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Practice Quiz - Managerial Economics – Farrukh W. Khan Dt. 3/17/20 : 7.15 PM

Name ____________________________________________ ID No. _______
Q1. Define

Managerial Economics ______________________________________________________

Firm ________________________________________________________________________
Economic Decisions for the Firm ___________________________________________________
Economics of a Business ______________________________________________________
Optimal Decisions ____________________________________________________________
Economic Profit ____________________________________________________________
Law of Demand ____________________________________________________________
Non Price Determinants of Supply ________________________________________________
Rationing Function of Price ______________________________________________________
Guiding function of Price ______________________________________________________
Elasticity __________________________________________________________________
Determinants affecting Demand Elasticity __________________________________________

Q2. Suppose demand is P = 7 – 0.01Qd and Supply is P = 1 + 0.01 Qs, Find equilibrium Q* and P*

Q3. Suppose P1 = 7, P2 = 8, Q1 = 11, Q2 = 10, then Ed _________________________________

Q4. If a rightward shift in the supply curve leads to an increase in Qd by 10 % as a result of a

decrease in P by 5%. Calculate Ed. _______________________________________________

How do you Interpret Ed?______________________________________________________

What would be the increase in Qd if P decreases by 4%? _____________________________

What would be the decrease in P if Qd increases by 6% _____________________________

Q5. Calculate the elasticity of demand using the following equation: Qd = 50P-3
Q6. Qd = 50 – P3, is the demand curve equation for apples, calculate the price elasticity of
demand when P =3 and Q = 9.__________________________________________________
Q7. If Qd =200 - 300P + 120I + 65T – 250Pc + 400Ps, and if I=10, T=60, Pc =15, Ps =10, Find:
a. Ed for the price range $10 and $11 __________________________________________
b. Εd at P =$10 ____________________________________________________________

Q8. If QA = 3 – 2PA +1.5Y + 0.8PB – 3PC, & PA= 2, Y=4, PB=2.5, PC=1. Calculate EY. Is the Good
A a normal good or an inferior good?
Managerial Economics – IU Spring’20 – Farrukh Wazir Khan Submit by 8.00 PM

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