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Semester: 2 A. Y: 2019 / 2020
Date of Assignment uploading: 1th June 2020 Time: 11:00 AM
48 hours
Date of Submission: 3rd June 2020 Time: 11:00 AM
Student Name
Student ID
Specialization Civil Engineering
Level B.Tech.
Course Name / Course Code Geotechnical Engineering – II / CECE 4131
Section No. 1&2

Moderator’s Approval: PC’s Approval:

Question No. Max. Marks Obtained Question No. Max. Marks Obtained
Marks Marks
Q.1 10 Q.3 10
Q.4 8
Q.2 12

Sub-Total 22 Sub-Total Marks 18

Grand Total
Marks ____ / 40
Course Lecturer: Second Marker:

Instructions from the Course lecturer:

 Download your assignment from the link.
 Solve the numerical neatly showing all the calculations.
 Support your answer with proper neat sketches/diagrams/ plots wherever necessary.
 For theoretical part, provide proper references.
 Submission file type: PDF
 Submission file name: student ID_student full name (example: 78829707_JavedAkhtar)
 Uploaded your assignment at least one hour before the submission deadline time so as to avoid any

Student’s Declaration: (to be filled by student)

Student Name: __________________ ID: _________ Signature: _________

(Digital Signature)

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PART – 1 (10 Marks)

Q.1 (10 Marks)

An Engineering consultant appointed on the construction of a Bridge site decided to

conduct the Plate load test to get fair idea about the bearing capacity of the sub soil. The
test was conducted on a circular plate of 200 mm radius at a depth of 1.20 m below the
natural ground surface in pure clayey soil. The failure took place at a load of 55000N.

i. Calculate the safe bearing capacity of a 1.2 x 1.4 m rectangular footing founded at a
depth of 1.75 m in the same sub-soil. Consider the factor of safety & bulk unit weight
unit of 2.25 & 19.8 kN/m3 respectively. [7]
ii. Highlight any three disadvantages associated with the above in-situ test. [3]

PART – 2 (12 marks)

Q.2 (12 Marks)

An owner of a ceramic tile factory contacted a Geotechnical consultant to design

foundation of the tall chimney to take care of flue gases formed during the tiles
production. As per design of the Geotechnical Engineer, the chimney should have a
square footing of 3.0 m side constructed at a depth of 2.50 m in the sub soil. It was found
from the results of the laboratory test on the sample of sub-soil that the shear strength
parameters in the form of angle of internal resistance and the cohesion intercept are 36o
and 5 N/m2 respectively. The moist unit weight is equal to 18.0 kN/m3. The chimney is
carrying a concentrated load of 5000kN and two horizontal components of load of 200
kN acting at the height of 4.5 m perpendicular to length of the footing and 3.5 m
perpendicular to the width of the footing measured from the base of footing.

i. Suggest the most suitable analysis to be used in the above stated condition. Mention
any two reasons to use the same. [2]
ii. Calculate the ultimate bearing capacity of the soil and factor of safety by using the
above suggested analysis. [10]

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PART – 3 (18 Marks)

Q.3 (10 Marks)

A structure constructed near to the water body experiencing an anticipated load of 1.25
x106 N. The load coming on to the foundation do not includes the weight of pile cap.
Founding subsoil contains a layer of clay 5.0 m deep from the ground surface followed
by some loose soil. As a Geotechnical Engineer, design the most suitable friction pile
group considering the following factors:

Factor of safety against shear failure = 2.5

Unconfined compressive strength of clay = 0.060 N/ mm2
Radius of individual pile = 200 mm
Weight of pile cap = 200000 N

Q.4 (8 Marks)
Retaining wall is generally constructed to maintain two different elevations of the ground.
A retaining wall 6.0 m high with its vertical face supported dry & sandy backfill. Half of
the backfill measured from the ground level has a bulk unit weight of 17.5 kN/m3 and the
angle of internal resistance equal to 22o. The remaining half backfill is submerged in
water without having change in the angle of internal resistance. The ground surface is
horizontal and level with the top of the wall bearing uniformly distributed load of 20
kN/m2. Assuming the saturated unit weight of soil 22.1 kN/m3, answer the following:

i. Calculate magnitude of the passive earth pressure and its line of action on the wall.
ii. Draw Earth Pressure Diagrams (EPD) to show your results. [2]

__________________ End of the Assignment __________________

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