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Look at some problem systems...

When running vmstat there are a few things to keep in mind; running vmstat itself
does impact the system. I would not recommend running vmstat with less than a
five second interval. Also it should be noted that on solaris the first vmstat
entry is bogus; some look close but I would recommend ignoring them.

Also when running these we need to take snapshots at different times to compare
as systems sometimes have busy periods.

These three formulas are a good starting point:

CPU shortage when procs->r column is greater than (number of CPU's*4)

procs->r is the number of runnable processes that are ready to go.

I/O problem (disks, controllers etc.) when procs->b is greater than 0

procs->b is the number of processes blocked waiting for I/O

Memory shortfall when "sr" column is greater than 150

sr is scan rate which is the rate a which the system is scanning for
free pages of memory.

We can look at some data:

Note: assuming 4 CPUs in the below examples

% vmstat 5 10
procs memory page disk faults cpu
r b w swap free re mf pi po fr de sr s1 s1 s1 sd in sy cs us sy id
31 6 0 4542592 1747840 378 3631 94 262 245 0 0 0 25 25 0 2365 17793 4086 62 18 20
52 2 0 4446880 1556736 325 2474 35 300 294 0 0 0 0 0 0 1681 22277 2279 83 11 6
70 1 0 4451632 1557256 567 5702 35 404 390 0 0 0 2 2 0 1879 24490 2432 79 17 4
56 2 0 4461664 1562864 553 6001 60 289 265 0 0 0 1 1 0 1611 16779 2288 69 17 14
58 2 0 4454664 1562192 450 3765 179 374 356 0 0 0 0 0 0 1848 20948 2345 84 14 2
62 2 0 4457192 1561640 360 3179 9 504 491 0 0 0 0 0 0 1789 22680 2201 83 13 5
12 2 0 4448856 1553080 305 2701 22 216 208 0 0 0 1 2 0 1499 12331 1934 84 10 7
97 2 0 4448936 1556288 615 5030 43 582 571 0 0 0 1 1 0 2128 29096 2560 84 16 0
54 1 0 4453744 1559144 770 8629 3 286 272 0 0 0 0 0 0 1988 20503 2553 78 21 1
6 2 0 4459680 1561424 272 2773 27 280 265 0 0 0 1 1 0 1373 10061 2027 63 9 28
CPU bottleneck on a 4 CPU system over 16 is a problem and this is consistently above

Memory is okay as scan rate sr is 0 and there is not much paging activity

I/O is being blocked as there are non-zero values under the proc->b column we need to
look at disks controllers with the "iostat" command to get more information

procs memory page disk faults cpu

r b w swap free re mf pi po fr de sr s3 -- in sy cs us sy id
0 0 0 143184 53920 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 12 13 0 0 99
0 0 0 307400 1820 8 67 537 1128 1204 0 271 172 0 545 1356 341 2 45 53
0 0 0 307396 1564 3 59 476 974 993 0 45 166 0 525 1122 286 2 35 63
0 0 0 307396 1228 0 91 716 1207 1333 0 225 203 0 600 1597 379 4 46 51
0 0 0 307408 1344 0 87 699 1207 1352 0 118 200 0 595 1590 368 2 47 51
0 0 0 307412 1340 0 87 636 1232 1376 0 194 181 0 538 1485 351 3 40 57
0 0 0 307396 1440 0 115 666 1234 1347 0 190 185 0 543 1800 370 4 51 45
0 0 0 307392 1456 0 87 700 1368 1534 0 252 195 0 573 1584 384 3 44 53
0 0 0 307392 1520 0 82 660 1301 1339 0 100 193 0 579 1494 354 2 42 56
0 0 0 307392 1320 0 83 667 1083 1194 0 149 195 0 583 1514 359 3 45 52
0 0 0 307404 1540 0 83 669 1216 1332 0 158 196 0 593 1514 354 5 46 49
0 0 0 307404 1372 1 82 661 1242 1361 0 158 194 0 586 1518 362 2 45 54
0 0 0 307404 1428 0 92 742 1320 1495 0 203 206 0 597 1678 392 4 52 44

