopljenu čokoladu s maslacem. Dodajte
ribanu koricu jedne naranče.
3. Posebno izmješajte brašno sa sodom bikarbonom. Prosijte u smjesu, lagano ručno izmješajte kuhačom.
Nemojte mnogo miješati.
5. Pećnicu ugrijte na 190 Celsiusa.
4. Naranču ogulite do kraja i izrežite na komadiće pa ih umiješajte u smjesu za muf f ine. Izlijte smjesu u
namašćene kalupiće za muf f ine (ili obložene košaricama). Pecite 25 min.
"Why wouldn't you eat chocolate more often and make chocolate cakes?", I got asked the other day by my
f riends...who are well aware that 80 % of my cake-repertoire consists of f ruity cakes with white f illings. So I
made chocolate orange muf f ins.
I usually opt f or the cupcakes, they are just more f un, but muf f ins are great and quick solution f or parties
and casual gatherings with your f riends. When making these, it is important to sif t the f lour bef ore adding it
to the wet ingredients, It's also better not to stir the mixture too much, if you have any lumps leave it that
way. If you stir it too much, muf f ins will get heavy and we want them to be as light as possible. At least I like
them that way :) T hese are really sof t and moist, even the next day because of orange pieces in the batter.
Chocolate and orange are a great pair.

Chocolate orange muffins

(makes 16)

115 g (1/2 cup) butter

75 g (3 oz) chocolate
120 g (5/8 cup) brown sugar
1 egg
250 ml (1 cup) milk or buttermilk
2 tsp vanilla essence
275 g (2 1/2 cups) all purpose f lour
1 tsp baking soda
1 orange

1. Melt butter with chopped chocolate on low heat.

2. Grease (or line with paper wraps) muf f in tins.
3. Preheat oven to 190 Celsius (375 F).
4. Combine f lour with baking soda and sif t. In a separate bowl, mix egg with milk (or buttermilk), brown sugar
and vanilla essence. Add melted chocolate and butter and zest of 1 orange. Add sif ted f lour with baking
soda. Peal orange and chop into little pieces, add to the batter.
5. Pour it into muf f in tins and bake f or 25 min.

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