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Sirup od bazginih cvjetova / Home made elderflower syrup

Please scroll down for English
Mirisna bazga u punom je cvatu i pravo je vrijeme da napravite ovo domaće osvježenje.
Kada prošetate pojedinim krajevima uz cestu ili, još bolje, livadama malo dalje od cestovnog prometa, osjetit
ćete taj predivan proljetno-ljetni miris bazge. Pune su ga nosnice, a sok od njezinih cvjetova ima predivnu
aromu. Ta je aroma istovremeno specif ična i mislim da ovaj sok ili volite ili ne volite. Nema između.
Recept je mamin i svake sezone ona napravi velike količine ovog soka. Pošto nema konzervansa, potrebno
ga je čuvati u hladnjaku. Ali kod nas ovaj sok ionako ne traje dugo jer ga brzo popijemo. Uz kockicu leda
dobit ćete izvrsno, domaće osvježenje. Mi ga ponekad pijemo s mineralnom vodom umjesto obične (zapravo
je ovo sirup i potrebno ga je razrjediti), a nekoliko puta smo ga probali pomiješati s domaćim bijelim vinom i
dobili ukusno, interesantno piće :)
Nastojite bazgine cvjetove nabrati dalje od prometa, u što čišćoj prirodi. Inače, bazgini se cvjetovi mogu
iskoristiti na mnoge zanimljive načine-pohanje, za vino, za čaj, pekmez u kombinaciji s jagodama,
biskvitne kolače, liker... Na internetu možete pronaći dosta recepata, a pohani su bazgini cvjetovi navodno
postali hit i u nekim svjetskim restoranima.
Svi su recepti za ovaj sok isti ili slični, razlike su u omjerima sastojaka-ovisno koju količinu cvjetova

Za 30-ak cvjetova bazge (čistih) bit će vam potrebno 3 litre vode, u koju ih potopite i ostavite stajati
24 h. Nakon toga cvjetove izvadite a tekućinu procijedite, najbolje kroz dvostruku gazu ili gusto
cjedilo. Tomu dodajte 3 kg šećera i 8 dag limunske kiseline. Dobro promiješajte da se sve otopi i izlijte
u čiste, sterilizirane staklene boce.
Dakle, ovo je potpuno prirodna varijanta bez konzervansa. Mi čak ovaj sirup ni ne prokuhavamo jer ga
stvarno brzo popijemo, ne stoji nam dugo. Ako hoćete eventualno malo produljiti vijek trajanja,
možete ocijeđeni sirup prokuhati sa šećerom pa u mlako dodati limunsku kiselinu.
Home made elderflower syrup

Elderf lower syrup is commonly made by people throughout much of Central, Eastern and Southeastern
Europe during these spring/summer months. T he syrup is diluted with spring water and used as a drink. It is
also combined with soda, white wine, or even beer (you get that cider ef f ect). According to Wikipedia, in the
United States the syrup is used to make elderf lower marshmallows.
Elderberry tree is in f ull blossom and its f lowers smell lovely. Just imagine that f lavorf ul taste of its syrup.
Elderf lowers can be used in many dif f erent ways-f or making wine, tea, liqueurs, cakes. People even f ry it in
breadcrumbs-this is actually a big hit in many restaurants worldwide and is served as a dessert or sweet
lunch with a sugar and cinnamon topping.
T his syrup is perf ect accompany to heavier barbecue dishes but also ref reshing salads. Just add some ice
to it and you'll be in heaven.
If you happen to come across and f ind elderberry tree, make sure to pick up some f lowers and make this
ref reshing drink. Just make sure you pick up f lowers in as clean nature as possible, f urther away f rom
industry and roads. T his is actually quite simple to make. T he recipe is my mom's and this syrup is made in
our household every season. It is perf ectly natural, without conservans. As a preserving agent, citric acid is
used, which is a natural preservative/conservative.

T his is how:
Take 30 flowers (washed) and sink into 3 litres of water. Cover and leave for 24 hours. The next day,
strain it through a fine (dense) sieve or cloth. Discard the flowers and take the juice.
Now simply add 3 kg sugar and 80 g citric acid to it and stir until everything dissolves. Pour into
sterilized glass bottles and keep in fridge. You need to keep it in your fridge, because no conservans
is used.
Some versions cook the juice with sugar until it boils, remove from heat, let cool a bit and then add
citric acid. This way the syrup will last a bit longer, but trust me-you'll run out of it quite fast, it's

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