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Nama: Haris Satria

NIM : 1906204020004

Bahasa Inggris untuk S2 Pendd Olah Raga (Final)

1. It is a half minutes pass four in the afternoon, what will you say if you meet
your friend?
a. Good afternoon     c. How are you doing
b. How are you         d. Good night

2. It is not may tie. The tie is not ...

a. our
b. me
c. my
d. mine

3. My mother is angry to me because I get bad score in my exam. I feel so …

a. happy                    c. lazy
b. sad                        d. crazy

4. Mega can’t come to the conference right now because she………. her
little baby.

    a. taking care of
    b. is taking care of
    c.  is takes care of
    d. be taking care of
5. It is still raining now outside. Therefore, the riders ………. their rain
    a. are wearing
    b. will wearing
    c.  is wearing
    d. have wearing

6. Dina …….. her little brother to buy her some foods at the moment.
    a. askes
    b. is asking
    c. asked
    d. asks

7. What time does your brother get up?

    a. He get up at 5 am.
    b. He always gets up at 5 am.
    c. He usually got up at 5 am.
    d. She always gets up at 5 am.

8. Father ………. a car but he……….it very often.

    a. does not have

    b. has- does not drive
    c. had-does not drive
    d. has – is not driving

My School

My name is Aliya. I am class five. I study at SDN I Sibreh. My school is small but
beautiful. There are six classrooms. One headmaster’ room, one teacher’s room,
one library, one canteen and two toilets. There is a big field in front of the
school. Class one, two, and three are in front of class four. Five and six. The

library is between headmaster’s room and class six. The parking area is behind
the canteen.

9. Aliya is a student of class …

a. 3    b. 4    c. 5    d.6

10. Her school has …

a. 6 classroom and 2 toilets      c. one library and 2 parts
b. 6 classroom and 2 schools    d. one canteen and one class

11. Where is the field ? it is … the school

a. behind              c. between
b. beside               d. in front of

Read the following text

The Washongton Park Zoo Monkey Island is closed indefinitely due to

deterioration of exhibition. After 80 years of operation, the exhibition is
considered no longer safe to exhibit monkeys or to be serviced by

Monkey Island will be closed until further notice and will eventually be
restored after major renovation take place. The zoo has plans to design a
new modern monkey island exhibit and will unveil those once they have been

12. Why did the government close the Monkey Island? Because ....
A. it will hold an exhibition
B. it is no longer safe for visitors
C. it does not get fund for it's renovation
D. the zoo empoyees served the visitors badly

13. " ...and will unveil those once they have been set" (paragraph 2)
The underlined word means ....

A. introduce B. inform C. cover D. open

14. The announcement tells us about ....

A. the exhibition of the monkey
B. the renovation of Monkey Island
C. the new modern design of the zoo
D. the closure of monkey island

15. Arrange the following words into a correct sentence.

of the mountain - is - his room - the beautiful view - The man - looking at -
from 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A. 5-6-4-7-3-1-2
B. 5-2-6-4-1-7-3
C. 5-1-2-6-4-7-3
D. 5-6-1-7-2-3-4

16. Amanda always gets the first rank in her class. She is the ... student in
the class.
a. clever                 
b. more clever             
c. cleverest                    
d. cleverer

Read the following text

The Washongton Park Zoo Monkey Island is closed indefinitely due to

deterioration of exhibition. After 80 years of operation, the exhibition is
considered no longer safe to exhibit monkeys or to be serviced by

Monkey Island will be closed until further notice and will eventually be
restored after major renovation take place. The zoo has plans to design a
new modern monkey island exhibit and will unveil those once they have been

17. Why did the government close the Monkey Island? Because ....
A. it will hold an exhibition
B. it is no longer safe for visitors
C. it does not get fund for it's renovation
D. the zoo empoyees served the visitors badly

18. " ...and will unveil those once they have been set" (paragraph 2)
The underlined word means ....

A. introduce B. inform C. cover D. open

19. The announcement tells us about ....

A. the exhibition of the monkey
B. the renovation of Monkey Island
C. the new modern design of the zoo
D. the closure of monkey island

Read and Asnwer the following Text

 Every time they see illegal logging in their area, the women and children cry
out, "Where can we settle and make a living if our forests were gone?"
        They are the forest people, members of the local Anak Dalam tribe, in
Mangkekal (Makekal), Bukit Duabelas national Park, Jambi province. They
have tried very hard to protect the forest zone from illegal logging operations.
"Adult as well as children are fighting for the conservation of this forest," said
tribal chief Tumenggung (Regent) meriak.
        The national park zone is about 60,000 hectares. It is home for about
1,500 Anak Dalam. The tribesmen live in Mangkekal, Kedasung, Air hitam,
and Terap.
20. The text mainly tells us about ........
A. forest people D. illegal logging
B. National Park E. illegal operation
C. forest conservation