CPU's look okay here, no cpu's blocked waiting for I/O or runnable processes

Memory is in short supply here we are doing some memory intensive operations and is
very close to needing more memory sr has value consistently above 150

I/O appears to be okay looking at the vmstat data

procs memory page disk faults cpu
r b w swap free re mf pi po fr de sr s6 s3 s4 s4 in sy cs us sy id
0 3 0 8895904 6139168 2798 210 1275 4 4 0 0 0 2 0 2 863 1877 688 22 9 69
0 3 0 8225008 5616824 3105 1 26808 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 2865 4674 2304 20 6 74
0 4 0 8224144 5620464 3681 2471 27750 4 4 0 0 0 1 0 1 2918 10765 3044 24 10 66
0 4 0 8224944 5634848 3496 0 28283 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 2866 5254 2427 23 6 71
0 8 0 8224944 5643128 3254 0 26294 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 4 3295 4696 3358 20 8 72
0 6 0 8224328 5644360 3167 105 26665 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2930 4161 2447 17 6 77
0 3 0 8223912 5648304 3314 0 26913 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2839 3815 2344 16 6 78

0 5 0 8223912 5645112 3494 0 28464 3 3 0 0 0 2 0 2 3030 5123 2644 22 7 71

0 5 0 8223912 5643728 3362 0 28664 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2869 5343 2284 22 7 71
0 7 0 8223912 5634344 3522 0 29249 3 3 0 0 0 18 0 17 3087 5386 2410 22 7 70

Cpu's are blocked waiting for I/O so they are showing up as idle cpu->idle

Memory on this system looks okay some paging but no scanning (sr)
I/O this system has blocked processes and no runnable ones definate problems here;
again running "iostat" command to get more information

Keeping an eye on system performance is critical for many applications. The vmstat
program provides detailed if cryptic information about the system load.

To keep an eye on the system, use the follwoing command:

vmstat 1

The 1 specifies the number of seconds between updates. Below is sample output from

kthr memory page disk faults cpu

r b w swap free re mf pi po fr de sr s0 s6 s7 s8 in sy cs us sy id
0 0 0 2391680 990680 53 11 96 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 504 164 124 1 5 95
1 0 0 2378024 896472 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 403 51 71 0 2 65
3 0 0 2378024 896472 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 402 57 71 1 2 37

To get a quick feel for the system load, look at the last and first columns. The last column
is the CPU idle (larger is better); a very busy system will show zero. The first column is
the number of processes waiting for the cpu. The uptime load is an average of this value
over periods of time (see the recipe Determine the system CPU load using uptime). The
number of waiting processes should be less than 4 times the number of processors in the
system for optimal load.

The swap and memory colums display the amount of free swap space and physical
memory in KB. The pi and po colums show the number of KB pages in and out of
memory, respectively. If these values are consistently very high, they may indicate a need
for more physical memory.

The columns under the disk category show the number of disk operations per second. The
s columns represent different disks on the system.

Using the uptime command, a measure of the system's processing load can be

Running uptime on a system provides three values that relate to the system's load
average. They represent the load average during the last 1 minute, 5 minutes, and 15
mintues, respectively. Each value represents an average of the number of processes
waiting to run on a CPU. The ideal load for a system is equal to the number of processors
in the system.

Different Sun platforms have different default device targets for the CD-ROM drive. This
simple command will display the drives in the system and allow you to easily determine
the CD-ROM target id.

Run the command:

iostat -En

In the output, the description of the product usually contains CD. In the following
example output, the CD-ROM target id is c0t3d0:

c0t2d0 Soft Errors: 0 Hard Errors: 0 Transport Errors: 0

Model: ST340014A Revision: 3.04 Serial No: 5JX5DHHF
Size: 40.02GB <40018206720 bytes>
Media Error: 0 Device Not Ready: 0 No Device: 0 Recoverable: 0
Illegal Request: 0
c0t3d0 Soft Errors: 2 Hard Errors: 0 Transport Errors: 0
Vendor: TEAC Product: CD-224E Revision: P.9A Serial No:
Size: 0.00GB <0 bytes>
Media Error: 0 Device Not Ready: 0 No Device: 0 Recoverable: 0
Illegal Request: 2 Predictive Failure Analysis: 0

It is sometimes useful to delete files conditionally based on their age. This recipe
describes a procedure for deleting aged files using the UNIX find command.

