Commercial Dispatch Eedition 8-25-20

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Tuesday | August 25, 2020

CMSD bus drivers walk off job over pay, hours

Remaining drivers running double routes
as district scrambles to transport students
BY SLIM SMITH a Monday morning meeting with CMSD transportation di-
rector Willie Stewart, arrived at
A decision by Columbus High School around
about half of Co- 1 p.m. The high school is the
lumbus Munic- staging area for the district’s
ipal School Dis- buses, but instead of prepar-
trict bus drivers ing for the afternoon’s route, a
to walk off the job group of 21 drivers met outside
over pay issues the school property, refusing to
Monday after- Labat run their routes.
noon had district By 2, only 10 of the sched-
officials scram- INSIDE uled 46 buses had left to begin
bling to return n OUR VIEW: their routes, although Assistant
schoolch i ld ren A communica- Superintendent Glen Dedeaux
to their homes tion break- said a few other drivers arrived
down — not
and arrange for a mechanical later and ran their routes.
them to be re- one — kept Parents were notified by
turned to school CMSD buses text message to pick up their
from running.
Garrick Hodge/Dispatch Staff
this morning. Page 4A children while many of the re-
More than 20 Columbus Municipal School District bus drivers gathered Monday afternoon at the Bus drivers, maining bus drivers ran double
Columbus High School Sports Complex. Some of the drivers opted to strike, advocating for more notified of chang- routes.
compensation, and were later asked to move off school property. es to their pay and hours during See CMSD, 3A

70 MSU SOCSD’s first day of ‘new normal’

students comes with trials, triumphs
test positive Virtual learning poses
technological challenges
for COVID-19 for some students
Students quarantined Erin Dawson was nervous. On her
in hotels monitored, first day at the brand new Partnership
Middle School, the seventh-grader
asked to stay on hotel stalled in the hallway and wondered
which classroom she would go to.
property The COVID-19 pandemic caused
some things to look different from what
BY TESS VRBIN she was accustomed to. Students wore
masks all the time and dined in their
own classrooms. Everyone followed one
Only a week into
direction on each side of the hallway.
the fall semester, 70
Only three people were allowed in the
students at Missis-
bathroom at one time.
sippi State University
But differences like this made her
have tested positive
feel safe and comfortable, Dawson
for the COVID-19
said. Teachers guided her to her room
coronavirus, accord- and walked her through classroom
ing to data published rules, she said, and she soon made new
Monday on the MSU friends.
website. “Even though you are away (from
The university administered your classmates), they just wanted to
451 tests to students from Aug. 17 make sure you are safe,” she said. “The
to Aug. 22, according to data that whole day was good.”
will be updated weekly on the site, Dawson was among the more than
as well as 87 to employees and 18 to 4,600 students across 10 schools at the
private patients. One employee and Starkville-Oktibbeha County School
two private patients tested positive. District who began their first school day
MSU Chief Communications Monday amid the pandemic — a new ex-
Officer Sid Salter said new cases perience for their parents, teachers and
were to be expected with campus principals alike.
opening to in-person instruction. The district offers in-person, virtual
Campus closed and classes moved and, for grades 8-12, “hybrid” learning
Courtesy photo/SOCSD

online in March when the spread Michaela Pitts, kindergarten teacher at Sudduth Elementary School, helps student
models — a combination of in-person Justice Young hang her backpack after she arrived Monday for her first day of school.
of COVID-19 became a global pan- and virtual learning. Dawson is among
demic. the almost 300 students who chose a cessing coursework online. Some par- platforms all day.
“Obviously when our students re- hybrid model, meaning she will go to ents, although understanding, feared Their mother, Tishawna Dawson,
turn from varying situations, where school two days a week and learn online technological difficulties could hinder said she had to put off work until 12:30
they were before they came to cam- three days. More than 2,600 students their children’s learning process. p.m. to help her three children through
pus, and then that’s exacerbated have chosen to attend school in person their trouble Monday. She visited three
by whatever decisions they make during the fall semester, and more than campuses Monday morning waiting to
about their social life, then I think 1,700 students opted for all-virtual learn-
Virtual learning brings efficiency, receive her kids’ virtual learning pack-
anyone would have an expectation ing, The Dispatch previously reported. challenges ets, she said, only to find out that Can-
that there would be an increase in While many students and teachers Erin’s first-day experience went dice and Jayden were misregistered as
the numbers,” Salter said. soon adjusted to the new norm on their smoothly, but her siblings, 11-year-old in-person “traditional” students.
About 80 students moved out first day, others shared challenges of Candice and 6-year-old Jayden,— both “(Jayden) said, ‘Where’s my stuff?’”
of the Phi Gamma Delta fraterni- in-person learning, as well as confusion of whom opted for virtual learning — Tishawna said.
See MSU, 3A and frustration about the hardship ac- could not access the online learning See SOCSD, 6A


1 What part of a flower produces pollen? MEETINGS
2 The home team is responsible for doing Aug. 31: Lowndes
what to a hockey puck — freezing it, paint- County Board of Su-
ing it or covering it with chalk? pervisors meeting, 9
3 Which South American desert is one of a.m., Lowndes County
the driest places on Earth, never having
recorded a single drop of rain? Courthouse, facebook.
Reese Atkind 4 Which long-running paranormal TV series com/LowndesCounty-
sparked fans’ interest in and desire to own Mississippi/
Fourth grade, Heritage
a black 1967 Chevy Impala hardtop? Sept. 1: Columbus

84 Low 74
5 The United States does not have a central
City Council, 5 p.m.,
High bank. True of false?
Municipal Complex,
Mostly cloudy and humid Answers, 6B
Full forecast on
page 3A.
Sept. 8: Lowndes
County Board of Su-
pervisors meeting, 9
INSIDE Bridgett C. Alexander has worked at Baptist a.m., Lowndes County
Classifieds 6B Dear Abby 3B Memorial Hospital-Golden Triangle since 2001 Courthouse, facebook.
Comics 3B Obituaries 4B and recently got her Doctorate of Nursing com/LowndesCounty-
141st Year, No. 142 Crossword 5B Opinions 4A Practice and received the highest honors. Mississippi/


2A TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2020 The Dispatch •


GOP convention showcases

rising stars, dark warnings
The opening night of
the four-day convention AP-NORC poll: Trump faces pessimism
reflected the rising as Republican convention opens
The Associated Press
push to reshape the
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump is promising to outline
presidential contest an optimistic vision for America at this week’s Republican convention.
But he’ll be speaking to a public deeply pessimistic about the direction
BY STEVE PEOPLES, MICHELLE L. of the country and overwhelmingly dissatisfied with his and the federal
PRICE AND ZEKE MILLER government’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.
The Associated Press
Most Americans think there isn’t enough being done to help indi-
vidual Americans, small businesses or public schools as the pandemic
stretches on, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC
— A rising generation
Center for Public Affairs Research. Overall, just 31 percent of Ameri-
of Republican stars
cans approve of Trump’s leadership on the pandemic, a significant drop
offered an optimis- from 44 percent approval in March, when the virus began sweeping
tic view of President through the United States.
Donald Trump’s lead- The public’s negative assessment of how Trump is handling the crisis
ership but was under- puts him on the defensive as his November face-off against Democrat
mined on the opening Joe Biden nears. One of Trump’s challenges as his convention opens
night of the GOP’s on Monday night is to convince Americans that anything about his re-
scaled-back convention by speakers sponse to the pandemic will change or improve if voters give him four
issuing dark warnings about the more years in office.
country’s future and distorting the
president’s record, particularly on
the coronavirus pandemic. campaign message with racist Election Day just 10 weeks away. It
As Trump faces pressure to ex- undertones. One speaker called will continue Tuesday, when first
Trump the “bodyguard of Western lady Melania Trump will deliver re-
pand his appeal beyond his loyal
civilization.” marks from the White House.
supporters, Sen. Tim Scott of South
Scrambling to find a message Biden and his running mate,
Carolina, the Senate’s sole Black
that sticks, Trump’s team tried out California Sen. Kamala Harris, are
Republican, and former U.N. Am-
multiple themes and tactics over keeping a relatively low profile this
bassador Nikki Haley, the daugh-
the course of the night. They fea- week. In a tweet Monday night,
ter of Indian immigrants, sought
tured optimism from those who Biden told supporters to “stay fo-
to cast the GOP as welcoming to
could represent the GOP’s future, cused.”
Americans of color, despite the par-
attempts to characterize Biden as
ty’s overwhelmingly white leader-
ship and voting base.
a vessel for socialists and far-left Emphasis on diversity
Democrats despite his moderate re- The emphasis on diversity at
“I was a brown girl in a black and
cord and humanizing stories about Trump’s convention was an acknowl-
white world,” Haley said Monday
the 74-year-old man who sits in the edgment he must expand his coali-
night, noting that she faced dis-
Oval Office. tion beyond his largely white base.
crimination but rejecting the idea
Trump and a parade of fellow Re- Polling shows that Black Ameri-
that “America is a racist country.” publicans misrepresented Biden’s cans continue to be overwhelming-
She also gave a nod to the Black agenda through the evening, falsely ly negative in their assessments of
Lives Matter movement, saying “of accusing him of proposing to de- the president’s performance, with
course we know that every single fund police, ban oil fracking, take his approval hovering around 1 in
Black life is valuable.” over health care, open borders and 10 over the course of his presidency,
raise taxes on most Americans. according to Gallup polling.
Dire talk They tried to assign positions of One of several African Ameri-
But the prime-time convention the Democratic left to a middle-of- cans on Monday night’s schedule,
proceedings, which featured a the-road candidate who explicitly former football star Herschel Walk-
blend of taped and live speeches, rejected many of the party’s most er, defended the president against
focused largely on dire talk about liberal positions through the prima- those who call him a racist.
Joe Biden, Trump’s Democratic ries. “It hurts my soul to hear the terri-
challenger in the November elec- The opening night of the four- ble names that people call Donald,”
tion. Speakers ominously warned day convention reflected the rising Walker said. “The worst one is ‘rac-
that electing Biden would lead to urgency fueling Trump’s push to ist.’ I take it as a personal insult that
violence in American cities spilling reshape a presidential contest that people would think I would have a
into the suburbs, a frequent Trump he’s losing, at least for now, with 37-year friendship with a racist.”

Civil rights group pushes back at GOP condemnation

Resolution: SPLC ‘a far-left resolution claimed that it
“puts conservative groups
people — including Black
Lives Matter advocates,
organization with an obvious bias’ or voices at risk of attack.”
The SPLC, which con-
immigrants, Muslims and
the L.G.B.T.Q. communi-
BY JONATHAN LEMIRE Charlotte and escalates a ducts investigations and ty — with dehumanizing
The Associated Press long-held battle between engages in civil rights liti- rhetoric.”
conservative groups and gation, said in a statement The resolution was
the SPLC. Monday that the resolu- the latest clash between
publican National Com-
“The SPLC is a radi- tion gave “comfort to hate the SPLC and conser-
mittee delegates approved
cal organization, and that groups” and accused the vative groups over the
a resolution condemning
the Southern Poverty Law the federal government RNC of being selective in Alabama-based organi-
Center, calling the legal should not view this or- its condemnation. zation’s Hatewatch list,
advocacy group dedicated ganization as a legitimate Margaret Huang, the which tracks radical and
to fighting extremism “a foundation equipped to president and chief execu- extremist groups. Con-
far-left organization with provide actionable infor- tive of the group, said the servatives accuse the
an obvious bias.” mation to DHS or any oth- resolution was designed SPLC of pursuing a parti-
The resolution was er government agency,” to “excuse the Trump ad- san agenda and sweeping
approved over the week- said the resolution, which ministration’s history of up groups with a conser-
end ahead of the start of challenged the legitima- working with individuals vative agenda with explic-
the Republican National cy of the organization to and organizations that itly racist organizations
Convention on Monday in identify hate groups. The malign entire groups of such as the Ku Klux Klan.
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2020 3A

