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AKARI Service Menu

Press Menu button on television panel, Hold down menu button with sleep buton on
remote control use program up or down to select type value if you wish & volume
up and down to decrease or increase data value

AKIRA 14/21S01
user remote 1) Press and release key "RECALL"
user remote 2) Press and hold key "V-"
user remote 3) After volume=0, press key "RECALL"
user remote 4) Repeat 3 times

Key location Steps to enter into the Factory Mode
user remote 1) Press and release key "MENU"
user remote 2) Press and release key "MENU"
user remote 2) Press and release key "Q. VIEW"
user remote 2) Press and release key "MUTE"

Factory remote 1) Press and release FACTORY key
Convert the user remote con to the Factory remote
user remote 1) Connect IC pin14 & pin17 through a jiggle switch
MI Item Range Default value MI Item Range Default
{50HZ/60HZ M6} {OSO 0/1 0 M1} {V.SLOPE 0~63 31} {AGC SPEED 0~2 1}
{V.SHIFT 0~63 33} {FFI 0/1 0} {V.SIZE 0~63 37} {FSL 0/1 0} {V.SC 0~63 24}
{FMWS 0/1 0} {H.SHIFT 0~63 29} {40 HP2 0/1 0} {OSD.V.POS 0~63 20} {9 RPO
0~3 1} {OSD.H.POS 0~63 8} {6 PROGRAM NO. M7} {COOL BO OFFSEF 0~32
16}{WARM BO OFFSET 0~32 16} {M2 AGC 0~63 22} {STANDARD BRI 0~63 48}
{WIDE 0~63 0} {STANDARD CON 0~63 48} {MAX ZOOM 0~63 50} {STANDARD
COL 0~63 32} {SEARCH SPEED 0~3 1} {SHARP BRI 0~63 48} {SHIPPING 0}
{SHARP CON 0~63 63} {SHARP COL 0~63 32} {M3 BT 0~63 48} {SOFT BRI 0~63
32} {CT 0~63 48} {SOFT CON 0~63 32} {RB 0~63 31} {SOFT COL 0~63 32} {GB
0~63 31} {M8 AV MODE 0~6 3} {RD 0~63 40}{FM GAIN 0~63 63}{GD 0~63 40}{Y
DELAY PAL 0~15 9}{BD 0~63 40}{Y DELAY NTSC 0~15 9}{SB 0~63 30}{Y
DELAY AV 0~15 9}{SC BRIGHTNESS 0~63 55}{M4 SUB CONTRAST 0~63 63}
{CATHODE LEVEL 0~15 1}{SUB COLOR 0~63 63}{BAND MODE 0/1 1}{SUB
SHARPNESS 0~63 31}{START ON 0/1 1}{SUB TINT 0~63 31}{RF AMP 0/1 0}
{HEADPHONE 0/1 0}{M5 IF 38.9M}{SRS 0 6.5M 0/1 0}{M9 LOGO OPTION 0/1
{56.0M 0/1 1}{*LOGO ---------- AKIRA}{5.5M 0/1 1}{ROW POSITION 0~12 6}
{4.5M 0/1 0}{COLUMN POSITION 0~12 2}{SIF PRIORITY 5.5M COLOR 0~6 0}
{AV NOLY 0/1}{0 START TIME 6~12 10}
user remote 1) Press and release key "CLOCK"user remote 2) Press and releasekey
"P.M."user remote 3) Press and release key user remote 4) To exit, press and
release key "MENU

AKIRA 8821
Steps to enter into the Factory Mode
TV front panel 1) Press and hold key "v-"
user remote 2) After volume=0, press key "DISPLAY"
user remote 3) To exit, press and release key "DISPLAY

Key location Steps to enter into the Factory Mode
user remote 1) Press and release key "1"
user remote 2) Press and release key "2"
user remote 3) If CH position is not at 12, retry from step1
user remote 4) Press and release key "3"
user remote 5) Press and release key "8"
user remote 6) If CH position is not at 38, retry from step1
user remote 7) Press and release the mute key
user remote 8) Input the password "1","2","3","8"
to unlock password the general secret code is 2175 Success - "M" displayed

Key location Steps to enter into the Factory Mode
user remote 1) Press and release key "1"
user remote 2) Press and release key "2"
user remote 3) If CH position is not at 12, retry from step1
user remote 4) Press and release key "5"
user remote 5) Press and release key "1"
user remote 6) If CH position is not at 51, retry from step1
user remote 7) Press the MENU key to the MENU menu, selectthe LIMIT item and
press the volume up key to enter into the LIMIT menu
user remote 8) Press and release the mute key
user remote 9) Input the password "1","2","5","1"