The find command has a -newer expression which compares the found files against a
reference file. It returns files with a modification time newer than the reference file. To
find older files, preceed the -newer expression with the negation operator !.

If you do not have a file to use with an appropriate timestamp, you can create a file with
this recipe: Create/modify a UNIX file with an arbitrary timestamp.

Given the reference file /tmp/timeref, you can find all older files in the current working
directory and beneath using the following command:
find . ! -newer /tmp/timeref -exec ls -l {} \; | more

This command is safe and will only provide a long listing of the target files, showing the
files one page at a time. Using this command, you can make sure that the command
syntax is correct before performing the irreversible deletion.

Once you are comfortable with the find syntax, you can change to command to cause

find . ! -newer /tmp/timeref -exec rm {} \;

Be very careful using this command. There is no easy way to undelete files in UNIX.
Using the long file list version of this command first provides a great deal of safety since
you can see exactly what will happen. Changing to a directory and performing the find
command within it using the . as the path provides some additional protection from
mistyping the path.

The touch command in UNIX creates a file if it doesn't exist or updates the modification
time of an existing file to the current time. An option of the touch command allows the
modification timestamp to be set to any arbitrary time.

To change the modification time of a file (the time displayed in a long listing of the file)
of a file called testfile to November 18, 2000, 2:30 PM, use the following command:

touch -t 200011181430

This will alter the modification time of an existing testfile or, if not present, will create an
empty file with that timestamp.

The format of the timestamp is

[[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm [.SS]

Date and time elements in square brackets are optional, so the minimum timestamp
includes month, day, hour, and minute.
Errors in a filesystem can prevent a system from booting properly and are commonly
caused by improper system shutdown. The fsck (filesystem check) utility can identify and
repair errors.

To check and interactively repair filesystem errors on the device c0t0d0s1, run the
following command as root:

fsck /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s1

Be careful when specifying the path to the device. There are two links to the same
physical device, one in /dev/dsk and the other in /dev/rdsk. The rdsk represents the media
as a raw device which is appropriate for low-level operations such as fsck and newfs. The
dsk represents a cooked filesystem that is appropriate for mounting and other high-level

Having an appropriate amount of swap space is important for optimal system
performance. Simple commands allow monitoring swap space utilization.

To get a summary of total system swap space, use the swap command:

swap -s

total: 597744k bytes allocated + 99760k reserved = 697504k used, 095216k available

The output of the swap -s command shows the amount of swap space used (697504KB in
this example) and available (95216KB), and further breaks down the used swap space
into allocated and reserved. Allocated space represents swap space currently in use.
Reserved space is in limbo, not available, not in use, but reserved for future use.

To get details on the individual devices or files that constitute the swap space, use:

swap -l

swapfile dev swaplo blocks free

/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1 32,1 16 2624560 2624560
/dev/dsk/c0t8d0s1 32,57 16 2624560 2624560
The swapfile column is the device or filename of the swap component. The dev column
shows the major and minor device numbers for devices or zeros for a file. Blocks is the
total size of the swap component in 512 byte blocks (divide by two for KB) and free
shows the number of 512 byte blocks unused.

Sometimes swap space is inadequate but no free disk slices are available. Until a
permanent solution is available, a file can be constructed and added to the swap space.

To make a 250MB addition to swap space using the /var filesystem, run as root:

mkfile 250m /var/newswap

swap -a /var/newswap

The mkfile command makes a file of a specified size. The swap -a command adds the
file to the swap space. If you have a free slice, such as /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s5, you can add
that to the swap space temporarily with the following command:

swap -a /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s5

These changes are temporary because they will not persist after the system reboots. To
make the preceeding two example swap space additions persist after a reboot, place the
following lines in the /etc/vfstab file (be very careful making changes to this file):

/var/newswap - - swap - no -
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s5 - - swap - no -

If you screw up your /etc/system file ......