CMSD Driving at ‘excessive

Continued from Page 1A
Reached Monday evening,
CMSD Superintendent Cherie La-
bat said all students had reached
speeds’ believed
their homes safely and preparations
to ensure students were picked up
for today’s classes had been made.
to have contributed
She referred all other questions —
including the status of the drivers
who refused to drive their routes
to fatal wreck Sunday
and current bus staffing — to Stew-
art and Dedeaux. Two drivers who collided with
Stewart did not return phone
calls or text messages by press
victim’s car may face charges
Reached Tuesday morning, De-
deaux said the district had 25 driv- Columbus police say two cousins driving at
ers to report for work Tuesday and Garrick Hodge/Dispatch Staff
“excessive speeds” contributed to the three-
that all routes were completed. Columbus resident Matthew Shelton, who has been a bus driver in Colum-
bus for 11 years, holds a sign that says “Listen!! Bus drivers are important” car collision that killed a Starkville man Sunday
Diana Prince, one of the drivers night.
as cars drive by outside the Columbus High School Sports Complex Monday.
who walked off the job Monday, Authorities identified Dustin Gwathney, 20, as
said she is open to negotiating a re- driver with 16 years or more ser- COVID-19. the driver of one of two cars that collided head-
turn to work. vice. Calculated at the six-hour “We spend a lot of time with san- on with a 2020 Honda Accord in a blind curve on
“I would be willing to work with work day drivers expected, the cap itation,” Prince said. “A lot of us are Wilkins Wise Road at about 6:40 p.m., according
them to find a solution, but it’s all would be $11.25 per hour. also providing snacks for the chil- to a Columbus Police Department press release
about the pay,” said Prince, who has “There’s no way we can do this,” dren out of our own pocket. We are Monday. The driver of the Honda, Sheldon Camp-
driven city school buses since 2015. Prince said. essential workers. We’re not asking bell, 45, was killed, and his passenger flown to a
CMSD Board of Trustees Pres- for anything extra, just what we hospital in Birmingham, Alabama.
Spears: ‘We can’t just pay them ident Jason Spears said he didn’t were told we were going to get.” The driver of the other speeding car was
for hours they don’t work’ learn of the strike until after the Spears said he had discussed Gwathney’s 17-year-old cousin, who police did not
identify because he is a minor. Neither he nor a
Prior to this year, most of the drivers walked off the job. calling a special meeting to address
CMSD drivers were “From what I gather, somehow the situation, but after talking with 14-year-old passenger in the vehicle Gwathney
employees of Ec- there was some misunderstanding Labat, he said the superintendent was driving were injured.
coRide, which con- by the drivers that they would be has the authority to address most of The two drivers who were speeding may face
tracted with the dis- paid for Wednesdays,” Spears said the issues without board approval. charges once CPD completes its investigation,
trict to provide bus Monday evening after conferring “The only thing, really, that the press release said. Police Chief Fred Shelton
service. CMSD opted with Labat. “They also thought they would require board action is pay told The Dispatch police are still investigating ex-
out of the EccoRide would be paid for six hours. But by adjustment,” he said. “That hasn’t actly how fast the cousins were driving.
contract in May af- state law, we cannot pay for work been proposed.” “This is a tragedy. We expect people to drive
ter the school year Spears that isn’t performed.” safely with respect to others,” Shelton said in the
Spears said the district’s new release. “Our investigation is continuing, but at
was abruptly ended
on April 14 by order of Gov. Tate school plan factored into the confu-
‘We could manage with the this time, we believe the two cousins pulled out
Reeves because of the COVID-19 sion. drivers we have’ of the Belk parking lot driving toward the Lock
pandemic. “When we were putting together While some drivers ran double and Dam. At about the same time, the victim left
As CMSD assembled its own our reopening plan, we were trying routes and some parents picked up the Lock and Dam heading toward Highway 45
transportation system in July, it to determine how many students we their children Monday, the impact North. This is so senseless.”
offered jobs to most of the drivers would have and what routes would of the walk-out was obvious.
who had previously worked with be running,” he said. “When school Brittany Tuner, director for the
EccoRide. started (on Aug. 6) it was an estima- Columbus branches of the Boys and
Drivers are paid on a monthly tion. But when we started running Girls Club of the Golden Triangle,
basis. The first pay period ends Fri- routes we realized the drivers were said only two students — one from
day. only working 4 1/2 hours, not six. Joe Cook Elementary and anoth-
At Monday morning’s meeting, Again, we can’t just pay them for er from Stokes-Beard Elementary
drivers were told they would be hours they don’t work.” — were dropped off for the club’s
paid for 4 1/2 hours per day and after-school program as of 3 p.m.
would not be paid for Wednesdays. More than just driving Monday.
Under the CMSD’s school plan, all CMSD schools operate with a “Normally, we have about 20 kids
students take classes virtually on combination of virtual and hybrid dropped off by the buses,” she said.
Wednesday and no bus routes are classes. About 60 percent of the Under state law, school bus driv-
driven. students — roughly 2,000 — partic- ers are required to hold a Class B
Previously, bus drivers were ipate in the hybrid schedule, with Commercial Drivers License.
paid for 30 hours per week. Under one group of students attending Dedeaux said no decision has
the new school plan, the hours have classes in person on Mondays and been made on the status of the driv-
been reduced to 18 hours per week. Tuesdays and another group on ers who did not run their routes
CMSD’s bus driver pay schedule Thursdays and Fridays. The other Monday.
shows that drivers with up to five 40 percent of students are enrolled “I’m not sure what’s going to
years experience receive an annual in virtual classes only. All students happen there,” said Dedeaux, who
pay of $9,720, which is $12 per hour participate virtually on Wednes- said he believed the district could
based on a four-day, 4 1/2 -hour days or on the days they are not manage with the 25 drivers who re-
schedule. Calculated on a 6-hour physically attending classes on ported Tuesday morning.
work day, the starting pay amounts campus. “We may have to consolidate
to $9 per hour. The new schedule means there some routes and adjust pick-up
The schedule provides addition- are fewer students on buses, which schedules,” he said. “That’s one of
al pay for each five-year increment translates to faster routes, but the things we are working on. But,
of service — a $1 per hour increase drivers said they are being asked in my opinion, we could manage
for each of those five years of ser- to perform other work that they with the drivers we have as long as
vice, capping at $15 per hour for a weren’t required to perform prior to we don’t lose any more.”

Continued from Page 1A
ty, known as Fiji, and the they are allowed to order “We’ve very clearly ar- to protect people from
Phi Mu sorority houses food from outside, and ticulated in our policy that COVID-19. The letter ac-
on Friday after both chap- usually the food is deliv- students can’t be coming companied a petition that Send in your church event!
ters saw positive cases. ered to the lobby for the and going, so if that’s ob-
Students had the options desk staff to deliver to the served, the student is pro-
gained more than 300 Email
signatures from MSU fac-
of going home or mov- students’ rooms, Hyatt vided with one warning, ulty, staff and students to Subject: Religious brief
ing into one of the two said. and if it happens again, members of the Starkville
Starkville hotels MSU “In some cases, the the student is unable to community even else-
rented for the semester student might come to the remain in the isolation fa- where.
to use as quarantine facili- desk to pick up that deliv- cility and will have to go
ties for two weeks. ery,” she said. to their home to complete
MSU Vice President All students must wear the isolation,” Hyatt said.
of Student protective face coverings MSU has staffed the
Affairs Re- outside their rooms. They hotels with employees
gina Hy- are allowed to leave the from the departments of
att said all building on occasion, but Housing and Residence
quarantined the hotel’s only entrance Life and custodial ser-
students and exit is monitored vices, and employees
are pro- 24/7, and students must of the Longest Student
vided with check in and out and pro- Health Center are mon-
r e s o u r c e s Hyatt vide a reason for going, itoring quarantined stu-
like snacks, Hyatt said. dents’ health on-site.
beverages and informa- They are not allowed MSU’s decision to rent
tion about quarantine to leave the hotel proper- the hotels sparked an
procedures and how to re- ty, but Hyatt said she is open letter earlier this
motely access university not aware of any outdoor month from some con-
library services. cameras or anything else cerned faculty asking ad-
Students receive all that would monitor stu- ministration not to reopen
their meals in their rooms dents’ behavior outside campus, claiming reopen
from MSU Dining, but the buildings. plans were insufficient

Lowndes man arrested for allegedly

shooting at neighbor’s house SOLUNAR TABLE
The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Tue. Wed.
DISPATCH STAFF REPORT Highway Authorities say Alex- Major
69. The vic- ander intentionally shot at Major 6:58p 7:26a
A Lowndes County tim called the building while it was Minor 12:03a 12:48a
Courtesy of Mississippi Department

man has been arrested

of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
deputies occupied after getting

The Dispatch
for allegedly shooting at just after into an argument with the
his neighbor’s home on 10:30 p.m. victim, the release said.
Sunday. claiming No on appears to have
Cecil Alexander III, The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
someone been injured in the shoot- Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
48, has been charged with was shoot- Alexander ing. Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
shooting into a dwelling ing at their home, accord- Alexander is current- Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
after investigators con- ing to a Lowndes County ly in custody at Lowndes The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
nected him to a shooting Sheriff’s Office press re- County Adult Detention Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., Report a news tip:
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
on Christian Circle off lease. Center on $7,500 bond.
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

A communication breakdown ­— not a mechanical one
— kept CMSD buses from running
or many reasons, most Monday afternoon, the ma- day, six-hour-per day work by law, it cannot pay hourly better to continue their routes
of them beyond our jority of the district’s bus driv- week. Because the schools employees for hours not Monday and Tuesday and use
control, this school year ers walked off the job, leaving are not open on Wednesday, worked. That’s a valid point. Wednesday, when no routes
promises to be a stressful school administrators and no bus routes are needed that Where we fault the district are being driven, to make
one. The COVID-19 pandemic parents scrambling to make day. Likewise, the work day is that it apparently failed to their cases to the district. The
casts a frightful shadow of sure children reached home was shortened to 4 ½ hours communicate that clearly to bus drivers would have lost
leaning. That’s true from top safely Monday afternoon. from 6 hours, again due to the bus drivers before the no leverage in doing that and
to bottom - students, parents, Drivers are expected to be changes in the schools’ sched- school year started. It wasn’t no students or parents would
teachers, staff and adminis- at their designated schools ules, the district says. With until a Monday morning have been left scrambling
tration. for pick-up by 1:45 p.m. Yet on 40 percent of the students meeting that bus drivers were to make their own arrange-
Good faith efforts are Monday, only 10 of 46 drivers attending virtual classes told of the reduced hours, just ments.
being made to minimize the had left for their routes as of only and the other 60 percent days before the first monthly Because state law requires
impact of the virus on both 2 p.m. attending classes on campus pay period is to end. bus drivers to hold a Class B
education and health, but Parents were notified of just two days a week, fewer How the bus drivers would Commercial Driver’s License,
even the best plans cannot the walk-out by text and were students are riding the buses. be paid should have been there is no quick fix. Drivers
account for all of the possible forced to make immediate As a result, routes are shorter, communicated before the are in short supply. If the dis-
disruptions. plans for returning their chil- which accounts for the short- first route was driven on Aug. trict’s transportation system
Yet for students and par- dren home Monday. er work day, the district says. 6. is to work, the best available
ents in the Columbus Mu- CMSD superintendent Bus drivers who thought While we understand the option is to talk with drivers
nicipal School Districts who Cheri Labat said arrange- they would be paid for 30 drivers’ frustration, we do not to see if the situation can be
rely on the district’s transpor- ments for Tuesday pick-ups hours a week are now being agree with their tactics. The amicably resolved.
tation system, a new stress had been made. paid for 18 hours. That’s a 40 decision to abruptly walk off It seems to us a breakdown
emerged Monday, one that The dispute emerged when percent cut in pay; we can un- the job put children and par- in communication created the
better communication would drivers were notified they derstand why drivers object. ents in a stressful situation. problem. Better communica-
likely have resolved. would not be paid for a five- The district maintains that, It would have been far tion may solve it.


DeJoy should resign
Monday, during an appearance
before the House Committee on
Oversight, new Postmaster Gener-
al, Louis DeJoy, while being neatly
eviscerated by rising star, Rep.
Katie Porter (D—CA), made the
preposterous claim that he was not
the person who initially approved
the changes (mail sorter removal,
etc.) in locations across the country.
You know, the sorts of changes that
have led to days and sometimes
weeks-long delays in the delivery of
prescription medications to veterans
and seniors, etc.
He also admitted under Porter’s
intense questioning that he knew
surprisingly little about: 1) the
price of postage for various basic
items commonly sent by mail; 2) the
likely effects of the policy changes
he claimed he didn’t make on the
efficiency of mail delivery; and
3) perhaps of greatest immediate
importance, the extent to which
Americans use the postal service to
vote — even before the pandemic.
Answer to #3: all overseas military
and members of foreign service and
all residents of at least 5 states - 25
million votes and expected to double
this year.
Postmaster DeJoy, if I may, I’d like
to summarize some of the lessons I
A most consequential presidency
hope you took away from yesterday’s s Donald Trump is the U.S. embassy there. He persuade Kim to surrender his nuclear
hearing: about to be nomi- effected the recognition of arsenal in return for recognition, trade
Lesson #1: Do not deny under nated for a second Israel by the UAE in return and aid, even some of Trump’s enemies
oath statements already well-doc- term, how his presidency for Bibi Netanyahu’s post- applauded his effort.
umented. Specifically, I refer to has already altered the ponement of the annexation If Trump loses in November, how-
the internal USPS documents that orientation of his party is on of the 30% of the West Bank ever, much of what he has done will be
show that the unacceptable delivery display. envisioned in Trump’s own undone.
delays I described above began in Under Trump, the GOP “Deal of the Century.” The U.S. will agree anew to abide by
mid-July, not long after your first ceased to be a party of While Trump has not the Paris climate accords and the Iran
days on that job. More importantly, small government whose extracted this country from nuclear deal of John Kerry and Barack
you admitted that these delays were yardstick of success was the forever wars of the Mid- Obama will be revived.
an express result of the policies that how close it came to a bal- dle East — Afghanistan, Joe Biden says that only those
you took responsibility for in that anced budget. Patrick Buchanan Iraq, Syria — he routed ISIS making above $400,000 will pay higher
same memo. Yes, the delays that you Trump signed on this and kept us out of Libya’s taxes. Yet, the Democrats’ economic
personally referred to as “unintend- spring to $3 trillion in deficit spending civil war. plan envisions higher payroll and per-
ed consequences;” to rescue the economy from a depres- Unlike his predecessors, Trump has sonal income tax rates, higher capital
Lesson #2: it is unwise to be the sion into which the government had tabled the issue of immigration, espe- gains and corporate tax rates, and even
subject of a Congressional hearing shoved it to control the spread of the cially mass illegal migration across the higher death taxes on estates.
when unprepared; coronavirus. He is prepared to spend a Southern border, and made progress Trump has also changed the char-
Lesson #3: it is especially unwise trillion dollars more. on the border wall he made a feature of acter and composition of the GOP,
to appear as subject of a hearing un- By opening new lands and seas to his 2016 campaign. making it more of a working- and
prepared when Representative Katie exploration, building pipelines, per- A discredited NAFTA has been re- middle-class party.
Porter is among the questioners. mitting fracking and slashing regula- placed by a new trade deal, and a leftist Where George H.W. Bush sought to
Louis DeJoy, you flatly refused tions, Trump has brought the U.S. to government in Mexico City is helping build a “New World Order” with Amer-
under direct questioning by Rep. an energy independence which other prevent migrants from entering south- ica as global hegemon and George W.
Porter to reverse the disastrous presidents only promised. ern Mexico on their way to the United Bush peached a global crusade for de-
changes you have already put in The Trump GOP has abandoned an States. mocracy “to end tyranny in our world,”
place. How can we possibly trust you ideological commitment to free trade Trump has done as much as Reagan Trump is all-in on “America first.” Bush
with the mail system going forward?! that dates back to the Kennedy admin- to deregulate the U.S. economy and re- transnationalism belongs to yesterday.
Personally, I would not trust you istration and reembraced the economic duce taxes on workers, producers, and Even in confronting Xi Jinping’s
to watch my dog. nationalism of the 19th-century Repub- investors. Before COVID-19 hit in force China, Trump’s primary concern is not
Postmaster General DeJoy must licans who built the world’s greatest in March, stock markets were hitting on how Beijing treats its people but on
resign. He should resign today. He industrial and manufacturing power. all-time highs and unemployment rates how it treats us.
is a disgrace to the USPS and to the Globalism has been relegated to all-time lows. America has a history of such cold
country. the ash heap of history as our populist He has nominated and elevated two realism.
Paul Mack president trashed the Trans-Pacific Supreme Court justices and hundreds FDR recognized Stalin’s regime in
Columbus Partnership, the Iran nuclear deal and of federal judges. the USSR in 1933, when Hitler rose to
the Paris climate accords, and began The horizon, however, does not power in Germany. Ike invited Nikita
A letter to the editor is an excellent to impose tariffs on countries that have appear to be without perils. Khrushchev to tour the U.S. after the
way to participate in your communi- looted America’s manufacturing base. Bellicosity toward Beijing is being “Butcher of Budapest” had drowned
ty. We request the tone of your letters While Trump has been prevented by reciprocated, and China appears ready the Hungarian Revolution in blood.
be constructive and respectful and the Russophobia of our Beltway elites for confrontation to validate its claims During the Cold War, we partnered
the length be limited to 450 words. from seeking a detente with Vladimir in the South and East China seas and with Somoza, the Shah, Gen. Pinochet
We reserve the right to edit letters for Putin, he has managed to avoid a mili- Taiwan Strait. and Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek.
clarity, grammar and length. While tary collision. What Beijing is doing to America — Trump, too, sees himself not as a
commentary on national issues is Trump has also ended the de- espionage, intellectual property theft, moral crusader for human rights but as
always welcome, we limit candidate cades-long freeriding of NATO allies forced technology transfers, running a defender of American interests in the
endorsements to one per letter-writer. on the U.S. defense budget, convincing up $600 billion trade surpluses at our world.
We welcome all letters emailed to many of them to contribute more. expense — is Trump’s concern, not Patrick J. Buchanan, a nationally or mailed to The He has made the Republican Party what Beijing is doing to restrict democ- syndicated columnist, was a senior advi-
Dispatch, Attn: Letters to the Editor, the pro-Israel Party, recognizing Isra- racy in Hong Kong. sor to presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald
PO Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703- el’s annexation of the occupied Golan While his outreach to North Ko- Ford and Ronald Reagan. His website is
0511. Heights and East Jerusalem by moving rean dictator Kim Jong Un failed to
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2020 5A