Key location Steps to enter into the Factory Mode
user remote A1) Press key "QV" for 4 seconds and release key
user remote A2) Press and release key "MENU"
user remote B1) Press and release key "MENU"
user remote B2) Input the password "6","4","8","3"
To enter into, "MENU-M4~M9" enter "828"


Key location Steps to enter into the Factory Mode
user remote 1) Press and release key "MENU"
user remote 2) Press and release key "8"
user remote 3) Press and release key "5"
user remote 4) Press and release key "0"
user remote 5) Press and release key "0"
Success - "M" displayed

Press RECALL AND VOL-in remote control simultaneously. To move the sub
menus Factory, Balance B / W Adjust and press RECALL again in the remote and
VOL - in the TV simultaneously. Item to select channel up or down to adjust value

Allstar 3750
CTV Hotel Menu
OFF:Select program 38. Simultaneous press
(3 sec) STORE & CONTROL+ on local keyboard.ON:Select program 38.
Simultaneous press (3 sec) STORE & PROGRAM- on local keyboard.

From the controlremote, press MENU to enter INSTALL (FEATURE), introduce
the sequence 4, 7, 2, 5. To select the item you press CHANNEL + / - to adjust the
value press VOL + / -. To save changes press the red button. To
TV exit press.

Apex AT2002
Decrease volume to 0, press the keys MUTE on the R/C and VIDEO on the TV
simultaneously. To make adjustments keys: MENU SELECT. To exit: stand by
button in R/C.

Service Menu Atec-Panda

Turn on TV, press MENU on the TV and press MUTE while the
remote control.Change value press pro + / -
Exit switch off the TV.

Audinac ST-2157
Turn off TV, using the remote control RD3401A press the following sequence
DISPLAY MENU, 3, 8, POWER, turn on the television in the service mode. Enter
the option"Adjustment". To exit and save changes to shut down your television.
Warning!!! DO NOT alter the values shown in "OPTION".
CTV 5502 10.3 90° MONO CTV Service MENU Press UP & DOWN buttons
simultaneously on tv's local control and then switch on.

Aurora MRT-CT20D
Turn on TV,ignition pressure in the Remote control MENU, QWIEW, MUTE. With
press PROG + / -select the item, with volume + / - changes the value by pressing the
clock is changed the sub Menus

Aurora MRT-CT20D
Turn on TV,ignition pressure in the Remote control MENU, QWIEW, MUTE. With
press PROG + / - select the item, with volume + / - changes the value by pressing the
clock is changed the sub Menus.

Service Menu Bazzomba

Press volume - till no sound, press recall on Remote Control hold down vol - on tv
panel simultaneously, press again recall on Remote control, use this step to enter
next menu.

Service Menu Beko CTV

Service Mode Simultaneous press chanel + & P- on local tv panel and
then power on with main switch.

Service Menu Blaupunkt

MM63-13VT FM240.00 CTV ATS
Press button P/C on remote control and switch on TV with
main switch.

Service Menu BlueSky

From the remote control, press MENU to enter factory mode/INSTALL
(FEATURE),introduce the sequence number4, 7, 2, 5.To select the item you press
CHANNEL + / - to adjust the value press volume + / -. To save changes press the red

Service Menu Boomba

Use type LC8632 series
Press menu on remote control two times - recall Q.View - MUTE.
Service Menu Brandt ICC9
Service Mode Switch off TV with remote control (standby possition). Switch off TV
with main switch. Wait a few sec till ST_BY LED switch off. Simultaneous press VT
button on remote control and switch on TV with main switch. Press VT
button again. (WARNING: no any cable connect to scart, must be free.)

Service Menu Broksonic K2107

From remote control to enter the sequence MUTE, TIMER, PICTURE.
Service menu will appear, use UP & Down buton to select.

Service Menu CCE HPS-1402

Press SERVICE button located on the main board near the "micro".
With channel + / - Select the parameter, with volume + / - adjusts the value

Service Menu CCE HPS-1405

Connect pin over 5 seconds to pin 24 IC701 (micro). With CANAL + / - select
parameter, with VOL + / - adjusts the value.

Service Menu Challenger

Turn On Power press the following sequence on the remote control 1, MUTE,
RECALL, MUTE. 1, MUTE, DISPLAY MUTE in models which do not have the
RECALL key. To select the item: CANAL + / - to adjust: VOL + / -. To return or
end press MENU. To save changes press DISPLAY before exiting.

Service Menu China TV

Few step instruction
Step 1.Press menu on Remote Control,input this number 6568
Step 2.Press menu on Remote Control,input this number 6483.
Step 3.Press menu on Remote Control,input this number 628
Step 4.China TV chasis use ic sc 7461,enter service menu short IC pin 2 & pin 16.
Step 5.If appear lock picture in tv screen,press display key in 10 second.
For General tv china press display on remote control then press volume – on tv
panel ,or press simultaneously review/recall on R/C vol – on tv panel.