Procedure for changing the parameters in /etc/system file

1. cp /etc/system /etc/system.bkp
2. vi /etc/system (make and save changes)
3. Reboot
4. If the system fails to come back up or cannot recover from a failure

5. Press Stop+A
6. At OK> prompt type boot -a
eg:OK boot -a
7. This is the command for an interactive boot it will ask you several things give defaults
until it asks for your system file. SPECIFY THE /etc/system.bkp file and your system
should come up normally.

Add raid to your Solaris system

This describes how to install Software raid using Solstice Disksuite. First, you need to
grab the DiskSuite packages from Sun. It's a free download, but you do need to create a
sunsolve account to get it.

You can find a download link for the software at It's about half-way down that page.

Install the packages - There's an installer included. Don't bother. Just pkgadd the
individual packages. There's only 5 or so.

Once you're done that, you'll need to determine how you want to lay out your disks. The
following assumes that:

1 - You have 2 disks - c0t0d0 (disk0) and c0t1d0 (disk1).

2 - The system installed only on disk0, and disk1 is unused.
3 - Each disk has the following slices:

1 - swap
2 - whole-disk
3 - unassigned 64-MB
4 - unassigned 64-MB

Adjust the above to match whatever your preferred layout is. This is only for a simple
example. Slices 3 and 4 are for Meta-Database logging. If you don't have 128MB of free
space to spare, then try and make some space (ie., sacrafice some swap if you have to).

Disclaimer: Before you continue, I can't stress enough. Make backups. I always do
this procedure during system installation, and I do it routinely. Although your data
is supposed to survive and actually migrate without incident, I have seen DiskSuite
eat a system once or twice - usually due to operator error.

Make backups.
You need to duplicate your layout from disk0 to disk1. It's fairly important that the disk
geometry matches. Metadevices work at the block-level of the disk, and if one disk has
fewer blocks than the other you'll wind up making a mess. Once you're sure you're ready
to proceed, dump the layout from disk0 to disk1 thusly:

prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s2 | fmthard -s - /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s2

Second, you need to create your meta-databases. This is for logging, and all but
eliminates the need for fsck to run after a dirty shutdown. Do the following:

metadb -af -c 2 /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s3 /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s4

metadb -af -c 2 /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s3 /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s4

This adds (-a) 2 (-c for count) meta-databases in each of the slices. If you have more
disks, you can span the databases across multiple disks for better performance and fault-

The next step is to create your raid-devices. In a two-disk system, you're stuck with Raid0
and Raid1. Since Raid0 is almost pointless (you're doing this for redundancy,
remember?!), we'll go with Raid1 - mirrored disks.

We'll deal with the following raid devices and members:

d0 - / mirror
d10 - /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0
d20 - /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0

d1 - swap
d11 - /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1
d21 - /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s1

The device names are somewhat arbitrary. In a simple setup like this, I use d0 to match
up with a mirrored slice0, and d10 to indicate member 1 of d0 (member 1 d0 = d10,
member 2 d0 = d20).

So create the raid devices and members:

metainit -f d10 1 1 /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0

metainit -f d20 1 1 /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0
metainit -f d0 d10
metainit -f d11 1 1 /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1
metainit -f d21 1 1 /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s1
metainit -f d1 d11

This initializes the devices. The command "metastat" will show you that the devices
exist, but the mirror-halves aren't attached. So let's attach them:

metattach -f d0 d10
metattach -f d1 d11

You've just attached the first half of the mirror. Yes, this is the disk that you're currently
running on. Your data is still there.