Suffrage anniversary commemorations highlight racial divide

Amendment to the U.S. Constitution First lady opens student art exhibit on women’s suffrage
was ratified on Aug. 18, 1920, but BY DARLENE SUPERVILLE ing rights a “turning point” in the tion — to promote certain aspects
women’s rights movement. of her husband’s record on wom-
many women of color were prevented The Associated Press
She unveiled the exhibit on en’s issues. Polls show President
WASHINGTON — Melania Pennsylvania Avenue outside the Donald Trump facing a yawning
from casting ballots for decades after Trump on Monday marked the White House and said it would en- deficit with female voters.
BY SUSAN HAIGH AND rus pandemic, have high- 100th anniversary of women gain- courage to talk to their children The first lady said that, under
SUMAN NAISHADHAM lighted a more nuanced ing the right to vote with an art ex- about the “important conversa- “our administration,” the child tax
The Associated Press history of the American hibit based on works by children tions taking place around equali- credit was doubled, women experi-
women’s suffrage move- from all 50 states and the District ty” and help them understand the enced some of the lowest rates of
HARTFORD, Conn. ment alongside the tra- of Columbia. history behind women’s suffrage. unemployment on record and the
— As the U.S. marks ditional tributes to well- The first lady called adoption of Mrs. Trump also used her ap- Republican president put women
the 100th anniversary of known suffragists such the 19th Amendment to the Con- pearance — on the opening day of in many senior administration po-
women’s suffrage, many as Susan B. Anthony and stitution that granted women vot- the Republican National Conven- sitions.
event organizers, mindful
Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
that the 19th Amendment
The 100th anniversary important to have these community groups across women played both prom- tions and suffrage events,
originally benefited most- conversations so we can the state, many of which inent and smaller roles in including at the Akron,
has arrived during a year
ly white women, have do a better job of going were “very focused on not the movement. Sojourner Ohio, women’s conven-
of nationwide protests
been careful to present it forward.” calling it a celebration, Truth, an emancipated tion in 1851 where she
against racial inequality
as a commemoration, not The Connecticut His- but ... a commemoration.” slave, who died in 1883, is was credited with giving
that have forced the Unit-
a celebration. torical Society last month The complicated na- considered one of the first a powerful speech that’s
ed States to once again
The amendment to unveiled an online exhibit ture of the suffrage move- known Black suffragists. been remembered as
reckon with its uncom-
the U.S. Constitution was titled “The Work Must Be ment came full circle last She traveled through- “Ain’t I a Woman?” Some
fortable history.
ratified on Aug. 18, 1920, Done: Women of Color week when Democratic out the U.S. speaking at historians, however, have
but many women of color and the Right to Vote.” It presidential nominee Joe women’s rights conven- questioned the wording.
were prevented from cast- ‘The stories highlights Black women Biden chose California
ing ballots for decades are complicated’ from Connecticut who U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris
afterward because of poll “Like many move- fought for suffrage rights as his running mate, mak-
taxes, literacy tests, overt ments, the stories are as well as other issues, ing her the first Black
racism, intimidation, and complicated and I think such as anti-discrimina- woman on a major party
laws that prevented the it’s important, as we have tion, anti-lynching, labor ticket.
grandchildren of slaves an opportunity to reflect reforms and access to ed- In an appearance with
from voting. Much of that and to celebrate, that we ucation. Biden last week, Harris
didn’t change until the also are honest about “We have really been said she was “mindful of
Voting Rights Act of 1965. how we didn’t meet all wanting to make sure all the heroic and ambi-
From exhibits inside of our aspirations,” said we talk about the com- tious women before me
the Arizona Capitol Mu- Rhode Island Secretary plicated history of these whose sacrifice, deter-
seum to a gathering on of State Nellie Gorbea, issues in our country,” mination and resilience
the North Carolina State- a Democrat born and said Arizona Assistant makes my presence here
house lawn, many com- raised in Puerto Rico who Secretary of State Allie today even possible.”
memorations, including has helped to organize Bones, whose office came While their names are
those that moved online her state’s suffrage com- up with a program after not as well-known as the
because of the coronavi- memoration efforts. “It’s working with about 60 white suffragists, Black

Postal leader defends changes, denies ‘sabotaging’ election

DeJoy told lawmakers he has warned the prospect of a “rigged
election” Monday as he
DeJoy, a former sup-
ply-chain CEO and a ma-
allies of Trump that the president’s spoke about mail-in vot- jor donor to Trump and
ing at the Republican the GOP, set in motion
repeated attacks on the legitimacy National Convention. a series of operational
Experts say mail voting changes this summer
of mail-in ballots are ‘not helpful’ has proven remarkably that delayed mail across
secure. the country.
BY MAT THEW DALY AND six-hour House Oversight
ANTHONY IZAGUIRRE Committee hearing.
The Associated Press DeJoy faced tense
questions from lawmak-
ers over mail delivery
Postmaster General Lou-
delays seen since he took
is DeJoy told lawmak-
the helm in mid-June. It
ers Monday that he has
was his second appear-
warned allies of Presi-
ance before Congress in
dent Donald Trump that
four days.
the president’s repeated
“I am not engaged in
attacks on the legitima-
cy of mail-in ballots are sabotaging the election,”
“not helpful,” but denied DeJoy said, adding that,
that recent changes at the like Trump, he personally
Postal Service are linked plans to vote by mail.
to the November elec- The hearing quickly
tions. became a debate over
DeJoy, who has come the delivery disruptions
under intense scrutiny being reported nation-
over sweeping policy wide. Democrats said
changes at the U.S. Post- the changes under De-
al Service, faced new Joy’s watch are causing
questions on mounting widespread delays, but
problems at the agency Republicans dismissed
as it prepares to deliver the worries as unfounded
record numbers of ballots and part of a Democrat-
this fall as a result of the ic “conspiracy” against
coronavirus pandemic. Trump.
During an exchange The pandemic has
with Rep. Gerald Con- pushed the Postal Ser-
nolly, D-Va., DeJoy first vice into a central role in
denied having contacted the 2020 elections, with
the president’s campaign tens of millions of people
team, but later back- expected to vote by mail
tracked, saying he has rather than in-person. At
“spoken to people that the same time, Trump
are friends of mine that has acknowledged he is
are associated with the withholding emergency
campaign” over Trump’s aid from the service to
baseless claims that mail make it harder to process
voting will lead to fraud. mail-in ballots, as his
“I have put word election campaign legal-
around to different peo- ly challenges mail voting
ple that this is not help- procedures in key states.
ful,” DeJoy said during a Trump again raised
6A TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2020 The Dispatch •

n Try at least one new healthy recipe per week: Deciding what to have for dinner can be a constant cause of
frustration, which is why many people tend to use the same recipes again and again. Chances are you’ve been cooking the
same recipes on autopilot for years. Whether these are healthy or unhealthy recipes, it’s always healthy to try something
new. Aim to try making a new healthy recipe at least once per week. This can change up your food and nutrient intakes and
hopefully add new and healthy recipes to your routine. Alternatively, try to make a healthier version of a favorite recipe.

Health tips from Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen

Protecting your kid’s skin with research about sun percent report their kids don’t Steer clear of all other ingre-
that showed a protection. use any sunscreen. The conse- dients. Apply it on cloudy days
today — and for decades tan isn’t good According to a quences are farther reaching too. And give kids a hat and
to come for your skin — recent national than a painful burn and a poor UV-protective clothing.
In 1953, Coppertone suntan or your surviv- poll conducted night’s sleep. Even one sun- ■ Apply sunscreen every
lotion debuted one of the most al. by C. S. Mott burn in childhood raises the two hours; more frequently if a
iconic product images ever: Despite Children’s Hos- risk of cancer later in life. child is swimming or sweating.
the Coppertone girl, who widespread pital at Michi- So starting today, protect No sunscreen is waterproof.
sported a surprised look as a conversations gan Medicine, your child from the sun’s harm- Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of
puppy pulled down her swim- about the risks 11 percent of ful rays: “The Dr. Oz Show,” and Mike
suit bottoms, revealing some of sun damage, parents of kids ■ Keep newborns out of Roizen, M.D. is Chief Wellness
serious tan lines. Decades many parents age 5 to 12 say the sun. For other kids, limit Officer and Chair of Wellness
later, thankfully, Coppertone’s are still un- Drs. Oz and Roizen they don’t have sun exposure while the sun is Institute at Cleveland Clinic.
slogan transitioned from “don’t aware of the a specific mini- strongest — 10am-4pm. To live your healthiest, tune
be a paleface” to “advanced sun dangers of mum SPF they ■ Use a micronized zinc into “The Dr. Oz Show” or visit
protection.” They caught up sun exposure and uninformed use on their children, and 3 oxide with an SPF of 30 to 50.

Continued from Page 1A
“They were having process, which allows her screens, rolling chairs Turman said she un-
technical issues within the autonomy to finish and big windows, she derstands some of her
the school,” she added. her school work faster. said, which allowed am- students’ concerns as
“The phone lines weren’t “When she is done ple sunlight in. they stepped into a brand
ringing, their fax wasn’t with her work for that Rogers said she opted new environment amid
working. … The door class, she doesn’t have to for the in-person learn- the pandemic, but that
to lock the office wasn’t wait for ending bells so ing model because that’s encouraged her to “think
working. It was just a lot.” she can start on her other the best way she learns. outside the box” as she
Tishawna wanted her courses right away,” said But all the precautionary held outdoor picnics for
children to hang out with Jane’s mother, Lesley measures at school amid her students while prac-
friends in person. But Strawderman. the pandemic made her a ticing social distancing.
Candice has a history of little anxious. Despite the fear of fall-
epilepsy and Type I dia- In-person learning “I feel like it would be ing sick, Turman said she
betes, she said, and she Most students at Sud- really scary to know that
is taking all the precau-
wouldn’t risk exposing duth Elementary were someone had COVID-19
tions she can to teach the
her to the deadly virus. glad to be back in school, in school,” she said. “I
While she understands children in person.
said Principal Morgan think if we keep our
first schooldays can be masks on and stay safe, “I don’t think it hit me
chaotic, she said it frus- we can prevent that from till this morning. I was
“One student this
trated her that her two happening.” getting ready and I real-
morning, I heard he ex-
younger kids could not claimed, ‘This is the best Stella Turman, third- ized, ‘This is kind of risky,
learn. day ever,’” she said. “We grade teacher at Hender- what we are doing here,’”
“I just reach out to one did not have a single stu- son Ward Stewart Ele- she said. “But I think
of my friends — she’s a dent that was crying as mentary School, said she it’s just been so long. …
teacher,” she said. “I will they came in.” opted to be an in-person We are all, at a teacher’s
just get her to send me Amelia Rogers, a sev- teacher this semester to heart, longing to be back
(materials) so I can still enth-grader at the Part- leave virtual teaching with their kids and back
be on track with Jayden. nership School, was also for her colleagues with in the classroom teach-
… I just don’t want him to thrilled to return. Her underlying health condi- ing. I think that’s what we
be any further behind.” classroom featured TV tions. were made to do.”
Makeetha Crain ex-
perienced similar prob-
lems with her 11-year- Yue Stella Yu/Dispatch Staff
old son, Tylan Paty, and Makeetha Crain waits outside Sudduth Elementary
her 5-year-old nephew, School for the virtual learning packet for her nephew,
Kameron Atkinson. Al- Kameron Atkinson. Kameron started kindergarten
though she wants Kamer- Monday but had to learn online because of his epilepsy,
on to have a normal first Crain said. Due to technology hiccups, Kameron could
experience with school, not access his online platform Monday morning, she
said, but she was told the problem will be fixed today.
Crain said his epilepsy
makes it too risky for the opportunity to “prac- district to be able to han-
in-person contact. The tice and develop materi- dle the expected amount
school did not have als” for virtual learning of internet usage.
Kameron’s information and help train each other, “We’re just going to
quite ready Monday, she Long said. monitor the network over
said, but she was told it She believes the dis- the next week and see
will be ready Tuesday. trict was “prepared local- what the usage is,” Long
“I know it’s the begin- ly,” but no one could have said.
ning of a new program expected the nationwide For some others, the
that the school is trying glitches, she said. hiccup did not affect their
to start off on,” she said. “Some of the outages experience Monday.
“I know it’s going to have gave us a lot of errors that As a virtual fourth-
some up-and-downs with we had to go back and grade teacher at Hen-
it.” fix,” Long said. “That has derson Ward Stewart
caused some delay with Elementary School, Rose-
Tech outages, glitches students seeing courses, mary Napier sat in an
Three virtual learning especially in Canvas.” empty classroom all day
tools — Canvas, Zoom She said the glitches Monday and taught 13 fa-
and Clever — experi- should be repaired over- miliar faces remotely.
enced nationwide outag- night and the second Napier said her
es Monday, said Leanne day of school should run tech-savviness makes vir-
Long, SOCSD’s director more smoothly. The dis- tual teaching easy to nav-
of instructional technolo- trict receives its internet igate. She used Canvas
gy and distance learning. service from Mississippi while she was in graduate
In July, SOCSD de- State University. school, she said, so she is
layed its start date from Monday was not an already familiar with the
Aug. 6 to Monday in order accurate gauge of the system.
to prepare for more virtu- district’s capacity for in- Jane Strawderman, a
al learning students than ternet service, and Long 10th-grader at Starkville
originally expected. The said there is “room to High School, said she en-
extra time gave teachers grow” but expects the joys the virtual learning