China TV LC
Enter the factory Menu
At the state of "PRESET"."Ch Exchange",press 2483 to enter factory menu then
pressmute, you can translate the pages.At the last page of factory menu, hold\keep
all the ready state & exit by pressing Menu.Changethe enactment CH+/CH- choose
the item which you want to change.Vol+/Vol- change the item you have choosed.
LOGO Setting Key.
0/1:Logo vertical position adjust
2/3:Logo Horizontal position adjust
4:Logo color adjust
5:Logo font zise
6:Switch line for adjust
7:reset logo position
Menu:save & exit
CH+/CH- : select the caracter to be adjust
Vol+/Vol- : Adjust the selected character

Service Menu Continental CT1412B

CTV Service ModeFrom remote control Press and hold P+ and P- on local
panel,then switch on TV with main switch.

Service Menu Cristal

TV stand by possition,press vol+ on remote control & Vol- on TV panel,hold down
till TV set go on.

Service Menu Crown CM-2007

Open remote control, removing the top cover. Use the keys that have no access
External and are under "previous channel" and "Sound."
With CANAL + / - select the item, with VOL + / - adjusts its value.

Service Menu Daenyx 2097 H-502N

Disarm remote control, remove the plastic cover above the buttons are rubber
on the printed circuit board in the last row there are three buttons (or four on some
models) that are not available with plastic cover, with
is achieved into the different modes of service (one of the keys
active role HEAT-RUN)

Service Menu Daewoo DTJ28A7

Turn on TV, tune in channel 91, enter the MENU, then PICTURE, download all
resolution (Sharpnes), exit the menu, press the keys: red, green and
menu on the remote control
Pressing: MENU,
6, 4, 8, 3. Displays the text "TEST". Click: VCHIP.
Now you can select the number (1,2,3,4, 7,8,9) to enter the
different settings menus. To exit: POWER

Daewoo DTP28G8
Turn on TV, tune in channel 91, enter the MENU, then PICTURE, download all
resolution (Sharpnes), exit the menu, press the keys: red, green and
menu on the remote control
Pressing: MENU,
6, 4, 8, 3. Displays the text "TEST". Click: VCHIP.
Now you can select the number (1,2,3,4, 7,8,9) to enter the
different settings menus. To exit: POWER

Service Menu Digitec

Turn on TV in stby mode
Press and hold the menu buton on remote control till tv set is turn on.
input the number 1,0,1,3 or 1,0,1,4.
Change item move up or down program key
To select value press Volume + or -. To change value.
Store press menu button.

Service Menu Digivision DIGI III

CTV Service Mode
Turn on 'TV Internal Service Program' switch on
the digital modul (SE on display). On RC: 1=U1
V SHIFT, 2=U2 V LIN DN, 3=U3 V LIN, 4=H1
H SHIFT, 5=H2 H AMP, 6=H3 EW AMP, 7=
C, 8=C1, 9=C2, 0=H4 EW TRAPEZ...
TV=MEMO, Volume +/-=ADJUST.

Service Menu Dikla H2128

Press PROD to enter, with DISPLAY MUTE or you scroll through the pages for
into sub-menu, select the position or CHANNEL Items, Volume + / - line value

Service Menu Diplomatic

Press SERVICE button located on the main board near the "micro".
With channel + / - Select the parameter, with volume + / - adjusts the value

Service Menu Durabrand

Press PROD to enter, with DISPLAY MUTE or you scroll through the pages for
into sub-menu, select the position or CHANNEL Items, VOL + / - line
value R/C introduce the following sequence: MENU, Q VIEW, MUTE. With CH + /
- select
items, with VOL + / - amending value. To change the menu TIMER. To

Service Menu ELBE 2824

Press simultaneously: V + and V-in front of the TV and STAND-BY on the C / R.
To items change the volume keys. Using the program changes
value. Hang out with the 'green button' on remote control.
Service Menu Emerson ET-13P2
Power tv in stand by mode, press the following sequence on the remote control: 1,
MUTE, DISPLAY MUTE. To select the item: CANAL up / down to adjust
VOL up / down to change value.
To return or end press MENU keys. To save changes press
DISPLAY before exiting.

Service Menu Emerson ETV20

Enter button is hidden inside the remote control

Service Menu E-Tech and other Chinese

Press RECALL in remote control AND Volume down in tv panel simultaneously. To
move the sub-menus Factory, Balance B / W Adjust and press RECALL again in
the remote control and Volume -
in the TV simultaneously. Item to select channel + / - to adjust value:
Volume + / -. To save changes, MUTE on the remote.