Next, you need to ensure the system will use the metadevices. The root-filesystem is

metaroot d0

Next, you need to edit /etc/vfstab to change the swap device to use /dev/md/dsk/d1 as
swap. While you're in there, turn on logging under the mount options for the root
filesystem (d0). Double-check that you haven't screwed up. Save and exit if it all looks

Once you're done, issue the following:

lockfs -fa
init 6

Watch your system come up. There will be some new messages, most notably the kernel
complaining about not being able to forceload three raid modules:

forceload of misc/md_trans failed

forceload of misc/md_raid failed
forceload of misc/md_hotspares failed

You can ignore these messages. They're harmless. Basically, you haven't created any
raid-devices that require those modules so they're refusing to load.

Now that your system is up (You didn't mess up vfstab, did you?!), you need to finish off
the process. Log in and do this:

metattach -f d0 d20
metattach -f d1 d21

You'll notice that your system is now a little slower, both commands took a moment to
return, and your disks are going nuts. Look at the output of "metastat" and you'll see why
- your disks are syncing.

You'll need to install the bootsector to your second disk so that you can boot from it. This
is fairly easy to do:

installboot /usr/platform/`uname -i`/lib/fs/ufs/bootblk /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s0

You might also want to set the OBP to boot from disk1 if it can't boot from disk0. If you
bring the machine to the OBP (ok) prompt via init 0, you can enter the following:

setenv boot-device disk disk1

boot disk1

This will set up a failover boot to disk1. The very last command there will also boot from
disk1, proving to you that this works. Do be sure to substitute the correct disk for "disk1".

You now have your root filesystem and swap space sitting on raid1 volumes. This means
that losing a disk no longer means that you have to rebuild your system. Now you just
need to replace a disk.

I strongly suggest that you read through DiskSuite's docbook at Sun's online
documentation site ( There's a lot more that you can do with it that's not
covered here. Oh, and you'll probably want to read up on how to actually replace a failed
disk. :)

(If there's enough interest, I might be coerced into posting a howto on that)
This will make Solaris reject remote logging from other devices.

Syslogd to reject remote logging

syslogd -t will turn on sysloging but it will not receive remote logging from other

Best way to enable is to go to /etc/init.d/syslog and edit the script. Go to line

/usr/sbin/syslogd >/dev/msglog 2>&1 &

and edit it with the -t option to look like:

/usr/sbin/syslogd -t >/dev/msglog 2>&1 &

The start syslogd again and verify with a ps -ef | grep

When troubleshooting networking issues, it is often helpful to determine the state of an
ethernet interface. Solaris offers access to many configurable networking parameters
through ndd.

To determine the ethernet interface link status, duplex, and speed on hme0, run the
following commands as superuser:

ndd -set /dev/hme instance 0

ndd -get /dev/hme link_status
ndd -get /dev/hme link_mode
ndd -get /dev/hme link_speed

If you have only one ethernet interface, you can leave out the instance command.
Otherwise, you can specify the hme instance number there. The results of the next three
commands are either 1 or 0. In each case, the value means:

link_status: 0=down 1=up

link_mode: 0=half duplex 1=full duplex
link_speed: 0=10Mbps 1=100Mbps

If a network interface was configured with the wrong subnet mask as can happen when
the default subnet is selected with a variable length subnet mask, a simple configuration
change will fix it.

Consider a host that is assigned the IP address in the class C subnet The normal subnet mask for a class A 10.* subnet is, and this is
the value that an operating system will guess given that IP address information alone. To
correct this problem permanently so that it will persist after the host reboots, edit the
/etc/netmask file and add the following line:

To reconfigure the interface, say hme0, immediately without rebooting the system, run
the following as root:

ifconfig hme0 netmask

View the routing table in Solaris


netstat -r

Optionally, to prevent reverse dns lookups which may slow down the execution of the

netstat –rn

Get information about the default route (gateway)

route get default

Add a default route (gateway). Create an /etc/defaultrouter file with the IP to have it set
to this for each boot.
route add default

Change the default route in Solaris

Step 1: edit /etc/defaultrouter

Using the editor of your choice, edit the file /etc/defaultrouter -- the only line in the file
should be the default route of the system, for example: This change will not
take effect until the system is rebooted.

