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Since I started to study English when I was a high school student I could realize that to
travel abroad is not only a way to spend good times visiting new places or meeting new
people, travel abroad is more important than it. Not only for my personal life but also for
the society, travel abroad must be a way to connect new cultures getting the best
things from each one and apply them on education, art, business, music, environment,
etc. I consider that to travel abroad can be a way to avoid obstacles between races that
is why one of my big dreams is to travel abroad for two reasons; I want to improve my
personal skills and abilities and also to use them to develop my city.

First, I would like to travel abroad because I want to learn from other cultures and
improve my skills. Nowadays, I am studying Civil Engineering and I am coursing the IX
Semester of my career. Many times I had some problems when I wanted to found
information or recent researches about any topic of my career; fortunately, I studied
English and I could found information in other language, English. In this way I
understand that it is not enough the information we have in our city or country; it is also
really important the information we can found from another sources that usually are in
another language. New technology, specially the Internet, is an important way to
interchange information but it is not enough. Why? I remember that one of my
professors of the university told us that if we don`t live the problem be ourselves we
can not determine a solution for that; it means that for example, if someone want to
contribute with the actual problem of the global warming, this person must live not only
the environmental problem of his or her community but also live the environmental
problems of other communities; to learn more about this problem, take ideas from that
and try to create a solution. Otherwise, this person is going to focus only in just a part
of this big problem and not extend his or her point of view. Besides that, travel abroad
will also help me to improve my knowledge of English and to learn more about
costumes, habits, behaviors, etc. from people of other cultures.

The second reasons I want to travel abroad is because I wan to help my family,
university, community, city and if it is possible my country to improve in different
aspects. One of these aspects is about the environmental problem since it is a big
actual global problem. If I travel abroad I would learn from other cultures, how they
could control and sometimes reduce the pollution of their cities. Using this information I
can apply it in my community because my society is still trying to learn how to take care
of the environment. Besides that, I can also help my university teaching them about the
new knowledge I learned from other countries such new techniques of teaching,
techniques about studies, how is the dynamic of teaching in other countries, how are
the classes in other countries, etc.

In conclusion, travel abroad is not only going to help me but also it is going to help my
community. First, I am going to learn and improve my skills and abilities; and finally,
apply them in the development of my community.

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