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Jill Knowles
Copyright © August 2010 by Jill Knowles
All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY.
part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed
electronic form without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC. Please do
participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of
author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

eISBN 978-1-60737-587-6
Editor: Sandra Rychel
Cover Artist: Christine Clavel
Printed in the United States of America

Published by
Loose Id LLC
PO Box 425960
San Francisco CA 94142-5960

This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual histori
events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are eit
the product of the author‟s imagination or are used fictitiously, and a
resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events
locales is entirely coincidental.

This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may
considered offensive to some readers. Loose Id LLC‟s e-books are for sale to adu
ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purcha
Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged reade
DISCLAIMER: Please do not try any new sexual practice, especially those t

might be found in our BDSM/fetish titles without the guidance of an experien

practitioner. Neither Loose Id LLC nor its authors will be responsible for any lo
harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in any of

Part One
Chapter One

“He‟ll be fine. He‟s a fighter,” Kael said, placing his hand over
The older man looked up at him, brown eyes swimming with unshed te
is that, Captain.”
I pray someday someone will love me as much as Blakely loves Norths
had never been the focus of such powerful love. I hope I recognize it when I f
A loud, disapproving sniff came from one of the journeyman heale
stiffened. I won’t let prejudice lower the type of care he gets. Kael stood a
her, daring her to speak to him. She met his gaze for a long moment, the
Sergeant Blakely and the injured man, Commander Northson, wer
bound. They were good men and good soldiers, and so Kael had decided th
they might do in private was none of his —or anyone else‟s—business.

Kael rested his hand on Blakely‟s shoulder but addressed his word
healer. “I‟m sure my second in command will be given the finest care. Aft
was injured fighting for the safety and security of Korai.” He looked aroun
other injured members of Gold Company. “Everyone here fought for that.”
all but two of his men had survived. Most of Korai‟s army hadn‟t been s
Nearly a thousand men had died, and there were three or four times th
with crippling injuries.
The healer gave a jerky nod and a half curtsy. “Of course everyon
treated with the utmost skill and courtesy, Your Highness.”
Kael inclined his head in acknowledgment, his gaze then sliding past
over a newly empty bed. Radek. Kael clenched his left hand, feeling the sc
surrounding the smallest finger. Shame coursed through him as he looked
his hand. He‟d suffered relatively minor injuries in the final, disastrous ba
Zandria—cuts and bruises, the worst being his left little finger having nea
severed. Because he was a prince of the blood, the healers had used precio
to heal him rather than merely stabilize him and use their skills on the gr
wounded soldiers. Radek and Northson had suffered the worst injuries of
in his company, but while Northson still lived, Radek had succumbed
poisoning early this morning. Did he die because a healer wasted magic on m
Torlinson, Kael‟s squire, planted himself in front of Kael. “The cerem
begin in less than an hour, Your Highness.”
2 Jill Knowles

He nodded curtly. “I‟ll be there.” He walked around the rest of th

speaking to each of the wounded men from Gold Company, pleased to n
those soldiers who had escaped severe injury were in full attendance, co
their comrades and assisting the healers whenever possible. Pride swelled
breast at the sight of such loyalty shown by Gold Company‟s men.
Finally he could delay no longer, and so he went back to the castle, T
fussing beside him. Kael spared a moment to be grateful that his young sq
stayed behind rather than go into battle with him, as was customary. Torlin
annoying and a bit of a conceited little brat, but battle was no place for
Battle is no place for any intelligent being. None of us should have been t
squashed the guilt and anger he felt toward his father, King Harrimund. Fa
shrewd ruler. He would not spend the lives of his subjects carelessly.
It was such a stupid thing to cost so many lives. The border between K
Zandria was marked by fertile farmland on the Korai side and a large wild
the Zandrian side. Until the previous spring, it had never been disputed. Th
of Korai‟s farmers had begun pushing the forest back, cutting trees down in
add the fertile land to their own holdings. Several polite letters were s
Zandria to Korai, asking that the farmers stop the encroachment. H
ignored them. And ignored the more strongly worded demands. But
couldn‟t ignore the bloodied farmer who‟d stumbled up to the castle rav
demon army.
Please Goddess, hold them gently. He sent the silent prayer to the La
Harvest. The four companies Korai sent to the border were veterans of n
battles against the persistent bandits that plagued the southern desert, b
had no chance against the ferocious Zandrian army. Kael still didn‟t un
why his father had ignored Zandria‟s polite requests that its border be re
For the first time in his young life, he wished he were close enough to the su
to be included in administration of the country. There must have been a goo
for King Harrimund to have made such a potentially devastating deci
refused to believe his father simply made a mistake.
On one point Kael knew he was correct, training or no training.
Korai‟s troops to attack the Zandrian forces had been madness. It makes
Korai and Zandria were neither enemies nor allies. Korai had enough
stemming from constant raids by the Smedkan bandits inhabiting the
desert. Both the secular and religious laws in Korai prohibited any sort of
with decadent, demon-tainted Zandria, though such an alliance would ha

was a a much-needed
large, tool
prosperous in bargaining
country that hada trade
cease-fire with most
ties with Smedka. Asworld.
of the for Za
trade routes centered on the ports of the coast-hugging Riwign Theocra
simply had nothing to offer Zandria, so the larger country had never pu
Kael went to the robing chamber and allowed Torlinson to assist him
heavy ceremonial robes. The rich purple robes the royal family wore to
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