Service Menu Ferguson

ICC9 CTV Service Mode
Switch off TV with Remote Control (st-by). Switch off TV with
main switch. Wait a few sec till ST_BY LED
switch off. Simultaneous press VT button on Remote Control
and switch on TV with main switch. Press VT
button again. (WARNING: scart must be free.)

Service Menu Ferguson TX92

CTV Hotel Mode Cancel
Put TV into standby, then turn power off, then
turn power on whilst holding standby button on
remote and step through menus to `vol set` and
increase level to max.

Service Menu Finlux

17/21B60 63/71Y2
MUTE --> OK (M) --> TV
Controls: cursor buttons. Store: OK (M).
Exit: TV
Service Menu FirstLine
From the control
remote, press MENU to enter INSTALL (FEATURE), introduce the sequence
4, 7, 2, 5. To select the item you press CHANNEL + / - to adjust the
value press VOL + / -. To save changes press the red button. To
TV exit press.

Service Menu FUJITEC

Press menu button on remote control twice - recall Q.View - MUTE.

General Electric
Turn on TV. Press the MENU button and keep it pressed while pressing POWER
and then VOL +. P00 is displayed and V00. Press VOL + to indicate
V76, then press CH + / - selecting items and VOL + / - the standard of the same. To
exit and save changes, press POWER. Please note: The item is the frequency P01
horiz. If too low to activate the protection, and the TV was locked.

With the TV on, press MENU on the TV while pressing MENU on the remote
control. With CANAL + / - select the item and VOL + / - changes the data. To save
the changes, since the remote control press OK (ENTER) and exit POWER

Service mode Hamilton

selecciona los parámetros, con VOL +/- se ajusta el valor. Para salir:

Press simultaneously volume down on Television control panel & display key on
remote control.
Select parameter press channel up or down.
Change value data press volume up or down.

Turn On, ignition pressure in the C / R: MENU, QWIEW, MUTE. With PROG + / -
selected items, with VOL + / - changes the value of the clock with the key changes
sub. Menus

Service Menu JVC

On remote control Press simultaneously Osd & mute unit
Or press simultaneously osd & picture.
Change parameter press channel up or down
Change value press Volume up or down.
Service Menu JVC AV 28 WFT
For any one do not forgot to write the TV settings down before changing the setting
to comensate the RGB picture shift.
For use under DEF Menu, to access service mode press i and mute together.
Settings from three different sets, in various stores so I know the service setting
haven't been messed with. To obtain default settings simply use an average of the
values below (or try each set), most of settings are similar to with +/- 1 across the
three different tv sets.
Mode Dixon Currys Comet
1 -8 -2 -11
2 8 9 10
3 -8 -8 -8
4 -4 -5 -5
5 11 10 9
6 15 17 16
7 -4 -4 -4

Full 1 0 0 0
2 -10 -7 -8
5 -6 -5 -5
7 0 -1 0
16:09 1 0 -1 -1
2 34 34 34
4 -1 -1 -1
5 -5 -3 -3
6 -2 -1 -4
7 -2 -6 -2
Regular 1 0 0 -1
2 -7 -7 -7
4 -2 -2 -1
5 -16 -17 -17
6 0 0 -1
14:09 1 0 0 0
2 13 16 13
4 -3 -1 -3
5 -6 -7 -6
7 0 -2 0
Service Menu KCL
Decrese volume to 0, press recall button on remote control, hold down volume - on
tv panel simultaneously, press again recall button on remote control, use this step to
enter next menu.

The quote from the manual is: Adjustment method:1) Enter the adjust mode by
pressing the IN-START button which seems to suggest its going to need the remote
"in-start" button only exists on service remote mate, part number 105-201M

CTV Service Mode
Simultaneous press OK on RC & local panel.

Service Menu Loewe 66449

C9000 CTV VT Service Mode
Press simultaneous VT on the remote control & "Service"

Loewe C9003
CTV Service Mode
On the local control press function key five times
(indication "Service" will appear), afterwards
within a sec. press key "MEN" on the remote

TV off stand by, possition use the remote control RD3401A press the following
sequence DISPLAY, MENU, 3, 8, POWER, turn on the computer in the service
mode. Enter theoption "Adjustment". To exit and save changes to shut down your
Recommendation: DO NOT alter the values shown in "OPTION".

With the TV off using the remote control RD3401A press the following sequence:
MENU, 3, 8, POWER, turn on the computer in the service mode. Enter the option
"Adjustment". To exit and save changes to shut down your computer.
Recommendation: DO NOT alter the values shown in "OPTION".
Service Menu Mitsubishi
Turn on TV, Press Menu then input the number 2, 3, 5, 7.
Carefully, do not RESET the factory data, it will disappered all data factory.
Select category Press Audio.
Press channel up or down to select parameter data.
Press volume up or down to change value.
To save the data press enter
After the ajustment completted, press menu 2 times.

in the C / R the following sequence: MENU, Q VIEW, MUTE. With number keys
select different sub-menus. With PROG + / - select the item, with VOL + / --
modifying the value. To change the menu keys. To exit:

Mustang CM2893
press sequence in the remote control No. Canal, Pause, Ap.Prog,
Norm image appear Factory 1/2/3 menus. With channel up or down amending
Factory menu. Withvolume up & downis change to each sub menu.

