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Week 8

Level 1
Pair and Share: (For each question - first
volunteer shares, then student)

Topic :
1. If you could be any animal what would you be?

2. Why this particular animal?

3. How do you think you would look if you were this animal?

4. What would you do if you were this animal?

This activity should also provide practice in using adjectives in the

vocabulary. Volunteers can highlight the adjectives when they share
their story and ask the students to identify the adjectives in their part.

Objective - The aim of this Level 1 pair share is to

encourage comprehension and sentence building. The
content of the students’ answers are not the priority. 
Volunteers are encouraged to ask each question,
answer first, and assist the student in understanding
the question. 

Game time
Volunteers may explain to the students the main parts of speech
( Noun, verb and Adjective).

Noun: A noun is a person, place, thing, quality, or act.

Examples: pencil, girl, shop, happiness
Verb: Verbs are action or existence words that tell what nouns do.
Examples: to fly, to run, to be, jump, lived
Adjective: An adjective describes a noun.
Examples: hairy, crazy, wonderful

Choose the right Part of speech in the below sentence.

1. She wrote a letter to her grandmother. ( verb)

2. Dogs and Cats sometimes are friends (verb)

3. My Cat had a litter of Kittens(noun)

4. Johnny caught a ball (verb).

5. Car rides make me nauseous.(verb)

Arrange the jumbled words into a sentence. Please dictate the

words in jumbled order for the student to write it down and they
can then form it into a sentence. Volunteers can hint and give
suggestions depending on the students fluency.

1. can you blue the ride bike?( Can you ride the blue bike?)

2. I am to school going ( I am going to school)

3. landed her beautiful the butterfly on nose. (The beautiful

butterfly landed on her nose.)

4. laugh crazy makes brother little me. (My crazy little brother
makes me laugh.)

5. book librarian gave me the a ( The librarian gave me a book.)

Word of the Week

Arrange (verb)
Meaning: (1) (when put in plan) to plan, prepare for, or organize
Usage: The school will arrange transportation for the students.

Meaning:(2)(when put in position ) to put a group of objects in a

particular order:
Usage: His books are neatly arranged in alphabetical order.

Level 2
Pair and Share: (For each question - first
volunteer shares, then student)

Topic : If you could be any animal what would you be and why?

This activity should also provide practice in using adjectives in the

vocabulary. Volunteers can highlight the adjectives when they share
their story and ask the students to identify the adjectives in their part.
Volunteers should also suggest the student to describe further and in
detail about the topic.

Objective - The aim of this Level 2  pair share is to

encourage comprehension and sentence building. The
content of the students’ answers are not the priority.
Volunteers are encouraged to ask each question,
answer first, and assist the student in understanding
the question. 
Game time
Volunteers may explain to the students the main parts of speech
( Noun, verb, adjective, adverb and pronoun).

Noun: A noun is a person, place, thing, quality, or act.

Examples: pencil, girl, shop, happiness
Verb: Verbs are action or existence words that tell what nouns do.
Examples: to fly, to run, to be, jump, lived
Adjective: An adjective describes a noun.
Examples: hairy, crazy, wonderful
Adverb: An adverb describes a verb, adjective, or adverb. It often
ends in "ly".
Examples: carefully, easily, barely
Pronoun: A pronoun replaces a noun or noun phrase that is
understood from context.
Examples: he, it, they

Choose the right Part of Speech in the below sentence.

1. Johnny caught a ball (verb).

2. Car rides make me nauseous.(verb)

3. Lazy student rarely excel (adverb)

4. Freddie and Alex diligently saved their money to buy a new

chemistry set.(adjective)

5. He happily announced the cake was for me.(noun)

6. Adam carefully carried the sick puppy in his arms.(adverb)

7. What's mine is yours, my friend.(pronoun)

Arrange the jumbled words into a sentence. Please dictate the
words in jumbled order for the student to write it down and they
can then form it into a sentence. Volunteers can hint and give
suggestions depending on the students fluency.

1. laugh crazy makes brother little me. (My crazy little brother
makes me laugh.)

2. book librarian gave me the a ( The librarian gave me a book.)

3. naughty anything been get Mom my sister has shouldn’t (Mom

shouldn't get my sister anything as she has been naughty)

4. oil month need its changed for car the will another three(The
car will need its oil changed for another three months.)

5. science knows where resources to find Anurag for his project.

(Anurag knows where to find the resources for his Science

6. book the librarian gave me a (The librarian gave me a book.)

Word of the Week

Meaning: (1) to control something, especially by making it work in a
particular way
Usage: The switch is used to regulate the speed at which the
machine operates.

Meaning:(2) to control an activity or process by rules or a system

Usage:Their parents regulate how much TV the children can watch.

Regulation (noun)
Usage: We need to follow the regulation setup by the Health ministry
to combat this virus.

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