 21. Who were fighting for the conservation of the

forest ........
A. Members of the local Anak Dalam
B. Tribal chief and his partner
C. Women and children
D. Adults and children
E. Tribesmen

22. The purpose of the text is ........

A. to describe the Bukit Dua Belas National Park
B. to persuade readers about National Park Zone
C. to tell the readers what had happened in the forest
D. to entertain readers with a story about Anak Dalam
E. to inform readers about illegal logging

Answer the following questions

Waruga is a coffin made of stone that is used to put the dead body. It can be
found in the Sawangan village, the Airmadi sub—district, the Minahasa district
of Manado, North Sulawesi. ... (1) has a cube shape. The dead body is put in
a squatting position. It portrays that the dead person will return to God in the
same position as he was in the mother's womb. The coffin is finely ... (2) with
some patterns such as plants, animals, and traditional geometric. This
philosophy is called by ... (3) as whom. Visiting waruga means observing the
incredible heritages of North Sulawesi.

23. A. It
B. Its

C. His
D. He

24. A. carve
B. carves
C. carving
D. carved

25. A. the local people

B. the dead body
C. the mothers
D. the animals

The Ambhara Hotel

Featuring well-designed guestrooms, this high-rise hotel is ideally located in the

heart of South Jakarta at Kebayoran. The Ambhara Hotel is situated close to the
central business district. It is within walking distance to the Blok M shopping area,
where guests can find many shops and restaurants. It is adjacent to the Pasaraya
Grande shopping center, which has the largest handicraft display in Indonesia.
There are several on-site restaurants that serve a variety of international cuisine.
Guests of the hotel will enjoy the hotel for its modern facilities and convenient
location in the commercial district.

26. People can find ... in Pasaraya Grande.

A. a variety of international dishes.
B. many kinds of handicraft.
C. many kinds of shops.
D. a lot of guests.

27. "There are several on-site restaurants that serve a variety of international
The underlined word means ....
A. food
B. cloth
C. furniture
D. appliance

28. X: Where did you buy your new book last night?
Y: ……….

     a. I sold it in Gramedia.

     b. I borrowed it from my friend.
     c. I bought it in Fajar Agung.
     d. I took it in Ramayana.


There is a girl her name is Kusuma Purnama Sari.  Just call her sari.  She is very
kind.  She is a charming girl.  Everyone likes her.  She is still young.  Her age is 14
years old.  She is 15 cms tall.  Her weight is 43 kgs.  She is not fat but ideal.  Sari
has good hair. Her hair is black and long.  She also has beautiful eyes.

Answer the following questions based on the text.

29. What is her call name?


30. How tall is she?

 She is 15 cm tall.

31. What is black and long?

 Her hair

Reading Story Books

It is Sunday.  Reka does not go to school.  She usually stays at home with her
sister.  But today they go to a bookstore to buy books.  They have different
hobbies.   Reka likes cooking and reading books.  Her sister likes reading a
magazine.  Both of them often read storybooks.  They enjoy it very much.

Answer the following questions based on the text.

32. Does Reka go to school on Sunday?

 No, Reka does not go to school

33. Where are they going to day?

 They go to a bookstore to buy books today

34. Who usually stays at home with her sister?
 Reka usually stays at home with her sister.

35. Why are they going to bookstores?

 Because they want to buy books

Write into English

36. Kami belajar Bahasa Inggris setiap Sabtu

 We study English Language every saturday

37. Bahasa Inggris adalah Bahasa Intenation, dan Bahasa ini sering digunakan
dalam laporan penelitian

 English language is international language, and this language is often used

in research report.

38. Saya belajar di jurusan pendidikan olah raga, dan Bahasa Inggris salah satu
mata pelajaran yang perlu kami pelajari.

 I study in sport education major, and English Language is one of subjects

we need to learn.

39. Saya berharap akan dapat menguasi Bahasa Inggris dengan baik, Saya
bicara bicara dengan Bahasa Inggris dan bisa menulis dengan Bahasa ini.
 I hope to be able to master English well, i speak English and can write with
this language.

40. Saya berjanji akan belajar keras untuk bisa menguasai Bahasa Inggris baik
bicara maupun menulis. Saya yakin saya bisa.
 I promise to study hard to master English whether its speaking or writing. I
am sure I can


1. Jawab di Lembaran ini, kemudian kirim kembali ke email saya.

Contoh Jawaban: No. 1. A. The man on the street

2. Jawaban sudah Saya terima paling lama nanti siang (Sabtu) pukul 2

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