Fierce storm surge feared as

Laura bears down on Gulf Coast
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS rologist at the National Weather Service
office in Lake Charles, Louisiana — in
NEW ORLEANS — Tropical Storm the bullseye of Laura’s projected path.
Laura entered the warm and deep wa- University of Miami hurricane re-
ters of the Gulf of Mexico Tuesday, searcher Brian McNoldy also said that
gathering strength on a path to hit the he would “give it a pretty decent chance
U.S. coastline early Thursday as a major of a Category 3 or 4, not necessarily at
hurricane that could unleash a surge of landfall, at least during its lifetime in the
seawater higher than a basketball hoop Gulf.”
and swamp entire towns. Still a tropical storm for now, Laura
The National Hurricane Center pro- passed Cuba after killing at least 11 peo-
jected Tuesday morning that Laura will ple in the Dominican Republic and Haiti,
become a Category 3 hurricane before where it knocked out power and caused
landfall, with winds of around 115 mph, flooding in the two nations that share the
capable of devastating damage. island of Hispaniola. The deaths report-
“This storm is going to be intensify- edly included a 10-year-old girl whose
ing all the way up until landfall ... We home was hit by a tree and a mother and
want you to prepare as if it’s going to be a young son who were crushed by a col-
Category 3,” said Donald Jones, a meteo- lapsing wall.


the cornerback
room; how Will
Rogers factors in

sissippi State football has,
for better or
worse, ar-
The Bull-
dogs are
their sec-
ond week of
camp under Portnoy
first year
head coach
Mike Leach and things
have begun to fall in place.
With that, let’s get to some

With Tyler Williams opting

out of the 2020 season,
where does MSU stand at
This one hurts, big
time. Williams was far
and away the most expe-
rienced piece in MSU’s
cornerback room en-
tering the 2020 season.
Behind him? Sophomore
Martin Emerson, who
played all 13 games last
season, career special
teamer Korey Charles
and a slew of unproven,
albeit talented, under-
Emerson has long
been billed as a starter
for this upcoming season
in the wake of Cameron
Dantzler’s early entry
into the NFL draft fol-
lowing last season, but
that process has been
expedited with Wil-
liams’ decision. Named
an honorable mention
All-American last year
by Pro Football Focus,
the Pensacola, Florida,
Antranik Tavitian/Dispatch Staff native recorded 32 tack-
New Hope senior Daylyn Nettles spikes the ball against Caledonia on Monday at Caledonia High School. Nettles tied for the team lead in kills les, forced one fumble
with nine. and corralled one inter-
BY THEO DEROSA ments, before lining up so close — and so good — just happened to be the in last year’s historic run ception in his first col- at their positions once that the occasional mis- better team.” to the MHSAA Class 5A lege season.
again. play hardly matters. It wasn’t particular- final four, and the Trojans “There’s a reason he
CALEDONIA — An- Of course, that might “We’re kind of able to ly close Monday, either. used their returning ex- played a whole bunch
nie Woolbright and her have had something to do just shake things off and After Caledonia won the perience to their advan- last year, right?” MSU
New Hope teammates with the score. make that a funny thing,” first two points of the tage Monday night. defensive coordinator
were able to laugh it off “If we’d been losing, Annie Woolbright said. match, New Hope ripped The team’s two se- Zach Arnett said Thurs-
when the freshman setter her reaction probably “We’ll probably talk about off an astounding streak niors this year, Micaela day night. “He’s talented.
briefly caught the volley- would have been a little that and joke about it at of 20 consecutive points Hudgins and Daylyn Net- He was good enough to
ball late in the third set of different,” New Hope practice tomorrow.” as sophomore Madyson tles, made their presence play. It’s only a benefit
Monday’s season-open- coach Allison Woolbright New Hope will cer- McBrayer held serve for known with nine kills that he played as much
ing match at rival Caledo- said. tainly have plenty to talk the Trojans. apiece. as he did as a freshman
nia. Instead, it was all about ahead of tonight’s “That was pretty Annie Woolbright because he’s got SEC
Woolbright returned smiles — and no hard district match at Colum- awesome for Madyson,” and her sister Kensley, games under his belt. He
to the huddle smiling feelings — for a play as bus, including the ease coach Woolbright said. a sophomore libero, pro- knows what it’s like.”
and mimicking the ille- harmless as the young- which they dispatched a “Madyson has just great- vided plenty of support Behind Emerson,
gal motion she had just er Woolbright’s as New Caledonia team that beat ly improved, and we’re as black and gold jerseys things get murky.
made, which prompted a Hope won the next two them twice last season. really excited to see our moved seamlessly in con- Charles was rated a four-
referee to blow the whis- points to claim a 3-0 “They have always younger girls really im- cert across the court. An- star recruit by ESPN
tle and award Caledonia sweep of its rival. Set been a rival, and they proving and moving into nie led the team with 23 coming out of high
the point. The Trojans scores were 25-11, 25-14 have always been the larger roles.” assists; Kensley did the school but has yet to play
laughed together, emu- and 25-13 in favor of the better team,” coach Wool- Woolbright’s team same with 21 digs. a meaningful snap in four
lating Woolbright’s move- Trojans, who have grown bright said. “Tonight, we didn’t have a single senior See NEW HOPE, 2B seasons in Starkville.
Emmanuel Forbes is
a likely candidate to be
thrust into the rotation
as a true freshman, as
Brownlee hoping for standout season with Southern Miss he’s earned rave reviews
thus far. Rated the No.
BY GARRICK HODGE like a family here and I 187 player in the 2020 love it.” class according to 247
Sports’ composite rank-
As a prospect, hype
Jason Brownlee has al- ings, Forbes was MSU’s
surrounding Brownlee
ready played at Southern second highest-rated in-
has always been there,
Mississippi’s M.M. Rob- coming recruit, though
even going back to his
erts Stadium. his size — 6 -foot, 160
sophomore season at East
In high school, Brown- pounds — leaves room to
Mississippi Community
lee lived out a life dream be desired if he’s called
College. A three-star re-
as he led the West Point upon.
cruit, 247 Sports ranked
Green Wave to a state Other names to watch
Brownlee as the 26th-
championship on the include third-year soph-
best receiving prospect
Golden Eagles’ home omore Esaias Furdge
in the nation for the class
field. Just by playing in and four-star freshman
of 2020. Brownlee has
Decamerion Richardson.
that atmosphere, the often been lauded for his
One-time UMass trans-
wide receiver remembers speed, with his previous
fer Malik Sanders could
Southern Miss standing head coach estimating
also factor into the rota-
out to him in his collegiate the wideout would have
recruitment. played at the Power Five
MSU doesn’t have a
“It felt good because level.
more unproven position
the lights were on and all “With Brownlee, he un-
than its cornerbacks
the fans were there, you derstands the game more
entering 2020, and it’s
could just feel the atmo- this year and yes, he’s an
expected Arnett and co.
sphere,” Brownlee said SEC guy without a doubt,”
will have to lean heavily
in a media availability last EMCC coach Buddy Ste-
on their front seven to
week. “You just knew this phens said before the
keep opposing offenses
was a place you wanted to start of the 2019 season. Photo courtesy of Southern Miss athletics at bay.
be at … “It’s been great “It’s just going to depend West Point native Jason Brownlee hopes to have a standout first season with the
since I’ve been here. It’s See BROWNLEE, 2B Southern Miss Golden Eagles this fall. See PORTNOY, 2B
2B TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2020 The Dispatch •

Column: Indy 500 protects tradition over a better finish

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS sealed Sato’s win and remained true to racing in what was thought to before he was treated afternoon, and when In-
slammed the brakes on purity. That is particular- be an unprecedented and released from an dyCar did it in 2014 it was
INDIANAPOLIS — Scott Dixon’s attempt to ly important for the Indy call for the Indy 500. Indianapolis hospital. In- under a different series
IndyCar is not NASCAR catch the Japanese star 500, an event celebrat- A red flag brings the dyCar broadcast partner director.
and the Indianapolis in the closing laps? The ed for its rich traditions race to a complete halt, NBC Sports was sched- Forget about overtime.
500 is not 500-plus some caution for a Spencer with no real clamoring instead of cars ticking uled to shift from the Just because it works for
extra miles. Accepting Pigot crash was called for artificial enhance- off the remaining laps race into an NHL playoff NASCAR does not mean
those truths helps un- with four laps remain- ments. There were plen- behind the pace car. By game. it would be accepted in
derstand the unsatisfy- ing, just 10 miles from ty who were content with throwing the red in 2014 Even if IndyCar could this series, and definite-
ing finish to “The Great- the scheduled finish — the anti-climactic finish. and taking roughly 10 have somehow juggled ly not for the Indy 500.
est Spectacle in Racing.” too short a distance to “This isn’t the first minutes to clean the de- all the factors, there New track owner Roger
The 104th running of set up a shootout. 500 that’s been flagged bris, Ryan Hunter-Reay weren’t enough laps re- Penske holds the 500 in
the showcase race was But that’s not a prob- under yellow,” noted beat Helio Castroneves maining for a proper fi- the highest regard and
an odd and lonely event lem for NASCAR, as winning car owner Bob- by 0.06 of a second in nal restart. is determined to make
even before Takuma noted by fans angered by Rahal. one of the closest finish- “IndyCar makes ev- the speedway as pristine
Sato took the checkered and confused by the ho- Sato is at least the es in Indy history. ery effort to end races and polished as Augusta
flag under caution for his hum ending. The stock 11th winner to take the Hunter-Reay only under green, but in this National and the event as
second Indy 500 win in car series uses overtime checkered flag under needed the scheduled case following the as- revered as The Masters.
four years. The pandem- — multiple attempts, in yellow at Indianapolis, 500 miles to collect the sessment of the incident, Using a ruse to guar-
ic meant the largest ven- fact – in an effort to end but first since Tony Ka- checkered flag. The sce- there were too few laps antee a better show
ue in the world sat emp- races under the green naan in 2013. There were nario on Sunday wasn’t remaining to gather the would tarnish the lure of
ty, attendance reduced flag. The two lap green- some who grumbled af- even remotely similar. field behind the pace car, the 500 and Penske’s ulti-
to a socially distanced white-checkered rule ter Kanaan’s win at be- Pigot’s crash de- issue a red flag and then mate vision.
group of 2,500 at a place has evolved since NA- ing denied a proper fin- stroyed the attenuator restart for a green-flag It’s understandable to
that can welcome more SCAR began regularly ish and IndyCar changed at the front of pit lane, finish,” the series said in feel disappointed the race
than 300,000. using it in 2004 but it is it up the very next year. a repair that would take a statement. didn’t end with a thrilling
Who knows how those an accepted norm for The series red-flagged at least an hour to com- There should never finish. It is just as import-
sun-soaked spectators that series. the race with seven laps plete. Pigot needed med- have been an expecta- ant to understand the
would have reacted to IndyCar, however, has remaining in 2014 to ical attention and was tion for procedures to Indy 500 will never be a
the late yellow flag that resisted gimmicks and clean an accident scene laying prone on the track be changed on this one NASCAR event.

