Arch Design Problem

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Statement of the Problem:

Mr. Tan commissioned you to design a Four Storey Commercial Building within a regular Inside Lot with
a size of 14.80M width and 20.50M depth. Bounded on the East is points 1-2. On the North are points
2-3. West are points 3-4. On the South is the shorter side of the lot, are points 4-1 fronting the Twelve
Meters RROW with sidewalks. The highest grade of lot from the sidewalk is 200mm. Apply minimum
Front and Rear setbacks.

The owner requires a Hundred and Forty Square Meters for the Ground Floor. Having a One and a Half
meter walkway fronting the rentable spaces, ending at the stairs. On the left corner should the stairs be
located at 2.70m X 3.45m dimensions. Front Yard has to be 14.80M X 10.50M parking. He also needs
2.00M X 2.00M yard at the rear corners.

On the Second Floor, he strictly requires a total area of 191.80 Sq.M. with a front balcony of 1.50M X
11.65M. Stairs and Hallway is 3.15M, fronting the street with an area of 20.32 Sq.M. and to be
extended by 3.5M.

The Third and fourth Floors need an area of 221.40 Sq.M. The Third Floor is available for tenants while
the Owner would use the Fourth Level as his office.
The Owner loves roof decks having 2 sides of firewalls. He wants a Multi-Purpose Area and also would
like to install solar panels. Provide stairwells with Storage of 26.62 Sq.M.
Design objectives:
•The architect is required to design and maximize the space in accordance to the client’s needs
•The project must be designed and planned on an C-2 zoning

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