Mustang CM2901R
press sequence in the remote control No. Canal, Pause, Ap.Prog,
Norm image appear Factory 1/2/3 menus. With channel up or down amending
Factory menu. Withvolume up & downis change to each sub menu.

Service Menu Mustang CT-1405

Use keys hidden in the remote control, try to pressing there until
Factory apear for you.

New Point
With the key hidden in the remote control, located next to the button and beneath
system mute, enter and moves through the various sub-menus and exits.
To change item press channel up or down to adjust change value data press volume
up or down.

Service Menu Nokia

EURO STEREO CTV factory Mode
In 1s press buttons '-/--', 'MENU', 'TV'. Select item press
channel up or down. Adjust value press Volume up or down. Store press fill-dot-
on remote control (near 'i' button). Exit & store press 'STANDBY'.
Service Menu Nokia
Press i --> M --> PROGR. Select item press cursor buttons. Store press M.
Exit press TV

In TV ignition OSD, press the remote control, via the hidden key
a small hole in it (If you do not have the hole, and disarm
find a key that is not accessible externally). The sub menus and items are
selected with the corresponding number. The values are adjusted with VOL + / --
to exit and save, press 0 (in some chassis may be

Panasonic CT-215785
Factory codes for panasonic tv
Turn on TV, short-circuit points FA1 - FA2. Press ACTION (or MENU) and
VOL + simultaneously. Press POWER on the remote control to select

Service Menu Panasonic 1996

Panasonic TV's after 1996 can be set to "Serviceman Mode" with the following
remote control sequence: First, select the SET-UP icon and select CABLE mode.
Then, select the TIMER icon and set the SLEEP timer for 30 second.Next, press the
ACTION button twice to get out of the menus.Now, change to channel 124.
Then, adjust the volume to minimum (0).You're almost there - Hit the VOL down
button on the TV itself (not on the remote) and a red "CHK" should appear in the
upper corner.Now, if you press the ACTION and volume down buttons (again, on
the TV, not the remote) you will toggle between AGING and factory setting modes.
Select factory setting modes (Serviceman mode). The POWER button on the remote
control will select one of the five Serviceman Adjustment modes.The modes are B -
Serviceman VCJ SUB Adjustments. These include sub-tint, sub-color, sub-
brightness, sub-contrast, colorkiller/ABL/gamma, audio and video adjustment, and
vertical size.C - Serviceman VCJ Cut-off adjustments. These include Red, Green
and Blue cut-off, red and blue drive, automatic fine tuning (AFT), RF AGC (RF
gain control), horizontal center, beam limit,etc.S - Serviceman Options
Adjustments. These involce the PIP and clock. M - Serviceman MTS (Stereo/SAP)
adjustments.CHK - the mode you first entered. Normal picture and sound, lets
you check things over and still have a hotkey into the service menu.There is one
more adjustment that isn't in the five modes, it's global. When in either the yellow
or red CHK mode, you can press RECALL on the remote control to enter the purity
firld check mode. This lets you select a pure white, red, green, or blue screen. A
good thing to walk away from if you just want to temporarily freak out the floor
manager, but it will be fixed as soon as the TV is turned off. To get out of
Serviceman mode, press ACTION and POWER on the remote control
cimultaneously for at least 2 seconds. The TV will momentarily shut off and then
comes back on.
Panasonic CT-215785
Turn on TV, short-circuit points FA1 - FA2. Press ACTION (or MENU) and
VOL + simultaneously. Press POWER on the remote control to select
sub menu of services. With CANAL + / - select the item, with VOL + / --
adjusts the value. To exit press POWER and ACTION (or MENU) simultaneously
2 or 3 seconds.

Service Menu Panasonic CT-G2159E

Turn on TV and using the remote control.
Step 1) Select the SET-UP in the main menu and then select the mode CABLE the
option ANTENA.
Step 2) Select TIMER icon and set the timer sleep active 30 second.
Step 3) Press ACTION twice to exit the menu and tune to the channel at 124.
Step 4) Adjust the volume to minimum, Press enter again then volume down.
service mode is CHK. To exit press ACTION and POWER simultaneously for two

Service Menu Panasonic CT-Z1422

Simultaneously press the Volume down button on the TV and press 9 at the remote
control for more than 1 second. With channel up or down select options with volume
up or down adjusts the value. To exit, press ACTION in the remote control

Service Menu Panasonic EURO-1

CTV Service Mode
In Sound-Menu Low-tone-regel to maximum and High-tone-regel to minimum.
Press VOL- on TV and reset on remote control in some time. Select press red and
green buttons. Adjust: yellow and blue buttons. Store press 'STORE'. Exit switch
off the television.

