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6 Platiorming® Catalyst PLATFORMING® eciciag Description UOP® R-56™ catalyst is a bimetallic platinum-rhenium, naphtha reforming catalyst used to produce high-octane ‘eformate and hydrogen. Applications R-56 is used in semiregenerative, fixed-bed reforming units to upgrade naphtha in the presence of hydrogen. Units loaded with R56 typically operate in a medium pressure range to produce the following products: * Motor fuel blending stocks for gasoline © BIX aromatics * High-purity hydrogen for other refinery processes that consume hydrogen Experience R-56 catalyst was commercialized in 1992, As of January 1996, over fifty units have loaded this ¢atalyst. Prenerties ABD, lolit3 (ko'm3): Dense Loarted: 52.3 (838) Nominal wameter, inch (mr): VAG (1.6) Shape: Cylindrical extrudate Metals: Platinum, rhenium Packagiig R56 is available in 55 gal (200 |) steel drums at 325 Ib net (or 140 kg) per drum. In North America, R56 is also available in 1,625 Ib super sacks upon, request. vor srin-saRevs Reaction ‘Temperature Features R-56, which is an optimized version of R-50 cata- lyst, provides: * High C5+ and Hydrogen yield ‘© Highest activity '* The world’s highest catalyst stability '* State-of-the-art yield stability Excellent chloride retention and surface area stability * Proven “rugged” performance through many operational upsets ‘The catalyst is supplied in the reduced and sulfid- ‘ed form to minimize turnaround time. Performance Summary of Commercial Fixed Bed UOP Platforming Catalysts s+ Yield Rs R62 IRF) Catalyst Life uop Your Partner for the 1999s op SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: UOP™ R-56 Catalyst YOP Limited ona Emergency Assistance be iongate”, Ladymea: 24 Hou Emergeni one Numbers Guildford, Sumey GUL 1AT Exe GIG) tees 8 England. UK (UO! +44-1483-301645, Telephone: Guildford (01483) 304848 USA, GOP) 4+ 1-847-391-2123, 4 International: +44-1483-304-848 USA (Chemtrec) + 1-703-527-3887 Facsimile: +44-1483-304-863 a 2, COMPOSITION Ingredient CAS No. Wem EU Symbol _ ‘EU Risk Phrase. Aluminum oxide (non-fibrous) 1344-28-1 <9 _ —_ Aluminum chloride oxide 13596-11-7 <200— as Platinum 7440-064 <= = Rhenium 7AK0-15-5 <1 - _- SYS FEN tS acca service Tees S08) = 3. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION | EMERGENCY OVERVIEW. These grey pellets may present a nuisance dust hazard. Repeated or prolonged exposure may iritate eyes, skin and ihe sespicatory tack. Hydrogen salfice Tay be releasea when the Produc heated. the fontainer the product is stored has been exposed to heat, trace amounts of hydrogen sulfide gas may be resent when the container is opened. In the fresh unused state, this product is not flammable, POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS: Primary Routes of Exposure: Contact with skin and eyes. Exposure may also occur via inhalation or ingestion if product dust is generated. ‘Skin Contact: May cause skin irritation with repeated or prolonged exposure. Bye Contact: Dust andlor product may cause eye discumfort and/or irsitaion seen as tearing and reddening. Product is healed, hydrogen sulfide may be released. H,S is a severe inritant to the eyes. Ingestion: Available data suggest no adverse toc effects, Inhalation: Inhalation of product and/ox dust may cause irritation of the respi tract. When product is heated, hydrogen sulfide may be released” 1h 1s haar by ican Target Organ: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause lung injury. UOP™ R55 Catalyst” December 1996 MSDS_Revision Number: 7 Form: C-EU- 2143 Page 1 of § Copyright 1997 UOP - Duplication allowed only as required for informational and statutory comefianes Carcinogenicity Classification: Intemational Agency for Research on Cancer ARQ). jeither the product nor the component(s) are classified. 4. FIRST AID MEASURES ‘Skin Contact: Wash affected area with soap and water. If irritation develops, obtain medical attention. Bye Contact: Flush with water for at least 15 minutes. Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Obtain medical attention. Remove affected person to fresh air. If respiratory problems develop, obtain medical attention, Toxicity following ingestion of product is believed to be low and symptomatic treatment is advised. Hydfocarbons and other matenals that contact the Prods during normal use can be retained on the product. The retained materials may be hazardous. Identify the retained material and treat accordingly. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Flash Point: Unused material will not bum, Extinguishing Media: Use media appropriate for surrounding fire. Fire and Explosion Hazards: Hydrogen sulfide is a toxic and flammable gas. The used catalyst may contain residual organic materials and metals. The used catalyst, especally when warm, may react with oxygen on contact with air. Enough heat may be produced to bum coke or residual organic materials left on the catalyst. ‘This Heat may ignite flammable mixtares which the catalyst contacts, Used material may contain materials of a hazardous nature, The user of this luct must identify the hazards of the retained material and inform the fire ighters of these hazards, Large Spill: Isolate the affected areas. Confine entry into the affected area to those persons properly protected. attention should be given to eye, skin and respiratory protection because Tecovery of dry product is to generate dust, Sweep, shovel or vacuum spilled product into appropriate containers (do mot use @ vacuum if materia has contacted a hydrocarbon material). ‘The used product may retain materials of a hazardous nature. The user of this luct must identify the hazards of the retained material in order to properly assess spill or leak dean up requirements. Pas Web lond secovered product Into a egctor until a proper evaluation of the product quality a thas beer. made. If assistance is required for the evaluation, contact UOP Matketing of the ‘Technical Service Department. os Small Spill: Sweep or vacuum spilled product into a te container (do not use a vacuum if material has contacted a hy mn). Product should be disposed of in accordance with all applicable government regulations. TOR™ R56 Cotalyar > December 196 MSDS Revision Number: 7 Fon: CEU- 2163 Page 2 01 5 Copyright 1997 UOP - Dupticaton allowed oniy as required for informational and statutory compliance, Store in tightly dosed, properly labeled containers. Store out of direct sunlight. Store in dry area. Avoid sponte prclonged contac with skin, Avold conse wat ges and inhaledon of dust” Prgvide an electrical ground connection during loading to avoid static discharge in an explosive atmosphere and to prevent persons handling the product from receiving slat shocks, eS" Pl Respiratory Protection: Where natural ventilation is inadequate, use mechanical ventilation, other engineering controls, or a toxic dust respirator (in USA - NIOSH/MSHA approved) to prevent inhalation of product dust. Persons working inside reactors, confined Spaces, or other poorly ventilated areas should wear'a supplied air respirator. Skin Protection: Gloves and work uniform as necessary to prevent repeated or prolonged skin contact. Bye Protection: Safety glasses or goggles as necessary to prevent eye contact. Ingredient_ VME. ACGIH TLY-TWA Aluminum oxide (non-fibrous) Besa 10 mg/m? Omg? ‘Aluminum chloride oxide NIE NE NE Platinum NE 1 mg/m} 1 mg/m? metal Hydrogen sulfide 10 © Spm, 7:mgimn’ 1 ppm, Ud mga? Irogen 10 ppm, 15 m, 5 ppm, 7 mg/m! mm, 14 mein ae pe a Pre Te 15 ppm STELCeting N/E - None extabl ished, TAK © tvinaie Arnel feplotztonzentrat one, German exposure ( fugres times Be ‘S'Expos ition, French exposur # hen oyenne a’ Expor tion, French exposu E- Fine dust ACGIN 7 Ancrican Conference of Governmental Industriel Hygienists GW!" tareshotd ipl t Vales ‘Thete data do not represent technical or sales specications, Appearance: Grey pellels Specific Gravity: Not applicable Obes: Nowe? Apparent Bulk Denalty: 2 Rete 7940.03 wee) pe Not applicable Solubility in Water” Insoluble Volatile: Not available Boiling Point Not applicable Pour Point: Not applicable Point: Not applicable Fiscosiy Not applicable Not applicable Vapor Density: Not applicable Not applicable UOP™ R56 Garalyst December 1996 MSDS Revision Number: 7 Form: C-EU- 2143 Page 3 of § Copyright 1997 UOP - Duplication allowed only as requited for informational and statutory compl Stability: Stable Conditions to Avoid: Free water may damage the product. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Hydrogen sulfide may be released. Under combustion conditions, oxides Psulksr will form. Hiyacocarbor and other matenale that contact the product during normal use can be retained on the product. It is Feasonable to that decomposition products will come from these retained materials of use. The produc: itself does not readily decom; unless subject to extreme temperature or chemical conditions. If su decomposition does occur, the products will indude oxides shown in Section 2. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. Incompatible Materials: None known, t 1. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Acute Oral Toxicity: ‘The following is for a product with a similar composition. The LDag is greater Acute Denmal Toxicity: “The felting’ for product with a simil ‘The LD, jute Dermal Toxicity: The following is for a product with a similar composition, The LDgp is greater dan 2 gg Gobbi) ° ete Acute Inhalation Toxicity: ‘The fol is for a product with a similar composition. The LCy is greater than 1a’ mgt (at). Valve limited by physic! plopestes, None af dosage indlicat Inritation: ‘The following is for a product with a similar composition. Eye: Draize score = 4.6/110 maximum. Effects ceversed within 7 days (rabbit), Not a iritant. Skin" Pima Ietaion Index ~ 0,918 masiowum (cabbi), Nota primary iitant Additional Toxicological Information: Aluminum oxide: Inhalation of finely divided particles may cause hung damage. Intrapleural TD,g! 90 mg/kg (rat) implant TDyp: 200 mglkg (ahs Tig ms Toc Dose Pour nee emPlewral Tio} 12, ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Catalyst may be retumed to supplier for recovery of noble metal(s). Dispose of the product in accordance with all applicable government regulations. Materials of a hazardous nature that contact the product during, nonnal use may be Tetained on ths product. The tser of the Product must identify the hazards associated with the retained material in order to assess the waste disposal options ‘14. TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION ADR/RID: Not regulated, International Maritime Organization (IMO): Not regulated. DOP RS Grape > December 1956 MSDS, Revision Raumber: 7 Form: C-EU- 2143 Page dof 8 Copyright 1997 UOP - Duplication alowed oniy as required for informational and statutory compan REGULATORY INFORMATION Council of European Communities Directive on Classification, Packaging and Labelling of Dangerous ‘Substances/Preparation (67/548/EEC & 88/379/EEC): No Dangerous Goods Label Required, European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances: All components of this preparation are included in EINECS/ELINCS. 16. OTHER INFORMATION Summary of Changes: Change in section 15, EDV Foc: ae * For additional information concerning this product, contact the following: For health, safety & environmental For technical or purchasing information, please contact: information, please contact: Product Safety Steward Europe UOP Product Stewardship Manager Guildford Marketing Departments oF Nv "uth Safe Eewtrorienal Bept, OM La, Namen Dem Noorderlaan 147 25'E. “Algonguin Roed “Liongate”, Ladymead B.2030" Antwerp P.O. Box 5017 Guildford, ‘Surmey Belgium Des Plaines, IL 60017-5017 USA GU TAT England Telephone: +32-3-5409.971 Telephones +L-847-391 3169 Telephone: #44-1-483-466.105 FA aspa780 | FANON TERT SEE S89 FAX. H4H1-485-304. 863 PRODUCT EMERGENCIES Meo have a product-related emergency, resulting in an incident such as a spill or release of product or human exponufe and need assotanee tae WOR Flease al the following number. BIG 24-Hour Emergency Telephone Number: +32-14-58.45.45 Thera date en. (reompendes ons. presented in this data sheet concerning the use of cur product and the saterjals contained fhstgin ace’ bel fered to be gecirate: BAG are ‘Dusestan fnisiasetse LAT Fetfabletaa G)cfe' dare hese oeserraPhgcstaesgctoata actraine the au ae Tey of Suen mater sade shd'ne’ responsibil {ty ssbuned for" the Use Bt this eater fat Poth sic aoras tte ae Seen Re oh ee 4 see amend Germain may Ral SLRS ASs Ree aes Grete sara eae ‘municipal er" insurance requirements, or wis nat Tone! ’sstety caceee pee UOP™ R56 Catalyse December 1996 MSD3,Revision Number: 7 Form: CEU- 2143 Fage 3 of 5 Copyright 1997 UOP - Duplication allowed only as required for informational and statutory ecompbance.

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