AP Top 25: Clemson No. 1, followed by Ohio State, Alabama

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Oklahoma is No. 5. Defend- The SEC, Atlantic Coast Carolina in Atlanta. there again. It’s the eighth tackle Jackson Carman
ing national champion LSU Conference, Big 12, Amer- For now, big confer- time since the preseason and sturdy defensive
Clemson is the presea- is No. 6. ican Athletic, Conference ence games such as Ohio poll started in 1950 that a tackle Tyler Davis, will
son No. 1 in The Associated The 85th edition of the USA and Sun Belt are forg- State-Michigan and Wash- team has been preseason try to become the 12th
Press Top 25, a poll featur- AP rankings will be like ing ahead with fall sports, ington-Washington State No. 1 two straight seasons. preseason No. 1 to finish
ing nine Big Ten and Pac-12 none before. with changes: The three could still be made up in Alabama had been presea- No. 1. Only two teams
teams that gives a glimpse When the season starts remaining Power Five con- the spring. son No. 1 from 2016-18, a have gone wire-to-wire
at what has already been — if the season starts — ferences, the SEC, ACC, All Division I teams three-year run. as No. 1: Florida State in
taken by the pandemic the Buckeyes and 53 other and Big 12, have eliminated were eligible for the presea- The Tigers finished last 1999 and USC in 2004.
from an uncertain college Bowl Subdivision teams all or most nonconference son AP Top 25, but after the season No. 2 after losing
football season. will no longer be eligible for games and delayed the the championship game to
Ohio State (1,504 inclusion in the Top 25 be- start of their seasons from
season starts, only teams
LSU, snapping a remark- DEFENDING CHAMPS
scheduled to play in the fall LSU is the first de-
points) was a close No. 2 be- cause they have postponed one to three weeks. able run of nine seasons
are eligible. That leaves 76 fending national champi-
hind Trevor Lawrence and their seasons to the spring. Erased from the college in which Clemson has fin-
FBS teams from which to on to start the following
Clemson (1,520), which The Big Ten, where football schedule this year ished with the same or bet-
choose. season outisde the top
starts atop the rankings for Ohio State and No. 7 Penn were a host of tantalizing ter ranking than it started.
If a spring season is five since Auburn in 2011
the second straight season. State play, and the Pac-12, nonconference matchups: That included the last five
played, the AP will consid- (post-Cam Newton, the
The Tigers beat the Buck- home to No. 9 Oregon, can- Ohio State at No. 9 Oregon; seasons in which Clemson
eyes in a thrilling College er doing rankings for those Tigers were ranked No.
celed their fall sports sea- No. 10 Notre Dame vs. No. outperformed its preseason
Football Playoff semifinal sosn because of concerns 12 Wisconsin at Lambeau teams, too. ranking, twice finishing 23 in the preseason poll).
last season. about the coronavirus. The field in Green Bay; No. 14 No. 1 after starting No. 2. LSU lost a Heisman Tro-
Alabama is No. 3, South- Mid-American and Moun- Texas at LSU; No. 17 South- BACK-TO-BACK The ACC’s Tigers, who phy-winning quarter-
eastern Conference rival tain West conferences have ern California vs Alabama Clemson had never also welcome back star back and No. 1 overall
Georgia is No. 4 and de- also said they will try to in Arlington, Texas; No. 11 been preseason No. 1 until running back Travis Eti- NFL draft pick, too, in
fending Big 12 champion play spring football. Auburn vs. No. 18 North last season, and now starts enne, standout offensive Joe Burrow.

New Hope
Continued from Page 1B
“Our connection has “Really, all of our main set was proof enough that come out here and do a shakes — the Trojans trick to help the Heritage
gotten so strong over positions graduated,” Caledonia could use im- sweep and win against were ecstatic to return to Academy girls soccer
these past two seasons, Brooks said. provement in that area. Caledonia, one of the big- the floor. team shut out Magnolia
and we’re just continuing Caledonia often “Until we get that gest rivalries New Hope’s “I’ve missed it so Heights on Monday in Co-
to work on that,” Annie looked out of sorts Mon- fixed, it’s going to be dif- ever had.” much,” Annie Woolbright lumbus.
said. “I feel like tonight, day, uncharacteristic for ficult to be a dominant Coach Woolbright said said. “It just feels so good Sarah Curtis scored
our chemistry together a team that also made its team and be able to run her team has been “fired to get back out here, and twice and Chloe Boyd
was just so good. It was first ever final four last an offense,” Brooks said. up” since their season I’m so thankful that ev- added a goal for the Patri-
really electric and fun.” season, falling to Van- New Hope had none was postponed two weeks eryone’s letting us keep ots (3-3), who improved
That same chemistry cleave in the MHSA A of the same problems by the MHSA A, ready to on playing the sport we their district record to 1-2
was lacking on the Cale- Class 4A semifinals. Monday, as the Trojans finally hit the court Mon- all love.” on the season.
donia side of the floor — Its main shortcoming certainly appeared more day after a lot of worry-
and perhaps understand- against the Trojans was dominant than perhaps ing about whether or not Haven Tuggle had a
ably so, according to receiving serves, which they ever have. they’d be able to at all. Other scores shutout in goal with defen-
coach Samantha Brooks. the team also struggled “It is honestly amaz- And even though this Prep Softball sive help from Kelly Bell,
The team lost seven se- with during weekend ing,” Annie Woolbright season is clearly dif- Carroll Academy 21, Destinee Flowers, Hanna
niors, including all six scrimmages against Tu- said. “This is history. ferent than the last one Oak Hill Academy 4 Hardy, Reagan Merchant
starters, leaving players pelo and Starkville high We’re not going to go — masks were worn on Prep Girls Soccer and Abby Black.
without experience at schools. around and gloat about the benches and in the Heritage Academy 6, The Patriots will play
the highest level of high McBrayer’s 20-point this, but it’s just really stands; tame waves re- Magnolia Heights 0 at Kirk Academy at 5 p.m.
school competition. service streak in the first amazing to be able to placed postgame hand- Caroline Peal had a hat today.

Continued from Page 1B

on if he has a good year, season. The 6-foot-3 re- from EMCC to USM. USM head coach Jay both of them. I think it’s quarterback Jack Abra-
where he’ll land and how ceiver led the Lions in “Everything is just dif- Hopson called Brown- good that I can play ei- ham, who threw for near-
many SEC offers he’s go- all receiving categories ferent. You have to work lee a fall camp standout ther one of them. ly 3,500 yards a season
ing to have.” with 75 catches for 1,055 harder and bring your earlier this month, and “As far as the offense ago.
Brownlee didn’t trans- yards while catching 12 A-game. It’s a different plans to utilize the for- goes, I like what they “After practice, we
fer to an SEC school, but touchdowns as a sopho- level because here, ev- mer Green Wave stand- have planned. They’re constantly get reps in
still could have a big im- more. eryone wants your spot. out as an outside receiv- going to throw it, but and get that chemistry
pact on Southern Miss After spending two You’re fighting for a spot er. we’re going to pound down pact,” Brownlee
with two years of eligibili- years at a JUCO, Brown- every day. You don’t “They have me play- the ball some this year said.
ty remaining. lee said he knows he know if you’re going to ing H and W, that’s the too. We’re going to run Southern Miss is
In 2019, Brownlee was needs to take his game be a starter or not so you two outside receiver po- through defenses.” scheduled to open its
one of 12 West Point play- to the next level. have to go hard every sitions,” Brownlee said. Brownlee said he’s season against South Al-
ers on EMCC’s roster and “It’s a big difference,” day. There’s a lot of com- “They have me playing started developing a re- abama on Sept. 3 in Hat-
delivered a breakthrough Brownlee said of going petition here.” both sides so I can know lationship with starting tiesburg.

Continued from Page 1B

Will Rogers has received a ton of Tommy Stevens a season ago. Appear- He goes out there and competes like he Strange Brew train for some time, as
ing in 10 games and starting four, he should be there.” I’m a fairly simplistic coffee drinker.
praise in the early going. How does concluded his freshman campaign com- Where things could get interesting However, I felt as though this col-
that affect Garrett Shrader and the pleting 88 of 153 passes for 1,170 yards with Rogers’ progression is next season. umn was the perfect place to voice
two quarterback recruits coming in and eight touchdowns.
And though Shrader adds a major el-
Obviously there are ample unknowns my favorite coffee-based concoctions
around Starkville. (And clearly I need
between now and then, but MSU is slat-
next year? ement to the offense with his ability to ed to bring in four-star passer Sawyer to expand my coffee-drinking endeav-
No player has received more positive run, Rogers’ poise as a passer could lead ors).
feedback in the media than freshman Robertson — the highest-rated Bulldog
to a shakeup in the MSU quarterback quarterback commit in 15 years — and 1. Dark roast, splash of milk —
quarterback Will Rogers. A three-star room. Having been recruited by Leach’s Nine-Twentynine Coffee Bar (An old-
recruit out of Brandon High School, three-star recruit Daniel Greek. Robert-
staff while still at Washington State, son is expected to be the future of the ie but a goodie. Told y’all I like plain
Rogers arrived on campus as a mid-year Rogers possesses a familiarity with the coffee. The milk is simply to cool it
enrollee and worked out with the Bull- program, but if Rogers shines as a fresh-
coaches others at MSU don’t have. He’s man and Shrader sticks in a new system, down a touch.)
dogs during their preparations for the also more of a true passer than Shrader, 2. Hot Caramel Macchiato — Star-
Music City Bowl last year. the Bulldogs are in for some quarter-
something that should give him a leg up bucks
And while it’s long been expected back battle come next fall.
in the new air raid offense. 3. Brown Eyed Squirrel — Strange
Stanford graduate transfer K.J. Costel- “I’ve been really impressed with (his Brew
lo will be handed the reins to the MSU mindset),” Leach said of Rogers on Sat- Ben’s best: 4. White Chocolate Mocha — Star-
offense this fall, the battle between Rog- urday. “A freshman comes in, one thing This week I drew some ire from bucks
ers and incumbent sophomore Garrett is the reps and the plays but one of the a slew of Starkvillians regarding my 5. Press box coffee — Davis Wade
Shrader is intriguing. biggest hurdles that those guys some- choice of Starbucks over local en- Stadium (OK, this is kind of a joke,
Shrader enters the year after split- times have is the confidence to feel like tity Strange Brew Coffeehouse. I’ll but I just really want to cover football
ting time with former Penn State import they belong there... He hasn’t done that. concede I haven’t been aboard the this fall.)
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2020 3B

Bubble fatigue cited as mental challenge during NHL playoffs

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the second round with doing, what we’re going ager Stan Bowman said hockey. This is where have only two days to ac-
Game 6 victory over Cal- through.” after Chicago was elimi- mental will comes in,” climate to their new sur-
The hotels might be gary last week. The potential for NHL nated by Colorado in five Tocchet said. “The teams roundings upon traveling
posh, their amenities and “It’s not your typical bubble fatigue is real. games in the first round. that go far, obviously you from Toronto.
service first rate, and yet playoffs. It’s not, where, The close confines, “When the pandemic got to have the talent. But “We will continue to
life inside the NHL’s two OK, you play, you jump in daily COVID-19 testing, hit, you could still leave you also have to have the pursue all ‘move up’ op-
playoff bubbles isn’t ex- your car and you go home lack of freedom to venture your house, you could strong mental fortitude to portunities aggressively
actly glamorous. or whatever. It’s none of beyond the security fenc- walk outside and get some get through that for sure.” as we go forward,” Daly
Having spent nearly that. It’s play, go back es surrounding hotels and fresh air,” Bowman add- NHL Deputy Commis- wrote.
a month cooped up at to your room,” Bowness arenas in Edmonton and ed. “But here, I think it’s sioner Bill Daly wrote in He added the NHL is
the tunnel-connected said, beginning to laugh. Toronto, and the separa- the mental toll that you’re an email to The Associat- still checking with health
hotel-arena complex in “This isn’t as easy as you tion from loved ones can kind of trapped. You can’t ed Press that the league authorities on whether
Edmonton, Alberta, Rick think it is.” weigh heavily on every- go anywhere. And over is “actively trying to min- family members will be
Bowness acknowledged Bowness emphasized one. Teams have access to time, it does start to get imize the length” of the allowed to enter the bub-
there’s times he’s had he wasn’t complaining, outdoor stadiums in both to you.” playoffs “in part due to the ble before or during the
to coax himself to step but simply noting the cities, and the NHL has Arizona Coyotes coach dynamics and constraints conference finals.
outside to bask in the challenges that come with arranged golf outings on Rick Tocchet noted the of ‘bubble life.’” In noting the bubble
sun and breathe in some the NHL’s most unusual off days, in which players bubble-related challenges That was evident Fri- challenges, Boston Bru-
fresh, nonfiltered air. playoffs, which haven’t are bused to and from the during his team’s three- day, when the NHL sched- ins forward Brad March-
“If people think liv- yet reached the halfway facilities with no access to week stay, which ended uled the second round of and said players can also
ing in a bubble is great, mark in a bid to award the those outside the bubble. with back-to-back 7-1 loss- the playoffs to open be- use them as motivation.
it’s tough. It’s mentally Stanley Cup by early Oc- “It’s hard when you’re es to Colorado. fore the first round was “We’re all sacrificing
tough. And everyone’s tober — or sooner. in that type of environ- “It’s basically monot- complete. And with the to be here, so I think the
making the best of it,” the “Listen,” he said. “Un- ment because it’s almost onous every day. We had conference and Cup finals drive is there to want
Stars interim coach said til you live in this, you like you’re in prison,” 2 1/2 blocks with nothing set for Edmonton, the two to make it all worth it,”
after Dallas advanced to have no idea what we’re Blackhawks general man- to really do other than East finalists will likely Marchand said.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: BARRASSED IN me at least once a day.
My father, TEXAS I have sent her flowers and
who is in his DEAR EM- gifts for which she has thanked
60s, has always BARRASSED: me, but despite all that she
been a story- It should be won’t “date” me. I’m beside my-
teller, but since apparent to you self because I’m still very much
retirement his by now that you in love with this woman. I know
tales have gotten can’t change she loves me too, because
longer, and so has your father. His she has said so. What do I do?
his nose. bids for respect I feel like pulling my hair out.
I suspect he’s and attention are Can you offer any advice? —
concerned about sad, because the WON’T DATE ME
ZITS his waning influ- individuals being DEAR WON’T: You feel like
ence in the world lied to usually pulling your hair out because
and that’s why he learn the truth you have been getting mixed
puffs himself up. eventually. messages from your love
He tells people Because we object. Women who love men
he has academic
Dear Abby can’t change the rarely refuse to date them.
degrees he hasn’t behavior of oth- Women who are honest and
earned, takes credit for coining ers, it’s important to remember ethical do not date one man
phrases that predated him and that we can change the way we and text and call ex-boyfriends
claims the hero role in events react to them. Because correct- at the same time. My advice is
he couldn’t possibly have par- ing your father in public hasn’t to do a 180, “detoxify” and find
ticipated in. worked, if you catch him telling a lady who is emotionally and
Most of the time I let it someone something you know physically available.
go. But sometimes he starts is untrue — and which could Dear Abby is written by
spouting “facts” that are not be harmful healthwise or finan- Abigail Van Buren, also known
GARFIELD only untrue but also potentially cially — contact the person as Jeanne Phillips, and was
harmful, or he takes credit privately and advise him or her founded by her mother, Pauline
for work done by others who to verify it with a doctor, lawyer Phillips. Contact Dear Abby
deserve the recognition. or trusted financial adviser. at or P.O.
Is there a way to call him DEAR ABBY: I am divorced. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA
on it that lets him save face? Three years ago, I met a wom- 90069.
Speaking to him privately does an and had a brief relationship Good advice for everyone —
nothing. When prodded in a with her. She was estranged teens to seniors -- is in “The An-
more truthful direction, he from her husband at the time. ger in All of Us and How to Deal
becomes immediately hostile. I fell deeply in love with her, With It.” To order, send your
Suggesting other ways for but she decided to go back to name and mailing address,
him to contribute to the world him. It has been several years, plus check or money order for
(volunteering, etc.) have been and we have been “talking” $8 (U.S. funds) to: Dear Abby,
non-starters. Before you ask, again. She’s now divorced, and Anger Booklet, P.O. Box 447,
he has been to the doctor and she told me she has feelings Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447.
CANDORVILLE this behavior isn’t the result
of a medical issue. — EM-
for me. She’s dating someone
else, but she texts and calls
(Shipping and handling are
included in the price.)