Service Menu Panasonic EURO-2

CTV Service Mode
In Sound-Menu Low-tone-regel to maximum and High-tone-regel to minimum.
Press 'F' button on TV. Then press VOL- on TV and REVEAL on remote control in
some time. Select press red and green buttons.Adjust press yellow and blue buttons.
Store press 'STR'. Exit press 'N' on remote control.

Service Menu Panasonic MX-3

CTV Hotel Mode
ON: Press simultaneously 'OFF TIMER' on remote control and 'CH.UP' local.
OFF: Press simultaneously 'OFF TIMER' on remote control and 'VOL-' local.
Service Menu Panasonic MX-3C
CTV Hotel Mode
ON: Press simultaneously 'OFF TIMER' on remote control and 'CH.UP' local.
OFF: Press simultaneously 'OFF TIMER' on remote control and 'VOL-' local.

Service Menu Panasonic MX-3MX-3C

CTV Service Mode
Simultaneously press 'RECALL' on remote control and 'VOL-' local.
Exit:'NORMAL' on remote control.

Write down all values data before make any change.
Once a value is changed, THE CHANGE IS MADE.
Press Volume down button, Hold down the button ON THE PLASMA TV.
Press three times the RECALL button on remote control.
The Service Menu mode will comes up.
To navigate main menu Use {1} {2} on remote control.
To navigate sub-menu Use {3} {4} on remote control items.
To change item value Use {VOL+} {VOL -} on remote control.
To save Turn off Power to exit service mode.

Panasonic Plasma 3UY

Press the volume down & hold down the button on the plasma TV display.
Press 3 times the STATUS button on the remote control.Status button is the one
below Power button The Service Menu mode CAT will comes up.CAT is Computer
Aided Test Menu To select a mode parameter use the cursors keys on the remote
control.And press the Action key { } to access the menu. To exit mode Press the R

Service Menu Panasonic TAU

With the TV on, adjust the volume to a minimum, put the key in OFF-ON TIMER.
Press RECALL on the remote control and simultaneously in the TV-VOL. With
keys 1 and 2, selects nodes adjustment (CHK1, CHK2, ...) with the keys 3 and 4
selected items with VOL + / - adjusts the values.

Service Menu Panasonic TX-25W3E

Increase the bass to maximum, decrease treble to minimum, press RESET on the
remote control and while in the TV-volume. Using the Teletext press RED and
GREEN selects the item with Blue and Yellow line values. To store the new press
STORE. To exit NORM (normalization).
Service Menu Panasonic TX-28W3E
Adjust the bass to maximum, treble to minimum, press RESET on the remote
control and while in the TV-VOL. Using the Teletext press RED and GREEN selects
the item with Blue and Yellow line values. To store the new press STORE. To exit
NORM (normalization).

Service Menu Panasonic TX-29AK1

Increase Bass to maximum. Decrease Treble to minimum. Hold down "index" Press
"-" (minus) on the TV panel.This Procedure works on the PK1 series as well and
will work on TX-33AK10 series.

Panasonic TX-33AK10.
Bass to max.Treble to min.Hold down "index"Press "-" (minus) on the front of the

Service Menu Panavox 14HAC

Television off (std by mode), press the remote control, the following sequence press
DISPLAY MENU, 3, 8, POWER, turn on the TV in the service mode. Enter the
option "Adjustment". To exit and save changes to shut down your
television.Recommendation: DO NOT alter the values shown in "OPTION".
Open remote control, removing the top cover. Use the keys that have no external
access. Menus are activated two adjustments "Factory 1? and "Factory 2"

Service Menu Panoramic

Press SERVICE located on the main board near the "micro". With Channel + /
channel - Select the parameter, with Volume + / - adjusts the value.

Service Menu Philco PF-2175

Press MENU on the TV and press 2, 3 or 4 (depending on the menu you want to
access) in the remote control. With cursor up / down or CHANNEL + / - select the
item. with VOL + / - line value. To exit press MENU on the remote control.

Service Menu Philco TV-20V1/14V1/20V3/20V4

With the TV on, the remote control to enter the sequence: 1, MUTE, RECALL,
MUTE, or this other: 1, MUTE, DISPLAY MUTE. With CANAL + / - select the
item, with VOL + / -- adjusts the value. To save changes, press DISPLAY to exit:

Service Menu Philco TV-20V4

With the TV turned on press: DISPLAY MUTE. To save settings press DISPLAY.
To exit POWER
Service Menu Philips
ANUBIS B CTV Service Mode
Simultaneously press VOL+ & P- on remote control.

