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Voćni kolač / Fruit cake

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Ovaj kolač je jednostavno voćno zadovoljstvo. Najčešće ga radim s višnjama, ali ovaj put sam probala s
kupinama, što je rezultat mog oduševljenja kad sam u škrinji ugledala kupine koje sam zamrznula još ljetos.
Cijelu zimu sam bila u uvjerenju da nemam više kupina, dok se jedna vrećica mudro sakrivala u zamrzivaču.
Inače nisam previše ljubitelj biskvitnih kolača, prije ću izabrati kremaste varijante, ali ovo je jedan od onih
kolača koji su me osvojili isprve i čijeg se recepta već dugo pridržavam. Kolač je sočan, mekan, lagan,
mirisan-sve ono što očekujem od biskvita. Idealan za doručak ili kao slatka nagrada poslije ručka. Ponekad
ga poslužim s tučenim slatkim vrhnjem, ljeti uza sladoled od vanilije, a ponekad bez ičega. Možete iskoristiti
bilo koje bobičasto voće: borovnice, maline, kupine, ribizle...
Voćni kolač

300 g bobičastog voća (ovdje kupina)

1 žličica arome vanilije (ili 1 vanilin šećer)
1 žlica ruma
175 g maslaca, sobne temperature
150 g smeđeg šećera
3 jaja
110 g glatkog brašna
ribana korica 1/2 limuna
1 puna žličica praška za pecivo
po želji: šećer u prahu za posipanje, tučeno slatko vrhnje za posluživanje

1. Pjenasto izmiksajte maslac sa šećerom. Ž utanjke odvojite od bjelanjaka. Umiksajte žutanjke u maslac.
Dodajte limunovu koricu, vaniliju i rum.
2. Brašno pomiješajte s praškom za pecivo i prosijte pa umiješajte u smjesu.
3. Ugrijte pećnicu na 190 Celsiusa.
4. Bjelanjke čvrsto istucite u snijeg s prstohvatom soli i ručno dodajte smjesi. Rasporedite smjesu u
namašćen i lagano pobrašnjen kalup za pečenje (ja sam koristila okrugli promjera 24 cm). Z agladite mu
5. Voće (ako koristite svježe, dobro operite, ako koristite zamrznuto pustite da se odledi pa ocijedite)
rasporedite po površini kolača.
5. Kolač pecite 30-ak min. Pustite da se ohladi pa izrežite na kriške i poslužite. Po želji posipajte šećerom u
prahu i poslužite s malo tučenog vrhnja ili sladoledom.

Fruit cake
A f ew years ago, cakes like this one weren’t common on my table. I was always the one to make creamy
cakes with lots and lots of f illing and/or only minimal sponge layers. T hen, one day, I came across my
grandma’s old recipe notebook. I f lipped inquisitively and zealously through its yellow pages and this cake
caught my attention. T here was, of course, no picture given along with the recipe, but there was something
so f amiliar, simple and old school about it. And sometimes, I’m all about vintage and old school. I
could envision the nice f lavor of this cake and decided to give it a go. I’m so glad I did because this is one
of the rare specimens of sponge cakes that are still welcome in my kitchen. And one of the best I’ve tried
so f ar.

T his cake is moist, smells great, tastes even better. Everything I expected it to be, if not more. I dread
dry sponge cakes and this one is the exact opposite. My grandma’s recipe calls f or sour cherries, I used
them several times, but this time I used blackberries. I was surprised when I stumbled upon them the other
day in my f reezer. A bunch of f rozen blackberries I kept f rom the previous summer. You can actually use
some other fruit: raspberries, cherries, blueberries-use your imagination. T he f ruit will keep the cake moist
and give it great f lavor.

3 cups (300 g) blackberries

1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp rum
3/4 cup (175 g) butter, sof tened
3/4 cup (150 g) brown sugar
3 eggs
1 cup (110 g) all purpose f lour
zest of 1/2 lemon
1 tsp baking powder

1. Mix butter with sugar until f luf f y. Separate egg yolks f rom whites. Add yolks to the butter mixture, mix. Add
lemon zest, vanilla, rum.
2. Combine f lour with baking powder, sif t and add to the previous batter.
3. Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C).
4. Whip egg whites until stif f peaks f orm and gently combine them with the cake batter. Lightly grease and
f lour (or line with parchment paper) 8 or 9 inch springf orm pan. Put the batter into the pan.
5. T haw (if you’re using f rozen) your blackberries and arrange them on top of the cake batter. Bake f or
about 30 minutes.
6. Let cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar bef ore serving. You can serve it with some vanilla ice cream or
whipped cream.
T his recipe is also available in Honest Cooking online f ood magazine.

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