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Aug. or things. In short, you’ll be inspired by criticism and com-
25). There has been and will amazed at your own passion. petition. Neither way is better
continue to be much that was TAURUS (April 20-May 20). than the other. Take motivation
out of your control, and yet your How do you care for a person wherever you can get it, no
deft handling of circumstances who doesn’t need your care? judgment.
will put you in power. You will That’s easy: You do what’s fun. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
lead a group and do so in the As you follow your own curiosity Some of your resources are not
spirit of hope and justice. Make and joy, it sparks the same in readily apparent. They are like
a play for unlikely prizes in the others. underwater springs. Like the an-
new year because you’ll be GEMINI (May 21-June 21). cients who used a sacred stick
BABY BLUES exceptionally lucky. February
brings a financial boon. Libra
Many will be attracted to your
kindness, including orphans,
to find water underground, apply
your intuition to divine your way
and Cancer adore you. Your strays, wounded souls and to the good stuff.
lucky numbers are: 7, 40, 39, 3 kindred spirits. You’ll be open VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
and 22. to all types and learn a little The flow of energy through a lo-
ARIES (March 21-April 19). something from each person cation matters even more than
Just when you think you know you interact with. the location itself today. Bad
what you care about, you discov- CANCER (June 22-July 22). organization leads to unneces-
er feelings you didn’t even know You are inspired by encourage- sary stress. Arrange things so
were there for people, places ment and support. You’re also you can easily move through.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
Love isn’t always wise, but it
is unwise indeed to shun love.
Open yourself to love from wher-
ever it may come, and accept as
much of it as you are given.
21). Don’t hold out for magic.
Make it happen. Align yourself
with powerful forces to bring
about a certain result, or learn
the smoke-and-mirrors tricks
that create an effect. Magic is
within your ability.
21). The last word goes to the
one who is the most stubborn,
not the most correct. Either
way, it is a childish prize to fight
for unless you are a parent
teaching respect and manners
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). In dedicating yourself to
being more effective, you will
have the bonus of being more
powerful. With power comes re-
sponsibility. You’ll be deciding,
realistically, if you really want it.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). The new person entering
your life is neither entirely famil-
iar nor entirely strange. There
is some old Karma to work out
here. No need to ask too may
questions, though... feel your
FAMILY CIRCUS way through it.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Much will be sorted out in
15 silent, thoughtful minutes.
Those breaks during which you
retreat to the sanctuary of your
own mind will recharge you and
open you to wonderful ideas.

Train of thought
4B TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2020 The Dispatch •

Entire fourth grade class in Mississippi sent to quarantine

‘We don’t have enough staff to cover sissippi return to school,
the state is reporting the
Lafayette County
School District teach-
safe as we can,” he said.
“By teaching them vir-
which releases numbers
by county. The state does
our entire fourth grade class in- most new cases per capi-
ta in the past 14 days, ac-
ers returned to campus
on Aug. 3, and students
tually for two weeks, we not make the number of
are trying to separate positive cases in individu-
person, so we had to send everybody cording to Johns Hopkins returned to school on our teachers and our stu- al school districts public.
University data analyzed Aug. 5. They have re- dents.” The Mississippi State
home, to do virtual lessons’ by The Associated Press. ported nine total cases Pugh said the district Department of Health
Lafayette County School District The seven-day rolling av- among staff members has posted new cases reported last week that
Superintendent Adam Pugh erage of the positivity rate district-wide and only one as they are reported on about 2,000 students and
in Mississippi has risen case in a student — the Facebook in an effort to 600 teachers are in quar-
BY LEAH WILLINGHAM grade students at Lafay- over the past two weeks one at Lafayette Upper El- be transparent. School antine; the state has had
Associated Press/ Report for ette Upper Elementary from 20.71 percent on ementary School.
districts in Mississippi 245 cases of coronavirus
School to quarantine for Aug. 9 to 40.83 percent on Pugh said the school are required to report in teachers and about 200
two weeks over the week- Aug. 23. is in the midst of contact new cases of coronavirus in students since districts
OXFORD — An entire
end. One student and six The rising positivity tracing investigations to to the Mississippi State began returning to school
fourth grade class in Mis-
sissippi is in quarantine out of 10 or 11 total fourth rate is forcing some dis- figure out whether those Department of Health, in late July.
after a student and more grade teachers have test- tricts to adjust their plans who have tested positive

Stephen Cochran
than half of a school’s ed positive for the virus, for the school year. After for the virus were ex-
fourth grade teachers and most of the rest of 15 students tested posi- posed at school or outside
tested positive for corona- the fourth grade teachers tive for coronavirus and of school.
virus. were exposed, he said. 324 were sent home to “I don’t know why it’s William Stephen Cochran, 67, of Columbus,
Lafayette County “We don’t have enough quarantine, Biloxi High just our fourth grade died Friday, August 21, 2020, after a long battle
School District Superin- staff to cover our entire School is switching to re- teachers, I can’t answer with Parkinson’s at Sanctuary Hospice House in
tendent Adam Pugh told fourth grade class in-per- mote learning until Sept. that question at this point, Tupelo, MS.
The Associated Press son, so we had to send 8, Principal Teresa Mar- but we are doing every- Visitation will be from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
on Monday that the dis- everybody home, to do tin told parents in a letter thing we can to mitigate Tuesday, August 25, 2020, at Memorial Gunter
trict notified the families virtual lessons,” he said. Monday, the Sun Herald the spread and keep our Peel Funeral Home & Crematory, College Street
of more than 200 fourth As students in Mis- reported. students and faculty as location. A graveside service with Father Jeffrey
Waldrep, Celebrant, will immediately follow at
Friendship Cemetery. Funeral arrangements
have been entrusted to Memorial Gunter Peel
Funeral Home & Crematory, College Street

WHO: Children aged 6-to-11 should The son of the late Billy Joe and Betty Jean
Dean Cochran, Mr. Cochran was born February
15,1953, in Newport, AR. He worked as a master

wear masks at times, too plumber and journeyman pipefitter in Houston,

TX for twenty years. He moved to Columbus
in 1992 and earned a degree in Industrial
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS propagate the virus as where the child lives; the agency’s emergencies Technology from Mississippi State University. He
much as adults. Children child’s ability to safely use program. worked at American Glass Company in Columbus
GENEVA — Just as in general face less severe a mask; and adult super- She still cautioned that as a Project Manager. He loved to run and ride
millions of children are virus symptoms than do vision when taking the some children can devel- his bicycle and competed in numerous triathlons.
heading back to school, adults, with the elderly masks on or off.
the World Health Organi- op severe cases of corona- He loved making things with his hands , which is
the most vulnerable to se- “Luckily, the vast ma- virus and even die. evident by the wooden gazebo and archway in his
zation says those aged 6
vere infection and death. jority of children who backyard and a large BBQ pit, which he welded
to 11 should wear masks
in some cases to help fight Now WHO says deci- are infected with the vi- from scratch from an old iron boiler. He was a
the spread of coronavirus. sions about whether chil- rus appear to have mild loving husband, father and grandfather.
The recommendations dren aged 6 to 11 should disease or asymptomat- He is survived by his wife, Mimi Myers
presented Monday follow wear masks should con- ic infection, and that’s Cochran; his daughter and son-in-law, Kelley and
the widespread belief that sider factors like whether good news,” said Maria Jon Comer of Perry, GA; and his granddaughter,
children under 12 are not COVID-19 transmission Van Kerkhove, technical Charlotte Elizabeth Comer; his brother and
considered as likely to is widespread in the area chief of the U.N. health sister-in-law, Sean and Petra Cochran of Houston,
TX ; and his sister and brother-in-law, Anna and
Mike Melton of Canutillo, TX.
His family would like to thank the staff of
Philwood Suites, Windsor Place, Sanctuary
Hospice House, his personal trainer Joy Garrison
AREA OBITUARIES Stephen Cochran and his caregiver Jamie Lott for all of the love and
Visitation: compassion shown to Stephen during his illness.
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Private graveside Memorial Chapel of
OBITUARY POLICY Tuesday, Aug. 25 • 11 AM-12 PM Memorials may be made to Parkinson’s
services are at 11 a.m. Lavender’s Funeral Ser- College St. Location
Obituaries with basic informa- Services: Foundation, 200 SE 1st Street, Suite 800, Miami,
today, in Pleasant Ridge vice. Burial will follow
tion including visitation and Tuesday, Aug. 25 • 12 PM FL 33131.
service times, are provided
Cemetery, with the Rev. in Fleming Cemetery. Friendship Cemetery
free of charge. Extended Dickie Bryan officiat- Visitation will be from College St. Location
obituaries with a photograph, ing. Coleman Funeral 4-5 p.m. Friday, at the
detailed biographical informa- Home of Ackerman is funeral home. Laven- Betty Grissom
tion and other details families in charge of arrange- der’s Funeral Service of A private service
will be held.
may wish to include, are avail- ments. Aliceville is in charge of 2nd Ave. N Locaiton
able for a fee. Obituaries must Sign the online guest book at
Mrs. Betts was born arrangements.
be submitted through funeral
Sept. 7, 1935, in Oktib- Joe Garrison
homes unless the deceased’s College Street • Columbus, MS
body has been donated to
beha County, to the late Doris McCollum Incomplete
science. If the deceased’s Charles S. and Edna E. COLUMBUS — Do- College St. Location
body was donated to science, (Tomlinson) Whitt. She ris McCollum, 88, died

Betty Grissom
the family must provide official was formerly employed Aug. 23, 2020, at Sanc- Otis Richardson
proof of death. Please submit with Walmart. Incomplete
tuary Hospice House of 2nd Ave. N Location
all obituaries on the form pro- In addition to her Tupelo.
vided by The Commercial Dis- parents, she was pre- Betty Jane Ash Grissom,
patch. Free notices must be Graveside ser- age 81 died Saturday August
ceded in death by her vices will be at 2 p.m.
submitted to the newspaper
husband, Robert Betts. 22, 2020, at Baptist Memorial
no later than 3 p.m. the day Wednesday, in Memo- Hospital, Columbus.
prior for publication Tuesday She is survived by rial Gardens. Lown-
her children, Jimmy A private family service will
through Friday; no later than 4 des Funeral Home of be held. Memorial Gunter Peel
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday Betts, Bobby Betts, Columbus is in charge
edition; and no later than 7:30 Donna Lott all of Funeral Home & Crematory
of arrangements. 2nd Ave N is in charge of
a.m. for the Monday edition. Starkville and Patricia
Incomplete notices must be re- McManus of Carriere. arrangements.
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m.
Memorials may be Mrs. Grissom was born on
for the Monday through Friday
made to Fellowship October 6, 1938, in Caruthersville, MO, to the
editions. Paid notices must be
Baptist Church, 545 late Fred Ernest and Rachel Modine Tillmon
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion
the next day Monday through Frye Road, Starkville, Ash. She was a longtime member of First Baptist
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 MS, 39759. Church, Columbus.
p.m. for Sunday and Monday Mrs. Betty was an amazing homemaker
who loved the Lord and her church. She was
publication. For more informa-
tion, call 662-328-2471.
Star Taylor a true southern lady. She loved to cook for her
ADAMSVILLE, Ala. family and friends, and had the sweetest heart.
— Star L. Taylor, 65, She was very passionate about her children,
Denise Betts died Aug. 21, 2020, at grandchildren, and great grandchildren.
STARKVILLE — St. Vincent’s Hospital of In addition to her parents, she was preceded
Denise W. Betts, 84, Birmingham, Alabama. in death by her husband, Glenwood Grissom;
died Aug. 21, 2020, A home going cele-