Service Menu PHILIPS 20PT424A,21PT263A

With the TV unplugged from the network, bypassing the pin 1 of the memory
EEPROM (24C08) to earth (ground). Then connect and turn on. With CANAL + / -
select item, with VOL + / - adjusts the value. To exit the remote and turn off
disconnected from the network.

Service Menu PHILIPS 20PT424A,21PT263A

With the TV unplugged from the network, bypassing the pin 1 of the memory
EEPROM (24C08) to earth (ground). Then connect and turn on. With CANAL + / -
select item, with VOL + / - adjusts the value. To exit the remote and turn off
disconnected from the network.

Service Menu Pioner

Press the {INPUT} button on the remote.
The input list will come up.
Then press the {0} {9} {1} {7} buttons on the remote.
To exit, press the {EXIT} button on the remote.
You can also press the back button when you are

Service Menu Pioner

Power Down at the panel.
Hold down {INPUT} & {VOL+} buttons on the panel.
Turn on the Plasma at the panel.
The service menu will come up.
Scroll down using the arrow keys.
To exit, power it down.

TV set in stand by mode
Press the menu buton on remote control,hold till tv on.
Input 1013 or 1014.
Change move up & down to select value
VOL +/-. To change value.
Store press menu.

Service Menu Portland PT-1901

With the TV turned on press the following sequence on the remote control: 1,
RECALL, MUTE. 1, MUTE, DISPLAY MUTE in models which do not have the
RECALL key. To select the item: CANAL + / - to adjust: VOL + / -.
To return or end press MENU. To save changes press
DISPLAY before exiting.

Precision AK-19
From the remote control, press SET MENU to enter (FEATURE), introduce the
4, 7, 2, 5. To select the item you press CHANNEL + / - to adjust the value press VOL
+ / -. To save changes press the red button. To TV exit press.

Service Menu Quasar SP Series

With the TV turned on, momentarily short-circuit test points FA1 and FA2.
Simultaneously press the keys + and VOL ACTION (or MENU). With POWER
select the 4 different sub-modes. CANAL + / - select the item to adjust,
with VOL + / - adjusts the value. To exit and save changes, press
ACTION and POWER simultaneously by 2 or 3 seconds.

Service Menu Ranser

For settings of sub-sub-brightness and color) Click RESET, then place in the remote
control, two diodes (1N4148) between 6 and 10 pins of the IC, connected by their
From the union of the cathodes, momentarily connect the pin 11. Repeating
this setting is changed. With VOL + / - adjust the level. To
exit, expect the display (OSD) on the screen disappears.

Service Menu Revox DTV C3003

CTV Service Mode On the local control press function key five times
(indication "Service" will appear), afterwards
within a sec. press key "MEN" on the remote
control. Store: X. Exit: TV.

Service Menu Saba

T55U43,T63U42 T63U43
ICC5115ML 110,ICC5116MM 90°
CTV Combination
Lock Cancel Switch off set with main switch. Switch on set
with main switch and during doing this press the buttons + and - of volume control
on the set's control bord simultaneously until the display lights. Display: SS… Press
the button 'S' on the Remote Control. Switch off with Remote Control. Now the
combination lock is unlocked and one can switch on again in the normal manner.

Service Menu Saba ICC9

ICTV Service Mode
Switch off TV with RC (st-by). Switch off TV with
main switch. Wait a few sec till ST_BY LED
switch off. Simultaneous press VT button on RC
and switch on TV with main switch. Press VT
button again. (WARNING: scart must be free.)

Service Menu Saba T7032VT, TX92

CTV Hotel Mode Cancel Put TV into standby, then turn power off, then turn power
on whilst holding standby button on remote and step through menus to `vol set` and
increase level to max.

Service Menu Sakura

From the remote control, press SET MENU to enter (FEATURE), introduce the
sequence 4, 7, 2, 5. To select the item you press CHANNEL + / - to adjust the
value press VOL + / -. To save changes press the red button. To
TV exit press.

Service Menu Samsung

CTV/VCR Service Menu
STAND-BY --> P.STD --> MENU -->

Service Menu Samsung


CTV Service Menu

STAND-BY --> P.STD --> HELP --> SLEEP -->

Controls: VOL +/-, CH +/-. Exit: STATUS.
Service Menu Samsung
SCT52A CTV Service Menu

Service Menu Samsung CT5066

With the TV off, press the remote control to MUTE, 1, 8, 2, POWER, enter the
menu service principal, to select a sub menu use CANAL + / - and VOL + / - to
enter. To select items CANAL + / - to adjust VOL + / -.
To return to the main menu, press MENU, press to exit and save

Service Menu Samsung CW593 (and others)

With the TV off (stand-by) press the following sequence on the remote control:
DISPLAY, MENU, MUTE, POWER. With CH + / - select the item, with VOL + / -
is adjusts the value

Service Menu Samsung

CX5944 CX6844 SCT12B CTV Service Mode
STAND-BY --> P.STD --> HELP --> SLEEP -->
FACTORY MODE: set PSL=15 and PVA=63.
Controls: VOL +/-, CH +/-. Exit: STATUS

Service Menu Samsung CX7039

Within the remote control at the plate, on the side of the tracks, there is a marked
diode, a 1N4148 or similar place. Turn the TV and press MENU to
enter the service mode.