Step 2: Delete the current default route

To make the route change take effect immediately, you must first delete the default route.
If the current default route is, then the command would be:

route delete default

Step 3: Assign the current default route

To implement the new default route without rebooting the system, use the following
command substituting your default route for

route add default

Virtual interfaces allow a single ethernet interface to listen on additional IP addresses.

Given an ethernet interface hme0 (use ifconfig -a to identify the names of your
interfaces), you can create a subinterface called hme0:1 with the following command:

ifconfig hme0:1 plumb

You can set the IP address of the interface to and turn on the interface with
the following command:

ifconfig hme0:1 up

Unless you do some additional nonstandard things in your network, all of the
subinterfaces on a physical interface need to be in the same subnet.

To make the virtual interface persist following a reboot, you can add the ip address or
hostame from /etc/hosts in the file /etc/hostname.hme0:1

The cron facility provides a powerful, minute-resolution process scheduler. If a process
needs to run repeatedly without human intervention, an entry in the crontab file can
accommodate most schedules. There are simple rules for modifying the crontab entries
that must be followed.

To edit the crontab file, the crontab program must be used. The actual crontab files
should not be edited directly because the contents are cached and changes will not take
effect until the crond process is restarted. Using the crontab program to edit the crontabs
will update the cache when the file is changed. To edit the current user's crontab file, use:

crontab -e

The -e option tells the program to edit a copy of the user's crontab file. The EDITOR
environment variable is referenced to determine which editor to use (default is ed). To set
this environment variable, see recipes for ksh and sh.

The superuser can edit a specific user's crontab by adding the username at the end of this
command. The processes run from a user's crontab will be run as that user. Be careful
with commands in root's crontab because these will run as root and could cause problems.
If shell scripts are run from root's crontab, make sure their file permissions do not allow
modification by anyone but root.

The syntax of crontab is simple. Each line represents a single scheduled task. The first
five fields represent timing information and everything following is interpreted as the
command to schedule. The timing fields in order are:

minutes - 0-59
hours - 0-23
days of month - 1-31
months of year - 1-12
days of week - 0-6 (Sunday-Saturday)

A variety of options work for each field. An asterisk (*) indicates all possible occurrences
for that field. A number sets that single occurrence. Two numbers separated by a -
indicates a range of values, and numbers separated by a comma indicate a list of
Several examples:

15 * * * * logcheck
Runs a command called 'logcheck' every 15 minutes of every day.

0,15,30,45 8-17 * * 1-5 dobackup

Runs dobackup every 15 minutes (i.e., 8:00, 8:15, 8:30, and 8:45) during business hours
(from 8:00 to 17:00) during business days (Monday-Friday).

Find out which process is holding which socket open

You've run netstat -an. You see that port TCP/65237 is listening. What program is
actually running and holding that port open? Here's how to find out.

Sometimes you notice odd ports open and listening on your machine. In this day and age,
that's often a bad thing. But what do you kill to close off that port? Is that port supposed
to be open (ie, something legitimately running).

You've probably heard of lsof. List Open Files. You usually use it to find out what files
are open on a given mount point. Well, you can also use it to find out what open sockets
your machine has:

# lsof -nl | egrep "TCP|UDP"

<snip long list>
wish 30766 500 4u IPv4 1051584 TCP *:65237 (LISTEN)
wish 30766 500 6u IPv4 1051588 TCP *:63251 (LISTEN)

eg for oracle
# lsof -nl | egrep "TCP|UDP" |grep ora

That shows that my workstation, while typing this message, has wish running at PID
30766. It's listening on two ports: TCP/65237 and TCP/63251.

You can then run ps to determine what that process really is (no worries... it's aMSN on
my workstation) and decide if you really want to kill it off.
If you're running Solaris, you won't be graced with lsof unless you install it from source
or via SunFreeWare. It does come installed by default on many Linux distributions.

The default banner displayed during a telnet login contains the Solaris version which can
be useful to a potential attacker.

