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bit e -m y-cake .blo gspo t .

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http://bite-my-cake.blo gspo m/2011/06/pita-o d-co ko lade-by-nelyca-cho co late.html#mo re

Pita od čokolade by Nelyca / Chocolate hazelnut pie

Please scroll down for English
Mnogi su isprobali ovu divnu pitu, jednostavan i ukusan kolač!
Ovdje možete pogledati originalni recept. Otkad ga je nelyca postavila, mnogo ga je ljudi isprobalo, što se
nastavlja i dalje. Ja sam radila ovaj kolačić jednom prilikom i zbilja ćete od jednostavnih namirnica dobiti jako
f inu slasticu.
Nelyca je jedna krasna osoba, izvanredno maštovita i kreativna, što je vidljivo u njezinim receptima
(prelistajte ih na njezinom prof ilu na Coolinarici), a vjerujem da ćete uživati i u virtualnoj šetnji njezinim
f antastičnim blogom Blue Hortensia. Svaki put kad objavi novi post požurim pogledati njezine najnovije
maštovite kreacije. U jednom postu nam je nelyca pokazala svoju preslatko uređenu kuhinju, te slike su mi
se urezale u pamćenje. Ponekad sam joj i malo zavidna, poželim i sama imati volje i smisla za prostorno
uređenje poput nje :) Cijeli blog odiše nekom mirnoćom, romantikom, jednostavno ljepotom.
Što se ove f ine pite tiče, prikladna je i za zasladiti jedan običan vikend, ili pak za slavlja-nareže se na
malene prutiće i lijepo izgleda u kombinaciji s ostalim kolačićima na tacni. U receptu nisam ništa mijenjala.
Idući put bih mogla isprobati onu glazuru sa 100 g čokolade i 3 žlice ulja. Recept glasi ovako:

Pita od čokolade by nelyca

Prvo tijesto:

100 g šećera
100 g brašna
100 g margarina
60 g mljevenih, poprženih lješnjaka

Drugo tijesto:

100 g šećera
150 g margarina
100 g čokolade
4 žumanjka + 4 bjelanjka
1 velika žlica brašna (ja sam koristila gustin)


80 g margarina
3 rebra čokolade
3 žlice mlijeka

1. Za prvo tijesto pjenasto umutite jaje i šećer, dodajte omekšali margarin, mljevene lješnjake i
brašno. Manji lim (koristila sam 20 x 30 cm) namastite, posipajte brašnom, u njega rasporedite prvo
tijesto i pecite 10min na 180 Celsiusa.
2. Za drugo tijesto, pjenasto umutite žumanjke sa šećerom, dodajte omekšali margarin, otopljenu
čokoladu, brašno i lagano umiješajte snijeg od bjelanjaka.
3. Na pola pečeno prvo tijesto rasporedite ovu drugu smjesu tijesta, smanjite pećnicu na 150 Celsiusa
pa pecite oko 50 min.
4. Glazura: za glazuru otopite na pari 80g margarina, 3 rebra čokolade (po želji može biti i mliječna
čokolada) i 3 žlice mlijeka.Glazuru malo pohladite i prelijte preko kolača. Pustite da se glazura do kraja
ohladi pa kolač narežite na kockice.
Chocolate hazelnut pie
(Recipe adapted from here)

Here in Croatia, the term pie is somewhat dif f erent than in the US; the dough is a bit dif f erent that the
dough of , f or example, American apple pie. While the ultimate classic (apple pie) has a more f laky dough,
Croatian pies have more melt-in-your mouth dough. Flaky dough crust cakes are called savijaca,
orstrudel here. T his type of pie is called pita and is usually made in square f orms. Probably the most
common f illing is cheese (in sweet versions, similar to the cheesecake f illing) or yogurt and sour cream, but
also apples. T here are two layers of dough, with the f illing in the middle. Sometimes, the top dough layer is
f rozen and then grated on top of the f iling.
T his pie is a bit dif f erent-it uses chocolate and hazelnuts and has no top layer, besides chocolate glaze.
Hazelnuts and chocolate go hand in hand, and the bottom melt-in-your-mouth dough is great complement.
T he recipe is f rom a f riend of mine. You can check out her beautif ul creations and lovely inspiring blog Blue
Hortensia here.

First dough:

100 g sugar
100 g all purpose flour
100 g margarine or butter
60 g ground, toasted hazelnuts
1 egg

Second dough:

100 g sugar
150 g margarine or butter
100 g chocolate
4 eggs
1 tbsp all purpose flour or cornstarch

Chocolate glaze:

100 g chocolate
80 g butter or margarine
3 tbsp milk

1. Make dough number 1 first: Whisk egg with sugar, add softened butter, ground and toasted
hazelnuts and flour. Mix until well combined. Cover with plastic wrap and put in freezer for 30
2. Preheat oven to 356 F (180 Celsius).
3. Prepare square baking pan-7.8 x 11.8 inch (20 x 30 cm) and grease with some butter, sprinkle
with some flour. Arrange the dough over the bottom of the pan. Bake for 10 minutes.
4. In the meantime, prepare dough number two: Whisk egg yolks with sugar, add softened butter,
melted chocolate and flour. In a separate bowl whisk egg whites until stiff peaks form. Add them
to the previous chocolate mixture, combine. Arrange this mixture over the prebaked crust.
Lower the temperature to 302 F (150 Celsius) and bake everything for about 50 minutes.
5. For the glaze, melt chocolate with butter, add milk. Pour over slightly cooled, baked pie and put
in the fridge for several hours.
6. When set and cool, cut small rectangles and serve.

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