Troy Edwards
her grandson, Hunter Grissom; and her great
at North Mississippi bration will be at 2 p.m. grandson, Sawyer Glen Prisock.
Medical Center of West Saturday, at the James Survivors include her children, Danny
Point. and Lola Lavender Grissom, Joan (Walter) Lann, Gina (Buddy)
Troy Lee Edwards, 68, of
Caledonia, MS passed away Prisock, Beth Ann (Jerry Wayne) Beard; brothers
Saturday, August 22, 2020, at and sisters, Jimmy Ash, Johnny Ash, Tina
Baptist Memorial Hospital-GT. Mayhew, Freddy Ash, Mary Ann Lee and Ronnie
Ash; grandchildren: D.J. Grissom, Kirby (Brock)
Can mosquitoes spread Mr. Edwards was born
September 7, 1951, in Caledonia, Allen, Leslie (Nick) Dimino, Carson (Claire)
Beard, Abby (John Ross) McCartney, Presly
MS to the late Leva Blackstone
the coronavirus? Turner. He loved being outside
and working on the land. Mr.
(Laura) Prisock, Bethany (Tyler) Williamson,
Parker (Cheyenne) Prisock and Chloe Grissom;
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS talk, cough or sneeze. And Edwards was the Union Stewart great-grandchildren, Anna Grace Grissom,
the World Health Organi- of the Teamster Local #705 in Chicago, IL, never Luke Allen, Hogan Allen, Jack Dimino, Cambell
Can mosquitoes spread zation says a mosquito bite Dimino, Sam Beard, Charlie Mae Beard, John
the coronavirus? met a stranger, and loved helping others. He was
won’t give you the virus. a loving husband, father, and grandfather that Walter McCartney, Kane Williamson and Sage
No. While mosquitoes But why not, if mosqui- Prisock.
can spread some diseases, will be dearly missed.
toes can transmit other In addition to his parents, Mr. Edwards is Serving as pallbearers will be D.J. Grissom,
most notably malaria, ex- Carson Beard, Presly Prisock, Parker Prisock,
diseases? A recent study preceded in death by his sisters, Jackie Brown
perts say COVID-19 is not Dennis Grissom and Chuck Reed.
offers an explanation. Re- and Shirley Gabriel.
among them.
searchers say the virus Mr. Edwards is survived by his wife of 42 years, Memorial may be made to St. Jude’s Children’s
The U.S. Centers for
would have to infect the Kathy Buchanan Edwards of Caledonia, MS; Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place Memphis,
Disease Control and Pre-
vention says it has no data mosquito and multiply sons, Anthony Troy Edwards, Eric Lee Edwards TN 38101 or First Baptist Church, Columbus,
to suggest the coronavirus inside of it in order for and Jeremiah Daniel Edwards; daughter, P.O. Box 829 Columbus, MS 39703.
is spread by either mosqui- the mosquito to pass it on Theresa Marie Anderson; grandchildren,
toes or ticks. COVID-19 is to people. That failed to Crystal, Joseph, Bethany, Bailey and Landon;
mainly spread from person happen when researchers great-grandchildren, Kayden and Jaylynn.
to person through droplets injected three species of Memorials may be made to
people spray when they mosquitoes with the virus. Sign the online guest book at
Compliments of
Lowndes Funeral Home 716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2020 5B

Zoom glitches briefly

grind US schools to a halt
Video-conferencing service did not disclose the during the pandemic. Schools be-
gan opening over the past month
cause of the problem, which appeared to hit both with a wide array of in-person, hy-
brid and online schooling plans. In
coasts of the U.S. especially hard Monday 2019, during a normal school year,
about 80 percent of elementary and
BY MAE ANDERSON Jacqueline Donovan, a professor secondary schools had opened by
AP Technology Writer at Broward College in Broward the last week of August, according
County, Florida. Her 12-year-old to Pew Research.
NEW YORK — Teachers and daughter Michaela and 14-year-old Internet services from Facebook
parents got a brief glimpse of a
new kind of pandemic-era night-
son Jayden were trying to log onto
Zoom classes, but unable to.
to Amazon go down all the time, but
few have become so crucial to com-

mare Monday when Zoom — the

video-conferencing service that
“They were both panic stricken
and anxious,” she said. Meanwhile,
panies, government and schools
that their absence can spur brief
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Yesterday’s answer
powers everything from distance Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis a several
with num- 2 5 9 7 6 3 8 4 1
Donovan herself was trying to hold moments of panic. These days,
learning to business meetings to her first class, an introduction to when Zoom goes down, it’s more ber-placing puzzle
given numbers. The object 3 7 4 1 2 8 5 9 6

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

casual, socially distant get-togeth- business, and getting frantic emails like a power outage or phones go- based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 8 1 6 5 9 4 3 7 2
ers — abruptly went dead. from her own students. Her class ing dead, making it a modern sort grid with several
1 to 9 in the empty spaces 9 4 7 8 5 1 2 6 3
For roughly two-and-a-half given
so that numbers. The
each row, each 6 2 5 3 7 9 4 1 8
was eventually canceled. of utility for a nation still enduring
hours Monday morning, many us- object
column isandtoeach
3x3 the
box 1 8 3 6 4 2 7 5 9
“You become so accustomed to the ravages of COVID-19.
ers were unable to load the Zoom numbers
contains the1same
to 9 number
the software working, then (when it Zoom and similar services “have
website; others could neither host the empty spaces so 4 6 1 2 8 5 9 3 7
doesn’t) you realize how dependent been elevated to what we call ‘mis- only once. The difficulty 5 3 2 9 1 7 6 8 4
nor join scheduled meetings. Zoom that each row, each
you are on the software and it’s a lit- sion critical applications,’” said level increases from
fixed the problem by 11:30 a.m. ET, column and each 7 9 8 4 3 6 1 2 5
tle scary,” she said. technology analyst Tim Bajarin, Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 8/24

the company reported on its status Zoom did not disclose the cause president of consultancy Creative the same number only once. The difficulty level
page. of the problem, which appeared to Strategies. “They’re no longer nice increases from Monday to Sunday.
The timing was less than ideal, hit both coasts of the U.S. especial- to have, they’re now must have.”
since many schools across the U.S. ly hard. Its shares fell less than 3 While Zoom has built up server
were just starting online instruc- percent during regular trading. farms and spent millions investing
tion after a summer surge in the Grade schools, high schools and in its software, it was still a rela-
coronavirus pandemic scotched universities are relying on Zoom tively nascent company when the
many plans to reopen classes with and competing technologies like coronavirus hit in March, Bajarin
students present in the flesh. Microsoft Teams to teach remotely said. “The bottom line is, software
“Today was horrible,” said and reduce the chance of infection glitches happen.”

Liberty: Falwell agreed to resign, then reversed course

Falwell had already been on indefinite the school founded by Fal-
well’s late father, the Rev.
photo he posted on social
media, and then deleted,
leave of absence since Aug. 7 Jerry Falwell Sr.
“I call upon the Univer-
showing him with his
pants unzipped, stomach
BY SARAH RANKIN immediate resignation,” sity community and sup- exposed and arm high
AND ELANA SCHOR according to a university porters to be in prayer for around the waist of his
The Associated Press news release distributed the University and for all wife’s pregnant assistant.
late Monday night. its leadership, past, pres- “Since that time, ad-
RICHMOND, Va. — The news of Falwell’s ent and future, as we walk ditional matters came to
Jerry Falwell Jr.’s future at possible departure fol- with the Lord through light that made it clear
evangelical Liberty Uni- lowed the publication of this stormy time of tran- that it would not be in the
versity amid a sex scan- news stories about his sition,” Acting Liberty best interest of the Uni-
dal was uncertain Mon- wife’s sexual encounters President Jerry Prevo versity for him to return
day, after the school said with a much younger said in the news release. from leave and serve as
he had offered his resig- business partner. They Falwell had already President,” according to
nation but then reversed marked the latest in a se- been on an indefinite leave the news release, which
course. ries of controversies re- of absence since Aug. 7, said the school’s board
Falwell agreed to lated to the couple to roil following an uproar over a was meeting Tuesday.
“resign immediately as
President of Liberty Uni-
versity today but then in-
structed his attorneys to
not tender the letter for

Jim Bakker gets 1 Circle and
square, e.g.
PPP loans during 7 Job for a
legal fight on 11 Writer Welty
12 Like some
fraud claims radios
13 Four Seasons
The Associated Press 15 Skilled
16 Volcano
When the U.S. govern- shape
ment extended pandemic 18 Spheres
hardship loans to thou- 21 Dictionary
sands of religious insti- entry
tutions, Jim Bakker and 22 Reporting
Morningside USA, his min- coups
istry in Blue Eye, Missou- 24 In the style of say?” 20 Ill will
ri, were among the most 25 Derisive cry 3 Fuss 21 Funny fellow
high-profile recipients. 26 Humor 4 Warsaw’s 22 Frodo’s friend
On April 28, the pastor 27 Cheering call nation 23 Pig’s place
received approval for an 29 Feel sorry for 5 Eat away 25 Spa features
amount between $650,000 30 Bird abode 6 Rescue 28 Emerson
and $1.7 million in Pay- 31 Merriment 7 Big name in works
check Protection Program 32 Beach setting Havana 29 Take an oath
funds. 34 Response 8 Writer Tan 31 Terrific
Weeks before, the Mis- to unwelcome 9 Bay Area 33 Gumbo
souri attorney general filed advice airport code veggie
a complaint, the New York 40 Overly suave 10 Outback bird 34 Court
attorney general sent a 41 Wild parties 14 Historic 35 Stashed
cease-and-desist warning 42 Betting info period 36 Outdated
and the Federal Drug Ad- 43 Relaxed 16 Two-dot 37 Backer’s vote
ministration and Federal DOWN character 38 Hosp. parts
1 Put in stitches 17 Make a 39 Try out
Trade Commission sent
2 “What’d you speech
warning letters alleging
19 Rocker David
Bakker engaged in decep-
tive practices by touting
purported health benefits
of a silver product on The
Jim Bakker Show — includ-
ing a suggestion it could
be used to treat or prevent
COVID-19 infection, some-
thing the FDA says is false.
In June, the Arkansas at-
torney general’s office fol-
lowed with its own lawsuit.
Applicants seeking PPP
loans were asked to cer-
tify they weren’t engaged
in any activity that is ille-
gal under federal, state or
local law. The question is
whether Bakker’s involve-
ment in ongoing litigation
and fraud allegations will
rise to the level of a Small
Business Administration



Letters of Administration have
been granted and issued to the
undersigned upon the Estate of
Steve Erwin Curry, deceased,
To place ads starting at only $12,
by the Chancery Court of
Lowndes County, Mississippi,
call 662-328-2424 or visit
on the 29th day of June 2020.
This is to give notice to all per-
sons having claims against THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2020 n 6B
said estate to Probate and Re-
gister same with the Chancery
Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis-
sissippi, within ninety (90) days
Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal the
from Notices
first publication date Transportation Apts For Rent: Other Furniture

of this Notice to Creditors. A
PART TIME Shuttle Bus Sectional Sofa Four year
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- gister said claim will forever old sectional sofa brown/
SIPPI SIPPI bar the same. Drivers needed for Stark-
ville area. CDL with pas- RENTALS beige speckled fabric.
CALL US: 662-328-2424 IN THE MATTER OF THE IN RE: ESTATE OF NELLIE J. This the 27th day of July 2020. senger endorsement req. TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS Good condition. Has two
GUARDIANSHIP OF A.I.S., A CALDWELL, DECEASED Contact Cory 314-422- holes on the side that need
Legal Notices MINOR /s/ Jamie Michelle Carag 2020, 1 BEDROOM repairing. $300.00 662−
General Merchandise

© The Dispatch
TATE OF BARBARA FAY ELY, Letters Testamentary have SIPPI DEPOSIT with icemaker, 25 cuft,
been granted and issued to
Lynn C. Saucer, Executrix of
ADS STARTING AT $25 AND great cond, $300.
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- Lazyboy Queen Sofa
CAUSE NO. 2020-0153-RPF RIGHTS. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO the Estate of Nellie J. Caldwell,
NOTICE OF ANY HEARING ON deceased, by the Chancery
Apts For Rent: North CREDIT CHECK Hidabed, exc cond, $250.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS THIS PETITION, TO ATTEND Court of Lowndes County, Mis- Recliner, good cond, $50.

sissippi, on the 13th day of Au-
gust, 2020. This is to give no-
& 2 BR near hospital.
662-329-2323 662−386−4707 or
COUNTY OF LOWNDES TORNEY. tice to all persons having JAMIE MICHELLE CARAG, PETI- $595−$645 monthly.
claims against said estate to TIONER 2411 HWY 45 N
One person’s junk,
Letters Testamentary have SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Probate and Register same Military discount, pet area,

been granted and issued to the with the Chancery Clerk of SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION
pet friendly, and furnished
undersigned upon the Estate of THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Lowndes County, Mississippi, corporate apts.
is another person’s
Barbara Fay Ely, deceased, by within ninety (90) days after THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI 24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL Houses For Rent: Other
the Chancery Court of Lowndes TO: AMANDA INEZ ABSHIRE the first publication of this No- GYM. ON SITE SECURITY.
County, Mississippi, on the Last known address: tice to Creditors. A failure to so TO: All Unknown Heirs-at-Law of ON SITE MAINTENANCE. 3BR/2.5BA, CUSTOM−
11th day of August 2020. This 13623 Hamshire Road Probate and Register said Steve Erwin Curry, deceased, ON SITE MANAGEMENT. BUILT−HOUSE ON 40
is to give notice to all persons Hamshire, TX 77622 claim will forever bar the same. and Any Unknown Parties In In- 24−HOUR CAMERA
having claims against said es-
ACRES. 10 minutes from
terest SURVEILLANCE. Benji & CAFB, 5 minutes from West
tate to Probate and Register You have been made a re- /s/ Lynn C. Saucer
same with the Chancery Clerk spondent in the Petition for Ap- Lynn C. Saucer, Executrix You have been made a defend-
Ashleigh, 662−386−4446. Point. Very private. CH/A.
of Lowndes County, Missis- pointment of Guardians of a ant in the Petition for Adjudica- Fenced backyard. Ceramic
sippi, within ninety (90) days Minor under Section 202 [Doc. OF COUNSEL: Apts For Rent: West tile throughout. Pets
tion of Heirs-at-Law filed by the
from the first publication date No. 2] filed August 11, 2020, Aubrey E. Nichols, MB # 3842 Administratrix, Jamie Michelle negotiable. No HUD.