Create a plain text file called /etc/default/telnetd which contains a line such as:

BANNER="Unauthorized access prohibited\n\n"

The \n characters encode blank lines.

To log all Telnet , FTP Connections to a Solaris Machine

By default , the solaris inetd deamon does not log the IP address of the machines that are
connecting to Solaris Server . To enable the logging of all the IP addresses of machines
connecting to the server and the connection time ...........

By default , the solaris inetd deamon does not log the IP address of the machines that are
connecting to Solaris Server . To enable the logging of all the IP addresses of machines
connecting to the server and the connection time the following changes can be

1. cd /etc/init.d
2. vi inetsvc
3. Change the last line in the file, ie
/usr/sbin/inetd -s &
to /usr/sbin/inetd -s -t &

4. Stop and Start that script

./inetsvc stop
./inetsvc start

5. vi /etc/syslog.conf
6 . Add the following line
deamon.notice /var/adm/name_of_log_file ( the two fields should be seperated by tabs )

7. touch /var/adm/name_of_log_file
8. kill -HUP syslogd

After these changes are made all connections that are started through the inetd deamon
( Telnet , FTP ) etc will be logged to the new file created

This is also very useful for auditing purposes with NTP protocol enabled which gives us
a consistent time throughout the enterprise, accountability can be implemented in the

A quick one-liner for getting disk and device path.

echo | format | awk '/c4t1d2/ {print;getline;print}'

example output:

# echo | format | awk '/c2t0d0/ {print;getline;print}'

1. c2t0d0

Using a 'here document' it is possible to send multiple lines of input to a program from a
shell script.

A here document uses the << I/O redirector followed by a code. The subsequent lines are
redirected to the program until the specified code. The basic syntax is:

program << CoDe

Line of input
More input

extra input
The code needs to be something that would not occur in the text. This technique is useful
for working with interactive programs like ftp. In the following example, a file specified
in a shell variable ($filename) is retrieved from an ftp server:

ftp -n << TheEnd
user username password
cd directory/subdir
get $filename

Batch file programming in Windows

Processing the contents of a text file using FOR loop

As admins, we often have to take actions against a list of things (computers, servers, file
shares, etc). One great way to approach this is to put the list in a test file and use a FOR
command to loop through the file and take a action against the contents.

Say we have a file full of computernames:

and we need to delete each of these computers from the domain. Using a FOR loop to
profress the file is the way to go (especially if there are really 300 computer names!)

First a test:
FOR /f %a in ('complist.txt') do echo Computer: %a

should return
Computer: EricsPC
Computer: BobsPC
Computer: ExtraPC

To actually delete the PCs from the domain, change the command to:

FOR /f %a in ('complist.txt') do net computer \\%a /DEL

When we run it we'll see
net computer \\EricsPC /DEL
net computer \\BobsPC /DEL
net computer \\ExtraPC /DEL

Of course we can use this to run any command-line against any list. In fact, we can use
the FOR to run a command that would generate the file.

(Note: This is valid command-line syntax. To run in a batch file, use two percent signs
(e.g. '%%a' )


This quick recipe describes how to supress responses to commands within batch files.

During the execution of your batch files, users can see your commands on the screen.
Most of the time this is good for debugging purposes; however, often it's better to run
your batch file silently.

Any command that is followed by "> nul" will not be shown on the screen. The greater
sign directs the output to null (nowhere).

For example, copy *.* *.bak will show you as it copies all the files in the directory and
renames them with the bak extension.

copy *.* *.bak > nul will silently complete its work without placing anything on the

Successful batch files cannot be slowed down with a bunch of user prompts. This little
recipe will show you how to supress prompts in batch files.

Commands such as deleting all files can complicate batch files because the system
prompts for confirmation. For example...

del *.* replies with *.*, Are you sure (Y/N)?

Man, that'll slow up a batch file.

By using echo this will automatically reply for you:

echo y| del *.*

To supress the "File Not Found" error when trying to delete files from an empty
directory, use this code instead:

if exist *.* echo y| del *.*

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