HR Questions!

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Q1. Tell me something about yourself?

Ans. Firstly, thank you so much for this opportunity that you have proffered to me. I did my
schooling from Manav Sthali School where I was proffered a scholarship from 6 th-12th class. I
was also proffered a scholarship in 11 th-12th by Fiitjee as I was a part of its fortunate 40 batch. I
won a plethora of debate and script writing competitions at school. I was also the captain of the
u-14, and 16 school national team of Delhi. Then, I did my bachelors from IP University in eee,
and I led a research team in my 4th year. We worked on sift to map landslide monitoring. In my
first semester here, as a part of the vfs, I along with my friends worked on bio fortification of
crops to surge the iron content by 40%. I did my internship at Kancor, where I indulged myself
in marketing research to study the feasibility of essential oils for Aromatherapy. I am equipped
with tools like Minitab, spss, and stata. I am also a green belt certified in six sigma by kpmg, and
I have also done a commodities course proffered by ncdex. If I augur for the future, I would like
to work as a marketing manager of a company of repute.
Q2. Tell me about your background?
Ans. Excerpts from above should be told
Q3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Ans. My strengths are fraught with being patient, open-minded, and hard-working. My
weaknesses are fraught with being overthinking, I trust too easily, and a tad bit procrastinator.
But, I am trying to work on my weaknesses.
Q4. What are your strong points?
Ans. They are fraught with passion for work, predilection to learn new skills, being good at
persuasion, hard-working, low stickability factor, getting things done, empathetic, proactive.
Q5. What is your greatest fear?
Ans. My greatest fear is fraught with not being able to live up to my expectations, and potential.
The day I don’t work that much, I feel disgusted with myself. I have a predilection for being at
par with my potential each and every day.
Q6. If I called your boss, what would he/she say about you?
Ans. Predilection/Penchant for getting things done, slow communication (I don’t answers mails
on time, because I hardly use my cell), good presentation skills, good at working with people
(since my internship was fraught with engaging with a plethora of people for getting responses
for my interviews).
Q7. Do you have any serious medical issues?
Ans. I do not possess any medical issue.
Q8. Did you ever have a conflict with your professor or your boss?
Yes, there is an incident that was fraught with a professor from Irma. Statistics question, that
short paper question!
Q9. What do your friends say about you?
Ans. That I read too much! That I am too much consumed in myself. They have a predilection
for more attention units from my side.
Q10. What did you do in the last year to improve your knowledge?
Ans. I have a predilection for reading, I have read, and applied more than 40 books in the current
year. I have done a consumer marketing course to surge my awareness pertaining to Marketing,
Six Sigma course, and a commodities derivative course. They augment my ability and my skill
set. Spss, Stata, and Minitab.
Q11. Are you a team player?
Ans. Yes, I am a team player. I have played Cricket for 10 years, and it has taught to how to
negotiate and persuade within a cohort. My groups in the college are also happy with my
indulgence in various projects.
Q12. Your ideal company/ workplace?
Ans. Where one is proffered autonomy, and is respected for his/ her contributions. Which gives
me opportunities to surge my existing capabilities. And makes me feel imperative.
Q13. What is the most difficult thing that you have done?
Ans. I’ll like to bifurcate this question. Professionally, my internship, I had to engage with a
plethora of people, and proffer insights about a niche market. People were not aware about the
product, and I had to dig in deep to garner their trust and absord the intel they could proffer.
Personally, my father’s death. I had to surge my hard-work to make things happen.
Q14. What is the difference between hard work, and smart work?
Ans. Smart work insinuates getting things done faster. Smart work is a necessary thing, but it is
not sufficient. Applies for both of them. An assortment of both is required.
Q15. How do you feel about working weekends?
Ans. It was no different than a monotonous workday at college. We had quizzes, exams, and
assignments to be done even on weekends.
Q16. Your short, medium, and long term goals?
Ans. It insinuates a position of a management trainee in a company of repute, where enough
opportunities are proffered to surge my existing skills, and capabilities. Medium being at a
strategic position, with a good remuneration, autonomy, and budgeting power. To be the CMO or
the CEO of an organization of repute.
Q17. Time you had to deal with an unhappy professor/boss?
Ans. Insinuate the Statistics incident where you were not paid heed to.
Q18. How quickly do you adapt to new situations?
Ans. Quickly. I had to adapt to situations while we were playing a match in Himachal Pradesh
and the conditions were fraught with winds and stuff, and then had to play somewhere else.
During my internship, I am a kind of an introvert, but I engaged with a plethora of people during
my internship.
Q19. How would you rate yourself as a leader?
Ans. We won both the championships that I led the team, and my members respected me, so I do
have a predilection for calling myself a good leader.
Q20. What makes you angry?
Ans. Not reading enough! People not doing the things they promised to do.
Q21. Are you open to take risks?
Ans. innately, yes! I indulged myself in bungee jumping, rafting and hiking even when I possess