of this Notice to Creditors. A by Petitioners, Lonnie Dwayne The Nichols Firm, PLLC Carag, on August 11, 2020, $1,200/mo + $1,200 dep.
failure to so Probate and Re- Sheppeard, also known as Post Office Box 1081 seeking to determine the heirs- 864−634−4192
Dwayne Sheppeard, and Karina Columbus, MS 39703-1081

gister said claim will forever at-law of Steve Erwin Curry, de-
bar the same. Dorene Sheppeard, also known (662) 243-7312 ceased. Other than you, the
as Dori Sheppeard, seeking only other interested parties in NEAR CAFB: 3BR/2BA @
This the 12th day of August guardianship of A.I.S., a minor this action are Jamie Michelle 525 Co−Op Rd, Columbus. FIND YOUR
2020. child born xx/xx/2011. Other PUBLISH: 8/18, 8/25 & Carag and Stephanie Dickey. Apartments & Houses 1600sqft, quiet area,
than you and the Petitioners, 9/1/2020 Columbus City Schools. GOLDEN DEAL WITH
/s/ Wortley H. Cole, Executrix the only other interested party You are summoned to appear 1 Bedrooms
ALL appliances, washer/
in this action is Toby Wayne IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF and represent your interests
2 Bedroooms
Stanford. dryer, pool table, & dining
PUBLISH: 8/18, 8/25 & LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- against said Petition before the room furn incl. Large
3 Bedrooms
SIPPI Honorable Joseph N. Studdard,
You are summoned to appear Chancellor of the 14th Chan-
private lot close to golf
and represent your interests IN RE: ESTATE OF OLIVIA DI- cery District at 9:00 a.m. on course. $850/mo + dep.
against said Petition before the ANE WARD GATEWOOD, DE- the 18th day of September Furnished & Unfurnished 662−574−1711.
Honorable Joseph N. Studdard, CEASED 2020, at the Oktibbeha County
SIPPI Chancellor of the 14th Chan-
cery District at 9:00 a.m. on
Courthouse in Starkville, Mis- 1, 2, & 3 Baths Mobile Homes for Rent
DAVID WARD GATEWOOD, AD- sissippi, and in case of your
CHYNA MARCHBANKS the 18th day of September Lease, Deposit
PLAINTIFF MINISTRATOR failure to appear your interest 3BR/2BA Trailer, New
2020, at the Oktibbeha County
Courthouse in Starkville, Mis- CAUSE NO.: 2020-00150-JNS
in this matter will not be con-
& Credit Check Hope school dist. $650/
mo & $650 dep. No pets,
VS. sissippi, and in case of your
failure to appear your interest no drugs, no partying. Call
NOTICE TO CREDITORS You are not required to file an
CAMERON COLEMAN DEFEND- in this matter will not be con-
answer or other pleading, but
b/w 10a−9p. 662−386− ADS STARTING AT $12
ANT sidered. 4292. NO TEXT MGS.
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI you may do so if you desire.
CAUSE NO. 2020-0273 You are not required to file an Issued under my hand and the Apts For Rent: Other
answer or other pleading, but

SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Letters Testamentary have seal of said Court, this the
you may do so if you desire. been granted and issued to the 13th day of August 2020. 2012 RED Cadillac CTS
undersigned upon the Estate of Coup, 3.5 engine, loaded,
THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Issued under my hand and the OLIVIA DIANE WARD GATE- 65k hwy mi only, new tires,
seal of said Court, this the WOOD, Deceased, by the Chan- CERY CLERK fully serviced & well−
TO: CAMERON COLEMAN who 14th day of August 2020. cery Court of Lowndes County, LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- ADS STARTING AT $25 maintained. $32,000.
is not to be found in the State
of Mississippi on diligent in- Mississippi, on the 6th day of SIPPI 662−726−1649.
CINDY E. GOODE, CHANCERY August, A.D., 2020. This is to
quiry and whose post office ad- CLERK Commercial Property For Sale
dress is unknown. give notice to all persons hav- (SEAL) Motorcycles & ATVs
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- ing claims against said estate BY: TINA FISHER, D.C.
SIPPI to Probate and Register same MILITARY QUICK STOP for
You have been made a Defend- lease or sale. High traffic 2005 HONDA 250 REBEL
ant in the suit filed in this with the Chancery Clerk of PUBLISH: 8/18, 8/25 &
(SEAL) Lowndes County, Mississippi, 9/1/2020 count. Busy location. MOTORCYCLE.
Court by Chyna Marchbanks BY:/s/ Shantrell W. Grander- Black, red, and gray.
seeking custody of the minor within ninety (90) days from Possibly some owner
son, D.C. this date. A failure to so Pro- financing. B.F. at 662−329 1,428 miles. $1500.
child, Camilla Coleman. 662−364−0120.
bate and Register said claim −3833 or 662−889−0837.
PUBLISH: 8/18, 8/25 & will forever bar the same.
YOU ARE SUMMONED TO AP- 9/1/2020 Trucks, Vans & Buses
THE PETITION FILED AGAINST This the 6th day of August
O’CLOCK, A.M., ON THE 15TH LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- CALL US: 662-328-2424 Bad Credit Options. Good
DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2020 IN SIPPI /s/ /S/ David Ward Gatewood
DAVID WARD GATEWOOD credit as low as 20% down,
THE COURTROOM OF THE WEB- General Help Wanted $499/mo. Eaton Land,
URE TO APPEAR AND DEFEND, accepting applications for LOWNDES COUNTY, MS:
COMPLAINT. 2-4pm or Sat 9am-12pm Exceptional one−owner
THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI IN THE MATTER OF ORANJULA info, call 205−799−9846 maintained Ram 3500
SHANKLIN, DECEASED at 1325 Main Street. or 205−695−2248.
You are not required to file an w/5.9L Cummins
answer or other pleading, but TO: All Unknown Heirs-at-Law of No phone calls please.
James J. Brown, and Any Un- engine, automatic
you may do so if you desire. LYNETTE SHANKLIN, PETITION- transmission & spray−
known Parties In Interest ER Restaurant / Hotel

in Bedliner. Truck has
Issued under my hand and the 203,000+ miles, but
seal of said Court, this 29TH You have been made a defend- NO. 2018-0106-B CAFE UNIQUE: Part-time
day of July, A.D., 2020. ant in the Petition for Adjudica- Prep cook and dish washer runs like new and looks
tion of Heirs [Doc. No. 2] filed SUMMONS wanted. 15-20 hours per You’ll find the best deals great! $12,000.
CINDY E. GOODE on August 18, 2020, by An- (Publication) week. Apply in person @ 94 when you advertise TWO FREE SIGNS 662−574−4640
nette Glover, seeking to de-
Chancery Clerk of Lowndes
County, Mississippi termine the heirs-at-law of STATE OF MISSISSIPPI
Airline Rd. or call 662-327- and shop here!
James J. Brown, deceased. 0840 or 662-386-1554 for Garage Sales: Other
BY: TINA FISHER Other than you, the only other
interested parties in this ac- TO: HEIRS-AT-LAW AND
tion are Ranong M. Brown, An- WRONGFUL DEATH BENEFI-
more information. Leave
message if no answer. HOUSE MOVING SALE!
China to crystal, kit/BR,
Five questions:
PUBLISH: 8/4, 8/11 &
nette Glover and Brinda Black

Need fast cash?

8/18/2020 CIARIES OF ORANJULA SHANK- kid/adult toys & more.
formerly known as Brinda Mi-
1 Stamen
LIN, DECEASED, not known to Come find a treasure!
chaels. Petitioner
Sat, 8/29, 8am−6pm.
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- You are summoned to appear 52 Oakmont Dr, Macon
You have been made a Defend-
SIPPI and represent your interests ant in the suit filed in this
against said Petition before the Court by Lynette Shanklin, Peti-
Honorable Rodney P. Faver,
2 Freezing it
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- tioner, to determine Heirs-at-
TATE OF WILLIAM DAVID Chancellor of the 14th Chan- Law and Wrongful Death Bene-
PLYLER, DECEASED cery District at 9:00 a.m. on ficiaries. Defendants other
the 24th day of September than you in this action are
3 Atacama
CAUSE NO.: 2020-0136-JNS 2020, at the Lowndes County
Courthouse in Columbus, Mis-
MARY ANN PLYLER, ADMINIS- sissippi, and in case of your You are summoned to appear
TRATRIX failure to appear your interest then and there at 9:00 a.m. on Burial Plots
in this matter will not be con- the 23rd day of September,
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION sidered. 2020, at the Lowndes County
Chancery Courthouse in Colum-
4 BUIAL PLOTS 4 “Supernatu-
THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI You are not required to file an bus, Mississippi, to show
in Friendship Cemetery.
answer or other pleading, but cause, if you can, why the Peti- South West corner. $2000
TO: All Unknown Heirs-at-Law of you may do so if you desire. tion filed in this civil action by Call 662−574−5420
William David Plyler, deceased, said Lynette Shanklin, and ex-
and Any Unknown Parties In In- Issued under my hand and the hibited against you should not
terest seal of said Court, this the
19th day of August 2020.
be allowed and approved and Sell your unwanted items in the classifieds today. Buy, sell, trade,
or rent. 5 False
relief demanded therein gran-
All Unknown Heirs-at-Law of Jef- ted.

frey Mark Plyler, deceased, and CINDY EGGER GOODE, CHAN-
Any Unknown Parties In In- CERY CLERK You are not required to file an
terest LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- answer or other pleading but
SIPPI may do so if desired. Issued
You have been made a defend- under my hand and the seal of
ant in the Petition for Adjudica- (SEAL) said Court this the 12th day of
tion of Heirs-at-Law [Doc. No. BY: /s/ Shantrell W. Grander- August, 2020.
13] filed by the Administratrix, son, D.C.
Mary Ann Plyler, on August 3,
2020, seeking to determine PUBLISH: 8/25, 9/1 &
the heirs-at-law of William Dav- 9/8/2020
id Plyler, deceased, and Jef- BY: Cindy E. Goode, Clerk Building & Remodeling Carpet & Flooring General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping
frey Mark Plyler, deceased. THE CHANCERY COURT OF
Other than you, the only other LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- BY: Shantrell W. Granderson, WORK WANTED: Licensed JESSE & BEVERLY’S
interested parties in this ac- SIPPI D.C. & Bonded. Carpentry, minor LAWN SERVICE
tion are Mary Ann Plyler, Willi- electrical, minor plumbing, Mowing, cleanup,
am Lester Plyler, Philip D. IN RE: THE ESTATE OF MILTON PUBLISH: 8/18, 8/25 &
Plyler and William Alexander insulation, painting, demo− landscaping, sodding,
LEWIS, DECEASED 9/1/2020 lition, gutters cleaned, & tree cutting.
CASTELLA HENDERSON, AD- pressure washing, land− 662−356−6525
You are summoned to appear MINISTRATRIX IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF scaping, cleanup work.
and represent your interests LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- 662−242−3608. SAM’S LAWN SERVICE
against said Petition before the CASUE NO.: 2020-0299-PDE SIPPI
No lawn too large or too
Honorable Joseph N. Studdard,
Chancellor of the 14th Chan- IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- MAINTENANCE PROS small. Mowing, trimming &
cery District at 9:00 a.m. on TATE OF STEVE ERWIN CURRY, Specializing in:
DECEASED Residential Carpentry, UPHOLSTERY WASHING. Commercial/ Call 662−243−1694
the 16th day of September Letters of Administration have
2020, at the Lowndes County Electrical, Painting, CLEANING Residential. House,
been granted and issued to the 1 Room − $50 Painting & Papering
Courthouse in Columbus, Mis- undersigned upon the estate of CAUSE NO.: 2020-0055-JNS Appliance Repair & Minor concrete, sidewalks &
sissippi, and in case of your MILTON LEWIS, deceased, by Plumbing. Free estimate. 2 Rooms − $70 mobile washing. Free est.
failure to appear your interest the Chancery Court of Lowndes JAMIE MICHELLE CARAG, PETI- Call 662−570−5570. 3+ Rooms − $30 EA 662−386−8925. QUALITY PAINTING.
in this matter will not be con- County, Mississippi, on the TIONER Rugs−Must Be Seen Ext/Int Painting.
sidered. 12th day of August A.D., 2020. Car Upholstery Cleaning Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
This is to give notice to all per- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Available Repair. Pressure Washing.
You are not required to file an sons having claims against 662−722−1758 Free Estimates. Ask for
answer or other pleading, but said estate to Probate and Re- STATE OF MISSISSIPPI specials! Larry Webber,
you may do so if you desire. gister same with the Chancery COUNTY OF LOWNDES
Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis- General Services 662−242−4932.
Issued under my hand and the sissippi, within ninety (90) days Letters of Administration have
seal of said Court, this the 7th from this date. A failure to so been granted and issued to the SULLIVAN’S PAINT
day of August 2020. undersigned upon the Estate of A & T TREE SERVICES
Probate and Register said Bucket truck & stump SERVICE
claim will forever bar the same. Steve Erwin Curry, deceased, removal. Free est. Special Prices.
CINDY EGGER GOODE, CHAN- by the Chancery Court of
Interior & Exterior Painting.

Grow your
CERY CLERK This the 14th day of August, Lowndes County, Mississippi, Serving Columbus
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- 2020. on the 29th day of June 2020. since 1987. Senior 662−435−6528
SIPPI This is to give notice to all per- citizen disc. Call Alvin @

sons having claims against Tree Services
s/ Castella Henderson 242−0324/241−4447
(SEAL) CASTELLA HENDERSON said estate to Probate and Re- "We’ll go out on a limb for
BY: /s/ Shantrell W. Grander- Administratrix of the Estate of gister same with the Chancery J&A TREE REMOVAL
son, D.C. Milton Lewis, Deceased Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis-
sissippi, within ninety (90) days If you don’t advertise Work from a bucket truck.
PUBLISH: 8/11, 8/18 & Published: 8/18, 8/25 & from the first publication date
of this Notice to Creditors. A
your business, DUMP TRUCK HAULING. Call Jimmy Prescott for free
8/25/2020 9/1/2020 Slag − $400
failure to so Probate and Re- how are they Clay Gravel − $250
estimate, 662−386−6286.
gister said claim will forever
gonna know? Available for hauling any
One call will bring you results. 662-328-2424 bar the same. materials. Columbus. Call
This the 27th day of July 2020. Walter, 662−251−8664.

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