Service Menu Samsung DY-450

Open the remote control (the board must have an identity.: D-
19H), find the key hidden more below the key TV / VIDEO, it
would go to service mode.

Service Menu Samsung Europe

Press the following sequence on the remote control:
Service Menu Samsung Plano
On TV set press power on R/C go to stand by,press display-menu-mute-power on.
Up & down to select Vol+ & Vol- to change data value.

Service Menu Samsung Plano HD100


Service Menu Samsung PLH403

With the TV off, press the C / R the following sequence: MUTE, 1, 8, 2, POWER,
with VOL + / - moves from the menu by pressing MENU and MUTE switches the
data. Press MEMORY to store data. DELETE to exit.

Service Menu Philips

Anubis S CTV Hotel Mode OFF: Select programm 38. Simultaneous press (3 sec)
PR+ & VOL- on local keyboard.
ON: Select programm 38. Simultaneous press
(3 sec) STORE & PR- on local keyboard.

Service Menu Pioner

4th / 5th / 6th / 7th GENERATION MODELS
Make sure the Plasma and the Media Box are in standby.
Using the remote control:
Press {DISPLAY} button (just press, do not hold) and wait 3 seconds.
Press {LEFT} {UP} {LEFT} {RIGHT} {POWER} buttons.
The Plasma will turn on with the "Information" page displayed.
Press {MUTE} to move through the levels of menus:
INITIALIZE.Press the {DOWN} button to move through individual menus.
To exit, power it down.

Service Menu Sharp 13J-M100

Unplug the TV from the wall outlet, press CHANNEL up and volume down, hold
the key & plig in th wall outlet.
To reset to default values, press both buttons again for 7
second. Select the item press channel up and channel down, to change data (D)
volume up and volume down to exit, press POWER on and off the TV.

Sony KV-E2531 etc

CTV Enter Service mode
Turn on the main power switch of the set while pressing any two buttons on the
front panel. 'TT' will appear on the upper right corner of the screen. Press the
'MENU' button on the RC. In menu select 'DEMO' and press 'OK'. Select DEVICE
coresponding to the adjustment you need. Store: OK. Exit: turn off.


Colour Television Receiver Model:T2111A
· Simultaneously press “DISPLAY” button on remote handset and Volume- button

Thomson TX-90
CTV Service Mode Switch off TV with RC (st-by). Switch off TV with main switch.
Wait a few sec till ST_BY LED switch off. Simultaneous press VT button on RC and
switch on TV with main switch. Press VT button again.

Toshiba 13A21C
Enter DATA SET mode by setting VOLUME to minimum.
Press both VOL. DOWN button on the set and Channel button (6) on the remote
control for more than 1 second.
ADDRESS and DATA should appear
ADDRESS is now selected and should "blink". Using the SET + or - keys on the
remote,step through the ADDRESS until required ADDRESS to be changed is
Press ENTER to select DATA. When DATA is selected, it will "blink".
Again, step through the DATA using SET + or - until required DATA value has
been selected.
Pressing ENTER will take you back to ADDRESS for further selection if necessary.
Repeat steps 3 to 6 until all data has been checked.
When satisfied correct DATA has been entered, turn POWER off (return to
STANDBY MODE) to finish DATA input.

Toshiba 2150 S5E

CTV Service Menu
Press 'MUTE' button. Press and hold 'MUTE' button and press 'MENU' on local
keyboard. Select: PR nr.. Adjust: VOL+/-. Store: auto.
Exit: 'STANDBY'. Test picture: 'AV'.

Toshiba 2876dd
CTV Service Menu
Press 'MUTE' button. Press and hold 'MUTE'
button and press 'MENU' on local keyboard.
Select: PR+/-. Adjust: VOL+/-. Store: auto.
Exit: 'STANDBY'. Test picture: 'AV'.

This might work on Goldstar TVs as well, since both Zenith and
Goldstar are the same company, LG Electronics.
Hold the MENU button. The menu will come up and then after a few
seconds will go away. Now let go of the MENU button and enter
9 8 7 6 Enter You will get a service menu that varies widely depending on model, so
I won't include a walkthrough here. The ones I tried were fairly

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