hydrophobia. I filled my internship company even when everybody said that they have
predilection for South Indian people.
Q22. What motivates you?
Ans. The idea that I’ll proffer my mom the life she deserves motivates me. Or I work for a
company that changes the lives of the people in a better way.
Q23. What are your hobbies?
Ans. I have a predilection for reading, netflixing, youtubing, travelling. And I like playing
Q24. What’s your biggest achievement?
Ans. Getting into an institution like Irma. I have won plethora of debate competitions.
Q25. What are you proudest of?
Ans. I think, my internship. I managed to proffer insights which seemed difficult at first.
Q26. What has been my greatest failure?
Ans. I had a predilection for Physics, but could not score enough in the 12th standard. The
incident taught me a plethora of things.
Q27. What do you regret?
Ans. I have a predilection for Marketing, but didn’t fill mica’s form. That insinuates my
Q28. How do you respond to change?
Ans. The process is fraught with an assortment of steps. I give it time it deserves, I am patient, I
talk to people who have gone through the same, and I read about it. This resolves most of the
Q29. Are you an organized person?
Ans. I have predilection for organized stuff. It keeps me clear in my head. I guess, I have
received this from my mom and my dad.
Q30. Can you tell me your time management skills?
Ans. Skills are fraught with a to-do list, I prioritize things on the magnitude of their importance. I
reserve some time to read, and do other things.
Q31. Are you reliable?
Ans. I happen to be! Any task that has be assigned to me, I have done that to the best of my
Q32. What are the three things that are most important to you in a job?
Ans. Work culture, my leader, and the remuneration.
Q33. What’s the toughest decision you have ever made?
Ans. To go for Irma or tiss! That was a tough decision to make.
Q34. If you were given a lot of money, would you still work?
Ans. Eudanamia- money, health, love, work. So, I’ll work for myself, I’ll make ensure that I
don’t end up being a rich laggard.
Q35. Give me an example of your creativity?
Ans. They didn’t proffer me info when I said I am a trainee, I told them I work for Kancor, and
procured information and proffered insights.
Q36. What makes you happy?
Ans. Reading a good book, a day spent well, seeing other people succeed, a good workout makes
me happy.
Q37. How do you work under pressure? Can you handle pressure?
Ans. I work fairly well! We were given daily, and weekly deadlines by our boss at Kancor and
me, oftenest, completed them on time. I was a better batsman while chasing scores, which
insinuates my pressure absorbing capability.
Q38. Are you willing to relocate or travel?
Ans. Yes, I possess no problems in travelling or relocating myself. Mine was a travelling
internship, and I fared it fairly well.
Q39. What do you know about the company?
Ans. Company specific
Q40. How long do you think you’ll work for us after we hire you?
Ans. I am fresher and nothing can be better for me than starting my professional career in a
reputed company like yours. If everything goes well, I will be looking forward to a long stint
here, as long as the company needs me.
Q41. Do you have other offers at hand?
Ans. Yes, I have applied for other companies. But, your company is the focal preference I
possess. I have a predilection for your company.
Q42. Why do you want to work for our company?
Ans. Specific
Q43. Why do you want this job?
Ans. Specific
Q44. Do you have somebody working for us?
Ans. Yes, I do! I know people, and I have tried to stay in touch with them and they have surged
my knowledge pertaining to your company.
Q45. Why should we hire you?
Ans. I possess the assortment of skills required for this job. I have done a plethora of courses/ I
possess knowledge of Spss, Stata, a consumer behavior course from IIT Madras, commodities
derivatives course, lean six sigma. Such an assortment is hard to find. I have the market exposure
because of my internship. I have all the requisite qualifications and skills. I can do the work that
the profile requires me to do. I can blend into mixed cultures and will fit in beautifully, which
will make me a great addition to the team. I will try to surge the efficiency of the operations of
the division I am indulged in.
Q46. Do you possess a good work ethic?
Ans. Yes, I do! My boss at kancor was really impressed by my work ethic. I have a predilection
getting things done, and I have a low stickability factor, which insinuates that I don’t let things
undone for a long time. I have never missed a deadline.
Q47. How do you deal with feedback and criticism?
Ans. To err is human. I have faltered a plethora of times. Honestly, I think, I have a predilection
for feedbacks/ criticisms. This is because somebody is being nice enough to tell me what’s
wrong in me. And I am teachable, I can be taught things, I have a predilection for unlearning
things when required. The feedback is genuine and is coming from the right person.
Q48. Do you have any questions for me?
Ans. This is probably your very first chance during the interview, to ask a question. Questioning
will indicate that as a fresher, you came well-prepared for the interview and you are still
absorbed in the conversation. It will also show that you do take interest in the organization. Make
a general list of five questions about the company and ask them to your interviewer, after all
other HR interview questions and answers are over.
How has your journey been so far in this organization? What excites you the most about working
here? How long does it ideally take a person to prove their caliber here? Where is the
organization headed in the next years? What are the next steps of this interview?

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