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Calculate the draft of a body for which the centre of gravity is 6ft and the
Centre of Buoyancy(CB) is located at 2 ft from the CG. Considering the
body to be in stable condition?

Sol- CG= 6ft , CB = 2ft below the CG = 8ft . Draft of the body = ( 2 x 2)

2. Calculate the height of the body which is partially submerged in a water

.The vessel is designed in such a way that their exist a neutral condition
of stability of the vessel. The centre of buoyancy of the body is 6ft .
(Assuming the condition to be neutrally stable).
Sol- Neutral Condition = CG =CB
Centre of Buoyancy = Cnetre of Gravity = 6ft
Total height of the body is 2 times of CG
= 2 X 6FT = 12FT.

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