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Letter from Jerry Moyer, France Field Director, World Team

Many years ago a Cuban and a Canadian got together to couple like the Barrs come we look at what skills have already
pray about the Caribbean Islands. Missionaries were scatter- been developed. We want to know what they can offer right now
ing across the world but God laid a spot much closer to home on as they are; then we ask if what they have to offer is worth the
their hearts. In a little over a decade the mission they founded investment. I am going to put this bluntly. We cannot afford dead
had moved all the way down the chain of islands to arrive in weight. We work in the desert. Everyone needs to be able to con-
Guadeloupe, an overseas department of France. It was perhaps tribute. Age and experience can be an advantage. In the case of
their most challenging field: five years of street preaching without the Barrs, they come with a skill set that is immediately
a single convert. Today it is the department in France with the needed.
greatest percentage of evangelical Christians. Quickly our hearts Communication is a priority for us. To launch new French men
were pulled across the sea to the mainland, France, a country and women into the ministry we need resources. To find those
notorious for its philosophical skepticism on matters of faith. It resources we need communication. Our church planters have the
too has proved a challenging field. Many people have labored a content but neither the skill nor the time for delivery. We need a
lifetime to plant just one or two churches. This patient work has graphic artist. We need people who can communicate passion in
given fruit. Every two weeks a new evangelical church is started English. We need the Barrs.
in France. We have not yet arrived at revival but the bases are
Administration is a heavy weight on the team. Praise God
forming. Young men and women are being called by God into the
we are seeing French men and women going into the ministry.
ministry. They sign up knowing that, at the best, the most church-
We have been able to find resources for them and new church
es can offer is minimum wage. Many live in low income housing.
projects in the US and other places. One of our church planters
Many of their wives work to support their pastor husbands. I am
is giving a day a week to the administration that accompanies
humbled when I see their sacrifice for their own country. They in-
these transfers of resources. Carol has worked in this very sort of
vest their all in hope that God will pour out grace on this country.
administration in the past. We need an administrator. We need
We at World Team France have committed ourselves to join the Barrs.
their labors. We have committed ourselves to being church plant-
In early church plants making contact with people is a chal-
ers. We have committed ourselves to always be training young
lenge. Most have no interest in spiritual things but they do have
men and women for the ministry. We have committed ourselves to
interests. As church planters we develop “non-spiritual” inter-
networking with all evangelical works by generously sharing the
ests in order to find common ground with our neighbors: music,
resources God gives us.
sports, the arts. The Barrs have real artistic talents. We need
To be effective in this we need to recruit qualified people. people who can use their various interests and talents to make
People resources are expensive, especially those brought from contact with people. We need the Barrs.
overseas. Our desire is to invest well.
France VIE is a church planting team. We work as a fam-
The Barrs came to us a few years ago through one of the ily each contributing things the other needs. The Barrs bring an
many prayer conferences we have organized for the country of enthusiasm that warmed us all when they were here. We need
France. They both felt that the Lord was calling them to serve enthusiasm. We need the Barrs.
in France with World Team. We have established procedure for
We work and pray for a church planting movement in this
responding to those who express a sense of call. Most important
country. We know that to multiply a church you start by multiply-
perhaps is a field visit. Here the Barrs met with veteran mission-
ing people. The Barrs have experience in discipleship. They are
aries. We interview many like this. Some are invited. Few come.
passionate about investing in others. We need people who can
The Barrs were questioned first to see if they had any grasp reproduce their life experience in others. We need the Barrs.
of what they were asking to do. They were so enthusiastic that
In an early stage of a church plant sometimes it feels like
some of us wondered if they knew just how hard ministry can be.
the church planter does everything from setting up chairs on a
They convinced us that they understood very well what they were
Sunday morning to preaching the sermon. People are needed who
signing up for and had no delusions about how the Lord
can give a hand teaching, preaching and organizing. The Barrs are
may use them here.
not pew sitters now. They will not be pew sitters here. We need
We also considered their age. We bring a young person or people who can pitch in and help everywhere possible. We need
couple to the field knowing that we are going to invest literally the Barrs.
years in training and developing them in the ministry. When a

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